For DonorsFor Applicants

FLIK Hospitality Group’s Entrepreneurial Council Scholarship

4 winners, $5,000 each
Application Deadline
Jul 7, 2024
Winners Announced
Aug 7, 2024
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior, undergraduate, or trade school student
2.7 or higher
Culinary arts, hospitality, marketing, finance, nutrition, or health and wellness

FLIK Hospitality Group is a leading corporate hospitality provider dedicated to great food and great service, which are made possible by great people. 

FLIK is committed to the development of their associates and has founded an Entrepreneurial Council – an advisory group guiding FLIK in efforts to overcome structural biases in the hospitality industry – to advance FLIK’s industry leadership by embracing racial equity as a business imperative and by investing in the career cycle of Black employees – from hire to retirement. 

This scholarship aims to help close opportunity gaps by supporting black and brown workers and leaders and removing economic barriers that prevent today’s students from becoming tomorrow’s leaders.

Any black or brown high school senior, undergraduate, or trade school student with at least a 2.7 GPA who is interested in culinary arts, hospitality, marketing, finance, nutrition, or health and wellness may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, tell us how you’ll create a positive environmental impact on your communities in the next five years.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published March 7, 2024
Essay Topic

How will you create a positive environmental impact on your local and global communities in the next five years through the lens of any of the following: wellness, technology, culinary innovation, finance, hospitality, or marketing?

