Manuela Calles Scholarship for Women

Funded by
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Dr. Sandra Calles
1 winner$790
Application Deadline
Feb 13, 2025
Winners Announced
Mar 13, 2025
Education Level
Undergraduate, Graduate
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate or graduate student
Field of Study:
Pursuing mental health or business
2.5 or greater

Community-minded individuals are the future and will ensure the progress and success of their towns for generations to come.

Making a difference can take a variety of forms, such as mental health advocacy or entrepreneurship. There are few fields less impactful than mental health, as professionals have the opportunity to save lives and fight the suicide crisis. Business, on the other hand, can be used in a limitless number of fields to innovate and improve.

This scholarship aims to support women who are pursuing their dreams in order to do impactful work in their communities.

Any female undergraduate or graduate student who is studying mental health or business with at least a 2.5 GPA may apply for this scholarship.

To apply, submit an essay telling us about your values and how they will affect your future work, and submit a short video telling us about yourself and your goals for the future.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published August 30, 2024
Essay Topic

What are your values? How will your values inform the work you do in mental health or business?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Emmalise O'Harra
North Bay Haven Career AcademyPanama City, FL
It's Okay to not be Okay (IOTNBO). That's what I value. From a young age I have been taught to above all value myself, my family, and my friends. I have valued not only the work of others but the work that I accomplish. I used these values and put them towards my passion, to help others. From the age of two I have felt the medical field is where I belong. From just saying I wanted to be a doctor to being a surgeon to wanting to focus on mental health. Living in a rural community, mental health is often undiscussed and overlooked. I began exploring the importance of mental health when competing through HOSA. I shared my passion for community and mental health awareness, but I knew I had to think bigger. I co-founded the first mental health awareness club in my school and continued to compete in the mental health awareness category, sharing our cause at the state level. My team of two quickly grew to a club with over thirty members. IOTNBO coordinated and hosted the first Mental Health Matters March, a school-wide, week-long initiative. Activities included making fun crafts and sharing treats with the school community. As a club we participated in the SPARE Bridge of Hope Suicide Awareness walk and have planned Claus for a Cuase, a holiday plush gifting event. I hope to continue to grow the organization to include other schools. I plan to harness the same passion that started IOTNBO to complete my associates in psychology before finishing high school. Studying biochemistry and psychology will serve as my educational foundation as I work my way into the world of psychiatry. I will dedicate my life advocating for patients of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. Being awarded this scholarship will allow me to achieve my dreams and attend college. From books to boarding, winning would change my life. I value working with others and contributing to causes greater than myself. I believe getting with others and pushing the idea that mental health is just as much of a priority as physical health is. I want to better not only myself in my studies but those around me in what we can accomplish. Working in my school is just the beginning of what I believe I am going to achieve. My ultimate value is to work towards creating a world where everyone knows it’s okay to not be okay.
Sarah Neururer
University of Minnesota-Twin CitiesRoseville, MN
After 6 years as an early childhood special education teacher, I took a leap of faith to pursue a passion I discovered early on in my career: supporting the parent-child relationship, mental health, and education/advocacy around social-emotional support in the school setting. By going back to school to pursue a clinical counseling license, I know I can do those things and much more. With my past experiences and future career in mind, I deeply value reflection, leading with curiosity, equity, justice, compassion, and caring. These values are essential in being an effective mental health professional and all play a specific role in my future career goals. As a teacher, I participated in reflective supervision to work through problems in the classroom and challenges I faced with students. In practice, this looked like reflecting on my own actions, biases, experiences, and triggers. This reflection made me grow to become a more effective teacher for ALL students. After graduating, I will continue to dedicate time for reflection and plan to provide educators with reflective supervision to make this type of practice more accessible. To be a great mental health professional, one must also lead with curiosity about the reasons behind behavioral responses and parenting practices. For example, I try to frame behaviors as “What is this child trying to communicate?” or view controversial parenting practices as adaptive and learned. It is clear reflection on the past is important, but being open-minded about current situations is also needed, especially when working with people of different cultural and ethnic backgrounds and different rearing experiences. In addition, when working with vulnerable and minoritized populations, valuing equity and justice cannot be understated, as children and families are too often discriminated against. To combat this, I frequently engaged in difficult conversations and questioned the status quo. I had to push back on unjust disciplinary actions against students and advocate for the inclusion of children with special needs. As a future mental health professional, I hope to have a bigger and more credible voice for these children and prevent more discrimination from happening in our schools and communities. To highlight my final values, another notable experience was while facilitating a Circle of Security Parenting group. A parent shared with me how challenging it was to get their child to clean up and often just ended up either doing it for the child or throwing their toys away in anger. We talked about what it would feel like to follow through with the expectation of their child cleaning up, what they could say in the moment, and how they were going to handle their own emotions in order to not get angry and throw away the toys. The next time I saw that parent, I asked how it went. They were surprised that I had even remembered that conversation, and at the end, I told them how proud I was that they followed through with something that was so difficult for them as a parent. This simple act of compassion and caring for their experience as both a parent and a person was so powerful and left them feeling empowered and seen. In my future work as a mental health professional in schools and the community, I hope to change the culture and practice around mental health, contribute to ending cycles of abuse, help to create healthier generations and communities, and support caregivers and children who have experienced trauma and mental health challenges. With the help of the Manuela Calles Scholarship for Women, I would be one step closer to financing my degree and pursuing my future goals.
Yas J
University of PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia, PA


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Feb 13, 2025. Winners will be announced on Mar 13, 2025.