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Kylee Tollett


Bold Points






Hey guys! I'm Kylee and I am majoring in Biomedical Sciences and double minoring in Biology and Chemistry to prepare myself to go to dental school! I am originally from Oklahoma but come from a military family so I have lived all over, including South Korea twice! I attended a 2-year Biomedical Sciences and Medicine Academy in high school that I loved which helped me graduate a year early. Fun fact: my graduating class was 11 students so I literally come from the middle of nowhere! I interned at a dental office and regional hospital from August 2021-May 2022. I was able to witness so many amazing procedures, and also got to assist in a select few. I have seen root canals, implants, Cesarean sections, complete limb amputation, shoulder/knee/hip replacements, and so many more! I enjoy traveling, reading, and listening to music. I love Reese's, but not the normal ones, just the holiday-shaped ones! I am also very active in my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have a big family with 5 siblings, 3 of which are married. I have 7 nieces and nephews who I love to spoil! I can't wait to have a family one day and teach my children the importance of education!


Brigham Young University-Idaho

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Minors:
    • Biology, General
    • Chemistry

Calvin High School

High School
2020 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Medicine
    • Health/Medical Preparatory Programs
    • Dentistry
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Practicing dentistry

    • Tutor

      2022 – 20231 year
    • Teaching Assistant - GESCI 101

      Brigham Young University - Idaho
      2023 – 2023
    • Teaching Assistant - GESCI 110

      Brigham Young University - Idaho
      2023 – 2023
    • Owner/Operator

      2020 – 20222 years



    2020 – 20211 year


    2019 – 2019


    • Genealogy

      Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — Researchee
      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Foothills Dental Clinic — Organizer/Volunteer
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
      2018 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Salvation Army
      2017 – 2019
    • Volunteering

