For DonorsFor Applicants

Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund

1st winner$10,000
2nd winner$10,000
3rd winner$10,000
4th winner$10,000
Application Deadline
Sep 21, 2023
Winners Announced
Oct 21, 2023
Education Level
Recent scholarship winners
Eligibility Requirements
Education Level:
High school, undergraduate, graduate, or trade school student
Single mother, widow, immigrant, woman of color, first-generation college student, and/or survivor of abuse

Women from certain demographic groups tend to face more obstacles to higher education than others.

Women raising children, those who have lost a spouse, and women who have survived abuse, faced discrimination, immigrated, or taken on the responsibility of being the first in their family to pursue college have to overcome significant barriers that their peers don’t face.

This scholarship seeks to honor the legacy of Barbara J. DeVaney by supporting women from demographics who often fall through the cracks.

Any female-identifying high school, undergraduate, graduate, or trade school student who’s a single mother, widow, immigrant, woman of color, first-generation college student, or survivor of abuse may apply for this scholarship. Students pursuing careers in the medical field, trades or STEM are strongly preferred.

To apply, tell us about yourself and how you would use this money to create a better life for yourself.

Selection Criteria:
Ambition, Drive, Impact
Published June 21, 2023
Essay Topic

Please tell us a bit about yourself and how you would use the money to create a better life.

