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Faith Gortman


Bold Points






My name is Faith Gortman. I am an Asian-American young adult born in Guangzhou, China, and came to the US adopted by my Caucasian mother at age 4. I had surgery on my heart due to a small hole that ended up with a tiny murmur and was considered to have a Congenital Heart Defect (CHD). I currently attend North Carolina State University with a major in Civil Engineering and a minor in Chinese Studies. I am part of NC State's American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).


North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Civil Engineering
  • Minors:
    • Southeast Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
    • South Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
    • East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
  • GPA:

Ronald W Reagan High School

High School
2018 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Civil Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Manager, leader, and/or creative director

    • Team Member

      American Society of Civil Engineers
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Instructor

      TRU Taekwondo
      2019 – Present5 years


    Mixed Martial Arts

    2018 – Present6 years


    • Awarded 1st Degree Black Belt in 2021
    • Awarded 2nd Degree Black Belt in 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      American Society of Civil Engineers (NC State Club) — Member
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      TRU Taekwondo — Instructor
      2019 – Present

    Future Interests




    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    In the vast realm of streaming platforms, where an endless array of content vies for attention, some classics stand out as timeless gems that continue to capture the hearts of audiences across generations. One such masterpiece is the beloved sitcom "The Golden Girls," a show that not only defined an era but has also left an indelible mark on the landscape of television. As Netflix continually evolves its library to cater to diverse tastes and preferences, it's high time to consider the inclusion of "The Golden Girls" – a show that transcends time, bringing laughter, warmth, and a touch of wisdom to viewers young and old. Originally airing from 1985 to 1992, "The Golden Girls" follows the lives of four women – Dorothy Zbornak (Bea Arthur), Blanche Devereaux (Rue McClanahan), Rose Nylund (Betty White), and Sophia Petrillo (Estelle Getty) – who share a home in Miami. Each character brings a unique personality and background to the mix, creating a dynamic that is entertaining and deeply relatable. The show's enduring popularity can be attributed to the impeccable chemistry among its cast, the timeless themes it explores, and the blend of humor and heart that has made it a cultural touchstone. One compelling reason for Netflix to consider adding "The Golden Girls" to its library lies in the cross-generational appeal. Despite its original run concluding almost three decades ago, the humor and themes explored in the series remain as relevant today as they were in the '80s and '90s. The camaraderie and witty banter between the characters transcend age barriers, making "The Golden Girls" a show that resonates with viewers of all generations. From the humorous escapades to the heartfelt moments of friendship and family, the series offers a timeless viewing experience that continues to attract new audiences. The show's enduring popularity is not only a testament to its humor but also to its exploration of universal themes. "The Golden Girls" fearlessly tackled societal issues with grace and humor, addressing topics regarding aging, relationships, and the importance of chosen family. By navigating these themes with authenticity and a touch of comedy, the show created a space for open conversations, breaking down stereotypes associated with growing older. In a cultural landscape that increasingly values inclusivity and diversity, "The Golden Girls" stands out as a trailblazer, featuring a strong, independent, and diverse cast of women. Adding "The Golden Girls" to the Netflix library aligns seamlessly with the platform's commitment to offering a diverse range of content. The show's portrayal of strong, independent women who embrace their individuality and support each other through life's ups and downs is a celebration of diversity and empowerment. In a world where representation matters, "The Golden Girls" serves as a timeless example of how storytelling can transcend societal norms and create characters that resonate with a broad audience. Furthermore, the binge-worthy nature of "The Golden Girls" makes it a perfect fit for the streaming culture fostered by platforms like Netflix. The witty writing, relatable characters, and timeless appeal of the show create an irresistible recipe for marathon viewing. By bringing "The Golden Girls" to its library, Netflix caters to the nostalgia of existing fans and introduces this classic sitcom to a new generation of viewers who may have missed out on its original run. In conclusion, "The Golden Girls" is a treasure trove of laughter, friendship, and wisdom that deserves a prominent place in Netflix's extensive catalog. As we navigate an era of streaming where content is king, "The Golden Girls" stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling that transcends time and generations.