      Tim Tebow Foundation
      2020 – 2020

    Future Interests



    Future Dentists Scholarship
    I never imagined that I would aspire to become a dentist. I mean who wants to look at teeth all day?! But then I met someone who would become an incredible influence in my life. But before I begin that, you'll need some background information about me. I am a proud military kid and because of this, I have had amazing opportunities in life. I have lived in many places, including South Korea which gave me a new appreciation of other cultures. But most importantly, I had opportunities to have a unique education growing up. For example, I moved to Oklahoma during my sophomore year of high school. The area was so rural that the school offered no classes I had not already taken. I had to think outside the box with my education. I decided to drive an hour away to a Biomedical Science and Medicine Academy and get an internship at a regional hospital. I had every intention of becoming an anesthesiologist. But then I met my most significant influence. His name is Dr. Chad Packard. I met him in the summer of 2020 when his family moved into my church a couple of weeks after mine did. I actually started to get to know Dr. Packard by being their babysitter for his daughters. When he learned about my unique circumstances with school, he offered to have me come and intern at his office as well. If I am being honest, I only took him up on the offer so I did not have to spend half the day sitting in my library doing random online classes! I dreaded the first day so much that I actually canceled. But as soon as I stepped into his office, it immediately felt different. It felt so much better being there than being in a huge hospital setting. The staff all knew each other and had great patient interactions. It did not take long for me to fall in love with dentistry while watching Dr. Packard. It started slow. I started enjoying going to the dental office but still looked forward to my internship at the hospital. Then over the course of a year, I started dreaming of the dental office and dreading the hospital. I felt so much at home at the dental office. Since I also knew Dr. Packard in a personal sense, I could view his lifestyle as a dentist, a church leader, and most importantly a father. Over time, I realized that this is how I wanted my future life to look. I wanted a career where I loved going to work each day. I wanted a career where I could be active in my church. And I NEEDED a career where I could be a mother. Along the way to becoming a dentist, I have had so many people doubt me because I desire to be a mother. I have known my entire life that I want kids. Watching Dr. Packard and being a part of his family, I know that dentistry is the career that gives me the flexibility to do that. This scholarship would be incredibly beneficial. I will be applying to dental school this upcoming cycle after I graduate with my bachelor's at age 18! Since I definitely did college in a non-traditional way, I have not been able to take advantage of all scholarships because of my age and going to dental school at 18 will pose it's own financial difficulties. This scholarship is one way to help alleviate that stress and I am grateful for the opportunity to apply to it!
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    I would not be where I am in life without persistence. I have the incredible opportunity to graduate high school early at age 16. But I had to persevere and overcome many obstacles that came my way. My high school had a policy that prevented students from graduating early and receiving their diploma. I was against this and wanted to change it. At first I just went to my principal to try and talk about it but was pretty much shut down. So I decided to get a bigger audience in support of my cause. I went straight to the schoolboard and presented my situation to them. I had to help write and create a new policy so that future students would not be in the same situation as I was. I had to overcome many obstacles and persevere to reach my goal of graduating early. My efforts will be a success! I am now set to fully graduate at the top of my class with my diploma in May!
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    Being generous is simple. It means putting someone else's needs before your own. When I hear the word generosity, it makes me think of my mom. She is the most selfless person I have ever met in my entire life. She gives up so much not only for her family but for strangers she has never met. She is so kind and generous. She helps the community and individuals who are going through rough times. She helps with the Christmas Angel trees in providing gifts for kids. But being generous does not have to be a grand gesture. Oftentimes, being generous just means smiling at someone in the grocery store. It takes little effort on your part and it ends up benefiting both people involved. Besides, you never know the difference a smile can make for someone. I try to be generous in multiple aspects. Yes, giving to the needy is a great way to be generous but people often forget that we need to start within our own families. Doing the dishes when it isn't your night, taking your little sister along with you to the movies, all of those simple acts are examples of generosity. Generosity means making life better for someone else.
    Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
    I hate apple pie. I find it absolutely disgusting. My yard does not have a white picket fence. I never watch football. But these facts do not make me any less American than someone who loves all of these things. I am proud to be an American. I am proud of my hometown and where I come from. I am proud of our military and our veterans. I am proud of everything that America has gone through to become a united nation. Loving our country and being proud of it is what makes me an American. Being American means running up and down main street on the Fourth of July watching the parade. It means helping your neighbors out even when you have nothing to give. Being American means being family.
    Otis Watkins Memorial Scholarship
