For DonorsFor Applicants

Redefining Victory Scholarship

8 winners, $2,500 each
Application Deadline
Apr 1, 2025
Winners Announced
May 1, 2025
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:

Success can mean different things for different people; from the pursuit of academic excellence to the realization of personal passions and goals, these diverse interpretations of achievement reflect the perspectives that individuals develop as they navigate their unique journeys.

Regardless of their paths, achievers' lives are marked by passion, perseverance, and self-education, proving that potential is not limited to the traditional academic route. The common thread is a commitment to improvement and a resilience in the face of challenges and hardships. By embracing diverse avenues for personal growth, anyone can conquer the challenges of life and attain the pinnacle of success.

Any student may apply, whether pursuing a community college or university degree, attending a trade school, or completing a certificate program.

To apply, describe what success looks like to you and how this opportunity will help you achieve it.

Previous winners are encouraged to apply; please include how you have progressed in your program.

Selection Criteria:
Impact, Drive, Passion
Published June 9, 2024
Essay Topic

Describe what success looks like for you and how this opportunity will help you achieve it.

500–800 words

Winning Application

Jacqueline Ibarra Gonzalez
Grand Canyon UniversityPHOENIX, AZ
Success, a concept often defined by societal norms and benchmarks, holds a deeply personal and unique meaning for me. It is the harmonious blend of professional achievement, personal growth, and the ability to positively impact the lives of others, particularly in the realm of mental health. This scholarship opportunity stands not just as a financial aid, but as a pivotal stepping stone towards realizing this multifaceted vision of success. In the professional dimension, success is the culmination of my academic and career aspirations in the field of clinical mental health counseling. It is about acquiring the knowledge, skills, and ethical grounding necessary to become a competent and compassionate mental health professional. However, professional success extends beyond personal accolades and qualifications. It is intrinsically linked to the impact I can make in the lives of those who struggle with mental health issues, especially in underprivileged communities where these services are often inaccessible. Success, in this sense, is measured by the number of lives transformed, the amount of suffering alleviated, and the societal barriers to mental health care that are dismantled. From a personal standpoint, success is a continuous journey of self-improvement and self-awareness. It involves constantly challenging myself to grow, both intellectually and emotionally, while maintaining a balance that fosters well-being. This journey is characterized by resilience in the face of adversity, the courage to step outside my comfort zone, and the wisdom to learn from every experience. Personal success is also about building and nurturing relationships that are supportive, enriching, and empowering. Beyond individual achievements, my vision of success encompasses a strong commitment to community service and social advocacy. True success is using my skills and knowledge to serve others and advocate for systemic changes that improve access to mental health services. It is about creating a ripple effect of positive change, contributing to a society where mental well-being is a priority, and support systems are robust and inclusive. This involves not only direct counseling work but also community education and engagement to break down the stigmas surrounding mental health. This scholarship opportunity is a crucial enabler in my pursuit of success. Financial barriers often pose significant challenges in the path of higher education, especially for students from non-traditional backgrounds or those with limited resources. By alleviating these financial constraints, this scholarship would allow me to focus more intently on my academic pursuits, engage more deeply in community service activities, and invest time in personal growth and professional development. It would provide me with the resources and freedom to explore innovative approaches to mental health care and advocacy, further enhancing my ability to make a meaningful impact. Moreover, this scholarship would symbolize a vote of confidence in my abilities and aspirations. It would reinforce my commitment to my goals and serve as a reminder of the responsibility I have towards myself and the community I aim to serve. It would also connect me to a network of like-minded individuals, broadening my perspectives and opening doors to collaborative opportunities for making a difference in the field of mental health. In conclusion, success for me is a multifaceted concept that transcends personal achievements and extends into the realm of community impact and social change, particularly in the field of mental health. This scholarship is not just financial support; it is a critical tool that empowers me to turn my vision of success into reality. It offers the means to deepen my academic and professional capabilities, strengthen my personal growth, and enhance my ability to contribute positively to society. With this opportunity, I am poised to not only achieve my own version of success but also to inspire and enable others to do the same.
Ty Wilson
Liberty UniversityAUSTIN, TX
On August 20, 2014, I woke up to the sight of my left leg amputated three inches above my knee. In that very moment, instead of being mournful over the absence of my limb, I became a man full of hope and purpose after internalizing the Bible passage Acts 26:16. This verse states, “But rise up and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a minister.” The verse has defined what success and achievement mean to me. Success looks like rising up to endure strenuous hours of rehabilitation and standing up on the only foot I have left to finish my undergraduate degree and become a minister to college students for the last five years. Now, my intention in this personal statement is to convey how this scholarship opportunity will help achieve a new level of success by becoming a licensed mental health counselor that will impact the quality of life of people with disabilities. To begin, I have faced a great number of challenges that have molded me into the man addressing you today. My twin sister and I were born and raised in Houston, Texas by our single-mother tirelessly working to provide for us. In 2011, I was deemed the class Valedictorian and attended The University of Texas at Austin to earn a bachelor’s degree in film/television with hopes to become an independent filmmaker. Then, at 20 years old, tragedy came. I was involved in a car accident that resulted in the loss of my twin sister and my left leg. I never knew it was humanly possible to be in that much pain and the grief and rehabilitation forced me to discontinue college for almost two