Promising Pathways-Single Parent Scholarship

1 winner$2,000
Application Deadline
Dec 6, 2023
Winners Announced
Jan 6, 2024
Education Level
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate student
Financial Status:
Single parent

College can be challenging for any student to complete, but single parents face the unique difficulty of pursuing their education while also caring for children. Furthermore, single parents often face financial constraints that make completing a degree even more out of reach. Having the financial assistance necessary to afford tuition and earn a diploma can make all the difference by boosting earnings, opening up job opportunities, and creating a better life for oneself and one’s children.

This scholarship aims to support low-income single parents who are pursuing higher education (including technical programs, two-year college degrees, and four-year college degrees) while raising children who are living in their home.

To apply, tell us about your area of study in school, the obstacles you’ve overcome while attending school as a single parent, and your plans and goals once you finish your degree.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published September 5, 2023
Essay Topic

Please describe:

1. What you are studying in school.

2. The obstacles you've overcome while attending school as a single parent.

3. Your plans and goals once you finish your degree.


400–600 words

Winning Application

Tina Widergren
Long Island UniversityRonkonkoma, NY
Dear Scholarship Committee, As a single mother working towards my bachelor's degree in nursing while raising my young daughter, I understand firsthand the unique challenges of pursuing higher education as a single parent. Though it has not been easy, I am proud of how far I have come. Just five and a half years ago, I was in a very difficult place, battling addiction and in an abusive relationship. I knew I had to make a change for myself. I got sober, left the relationship, and moved back to New York to be closer to family. Living in poverty and overcoming addiction were extremely difficult obstacles, but I persevered. I enrolled in community college and began chipping away at my degree requirements. Juggling school, work, and parenting has been exhausting at times, but I am determined to succeed. As a single mom, the obstacles I've overcome while attending school include: lack of childcare, little financial support, having to maintain a job while taking classes, and finding time to study while caring for my daughter alone. It has been incredibly challenging juggling school, work, parenting, and my own health and wellbeing as I suffer from fibromyalgia. However, with all the obstacles I have faced this far I am determined to push through. I am more than half way through my RN degree, with the goal of obtaining my masters degree and become a nurse practitioner in family medicine. As a nurse, I want to provide compassionate care and be a positive role model for my daughter and others who may be struggling. My experiences give me a unique perspective that I believe will allow me to connect with and uplift my patients. I plan on providing a holistic approach to healthcare, where I treat the whole patient rather than the ailment they are suffering from in the moment. Being my addiction, as well as many others, began with a medication prescribed by a physician, my goal is to encompass and introduce my patients to alternative medicine and aim to an overall wellness rather than a slew of medications. A scholarship would help relieve the financial burden of completing my degree as a single parent. It would allow me to cut back on work hours and spend more quality time with my daughter. With your support, I know I can achieve my dreams of becoming a nurse practitioner and creating a stable, loving home for my family. Thank you for considering my application. Sincerely, Tina Widergren
jordan cooley
South CollegeDouglasville, GA
I was blessed with my daughter in February of 2019, I was in my last semester of college double majoring in marketing and biochemistry with the hopes of either going to PA school or Medical School. Having a career in healthcare has always been my plan A and B, there has never been another option. I had envisioned by year 27 of life, I would’ve been a practicing physician assistant or embarking on my final year in medical school. However, life doesn’t always go as planned, we figure out that life’s path is not linear, and your dreams and goals are delayed and not denied. As I am approaching year 27, I am reflecting on how my dreams and goals have shifted to be realistic versus idealistic. I am a single mom to a beautiful three-year-old daughter. I am currently enrolled in nursing school full-time, and work two jobs. One of which, I work as a nursing assistant to prepare me for my nursing career. Most of my income goes to bills and making sure my daughter can participate in extracurricular activities that she loves like gymnastics. I sacrifice what I need to make sure my daughter has everything she wants. I will recycle my three pairs of leggings and wear them throughout the week, I will wear the size 6 Adidas that I can no longer fit, I will wear my Nike work shoes with holes in them, and continue to wear the bleached stained ceil blue scrubs to work with a smile because I know everything has a purpose. So my daughter can have nice clothes, and gymnastics tuition paid for, so she can experience life without wanting. I am so dedicated and motivated to finish nursing school, and graduate top of my class for her. Nursing school is more to me than just providing for my daughter, it's about being a service to people and the community. What attracts me to healthcare and nursing is patient care. I love direct patient care, you can help people at various stages of their life; on their best days and at their vulnerable. My mission when I become a nurse is to honor every voice and advocate for my patients. I say a morning mantra at the start of every shift “ compassion and kindness are never wasted, they always make a difference, they bless the one who receives them, and they bless the giver”. This sets the tone and intentions for the day, which puts me in the right mindset not only to serve but care for my patients. This scholarship will help me further my education to embark on the journey of changing every patient's life one voice at a time. Firstly, I want to thank the committee for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship. Most single mothers do not have the resources outside of loans to help fund their education. This scholarship will make graduating easier, and lessen my student loan debt. Which will help jumpstart my daughter and I's new life once I become a nurse, and can provide for her to the best of my abilities without struggle


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Dec 6, 2023. Winners will be announced on Jan 6, 2024.