For DonorsFor Applicants

Mark Neiswander "110" Memorial Scholarship

1 winner$5,000
Application Deadline
Jun 1, 2024
Winners Announced
Jul 1, 2024
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school senior or undergraduate student
Leadership in school and/or community service or volunteering experience

Mark Neiswander was a loving father who grew up in the small town of Urbana, Ohio.

Throughout his life, the core values instilled by his family and community were his guiding North Star.

Ohio University's legendary "Most Exciting Band in the Land", known as The Ohio University Marching 110, captures the spirit of Mark and the 110% he gave to everything he did. Thus, the Mark Neiswander “110” Memorial Scholarship is a representation of his work ethic and the spirit of the Marching 110. 

Mark had a strong love for his hometown and the close bonds that could only be formed through such a tightly knit community. Throughout his life, Mark believed in giving back to his community and helping others.

Mark had an immense passion for life and learning. This scholarship aims to support students from small towns in Ohio so they can pursue a college education.

Any high school senior or undergraduate student in Ohio who demonstrates leadership in school, volunteering experience, and/or academic excellence may apply.

To apply, tell us what makes you proud to be an American, what change you want to see in our country, and how you will effect this change.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published July 3, 2023
Essay Topic

What makes you proud to be an American? What is one change you want to see in our country and how will you effect this change?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Henry Harrigan
Urbana High SchoolUrbana, OH
I am honored to apply for the Mark Neiswander "110" Memorial Scholarship. Like Mark, I grew up in the small town of Urbana, Ohio. I take pride in being an American and being part of a close-knit, small community that has shaped my character and values. It's a community where flags and parades are commonplace. It is a place where farmers help each other and neighbors lend a helping hand. From a young age, I have directly seen and been taught the importance of giving back, and this has become a part of my life. This has instilled in me not only a sense of pride, but also a sense of civic responsibility and a desire to contribute positively to society. To me this means a dedication to helping others. In paving my path to becoming a commercial pilot, I have made many important connections with pilots that have become incredible mentors. One such mentor has encouraged me to be actively involved in helping others. He said he would rather sit in the cockpit with a pilot who can show compassion and support than one who is simply the smartest person in the room. He has instilled in me the importance of building character through kindness and charity. I have taken his advice seriously, and have embraced numerous opportunities to give back to my community. As an active member of the National Honor Society, DECA, student council, 4-H and the local YMCA volunteer youth programs, I have coordinated food drives and blood drives. I have volunteered at local events such as Healthy Kids Day and the Historic Home and Garden Tour, and mentored young athletes through coaching a youth soccer team. These experiences have allowed me to make a tangible impact, and have taught me invaluable lessons in leadership, teamwork, and compassion. Amelia Earhart said, “A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees.” As a society, we can do small things to bring about change. To effect this change, I plan to continue my commitment to service and leadership throughout my college journey and beyond. At The Ohio State University, where I have been accepted into the marketing program, I intend to become involved with organizations like the American Marketing Association, which not only provides professional development opportunities, but also celebrates and supports the broader community. Additionally, I aspire to become a Certified Flight Instructor, using my passion for aviation as a platform to inspire and mentor the next generation of pilots, instilling in them the values of hard work, perseverance, and compassion that have been so instrumental in my own journey. Going forward, I hope to see a greater focus on civic engagement and community involvement in our country. Just as Mark embodied the spirit of the Ohio University Marching 110, giving 110% to everything he did, I too strive to approach every endeavor with dedication and a commitment to excellence. It would be an honor to carry on Mark's legacy through this scholarship, using the opportunity to further my education and continue making a positive impact on my community and beyond. This scholarship would be instrumental in helping me achieve my goal of becoming a pilot. The financial support would allow me to focus on my flight training and college education, rather than having to juggle multiple jobs as I currently do to cover the costs. Moreover, being selected for this award would be a testament to the hard work and dedication I have poured into pursuing my dreams. Thank you for your consideration.
Hannah Louck
Ohio University-Main CampusUrbana, OH