    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    The most influential person in my life is undoubtedly my mom. From the moment of my adoption in December 2007, she has been my unwavering supporter, shaping my character and guiding me through life's challenges. She is not just a "ride-or-die"; she is my role model. One pivotal decision she made showcased her foresight and dedication to my well-being. At age 4, my mom contemplated enrolling me in school the following year. Recognizing my lack of readiness and limited understanding of English, she decided to delay my entry until I turned 5. This decision, although seemingly little, set the tone for the years to come, emphasizing her commitment to ensuring I had the best possible start in my educational journey. Throughout my academic years, my mom's support remained unwavering. Despite the challenges faced as a single mom, she attended every significant event in my life. From the Christmas Pageant in 3rd grade to being inducted into the Honor Society in 8th grade, she prioritized my education, making sacrifices to be present for every milestone. Her dedication transcended the physical and financial hardships, highlighting her belief in the transformative power of education. Life took an unexpected turn when my mom lost her job, altering the trajectory of our lives. Witnessing her resilience during this period left an indelible mark on me. Rather than succumb to adversity, my mom decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in nursing while simultaneously caring for me. This experience revealed her strength and independence, demonstrating that challenges are inevitable, but one's response defines character. As a child, I had little knowledge of the full extent of my mom's struggles. Despite the difficulties, she continued attending school events and supporting me without faltering. Her ability to navigate the complexities of balancing work, education, and parenthood left a lasting impression. Witnessing her earn her Bachelor's degree in 2015, a feat achieved amidst my transition from elementary to middle school, influenced me in the importance of perseverance and hard work. Today, my mom's influence persists as I embark on my journey toward a bachelor's degree in engineering at North Carolina State University. Her unwavering support extends beyond emotional encouragement; she continues to assist me in navigating the financial aspects of my education. Her sacrifices and accomplishments serve as a constant reminder that challenges are surmountable with determination and resilience. In conclusion, my mom's influence on my life is immeasurable. From delaying my entry into school for my benefit to navigating the complexities of single parenthood and pursuing higher education in the face of adversity, she has been a beacon of strength and resilience. Her unwavering support has shaped my values, instilling in me the importance of education, perseverance, and the belief that challenges are growth opportunities. Reflecting on her journey, the sacrifices made were not just for herself but for my future as well serving as a constant reminder. As I navigate the challenges of college, I carry with me the lessons she taught through her experiences. I applaud and admire everything my mom has provided and given to me ever since she adopted me from China and I could not ask for more. She is the one person who I go to for anything and her strength of what she has gone through was something I could not imagine possible. My mother is a role model.
    Koehler Family Trades and Engineering Scholarship
    From a young age, my fascination with the intricate dance of mathematics and the allure of architectural marvels set me on a path to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in the Chinese language at North Carolina State University. The journey towards this academic pursuit is deeply intertwined with the values instilled in me by my mother. This resilient and inspiring figure navigated the challenges of single motherhood and guided me through the complexities of life. The allure of engineering lies in its capacity to unravel mathematical applications and solve real-world problems. The joy derived from finding solutions to complex issues is a driving force that has shaped my educational aspirations. The melding of my passion for mathematics with a keen appreciation for the intricacies of constructed spaces fuels my desire to contribute to the world as a Civil Engineer. As I delve into the branch of Civil Engineering, I envision playing a pivotal role in creating sustainable, resilient, and environmentally friendly infrastructures. The built environment, comprising office buildings, hospitals, apartments, and homes, is a testament to human progress. With the ever-growing global population and the pressing need for ecological consciousness, engineers bear the burden of designing and constructing structures that withstand the test of time while minimizing their environmental impact. My vision transcends the mere construction of physical spaces; it includes enhancing transportation systems, establishing efficient road patterns, and constructing additional homes to meet the escalating demand for shelter. The role of a Civil Engineer goes beyond resolving immediate issues. Their role involves the envisioning and implementation of solutions that take into account the long-term impact on both humanity and the planet. The decision to pursue a minor in the Chinese language is driven by a personal matter of learning where I came from. Proficiency in Mandarin will not only broaden my knowledge of my native culture but will also broaden my cultural horizons. Language, like engineering, is a bridge that connects people and ideas, and I aim to harness this connection to contribute meaningfully to global advancements. Reflecting on my upbringing and life events, my mother emerges as a central figure whose strength and resilience have left an indelible mark on my character. Adopted from China at age four, I faced the challenge of acclimating to a new country and language. My mother's unwavering support and wisdom guided her decision to delay my entry into school, recognizing the importance of linguistic readiness for a successful educational journey. The narrative took a transformative turn as my mother faced the adversity of job loss. In the face of financial hardship, she exhibited extraordinary courage by returning to school to pursue a bachelor's degree in nursing. Her journey epitomizes the spirit of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of education to overcome challenges. Observing her resilience in challenging circumstances has deeply influenced me, molding my values and strengthening my resolve to contribute positively to the world. In conclusion, my passion for Civil Engineering and the Chinese language is not merely an academic pursuit but a reflection of an immense commitment to contribute to society and the world. My upbringing, characterized by my mother's steadfast support, has instilled in me the significance of resilience, determination, and the transformative influence of education. As I venture into this educational odyssey, I carry the idea that engineering transcends the mere construction of buildings; it is a means of sculpting a sustainable and interconnected future for generations to follow.
