Stuvia Scholarship

Funded by
1 winner$2,500
Application Deadline
Aug 15, 2024
Winners Announced
Sep 15, 2024
Education Level
Undergraduate, Graduate
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate or graduate student

Since 2010, Stuvia has been the go-to online platform where students worldwide can buy or sell high-quality study notes and other study resources. A place where students help fellow students, and earn money off of their knowledge.

Additionally, Stuvia has made it incredibly easy for students to sell their study material, offering them an easy way to make money from their hard work in school. With college costs rising, many students are in desperate need of educational funding but have limited time to work due to the demands of higher education. This is where Stuvia comes in: turn your study hustle into a side hustle. Globally, over one million people are using Stuvia on a monthly basis, and the amount of study materials available continues to grow.

This scholarship aims to support students who are pursuing their collegiate dreams but are in need of financial assistance in order to stay in school.

Any undergraduate or graduate student who is at least eighteen years old may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, create an account on Stuvia, upload your study notes and be automatically entered into this no essay scholarship.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published March 8, 2024


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Aug 15, 2024. Winners will be announced on Sep 15, 2024.