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Jalyn Pinto


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Hello, my name is Jalyn Pinto. I am currently a high school senior and have applied to about 10 colleges, all of which underscore my love for animals through my chosen major in animal science. My lifelong dream is to be a vet for small and exotic animals. From a young age, I knew my purpose would be to help animals of all kinds. During the summer, I was hired to work at an animal hospital where I used to volunteer for about a year. The earnings from this job will not only contribute to my education but also alleviate the financial strain on me since my parents will not be helping me pay for college. My dream of becoming is not only a career choice but a calling that fuels me to create a lasting, positive impact on the lives of animals. In my spare time, I am an avid learner across all avenues. I have studied French as a language, explored its cuisine, and immersed myself in French culture by visiting France. Along with the French Language, Russian, and Arabic are some of the languages I plan on mastering and eventually going to visit Russian and Arabian countries. As I eagerly anticipate college, my goal is to gain knowledge and become a well-rounded individual. Financial constraints should not impede the pursuit of education, and your support will significantly alleviate this burden, allowing me to focus more on learning and growing. Your support will not only help me achieve my dreams but also make a meaningful difference in the lives of animals.


Tarleton State University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Animal Sciences
  • GPA:

Bridgeland High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Animal Sciences
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Clinic Owner

    • Swine Exhibitor

      Bridgeland FFA
      2020 – 20211 year
    • Operations Coordinator

      Pinto Transportation Rentals
      2021 – Present3 years
    • Lamb Exhibitor

      Bridgeland FFA
      2022 – 20231 year
    • Rabbit Exhibitor

      Bridgeland FFA
      2021 – 20221 year
    • Volunteer

      Companion Animal Hospital of Waller
      2022 – 20231 year
    • Veterinary Assistant

      Companion Animal Hospital of Waller
      2023 – Present1 year



    2017 – 20214 years


    • Second place in a championship for my teams league


    • History

      Bridgeland FFA — I would study material and take a quiz over it as a competition aspect of the event.
      2020 – Present


    • Bridgeland Orchestra

      Bridgeland 8th grade side-by-side 2021, Bridgeland Porch Concert 2021 , Spring concert 2020,2021,, Pre-Uil 2022, Fall concert 2019,2020,2021, Winter concert 2019,2020,2021
      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Companion Animal Hospital of Waller — I take on the role of a Veterinary Technician Assistant and help when needed
      2022 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      NHS — Member
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Key Club — Member
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Bridgeland FFA — I donate gifts to children in need
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests




