Inguz Memorial Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Dec 15, 2024
Winners Announced
Jan 15, 2025
Education Level
Undergraduate, Graduate
Eligibility Requirements
Field of Study:
Animal science, veterinary medicine, or other related fields
Education Level:
Undergraduate senior or graduate student
3.3 or higher

The professionals who spend their lives caring for and raising animals are unsung heroes of the healthcare industry, keeping our furry friends healthy and happy.

However, the extensive education required to enter the veterinary field comes at a high cost, which is inaccessible for many students with limited financial resources. Ensuring the success of the veterinary industry requires providing ample support to bright students who need funding in order to stay in school.

This scholarship aims to support students who will be pursuing careers in animal science, veterinary medicine or other related fields so they can go on to make their mark in the field.

Any undergraduate senior or graduate level student who is pursuing animal science, veterinary medicine, or other related fields with at least a 3.3. GPA may apply for this scholarship, but applicants with volunteering experience or a background in 4H, FFA, vet society, or a related club are preferred.

To apply, tell us about yourself and what you've experienced in your collegiate career that has kept or put you on a path to pursue a career with animals?

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Passion
Published August 7, 2024
Essay Topic

Tell us about yourself. What have you experienced in your collegiate career that has kept or put you on a path to pursue a career with animals?

400–600 words

Winners and Finalists

April 2024

Krystal Vasey
Jalyn Pinto
Makayla Stewart
Samantha Cooper
Jasmine McKnight
Ava Alova
Peyton Blanchard
Hannah Brown
Elizabeth Bankert
Emma Register
Alexandrya Davis
Brandi Carrillo
Olivia Joyner
Eva Ward
Gabriella Scruggs
Isabelle Mierau
Elleigh Campbell
Carly Olson
Sophia Saurino
Tessa Eash
Kennedy Surratt
Caroline Vogel
Ayla Kinzer
Carlee Ready
Michael Cisneros
Alyssa Jaglowski
Isabelle Dietzler
Anna Minich
Milo Wright
lindsey gooch
Gabby Clark
Willow McPeek
Gabriel Marra-Perrault
Lily Wiechman
Sofia Deering
Thomas Egbert
bonnie briscoe
Jacqueline Gayden
Jaycee McLain
Klytie Turner

Winning Application

Margaret Michel
Northern Michigan UniversityMARQUETTE, MI
My name is Margaret Michel. I am currently a senior in Wildlife Management at Northern Michigan University. I am dedicated to wildlife conservation and the preservation of natural areas for years to come. I want to keep wildlife wild and make sure that we can protect these valuable parts of the earth. I plan to pursue a career in wildlife research, primarily focusing on the effects of urbanization and increased anthropogenic contact on large mammal species such as black bears. I have experienced countless things throughout my time in college that have solidified my decision to continue on this path. I hope to share a few things that stood out to me as reassuring me that I am doing what I am meant to do. The following are experiences that I have amazing professors to thank for. I was given an open-ended project to study wildlife during my junior year. We could do whatever we wanted as long as we focused our efforts on animals or organisms. I chose to study the patterns of white-tailed deer in different areas of my property by utilizing trail cameras. I created a large and comprehensive spreadsheet, tracking dates, times, temperature, moon phases, and more. I was fascinated by watching these animals move and loved seeing the patterns solidify through the data I was collecting. I knew that this was something I wanted to continue to work on in the future. I spent time in a laboratory studying parasites and dissecting various organisms to collect them. During this period, I also conducted extensive research on a specific parasite that often infects black bears: Trichinella spiralis. It was like I had opened a brand new door into research possibilities. I was astounded at this entire facet of the creature that I had never before considered. I decided that I wanted to fold parasitic infection into my research realm. So much information can be collected simply by studying the organisms within other organisms. Finally, I would like to share the story that made the most impact in my career path. I took a wildlife management class with a great deal of outdoor fieldwork and laboratory practice. We had one field lab that took place in a forested area near our campus. We went out late one night and set out mist nets with the hopes of tagging a woodcock. We sat in stunned silence as we watched this bird do its unique mating calls and dances, feeling its noises so low that we were feeling it physically present in our chests, and watching it fly into our net. We rushed to tag, collect data, and ensure that it was able to leave safely and quickly. It was remarkable to see something that most people will never see.
Brooke Hilgenkamp
Arlington High SchoolARLINGTON, NE
There’s no question that cows have my heart. It is easy to see why, considering I have grown up on a commercial dairy farm. There has always just been something about their deep brown eyes and generally, easy demeanor that has drawn me in. I love standing in the middle of a lot and waiting for the curious calves to come up slowly, inch by inch, wondering what this strange creature is in their home. I cannot help but laugh at the tickle of their tongue when they lick me but run away once I make a noise. Each animal has an individual personality, some are mellow while others have a wild streak that will send you flying for the gate if you do not feed them fast enough. They are animals that I learn something new with every time I am around them and I am sure I will spend the rest of my life trying to figure them out. Because of this early upbringing and my love for cattle, I quickly became heavily involved in 4-H. Every summer, I would bring my show calves to my house and spend the hot nights walking and washing them. So far, it is the best form of stress relief I have found. I learned discipline and how to not give up even when the calf will not work. I continued to further my involvement in agricultural organizations when I joined FFA in eighth grade. There, I was able to show my animals on a different level while also competing in different animal-centered events. So far, my favorite FFA events have been livestock judging, veterinary science, and livestock management. These events have taught me so many skills, from how to restrain animals in a clinical setting, herd management, and how to evaluate the quality of livestock. They have given me a different perspective on the agricultural industry from the small agricultural bubble I grew up in with cattle and crops. It never took much extra influence or experience to convince myself I wanted to be a veterinarian. From the age of five, I had already declared I would be a veterinarian, much to the credit of growing up on a farm and our large animal veterinarian. He was honest with me about the challenges of being a veterinarian, but also how rewarding it was. Now, he is one of the main reasons I was able to earn acceptance to the Veterinary Scholars Early Admission Program at the Kansas State Veterinary College, saving me a spot in the veterinary program once I complete two years of undergraduate studies. But an interaction that solidified my want to be a veterinarian was the loss of my beloved cow, my relationship with I could only describe as a soul connection. She was the calf out of an earlier show cow, and she showed me how much love a cow can give you. When we were in the show ring it was like no one else was there. But later, she got sick, with lung abscesses. I was forced to watch her slowly deteriorate, knowing I could not do anything. For all she had done for me, I could not save her. That was the hardest part. It solidified my desire to be a veterinarian, if not to save her, to at least ease her suffering. So one day I can help the helpless little girl who just wants to save her best friend and give her peace knowing she did everything possible, and in the end, to know that she did the right thing.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Dec 15, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jan 15, 2025.