400–600 words

Winning Applications

Whitney Springston
Saint Mary's University of MinnesotaMiddleton, ID
Once upon a time (because shouldn’t all great stories begin there), I was a young girl who dreamed of changing the world. I saw a future where, as a journalist, I’d square my shoulders and go running into the proverbial trenches of humanity's greatest challenges with a microphone in hand, ready to tell stories that would change the world. That is until the world punched me back. I found myself as a young woman feeling lost and shattered after a traumatic incident during my college years. Suddenly, my brave facade didn't seem so sturdy; my shoulders were not quite so square. Once upon a time, I was a young mom with two babies wondering how I would ever finish a degree. Against all odds, I triumphed. Fueled by a potent blend of black coffee and sheer tenacity, I not only earned that degree but have spent 13 years paving a career path that led me right back to where I began– telling stories that change the world… through philanthropy and development. Little did I know that those seemingly insurmountable trials that threatened to crush my dreams were, in fact, a clever shortcut (albeit a treacherous, weed-infested one) leading me to my true calling: the art of fundraising. Adversity, it turns out, sowed seeds of empathy and compassion within me, which now ooze through every donor newsletter, appeal, impact report, and fundraising campaign I craft. My burning passion for storytelling and the audacious hope of making a difference in this world fuel my unadulterated awe for those remarkable souls—donors—who embody the very essence of human goodness, giving selflessly and mending the world's woes one act of generosity at a time. This is where YOU come into the story. Earning an M.A. in Development and Philanthropy will help me continue on my quest. While my dream of running fearlessly into the fray as a journalist never came true, the deep love of people that motivated it has brought me to a place where I am able to help nonprofits make a real difference in their missions. The M.A. will help me fill gaps in my knowledge, especially around Board Management, Planned Giving, and Major Gift Stewardship. Still, I need your help. My husband and I are both nonprofit employees, which means we are rich in joy and compassion, but not so much in the kind of riches that pay for tuition. As I continue to grow in my career, I would eventually like to move into consulting nonprofits to improve how they communicate with their donors. I want to change that. This degree program would help me create an opportunity to do so. This scholarship means that I could pursue my education now rather than wait and hope a better time comes along. Without financial aid, my educational opportunities are virtually nonexistent. Please consider me for the Barbara J Devaney Memorial Scholarship program. I will make you proud. With your help, in 20 years, you will say, "Once upon a time, she came to us—a student with the scholarship we gave her—and she found a way to change the world." Together, we will create a story worth telling, a legacy of compassion and progress that will inspire generations to come. Thank you for considering my application.
Amber Simon
Eagle Gate College-LaytonMountain Home, ID
I am a 33-year-old Mom of three kids. My goal has always been to become an RN BSN. I started my medical field journey right out of high school and received my certificate in nursing assistance. I moved across the country, returned to school, and received my Associate of Science in Medical Assisting. I finally returned to school to get my RN BSN and was recently accepted; I started on May 8, 2023. I want to show my children that you can always reach your goals regardless of age. I will be attending college full-time and working full-time. I am applying for as many scholarships as possible to help lower the burden of payments I would need to make due to being a single parent. I have always been passionate about nursing and the medical field, and I can't wait to fulfill my dreams! I have wanted to be a nurse for as long as I can remember. In my high school yearbook, I answered, Registered Nurse when they asked what I wanted to be when I grew up. I grew up surrounded by amazing nurses. My aunts are both registered nurses, and my grandmother is an LPN. I loved hearing stories from the Emergency Room, Operating Room, and ICU. I grew up believing that nurses are the real superheroes. I also helped my mother raise my two younger brothers, and I wanted to continue to care for people as a career. Right out of High school, I went to CNA classes and became certified when I was 18. I moved across the country when I married an active-duty airman and worked as a CNA in the Long Term Care Unit at the local hospital. While working at the hospital, I started schooling for my Associate of Science degree and Medical Assisting. I also became certified by the American Association of Medical Assisting. After graduating, I completed my training at the air base hospital and was hired at the local family medicine clinic. During my years as a Medical Assistant, I have seen a lot of different diseases. I have worked through the Swine Flu, Zeaka virus, Ebola, and Corona Virus. During the COVID-19 virus, I decided to pursue nursing even further. During the pandemic, I learned much about medicine and wanted to help as much as possible. It has been 13 years since I received my Associate of Science, and I started classes for my BSN RN on May 8. I want to continue moving up the nursing ladder and help as many patients as possible. Being in the medical field has been the most rewarding carer. I could not imagine doing anything else. I have even recently considered going even further to become a Nurse Practioner. The sky is the limit, and even though I am not fresh out of High School, I have years of experience to bring to my education and classmates.
Nailah Sweeting
Hofstra UniversityNether Providence Township, PA