    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could have everyone in the world read one book, it would be 1984 By George Orwell. 1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell written in 1949. The book shines a light on the tight iron grip of communism, totalitarianism, and the psychological effects that discouraging diversity has on a society. In simpler terms, the plot in 1984 focuses on warning society during 1949 of the harm brought upon by governments having too much control. In the beginning, Winston questions the idea of “Big Brother” and begins to question their authority which is a huge punishment where he lives. Citizens are unable to think freely, and deprived of having their own mind as an escape from the harsh reality. In the end, after being tortured, Winston then becomes a model citizen and conforms to the idea of Big Brother, ultimately succumbing to the brainwashing done by The Party. The pushing of political ideals and repression of ideas is still relevant today. Through the spread of ‘fake news’, and social media especially, people are now more easily manipulated. Social media can act as an echoing of two different ideas and through this social media use, it is easier to influence others’ ideas and views of the world through the use of celebrities and withholding critical information needed to form an educated opinion and thus, leading to misinformation and lack of change. For example, currently, the popular social media platform, TikTok is at risk of being banned. Many users from the platform advocate for its value calling it an excellent way for people to get information at a faster rate and more creative and entertaining ways for people to be informed of what’s happening in their own backyard. Though TikTok is an excellent way to spread information, other social media platforms have recently been called out for removing posts and content specifically relating to the war in Israel. Pro-Palestenian users have noticed their content either being taken down for not getting as much attention as Pro Israeli content and are appalled at the apparent attempts to quiet them down. 1984 is a timeless novel that is evidently still relevant to today’s times and is an important book for people to read because although history doesn’t repeat itself, it sure does rhyme.
    Gomez Family Legacy Scholarship
    My parents came from Mexico when they were about 10 years old. Leaving their whole life behind was not easy and came with a lot of sacrifices. When my parents had me at such an early age, it put a pause on all their hopes and dreams. Though they were ecstatic, I didn't make it easy on them. For a time, we were living with my grandma (since raising a baby in your early twenties is not exactly the most affordable thing ever). My dad would often attend job sites that would require him to leave, sometimes, for months at a time. My parents are two very hard workers that have leapt through hurdles and jumped through various hoops and obstacles to be able to get their family where we are now. I understand not every Mexican immigrant has the same opportunities that my family has provided for me and I am eternally grateful to my parents for that. Because of the lack of opportunities my parents had, education has always been extremely important to me. Though my parents are able to provide for our family, that came from multiple years of struggle and hard work. In order to take advantage of the life they have provided, I have always strived to be the best I can be in school. Coming from a Mexican immigrant family, it was almost expected of me but I went above and beyond. Currently, I am on track to graduate high school with my associates degree in science. With one more semester left of my high school carrier, I now know the ever lasting importance of getting an excellent education. Along with the importance I have placed on my education, I have also divided my time between a job and my studies to provide myself with an early hands-on experience that I can apply to future veterinary clinic jobs. There has never been a time where I questioned becoming a veterinarian nor a time where I doubted my ability to accomplish that goal. I want to be a beacon of light for others to show they can do whatever they want to with enough grit. More than anything, I want to set a good example for my little brother who is just starting his high school carrier. As my dream is closely becoming a reality, with me working at an animal hospital, I am eternally grateful that I am fortunate enough to make my dream a reality with your help.
    Keep Her Dream Alive Scholarship
    I have been pooped on more times than I can count. Whether it’s figuratively or literally, my whole life has revolved around poop. Between growing up, raising animals, and family, a plethora of messy situations have arisen. Navigating the field of life can often have its challenges where it feels like we must avoid obstacles and yes, the occasional pile of dung. Despite all this muddy water, I have learned to let my emotions out, cry, or stand up strong and face what lies ahead. As a first-generation child born from a family of immigrants, I know this trek all too well. My parents came from Mexico when they were about 10 years old. Leaving their whole life behind was not easy and came with a lot of sacrifices. When my parents had me at such an early age, it put a pause on all their hopes and dreams. Though they were ecstatic, I didn't make it easy on them. For a time, we were living with my grandma (since raising a baby in your early twenties is not exactly the most affordable thing ever). I would go to school every day and was in a spanish only class....until third grade. I can't remember much from when I was younger but I remember how horribly other kids made me feel for my identity. While at recess, I would try to hang out and talk to the english speaking kids but every time I would, I would get made fun of for my accent. I was embarrassed. Instead of speaking spanish in my classes, I would exclusively talk in english and respond to my teacher in english. Eventually, I got switched out of the class and ended up being in regular classes. I was always known as the girl who got switched out of spanish classes and was still bullied; but this time it was for my last name. I got the english accent down and still spoke spanish but I couldn't change my last name- Pinto (yes like the bean, or the horse, or the car). I couldn't change my last name like I could change my pronunciation of words. I was ashamed of who I was and tired of being called an "actual beaner" because of my last name. The only refuge I had were my pets. My dog, at the time, was my best friend. We would do everything together. From walks to playing in the backyard, we were inseparable. One day, he got a disease called immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. He was having seizures and eventually, we had to put him down. I was distraught. My best friend was gone. From then on, I swore to protect and live for animals. Though the veterinarians couldn't save my dog, I wanted the chance to save other peoples' pets. Thus, my life goal began. There has never been a time where I questioned becoming a veterinarian nor a time where I doubted my ability to accomplish that goal. I want to be a beacon of light for others to show they can do whatever they want to with enough grit. As my dream is closely becoming a reality, with me working at an animal hospital, I am eternally grateful that I am fortunate enough to make my dream a reality.