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T'chel Jackson


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Hello, I'm T'chel Jackson, a determined 19-year-old African American seeking scholarships for my career journey. I'm eager to prove to the world and my loved ones that I can overcome any challenge. Despite health setbacks that led me in and out of hospitals, I am resilient, demonstrating that obstacles won't define me. I'm a tenacious individual ready to conquer my dreams.


Broward College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Psychology, General
  • Minors:
    • Psychology, General

Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Associate's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Respiratory Therapist or Healthcare Administration

    • sandwich artist

      2022 – Present2 years


    Track & Field

    2014 – 20195 years


    • most valuable player award


    • entrepreneur

      2013 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      NJROTC — helper
      2016 – 2022

    Future Interests





    Concrete Rose Scholarship Award
    Living with catamenial anaphylaxis has been a journey marked by numerous challenges and obstacles. This rare condition, characterized by severe allergic reactions triggered by hormonal fluctuations, has posed significant challenges to my daily life and academic pursuits. Managing the symptoms of catamenial anaphylaxis while navigating the demands of schooling required a level of resilience and determination that often felt overwhelming. Despite the difficulties, I remained steadfast in my commitment to completing my education. Each day presented its own set of hurdles, from managing sudden allergic reactions to coping with the physical and emotional toll of chronic illness. Yet, I refused to let my condition define me or limit my aspirations. Instead, I used it as fuel to propel me forward, knowing that every achievement, no matter how small, was a testament to my strength and perseverance. Graduating from high school was a monumental achievement for me, not only because of the academic milestones I reached but also because it symbolized triumph over adversity. It was a tangible reminder that, despite the countless setbacks and challenges I faced, I had persevered and emerged stronger on the other side. Now, as I embark on the next chapter of my journey towards becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor/psychiatrist, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my story and inspire others facing similar obstacles. This scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it is a validation of my resilience and a recognition of my potential to make a difference in the healthcare field. With the support of this scholarship, I can pursue my career goals with renewed determination and focus. It will provide me with the resources and opportunities necessary to further my education and training, ultimately enabling me to better serve individuals with rare conditions like catamenial anaphylaxis and advocate for equitable healthcare for all. In sharing my story and receiving this scholarship, I hope to send a powerful message to others facing adversity: that no obstacle is insurmountable, and with perseverance and determination, anything is possible. My journey with catamenial anaphylaxis has not only shaped my personal experiences but has also deeply influenced my perspective on healthcare and the importance of advocacy. Throughout my struggles with this rare condition, I have encountered firsthand the gaps in understanding, accessibility, and support within the healthcare system. As I pursued my education despite the challenges posed by my health, I became increasingly aware of the need for healthcare professionals who are not only skilled in their field but also compassionate and empathetic towards patients with unique medical needs. This realization has fueled my passion for becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor, as I am driven to advocate for and provide personalized care to individuals facing similar health challenges. Furthermore, my journey with catamenial anaphylaxis has instilled in me a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards others who are navigating their own health struggles. I am committed to using my experiences to support and empower individuals facing adversity, whether through patient care, advocacy initiatives, or community outreach programs. This scholarship will significantly impact my career goals by providing me with the financial support necessary to pursue advanced education and training in the medical field. With this assistance, I can focus on honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and ultimately, making a meaningful difference in the lives of patients with rare conditions like catamenial anaphylaxis.
    Carol B. Warren, You are Loved Scholarship
    As a non-traditional student, my journey has been shaped by a rare medical condition known as catamenial anaphylaxis. This condition, which causes severe allergic reactions triggered by hormonal fluctuations, has presented numerous challenges throughout my life. However, instead of allowing it to define me, I have chosen to use my experiences as a source of inspiration and motivation. Despite the obstacles posed by my health condition, I am determined to pursue a career as a cardiopulmonary doctor. My decision to enter the medical field stems from a deep-seated desire to make a difference in the lives of others facing similar health challenges. I am passionate about using my knowledge and experiences to provide compassionate care and support to patients, especially those with rare conditions or chronic illnesses. By becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor, I aim to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals who may feel discouraged or limited by their health conditions. I want to show them that with perseverance, dedication, and the right support system, they can