As an Afro-Latina woman, I have always participated in civic-minded groups that promote social change. I grew up in a single-parent household so the choices I have made during my high school career have always been geared toward leaving the world a better place than I found it. As a became more involved in my community, I knew early on that I wanted to be a lawyer and focus on helping people in need. One of the first organizations I joined in High School was GSA (“Gender Sexuality Alliance”); its mission is to create a safe space for students, especially the LGBTQ community. I knew that through my activism I was contributing to ending the racist and homophobic speech I heard in my school. I was appointed Co-Vice President of GSA and it is a title I am very proud of. In addition to GSA, I also joined YAC (“Young Activist Coalition”); YAC’s mission is to strive to make minorities at school feel welcomed and appreciated. I made it my goal to tackle some very difficult issues facing my school such as lack of diversity and inclusion. I have brokered meetings with administrative staff to start a dialog about inclusion and acceptance. I am very proud of the work I have done at my school to promote social justice. Through my involvement in advocacy at my school I was able to identify a problem facing students today which was the failure to hold students accountable for racially insensitive dialogue. One of the continued problems at my school is racism and the school administrator’s failure to hold offending students accountable. In 2019, I was chosen as a Student Ambassador for WSS Big Idea (“Wallingford-Swarthmore Schools – Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Access”). This is a social change group made up of community professionals, student representatives and town leaders whose mission is to promote diversity and change. I brought my concerns about the prevalent racism in my school to WSS Big Idea. Together, we created an action plan and petition to bring to the School District Board of Directors. I led student focus groups so that everyone could share in the experience of the change that was needed to make our school a better place for everyone. I spoke to school staff, teachers and administrators and I gave a voice to the students of color who felt isolated and alone. As a group, we were able to enact change through our action plan. We got the school to implement education programs to address racial issues at the school. I believe that with a law degree, I will be able to help those less fortunate than me. I want to bring new ideas of diversity and inclusion to the table. We live in a very rich and abundant country that I am very proud of. With my law degree, I hope to make life better for those that do not benefit from the abundance of this great country. In addition, winning a scholarship will alleviate the stresses associated with the cost I am facing to cover my college education. The scholarship will provide the resources that I need to focus on my studies and continue my community advocacy. As an attorney, I want to participate in the policy development process that excludes those that may suffer from mental illness but are caught up in our penal system without supportive services.
Chynequa King
Columbia International UniversityJacksonville, FL
When I started college as a first-generation student and woman of color I worked full-time and attended school full time to afford it. After college, I had a rewarding career in the non-profit sector helping single moms achieve self-sufficiency. I've had the opportunity to be a cheerleader, advocate, and resource for families as they worked with me to achieve their goals to purchase a home, go back to school or start a business. The foundation of my career was built around moving families out of poverty and it was extremely rewarding and humbling. I was nominated for a professional development opportunity to attend a leadership academy. It was a year-long series of workshops to help cultivate leadership through best practices and studying historical scenarios of best and poor practices. It was during this academy that I became passionate about servant leadership. It was also during this academy that I had to self-talk and depend on myself for empowerment to leave an abusive marriage. I was afraid to be a single mom and raise my son by myself. When I realized that although I lived with my husband, I was pretty much a married single mom already doing everything on my own, the fear departed from me and I safely left. When I left the marriage and was in a safe living environment, I didn't know there would be more obstacles to overcome that I didn't have going into the marriage. I'd experienced such levels of emotional and verbal abuse that I was diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety. I was having anxiety attacks from triggers that weren't always negative so I couldn't see them coming. As I continued to heal, build myself up, and navigate a divorce, I still had to be a very present mom with no family or emotional support. When I take a moment to pause and look back over my life I realize that I've overcome so many challenges. I had to undergo IVF to conceive my son and I was happy when it worked especially when the doctors told me it wasn't possible. Today, I'm a single mom of a very active 4-year-old son. I'm grateful for the journey of motherhood although I purposely waited until marriage and never intended to do this alone. Some days aren't easy but I know I can do it. I learned that my best can be measured differently each day and as long as I show up for him as his mom, that's all that matters. This scholarship would help me create a better life for myself, my son, and the community. I'm working on a graduate degree in Organizational Leadership. I believe in educating, advocating, and motivating women to speak to their inner leaders to help them overcome challenges or empower them to make decisions that serve the life they want. As a first-generation student, a survivor of an abusive marriage, a woman of color, and a single mom I want to use my testimonies from challenges I've overcome to empower others to do the same in their lives. I view this scholarship as an investment in sewing a seed that will become fruitful and multiply. In the future, I hope to be able to give back to this fund to help other women create a better life for themself and multiply the efforts of this scholarship's intended purpose.
Itzel Cerecedo
University of California-Los AngelesBrawley, CA
