For DonorsFor Applicants

Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship

5 winners, $500 each
Application Deadline
Feb 5, 2024
Winners Announced
Mar 5, 2024
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Two or four-year undergraduate student
Underrepresented minority
First-generation, low-income
2.8 or higher
Community service

Cheryl Twilley was a beloved mother who passed away too soon, leaving behind a legacy of generosity.

Cheryl believed in serving others and providing outreach to those who were experiencing socioeconomic adversity. Financial struggles are all too common, preventing many young people from being able to pursue their dreams and continue their education.

This scholarship seeks to honor the memory of Cheryl Twilley by supporting low-income students in their pursuit of higher education.

Any first-generation, low-income undergraduate student who is an underrepresented minority may apply for this scholarship if they have at least a 2.8 GPA and community service experience.

To apply, tell us about yourself, you plan to make a difference by addressing socioeconomic adversity, and how experiencing financial hardship has impacted your life and your goals.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Need
Published August 11, 2023
Essay Topic

Please tell us about yourself and how you plan to make a positive impact in your community or school to help address socioeconomic adversity. How has experiencing socioeconomic adversity influenced your beliefs, relationships, and future plans?

400–600 words

Winning Applications

CoraMay Boissiere
Riverside City CollegeBlythe, CA
I am a 24-year-old college student currently facing the challenges of homelessness and battling depression. Despite these adversities, I have found solace and inspiration in my passion for neuroscience, particularly in the fields of neuropsychology and criminology. I am currently in my last year at Riverside City College, eagerly working towards transferring to a four-year university to further pursue my studies and make a positive impact in my community. My personal experiences with homelessness and depression have deeply influenced my beliefs, relationships, and future plans. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has instilled in me a profound empathy for those facing similar struggles. It has ignited a fire within me to take action and make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities affected by socioeconomic challenges. In my community and school, I plan to leverage my knowledge and passion for neuroscience to address socioeconomic adversity. Firstly, I aim to raise awareness about the impact of socioeconomic factors on mental health and well-being. Through organizing workshops, participating in panel discussions, and initiating community dialogues, I hope to promote understanding and compassion for individuals battling homelessness, depression, and other challenges. Additionally, I plan to actively engage with existing organizations and initiatives that strive to alleviate socioeconomic adversity. By volunteering my time and skills, I can contribute to outreach programs that provide support, resources, and opportunities to underserved populations. Whether it be through mentoring, tutoring, or organizing educational events, I want to empower others to overcome their circumstances and pursue their dreams. Furthermore, I believe in the power of education as a means of breaking the cycle of socioeconomic adversity. In my future plans, I envision establishing scholarship programs or mentoring initiatives to support students from similar backgrounds. By providing financial assistance, mentorship, and guidance, I hope to empower these students to pursue higher education, unlock their potential, and create a positive impact in their own communities. Experiencing firsthand the challenges of homelessness and depression has also influenced my relationships. It has taught me the importance of empathy, compassion, and genuine connection. I have learned to appreciate the power of support systems and the impact they can have on one's journey towards overcoming adversity. Through my own experiences, I have developed a deep resolve to be a source of support and understanding for others facing similar challenges. Looking ahead, my future plans are driven by a commitment to make a lasting, positive impact. I aspire to become a doctor in neuroscience specializing in neuropsychology and criminology. Through this career path, I aim to conduct research that sheds light on the underlying factors contributing to socioeconomic adversity and its impact on mental health. I want to contribute to the development of evidence-based interventions and strategies that address the root causes of these challenges and promote social equity. In conclusion, my experiences with homelessness and depression have shaped my beliefs, relationships, and future plans in profound ways. They have fueled my passion for neuroscience, specifically neuropsychology and criminology, and ignited a deep desire to make a positive impact in my community. By raising awareness, engaging with organizations, supporting students, and pursuing a career in neuroscience, I hope to address socioeconomic adversity and contribute to a more equitable and compassionate society.
Nia Simpson
Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior HighDavie, FL