achieve their dreams and overcome any obstacle that stands in their way. This scholarship is instrumental in helping me pursue my educational goals by alleviating the financial burden associated with obtaining a medical degree. With this support, I can focus wholeheartedly on my studies and clinical training, knowing that I have the resources necessary to succeed. Moreover, it serves as a validation of my aspirations and a reminder that others believe in my potential to make a meaningful impact in the medical field. In conclusion, I am a non-traditional student who has a passion for empowering and inspiring others through my journey of overcoming adversity. With the help of this scholarship, I am one step closer to realizing my dream of becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor and making a positive difference in the lives of patients facing health challenges similar to my own.In addition to my personal experience with catamenial anaphylaxis, a larger desire to address healthcare disparities and advocate for underserved communities also played a role in my decision to become a cardiopulmonary doctor. Growing up with a rare medical condition has heightened my awareness of the importance of accessible and equitable healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances. As a non-traditional student, I bring a unique perspective to the field of medicine. My experiences navigating the complexities of managing a chronic illness have taught me valuable lessons in resilience, empathy, and determination. I believe these qualities, combined with my academic and professional aspirations, will enable me to make a meaningful contribution to the healthcare profession. Moreover, I am committed to lifelong learning and personal growth. I recognize that the journey to becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor requires continuous dedication and perseverance. With each challenge I encounter, I am determined to emerge stronger and more prepared to fulfill my calling of serving others and advocating for health equity. This scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it symbolizes an investment in my potential to effect positive change in the world. With the support of this scholarship, I am confident that I can overcome any obstacles that may arise on my path to becoming a cardiopulmonary doctor. I am grateful for the opportunity to pursue my education goals and contribute to the betterment of healthcare for all individuals.
    Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
    My leadership upbringing Living with a rare condition called catamenial anaphylaxis has been a defining aspect of my life journey, shaping me into the leader I am today. Despite the challenges it presents, this condition has taught me resilience, determination, and empathy, qualities that are fundamental to effective leadership. While navigating the complexities of managing my health condition, I have learned to advocate for myself and others facing similar challenges. I have taken on leadership roles within support groups, providing guidance, encouragement, and a sense of community to individuals navigating similar health struggles. Additionally, I have utilized my experiences to raise awareness and advocate for greater understanding and research into rare medical conditions. Looking towards the future, I aspire to continue leveraging my leadership skills to make a meaningful impact. I aim to contribute to initiatives that promote healthcare accessibility and support for individuals with rare medical conditions. By advocating for improved medical research, education, and support systems, I hope to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and lead fulfilling lives despite their health challenges. Ultimately, through my leadership, I aspire to foster a more inclusive and supportive society where individuals facing health adversities are empowered to thrive and contribute to their fullest potential. In addition to my advocacy work within the healthcare community, I have also demonstrated leadership in various other aspects of my life. Within my academic and professional pursuits, I have taken on leadership roles in group projects, effectively coordinating team efforts and fostering a collaborative environment to achieve our objectives. Furthermore, I have volunteered my time and skills in community service initiatives, such as organizing fundraising events for medical research or leading volunteer teams in support of local causes. Through these experiences, I have honed my ability to inspire and motivate others towards a common goal, while also cultivating a strong sense of teamwork and empathy. Looking ahead, I aim to further develop my leadership skills to enact positive change on a broader scale. Whether it be through my professional career, continued advocacy efforts, or community involvement, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive transformation. By leading by example and fostering collaboration, I hope to inspire others to join me in making a meaningful difference in the world. Ultimately, through my leadership, I hope to create a legacy of compassion, resilience, and empowerment, leaving behind a world that is more inclusive, supportive, and just for all.
    FAR Impact Scholarship