    Women in STEM Scholarship
    From the early days of my academic journey, the allure of STEM, particularly in the realm of mathematics, has been a guiding force. The prospect of delving into the intricacies of engineering, and understanding how buildings are constructed, maintained, regulated, and designed, has always resonated with me. Mathematics has provided a platform for intellectual challenge and critical thinking. As a woman with a passion for numbers and problem-solving, I am not only drawn to the concrete world of calculations but also inspired by the broader objectivity that STEM subjects encompass. My journey into the world of STEM relates to my experience as a bilingual individual. English, my second language, presents challenges in terms of grammar and language nuances, which often hinder my comprehension in the context of reading and analyzing complex texts. In contrast, mathematics offers a harbor space where the clarity of numerical solutions provides a satisfying experience. The allure of engineering lies not only in its mathematical rigor but also in physics principles, exploring the physical properties of matter, weight, and motion. This comprehensive integration of math and physics propels my fascination with engineering, making it a compelling subject that engages my mind in many ways. However, the journey into STEM, particularly for women, has its challenges. STEM careers have historically been dominated by a singular demographic, a strong male presence that has perpetuated stereotypes about gender-specific roles. Society, consciously or subconsciously, tends to pigeonhole men into careers that involve creating and shaping the physical world, such as building machines, structures, and vehicles. On the other hand, women are often nudged toward people-centric roles like teaching, nursing, or caregiving, fostering the notion that their place is in fields dealing with interpersonal relationships rather than in the technical domains of science and engineering. This stark gender divide has profound implications for women entering STEM careers, especially engineering. The biases and stereotypes surrounding women's perceived inadequacy in understanding mechanics or science create an environment that can be challenging to navigate. The prevailing societal norms make it apparent that a woman in engineering might face skepticism and resistance, with the assumption that her capabilities are limited in the face of traditionally male-dominated professions. Despite the strides towards inclusivity in recent years, there is still a glaring underrepresentation of women in STEM roles. The systemic challenges and biases, often perpetuated by male counterparts, continue to hinder the full integration of women into STEM careers. While the STEM field has gradually become more inclusive, there is still work to be done to dismantle these biases and create a genuinely equitable environment. Women should not be obliged to work harder or face additional hurdles simply because of their gender. The path to STEM should be based on merit, skills, and passion rather than preconceived notions about what women can or cannot do. In the face of these challenges, I remain resolute in my belief that my identity as a woman should not dictate the opportunities or challenges I encounter in my pursuit of a STEM career. My commitment extends beyond personal success; I aspire to be a catalyst for change, inspiring other women to break through these barriers and pursue their passion for STEM. In conclusion, my choice to pursue STEM, particularly engineering, is fueled by a deep-seated passion for mathematics and problem-solving. As a woman in the field, I am aware of the challenges that exist but am unwavering in my commitment to redefine boundaries and contribute to a more equitable and diverse STEM landscape.
    Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
    As a 20-year-old Asian preparing to embark on my undergraduate journey in Civil Engineering at North Carolina State University, my narrative is intricately woven with the threads of cultural diversity, personal growth, and an unshakeable love for mathematics. My adoptive mother, a single parent, and my unwavering pillar of support have played a pivotal role in shaping my trajectory and aspirations. Adopted by my Caucasian mother at the age of 4, I entered a world that embraced both cultural diversity and a tremendous commitment to nurturing potential. My mother, a remarkable woman, became not only my parent but also my #1 supporter, guiding me through the labyrinth of life with unmatched dedication. She has been more than a "ride-or-die"; she is my role model. When contemplating my educational journey, it's impossible not to reflect on the profound decision my mother made when I was 4-years-old. Recognizing my limited English comprehension and readiness for school, she chose to defer my enrollment until I turned 5. This decision, made with my best interests in mind, set the tone for a supportive and understanding relationship that has been the bedrock of my academic journey. During my educational years, my mother's sacrifices and unwavering commitment were evident. Despite her demanding schedule, she attended countless school events, from Christmas pageants to graduations, ensuring she played an active role in every milestone of my life. Her presence was a testament to the importance she placed on being an integral part of my educational journey. The trajectory of our lives took an unexpected turn when my mother lost her job. Despite the challenges, she exhibited resilience that left an indelible mark on my character. Opting to return to school for a bachelor's degree in nursing while simultaneously caring for me, my mother showcased strength and independence. Witnessing her navigate the complexities of balancing education, unemployment, and parenthood left an emotional impact on me. My mother's unwavering dedication to her education, even during tumultuous times, became a source of inspiration. Completing her bachelor's degree in 2015 amidst the transition from elementary to middle school, she demonstrated overcoming adversity with determination and courage. Her achievement instilled in me the belief that if she could endure and triumph, so could I. Today, as I stand on the threshold of my college education in engineering, my mother continues to be my beacon of support. Her financial assistance for the next four years at North Carolina State University is a testament to her enduring commitment to my educational goals. I am profoundly aware that without her sacrifices, guidance, and unwavering support, my journey into civil engineering would have been a far more arduous undertaking. In conclusion, my story is not just a narrative of personal and academic growth; it is a testament to the profound impact a single, dedicated individual can have on another's life. As I venture into the world of Civil Engineering, armed with a passion for mathematics and a vision for the future, I carry the invaluable lessons of resilience, determination, and unwavering support that my mother has bestowed upon me. She is not just my mother but also my role model—a testimony to the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I envision my future self as a dedicated and passionate engineer who will have accomplished her goals of making the world a better place through innovative solutions for addressing global challenges and inspiring the next generation of aspiring engineers to join me on this transformative journey.