Matthew E. Minor Memorial Scholarship

10 winners, $1,000 each
In Review
Application Deadline
Mar 1, 2025
Winners Announced
Apr 1, 2025
Education Level
High School
Eligibility Requirements
3.0 or higher
Education Level:
High school senior

In our increasingly technological society, new threats are facing today’s youth, including cyberbullying. 

The Matthew E. Minor Awareness Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to bringing awareness about the hidden dangers of the internet to our children and teens, such as cyberbullying, self-harm, and cyber dares such as the knock-out challenge. The foundation also helps families cope with grief after losing a loved one. 

This scholarship aims to encourage the next generation to combat bullying and to protect children and teens on the internet.

Any high school senior who has at least a 3.0 GPA and is involved in their community may apply for this scholarship opportunity.

To apply, tell us about yourself, your community involvement, your financial circumstances and how you prevent bullying both in-person and online. Additionally, upload a picture of yourself. Photos and likenesses of awardees will be used on the foundation webpage as content for the scholarship program and page.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published July 17, 2024
Essay Topic

Tell us more about yourself and your community involvement. What sort of financial need do you have as you enter higher education? How do you keep children/youth safe in your community and online from in-person bullying and cyberbullying?

400–600 words


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Mar 1, 2025. Winners will be announced on Apr 1, 2025.