    Living with asthma and other health challenges has not only shaped my personal journey but has also become a driving force in my quest to make a positive impact on my community. Through resilience, advocacy, and a commitment to fostering awareness, I have worked towards creating a supportive environment for individuals facing similar health struggles. My journey with asthma has been characterized by ups and downs, leading me to develop a deep understanding of the physical and emotional toll it takes. Recognizing the lack of awareness and support in my community, I decided to turn my challenges into opportunities for growth and education. One of the ways I've made an impact is by actively engaging with local health organizations to raise awareness about asthma and other health issues. By sharing my personal experiences and insights, I aim to dispel myths surrounding these conditions and promote a more empathetic understanding within the community. Empathy and understanding have been central themes in my outreach efforts. Recognizing the importance of a support network for individuals facing health challenges, I have initiated community support groups. These groups provide a platform for sharing experiences, exchanging coping strategies, and fostering a sense of belonging. Through these efforts, I have witnessed the transformative power of solidarity, as individuals facing health obstacles find strength in the shared journey. In addition to local initiatives, I have taken my advocacy to the digital realm, leveraging social media platforms to disseminate information and connect with a broader audience. By creating informative content and sharing personal anecdotes, I strive to reach individuals beyond my immediate community, fostering a sense of solidarity on a global scale. Looking forward, my career goals align with my passion for public service and health advocacy. I aspire to pursue a career in public health, with a focus on community outreach and education. By obtaining a degree in public health, I aim to equip myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement effective health programs, addressing the needs of vulnerable populations, including those with chronic conditions like asthma. My chosen field of public service, particularly in public health, provides a unique platform to effect positive change. Through targeted interventions, community engagement, and policy advocacy, I hope to contribute to the development of inclusive healthcare systems. By addressing the root causes of health disparities and promoting preventative measures, I aspire to improve the overall well-being of individuals in my community and beyond. In conclusion, my journey with asthma has not only shaped my personal resilience but has fueled my commitment to making a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Through community engagement, advocacy, and my pursuit of a career in public health, I am dedicated to creating a future where individuals facing health challenges are supported, understood, and empowered to lead fulfilling lives.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    My journey has been shaped by the tapestry of experiences woven in the fabric of socioeconomic adversity. Raised in a community facing economic challenges, I have navigated the intricacies of financial hardship, and these experiences have profoundly influenced my beliefs, relationships, and aspirations for the future. Growing up in an environment where economic adversity was a daily reality, I developed a deep sense of empathy and compassion for those facing similar challenges. Witnessing the resilience of my community, I became acutely aware of the systemic barriers that perpetuate socioeconomic inequality. This awareness has ignited a passion within me to make a positive impact in my community and school, aiming to address the root causes of adversity. My commitment to fostering positive change revolves around creating opportunities for empowerment. As I embark on initiatives within my school, I plan to establish mentorship programs that connect students with professionals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. By bridging this gap, I hope to provide insights, guidance, and inspiration to those who may be navigating the challenges of economic adversity. Education will be a cornerstone of my efforts, advocating for resources and programs that level the playing field, ensuring every student has access to quality learning opportunities. Moreover, I recognize the power of community engagement in dismantling systemic barriers. Organizing workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns will be pivotal in fostering a collective understanding of the issues at hand. By collaborating with local organizations, I aim to develop programs that provide practical support, ranging from financial literacy to skills development, empowering individuals to break free from the cycle of socioeconomic adversity. Experiencing economic hardship has profoundly shaped my beliefs, reinforcing my conviction that everyone deserves equal opportunities irrespective of their socioeconomic background. It has also instilled in me the importance of forging meaningful relationships. In times of struggle, the support of friends and community proved to be a lifeline. This understanding of the strength inherent in community bonds has fueled my desire to cultivate an environment where individuals facing adversity can find support and solidarity. These experiences have not only informed my beliefs and relationships but have also influenced my future plans. As I pursue higher education, my goal is to study social sciences, equipping myself with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute meaningfully to the field of community development. I aspire to work collaboratively with policymakers, educators, and community leaders, advocating for systemic changes that address the root causes of socioeconomic adversity. In conclusion, my journey through socioeconomic adversity has not defined me; rather, it has propelled me toward a purpose-driven path. I am determined to make a positive impact in my community and school by addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate economic challenges. This journey has shaped my beliefs, strengthened my relationships, and inspired a vision for the future where everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic background, has the opportunity to thrive.