Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship

Funded by
5 winners, $100 each
Application Deadline
Jun 12, 2022
Winners Announced
Jul 12, 2022
Education Level

“Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.” — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Generosity has seemed to go astray in recent years.

Everyone struggles with something. Oftentimes, it’s hard to even understand the surface of their hardship.

While you may not be able to understand or solve another person's problems, you can often make a difference with the smallest of gestures. Something as simple as a genuine smile or a friendly greeting can go a long way if given to someone at the right time.

As one small way to promote more generosity and awareness in the world, the Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship exists to support someone who is committed to being a generous beacon for those around them.

The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study. The only requirement is that you believe in the power of generosity and strive to help those around you whenever you get the chance.

Selection Criteria:
Essay, Selfless, Generous, Impact
Published March 11, 2022
Essay Topic

What does generosity mean to you?

200–300 words

Winning Applications

Daniel Rodriguez
University of Saint MaryTulare, CA
To me generosity means giving from the heart regardless of what you have left. I believe a common thread we see throughout our society would be an increase in possessions correlating with a decrease in generosity. Although this is not the case for everyone, I think this trend fortifies the value of what is given from those who do not have as much as others do. For someone who is generous they are giving from the heart. If one is giving from their heart they are giving through altruism, their generosity only stems from the goal of benefiting those they are helping. Although there are many gifts and aid given out the motivation behind this act is not always one of pure intent. Giving unto others for the sake of feeling better about yourself, although usually a byproduct of such actions, is not the goal of one who would be considered truly generous. I believe this quote by Carol Ryrie Brink is an excellent summation of a generous heart. "The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward." I believe generosity can be found through two main facets, physically and temporally. One typically thinks of generosity in terms of the physical things which may be given: money, toys, and other such gifts. Being generous with your time often seems to be overlooked. We can be generous by spending more time with others, denying the things on our schedule or deliberately adding to our schedule in a way which we are pouring into others. These forms of generosity and the heart behind it is what generosity means to me.
Grace Denton
University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignManhattan, IL
Generosity is giving back to make the world a little better. It exists in many different forms一 volunteering, donating, or even smiling at strangers. Your actions don’t necessarily need to be in a material form. Kindness can be shared in more simple ways like reaching out to ask how someone’s day is going. We had a guest speaker in one of my clubs, a former student speaking out on what it means to be a leader. Her main message was that it's not about being outspoken or strong to be a "leader". You can be a leader by simply sharing kindness through waving or smiling. It makes a world of a difference. These small acts of generosity are making society a more compassionate place. Everyone has been in a situation where we are standing next to someone we're acquainted with or don't know and neglect to say hi because we don't feel like it. An elevator. A crowded school hallway. Someone sitting next to you at a bus stop. Close quarters or vast openness, we must reach out and say something. When you say hello to someone or ask how they are doing, you are not only setting a chain reaction of goodwill in place, but establishing a better connection to people. Their kindness is influencing you to share a smile. When someone ahead of you pays for your coffee, you feel a deep sense of gratitude and the need to reciprocate the warmth. These people are change agents, spreading warmth at every step. I know that if we give generosity in small ways, we are sharing much more. We are sharing thoughtfulness, compassion, and the will to do good. We are making each other’s lives just a little bit better. We are making the world a better place.
Emma Register
University of GeorgiaValdosta, GA
Generosity is probably the first word to come to mind when you give money to a homeless person or donate food to the local soup kitchen. However, it’s unlikely “generosity” is your first thought when you’re offered a shoulder to cry on. I think generosity is best defined by giving up your resources to someone in need, no matter the size of the situation. My friend, Gracee, can make you laugh in the most serious of situations. Whenever you’re at your lowest, she can completely alter your mood. I find her ability to sponsor a giggle one of the purest forms of generosity. Gracee disregards her struggles to share a laugh to make you feel better, and in my opinion, her selflessness in her actions is beyond generous. My former English teacher, Mrs. Bortle, generously offered a listening ear to anyone at all. In any mental break down a high school student could have, Mrs. Bortle had the right kind of comforting embrace and calming advice. Sharing advice and lending an ear is always considered kind, but not typically known as generosity. I believe this type of interaction is incredibly generous. Generosity is most often based on actions resulting in tangible gain; rarely are seemingly small, selfless acts of kindness considered equal. I think that generosity means to be truly open to sharing yourself, as well as your resources, with the people around you who need it most.
Evan Hersh
University of the PacificFolsom, CA
Generosity to me means someone that is kind to you, gives unconditionally and does so without judgments or rewards. People can view generosity in many different ways, depending on the situation. A few examples of virtues are courage, self-control, loyalty, and creativeness, but knowledge is the leading virtue. Virtue comes from someone’s character and goodness. A person with the virtue of generosity is usually someone that treats others fairly along with valuing him or herself. There are also many benefits to being a generous person, which include making you happier, healthier, and improving relationships. Generosity might be one of the most important aspects of a healthy relationship because without generosity you would be doing everything for yourself and not looking out for others and their needs. People want a person who would drop anything and help them if they are in need. Taking time to do little things for your partner or friend will not only allow them to gain respect for you but might also make them think of you next time and do something kind or loving in return. In a stable and healthy relationship, it's more than just doing a couple of small nice things here and there, but it's actually putting the person’s needs and wants above your own. An example is my mom will randomly call or text me to see how my day is going. This not only allows me to vent my feelings but also gives me a break from reality and allows me just sit back and talk to her. I would consider that an act of generosity and kindness on her part because she takes time out of her busy day to sit down and talk to me. This shows me that she cares and puts me above her own needs.
Sarah Zweigenbaum
Southern New Hampshire University- OnlineSacramento, CA
To me, generosity means being able to give to others in a positive way. Not everyone can be generous because we all have our own issues, but giving to someone who has less than someone else can be a good feeling. Generosity is a way to share with others. Someone may be having a bad day for one reason or another, and someone else can ask how their day is. Giving time to someone may be all they need to get a problem off their chest and vent. It can help them to be generous in their way later in their day. Being generous does not mean having to give money or change to a lesser fortunate person. Donating time, food, and clothing can be other ways. Such as, giving clothes to a center for homeless people, or volunteering at a soup kitchen. Being generous can also mean teaching others. It could be a new skill or a virtue. I have learned to be generous by helping my grandmother with monthly errands of hers. I drive her to the stores she needs, and unpack her items. I have learned patience through this experience, and that going slow can be just a good or better than speeding through the day.
Ania Korpanty
University of California-Los AngelesLos Angeles, CA


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jun 12, 2022. Winners will be announced on Jul 12, 2022.