For DonorsFor Applicants

Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship

Funded by
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Lesley Holloway
2 winners, $1,000 each
In Review
Application Deadline
Oct 16, 2024
Winners Announced
Nov 16, 2024
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school or undergraduate student
Has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household

Curtis Holloway was a beloved father who devoted his life to being the best dad possible. 

My mom died at the age of 10. I was raised by my dad who gave me constant support to get through college and then law school. He not only supported me financially but emotionally as well by stepping in as both father and mother. He taught me the value of hard work and I am now the Managing Partner of a large firm in Dallas. 

This scholarship seeks to honor the life of Curtis Holloway by supporting a student who has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household.

Any high school student or undergraduate student at a four-year college who has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household may apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, tell us who has most supported you throughout your educational journey and how they’ve helped you.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published July 5, 2024
Essay Topic

Who has supported you the most in reaching your educational goals and how have they helped and supported you?

400–600 words

Winners and Finalists

June 2023

Camilo Parets Dominguez
London San Luis
TreyShawn Hoskins
Erika Lam
trinity Mitchell
Adriana Dilworth-Pickens
Sereniti Patterson
Tasha Ingram
Jordan Young
Moetsy Mayette
Faith Gortman
Jannet Trabelsi
Ryan Preval
Ikechukwu Aguwa
Emmanuel Pierre
Sonya Babski
Queen Carrasco
Sarah Imolode

