For DonorsFor Applicants

Self "ESTEAM" Scholarship

1 winner$500
Application Deadline
Apr 1, 2022
Winners Announced
May 1, 2022
Education Level
High School
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Area of Study:
Any STEM-related field
DC, Maryland, and Virginia

Pillars4Dignity, a nonprofit organization located in Maryland, aims to support and empower underserved women who face economic and social hardships.

The Self “ESTEAM” scholarship is designed to encourage and promote those planning to pursue a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM). Pillars4Dignity foresees this scholarship opportunity as a means to promote diversity in the tech sector and support female innovators with a passion for sustainability.

You must be a rising female junior or senior in high school, and be located in Washington DC, Maryland, or Virginia to be eligible for this scholarship.

To apply, please write an essay of 500-800 words on how your achievements, both present and future, in your chosen STEAM-related field will improve the quality of life for people in your community.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published October 26, 2021
Essay Topic

How will your achievements in your chosen STEAM-related field, both present and future, improve the quality of life for people in your community?

500–800 words

Winning Application

Heidi Focht
University of Central FloridaBrambleton, VA
When I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in civil engineering, I had no idea what possibilities were open to me. My interest sparked when I was in the car one day, pondering about bridges and speed limits (no, really). Since then, I have been spending my free time watching videos from real civil engineers on Youtube and TikTok and found out that they do way more than just set speed limits! The civil engineering influencers use their platforms to spread awareness about many things that I have found myself passionate about as well. One of the things I am passionate about is pedestrian safety. My interest blossomed upon stumbling across a Youtube video I watched by user Not Just Bikes about how important forethought in city planning is for pedestrians. He uses Houston as an example of an American city and how the US almost requires owning an automobile to survive. This is something that I want to work to change. Currently, most suburban American cities pay no attention to people who prefer to travel on foot; sidewalks, if they exist at all, are right next to a noisy and dangerous “stroad” (a treacherous mix between a local street and a high-speed road), unkempt, and end right at a long parking lot in front of the business the pedestrian was aiming for. Pedestrians are responsible for their own safety on sidewalks and crossing streets even more so in these areas because drivers are looking for cars, not people. This pedestrian-hostile environment is something that I am passionate about exterminating. Reliance on cars requires minimum-wage workers to own a car to just be able to drive to work: something they probably can’t afford easily on their hourly wage. As a civil engineer, I would ensure that every suburban area is safe and walkable for pedestrians. I will work to make it so that America no longer requires its residents to own a car to be a productive member of society. I will do this by ensuring that pedestrians are granted safe and quality sidewalks that are separated from high-speed roadways to get to where they need to go on a daily basis. I will also draw inspiration from European countries like the Netherlands and install two-way bike paths wherever I can to encourage bicycle travel: an environmentally-friendly method of transportation that is much more accessible than cars. As an engineer, I will improve the quality of life for people in my community by making sure that they have a safe and affordable way to travel. Another topic I am passionate about in civil engineering is accessibility. There are so many little ways that cities neglect people with mobility disabilities and make it impossible for them to exist without a car. There is a TikTok user by the name of @pedestriandignity whose account I frequent to see examples of what NOT to do when designing sidewalks. This account focuses on why it may feel “embarrassing” to walk in some areas because the hostile design makes them feel like they are breaking the rules. The account posts submitted videos of dangerous sidewalks and inaccessible areas that inspire me to do better. When cities don’t clear snow on sidewalk street crossings, leave potholes and dangerous cracks in roadside sidewalks, design bumpy and uneven pedestrian walkways with decorative tile or stone patterns, etc., they are making it very undesirable for pedestrians with disabilities. If I want a future where America isn’t so dependent on cars, an important step is making it so that everybody, at all levels of ability, has a fair and enjoyable chance at traveling without a car. As a civil engineer, I will ensure that every project has taken people with disabilities into account and allows them to enjoy their neighborhoods too. I believe that America needs to change in these areas. Requiring cars to travel even short distances puts minimum wage employees at a major disadvantage. Additionally, the unsafe conditions of current sidewalks endanger pedestrian lives every day. As a civil engineer, I will improve the quality of life for people in my community by making sure that every person, no matter their income, ability, and need, has the opportunity to safely carry out their daily lives without the expensive and eco-hostile purchase of a car. I believe that these changes will make suburban America a better place, and I plan to work hard to make the changes come true.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Apr 1, 2022. Winners will be announced on May 1, 2022.

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