Growing up in the midst of socioeconomic adversity has intricately woven into the fabric of my identity, shaping my beliefs, relationships, and future aspirations. Born on March 14th, 2007, in Manchester, Jamaica, and later moving to Miami, Florida, my family's pursuit of a better life faced financial obstacles that manifested in moments of homelessness. These experiences, while challenging, have become the catalysts for my unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on my community and school. The adversities I faced instilled in me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of education. As district student of the week, this recognition underscored my commitment to academic excellence. Pursuing a Health Science major and an Associates Degree through Dual Enrollment at Miami-Dade College, my academic journey has been marked by resilience and determination. Education, for me, is not merely a pathway to personal success but a tool to break the chains of generational adversity. My dedication to addressing socioeconomic adversity extends beyond academics. Co-founding CompassionNest, a non-profit under Beknown (A business I Co-founded under the North Miami chamber of commerce), has been a testament to my commitment to community service. Experiencing homelessness twice, once at the age of seven and later from February 2023 to February 2024, has provided me with a firsthand understanding of the struggles faced by the local homeless community. CompassionNest focuses on providing essential items like blankets, canned meals, jackets, shoes, and tents to those in need, aiming to alleviate the challenges associated with homelessness. Socioeconomic adversity has not only influenced my beliefs but has also profoundly impacted my relationships. My family's financial struggles have created an unbreakable bond rooted in shared challenges and triumphs. The support from my parents, who worked tirelessly despite limited resources, has been the bedrock of my resilience. My relationship with my boyfriend, Sean, has further reinforced the importance of mutual support and shared aspirations. Together, we co-founded CompassionNest and have been working towards making a meaningful impact in the lives of those facing hardships. Looking towards the future, these experiences have charted a course for my aspirations. My dream of becoming a Gynecologist is not just a personal goal but a commitment to improving women's healthcare, especially in underserved communities. The University of Florida Honors, my top choice for college, represents an opportunity to further my education and contribute to innovative research initiatives. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has strengthened my resolve to make a lasting impact. My vision is to create a ripple effect of positive change in my community by leveraging education, advocacy, and community service. This commitment is rooted in a profound understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and families confronting similar circumstances. As I navigate the complexities of socioeconomic adversity, my journey becomes a testament to the transformative power of resilience, education, and the unwavering belief that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves the opportunity to thrive.
T'chel Jackson
Broward CollegeMiramar, FL
My journey has been shaped by the tapestry of experiences woven in the fabric of socioeconomic adversity. Raised in a community facing economic challenges, I have navigated the intricacies of financial hardship, and these experiences have profoundly influenced my beliefs, relationships, and aspirations for the future. Growing up in an environment where economic adversity was a daily reality, I developed a deep sense of empathy and compassion for those facing similar challenges. Witnessing the resilience of my community, I became acutely aware of the systemic barriers that perpetuate socioeconomic inequality. This awareness has ignited a passion within me to make a positive impact in my community and school, aiming to address the root causes of adversity. My commitment to fostering positive change revolves around creating opportunities for empowerment. As I embark on initiatives within my school, I plan to establish mentorship programs that connect students with professionals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. By bridging this gap, I hope to provide insights, guidance, and inspiration to those who may be navigating the challenges of economic adversity. Education will be a cornerstone of my efforts, advocating for resources and programs that level the playing field, ensuring every student has access to quality learning opportunities. Moreover, I recognize the power of community engagement in dismantling systemic barriers. Organizing workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns will be pivotal in fostering a collective understanding of the issues at hand. By collaborating with local organizations, I aim to develop programs that provide practical support, ranging from financial literacy to skills development, empowering individuals to break free from the cycle of socioeconomic adversity. Experiencing economic hardship has profoundly shaped my beliefs, reinforcing my conviction that everyone deserves equal opportunities irrespective of their socioeconomic background. It has also instilled in me the importance of forging meaningful relationships. In times of struggle, the support of friends and community proved to be a lifeline. This understanding of the strength inherent in community bonds has fueled my desire to cultivate an environment where individuals facing adversity can find support and solidarity. These experiences have not only informed my beliefs and relationships but have also influenced my future plans. As I pursue higher education, my goal is to study social sciences, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute meaningfully to the field of community development. I aspire to work collaboratively with policymakers, educators, and community leaders, advocating for systemic changes that address the root causes of socioeconomic adversity. In conclusion, my journey through socioeconomic adversity has not defined me; rather, it has propelled me toward a purpose-driven path. I am determined to make a positive impact in my community and school by addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate economic challenges. This journey has shaped my beliefs, strengthened my relationships, and inspired a vision for the future where everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has the opportunity to thrive.
Van Tiffany Tran
Butler Community CollegeWichita, KS
