Kerry Kennedy Life Is Good Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$1,000
In Review
Application Deadline
Mar 1, 2025
Winners Announced
Apr 1, 2025
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school junior or senior or undergraduate
Education, public service, or social work
18 or older

Kerry Kennedy was an educator and a social worker. 

She believes strongly in education and credits her college years as the time when she came into her own. Kerry knew how to make a small amount of money work magic. Whether it was a game of collecting ten dollar bills, picking up a side gig, or keeping an old car to save money, she found ways to save and fund her education. The Kerry Kennedy Life is Good Scholarship will support female students who've chosen public service as a profession and a mission.

High school juniors and seniors as well as undergraduate students are eligible to apply if they are 18 or older and identify as female and are majoring in public education, public service, or social work. In your application, submit a video or essay about your career of choice, why you’re passionate about it, and what sacrifices you’ve made for your education.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published April 2, 2024
Essay Topic

Please submit a video or essay answering the following questions: What is your career of choice, and why are you passionate about it? What sacrifices have you made to accomplish your personal and educational goals?

400–600 words

Winners and Finalists

April 2024

Madison Adler
Halee Perdue
Sarah lamonica
Lexie Denis
Gracie Vess
Emily LaMorey
Mackenzie Mercer
Allison Finn
Julianna Lindberg
Hannah Best
Bethany Settle
Sarah Mohammad
Jasmine Guzman
Madelyn Todd
alexis falance
Angelina Gonzales
Jordis Harrington
Miniya Lothschutz
Jacquelyn McKay
Quinn Huyg
Jenna Maddux Arnold
Sarena Lally
Brynn Sargent
Leslie Pacheco
Kylee Rassmussen
Margaret Baeta
Josilyn Calvert

April 2023

Jenna Robbins
Carmen Kodagoda-Peiris
Baylee Wythe
Lydia Maloney
Faith Joslin
Esperanza Garcia
Addie Brinkler
Zoey Wilson
ava devenney
Peggy Crozier
Peyton Coleman
Kaylee Unruh
Mercy Nwachukwu
laquan barnett
Lydia Draper
Rachel Schmidt
Sydney Hill
Lydia Taylor
Shelby McAndrew-Walker
Jenna Nicholson
Caidence Douglas
Megan Marsh
Yvonne Posada

Winning Application

Elliana Corbett
Florida State College at JacksonvilleJacksonville, FL
Lauren Willberg
University of IowaIowa City, IA


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Mar 1, 2025. Winners will be announced on Apr 1, 2025.