400–600 words

Winning Applications

Dylan Park
Pomona CollegeWashington, DC
Am I even Korean? I could see my Grandpa’s veins bulge on his temples and spit gather at the edges of his lips. My Mom and my Grandpa’s conversation turned into an argument about the fact that my sister and I could barely speak Korean. Diluted by American culture, I was not the ideal Korean grandson he had envisioned. Regret and guilt consumed my head and heart. I knew I should have kept my Duolingo streak. After this conversation, I began to ask myself, what makes me Korean? Did my rough Korean pronunciation and inability to understand my Grandma’s questions diminish my Korean identity? Does my involvement as the National Chinese Honors Society President work against my own heritage? I do not think so. My Korean heritage embodies and represents the values on which I choose to model my life. In 1978, my grandparents left their homes, reputation, and family for a country seven thousand miles away and a language just as foreign. They possessed the courage to jump into unfamiliarity for the future of their children and grandchildren (my parents and me). The same values led my parents to the inner city of Washington, D.C., an area with almost no Asians, let alone Koreans, starting a non-profit ministry for underprivileged, majority African-American students living in public housing. As a Korean-American, there is an expectation to be timid or unnoticeable, but the actions of my grandparents and parents showed me it is possible to dream big and create a community with people regardless of background or physical appearance. Standing out as the sole Korean-American in the room became a symbol of courage and connection, not a point of insecurity. This spirit gave me the voice to advocate for education equity, speaking in front of over 3,000 people at the National Public Charter Schools Conference in D.C. I felt comfortable shouting “NO Justice, NO Peace!” marching down Capitol Hill, engulfed by a culturally rich stream of impassioned BLM protesters. My Korean identity - no longer a limitation but a reflection of determination and ambition. I am not only the classmate who helps others with calculus homework but also the classmate who plays the gay pool boy in my school’s production of Legally Blonde. Despite my smaller stature, I have the confidence to compete against grown men, playing point guard at my local gym every Saturday morning. I found the inspiration to create a tennis class for students in my parent’s ministry over the summer, believing I could engage and instruct excited, energetic kids in the stifling D.C. humidity. Although I feel proud of my accomplishments in high school, I know college will only expand my opportunities to become a trailblazer for meaningful change while joining and embracing vibrant communities. Learning Korean remains a bucket list item of mine, always a summer project that never gets done. I recognize the power of language, and, one day, I will take the time to learn it. But, while I may know less Korean than your average white female BTS fan, I realized my Korean identity is not rooted in the language. It is rooted in a sense of tenacious individuality that seeps into diverse communities, birthed from the audacity to dream big. Also, with a degree in public law I can become a public defense attorney for lower income communities. Growing up in a lower-income community has shown me the injustices that have occurred and how some people are powerless against the legal system. I would like to help and become a pillar of support and defense for these people.
Ava Evans
Academy of Information Technology and Engineering (AITE)BRIDGEPORT, CT
Ava Evans Scholarship essay 07/3/24 I would like to make an impact on our current world through culinary innovation. My entire life I was raised as a vegetarian, so it has always been hard for me to find food in restaurants. I would end up eating the same thing and never really get to explore certain foods.My mothers cooking was the only time I got to feel freedom in different options . I always had to ask if my food could be cooked separately. Even with my family, the cultural differences in African American cooking are very meat-centered. Even when my family would say a dish didn’t have meat, I would have to make sure there was no chicken broth or anything else. Growing up, I was mocked by both the world and my family for my mother’s and my dietary choices. It was terrible. My plan for culinary school is to attend Johnson and Wales University to improve my cooking skills and expand my knowledge of vegetarian cooking. I want to create options for kids like me—kids who don’t want tofu when everyone else is having chicken nuggets. I want them to have choices and be able to eat whatever they want. I also care about adults venturing into the lifestyle. They often don’t venture into a plant-based lifestyle because they don’t know it can be fulfilling and nutritious. I want to show them that vegetarian food can be just as satisfying and delicious as any other kind of cuisine. I am passionate about creating meals that cater to different dietary needs while still being delicious and accessible to everyone. Vegetarianism for me doesn’t exclude my cultural heritage. I have learned how to adapt my family’s traditional dishes into vegetarian versions, finding creative ways to retain their flavors and essence. I love to transfer soul food recipes in a way that I can enjoy them. At Johnson and Wales, I hope to gain a education in culinary arts and food and beverage management. This education will provide me with the skills and knowledge necessary to innovate in the kitchen and create new and exciting vegetarian dishes. I am eager to learn about different cuisines, techniques, and ingredients that I can incorporate into my cooking. I believe that with the right training, I can make a significant impact in the culinary world. My goal is to open a restaurant that offers a wide range of vegetarian options, from comfort food to gourmet dishes. I also hope to educate others about the benefits of a plant-based diet and show them that vegetarian food can be both healthy and delicious.That it isn’t just tofu and beans and it can be filling and tasty.The majority of meats don’t have any flavorings it’s the seasonings that make people eat them and the same can be said about vegetarian food. In conclusion, my experiences growing up as a vegetarian, along with my passion for culinary arts and preserving cultural heritage, have inspired me to pursue a career in the culinary industry. I want to create innovative and delicious vegetarian dishes that cater to a variety of dietary needs while celebrating cultural diversity. By attending Johnson and Wales University, I will gain the skills to become my own boss and follow my dreams.
Sherard blackman
National UniversityWilmington, DE
