For DonorsFor Applicants

Future of Aviation Scholarship

1 winner$2,500
Application Deadline
Aug 15, 2024
Winners Announced
Sep 15, 2024
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school junior or senior or undergraduate
Major of Interest:
Aviation or piloting

While ultimately worthwhile, the training and education required to begin entry-level work in the aviation industry can be intimidatingly expensive. 

Becoming a pilot with no previous experience costs an average of nearly $88,000 and can take years of work. All of this effort pays off in the long run, as pilots make a median salary of over $121,000 per year. However, the high price tag of pilot training discourages many aspiring students from pursuing aviation.

This scholarship aims to support future pilots by easing the burden of the financial cost of pilot training and education. 

Any high school junior, senior, or undergraduate student who is interested in becoming a pilot may apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, tell us about your aviation goals and how you intend to achieve them.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published May 14, 2024
Essay Topic

What are your academic and professional goals in aviation and how do you intend to achieve them?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Marcey Montambo
West Michigan Aviation AcademyGrant, MI
It all started with a bang! Sadly, that is not how my story goes. I wish I had one of those great stories that have the moment when I just knew I wanted to be a pilot, but I don't. I always think about my future. It is one of my favorite daydreams. However, as a kid I found it really difficult to pick a field to go into that I was passionate about. I was one of those kids that had to be the smartest in the class and had their entire future planned out. I really enjoyed math and science classes so I thought maybe going into the medical field like my parents. However, once I got into dissections in eighth grade I realized that wasn't for me. During eighth grade, a lot of things started to shift my focus to aviation. During eighth grade, I got to fly for the first time. I really loved it. It was so beautiful up above the clouds and I loved the idea of traveling. My first flight is what initially got me thinking about aviation. However, during that time, I thought it wasn't really feasible for me based on where I went to school. I live in a tiny farming town named Grant. We may have a lot of big tractors but not a lot of big airplanes. The second thing that triggered my interest was when, one day while on a walk, my grandpa told me of a high school right next to the Grand Rapids airport that taught high schoolers how to fly. Now, the Grand Rapids airport is still an hour away from my house but my grandpa happened to work at GE avionics right next to the airport. He said that if I got into WMAA then he would drive me to school every day. This was the final puzzle piece that needed to fall into place, however, I was really scared to leave all of my friends behind. I had grown up in this town, and I knew everyone in it. I also wasn't sure if I wanted to give up music just yet. The music program at Grant is huge and WMAA doesn't have one. I spent about a week thinking about my decision. Did I really want to jump headfirst into a pool of aviation that I knew nothing about? Well, I did, and I do not regret it for a second. I love WMAA. Every day I get to sit and listen to lectures about aerodynamics and aircraft performance. I am currently on track, thanks to WMAA, to get my Part 107 Drone license along with my Private Pilots license by the time I graduate. I can see my future clearly. I have already passed my First Class medical certificate and I am ready to see what college has for me. When I daydream about my future I first see college. I would like a college where I can achieve my Bachelor's Degree in Aviation and a flight program where I can work my way up to CFI or CFII. I have many colleges in mind, like Embry-Riddle or Florida Tech, but out-of-state tuition is really high. If I got this scholarship I would use it to help make my dreams of becoming a pilot come true. I would be able to go to a college that has a program that fits my wants and needs so that I can become a great pilot.
Destiny Feliz
Vaughn College of Aeronautics and TechnologyThe Bronx, NY


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Aug 15, 2024. Winners will be announced on Sep 15, 2024.