Ever since I was little, I wanted to be in the medical field. Everything about the human body and human anatomy interested me. Where I grew up, I faced many adverse challenges from my teachers saying I would amount to nothing, and that I am not meant to be a doctor. I grew up in a low-income community, and I could have never thought I would be doing what I am today. I was always deterred by others around me that I would never have any opportunities and that I would amount to nothing but a low-end career. People had written my fate for me, but I crossed those boundaries and did what I could to foster a positive environment which led me to attend the prestigious University of California, Los Angeles. I hope to break the glass ceiling in the science/medical community as a whole because the percentage of female to male doctors is still very low. I have been through many adverse experiences where I had to overcome challenging experiences. I was born in Salinas, California but moved to Mexico at the age of 1 with my family. I lived most of my childhood in Mexico. My family and I moved back to the United States when I was in sixth grade, even though I was born in the United States I felt like a complete stranger to the environment. The language barrier was an obstacle. I challenged myself and channeled this as a learning experience, an experience where I could better myself and create it into a positive change. My experiences have made me who I am today. In terms of embracing challenges, I have dealt and overcame many challenges in my life. I never had any extra resources to enrich my education and further my academic skills. I never could have guidance from my parents because they were busy trying to build our future. When my parents brought us to the United States they started working in the fields. They would work long hours and I would rarely see them. As first generation my siblings and I were not given the same opportunities but we never took our adversity for granted and we used it as a learning experience. This scholarship can make a huge difference in my education. It will help me achieve my goals long term because I would be able to gain more experience through opportunities with the funds given from this scholarship. I will be able to further obtain more experience and certifications within medicine, such as obtaining my Phlebotomy license, so I can hone in on my blood drawing skills. My plan is to be more exposed and certified in the medical field, and I believe through a world class education and support, I can become the best medical practitioner I aspire to be without facing adversity or having many financial burdens.
Laisha Echegoyen
University of California-BerkeleySanta Ana, CA
“Échale ganas mija.” My father always ended his phone calls with this reminder. He was born in El Salvador, and I’m a U.S. citizen. However, our pain doesn’t recognize borders. The guilty weight and inner pressure, duplicated every time my mom passed me the phone. In a society where freedom and mental health don’t correlate and papers aren’t guaranteed, I couldn’t process the hardships of being an immigrant daughter. My mother gained citizenship, but lacked a safe space; I became one for both. My father was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement for half a year and now actively risks a potential deportation on a daily basis. My parents were my role models, but I was their dream. The American Dream was the belief that success was attainable under any circumstance, but to what extent do my parents have to reach for me to be successful? Academically, it was evident I was a bright student. I was aiming for the stars they gazed upon that they were told they’d never reach. Though my heart will never stop aching for them because of our economic sacrifices, I sought to tackle this barrier. My name is Laisha Echegoyen and I am a first-generation Latina of immigrant parents. It has been a challenging battle to receive a higher education due to our lack of financial resources. As a self-driven and highly ambitious undergraduate student, it would be an honor to receive this scholarship and be funded at a private institution. I would take advantage of this financial support to achieve my medical aspirations. To further elaborate, this opportunity would allow me to apply my intellectual and educational pursuits and excel beyond expectations. I would be presented with the opportunity to not only highlight my proud roots but also apply a continuous meaning to the legacy of Barbara J. DeVaney. Being raised in a Mexican/Salvadoran household with values of cultural pride and diligence, a sense of resilience and great responsibility came upon me to serve underrepresented individuals in need. Growing up feeling marginalized and stereotypically accused of being uneducated, unarticulated, and underqualified, I strive to be a voice to the silenced. These characteristics translate into an aspiring career in the medical field. Over time, I have developed a deep passion to make a positive impact in the world and contribute my aid towards improving health conditions and making healthcare more accessible. My extended family had limited access to basic needs such as proper healthcare and filtered water. Upon coping with the loss of both my paternal and maternal grandparents due to cancer, I seek to explore how health education can heavily impact scientific research and global access. The exposure to these hardships has prompted inner confidence to investigate how the industry can universally transform lives and provide quality care for all. A decade from now, I desire to mentor many aspiring students in pursuit of higher education, medical school, and an opportunity to lead a healthy life. In that time frame, I aim to address health disparities and inequities as a registered nurse. My goal is to help fund marginalized clinics and raise cultural and social awareness among health providers to equally distribute healthcare. I want to expand equity in medical care and offer support for struggling families in underserved populations. Ultimately, my greatest reward will be the blessing of elevating my community and positively impacting society on a global scale. Although my parents weren’t destined for the life they endured, I can still make the best out of mine to make the next generation proud of who they can be too.
Isabel Valdivia
University of Nevada-Las VegasLas Vegas, NV