If I were given the authority to positively change my community, several specific changes come to mind that would encourage a lasting and meaningful impact on its well-being and can be done by looking at three things: how people feel, how the environment is, and how money works. It says that if we focus on all three together, communities can become stronger and last longer. The thesis explains that by giving people access to mental health services, helping the environment, and giving people more chances to learn and work, we can make communities better. It also says that it's important for everyone in the community to work together to make sure these things happen. First, I would focus on improving access to mental health services. This includes increasing the number of mental health professionals available, providing more affordable or free services, and destigmatizing mental health to encourage more people to seek help when needed. As an aspiring Army Clinical Psychologist, I understand the importance of mental health in overall well-being, and I believe that by addressing mental health needs, we can create a healthier and more resilient community. To address mental health, it is essential to increase the number of mental health professionals available, particularly in underserved areas. This can be achieved through targeted recruitment efforts and incentives for professionals to work in these communities. Providing more affordable or free mental health services can help reduce barriers to access. This can encourage more people to seek help when needed, support groups can help raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues. Secondly, I would work to improve educational opportunities for all residents. This would involve increasing funding for schools in underserved areas, providing access to quality early childhood education, and offering more vocational training programs for those who may not choose a traditional academic path. By investing in education, we can help individuals reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty. Education is a powerful tool for social and economic mobility, but many communities struggle to provide quality education for all residents. Increasing funding for schools in underserved areas is a crucial step towards improving educational opportunities. For those who may not choose a traditional academic path, offering vocational training programs can provide valuable skills and opportunities for employment. By investing in education, communities can help individuals reach their full potential and break the cycle of poverty. Then I would prioritize environmental sustainability initiatives. This includes implementing recycling programs, promoting renewable energy sources, and creating green spaces within the community. By taking steps to protect the environment, we can improve the health and well-being of current and future generations. Environmental sustainability is essential for the health and well-being of current and future generations. Educating residents about the importance of sustainability and providing incentives for environmentally friendly practices can help foster a culture of environmental stewardship within the community. By taking steps to protect the environment, communities can improve the quality of life for residents and contribute to a healthier planet. Last, I would focus on improving access to affordable housing. This could involve implementing rent control measures, providing subsidies for low-income families, and investing in affordable housing developments. By ensuring that everyone has access to safe and affordable housing, we can create a more equitable community for all residents. By focusing on mental health, education, environmental sustainability, and affordable housing, I believe that we can positively impact the lives of individuals in our community and create a more inclusive and thriving society.
Jada Betts
Morgan State UniversityRandallstown, MD
Jada Betts FLK Scholarship Essay In envisioning Ambrosia, my dream restaurant establishment, I am committed to not only creating a culinary haven but also to making a significant positive environmental impact on both local and global communities. Through a strategic approach focused on culinary innovation and sustainability, Ambrosia will serve as a beacon of responsible business practices and environmental stewardship over the next five years. First let's tackle culinary innovation; Ambrosia will champion a farm-to-table philosophy, forging direct partnerships with local farmers and producers to source the freshest ingredients. By prioritizing locally grown and organic produce, we will minimize our carbon footprint associated with transportation and support local economies. Seasonal menus will highlight the diversity of regional agriculture, promoting biodiversity and reducing reliance on monoculture farming practices detrimental to ecosystems. Furthermore, Ambrosia will incorporate plant-forward cooking techniques, offering a range of innovative vegetarian and vegan dishes. By reducing the reliance on animal products, we aim to lower greenhouse gas emissions and contribute positively to global efforts in combating climate change. Our chefs will creatively showcase the flavors and textures of plant-based ingredients, inspiring guests to embrace sustainable dietary choices. In terms of technology, Investing in energy-efficient kitchen equipment and implementing waste-reducing technologies will be integral to Ambrosia's operations. From energy-efficient refrigeration systems to smart lighting solutions, we will minimize energy consumption and operational costs. Additionally, advanced waste management systems, including composting and recycling programs, will be in place to divert food waste from landfills and promote circular economy principles within our community. Now with hospitality and marketing, Ambrosia will not only provide exceptional dining experiences but also educate guests on sustainable practices. Through engaging marketing campaigns and on-site educational initiatives, such as chef-led cooking classes and farm tours, we will raise awareness about the environmental impact of food choices. By fostering a culture of sustainability and mindfulness, Ambrosia aims to empower guests to make informed decisions that contribute positively to the environment. Next, with Financial sustainability, it is crucial to long-term environmental impact. Ambrosia will allocate resources towards sustainability initiatives, such as investing in renewable energy sources and participating in carbon offset programs. By integrating environmental considerations into financial planning, we aim to demonstrate that profitability and sustainability can coexist harmoniously. Lastly, our local and global impact. On a local level, Ambrosia will support community initiatives and local charities focused on environmental conservation and food security. By actively participating in community events and partnerships, we seek to strengthen bonds and inspire collective action towards sustainable practices. On a global scale, Ambrosia will join industry-wide efforts to advocate for sustainable food systems and participate in global platforms addressing environmental challenges. Through collaboration with suppliers, industry associations, and policymakers, we will contribute to shaping policies that promote sustainable agriculture and reduce environmental degradation. In conclusion, Ambrosia's commitment to culinary innovation, sustainable practices, and community engagement will pave the way for a positive environmental impact over the next five years. By integrating these principles into our operations and inspiring others to follow suit, we aspire to create a ripple effect that transcends our restaurant's walls and contributes to a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Kennedy Hoyt
