For DonorsFor Applicants

Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship

Funded by
5 winners, $1,000 each
Application Deadline
Nov 25, 2024
Winners Announced
Dec 25, 2024
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
Undergraduate student
Financial Background:
Field of Study:

A career in information technology, such as cybersecurity, can fundamentally change a person’s life. 

Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important in our society and it’s critical that the next generation of experts has the resources necessary to succeed. To create the best world possible, the industry needs passionate advocates of using technology for good.

This scholarship aims to support Latinx students who are pursuing higher education in cybersecurity. 

Any low-income, Latinx undergraduate student studying cybersecurity may apply for this scholarship. 

To apply, tell us what made you choose to pursue a cybersecurity degree and where you see yourself taking your education after graduating.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Boldest Profile
Published December 26, 2023
Essay Topic

What made you choose to pursue a degree in cybersecurity? Where do you see yourself taking your education post-graduation?

400–600 words

Winning Application

brandon bustamante
Florida International UniversityCUTLER BAY, FL
Ever since I can remember, the vast realm of computers and the digital world has held an irresistible allure for me. As a child, I would often find myself engrossed in games, marveling at the intricate virtual landscapes and the sophisticated mechanics that powered them. But, like many life-changing revelations, my path toward cybersecurity came from an unexpected quarter. While deeply immersed in an online gaming session, I became a victim of a hacking incident. The immediate aftermath was a whirlwind of emotions: shock at the breach, frustration at the intrusion, and above all, an insatiable curiosity about the mysterious world of cyber threats. Instead of deterring me, the experience ignited a burning desire to delve beneath the surface of the digital realm. It dawned on me that the Internet, often taken for granted as a benign tool, harbored hidden dangers at every turn. Yet, it also presented countless opportunities to fortify and innovate, turning threats into challenges to be surmounted. Choosing cybersecurity as my academic pursuit was no mere chance; it was a conscious decision shaped by personal experiences and an acute awareness of our world's shifting digital landscape. As we navigate the 21st century, our reliance on technology grows, making the role of cybersecurity paramount. From safeguarding personal data to ensuring national security, the stakes have never been higher. Recognizing the critical importance of this field, I committed myself to study, understand, and ultimately contribute to creating a more secure digital future. Post-graduation, my aspirations are multi-faceted. First and foremost, I aim to be at the forefront of cybersecurity innovations, developing or contributing to solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also user-friendly. I believe that for cybersecurity measures to be truly effective, they must be accessible and comprehensible to the everyday user, not just tech experts. I envision myself collaborating with tech firms, startups, and possibly even governmental bodies to create systems where security and usability coexist harmoniously. Furthermore, education plays a pivotal role in my future plans. I'm passionate about demystifying cybersecurity for the broader public. Through workshops, seminars, and perhaps even online courses, I hope to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the digital space safely. In the long run, I also contemplate further academic pursuits in cybersecurity. The field is ever-evolving, with new challenges and threats emerging regularly. Pursuing advanced degrees or specialized certifications would equip me to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring I remain a valuable asset in the continuous battle against cyber threats. In essence, my journey in cybersecurity, while sparked by a personal incident, is now fueled by a deep-seated commitment to safeguarding our collective digital future.
Erik Perez Alvarado
The University of Tennessee-ChattanoogaCHATTANOOGA, TN
Why did I decide to take this path? As a first-generation student who was born to immigrant parents, there are many reasons why I aim to succeed in this field. I have learned that my path is different from others. I am currently studying at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and I am a sophomore. I am the first to take this road and venture off into a place unknown to me. As far as I can remember, my parents had always stressed the importance of school as it was something they were not provided when they were young. I am the first in my family to pursue higher education which is something I am proud of. As a Mexican American I also believe it is important to show others that continuing school is something that will help our community continue to grow. As our population continues to grow in the country, it is important for us to make steps into other fields. I have been told before that college would just be a waste of time for me which helped motivate me to prove them wrong and show the value of education. I want to be able to give others a chance to take a different route where we can become future doctors, lawyers, and leaders. I aim to be someone other Hispanics can look up to for