    Music is the foundation of my life. I am constantly listening to music. During my hour car ride to school, doing my homework, or walking down the halls at school. Music is in the background of my entire life. I have a deep appreciation of all kinds of music, even if I don't specifically like it. I can understand the emotions that artists are trying to communicate with their audience. Having the courage to share your thoughts and feelings with the world is absolutely terrifying, which is exactly why it is important to listen to music. We need to be there to support each other is our endeavors. I cannot wait to go into the medical field! I had one specific experience that made me realize I wanted to go into nursing. I had surgery done when I was a freshman in high school. It was on Valentine's Day and before I went under, the nurses and doctors brought me roses. It was a simple act but that made the difference for me that day and erased all the nerves I had going into surgery. This experience led me to know that I wanted to go into the health field. I wanted to be that special person to help someone else. I wanted to help them through a very vulnerable time in their lives. A simple act of kindness can change someone's life. I want to be that difference in the world.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    My absolute best skill is interacting with kids! I have a large family so I have been forced to learn how to deal with kids and through that, I found my love for children. I started babysitting at age 11 and I have never looked back! I have a regular babysitting job with a family who has three little kids, ages 5 and under. I love being with them and have found out that I am really good with kids. I also have nieces and nephews and have learned how to take care of even infants. I am actively improving this skill by engaging with children as much as I can. I do this in a unique way; through my internships. I intern at a dentist's office and a hospital and have been able to work with kids in both settings. Babysitting kids and interacting with them in different settings have been amazing for me. I have learned how to communicate with them.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    Contrary to popular opinion, I do not like bacon! I love to travel and try new foods. I am sixteen and just got my license but I hate driving. I have a HUGE family who is extremely crazy, but I guess that makes me a little crazy too! I am above average height for a girl. I absolutely love science. I enjoy school but not so much the homework. I'm currently enrolled in college and have realized college is going to make me broke! I am graduating a high school a year early. Oh, and my favorite color is blue!
    Bold Books Scholarship
    One of the most inspiring books that I have read did not come from a summer reading list or English class. It came from a personal desire to read. The book "Night" by Elie Wiesel has been such a powerful book. This book offers insight into what life was honestly like for a Holocaust survivor. The book was written beautifully and gave such deep meaning to different events that happened throughout the author's life. There is one specific quote from the book that inspired me the most. "He explained to me with great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the answer." This made me stop and think. This makes me realize that sometimes there won't be an answer to everything. Sometimes we have to have faith to get us through something. This book was inspiring because it gave me an appreciation for what these survivors went through. reading about this person's haunting experiences inspires me to want to help people. It inspires me to consider the possibility of working for UNICEF, an organization that could have helped during the Holocaust. I can provide help to those less fortunate. It has also inspired me to speak up when I see injustice. So many people kept quiet during the Holocaust instead of taking action. Imagine if someone was there to help the victims of the Holocaust. Imagine how many more people could be alive if more people were willing to take action.
    Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
    1. I don't deserve this at all. I am the absolute WORST candidate for this scholarship! 2. What are academics??? 3. I NEVER have obstacles, I am perfect.
    Tyde Memorial Scholarship
    I absolutely need this scholarship. Do you know how hard it is to win a scholarship?! IT IS HARD! I've been told to apply for as many scholarships as I can, so I have. I have applied to 200+ scholarships and am still applying. It was tedious and tiresome to write so many essays and fill out so many applications. Sometimes I just wanted to forget about it! And I haven't even won one yet. It is especially downgrading when most scholarships out there, I am not eligible for. According to FAFSA, I am not financially in need of scholarships. But my parents don't pay for my college! So I have to get scholarships and work my way through college. I am not low-income, a minority, or going to college in-state. BOOM! That wipes out my eligibility on a ton of scholarships. But I want to go into the healthcare field and if that means eventually going to medical or dental school, I'm going to need all the scholarships I can get! Graduate school is crazy expensive! So hopefully (wink wink) I can get this scholarship by proving that I am dedicated and trying to take advantage of every scholarship opportunity out there!
    Hobbies Matter
    My absolute favorite hobby is one that earns me money. I used to craft for fun and make things for my family members. Then I had the idea to expand and start my own company. I have been able to start my own business based on my favorite hobby: crafting. I make wreaths which is the main thing that I do. But I also customize shirts, mugs, backpacks, pretty much anything someone needs to be customized. Crafting gives me a safe place to sit and be with my own thoughts. It also lets me take time for myself which is important for my mental health.
    I Am Third Scholarship
    I have had to create my own educational opportunities. I moved to an extremely small town with very limited resources my sophomore year. This school did not have opportunities for me to advance in my education. So I took matters into my own hands. I enrolled in a Biomedical Science and Medicine Academy and went through an interview process to get accepted. This route has proven to be one of the best decisions that I have made for my education. It is preparing me very well for my future career, which is going to be in the health field. It has also given me the academic opportunity of participating in HOSA and the National Technical Honors Society. It has given me the chance to challenge myself and push my limits. I also decided that I wanted to intern/job shadow instead of going to my high school. So I went out and did exactly that. I landed job shadowing opportunities at a regional hospital and a dentist's office. I get to go to each place twice a week which gives me up to 16 hours a week of experience! These have been vital in helping me decide whether I want to go into the medical or dental field. Third, I have been excelling in college concurrent courses. I have been taking classes through two colleges and have been making all A's. I even was on Honor Roll at both. Getting this jumpstart has