My name is Isabel Valdivia. I am an eighteen-year-old, undocumented Mexican and first-generation female student. This fall, I’ll be attending the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to strive for a Bachelor’s degree in Animal Sciences or radiography. My dream is to become a veterinarian, but unfortunately, there are no vet schools here in Nevada. My second choice is to become an MRI Technician. I am the first in my family who attended and graduated from high school and attend university. I do not know what to expect as I am going into it blindly. I’m not able to work, due to my legal status. I am concerned about not getting the money to finish my studies. As an undocumented student, I didn’t have what my peers did. They were able to ask their parents questions, get benefits, and have more options. Me, as a first-generation student as well, my parents couldn’t help me as much. I couldn’t ask them questions about how to apply for scholarships or college, and what to expect. I thought I wasn’t eligible to get scholarships or go to college because of my legal status. I would ask my counselors and teachers, but they couldn’t give me the help I wanted because they couldn’t fully understand my situation. As mentioned before, I want to be a vet but will study MRI Tech due to no vet schools in my state. I don’t have the money and capability to travel to another state. However, I want to complete the MRI studies and do pre-veterinary studies. This will prepare me for vet school if I get the chance to attend in the future. I currently am not able to work, which worries me. I am not sure if I will be able to go through my studies with my parent’s checks. I tried to apply for scholarships, but almost every one that I’ve seen requires to be a U.S. Citizen or a permanent resident. I currently only have one scholarship of roughly $1,000. If I don’t graduated, I fear that I will not get a career and work a low-income job. I will use the money to finish my studies in radiography, earning me a bachelor’s degree. In addition to getting pre-veterinary studies. Once I have completed this goal, I will attempt to go out of state to attend a vet school. It will help me reach my goals and dreams.
Evelyn Graciano
Har-Ber High SchoolSpringdale, AR
I am a 18 year old first generation female student in a family of 6. My older brother is going to college as well, and having the opportuitiy to receive this schoalrship would really allow me to further my edcuation because financially living with 6 while having 2 children in college is a struggle. I would use the money to be able to fully pay of my first year of college. I want to become a dental hygenist. However, I am going to start off by getting my dental assisting certificaition, that way, as I am studying to become a dental hygenist, I can be working as a dental assistant to gain money to pay off for my dental hygeine studies, as well as to gain experience in the work enviornment. I am determined to reach my goal on way or another. However, receiving this scholarhsip woudl grealy facilitate being able to reach it. In my family, it feels like I have a certain pressure to be this academic role model for everyone, including my older brother. My parents have always been very used to me pushing myself further instead of themselves having to push me. I want to make sure I am able to fulfill this dream that I have worked hard for. I decided I wanted to be a dental hygenist whenever I was in middle school. Ever since, I decided to do everything I can in order to get a head start. This includes taking medical classes in high school, taking up to 6 ap classes over the course of 3 years, and making sure I am involved in extracurriculars such as band and community service. Some of the clubs I was part of in high school were National Honors Society, HOSA, and Spanish Honors Soceity. I had 45 community service hours that included volentearing to help teach middle school students how to play their clarinet. In my free time, I sell handmade crochet items to make money in order to pay costs such as the wifi bill, food, rent, ect. for my household. Not being able to pay for my schooling has been something that has been keeping me up at night. There is nothing more I want than to be able to go to college and be able to become a dental hygenist. However, sometimes the worry of not having the money to pay for school has made me want to feel like I am being held back. I feel the worry that I am only adding stress onto my parents because they have already done so much for me and my siblings, so adding onto their costs to pay for my school makes me feel like I am only adding onto the ongoing issue of money. Therefore, having the money to pay for school would be a blessing because I woudl be able to fully focus on school, and no longer have to worry about making time to work to pay for school, or the feeling of being a burden because my parents have to find thier way to pay for my schooling and education.
Diana Rico
Milwaukee Area Technical CollegeMilwaukee, WI
My name is Diana, I am a mother to 4 children ages ranging from 23 months to 19 years. I’ve been a mom longer than I’ve been anything else. I dropped out of high school after completing 9th grade to stay home and raise my daughter, but I promised I’d return and complete high school before my daughter did. I stayed true to that promise and 17 years later obtained my HSED, 6 months before my daughter graduated from high school herself. The best way to teach and set high expectations for my children has been by leading by example. Shortly after obtaining my HSED, I completed the phlebotomy program through MATC and my academic studies inspired my daughter to continue her education, and always strive for more. While completing her first year of college at UWM, she became a certified Phlebotomist as well and is now working at a blood bank while she continues her college studies pursuing a career in the medical field. My biggest goal is to be able to work in the medical field, and be able to help provide for my family, overall providing a better quality of life to my children. My legal status prevents me from working but not from continuing my studies, so I applied to the Medical Interpreter program and was accepted. Due to my legal status my education options are limited, but through MATC many obstacles have practically become nonexistent. My mom passed away when I was only 11 years old, but 11 years with her were enough to instill in me the passion to help others. She faced many health issues, and during her many doctor visits, the relief in peoples faces when my mom would offer to have me translate for them would always make my day. I loved that being bilingual allowed me to help others. I came across many good people during my times of need as a child, and today I pay it forward by serving in my community as much as I possibly can. One way that I hope to do that is by helping bridge the communication barrier between non English speakers and their doctors. I’m so happy I found a profession that will allow me fulfill my personal, and professional goals. Continuing my studies, while raising kids and maintaining a home isn’t easy. Winning this scholarship would help alleviate some of the financial burden, allowing me to focus on my studies and continue paving the path for my kids to continue.