guidance when entering college for the first time. I hope that someday I am also able to help Latinx students financially as I know it can be an intimidating route to take. I chose to go into Cybersecurity as it is an area that is constantly changing and will bring new challenges with every new day. I have always been amazed by the new technology that comes out throughout the years. I was around 12 years old when I was gifted a computer from a family friend. When I started playing games, I started to ask questions. How do these characters pop up on my screen? Why do they move when I use the WASD keys? I was fascinated with how computers work so now, years later, I can enter a field where I am able to make a career with this knowledge. There was also a time when my mother had money taken from her through a phishing attack. At the time I did not know what had happened but the more I got to researching what had happened, I saw the importance of security. I know the impact Cybersecurity has on people’s lives which is why I want to succeed in this field. At the end of my college career, I hope to have had many internships and be ready to enter the workforce. I would love to be able to give back to the country which has provided my family with a better life than we would've had in Mexico. I plan on eventually working towards obtaining my master’s and maybe landing a leadership role wherever I do end up working. I hope that someday I can help local students in my community where I grew up so that we may continue to prosper and grow. I have experienced the difficulties that young Latinos face when trying to achieve their dreams and I learned that sometimes, all it takes is one person believing in you that makes all the difference. That is what I hope to use my education for. If I can provide people with opportunities and foster success in my community, then I believe all my struggles will have been worth it.
Jocelyn Limon Valdez
California State University-FresnoSalinas, CA
Mario Aguilar
California State University-NorthridgeWILMINGTON, CA
Juliana Garza
University of the Incarnate WordSan Antonio, TX
Camilo Parets Dominguez
University of South Florida-Main CampusLakeland, FL
Maximiliano Pombo
Texas A & M University-College StationKaty, TX
The realization of the power of computers struck me when I was a junior in high school and was preparing for a speed-cubing competition. I came across a video of a robot solving a Rubik's cube in just 1.57 seconds. This amazing feat not only showcased the speed of the robotic arms but also the incredible algorithms that the computer had been programmed with. I was amazed by the fact that a computer could solve a puzzle in such a short period when it took me weeks of memorization to do the same task in 25 seconds. This realization sparked my interest in the field of computer science. The following year, my school offered a cybersecurity class on another campus. Despite the challenges of commuting and missing school activities, I registered for the class and it was the best decision of my life. In this class, I learned the basics of cybersecurity and programming and was introduced to the limitless potential of computers. My teacher showed me how I could use my skills to create amazing things, and showed me the relevance of cybersecurity in today's society. He emphasized the vulnerability of low-income families and elderly individuals to cyber attacks due to their lack of education and resources. This ignited a passion in me to spend all of my free time researching and expanding my knowledge on the subject of cybersecurity. When college arrived, I decided to study computer science with an emphasis on cybersecurity. I have learned a lot in just one year and I met many like-minded individuals who shared my passion for technology. These interactions opened my eyes to new opportunities in the field of cybersecurity. This year, I had the opportunity to volunteer with my friends in a program that introduced computer science and cybersecurity to low-income children, most of whom were immigrants. I felt a strong connection with these children and was able to communicate with them in Spanish. It was a truly rewarding experience to see them learn, code, and find their passion for technology. By the end of the event, four of the kids approached me and expressed their desire to pursue a career in computer science, bringing tears to my eyes. Just five years prior, I was in their shoes. I was a low-income student in a new country who did not believe college was an option but thanks to hard work and the guidance of my amazing cybersecurity teacher now I can be the person who changes the lives of other kids by sharing my knowledge and providing access to new technology. I am eager to continue my college journey, taking advantage of all opportunities that come my way and continuing to make a positive impact in my community. My ultimate goal is to return to my hometown in Mexico and start a nonprofit summer camp to introduce cybersecurity to children and show them the power of technology. To achieve these goals, I need to keep working hard at school to perfect my coding and communication skills. There is a long road ahead of me but I am ready for anything.
Ruben Flores
The University of Texas Rio Grande ValleyEdinburg, TX
