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Donor Profile: Charles Boley

Scholarships, grants, and award winners for Charles's causes.
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Charles Boley

Queen Creek

Donor since Jun, 2022



    Charles Boley




    Maddy Maher


    Jeri And Charles Boley


    Charles Boley






Total Donations

Jun, 2022



In memory of our beloved son Brian Boley, who lost his battle with mental illness at the young age of 21, we aim to help those in need of financial assistance while they pursue higher education. Fixing the mental health system is a must and we hope that in Brian's memory we can help young students pursue their education in a mental health field.

Letters from winners

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    Kasey Robertson

    Mr. Boley, Thank you so much for this opportunity! I am passionate about mental health issues and truly hope to make a difference for others who are struggling. This scholarship will help me to pursue my degree in psychology! Kasey Robertson

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    Courtney Rife

    I just want to say thank you sooooo much! I really appreciate you for giving me this opportunity. I feel honored to be the applicant chosen for this and I am glad that my friendship made this happen for me. I hope that during my education and work I can do Brian's legacy proud.

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    Charlotte Walder

    In the months I've been working on scholarships, this is the first piece of recognition I've gotten for my essays. Though the people around me don't entirely understand my excitement over being a finalist as opposed to a winner, I am genuinely over the moon to be recognized for the work I've put in; no matter how small or big that recognition is. This has pushed me to work even harder with my scholarship applications, and I'm so grateful. The fact that other people can see the potential in me is such a wonderful feeling. Thank you so much.

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    Sanieya Hill

    Being a winner of this scholarship will unlock many opportunities I didn't know I could unlock. There's nothing else I want to do more than being a psychiatrist. It's one of the few things I'm sure I want to be. I go through my life a lot for the past 4 years just living day by day not knowing or anticipating whats going to happen to me and majority of the time I am okay with that but I feel like I shouldn't be okay with it. I know where i want to be in the future and I do see myself there one day though but I can't reach those goals with that type of mindset. I thank you for considering me for this scholarship because that means you see potential in me and most of the time I think people don't see much in me. You don't me but you have showed me what I am capable of when I put my mind to it. So thank you for choosing me to be a finalist in this scholarship and this one of the many steps its going to take to reach my dreams.

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    Gabrielle Przepiora

    Thank you so much for considering me for this award. Being a finalist means a lot to me. I also lost someone very close to me, and I think about her every single day. I am so sorry you lost Brian at such a young age. I am sure he would be proud knowing his memory is being lived on through the generous awards. Thank you again for making me a finalist. God bless you and your family. Sincerely, Gabrielle Przepiora


