Donor Profile: Stuvia
Scholarships, grants, and award winners for Stuvia's causes.
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Donor since Feb, 2024
Total Donations
Letters from winners
1Haley Watson
Thank you so much for choosing me for your scholarship! I am genuinely shocked and beyond grateful for your generosity. I cannot express my gratitude towards your organization, not only for giving me this award, but for giving me and students worldwide the resources we need to succeed in college. Stuvia has and will continue to help me throughout college, not only with the scholarship but also in my everyday study life. So, for the third time, I want to express my gratitude toward your organization, as well as my hope that more and more students will be so lucky as to learn about your organization and what you do. Thank you!
1Stuvia Scholarship
Awarded$2,5001 Winners0 FinalistsThis scholarship has been awarded!
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