put me well on my way to an associates' degree. I am almost done with it! I just recently made a decision that will change my entire life. My Biomedical Sciences program ends this year which means I cannot continue next year. I have already completed all high school requirements so I can't go to high school. So I have decided to graduate early as a junior who is only 16 years old. I am changing my school's education system by showing others what is possible through hard work and determination. This will positively impact many more students. Others can see that there are many opportunities outside of high school while you are still in school. I am creating new policies at my school that will reward students who want to challenge themselves, not hold them back. I have experienced this exact thing and do not want future generations to feel that they are not reaching their full potentials. From the information above, I believe that it is very evident that I am passionate about my education. I am wanting to go into the health field. I have not yet decided exactly what career but that is okay. I am only 16 and have a little bit of time to figure that out. All I know is that I want to help people. I want to prove that somebody from nowhere can be someone. I want to be an example for the underdogs.
    Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
    I am a proud military kid. My father works for the United States Army as a civilian and he is currently deployed overseas. He will be stationed there for 6 months, but there is a high chance that he will be asked to stay longer because there is a desperate need for military members. This deployment has been the hardest on my family. This is my dad's first deployment in about 6-7 years due to the fact that we lived overseas. My older siblings have all moved out of the house. This leaves only my mom, my little sister, and me. We once were a family of 8 and now we are down to 3 in the household. This situation has caused its own problems. I never would have imagined that I would take something as simple as a drill for granted. A few weeks ago, I needed to drill something together for a project. Normally, I would go to my dad for help on these kinds of things but he isn't here. This situation, and many others that I have encountered, have caused me to become a better version of myself. I have had to learn new things and adapt and overcome. My dad being deployed has also taught me to have more patience. Let me tell you why. This evening was my little sister's Christmas play. I was curling her hair and helping her get ready for her big night with her starring role. Then, right before we were going to leave, she started crying. Like the big, fat, ugly tears. She was upset that our dad wouldn't be there to watch her on her big night. This is the first deployment for my little sister and she is having a hard time with it. Especially with the holiday season. I have learned to become more passionate and patient with her, trying to help her through this. I was able to calm her down and explain that he wishes so much that he could be here. Sadly, our military members have to miss important events like this all of the time. Another example of how this will impact me comes from the future. Yesterday, I was ASKED TO PROM!!! This is my junior year in high school and my first time going to prom. I am so excited about it! And then I realized something. My dad may not be back for my prom. I won't be able to have my dad meet the guy, get to know him, or anything. There are thousands of other kids like me. Kids whose lives are drastically changed due to being military kids. People forget that the little things are sometimes the most memorable. I miss my dad calling me over to tell me a corny joke that he found on Facebook. These are all sacrifices that I have had to make in my life because of being a military kid. However, these are all worth it. That has impacted my life for the better. I wouldn't trade anything to stop being a military kid because I love it. I love that I am a part of something bigger, a family.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    A growth mindset is the most important asset you can have throughout your education. It allows you to learn from your mistakes and better yourself. I keep a growth mindset by applying two simple rules in my life. 1. Reflect on my past experiences. Any experience that I have gone through, whether good or bad, I reflect on. This allows me to realize what I did well but also what I could improve on. This is something that is critical for having a growth mindset. Being able to critique yourself and take constructive criticism. 2. Use the word yet. Anytime I find myself wishing that I am better at something, I use the word yet. I am not good at drawing, yet. I am not ready to go to college, yet. This puts my struggles into perspective. Anything that I am dealing with can improve. Using the word yet helps me to realize that I will always have room for improvement. These two rules are livesavers. They help keep me in check and are helping me become the best student that I can be.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    I have one friend that I am forever grateful for. Last year, during the COVID-19 pandemic, I had to move halfway across the country. I was not able to say goodbye to any of my friends and it was an extremely hard time during my life. I had one friend that continued to reach out to me after I had moved. He helped me through a rough time. I was able to feel supported and loved through the move. Now, almost a year and a half later, we still talk all the time. Even though we do not get to see each other, we are still great friends who give each other advice, help with homework, and confide in. Friendship means everything to me. Without good friends to be surrounded by I would struggle. I am a very social person and love talking with my friends. They give me good advice and support me through my endeavors. Friendships made during this time of my life will impact me forever. My friends have my back and will always support me. My friendships are my foundation in life.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    I have one experience that I will forever remember about the importance of patience. I was a freshman and had missed many days of school. For the life of me, I could not get a certain math concept. I was struggling hard. I asked my teacher for help and she sat down with me after school and taught me the concept. I still did not understand. My teacher was extremely patient with me, explaining the same thing numerous times. I finally was able to understand the concept and succeed in the class due to the patience of an extraordinary teacher. Patience is a virtue that more people need experience with. Imagine if your parents or teachers did not have ANY patience with you. You would be miserable and relationships would be strained. Learning and being patient now is important for my future. I want to go into the medical/health field where I will be interacting with patients and family members of patients on a daily basis. Patience is a key aspect of this field. Waiting on lab results, waiting for patients, explaining the same thing over and over to a family member. I will have to be patient in every aspect of my career. Patience will allow me to take time and analyze a situation that may be difficult.