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    One of the most transformative moments in my life occurred during a period of adversity when a remarkable woman, my mother, became an unwavering source of inspiration and support on my education and career journey. As I navigated the challenges of my health taking a dramatic turn, her resilience and unwavering encouragement became a guiding light, shaping my perspective on strength and determination. Facing a health crisis can be an isolating experience, but my mother's steadfast presence during this time demonstrated the true essence of empowerment. Despite the uncertainties and hurdles, she stood by my side, offering not only emotional support but also practical assistance in navigating the complexities of medical treatments and adjustments to daily life. Her words of encouragement became a powerful mantra, echoing in my mind during moments of doubt. Instead of succumbing to the difficulties, my mother's unwavering belief in my strength propelled me forward. She instilled in me the idea that challenges are opportunities to showcase resilience, and even in the face of adversity, one can emerge stronger. What stood out most during this period was not just her words but her actions. From attending medical appointments to ensuring I had the resources needed for my education, her commitment was unwavering. The sacrifices she made and the resilience she demonstrated fueled my determination to pursue my educational and career goals despite the obstacles. My mother's support became a transformative force that shaped my identity as a woman of strength. Her ability to uplift and empower, even in the darkest moments, became a blueprint for my own approach to challenges. Through her example, I learned that strength is not just about physical resilience but also about mental fortitude and the unwavering belief that, even in adversity, one can thrive. This experience profoundly influenced my educational and career journey. It instilled in me a sense of resilience and perseverance that transcends the professional sphere. As I pursue my goals, I carry with me the lessons of strength and determination imparted by my mother. Her support has not only been instrumental in overcoming personal challenges but has also shaped my approach to education and career, reinforcing the idea that setbacks are stepping stones to success. In essence, my mother's unwavering support during a critical juncture of my life has not only inspired me but has also shaped me into the strongest woman I know. Her influence continues to propel me forward, reminding me that, with resilience and unwavering support, one can navigate any journey and emerge stronger on the other side.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    As a psychology major, my commitment to addressing important social issues is anchored in leveraging psychological insights and interventions to make meaningful contributions. One particular social issue that has captured my attention is mental health stigma. Despite significant progress in understanding mental health, stigma remains a pervasive barrier, hindering individuals from seeking help and perpetuating stereotypes that contribute to discrimination. My approach to combating mental health stigma involves a multifaceted strategy, integrating education, advocacy, and community engagement. First and foremost, I recognize the power of education in dispelling myths and fostering understanding. As part of my academic journey, I actively seek opportunities to contribute to mental health awareness campaigns, both on and off-campus. This includes organizing workshops, seminars, and awareness events that aim to educate individuals about the realities of mental health, challenge stereotypes, and encourage open conversations. Advocacy is a crucial aspect of my commitment to addressing mental health stigma. I engage in conversations with peers, faculty, and community leaders to advocate for policies that prioritize mental health support and reduce systemic barriers. By participating in advocacy groups and collaborating with mental health organizations, I strive to be a voice for those who may feel silenced by stigma, advocating for the resources and understanding they deserve. Beyond academic and advocacy efforts, I actively participate in community engagement initiatives. This involves volunteering with local mental health organizations, helplines, and support groups. Through these experiences, I gain valuable insights into the real-world impact of mental health stigma and work directly with individuals who may be struggling. By fostering a compassionate and supportive community environment, I aim to contribute to the creation of spaces where individuals feel comfortable seeking help without fear of judgment. Moreover, I am conscious of the importance of promoting diversity and inclusivity within the mental health discourse. Mental health affects individuals across various demographics, and my efforts include advocating for culturally sensitive approaches to mental health support. This entails acknowledging and addressing the unique challenges different communities may face in accessing and receiving adequate mental health care. While my journey in addressing mental health stigma doesn't stem from a personal experience, it is fueled by a profound empathy for those who grapple with mental health challenges amid societal prejudices. Witnessing the transformative impact that open dialogue, education, and support can have on individuals has solidified my commitment to this cause. In conclusion, as a psychology major, my approach to addressing the important social issue of mental health stigma involves education, advocacy, and community engagement. By contributing to awareness, challenging stereotypes, and actively participating in initiatives that promote inclusivity, I aspire to contribute to the ongoing efforts to dismantle the barriers surrounding mental health and foster a more compassionate and understanding society.
    Early Childhood Developmental Trauma Legacy Scholarship