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    When reflecting on what makes me a leader, I attribute a significant part of my leadership journey to my experiences in Taekwondo. My introduction to Taekwondo was far from conventional. Rather than being drawn to the sport for self-defense or physical strength, I initially embarked on this journey inspired by an anime character. This character's fearless demeanor and ability to dominate opponents with Aikido fascinated me. Therefore, that fascination led me to explore martial arts, seeking empowerment and self-confidence. However, my perception of Taekwondo quickly evolved as I delved deeper into the discipline. I discovered that it encompassed much more than the physical aspects of combat; it was a holistic approach to personal development and leadership. For four years at TRU Taekwondo, I honed those qualities that have defined me as a leader. One pivotal moment in my Taekwondo journey was the invitation to join the leadership team just one year after I had started my training. This opportunity marked a significant turning point in my life and introduced me to the essence of leadership within the Taekwondo community. Trust, one of the core tenets of Taekwondo, became a foundational element in my journey as a leader. I learned that trust was about physical competence and being there for others when they needed guidance, support, or even a boost of confidence. Parents trusted the instructors and masters to ensure their children's well-being, making the principle behind trust multifaceted within the Taekwondo community. As a leader, I understood that maintaining and upholding this trust was one of the crucial responsibilities, and I worked tirelessly to nurture it. Respect, another vital component of Taekwondo philosophy, became ingrained in my character. It involved treating others with consideration and adhering to the principle of "treat others the way you want to be treated.” Initially, I struggled with using honorifics and expressing gratitude, but to TRU Taekwondo, these gestures were essential. I realized the profound significance of these courtesies and how they contributed to a respectful and harmonious training environment. This understanding enhanced my ability to interact respectfully with others. Understanding others was a more complex challenge I faced on my leadership journey. It was difficult for me to comprehend why constant motivation and encouragement were necessary, specifically when someone performed well. Over time, I grasped its meaning; it was not about praise but also about building confidence, pushing individuals to reach their full potential, and fostering a positive and supportive atmosphere. For instance, I witnessed the power of motivation in action when I joined the leadership team and began teaching others the art of Taekwondo. By constantly motivating our students, we boosted their confidence and created a fun and supportive atmosphere that enhanced their learning experience. This insight allowed me to develop patience and empathy as a leader. My journey as a Taekwondo instructor has done more than just enrich my martial arts skills; it has also equipped me with invaluable leadership qualities. Today, I possess greater self-confidence and patience that have been proven indispensable in leading and inspiring others, both within and outside the dojo. In conclusion, my leadership journey, intertwined with Taekwondo, has been a transformative experience. The martial art that began as an interest in personal empowerment has shaped me into a leader who values trust and respect for others and seeks to understand and motivate those around me. These qualities have enhanced my martial arts journey and have empowered me to be a leader in various aspects of my life, and I am grateful for the profound lessons it has imparted to me.
    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    I love how Disney spreads its values and beliefs through its vast array of creations which can be traced back to the visionary Walt Disney. Disney achieves this through various mediums such as movies, TV shows, theme parks, and their iconic characters, all of which encompass the very essence of Walt's vision. As I reflect on my own life, I realize that nothing has the power to evoke memories of my childhood quite like Disney does. A poignant illustration of Disney's influence on me lies in the character that deeply resonated with my 4-year-old self - Stitch, one of the titular characters from Lilo and Stitch. Stitch serves as a mirror reflecting who I am, an "alien" navigating an unfamiliar country, embraced by an unconventional family led by a single Caucasian woman. Interestingly, this connection has only grown stronger with time. Like Stitch, I embrace my uniqueness, manifested through my blue hair and a shared predisposition for quirkiness, eccentricity, and boundless energy. Our lives are enriched by the unwavering love of our families, an unbreakable bond encapsulated by the words of Lilo and Stitch - "Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." This quote serves as a steadfast anchor in my journey. Upon deeper reflection, it is evident that Stitch isn't just a character I relate to; he is my unequivocal favorite among Disney characters. His creation showcases the boundless imagination of Disney's creators and Walt's ability to craft relatable characters that resonate universally. However, my connection with Disney is more than Stitch. Another character I profoundly connect with is Mulan. Beyond sharing physical and cultural identity traits with her, it is her core characteristics that truly captivate me. Mulan’s unwavering strength, intelligence, determination, and fierce independence are traits I deeply admire. She defies traditional familial and cultural norms, choosing a unique path to find her own identity and bring honor to her family. Mulan's journey has delved into the valuable lesson that societal expectations need not define one's identity. This message resonates deeply in my own life. Being an Asian woman, I often confront stereotypes and predetermined roles, but I have come to realize that my self-perception is paramount. I decide to embrace my Asian heritage, embodying qualities such as intellect and cultural practices, not as a form of validation for others but because they authentically define me. I stand tall as a determined, self-motivated, and intelligent Chinese woman navigating a world brimming with possibilities, creativity, and boundless love. Disney has created two characters through which I can always see myself and has taught me vastly about myself and who I can be. Stitch has taught me that family will always be there no matter what - full of unconditional love I get from my mom. Mulan has taught me to find myself and conquer obstacles that stand in the way of who I am and want to become. In essence, my affinity for Disney goes beyond mere entertainment; it is a profound connection that reinforces my sense of self, mirrors my unique journey, and fuels my aspirations to be true to who I am, just as the characters I adore have done.