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    "The Office" has always been there for me. I can't remember the first time I watched "The Office" but I also can't remember a time where I didn't watch it. Growing up, "The Office" was our family show. We had the show on dvd with all the seasons and would pop it into the dvr and watch it as a family. Countless laughs and inside jokes made their way in our house. Though all the characters are unique in their own way, my family would compare each other to the characters within the show. Conversations such as "You're such a Jim" or "You're definitely Michael" would arise very often and it seemed as if everyone resonated with a singular character. When it got to me, however, I was always a blend of Dwight and Michael. Certain characteristics and mannerisms the two would do reminded me of myself. Just like Dwight, I was determined and passionate about my goals and what I wanted to do. I was, at times, very serious and took things a little too literally sometimes. Along with that, I carry myself with pride and care deeply about others. Though Dwight may not show it very often, he cares about his fellow coworkers and he has shown us in many ways throughout the show. Just like Michael, I have a goofy side to me that I love to embrace with my friends and family. This show has shown me that you can get work done while having fun with friends and having a good time while getting things done.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    From the bustling streets of Mexico to the colorful sunsets found in Texas, my journey has been shaped by the unwavering resilience and grit of my Mexican immigrant family. Rooted in this rich background, my academic and career goals have always been a must and not maybe driven by a passion for animals stemming from my desire to contribute to society through caring for animals. Growing up, my family engraved their values of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of education within me. Being the first granddaughter, child, daughter, niece, and first to be born in the United States out of my family, a lot was expected of me. Being the first of everything was challenging to keep up with and though I had to adapt to two different cultures while growing up, their sacrifices and dedication have been a guiding force, inspiring me to strive to be the best and never settle for less in anything I do. Choosing to major in animal science has always been a no-brainer for me. Ever since I was in third grade, I would tell everyone I was going to be a veterinarian when I grew up. Of course, everyone brushed it off as if I would change my mind at the ripe old age of 6. I always felt so bad for all the sick animals. There had to be someone to help them and speak up for the voiceless. I always thought of it as an act of heroism. To be able to identify, cure, and protect those who cannot express their needs, pain, or joy is truly admirable. Eventually, I will own my own clinic one day where I can gather other like-minded individuals fueled by a goal to cure every animal we can. While completing my pathway to the animal science field, I plan to major in business as well to truly understand and deepen my knowledge regarding what it takes to run a successful business. Beyond personal fulfillment, my academic and career goals are driven by a purpose to benefit society. Studying animal science holds the key to addressing many global issues, from food safety for consumption to combating zoonotic diseases and promoting a healthy world for people to live in. Through research and hands-on learning, I can help combat these factors that not only save the lives of animals but also improve the living standards of people around the globe. In conclusion, my academic and career goals can be accredited to the profound influence my family has left on me and the deep, rich culture that defines who I am. With a pouring sense of support from my family and determination, I am ready to enter this new chapter of my life mixing my passion for animals and my family’s grit that has been instilled in me. As I continue to navigate my life, I am not only driven by my own dreams and goals but also to fulfill my responsibility of positively contributing to society through the well-being of both humans and animals.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    Minecraft, the place where I would spend all my free time. When I think of Minecraft, warm memories such as playing with family and friends come to mind. I always loved Minecraft so much. I would spend hours building intricate designs, decorating houses, and explore the limitless world that I was offered. Anything I wanted to build or explore was at the tip of my fingertips. The exhilarating aspect of the unknown. New things to discover, not knowing what challenges lie ahead; that's where I excelled. I love venturing out and trying new things. Although I may get knocked down and set back by monsters in the night, there's always an opportunity to stick up for myself and fight back for what I want to do. As shocking as it seems, I have been able to relate Minecraft to my own life. Instead of venturing out into unknown biomes and fighting off monsters, I have learned to navigate and discover who I am as a person and stand strong in the face of adversity. Coming from a Mexican Immigrant family background, life has not always been fun and games. Being the first generation in my family has its own struggles and expectations that have added an immense amount of pressure since I was a little kid. Just like when you first load into Minecraft, however, I learned to not only deal with but flourish in the environment I was given. Minecraft has continuously been a beacon of light, guiding me to do amazing things and never forget where I started. Instead of having to defeat the Ender dragon at the end, my goals require me to be the best veterinarian I can be, granting protection and health to animals all around me.
    Inguz Memorial Scholarship
    I have been pooped on more times than I can count. Whether it’s figuratively or literally, my whole life has revolved around poop. Between growing up, raising animals, and family, a plethora of messy situations have arisen. Navigating the field of life can often have its challenges where it feels like we must avoid obstacles and yes, the occasional pile of dung. Despite all this muddy water, I have learned to let my emotions out, cry, or stand up strong and face what lies ahead. As a first-generation child born from a family of immigrants, I know this trek all too well. Throughout my life, I have encountered many situations that, similarly to a steamy pile of feces, are messy and unpleasant to handle. In these instances, I have discovered that our own minds can sometimes mirror the undesirable nature of a pile left out in the open- unavoidable and requiring a lot of work to navigate. For a long time, I lost myself and was unsure if I would see the person I would become. I would lock myself in my room, trapped in my own mind without escape and pushed everyone close to me away. As I started to watch many things that brought me happiness fade away, my hope began to slip away even faster–who knew my biggest enemy would be myself? It wasn't until I received a plushie of my favorite animal, an elephant, that I got my mojo back. Upon receiving this gift, I was reminded of the power and wisdom I know I had within me that elephants also embody. In spite of these challenges, I have found joy and happiness in an unexpected place. When working with animals, I feel comfortable and in my element. Though animals can sometimes behave unexpectedly I’ve always known I loved animals and wanted to work with them for a career. I developed a passion for raising animals for show, turning the messy work of caring for them into a rewarding and enriching experience. Even at my job where I work as a veterinary assistant, I find joy and an enriching experience when working closely with doctors to alleviate the illnesses of patients. With poop, many things about an animal's health can be known. While working with animals, I have also learned this career I am entering is not an easy one. No two days are the same and I will have to assess and diagnose patients so that I may be a voice for the voiceless. Now, even in spite of challenges and adversity, I have learned to find peace and beauty in the mess that can arise from life's smelly moments. Not only has poop become a symbol of obstacles, I now know the key to navigating these messy terrains is through the support of my family, friends, and elephants. The love I have for animals, my Mexican identity, and my family have all shaped me into a resilient woman, capabl of finding comfort and joy even in the face of life's unexpected situations.