For DonorsFor Applicants

Daelyn Bledsoe Legacy of Love and Leadership Scholarship

1 winner$520
Application Deadline
Aug 14, 2024
Winners Announced
Sep 14, 2024
Education Level
High School
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior
Participates in sports

The Daelyn Bledsoe Legacy of Love and Leadership Scholarship was designed to celebrate the life of Daelyn Bledsoe, a remarkable young man who was deeply invested in sports and family life. To remember Daelyn, who was apart of the class of 2024 at Duncanville High School, this scholarship will help students who share his interests and passions, as well as his vision for a brighter future.

In addition to celebrating Daelyn's life, this scholarship also aims to bring attention to the condition of Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM).

AVM is a congenital condition characterized by a complex tangle of abnormal blood vessels where arteries and veins are directly connected, bypassing the capillary system, which can disrupt the normal flow of blood and oxygen, posing a risk for hemorrhage, stroke, or other serious neurological issues. Due to its often asymptomatic nature until a critical event occurs, AVM awareness is crucial for early detection and management. Though AVM is relatively rare, affecting less than 1% of the population, its consequences can be devastating. Increasing public awareness and research funding for AVM is essential for improving diagnosis, treatment options, and outcomes for those affected by this serious condition.

Any high school senior in Texas who participates in sports may apply for this scholarship opportunity. 

To apply, outline innovative ideas capable of driving positive change for our nation and benefitting future generations.

Selection Criteria:
Action, Leadership, Awareness
Published May 13, 2024
Essay Topic

Please outline innovative ideas that are capable of driving positive change for our nation and benefitting future generations.

1000–1500 words

Winning Application

Joshua Mora
Tarrant County College DistrictWhite Settlement, TX
Beyond the Scoreboard: Inspiring Change in the Spirit of Daelyn Bledsoe Daelyn Bledsoe wasn't just an athlete. He was a beacon of energy, a champion of community, and a symbol of hope for a brighter future. His presence on the field and in the lives of those around him embodied a quiet leadership, a fierce passion for life, and an unwavering commitment to leaving the world a better place. It is in this spirit that we seek to honor his legacy, not with words alone, but with actions that ripple outward, shaping a future he would have been proud to be a part of. The Daelyn Bledsoe Foundation serves as a platform to ignite positive change, but the true catalyst lies in the ideas we cultivate, the projects we implement, and the impact we leave on the generations to come. This essay proposes not one grandiose solution, but a tapestry of innovative threads woven together, each contributing to a brighter tomorrow. Empowering Athletes as Agents of Change: Athletes aren't just competitors; they are role models, influencers, and voices with the power to reach and inspire. Let's empower them to become "Athlete Activists," champions of issues that resonate with their hearts and stir their souls. Imagine student athletes advocating for environmental sustainability, leading clean-up drives, or using their platforms to raise awareness about endangered species. Envision football players campaigning for educational equity, organizing tutoring programs, or mentoring underprivileged youth. This isn't about imposing agendas; it's about providing channels for athletes to connect their passions with action, sparking critical conversations and driving meaningful change. However, leadership extends beyond the realm of activism. "Beyond the Ballfield" initiatives can provide student-athletes with the tools and resources to become well-rounded individuals. Workshops on public speaking, conflict resolution, and financial literacy can equip them to excel not just in the field, but in every aspect of life. Mentorship programs connecting experienced athletes with aspiring ones can foster a legacy of guidance and support, ensuring that the knowledge and values Daelyn embodied continue to shine through future generations. Connecting beyond borders is another avenue for impact. A "Global Sports Alliance" network could bridge the gap between cultures, fostering international understanding and collaboration through virtual exchange programs. Imagine student-athletes from across the globe tackling global challenges like climate change or poverty reduction, using their shared love for sports as a common language to break down barriers and build a more united world. Harnessing Technology for a Purposeful Future: Technology isn't just a tool for entertainment; it can be a catalyst for positive change. The "Mind Matters" app envisions a mobile platform tailored to student-athletes, offering readily available mental health resources, self-care tips, and confidential access to support services. By addressing the stigma surrounding mental health in the athletic community, this app can empower athletes to prioritize their well-being and foster a culture of open communication and support. But technology can also be a weapon against social injustice. A "Code for a Cause" hackathon could empower computer-savvy students to develop ingenious solutions for pressing issues. Assistive technology for disabled athletes, educational platforms for marginalized communities, or environmental monitoring systems are just a few examples of how tech can be harnessed to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Engaging students in citizen science projects like the "Future Scientist Challenge" can further connect them to the world around them. Gathering data on air quality, water pollution, or endangered species populations can not only contribute to important scientific research but also empower young minds to become advocates for environmental protection. And what better way to nurture innovation than through a "Tech for Humanity Incubator"? Providing student-led tech ventures with mentorship, funding, and resources can turn their ideas with social impact potential into reality, shaping a future where technology serves humanity. Education as the Foundation for Change: Knowledge is power, and education is the key to unlocking its potential. The "Future Leaders Debate" series proposes a platform for students to engage in informed discourse on critical national issues like healthcare policy, immigration reform, or economic justice. By cultivating critical thinking skills and fostering civic engagement, we empower young minds to become informed citizens who actively shape the future of their nation. Challenging traditional narratives and promoting inclusivity is crucial for a just and equitable future. The "Unfiltered History" curriculum seeks to incorporate diverse perspectives and marginalized voices into the classroom, enriching understanding and dismantling stereotypes. This, coupled with grassroots movements like the "Youth Vote Coalition" that register and mobilize young voters, can ensure that future generations have a voice and are actively engaged in the democratic process. Art is another powerful tool for change. The "Art for Change" initiative empowers students to use their artistic talents to raise awareness about pressing social issues like mental health, climate change, or gun violence. Murals that adorn city walls, songs that echo through streets, and poetry that pierces hearts can spark dialogue, challenge perspectives, and inspire action. These ideas are not isolated threads; they are a tapestry woven together with the spirit of Daelyn Bledsoe as its guiding force. His passion for community fuels the "Athlete Activists" and "Beyond the Ballfield" initiatives, while his love for connection inspires the "Global Sports Alliance" and "Future Scientist Challenge." Daelyn's unwavering commitment to leaving a positive mark echoes in the "Code for a Cause" hackathon and "Tech for Humanity Incubator," while his dedication to knowledge and understanding illuminates the "Future Leaders Debate" and "Unfiltered History" curriculum. His empathy and resilience find expression in the "Mind Matters" app and "Art for Change" initiative, reminding us that vulnerability and creativity are crucial for progress. This tapestry extends beyond mere projects; it's a call to action, a reminder that true change begins with each individual. It's about channeling Daelyn's spirit into our own lives, choosing empathy over apathy, collaboration over competition, and action over indifference. It's about recognizing that every step, every voice, every idea matters, and together, we can weave a future worthy of Daelyn's legacy, a future where compassion, innovation, and inclusivity define the scoreboard of our collective endeavor. Let us honor Daelyn not with words on a page, but with actions etched in the fabric of our communities, with ripples of change that touch lives across generations. Let his spirit be the thread that binds us, reminding us that the potential for positive change lies not just in grand solutions, but in the collective power of small, dedicated acts of courage, creativity, and unwavering optimism. In this collective commitment, Daelyn's legacy will not just endure; it will thrive, blooming into a future as bright and boundless as the man himself.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Aug 14, 2024. Winners will be announced on Sep 14, 2024.