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Adriana Martinez-Chavez


Bold Points






My life goals are deeply rooted in making a positive impact on the world, and I feel that becoming a Psychiatric nurse is the perfect way to do that. I'm incredibly passionate about helping others, especially those facing mental health challenges. There's something incredibly powerful about guiding someone to find their inner strength and resilience. Through empathy, education, and innovative care, I truly believe we can transform lives and foster a more understanding society. This passion drives me to always keep learning and growing in my field. I'm committed to making a real difference in people's lives. My dedication to this cause is unwavering, and I'm constantly seeking out ways to enhance my knowledge and skills to provide the best care possible. I have a strong sense of empathy, which helps me connect with patients on a deep level and truly understand their unique experiences and needs. What makes me a great candidate is my genuine desire to help others, combined with a solid educational background and practical experience. I'm highly motivated and driven, and I thrive in challenging situations. My ability to stay calm under pressure and my strong problem-solving skills enable me to handle difficult situations effectively and provide the support that patients need. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile! :)


Toppenish High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      I envision a future where I can profoundly impact the mental health field as a Psychiatric Nurse. My journey will focus on mastering advanced psychiatric care, where I can offer innovative and compassionate treatment to those in need. I aim to contribute to groundbreaking research and influence mental health policies, ensuring that every individual receives the care and respect they deserve. Additionally, I want to mentor and inspire the next generation of nurses, fostering a culture of empathy and excellence in mental health care. Ultimately, I hope to develop programs that not only enhance mental health outcomes but also work to dismantle the stigma surrounding mental illness, creating a more understanding and supportive society for all.



      Junior Varsity
      2019 – 20201 year


      • Toppenish High School - Chamber Choir

        2023 – 2024
      • Toppenish High School - Symphonic/Treble Choir

        2021 – 2023
      • Toppenish High School - Concert Choir

        2020 – 2021

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Toy Train Station - Northern Pacific Railway Museum Toppenish — I brought holiday cheer and safety to visitors at Christmas, shared safety rules, served treats, used my Spanish to welcome families, assisted Santa, and organized a scavenger hunt for a memorable event.
        2022 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        VBS Toppenish SDA Church — I oversaw child safety, taught Bible stories, managed activity transitions, and helped with snacks at a church event to create a fun, educational setting for kids.
        2023 – 2023

      Future Interests





      Overcoming Adversity Cariño Scholarship
      Have you ever wondered where the vegetables on your table came from? They result from the tireless efforts of farmworkers such as my mother. My mother moved from Mexico to the United States 25 years ago and has always worked in the fields. She taught me the true value of hard work and money. I've seen my mother work so hard in all kinds of weather, waking up at 3 a.m. to make her lunch, arriving at the fields by 5:30 a.m., and returning home exhausted at 6 p.m. each day. She is a single mother who plays both as a mother and a father. Every day, my mother shows her unconditional love and support by making sacrifices for me, even if it means putting her own needs aside. She knows the importance of education and never fails to remind me of it, encouraging me to do well in school and reach my full potential. I can still hear her words echoing in my mind every morning, as she reminds me, "No quiero verte trabajando en el campo como yo; échale ganas," urging me to work hard and strive for a better future. Growing up, I frequently felt the weight of our circumstances. My mother's unwavering work ethic and determination to support our family instilled in me a strong sense of responsibility and resilience. Witnessing her struggle and perseverance has shaped my character in ways I could not have predicted. It has taught me the value of hard work, dedication, and education to improve my life. One of the most significant challenges I've encountered is the financial instability that comes with being the child of a single, immigrant farmworker. There were times when we struggled to make ends meet, and I had to work part-time to help support our family. Balancing work, school, and family responsibilities proved difficult, but it taught me time management, prioritization, and the value of perseverance. These experiences have strengthened my determination to succeed and given me a deep appreciation for the opportunities that education can offer. Through the challenges and obstacles I have faced, I have been shaped and molded into the person I am today. This includes a deep understanding and appreciation for the struggles and sacrifices that immigrant families endure in pursuit of a brighter future. I have come to realize that each individual has their own journey, their own struggles, and their own triumphs, and it is not our place to pass judgment based on their circumstances. This realization has greatly impacted my perspective on life, and I am grateful for the lessons I have learned through this adversity. My experiences have increased my empathy for others, particularly those in similar situations. I understand the difficulties of juggling school and family responsibilities, and I know how isolating it can be. To help others, I've become actively involved in my community, volunteering at local food banks and tutoring the children of my mother's coworkers who are immigrants. I tell them my story, offering encouragement and practical advice on how to overcome their difficulties. I believe that by sharing our experiences and helping one another, we can build a stronger, more resilient community. Finally, adversity has shaped my character, altered my perspective on the world, and increased my empathy for others. It has fueled my ambition and desire to succeed, not only for myself but also for my family and community. I am determined to use my experiences to positively impact and support others who are facing similar challenges. I am immensely grateful for your time and attention in reading my essay. As a student with big dreams and a deep desire to succeed, I cannot express enough how much this scholarship would mean not only to me but also to my family. This opportunity would not only alleviate the financial burden on my loved ones, but it would also pave the way for me to pursue my education at a prestigious four-year university. With unwavering determination and a burning passion for learning, I am resolute in seizing this chance to further my academic journey and accomplish my aspirations. Your kind consideration holds immeasurable value to me, and I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to share my unique story with you
      Resilient Scholar Award
      I was born in the small town of Toppenish, Washington, and from a young age, I experienced frequent moves between schools and houses. Eventually, I settled in Toppenish and it has become my home. However, my childhood was not without its challenges. When I was younger, 3-4 years old, I almost got diagnosed with Autism because I couldn't talk, especially since I was shy. I would try to speak, but all that would come out was gibberish. This frustrated and misunderstood me, as I struggled to communicate with those around me. Thankfully, my mother took me to a Hearing & Speech Center where they told her I could talk with time. This experience taught me the value of perseverance and never giving up, even when faced with obstacles. I am the only child from my mother's side, and she has played the role of both a mother and a father in my life. While my father hasn't been around, my mother works hard to support our small family. Growing up in a low-income household, my mother works in the fields. She wakes up at 3 am to make her lunch, goes to work at 5 am, and arrives home at 7 pm exhausted, especially during the hot sun. She pays rent and sacrifices herself to provide for our family. Seeing her hard work and determination has instilled in me a strong work ethic and the importance of never taking anything for granted. One of my greatest passions is music, specifically singing. I have been a part of the Chamber Choir at my high school for four years, allowing me to express myself and connect with others through music. Being a part of this choir has improved my vocal skills and taught me the value of teamwork and collaboration. We work together to create beautiful harmonies and performances, and it has taught me the importance of supporting and uplifting others. An accomplishment that has led to a new understanding of myself and others was when I joined a community service project to help organize a toy train Christmas event. It was such a magical experience. Seeing the joy on the faces of families and children as they got to meet Santa, ride the train, and enjoy cookies and hot chocolate was truly heartwarming. We also organized a scavenger hunt, which added an extra layer of excitement and fun. It made me realize the importance of creating special moments for others and the impact that small gestures can have on bringing happiness to people's lives during the holiday season. This experience also taught me the power of community and coming together to make a positive difference in the world. Lastly, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the person who established this scholarship for students from single-parent households, including myself. As a first-generation student, I've faced numerous obstacles while pursuing my education. This scholarship would not only relieve my family's expenses but also allow me to continue my education at a four-year university. I am determined to take advantage of this opportunity and use it to advance my education and achieve my goals. Thank you so much for your time and consideration; it means the world to me.