Glenda Dawson H SPearland, TX
I have devoted my life to service by volunteering with multiple non-profits across Houston and have accumulated over 150+ volunteer hours. Some of the organizations that I have worked with include Walk to End Alzheimers Houston, Third Ward Reads, Kids Meal, Inc. of Houston, and the UNCF. These organizations gave me an opportunity to learn more about myself and my community. I met various people from all walks of life, sparking the idea for my latest project. Hands, the word is precisely one syllable, comprised of 27 bones, and is one of the easiest ways to connect with another person. With small delicate hands, impacting my community was bigger than me and was a courageous act. When I joined Girl Scouts in kindergarten, I became committed to improving my community. Some of the activities I have taken part in included working with homeless people in the Houston area, fixing over 10,000 sandwiches for those who lived in food deserts, and protesting with other women who bravely marched in the rain for reproductive rights. However, working with special needs kids touched me. In eighth grade, I volunteered to serve as a life-skills aid for Mrs. Cooks' class. I assisted them with classwork and participated in life skills exercises such as cooking with the teacher. Through our conversations, Mrs. Cooks helped me understand that my community is broad and even includes those without a voice or the ability to use their hands. Not only did the enrichment I took part in during her program touch me, but it exposed me to the lack of inclusivity within discussions about nutrition for special needs students. These programs rarely considered the deformities, lack of mobility, and in some cases inaccessibility of certain foods due to financial restraints. While attending the Spelman Early College Program last summer, I began formulating my Gold Award project for Girl Scouts. I immediately thought about the awareness I could bring to the issue and how passionate I was about it. I planned out my project, which includes a web seminar, an in-person workshop with educational activities, pamphlets for administrators on how they can educate others, and the importance of refraining from using ableist language in their day-to-day lives. I planned to also explain the benefits of teaching these concepts to non-disabled children as well. I began officially filling out my application and starting the process. Praying that the council would approve me, I turned it in and waited impatiently for an email approving for me to start. Soon enough, my mentor delivered a glowing email that I had been approved and could start my project and research. I felt so excited my hands shook. Currently, I am finishing my research, cultivating my website and pamphlets, and pouring intention into this new endeavor. I plan to major in Political Science and Business Administration on a pre-law track at Spelman College fall of 2023. I am passionate about my community, exploring the legality of multiple issues and analyzing the law. After receiving my undergraduate degree, I plan to enroll in law school at Columbia University and receive my JD. I hope to intertwine my passion for education, business, and literature by starting a foundation in honor of my mom. Being able to advocate for those within my community who may not have the means or voice means a lot to me. It has allowed me to be an example for multiple people and I hope to continue to inspire and motivate people to examine the policies being applied within my community and across America as a whole.
University of Louisiana at LafayetteLafayette, LA
As a Black male accounting major, I recognize the importance of creating a positive environmental impact on both my local and global communities in the next five years. Through the lens of finance, I will leverage my skills and knowledge to drive sustainable practices and contribute to a greener future. In the field of finance, I understand that capital allocation plays a crucial role in shaping environmental outcomes. By advocating for sustainable investments and incorporating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors into financial decision-making, I can help redirect funds toward companies and projects that prioritize eco-friendly practices. Through my expertise in accounting and financial analysis, I will work towards promoting green initiatives and supporting businesses that demonstrate a commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. One avenue through which I can create a positive environmental impact is by encouraging the adoption of renewable energy sources. By analyzing the financial viability and long-term sustainability of renewable energy projects, I can help attract investments and promote the transition towards cleaner energy alternatives. This could involve conducting cost-benefit analyses, evaluating tax incentives and subsidies, and advising clients on the financial benefits of renewable energy adoption. By facilitating the financing of solar, wind, or other renewable energy projects, I can contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and promote a healthier environment. Another way I can make a difference is by incorporating sustainability metrics into financial reporting. By ensuring that environmental impacts are properly measured and disclosed in financial statements, I can enhance transparency and accountability. This information can help investors and stakeholders make informed decisions and encourage companies to improve their environmental performance. I will advocate for the adoption of sustainability reporting frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), to ensure that businesses disclose relevant environmental information accurately and consistently. In addition to my professional endeavors, I also recognize the importance of engaging with my local community to foster environmental awareness and action. I will actively participate in community events, workshops, and seminars to educate others about the financial implications of sustainable practices. By sharing my knowledge and experiences, I hope to inspire individuals to make environmentally conscious decisions in their personal and professional lives. Furthermore, as a Black male, I understand the significance of diversity and inclusion in environmental initiatives. I will actively support and collaborate with organizations that promote environmental justice and aim to address the disproportionate impact of environmental issues on marginalized communities. By amplifying underrepresented voices and advocating for equitable access to sustainable resources, I can contribute to a more inclusive and just environmental movement. In conclusion, through my role as a Black male accounting major, I will strive to create a positive environmental impact on both my local and global communities in the next five years. By leveraging my finance skills, I will promote sustainable investments, encourage renewable energy adoption, incorporate sustainability metrics into financial reporting, and actively engage with my community. Through these efforts, I aim to contribute to a greener future and inspire others to take action towards environmental sustainability.