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    From the earliest days of my education, I grappled with math, struggling to grasp its concepts, and found myself especially challenged by the intricacies of word problems due to English being my second language. Those tangled paragraphs filled with numbers seemed incomprehensible and further distanced me from embracing the subject. However, one defining moment in elementary school changed my perspective entirely. I vividly recall a school event where students from different grades competed against each other in a thrilling match battle. The competition focused on multiplication and division, and as a fifth grader, I represented my class. In an unexpected turn of events, the numbers suddenly came alive for me. I surprised myself by swiftly answering questions and outperforming most students from other classes. It was an exhilarating experience, and in that moment, I discovered that math could be fun and captivating, especially when it became a challenge to conquer. As I continued my journey with math, the struggle persisted, but I started to see its allure. Although I could effectively solve math problems, I found it somewhat challenging to articulate the processes behind my solutions. Nevertheless, the thrill of tackling higher-level math and engaging in critical thinking drew me deeper into the subject. The inherent objectivity of math captivated me deeply. Regardless of the diverse methods and formulas employed to solve problems, the outcomes consistently provided a profound sense of fulfillment upon reaching a solution. Math transformed into an enthralling pursuit that stimulated my mind to think with heightened critical ingenuity. Beyond the allure of math itself, I marveled at its countless real-world applications. Engineers, for instance, harnessed the power of math and physics to construct, maintain, and regulate public works, showcasing the practicality of the subject in creating tangible solutions. I realized that math permeated my daily life, from simple acts like paying bills to more complex tasks such as determining computer data/storage or calculating distances between two locations. Its omnipresence astonished me; math's reach extended far beyond the confines of a classroom, leaving a profound impact on the world we inhabit. Yet, what fascinated me even more was the interconnectedness of math with other disciplines like science and physics. My initial misconception about math being confined to mere calculations shattered as I discovered its profound implications in various fields. The realization that numbers played a pivotal role in shaping people's lives and driving the progress of our society opened up endless possibilities for both individuals and the world at large. The mysteries of the universe, too, were within the grasp of mathematics, offering a tantalizing prospect of unraveling the unknown and contributing to the betterment of our world. In conclusion, math has transitioned from a formidable struggle to a source of endless fascination and wonder. My journey with this subject has not only shaped my understanding of the world but also instilled in me a deep appreciation for its versatility and impact on our daily lives. As I continue to explore its intricacies, I eagerly anticipate uncovering new insights and embracing the boundless opportunities it presents. Math, with its consistent logic and profound applications, holds the key to unlocking the universe's potential and, in turn, our capabilities.
    Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
    As a member of an underrepresented minority population in the STEM field, I have always been interested in pursuing a degree in STEM, specifically math and engineering. My passion for math stems from English being my second language, and I have found that numbers come more naturally to me. While I struggle with grammar and speech in English, I thrive when working with numbers and solving mathematical problems. The challenges of higher-level math not only engage my critical thinking skills but also provide me with a sense of satisfaction when I arrive at a solution. However, pursuing a career in STEM as a woman from an underrepresented minority background presents its collection of challenges. The field is predominantly male-dominated, and the lack of female representation is evident. Society often perpetuates stereotypes by associating men with technical fields like engineering, while women are associated with careers that involve nurturing or caring for others. These biased beliefs lead to the underrepresentation of women in STEM careers and contribute to a stigma that can hinder progress and opportunities. I am well aware that entering the engineering field as a woman from an underrepresented minority background may subject me to doubt and discrimination. Some individuals may question my ability to contribute to the construction of buildings or understand the intricacies of how machines work. It is disheartening that women in STEM often have to work harder to prove themselves and face barriers that their male counterparts may not encounter. The perception that certain groups are less capable or belong to specific roles creates a harmful environment that limits diversity and stifles innovation. However, I am determined not to let these obstacles dissuade me from pursuing my passion. I wholeheartedly believe that a person's value should not be determined by their appearance or background but rather by their skills, knowledge, and unwavering dedication to their chosen field. I am committed to breaking through these barriers and making a difference in the STEM community. I recognize that progress has done away in creating a more inclusive environment for women in STEM, but there is still a long way to go. I am fascinated by the increasing number of opportunities for women to explore and excel in STEM careers. By pursuing my degree in STEM and entering the engineering field, I aim to contribute to the ongoing efforts to promote diversity and inclusivity. In conclusion, my identity as a member of an underrepresented minority population in the STEM field will undoubtedly shape my path. I am ready to embrace the challenges and work towards undermining the existing barriers. Through my dedication, perseverance, and the support of like-minded individuals, I am confident that I can make an impact and inspire future generations of underrepresented individuals to pursue their dreams in STEM.
