University of Southern Maine No-Essay Transfer Students Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$1,000
Next Application Deadline
Feb 1, 2022
Next Winners Announced
Mar 1, 2022
Education Level
Eligibility Requirements
Transfer College of Interest:
University of Southern Maine

Amending decisions and changing circumstances is a natural part of life. In fact, across the country, transfer students make up anywhere from 15-40% of a school’s new undergraduate population.

Transferring often gives students another chance to establish themselves, find their crowd, and set themselves up for the best years of their lives. In such dynamic academic environments where burning out is common, it’s important to find stability and appreciation all around you.

To support the endeavors of transfer students in New England, we're partnering with the University of Southern Maine to create the USM Transfer Students of New England Scholarship.

It will be awarded to one student in any field of study who is interested in transferring to the University of Southern Maine to continue their studies! 

All undergraduate students currently studying in the New England area or those who are originally from New England and looking to transfer back are eligible to apply. 

Selection Criteria:
Essay, Transfer Student, Ambition, Risk-taker, Purpose
Published March 23, 2021


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Feb 1, 2022. Winners will be announced on Mar 1, 2022.