Donor Profile: wiseGEEK

Scholarships, grants, and award winners for wiseGEEK's causes.
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We empower everyday people with clear answers to common questions.

Donor since Jun, 2020




    Puerco In Action






Total Donations

Jun, 2020



We help people use knowledge to build a higher quality of life. Our website ( helps people get clear answers for common questions. Our philanthropy focuses on helping people pay down student debt so that they can focus on increasing their knowledge and improving the world with that knowledge.

Letters from winners

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    Chelsea Kiefer

    I cannot thank you enough for your generous donation to this scholarship fund. I am a non-traditional college student, and one of the reasons I did not pursue higher education sooner was the daunting reality of the financial burden classes can put on students. Funders like you allow students like me to focus more on our classes and less on the bill. Thank you for supporting my education - and my future.

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    Madeleine Sullivan

    Thank you so much for choosing me as the recipient for the “A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship.” Your support will help Sam and I get through college together! Without help from people like you, I wouldn’t be able to pursue my dream of becoming a veterinarian Best, Maddie and Sam

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    Fernanda Llama

    Thank you so much wiseGEEK! I have had some personal costs as well as school arise, and although I haven't earned a scholrship just yet, I am very thankful to have been selected as a finalist!

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    Kayla Santiago

    Thank you for considering me! I am an Honor roll student and the recipient of many certificates of accomplishments. I come from a low-income household where I am a first-generation Latina. I want to become a leader and role model for other young adults pursuing a career in health and medicine. For me, education equals opportunity. However, the first opportunity I require is funding. My goal in life is to become a doctor. I hope I can apply again soon. Thank you again! :3

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    Jason Carroll

    Thank you so much for reading my application. That dog means alot to me and how I grew up loving. Even now I am in the midst of being uprooted from a domestic abusive home. My mom and I have our dogs. They were nervous at first, but so were we. Now that they know I am not leaving them in this new unfamiliar place and I am coming home each day from college, and she is coming home each day from work, they are settling in. I learned from them even last night, as I saw they were being more comfortable because of us being together, that as long as we are together we will find comfort at any place. It just takes some of us longer.

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    Samantha Ewals

    Being chosen as a finalist for this scholarship made me feel seen and heard. Mental health has always been a passion of mine, and I am proud to have a career in this field. I am grateful that WiseGeek supports mental health because it is so important. I want to thank WiseGeek for considering my application and for their ongoing support for mental health.

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    Sophia Honeycutt

    Thank you so much for considering me as a finalist! I love the message behind this scholarship. Helping people achieve a higher quality of life and paying off student debt is phenomenal. Thank you for your commitment to helping others and improving the world!

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    Emily Davis

    Thank y'all so much! I very much appreciate this opportunity to be able to succeed in my college experience. What this means to me is being proud of myself and the achievements I have accomplished to get to this point. I never thought I would win any scholarship, especially out of the 50+ scholarships I have applied for. Any money I receive, no matter how much, will definitely be helpful as I step forward into my college life. Overall, I am very grateful for this opportunity, and very excited to see where life takes throughout the next experiences I have. Thank y'all!