The saying "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is true. Since moving, I constantly find pieces of my childhood hometown in everything I love. I was born and raised in Urbana, Ohio, just like my parents and their parents before them. I always knew I lived in a small town, but I never realized how small until college. To this day, I am still creating new ways to describe Urbana on a map when people ask where I am from. Like most teenagers, I was sure I would leave for college, see what was on the other side of the cornfields surrounding town, and never want to come back. But over the past year, I have experienced quite the opposite. As I continue to grow and learn more about myself, I find the town that raised me is deeply embedded into who I am. Life is about making mistakes and learning from them, and I have spent over 18 years learning all of mine in one place. I learned how to be hard-working from my high school coaches. I learned to face my fears while showing horses at the county fair. I learned the value of service repairing local homes with my church youth group. The community I had taught me lessons I may not be the same person without. The community you get from living in a small town is priceless in a way that only people who have lived in one will understand. When deciding on a college, I chose Ohio University because it reminded me of home. The local shops and brick downtown buildings bring me a comforting nostalgia. I see remnants of Urbana everywhere I look. My time at Ohio University has affirmed for me more than ever that I want to spend my life helping others. People in small, rural towns are impacted disproportionately by poverty, poor infrastructure, unemployment, etc. I want to use my education to help my hometown and others like it. Small towns like mine have beautiful communities which deserve access to quality resources. As a first-generation student, I have the luxury of higher education and am aware that many people do not. I want to use this privilege to help the marginalized groups society forgets about because those are the people who make the world go round. I hope to one-day influence someones life as much as the people of Urbana have influenced mine.
Chase Hetrick
Ohio University-Main CampusAmherst, OH
I take great pride in America's commitment to preserving our national heritage through land preservation and conservationism. From the stunning Rocky Mountains to the magnificent Great Lakes, our country's diverse and vast beauty is worth safeguarding. Millions of Americans share my appreciation for our national parks and preserves, which provide us with physical, mental, and spiritual fulfillment. The United States' rich history of land preservation is something that I am proud to uphold as an American. The conservation movement has been deeply impactful on the environmental policy of America since its inception in the late 1800s. It emerged as a response to the wanton destruction of the nation's natural resources caused by the rapid industrialization of the West. Influential individuals such as John Muir advocated for the protection of America’s land. Theodore Roosevelt often called the conservation president, established 230 million acres of public land during his presidency. Their efforts led to the creation of the U.S. Forest Service and many national parks. Theodore Roosevelt said, “Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches, or its romance.” My passion for nature developed from my formative years being entwined with it. Growing up, my family faced financial struggles, which limited my options for entertainment and enrichment. As a result, I spent a lot of time at free public parks in my area, enjoying nature as others traveled or pursued expensive hobbies. My grandfather would accompany me on my adventures and promote my curiosity for nature. I would hang on to his every word as he told me the names of trees, plants and wildflowers, insects, animals, and the importance and purpose of each one. These experiences have become some of my most cherished memories. They help explain why I care so deeply about easily accessible preserves for all communities. Access to nature has been a great comfort for me during challenging times, especially after my grandmother passed away. It helped to ease my grief, anxiety, and stress. Many of my closest friends share the same sentiment and feel a great connection to nature. We frequently spend time in nature as a group and enjoy taking our acoustic instruments with us to relax and play some songs. We unanimously agree that we feel better upon leaving. I believe that time spent in nature is essential for our health. Research supports this, with a 2018 study showing that regular exposure to nature can reduce feelings of isolation and worry. Looking back, I am deeply moved by the positive impact nature has had on my life. For these reasons, I believe conservation is crucial for both the environment and the mental well-being of all Americans. I am excited to be furthering my education this fall at Ohio University. I have been accepted into their biological sciences honors program. I will be pursuing a degree in biology, with an intense focus on ecology and a minor in environmental studies. I plan to be heavily involved in promoting conservation on campus, bringing attention to its importance. Through internships and hands-on research, I will strive to learn as much as possible to help protect our country’s land and natural resources for generations. Protecting our country's biodiversity is necessary for the United States, and I am inspired to follow my passions when I see my country continue to move in the right direction for conservation and preservation.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Jun 1, 2024. Winners will be announced on Jul 1, 2024.

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