    Iftikhar Kamil Madni Science and Engineering Memorial Scholarship
    Choosing a career path is a deeply personal decision, influenced by a combination of factors and experiences. Reflecting on my journey, I can trace the roots of my career choice back to a transformative moment in my childhood. As a young student struggling with the challenges of learning math in a language that was not my first, I often found myself perplexed by abstract calculations that seemed disconnected from the world around me. However, one day, like a switch being flipped, the world of numbers suddenly made sense to me. It was an epiphany that sparked an internal fascination with the complexities of mathematics and its practical applications. Throughout my high school years, I continued this newfound passion for numbers, seeking a career that would allow me to combine my love for math with my desire to work with my hands and engage with the world. During this period of self-exploration, I gravitated towards engineering, recognizing it as a discipline that could encompass all of these elements. Yet, it was only when I began pondering the processes behind the construction of buildings and the design of infrastructure that my path became transparent. The questions that often crossed my mind, such as "How is that towering structure constructed?" or "What are the meticulous steps involved in designing a road for optimal traffic flow?" drove me to seek a deeper understanding of the complexities that underlie the creation of public works. I long to unravel the mysteries of how these marvels of human ingenuity are brought to life, step by step, from their very foundations. It is in the field of Civil Engineering that I find my future self in this position. I am inspired by the prospect of delving into the multifaceted world of infrastructure, utilizing my mathematical sharpness and technical skills to contribute to the design and development of society's essential systems. I envision myself as a passionate civil engineer willing to embrace the challenges and responsibilities of shaping the physical world around us. The best thing a Civil engineer could do to make the world a better place is to use the skills and knowledge one has to come up with ideas and plans on what could be improved or how it can be better. Advanced technology is the pen, the world and everything in it is the paper, and an engineer is a person behind the pen - we decide how we want to utilize the tools and what we can make with them. In the future, post-graduation, I see myself actively engaged in a professional setting, collaborating with a diverse team of experts to tackle complex projects that surpass mere calculations on paper. Whether it be designing sustainable buildings that blend in with the environment or constructing efficient transportation networks that enhance people's lives, I aspire to be at the forefront of innovation and progress. Beyond the realm of individual projects, I envision myself making a lasting impact on communities, improving the lives of those who rely on the infrastructure we build. By implementing environmentally-friendly practices, prioritizing safety, and embracing technological advancements, I aim to contribute to a future where sustainable development and human well-being go hand in hand. ln conclusion, my journey toward a career in Civil Engineering has been fueled by a childhood fascination with math, a desire to work with my hands, and an insatiable curiosity for the construction and design of public infrastructure. I am driven to pursue this path with steadfast determination and passion, seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world through the power of engineering.
    Sola Family Scholarship
    My mom has been and will always be my #1 supporter in anything I do and hope to accomplish. She was a single mom at the time of my adoption, in December 2007. No one can compare to how she is always there by my side through the good and bad times. My mom would say that she is my "ride-or-die" but she is more than that - she is my role model. When I was 4-years-old, my mom considered putting me into school the following school year. However, she thought it would be beneficial for me to wait another year in starting school at the age of 5 because she knew I was not ready and also had little comprehension of the English language. Ever since then, she had no regrets about waiting another year for me to start school. All through my educational years, she was always there to support me regardless of how much she worked and sacrificed for herself just so I would have the education I needed. The Christmas Pageant in 3rd grade, Christmas carols in 4th grade, the Three Little Pigs play in 1st grade, being inducted into the Honor Society in 8th grade, and all three graduations are just a few of the many events my mom went to. It did not matter how hard she worked just to support us both; she knew that it was vital for her to be a part of my life through everything and she did not want to let me down. When everything seemed right in the world for my mom and me, that all changed when my mom lost her job. I did not understand at the time how life-changing it was going to be for my mom and what our life was going to be like from then on. Nevertheless, my mom picked herself up and decided to go back to school to get her bachelor's degree in nursing, while simultaneously taking care of me. That pivotal moment in my mom's life has shown that the world is not going to be easy for her and me. I came to learn and truly understand that my mom was a strong and independent woman who knew she had to fight through the struggles of losing a job, going to school again, and most of all, having a child to care for and protect. As a child, I was aware of some things my mom was experiencing, but she never let it affect me and regardless of what it was, she never stopped attending school events and continued to support me. On top of that, she completed her Bachelor's degree in 2015 while I was also transitioning from elementary to middle school. I knew that my mom was proud of what she accomplished through the struggles and sacrifices of school and me. If my mom could do all that, then I should be able to do the same thing. Today, my mom continues to support me in my educational goals by helping me pay for the next 4 years of college at North Carolina State University as I plan to get a bachelor's degree in engineering. I applaud and admire everything my mom has provided to me ever since she adopted me from China and I could not ask for more. She is the one person who I go to for anything and her strength of what she has gone through was something I could not imagine possible. There is nothing more stronger and powerful than a mother's unconditional love for their child(ren).