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    Lise Meitner had to escape during World War II from Nazi Germany and go to Sweden. There she discovered that nuclear fission can produce a massive amount of energy and the element protactinium. I love that even though she came from a hard background and overcame trials, she was able to focus on her love of science and change the world. Lise Meitner inspires me to keep working towards my dream no matter what life will throw at me.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    My best skill is a love for education. Many teenagers today do not put forth effort in their school work. Well, I am the complete opposite! I want my work to be the best it can be, even if it is a simple assignment. My drive for this is my best skill. It shows others that I am hardworking, dependable, and eager. I am improving my love of school by continuing my education past high school. I am going to go to college! Right now I am taking many college courses to better inform myself. I want to be diverse so I take courses in all subjects, from science to the humanities! I also have a great skill to love others. To work on this, I want to do a study abroad program in college. I want to go to other countries and do what I can to help. I am always trying to better myself because there is always room for improvement!
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    My favorite way to help others is by doing small and simple things. A grand gesture is not necessary to make someone smile. Smiling at a stranger, opening the door, or helping them reach something on the top shelf at the grocery store are examples of everyday kindness. People appreciate the small things. Especially when you are not asked. The best way to help others is when you see that they need help and do it. You don't have to be asked. It shows a lot of character when you are able to do that.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    One of the most inspiring books that I have read did not come from a summer reading list or English class. It came from a personal desire to read. The book "Night" by Elie Wiesel has been such a powerful book. This book offers insight into what life was honestly like for a Holocaust survivor. The book was written beautifully and gave such deep meaning to different events that happened throughout the author's life. There is one specific quote from the book that inspired me the most. "He explained to me with great insistence that every question possessed a power that did not lie in the answer." This made me stop and think. This makes me realize that sometimes there won't be an answer to everything. Sometimes we have to have faith to get us through something. This book was inspiring because it gave me an appreciation for what these survivors went through. reading about this person's haunting experiences inspires me to want to help people. It inspires me to consider the possibility of working for UNICEF, an organization that could have helped during the Holocaust. I can provide help to those less fortunate. It has also inspired me to speak up when I see injustice. So many people kept quiet during the Holocaust instead of taking action. Imagine if someone was there to help the victims of the Holocaust. Imagine how many more people could be alive if more people were willing to take action.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    In my life, self-care comes first. For example, this past weekend I skipped going to a game night with some friends and instead stayed home. I needed a break from my busy life with all of the commotion. I needed time to myself to relax. Even though I said self-care comes first in my life, I am not perfect. Sometimes I do things that do not help my mental state. Sometimes I add more unneeded stress to my workload. But there is one thing that I do every day no matter what that really helps me: reading. I love to read. However, with all of my schoolwork, internships, church, family, and social life, I never seem to have time to read for fun anymore. So something that I do to practice self-care is to read at least a chapter of a book every night before bed. This helps me to unwind and relax for the night. Another thing that I like to do to improve my well-being is watching movies. Now, I know that it seems mundane but watching moves is important to me. I do not have time in the day to sit down and watch a movie. I am extremely busy and life gets in the way sometimes. I drive an hour to school, have school for three hours, go to my internships, drive an hour home, and do homework. This cycle repeats itself every day and sometimes becomes irritating. So every Friday I sit down by myself in my room and watch a movie. This gives me a chance to have some me-time away from the world. When I do these things, my life is positively impacted. I feel happier and more relaxed. I am able to complete things more easily without feeling stressed.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    My dream life is one that seemed unattainable until recently. Last year, I was in so much pain. It happened all of a sudden and I didn't know what to do. I went to the ER and underwent many different tests. While I was there I marveled at the difference between the doctors and nurses. I had one nurse that made my life so much easier. She was amazing! Then I had a doctor that didn't seem to care. He talked to my mother instead of me, the patient. Even though I am a teenager, I am perfectly capable of voicing my concerns for myself. This experience led to me realize the difference in what a person can make. I wanted to be like that nurse. I wanted to help people during their most vulnerable times. My dream life involves me going into the health field. Whether I become a doctor or a nurse, I know that I will succeed. I know that I will be able to help people, which is my dream life. My dream life does not include a fancy house or car. It doesn't include going to the biggest parties. My dream life is simple. I want to help people and raise a family. If I can get married and have children, I will consider myself living the dream and being successful.