years. However, my story does not end in defeat. Over these last twelve years, I have been successful in various ways through the support of my family and church members. I have exemplified what it means to be resilient and have not let grief or physical limitations stop me from learning how to walk with a prosthetic leg with the help of a walker, crutches, and a cane to eventually march across the stage on my own at my UT graduation. On that day of commencement, I was crying with tears because I felt accomplished, not merely because of academic success, but because I personally persevered through so much pain, grief and limitations to make it to that point in life. That day of graduation, I learned that my success wasn't determined by my grade point average or degree, but it was about breaking through setback after setback to keep moving forward in my life. Over the years, I have refused to let my hardships hold me back from becoming a minister, enduring the physicality of walking for long periods for appointments and gospel outreach. So, I want it to be made known that I intend to pursue every single one of my educational and career goals, in spite of my disability. With that said, with the help of scholarship, my plan is to finish a Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling at Liberty University in the summer of 2026. Upon obtaining my professional counseling license, I will open my own private practice that will offer counseling services specifically to people with disabilities. This private practice will be available both online and in-person so that our community can easily access this depository of mental health services. My sole desire is that this counseling will be a haven of hope, healing and restoration for countless people with disabilities. In conclusion, I will achieve my aspirations in life, not for mere financial gain, but to leave an indelible mark on this world by using my gifts and talents as a disabled person as a platform in order to help other disabled people defeat their respective giants. This is ultimately what success looks like to me, finding fulfillment and passion in uplifting the disabled community and to essentially carry out Acts 26:16. I hope I have clearly demonstrated how I will use every dollar of this scholarship opportunity for it to come into fruition.
Abbie Strait
Triangle Tech Inc-DuboisDuke Center, PA
Anish Yakkanti
Texas A & M University-College StationFrisco, TX
I believe that success is a journey that combines excellence, personal growth, and making an impact, on society, especially in the field of engineering. As a student currently enrolled in both the Engineering Academy Program at Dallas College and Texas A&M my definition of success goes beyond achieving milestones. It also includes developing the skills and insights to contribute to the engineering industry. My academic journey has been truly unique and rewarding thanks to the Engineering Academy Program. This collaborative initiative between Dallas College and Texas A&M has provided me with an education that blends the foundation of a community college with the specialized training of a renowned university. Balancing coursework from both institutions has been challenging and fulfilling as it has greatly improved my time management and study skills. This program demonstrates my dedication to engineering. Marks a milestone on my path to success. Transitioning into full-time studies at Texas A&M marks a chapter in my educational journey. Renowned for its engineering program Texas A&M offers opportunities, for deep learning, research, and practical application of engineering principles. The state-of-the-art facilities, esteemed professors, and vibrant community, at the university are elements that will drive my growth both academically and professionally. Choosing to attend Texas A&M on a full-time basis represents not only a change in my environment but also a crucial step toward achieving my full potential as an engineer. However, this transition comes with challenges. The $2,500 scholarship is more than assistance; it is a vital support system that will allow me to fully dedicate myself to my studies. This scholarship will greatly alleviate the burden associated with tuition fees and living expenses granting me the opportunity to focus on maximizing the prospects provided by Texas A&M. Moreover it will enable me to become deeply involved in activities and professional development opportunities that play an integral role in obtaining a well-rounded engineering education. One aspect that particularly excites me about Texas A&M is the chance to participate in hands-on projects and research endeavors. These experiences hold value as they bridge the gap between knowledge and practical applications. I eagerly anticipate engaging in projects where students from different backgrounds come together to tackle complex engineering challenges. Not only do these initiatives enhance skills but they also foster important qualities such as teamwork, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities. All of which are critical for a successful career, in engineering. Moreover, the strong connections that Texas A&M has, with industries present prospects for internships and co-op programs. These programs serve as gateways to real-world experience providing insights into the aspects of engineering and helping to establish a professional network. I am eager to make the most of these opportunities to gain exposure to engineering fields, which will play a role in shaping my career trajectory. My ultimate goal is to become an engineer who not only excels technically but comprehends the broader impact of engineering solutions. I aspire to contribute my skills and expertise to projects that influence sectors such as energy, smart technologies, or biomedical engineering. Not only are these fields at the forefront of innovation but they also possess the potential to substantially enhance quality of life and protect our environment. Receiving this scholarship would mark a milestone in my pursuit of success. It serves as recognition for my commitment to excellence and represents vital support on my journey towards becoming an active participant within the engineering community. This scholarship signifies an investment in my future empowering me to embrace the opportunities presented by Texas A&M while making contributions, towards technological advancement and societal progress. In conclusion, my experience, in the Engineering Academy Program and my desire to become a full-time student at Texas A&M represent my dedication to achieving success in the field of engineering. The scholarship of $2,500 will be incredibly influential on this journey as it will help me overcome obstacles and allow me to focus on my professional growth. I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. I promise to make the most of it. I aim to ensure that this investment in my education leads to contributions in engineering and benefits society, as a whole.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Apr 1, 2025. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2025.