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    My mom has been and will always be my #1 supporter in anything I do and hope to accomplish. She was a single mom at the time of my adoption, in December 2007; no one can compare to how she is always there by my side through the good and bad times. My mom would say that she is my "ride-or-die" but she is more than that - she is my role model. When I was 4-years-old, my mom considered putting me into school the following school year. However, she thought it would be beneficial for me to wait another year in starting school at the age of 5 because she knew I was not ready and also had little comprehension of the English language. Ever since then, she had no regrets about waiting another year for me to start school. All through my educational years, she was always there to support me regardless of how much she worked and sacrificed for herself just so I would have the education I needed. The Christmas Pageant in 3rd grade, Christmas carols in 4th grade, the Three Little Pigs play in 1st grade, being inducted into the Honor Society in 8th grade, and all three graduations are just a few of the many events my mom went to. It did not matter how hard she worked just to support us both; she knew that it was vital for her to be a part of my life through everything and she did not want to let me down. When everything seemed right in the world for my mom and me, that all changed when my mom lost her job. I did not understand at the time how life-changing it was going to be for my mom and what was our life going to be like from then on. Nevertheless, my mom picked herself up and decided to go back to school to get her bachelor's degree in nursing, while simultaneously taking care of me. That pivotal moment in my mom's life has shown that the world is not going to be easy for her and me. I came to learn and truly understand that my mom was a strong and independent woman who knew she had to fight through the struggles of losing a job, going to school again, and most of all, having a child to care for and protect. As a child, I was aware of some things my mom was experiencing, but she never let it affect me and regardless of what it was, she never stopped attending school events and continued to support me. On top of that, she completed her bachelor's degree in 2015 while I was also transitioning from elementary to middle school. I knew that my mom was proud of what she accomplished through the struggles and sacrifices of school and me. If my mom could do all that, then I should be able to do the same thing. Today, my mom continues to support me in my educational goals by helping me pay for the next 4 years of college at North Carolina State University as I plan to get a bachelor's degree in engineering. I applaud and admire everything my mom has provided and given to me ever since she adopted me from China and I could not ask for more. She is the one person who I go to for anything and her strength of what she has gone through was something I could not imagine possible. My mother is a role model.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    My favorite Disney character of all time is Stitch from the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch. My love of Stitch goes back to when I was 4-years-old and one of the first stuffed animals I have gotten from my mom. This was sometime after my adoption in 2007. I did not realize why I was so emotionally attached to a unique blue-looking alien, but there were many reasons why I was. For starters, I could relate to the blue alien such that I came to America and left China from a "foreign" country, eventually starting a new life here in the United States. Like Stitch, we were unfamiliar with our surroundings of a new and different place than we were used to and had to adjust/adapt to our new environment. The best thing we had in common was the loving family that adopted us because they knew we would bring so much joy, happiness, and more love into their lives. Aside from being adopted, it is funny to say that I might as well be the living embodiment of Stitch as in I have blue hair that appears to match his fur, nevertheless, it is quite intriguing. Of course, the blue hair and adoption do not stand alone to be "Stitch-like," rather, it is more of my quirks or weirdness that amplifies even more of how I embody Stitch. Like Stitch, we both do not care what anyone else thinks about us and how we can be our true ourselves, no matter what. One other thing that I love about Stitch that most people would not be able to understand is that he is the cutest Disney character I have ever seen and owned in my life. My mom and I would concur that I have always stuck by having Stitch around me, especially when I was little. My loyalty to Stitch was so immense to the point that nearly every time I watched Lilo and Stitch, I would always make sure I had Stitch literally by my side with me, holding him, as "we" both watched the movie. All in all, it is abundantly clear that Stitch will always be my favorite Disney character, alien, blue fur creature, and the cutest stuffed animal of all time - no doubt about it. No other Disney character or Princess could ever top my favorite Disney character of all time.
    Engineers of the Future Scholarship
    I have always wanted to pursue a degree in STEM that involved specifically math. Becoming an engineer would be a great experience to have because I would gain greater knowledge of how buildings are constructed, maintained, regulated, and designed. With that being said, my major in engineering would combine perfectly well with my minor in Chinese if and whenever I communicate/make a deal with someone from the Eastern side of the world, which would benefit me and my future company. Regardless of what engineering I officially decide to major in - all I know is that it has to involve 3 things: math, being outside, and using my hands. With math being my favorite subject of all time, I wanted a job that dealt with calculating numbers because I find it to be fun and fascinating. I enjoy the challenges the higher level of math brings in my life when dealing with numbers and how it involves critical thinking. I am specifically drawn to the objectivity of what STEM subjects consist of. While there are different methods and/or formulas of solving problems in math, the outcome remains consistent. There is usually no silver lining in general math problems but they engage and sharpen your brain to use it in a more critical/analytical sense.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    From a young age, math was a subject I used to struggle with and could not seem to get a full grasp on. This was mainly due to the fact that since English was my second language - reading word problems was the main reason I struggled with that particular subject. The numbers were less of an issue compared to that of the math word problems I had to read and they were incomprehensible for me to understand. Despite all the struggles with math, I eventually came to learn and see that numbers were more fun to solve and calculate. Not long after, I came to understand that math came more naturally to me than any other subjects like English, history, and science. With that being said - I enjoy the challenges the higher level of math brings in my life when dealing with numbers and how it involves critical thinking. I am especially drawn to the objectivity of the subject. While there are different methods and/or formulas of solving problems in math, the outcome remains consistent. With math problems, it satisfies me to see that I can solve a problem without any silver lining to it or many interpretations. In short, math is a compelling subject that engages my brain to think more critically. The notion that math is used everyday in people's lives and how it can apply to real world applications is immeasurable. It is amazing how everything in the world can be applied to math and the way people display their knowledge of it. Simple as adding taxes to the cost of a meal or purchasing clothes/items/merchandise. There is so much more to math than meets the eye because it plays a critical role in people's daily lives and also opens up to the endless possibilities of what we can discover that could help our world be better - whether it be the unknown and/or world.