    Early childhood development trauma casts a long shadow, leaving profound and enduring consequences that can shape an individual's life in complex ways. This formative period, marked by vulnerability and rapid brain development, lays the foundation for emotional, cognitive, and social well-being. Traumatic experiences during this time can disrupt these foundational elements, leading to a range of challenges that may persist into adulthood. One of the primary consequences of early childhood trauma is its impact on emotional regulation. Children who endure trauma may struggle to manage and express their emotions, leading to heightened levels of anxiety, depression, and difficulty coping with stress later in life. These emotional challenges can permeate various aspects of their existence, affecting relationships, work, and overall life satisfaction. Cognitive development is another domain significantly influenced by early childhood trauma. Studies indicate that exposure to trauma during these critical years can result in cognitive impairments, affecting memory, attention, and problem-solving skills. Academic performance may suffer, and the ability to navigate the complexities of life can be compromised. Furthermore, the capacity to form secure attachments and build healthy relationships can be profoundly impacted. Early trauma can disrupt the development of trust and security, making it challenging for individuals to connect with others on a deep, meaningful level. This relational difficulty may contribute to a range of mental health issues, including challenges in establishing and maintaining intimate relationships. In my chosen career field of psychology and counseling, I am deeply committed to addressing the consequences of early childhood trauma through targeted interventions. Utilizing evidence-based therapeutic approaches, my goal is to create a supportive environment where individuals can explore and process their traumatic experiences. By helping clients develop coping mechanisms and resilience, I aim to empower them to navigate the challenges stemming from early trauma and work towards healing. Additionally, I see the importance of community education and advocacy in combating this issue. Collaboration with schools, healthcare professionals, and community organizations is vital to implementing preventive programs and establishing robust support systems. Raising awareness about the significance of early childhood mental health can contribute to early identification and intervention, reducing the long-term impact of trauma. While I don't have a personal experience directly related to early childhood trauma, my passion for this field is fueled by witnessing the transformative power of therapeutic interventions. I have seen individuals overcome the profound impact of early life adversities, rebuild their lives, and develop remarkable resilience. These experiences underscore the potential for positive change when individuals receive the right support, reinforcing my commitment to combating the consequences of early childhood trauma through my chosen career path. In conclusion, early childhood trauma has far-reaching consequences, affecting emotional, cognitive, and relational aspects of an individual's life. Through psychology and counseling, I aim to contribute to the healing process, offering support, and advocating for systemic changes that prioritize early childhood mental health.
    Natalie Joy Poremski Scholarship
    Living out my faith on a daily basis involves a conscious and intentional effort to integrate my deeply held beliefs into the fabric of my life, with a particular emphasis on supporting the Pro-Life movement. This commitment goes beyond a passive adherence to principles; it manifests in tangible actions and choices that reflect the profound respect for the sanctity of life. In my day-to-day life, I actively engage in conversations that foster understanding and empathy regarding the Pro-Life cause. Whether discussing the complexities of abortion or promoting alternatives, I strive to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Volunteering at local crisis pregnancy centers has become a cornerstone of my commitment, allowing me to provide practical support to individuals facing challenging decisions while upholding the intrinsic value of every human life. The impact of my faith extends beyond personal convictions to shape my future goals and career path. The core tenets of my belief system have directed me toward professions that actively contribute to the protection of life. Whether pursuing studies in healthcare, counseling, or advocacy, I seek to integrate my faith seamlessly into my career. This alignment ensures that my chosen path is not merely a means of livelihood but a purposeful contribution to a cause that holds profound significance for me. As I embark on my educational journey, I view it as a strategic avenue to enact change and protect all stages of life. Education, for me, is not just a process of acquiring knowledge; it is a tool to influence positive change. Whether studying public policy, social work, or healthcare, my educational pursuits are centered on equipping myself with the necessary skills and insights to address the multifaceted issues surrounding the Pro-Life movement. My vision is to leverage my education as a catalyst for change, working towards a society that cherishes and protects life at every stage. This involves advocating for policies that prioritize life, conducting research that sheds light on the complexities of the issue, and actively participating in initiatives that promote a culture valuing the dignity of every individual. By aligning my education with the principles of the Pro-Life movement, I aspire to contribute meaningfully to the creation of a society where life is celebrated, protected, and revered from conception to natural end. In conclusion, actively living out my faith, particularly in support of the Pro-Life movement, is a dynamic and ongoing process that informs my daily actions, shapes my career choices, and guides my educational pursuits. It is an unwavering commitment to be a positive force for change, advocating for the protection of life at every stage.