Joshua Rose
Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical CollegeBATON ROUGE, LA
As a member of both my local and global communities, I believe it is my responsibility to make a positive environmental impact in the world around me. I am passionate about the environment and the role that individuals and businesses can play in preserving our planet for future generations. Through the lens of marketing, I plan to create a positive environmental impact by promoting sustainability and eco-friendly practices in my local and global communities in the next five years. Marketing is a powerful tool for influencing behavior and driving change. By effectively communicating the benefits of sustainable practices and eco-friendly products, I believe we can encourage individuals and businesses to make environmentally responsible choices. In my local community, I plan to use my marketing skills to promote environmentally sustainable practices in businesses and homes. I will do this by creating educational materials and campaigns to encourage people to reduce waste, conserve energy, and make eco-friendly choices. By partnering with local businesses and organizations, I hope to create a sustainable ecosystem in my community. Globally, I plan to use my marketing skills to promote eco-friendly products and services. As a consumer, I believe we have a responsibility to support businesses that prioritize sustainability. I plan to create content that educates people on the benefits of eco-friendly products and services, such as reusable water bottles, sustainable clothing, and solar-powered energy. By raising awareness and promoting these products, I hope to drive demand for sustainable alternatives and encourage businesses to prioritize sustainability in their operations. In addition to marketing, I am also interested in the field of wellness and believe that wellness practices can have a positive environmental impact. By promoting healthy and sustainable lifestyles, we can reduce our impact on the environment and improve our overall well-being. In the next five years, I plan to use my marketing skills to promote wellness practices that are good for both our health and the environment. For example, I will promote the use of public transportation, cycling, or walking as an alternative to driving, which contributes to air pollution. Additionally, I will encourage people to eat more plant-based meals, which have a lower carbon footprint than meat-based meals. By promoting wellness practices that benefit both our health and the environment, I believe we can make a positive impact on both a local and global scale. Finally, I believe that technology can also be a powerful tool for creating a positive environmental impact. In the next five years, I plan to leverage my knowledge of technology to promote sustainable practices and reduce waste. For example, I will promote the use of digital platforms for communication and collaboration, which reduces paper waste and energy consumption. I will also encourage the use of smart home technologies, such as energy-efficient appliances and thermostats, to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. By using technology in innovative ways, I believe we can make a significant impact on the environment and reduce our carbon footprint. In conclusion, I am committed to making a positive environmental impact in my local and global communities in the next five years. Through the lens of marketing, wellness, and technology, I plan to promote sustainability, reduce waste, and encourage eco-friendly practices. By leveraging my knowledge and skills in these areas, I believe I can make a meaningful contribution to preserving our planet for future generations. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to working with others to create a more sustainable world.
Giselle Palucho
Seaside High SchoolSeaside, CA
Currently, I work in the Monterey Plaza Hotel and Spa in the room service and restaurant departments. Here I built rapport with new and returning guests to promote the company's mission and values, optimized workflow by maintaining a clean and organized workplace and managed the reservation log with accuracy and detail, making sure to note any special occasions and requests. After I graduate high school I intend to continue working in this establishment to fund my education as I study to be an Anesthesiologist. I am also part of a program called Upward Bound which provides its student with various opportunities for community service as well as tutoring and college opportunities. Through Upward Bound I have gone to beach clean-ups, removal of invasive plant species, planting native plants, rock painting, Christmas toy donations, and more. After I graduate high school I intend to either continue to work with Upper Bound as a tutor or join other groups that promote environmentalism such as the Environmentalist club at Monterey Peninsula College. In addition to that I plan on raising money to create care packages for homeless shelters and homeless people not residing in shelters. These care packages would Include hygienic products such as tissue, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. as well as first aid supply and feminine products. Within the next five years, in order to create a more positive environmental impact on my local and global communities through wellness and health implement the following into my daily and monthly routines. Promote active transportation: Encourage people to walk, bike, or use public transportation instead of driving alone. This can reduce traffic congestion and air pollution, as well as promote physical activity and improve overall health. Reduce waste: Promote the reduction, reuse, and recycling of waste. This can include composting food scraps, reducing single-use plastics, and opting to use reusable containers. Support sustainable agriculture: Promote local and sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic farming and regenerative agriculture, which can improve soil health, reduce carbon emissions, and provide healthier food options. Promote plant-based diets: Encourage people to eat a plant-based diet or reduce their consumption of animal products. This can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve health outcomes. Protect natural areas: Protect and preserve natural areas, such as parks and forests, which provide important opportunities for physical activity and mental health. Support clean energy: Advocate for clean energy sources, such as wind and solar power, which can reduce air pollution and improve respiratory health. Encourage community involvement: Support community programs and events that promote health and environmental sustainability, such as community gardens or bike-sharing programs.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jul 7, 2024. Winners will be announced on Aug 7, 2024.

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