    Show your Mettle - Women in STEM Scholarship
    I have always wanted to pursue a degree in STEM that involved specifically math. Becoming an engineer would be a great experience to have because I would gain greater knowledge of how buildings are constructed, maintained, regulated, and designed. With math being my favorite subject of all time, I wanted a job that dealt with calculating numbers because I find it to be fun and usually fascinating. I enjoy the challenges the higher level of math brings in my life when dealing with numbers and how it involves critical thinking. I am specifically drawn to the objectivity of what STEM subjects consist of. While there are different methods and/or formulas of solving problems in math, the outcome remains consistent. My love of math comes from the fact that English is my second language and that numbers just come more naturally to me. With English, I tend to struggle with grammar and language that may skew my understanding when it comes to reading/analyzing books, essays, articles, etc. Math, on the other hand, focuses more on calculating numbers that gives me a satisfying feeling when finding a solution to the problem. Because of my fascination with higher levels of math, I like how engineering incorporates a lot of mathematics in solving problems. Aside from numbers, I also find the physics side of engineering appealing which involves physical properties of matter, weight, and motion. In short, math is a compelling subject that engages my brain to think more critically. No job is perfect in any sense regarding its subject or field. A STEM career consists of mainly one demographic, which is the strong presence of males and how it lacks female presence. It is very common that males are targeted towards building/making machines, buildings, and cars - basically the working field. While women, on the other hand, are geared towards people in general such as a teacher, nurse, or babysitter. In essence, women deal with the people, while men deal with the mechanics and/or science of life. With those ideals in mind, there's no doubt that someone will question or disregard what a woman is doing in the engineering field, hence the lack of female presence in STEM careers. Most people, supposedly men, are more likely to make the STEM careers harder for women than it should be because they perceive us to be incapable of constructing buildings or knowing how a car works. It is not fair for anyone, especially women, to work harder for their job that may not require as much as people can make it out to be based on their sex or background. Overtime, people have been more open-minded to letting women join/learn more about career options regarding STEM. The STEM field has improved more on being inclusive towards women, but most of those jobs still present a large presence of males. I believe that no matter what obstacles/cracks that may occur in my future job and life, I won't let someone degrade me for who or what I am to them, rather what I do with my job. A person should not be defined by their appearance, background, values/beliefs, but rather by what they choose to do with their life and career.
    Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
    I am an 18-year-old asian who plans to attend North Carolina State University for my undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering and also a minor in Chinese studies/language. At the age of 4, I was adopted by my caucasian mom who wanted to have a child to love and care for - basically she wanted to be a mother. I enjoy listening to music, specifically pop rock, pop, and some country along with it. Some of my music consist of 80's/90's music and the other half being 2010's music. My favorite subject of all time is math because I like how the higher levels of that particular subject challenges me to use my brain in a more critical/analytical sense of thinking that engages my attention. When it comes to dealing with number problems, it satisfies me to see that I can solve a problem without any silver lining to it or many interpretations. Throughout my high school years, I took Taekwondo as an activity/hobby that wasn't related to my school at all because they didn't offer any martial arts extracurricular activities. Therefore, this led me to find the right place to take a martial arts sport at a place called TRU Taekwondo. Before that, I took dance for 8 years (6-14), but quit after I realized that dance wasn't the sport I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Despite having taken dance longer than Taekwondo, I noticed that this particular martial arts has taught me a great deal about myself and how I have grown to be a better person by being more well-rounded in life. Not just seeing myself improve as a person, but also seeing how I can affect and impact others by being more generous, helpful, caring, empathetic, and understanding. My ideal career/job is not intertwined with Taekwondo, however, the skills and lessons I obtained from being a part of TRU's leadership team has significantly improved my confidence in communicating with others and taking charge. Without being part of that team, I wouldn't have the confidence to walk up to someone and start a conversation or not let people run all over me. People perceive Taekwondo as a sport where you learn to fight through kicking and punching, however, that's not the big picture of what TRU wants you to get from them. Their name stands for an acronym of TRU's values which are trust, respect, and understanding. One of their biggest values is family because they want to be a school or organization that includes everyone regardless of their background and love everyone for who they are. They are all about community and helping others as others have helped them. Family values is what holds people together, whether it be working together towards the greater good or make others feel like they belong and are no different. While Taekwondo and an engineering are not an ideal combination in shaping my reasons for selecting a math-related career; they are some of the things in my life that has made me more well-rounded and pushed me to do challenging things. In short, Taekwondo has shown me that there is more to life than just beating people up and getting what you want; it's about growing as a person, helping those who have helped you and loved you for who you are, and that anything is possible if you have determination, perseverance, and understanding.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    As a Taekwondo student and instructor, I came to understand what it truly means to Trust, Respect, and Understand each other. Trust is one of the most important and fundamental principles of building a good relationship with others. In Taekwondo, it’s important for students to know that they can trust the instructors and/or masters to be there when they need help, someone to talk to, or even just boost their confidence. Respect is another component I learned where it shows we are considerate of others and believe in “treat[ing] others the way [we] want to be treated.” For example, I rarely used the words ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ when addressing someone or even saying thank you because it wasn’t something I’ve said often enough. At TRU Taekwondo, saying thank you ma’am or sir and yes/no ma’am or sir, was one of the ways we showed our respect in class to the masters, instructors, and their peers. As I got used to saying those words, I finally understood the significance behind their meaning and how it demonstrates good manners. Understanding others is something I still struggle with to this day. For a long time, I could not apprehend why we had to always motivate someone every time they did something right. It eventually came to me that motivating the students came with benefits such as building up their confidence, pushing them to do the best of their abilities, and creating a fun atmosphere. Learning where others come from has provided me with the patience and understanding in dealing with people who may be having a bad day or a lack of confidence. Taekwondo has given me vital communication skills that will be an asset to me now and in the future.