Community Reinvestment Grant: Pride Scholarship

1 winner$2,500
Application Deadline
May 28, 2023
Winners Announced
Jun 28, 2023
Education Level
High School, Undergraduate
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school or undergraduate
First generation college student

This scholarship is driven by the commitment to recognize, raise up, and develop the next generation of leaders.

It is important for communities to further large-scale goals, working to serve marginalized people and to advance equity and human rights through both social justice and racial justice. To promote community-driven students, the Community Reinvestment Grant: Pride Scholarship will encourage the future generation of leaders who will bring about change for marginalized communities.

High school and undergraduate students are eligible to apply if they are LGBTQ+, first generation college students. Preference will be given to BIPOC students, and those who are from the Southeastern United States.

To apply, write about how your experience with advocacy has created change.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Need, Boldest Profile
Published November 22, 2022
Essay Topic

How have your lived experiences and personal advocacy contributed to change for you, your community, or other marginalized individuals?

400–600 words

Winning Application

Matthew Montelongo
Kennesaw State UniversityAtlanta, GA
Discovering Empathy Empathy is one of the emotions that I once had trouble feeling. I once discovered empathy when I started to help people with anything: school work, saying how they feel, & cheering them on. Discovering this feeling made me feel like I was doing something good.I honestly couldn’t believe that I was starting to help people. Helping others was starting to become a strength for me. I specifically discovered this back when I was in middle school. A lot of the other kids were very annoying. My Passion for helping others happened by accident. It was when I decided to help one of my friends out with a math assignment. And after a few more days of doing so, I finally understood how he felt about himself and math.I slowly started to help others to make them feel good about themselves. Harnessing this emotion takes a lot of practice to see the good in people. It was a better way for me to connect with people who may have different viewpoints than me. I think I should tell them how and why they feel a certain way. And however they feel, I will respectfully tell them what they should do.I would try to give my best input on their situation. Being a people person doesn’t mean you have to talk to people all the time. I just want to understand where some people may be coming from. I’m not gonna relate to everything someone tells me. Some People may not like my opinion on their situation, but I still may be brutally honest with them. So I may know you feel or not based on how put it and your attitude. Gentrification is when a wealthy family comes into a low-income neighborhood which causes prices to increase rapidly. It is a cause of changing areas along with history, culture, minority communities, and increased investment. Atlanta is one of the most gentrified cities in this country According to, “Atlanta is fifth in gentrification.”This implies that Atlanta has higher prices for housing, health care, rent, etc Than the vast majority of cities in America. Atlanta has been losing its sense of place since the 1970s while gentrifying old historic buildings and small businesses. A building that was used for retail distribution in Ponce De Leon was later turned into Ponce City Market in 2011. Gentrification has been causing a rise in income inequality, rent, and homelessness in Atlanta. Families with low income are more likely to get evicted from their homes According to “citizens in Atlanta can not live.”This implies that Atlanta has been failing to provide housing for the homeless population, which creates more people on the street. Gentrification and homelessness are intertwined. Inflation is another factor in gentrification and that is why it is still causing people to struggle financially. When it comes to housing, transformation plays a huge role in why it is a problem for low-income families According to “Rent control is not allowed.”Implying that the landlords in Atlanta will not let the people who have housing take control of the rent price.


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is May 28, 2023. Winners will be announced on Jun 28, 2023.

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