Allison Valiente
San Francisco State UniversityDaly City, CA
Being a first-generation college student, a woman of color, and a child of immigrant parents hasn’t been easy. On my journey, I have encountered challenges that have made me who I am today. I am driven by a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to make a lasting impact. I hope to touch and improve my community, my heritage, and the future generations that will benefit from the strides I am determined to make. Growing up, I constantly saw my parents working tirelessly to provide for our family. This stuck with me as I grew older. I realized the importance of education and perseverance as pathways to success. However, the road to achieving my dreams has been paved with obstacles. I had to overcome these with an unwavering passion for pursuing a better life for my family and me. I had to learn English independently as a child since my parents could only speak Spanish. This meant I was the designated translator at a young age. From translating government papers and medical bills to reading menus for them in restaurants. I carried a huge responsibility and was expected to be accurate every time. When I would come across words I didn’t know or didn’t understand, I was scolded for them. Despite this, I knew I had to face this, considering it was to help my parents. I also faced heavy expectations from both my parents. I am the youngest of four siblings. My two eldest siblings didn’t continue their education after high school and, at the time, were in our home country, El Salvador. The third-oldest dropped out of high school here in the States. Naturally, my parents wanted the best for me and pushed many rules on me. These expectations felt out of my reach at points, as if no one was there to help me. Still, I was dedicated to being the one in my family to help us in the future with our financial problems. I focused on my studies throughout high school, knowing that college was approaching. I participated in multiple clubs and activities—anything to leave a mark. Senior year rolled around, and panic set in. Unlike many of my peers, I didn't have the privilege of familial guidance to navigate me through all the steps of college applications and financial aid options. Every step felt like deciphering a complex puzzle. However, this challenge became another way of growing rather than an obstacle. It honed my resourcefulness and problem-solving skills and created a deep-seated determination to succeed despite the odds. My journey exemplifies the power of resilience in the face of unfamiliar terrain. This scholarship holds immense significance for me, as it will provide the financial support needed to alleviate the burden of tuition, books, and other educational expenses. With this assistance, I will be able to fully immerse myself in my studies and take advantage of learning opportunities. Furthermore, the scholarship will allow me to give back to the communities that have shaped my identity and aspirations to become a nurse. Especially my parents and the sacrifices they made. In conclusion, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my journey and aspirations with you. I am committed to overcoming challenges, breaking down barriers, and making a lasting impact. I am confident I can achieve my goals and contribute meaningfully with your support.
Tamilya Stewart
South View High SchoolFayetteville, NC
A little about me is that I'm only 17 but ever since I was younger I have always had big dreams and goals for myself. Growing up, it was hard for my family financially because of my mother's disability and unsupportive family. There have been times when we have been homeless or struggling for quite a while. I grew up seeing all the adults around me make the wrong decisions. Since I was a little girl, I have always been observant and knew what I wanted. When I was 12, a lot of things had changed my view of life. My father was manipulative and an alcoholic, I saw how everyone in my family managed to struggle with money. I knew that I wanted to be better. I also knew that I would have no to pay my way through college, I would need to depend on myself and do my best during my school years. Since I came to that realization, I have tried to make nothing but straight A's. I managed to do it all three years of high school. My journey of keeping myself in line has not been easy. Everything that I had witnessed and been through at a young age constantly negatively affected my mental health and my ability to want to go to school. Throughout the past few years, I have pushed myself, sometimes feeling burnt out, but knowing that everything I do now is going to set me up in the future for success. I would go to school and then straight to work just so I could start saving. My mother never had a car so I was determined to have a way back and forth from work and school without having to depend on Uber or other people, so I was able to save $4000 and purchased my first car this year in February! In 9th and 10th grade, I was enrolled in pre-IB, which allowed me to complete all my required math and science courses. When I began 11th grade, I enrolled in dual enrollment so I could get a jump start on college.I have taken most of my prerequisites for the program I planning to attend. I am an upcoming senior who plans to graduate in December. I want to obtain my associate's degree in Medical Sonography and my bachelors in Mental Health Psychiatry. I would use this money to be able to pay for my first-year tuition, program, and uniform costs. Whatever I have that is left over I plan to put in a high-yield savings account so I can be prepared for University! This money would allow me to live my dreams and be able to show that someone in my family can be educated and do good for themselves!
Joycelyn Dubois
Concordia University TexasPlano, TX


When is the scholarship application deadline?

The application deadline is Sep 21, 2023. Winners will be announced on Oct 21, 2023.

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