I chose to pursue a degree in cybersecurity because of the wide span of career options available within the field, and not just specifically in the tech space. Fields such as business, medical, law, defense, and intelligence all require professionals who are skilled in cybersecurity and roles within the space offer practically unlimited growth and variety. Cybersecurity is a critical component of all modern businesses and offers so many different areas to focus on- security operations, risk assessment, application security, compliance and more. Cybersecurity offers a unique opportunity to stay continuously challenged. While many aspects of the job are consistent on a day-to-day basis, the tactics can change daily because new risks are created with each new wave of technology. Every cybersecurity situation comes with its own unique challenges, a new puzzle to be solved, a new opportunity to learn and expand your knowledge base. The impacts of cybersecurity spans from the digital space into the physical world, from ensuring online safety as well as the safety of the essential systems that support our daily lives such as healthcare, transportation, and financial institutions. I appreciate the unique facets of cybersecurity jobs and the idea of having a different challenge present itself each day. With an ever-changing field such as cybersecurity, nearly every organization has a need for cybersecurity and are increasing their investment into the field including increasing personnel and expanding security infrastructure. This opens an expansive need for qualified job candidates which will only continue to grow as there are advances in technology and changes to the use of technology in our daily lives. Following my graduation, I would love to work with an organization focused on making long-term, sustainable changes to the world around us. An example of this would be joining an environmental protection agency where I would be able to manage critical services such as infrastructure, capital markets, medical and health facilities, public safety, community health, or hazardous materials. While many people do not take into consideration the interconnectedness between cybersecurity and environmental protection, environmental infrastructure can be valuable targets for cybercriminals and the scale of a potential infrastructure attack can be catastrophic to the daily lives of millions of people. This can range from drinking and wastewater management to energy systems to cleaning our oceans, and I find the possibility of utilizing my understanding of technology and cybersecurity in a manner that can positively affect the world around us as a whole to be an incredibly rewarding career choice.
Joseth Valdez
The University of Texas at El PasoEl Paso, TX
Growing up in Mexico, I always had an intense fascination and curiosity for technology and all the possibilities it held. Despite the constraints I faced as I grew older, I would constantly be involved in any activity or subject, which would include a technological background ranging from refrigeration to programming skills. This exposure allowed me to understand the importance of technology in all aspects of society and how the world has become incredibly vulnerable to technological threats. These realizations would drive me to become more curious and passionate about cybersecurity and different technologies to address those issues that negatively affect people's lives. In my home country, Mexico, cybersecurity is not a widely developed and popular field. Nevertheless, my passion for cybersecurity and my belief in its importance drive me to spend countless hours researching and learning from online resources while creating my projects. As my interest continued to grow, I became involved in technological activities at my local university in Mexico as I looked at the lives of research professionals. These encounters solidified my resolve to pursue a career in cybersecurity and to resemble the work that research professionals do. I chose to pursue a career in cybersecurity because I believe it is one of the most essential technological fields today, where I can follow my passion to make a difference and contribute to the greater good. In addition, the field also presents many challenges and opportunities for growth. Cyberattacks are constantly evolving, forcing cybersecurity professionals to remain alert and continuously learn about new threats. This means that cybersecurity is a field where there will always be opportunities for advancement and progress. I aim to graduate with a computer science major with a concentration in secure cyber systems and to further my knowledge and technical skills by pursuing a master’s program related to cybersecurity and possibly a Ph.D. My ultimate goal is to lead research not only in cybersecurity but also in different technologies such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing in order to find solutions to threats and significant problems that constantly affect people's lives. In conclusion, growing up in Mexico with limited resources did not hinder my passion for technology and cybersecurity. Instead, it helped me understand the importance that technology plays in our lives and the possible threats it carries. These realizations fueled my determination to learn about and explore the vast potential of cybersecurity and other technological fields. My dedication and commitment have created my desire to become a research leader to address and find solutions to problems that constantly affect society. I hope that through hard work and commitment, I will be able to achieve this goal and contribute to the greater good.
Yaquelin Ayala
California State University-FullertonSanta Ana, CA


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Nov 25, 2024. Winners will be announced on Dec 25, 2024.