Winning Application

Jacquelyn Layton - Brown
University of North Carolina at GreensboroCHARLOTTE, NC
Natalia Ordaz
Sonoma State UniversityStockton, CA
Losing my dad when I was 10 was one of the hardest things I've ever faced. Just two months after his passing, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. It was a lot to handle at such a young age, but my mom stepped up in incredible ways to support me through it all, especially in my education. Despite dealing with her own grief, my mom made sure that my schooling remained a priority. She took on the roles of both parents, working hard to provide for us and support my education. I remember her attending all my parent-teacher meetings and talking to my teachers to ensure I had the resources and understanding I needed in school, especially with managing my health. At home, my mom created a supportive environment for learning. We spent quality time together doing homework, reading, and discussing different subjects. She encouraged my interests and helped me develop a passion for learning, even while managing my diabetes. Beyond academics, my mom taught me life lessons. She showed me how to be responsible and resilient, especially in dealing with my health challenges. She always emphasized the importance of kindness and empathy, not just towards others but also towards myself. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or discouraged, my mom was there to lift me up. Her unwavering belief in my abilities gave me the confidence to pursue higher education and strive for my dreams. Every accomplishment I've achieved is a testament to her incredible support and dedication. Looking back, I'm so grateful for everything my mom has done for me. Despite the obstacles we faced, her love and support have been unwavering. She's not just my mom; she's my hero, showing such strength, perseverance, and unconditional love. As I entered my teenage years and started high school, my mom's support continued to be crucial. Managing my diabetes while juggling schoolwork and extracurricular activities was challenging, but my mom was always there to guide me. She helped me develop a routine for monitoring my blood sugar levels and taught me how to advocate for myself in school settings. One of the most impactful aspects of my mom's support was her unwavering positivity. She never allowed me to see diabetes as a limitation but instead encouraged me to embrace life fully. Her optimism was contagious, motivating me to face challenges head-on and never give up on my dreams. As I approach graduation, my mom's dedication to my education became even more evident. She researched scholarships, helped me with college applications, and provided emotional support during this stressful time. My mom's influence on my educational journey has been profound. From navigating the loss of my father and my diabetes diagnosis to supporting my academic and personal growth, she has been my constant source of strength and inspiration. Her love, sacrifices, and encouragement have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful for her guidance and support, and I know that her lessons will continue to guide me as I begin this new chapter in life.
Nicole Kaufeldt
The University of AlabamaTUSCALOOSA, AL
When I was in 5th grade, my dad tragically passed away due to suicide. My parents had been divorced for some time when this happened, however, his absence left a huge strain on my mom. As a single mother working full-time to support me financially, it was a daunting task for her to provide for the both of us while also supporting my goals and aspirations, but she did so with ease. I have rarely seen her upset or stressed, and even when she was, she did her best to make sure I did not notice. She has always put me first, and for that, I will be forever grateful. When my mom became pregnant with me, she immediately started putting aside what little savings she had into a college fund for me. No one in my family had been able to attend college, and she wanted to make sure I had the opportunity and ability to go to college if I decided I wanted to. She always thought ahead and put me in the best schools she could so that I had the tools I needed to succeed. When it came time to apply to colleges, my mom went out of her way to get help from others who had experience with those applications and knew what schools were ideal for my major. She always told me to pick what school I liked best and that she would make it happen if it was feasible. Due to her help and support, I was able to attend a college I was in love with. Going to Alabama has been the best part of my life and has helped me achieve so much more than I ever thought I was capable of. Without my mom's determination to give me the best opportunities in life, I would not be who I am today and would not have been able to accomplish everything I have so far. Now, my mom is happily remarried and has an amazing support system so that she does not have to deal with the pressures of supporting me alone. I have always wanted to help my mom in any way I could since she did so much for me, so I have been working part-time since I was 15 to help ease the amount of money she had to spend on me. I currently work two jobs along with being a full-time student so that she does not have to contribute any more money to my cause. I also work hard to get outside scholarships to lower my tuition. Besides financial help, I also try to give her all the love, support, and kindness that she has always given me. She is my number one fan and I am hers as well. Losing my father was extremely difficult, but my mom always worked overtime to try to compensate for those hard times and to make sure I was always supported in every way possible. Without her, I would not have been able to move past the grief of losing my father and would not have been able to attain my goal of going to college and becoming successful. I still have many academic goals such as going to law school, but I know that my mom will always be right by my side supporting me along the way. I am beyond thankful for everything she has given me and I hope one day I can return the favor and be the one doing the supporting.
Koi McLeod
Arizona State University-TempeLake Worth, FL
The lady in the kitchen, is the cook, the cleaner, the driver, my rugby cheerleader, my advocate when I need help, my motivation when I am not sure I got this, my biggest critic, and yet my biggest support. She is my mom, but sometimes she has to be my dad because he is not in the kitchen or in the car, or anywhere that I have known since I was 3. My mom has been my one and only constant and I am so grateful for this. In fact, she was breathing down my back reminding me to get my scholarships done today. She "reminds" me of something every day, my homework, to walk the dog, to take out the trash. She literally stood at my shoulder when I was applying for colleges and cheered each time I hit apply. It was a good feeling because it was her way of showing that she believes in me. Even when I doubt myself, I know she has great hopes for my future and who I want to be. I have always been fascinated by science, and as I was growing up, she encouraged this even though she did not know much about science and did not have the money to buy any real science equipment. So I was always making some science project from some stuff that I would find around the house. I built a solar oven, made long rockets, built my own computer, and constructed a telescope. I was always taking stuff apart and making a mess, but she never got mad at this. She always encouraged me and let me have free reign every time I declared I was starting some new project. We would also watch lots of science shows on tv together. It was after watching Neil de Grass Tyson hosting the series "Cosmos" that I found my true calling. I put together my first serious science project about Black Holes, I wanted this project to engage the viewer so I added the sounds of a black hole with flashing lights and movements. This fully interactive project was the first time that I won a science project and I would go on to win every science award thereafter from elementary to high school. I was once even selected to present an Outerspace BioTechnology project to a panel of NASA scientists. One of my best experiences was winning a scholarship to Space Camp. Going to Space Camp was a life changer, as I was able to engage with other people who also had a deep interest in space and the cosmos. For the first time, I felt like I had found my tribe. My mother has supported me and encouraged me as my love for science has evolved into what will be my career. Now I am a senior in high school, and I have been accepted into the Astrophysics program at Arizona State University. Not only is this my dream, but her dream too. I will continue to pursue a field that I genuinely love and can't wait to discover the mysteries of our cosmos. Next week, I will be graduating from high school, and even though she will probably be the loudest most embarrassing parent in the room, I will be overcome with pride because she has been there rooting for me since day ONE.
Gillian Leeds
Franklin and Marshall CollegeLancaster, PA
My mom is the strongest woman I know. Some people say she may even wear a cape. I know she’s always been my hero. I was 12 when I found out my mom had had cancer. I really wasn’t even sure what it meant at that age, at least not what the possibilities had meant for her at the time. I now know that she could have been gone even before I came to be – and I wouldn’t be here to write this essay. She is a survivor in every sense of the word. She has battled two types of cancer and won –physically, mentally and spiritually. She takes on life with undertones of joie de vivre, seeing the beauty and good in the world around her. She has subtly tried to instill this in me, enriching my life from my earliest recollection with music, dance, theatre, art, flowers and fun – weaving culture and beauty into my soul to where they have become a necessity for me to function. Our story almost stems from her cancer diagnoses, specifically Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and Thyroid cancer which are both primary cancers and which for her were diagnosed at the same time just as she was embarking on a new career. After she finished treatments – a year long ordeal with two primary cancers, multiple hospitalizations, drug reactions, infections – she took some time to recuperate and then made the courageous decision to have a child, with no spouse or significant other. Yes, she did it alone via sperm donor and I am the result. The uncertainty of what chemotherapy may have done to her reproductive system along with her age drove her to this decision, no longer content to wait for for prince charming to find her, sweep her off her feet and have children. Her desire to have a child was so strong she felt compelled to pursue the endeavor on her own. She says I am her gift from God after going through what she went through, a true blessing and I have lit up her life. Now, eighteen years later I am in college and she works hard to support me as I pursue my dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. She never complains and always makes sure my needs are met. My senior year of high school, I had a solo in the high school musical “The Theory of Relativity” which was titled “Promise Me This”. The first half of the song completely mirrored my life with my mother and spoke so strongly to me I wasn’t sure I’d be able to perform it without breaking down. The second half spoke of the character losing her mother - which honestly is my biggest fear in life – and I tried to tell myself that this is what we went through, but in reverse. I made it through my performances, albeit very emotionally and realized this strong, independent woman – my mom – has passed along those traits to me, along with a love of the arts, and the ability to recognize beauty in life, believe in miracles, and to not waste a single day.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Oct 16, 2024. Winners will be announced on Nov 16, 2024.

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