Donor Profile: Estate of Barbara DeVaney
Scholarships, grants, and award winners for Estate of Barbara DeVaney's causes.
Estate of Barbara DeVaney
Donor since Jun, 2023
Total Donations
Letters from winners
5Isabel Valdivia
Thank you so much! I really do appreciate it! This scholarship will bring me a step closer to my goals. Words can’t explain how grateful I am. Thank you so very much!
Amber Simon
Thank you so much for choosing me as one of the winning recipients of this scholarship! Winning this scholarship will help me so much with tuition fees. I am forever grateful for your generosity and I am honored to be chosen for the Barbara J. Devaney Memorial Scholarship.
Whitney Springston
I wish I could have known Barbara J. Devaney. She must have been an amazing person if her legacy is about helping women pursue their education. The prompt for this note is, "What does this scholarship mean to you?" It means many things: education, opportunity, growth... but those are just the trappings of education. This scholarship means a generational shift in trajectory. It means that where once there was a ceiling—hard and impassable—there is now a door. It means teaching my children that if you are willing to work hard enough, there will be people there to help you when you need it. No one knows where their life might take them, but I know that I want to live a useful life—one that, like Barbara, leaves a legacy for those who come behind me. If I can place just one stone in the path for the next person, and they one for the person behind them, together we can blaze a trail full of people who want to fill the world to its brim with potential and opportunity. That's what this scholarship means to me. You are handing me a brick from Mrs. DeVaney to help lay down a path to a brighter world. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you! Whitney Springston
Chynequa King
To the Estate of Barbara DeVaney... Words can't express my sincere gratitude for this scholarship. When I learned I received the award, I immediately cried. I've overcome so many challenges and still have more before me, but I have to say thank you for the opportunity and believing in me. As I continue on this journey this helps bring relief for my education expenses. My son's name is Charlie, he also asks that I tell you thank you, from him. He's 4. When I shared with him the news of the award, he was so happy for his mom too. He said mom you work so hard; I love you. Thank you so much! With sincere gratitude, Chynequa D. King
To'nyia Richardson
Being a finalist for this scholarship means so much to me!! Thank you for allowing me to receive this scholarship I am so grateful!!!
1Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
Awarded$90,00012 Winners22 FinalistsThis scholarship has been awarded!
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