My name is Tiffany. I am a first-generation Asian American and a first-generation college student. My dad worked three jobs when I was a kid. My mom worked one but handled most things around the house. My parents separated when I was in grade school. I lived with my mother but my siblings stayed with my father. My mom and I ended up homeless at some point and stayed with family for a while. I went to four different high schools so there wasn't much stability. Now that I'm an adult, one of the things I want most is stability in my life. Another thing that is important to me is my experience as a domestic violence survivor. The psychological trauma I experienced is something that still heavily affects my life. I am still working through PTSD and I refuse to ever be in a situation like that again. The main reason I couldn't leave was because I was a stay-at-home mom. I didn't have the resources I needed to leave. There were so many nights I wished that I could turn to my family or friends for support. It's made me see the importance of having community resources for DV victims. My experiences have made me very empathetic to vulnerable populations. I have always known that I want to help people and I do help people where I can. I know what it feels like to be helpless and I refuse to sit idly seeing people experience the same thing. Mental health holds a lot of significance to me. For a while, I trained and volunteered with a crisis program. Being involved in crisis intervention was one of the most challenging things I have done in my life. I helped people during one of their most critical times of need. There were many times when I wished that I could do more but glad I was able to do at least something. Working in crisis intervention is also something that I want to come back to in the future. I am a current volunteer for a program in my community called ICT Food Rescue. We distribute food supplies from donors to different agencies in need. Our organization also recently opened a kitchen where our chefs put together food for the agencies. During my time with ICT Food Rescue, I've been able to find more opportunities to be more involved. ICT Food Rescue works to fight against food insecurity and reduce waste. I am honored to be able to be a part of something that's making such a positive difference in the community. Another way I volunteer is as a parent through my daughter's school. Our parent-teacher organization fundraises to help plan fun things for our children. Being involved in PTO is such a nice way to help the school. It helps take some pressure off the teachers and fundraising events are a great way for my daughter and I to bond. I love being able to contribute to my daughter's educational experience. I plan to be able to make a bigger impact in my community by gaining the experience I need to obtain a higher role in non-profit organizations. I have made it a goal to make a bigger difference since I started college.
Delaurio Suttle
Excelsior CollegeMillington, TN
Growing up as an African American male in Alabama, raised by a single mother in the throes of low socioeconomic status, my life has been a testament to resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of positive change. This journey, shaped by adversity, has influenced my beliefs, relationships, and future plans and inspired a commitment to making a meaningful impact in my community. My upbringing in the heart of Alabama was marked by financial struggles, limited opportunities, and the daily challenges that accompany low socioeconomic status. However, rather than succumbing to the circumstances, I used adversity as a catalyst for change. Recognizing the transformative power of education and a strong work ethic, I joined the military, aiming to break the cycle of economic hardship that had gripped my family for generations. The military provided a path to economic stability and a platform for personal development and growth. Through discipline, perseverance, and the invaluable skills acquired, I carved a new trajectory for myself and, in turn, for my family. This experience instilled in me the belief that individuals can overcome the barriers imposed by socioeconomic adversity with determination and resilience. Motivated by my journey, I felt compelled to reach out to young brothers facing similar circumstances. I became a mentor, offering guidance, support, and a source of inspiration to those navigating the complexities of life in an environment where opportunities can be scarce. By sharing my experiences and providing a positive role model, I aim to empower the next generation to rise above their circumstances and pursue their dreams. Volunteering in my local community has been another crucial aspect of my commitment to addressing socioeconomic adversity. I understand the transformative potential of community engagement, and I actively participate in initiatives that aim to uplift and empower those who, like me, come from underprivileged backgrounds. Through volunteer work, I contribute to creating a support system that fosters educational opportunities, mentorship, and community development. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has deeply influenced my beliefs, shaping me into an individual who values resilience, empathy, and the transformative power of education. The shared experiences of overcoming challenges have molded my relationships, and my plans are intricately woven with a commitment to making a positive impact. As I reflect on my journey, I am grateful for the opportunities that have paved the way for personal growth. Armed with the lessons learned from adversity, my goal is personal success and the elevation of my community. Through mentorship, volunteerism, and a dedication to breaking the cycle of socioeconomic hardship, I aspire to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change in the lives of those who face similar challenges. My story is a testament to the belief that with resilience, education, and community support, individuals can triumph over adversity and create a brighter future for themselves and those around them.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Feb 5, 2024. Winners will be announced on Mar 5, 2024.

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