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Nia Simpson


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Nia Simpson, born on March 14th, 2007, in Manchester, Jamaica, embodies resilience and determination in the pursuit of academic excellence and community impact. Relocating to Miami, Florida, at the age of six, Nia faced homelessness twice during her childhood, experiences that cultivated her appreciation for education and resilience. As a district student of the week and a Health Science major pursuing an Associates Degree through Dual Enrollment, she not only excels academically but also leads initiatives to propel minority students into advanced education. Co-founding CompassionNest a local non-profit, under Beknown, an organization Co-founded under funding from the North Miami Chamber of Commerce; Nia strive’s to support the local homeless community, showcasing her commitment to social responsibility. With a dream of becoming a Gynecologist, Nia envisions returning to Jamaica to redefine women's healthcare, exemplifying her determination to break generational cycles of adversity. Her multifaceted journey and dedication to education and community service make her a passionate candidate for scholarships aimed at recognizing outstanding individuals striving to make a positive impact on the world.


Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High

High School
2022 - 2024

Miami Dade College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Medical Clinical Sciences/Graduate Medical Studies
  • Minors:
    • Health and Medical Administrative Services


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
    • Allied Health and Medical Assisting Services
    • Health and Medical Administrative Services
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      PA OB/GYN

    • Lead Physical Therapist Assistant Intern

      Mind Over Matter: Allied Health
      2022 – Present2 years



    2015 – 20238 years


    • S.T.A.R Program: Dancer of the Year 2016-18


    2017 – 20203 years


    • HOM: VARSITY MVP 2018-19


    • Sociology

      AP CAPSTONE — Lead Researcher
      2022 – 2023
    • Anthropology

      Miami-Dade College — Assistant Researcher
      2023 – Present


    • Netflix

      Stranger Things (Szn 2)
      2021 – 2022
    • Showtime

      The First Lady
      2021 – 2022

    Public services

    • Public Service (Politics)

      BANS OFF OUR BODIES — Participating Advocate
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Beknown: CompassionNest — Co-Founder
      2023 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School — Lead Peer Counselor
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests





    Black Leaders Scholarship
    In the rich tapestry of Black history, Dr. Helen Octavia Dickens stands as a towering figure whose life and legacy have profoundly inspired me on my journey of resilience, empowerment, and leadership. Her indelible contributions to medicine, advocacy for minority representation in healthcare, and unwavering commitment to uplifting marginalized communities have served as a guiding light, shaping my aspirations, navigating hardships, and honing my leadership skills. Dr. Helen Octavia Dickens' pioneering spirit resonates deeply with my journey of breaking barriers and charting new paths. As the first African American woman to be admitted to the American College of Surgeons, she shattered glass ceilings and defied societal expectations, much like my own experience of becoming Dr. Michael Krop Senior High School's first Black Student Government Association (SGA) President, the founder, and president of the College Assistance Program Club (CAP Club), one of the first female's in my family to go to college and the first person in my family to graduate with my associate's degree before I graduated high school. Her legacy of resilience and determination in the face of adversity has inspired me as I navigate challenges and strive to create positive change in my community. One of the aspects of Dr. Dickens' legacy that has profoundly impacted me is her advocacy for equitable healthcare access and quality education for underserved communities. Growing up in a socioeconomically disadvantaged environment, I witnessed firsthand through being homeless twice in my life, the disparities in healthcare and educational opportunities faced by minority communities. Dr. Dickens' tireless efforts to address these disparities through community outreach programs and mentorship initiatives have fueled my aspirations to advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of life. Furthermore, Dr. Dickens' commitment to service and leadership in addressing societal inequities has shaped my aspirations for making a positive impact. Through my leadership roles in my school's SGA and CAP Club, I have spearheaded initiatives to empower minority students, promote academic excellence, and create pathways to success. Dr. Dickens' advocacy has instilled in me a sense of responsibility to advocate for marginalized communities and to be a catalyst for change. In addition to her advocacy work, Dr. Dickens' resilience in the face of adversity has taught me valuable lessons about perseverance and determination. Despite facing discrimination and challenges throughout her career, she remained steadfast in her pursuit of excellence and social justice. Her example has inspired me to approach hardships with resilience, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth and empowerment. In conclusion, Helen Octavia Dickens' life and achievements testify to the transformative power of resilience, advocacy, and leadership. Her legacy continues to inspire me to pursue my goals, advocate for marginalized communities, and strive for excellence in all endeavors. As I navigate my journey, I carry with me the lessons of Dr. Dickens' unwavering commitment to service, equity, and empowerment, ensuring that her legacy of empowerment and social change endures for generations to come.
    Eleven Scholarship
    Navigating the turbulent waters of adolescence, my sophomore year of high school thrust me into a formidable chapter defined by a challenging reality – a period of homelessness from February 2023 to February 2024. Born into a family grappling with financial adversity, this wasn't just a hurdle; it was a profound test that etched resilience, determination, and a new definition of success into the fabric of my character. Facing homelessness at the age of 15 was a stark reality that demanded immediate attention. The discomfort of uncertainty permeated my daily life – where would I sleep each night, and how could I ensure my family's well-being? Yet, within this crucible of challenge, I discovered an unwavering determination to rise above circumstances. This tumultuous period became a turning point, propelling my commitment to academic excellence and community impact. In the face of adversity, I made a conscious decision to "turn it up to 11" – to exceed expectations. Maintaining my focus on education became my anchor amidst the chaos. Despite the upheaval, I clung to my studies, earning recognition as district student of the week during my early junior year. This acknowledgment not only validated my commitment but reinforced the belief that education could serve as a transformative force, providing stability amidst the turmoil. Simultaneously, my boyfriend, Sean, and I embarked on a personal mission, co-founding CompassionNest, a non-profit under Beknown, with a mission to support the local homeless community. This initiative was born out of a profound understanding of the challenges faced by those experiencing homelessness. Our aim extended beyond addressing immediate needs – we sought to cultivate a sense of dignity and hope. Engaging in community service on this scale was an intentional effort to "turn it up to 11," transforming personal adversity into an opportunity for meaningful societal impact. The commitment to community service extended beyond CompassionNest. Accepting the role of the first President of the College Advisory program club (CAP Club), I became a catalyst for change within my school. In just one year, we succeeded in increasing dual enrollment participation from approximately 100 to 500 students. This proactive approach wasn't merely about overcoming immediate challenges; it was about inspiring positive change and providing opportunities for others to thrive despite adversities. Through this journey, I've learned that setbacks can be transformative, serving as catalysts for growth and self-discovery. The challenge of homelessness became a powerful teacher, offering lessons in resilience, empathy, and the capacity to transform adversity into an opportunity for personal and communal advancement. The intricate dance between my academic pursuits and community service during this period taught me that success is not solely defined by personal achievements but by the positive impact one can make on the lives of others. In essence, overcoming the challenge of homelessness became a testament to the transformative power of proactive resilience. It reinforced my belief that success is not a solitary pursuit; it's about reaching back to uplift others. Through this journey, I've discovered a profound strength within myself – a strength that enables me to transform setbacks into stepping stones toward future success. As I look ahead, I carry these lessons with me, knowing that every challenge, setback, or failure is an opportunity to "turn it up to 11" and create positive change in the world.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up in the midst of socioeconomic adversity has intricately woven into the fabric of my identity, shaping my beliefs, relationships, and future aspirations. Born on March 14th, 2007, in Manchester, Jamaica, and later moving to Miami, Florida, my family's pursuit of a better life faced financial obstacles that manifested in moments of homelessness. These experiences, while challenging, have become the catalysts for my unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on my community and school. The adversities I faced instilled in me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of education. As district student of the week, this recognition underscored my commitment to academic excellence. Pursuing a Health Science major and an Associates Degree through Dual Enrollment at Miami-Dade College, my academic journey has been marked by resilience and determination. Education, for me, is not merely a pathway to personal success but a tool to break the chains of generational adversity. My dedication to addressing socioeconomic adversity extends beyond academics. Co-founding CompassionNest, a non-profit under Beknown (A business I Co-founded under the North Miami chamber of commerce), has been a testament to my commitment to community service. Experiencing homelessness twice, once at the age of seven and later from February 2023 to February 2024, has provided me with a firsthand understanding of the struggles faced by the local homeless community. CompassionNest focuses on providing essential items like blankets, canned meals, jackets, shoes, and tents to those in need, aiming to alleviate the challenges associated with homelessness. Socioeconomic adversity has not only influenced my beliefs but has also profoundly impacted my relationships. My family's financial struggles have created an unbreakable bond rooted in shared challenges and triumphs. The support from my parents, who worked tirelessly despite limited resources, has been the bedrock of my resilience. My relationship with my boyfriend, Sean, has further reinforced the importance of mutual support and shared aspirations. Together, we co-founded CompassionNest and have been working towards making a meaningful impact in the lives of those facing hardships. Looking towards the future, these experiences have charted a course for my aspirations. My dream of becoming a Gynecologist is not just a personal goal but a commitment to improving women's healthcare, especially in underserved communities. The University of Florida Honors, my top choice for college, represents an opportunity to further my education and contribute to innovative research initiatives. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has strengthened my resolve to make a lasting impact. My vision is to create a ripple effect of positive change in my community by leveraging education, advocacy, and community service. This commitment is rooted in a profound understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and families confronting similar circumstances. As I navigate the complexities of socioeconomic adversity, my journey becomes a testament to the transformative power of resilience, education, and the unwavering belief that every individual, regardless of their background, deserves the opportunity to thrive.