Philippe Forton Scholarship

1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Jun 22, 2025
Winners Announced
Jul 22, 2025
Education Level
High School
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior
Desired Career Field:

“Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.” - Prince 

Philippe Forton was a loving and compassionate husband and father. After receiving a heart transplant in 2016, he had many interactions with medical personnel. Philippe passed away in 2022, but having compassionate nurses by his side made a world of difference for him. 

The Philippe Forton Scholarship aims to honor Philippe by supporting high school seniors pursuing nursing in post-secondary education. 

High school seniors pursuing a degree in nursing may apply. 

To apply, please respond to the essay topic below.

Selection Criteria:
Published February 28, 2025
Essay Topic

Please write about a situation you are personally aware of involving someone treating another person compassionately. Maybe you were the one who gave compassion; perhaps you received compassion; maybe you witnessed compassionate interaction. This could be about, but is not limited to, medical situations. Also, describe how the situation affected you.

400–600 words

Winning Application

Jessica Lyons
Carolina Forest HighN MYRTLE BCH, SC
Throughout my life I haven’t seen many acts of true love. When it comes down to it people don’t want to give what they have for someone else if it meant their quality of life is affected. Something happened; however, changing my perspective on life a lot. It seems like telling it, that’s a normal thing to do. While it might’ve been to some, to me it wasn’t until then. Background on what had happened. I grew up in a nuclear family. Brothers with different dads and a sister with a different mom. This story is about that sister. Her name is Kelsey. She was a teen mom and the birth of my nephew almost killed her. Later in her life she had some really unfortunate news, her kidney’s were shutting down. She had a degenerative kidney disease that did unfortunately take her mother’s life before I was even born. It ended up being a genetic issue and slowly her kidney’s began to fail. This is where I witnessed compassion. Everyone says they would do anything for their child. Myself, because I’m not a parent I didn’t think I would. I guess it’s different based on the narrative. My dad is currently fifty-six and thriving. This event took place back in 2020. My sister was an adult with her kid living independently. After it got bad she was placed on a port and could no longer support herself, she needed a transplant. They had put her on the list and tried finding a donor. My sisters and I were fourteen and sixteen and weren’t viable options. My dad, being the kind of man he is, didn’t even hesitate. He’s always been selfless. He was, however, overweight with high blood pressure issues. He didn’t care if that procedure killed him, so long as my sister could live to watch her kid grow up. Of course the hospital couldn’t accept it at the moment they had to run their tests and he did have to loose weight. He lost that weight within three weeks. He ended up being a match for her and donated his kidney to her. He’s a tough man, so as soon as the anesthetic wore off, he got up and went to go check on his kid. We have a photo with him and a drip tube, in a hospital gown, looking over her. It was just a funny, satire photo at the time, but now it’s almost like he’s her guardian angel in a way. I had never seen anything like that in my life. To this day, I still can’t believe it. Under my own circumstances, whether that was my twin or any family now, I wouldn’t even think twice. He changed my perspective on how I thought about my life. If you love someone so unconditionally, you would give them the world regardless of how it affects you. If your standard of living is a little different it doesn’t matter because you saved someone. As soon as I got my license, even though my mom didn’t agree, I’m an organ donor. If, god forbid, something were to happen to me I figured, why let my organs die with me? There are people who wait years on lists waiting to receive a donation and if I could help save a life I would. My dad taught me what true compassion is and I’ll bring that with me for the rest of my life.
Vivian Nji
Rowan-Cabarrus Community CollegeLandis, NC
One situation that comes to mind involving compassionate treatment is when I witnessed a nurse treating an elderly patient with exceptional kindness and care. The patient was a family friend who had recently been admitted to the hospital for a serious illness, and I had gone to visit him. As soon as we entered the room, I could see the compassion and empathy in the nurse's eyes. She greeted us warmly and took the time to introduce herself and ask about the patient's condition. Throughout the visit, I watched as the nurse went above and beyond to provide exceptional care for the patient. She took the time to listen to his concerns and to answer his questions, and she was incredibly patient and gentle in her approach. She made sure that he was comfortable, that he had everything he needed, and that he understood the treatment plan. She also took the time to check in with us as visitors, making sure that we were comfortable and that we had everything we needed. The compassionate treatment that the nurse provided had a profound impact on me. It was clear that she truly cared about the patient, and that her actions were driven by a genuine desire to help him feel better. Her kindness and empathy were a stark contrast to some of the other medical professionals we had encountered during the patient's hospitalization, who had been impersonal and rushed. Watching her in action made me realize how much of a difference compassionate treatment can make, not just in terms of patient outcomes, but also in terms of the patient's overall experience and quality of life. The situation also had a profound impact on the patient. Despite his illness, he seemed to be at ease in the presence of the nurse, and I could see that he felt reassured and comforted by her care. Her kindness and compassion helped to alleviate some of the fear and anxiety that he was experiencing, and it made a significant difference in his recovery. In conclusion, the situation of witnessing a nurse treating an elderly patient with exceptional kindness and care had a significant impact on me. It made me realize the power of a compassionate treatment in healthcare and how it can make a difference in the patient's overall experience and quality of life. It also made me appreciate the importance of empathy and kindness in all aspects of life, and it reminded me of the value of treating others with compassion and respect, regardless of their circumstances.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jun 22, 2025. Winners will be announced on Jul 22, 2025.