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I am a 16-year-old and very inspired by medicine and is willing to make this world better than what it is. Since I was little, I have always been fascinated with how the body operates and the importance of nurses in transforming lives. Moreover, I consider being a doctor not merely a job but also a mission in the sense of duty to cure their sickness to maintain humanity. All throughout my student life, I have kept doing very well in medical subjects like science and mathematics. Scientific principles have been one area where I have been doing very well, having always scored high marks. In addition, through taking AP courses, I want to broaden my horizons to get ready for what is ahead of me in college. In addition, outside of the classroom, I participate in extracurricular activities to seek my interests. I pride myself in being a member of HOSA, NHS, Science NHS, and sports, where I follow my passion for science and participate in medical contests. These experiences have allowed me to put into practice my knowledge, strengthen my skills, and work with people with the same vision I have about transforming the health world. Additionally, I have grown to love lending a helping hand. From helping out in local hospitals to organizing charity events and even serving others in any way, it gives me incredible satisfaction to improve others’ quality of living. These have also strengthened my willingness to study in a medical school to mix my brain with the passion inside me to help, care for, and cure the wounded.


Rochester High School

High School
2021 - 2025
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:



      Junior Varsity
      2023 – Present1 year

      Cross-Country Running

      Junior Varsity
      2021 – 2021


      • Geography and Environmental Studies

        AP Capstone program — researcher, and presenter
        2023 – 2023
      • Criminology

        Rochester High School — Researcher/presenter
        2022 – 2023


      • personal

        2021 – 2022

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        NHS — To volunteer
        2022 – Present
      • Volunteering

        Key Club — help make a difference in our community
        2022 – Present

      Future Interests




      Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
      I'll never forget Taylor Swift's performance of "The Last Great American Dynasty" during the Eras Tour. When she suddenly yelled during the line, "The loudest woman this town has ever seen," her excitement and unapologetic energy filled the entire stadium. At that moment, I realized that being loud is acceptable and essential in embracing and celebrating my unique voice. Taylor's genuine enthusiasm for being herself motivated me to let go of my hesitations about expressing my thoughts and emotions. It taught me that being loud, metaphorically speaking, means fearlessly making my voice heard and confidently embracing my authenticity. Music has an incredible way of touching our hearts and inspiring personal growth. Taylor Swift's music has done just that for me and countless people around the world. During her Eras tour, she delivered performances filled with intense emotions. Her passionate delivery and heartfelt performances of various songs showcased her talent for writing with a range of feelings. These emotional performances allowed me to form a deeper connection with her music and helped me navigate and understand my own emotions. Taylor Swift's empowering lyrics and unapologetic self-expression have guided me in discovering and embracing different aspects of myself. Through her songs, she has taught me the importance of being true to myself, overcoming the fear of making mistakes, and finding happiness in life's little moments. Taylor Swift's music is about embracing our imperfections and learning from our mistakes. She understands that we all stumble along the way, including herself, and that's okay. Her songs are catchy and fun to listen to and convey important messages that resonate with many of her fans. One of the recurring themes in her music is the acceptance of imperfections and the importance of self-love and growth. Through her lyrics, she reminds us that it's essential to learn from our mistakes and keep moving forward. In songs like "Invisible String," she acknowledges that life can be challenging and unpredictable, but in the end, everything falls into place as it should. As someone who has struggled with self-doubt and fear of failure, Taylor's music has profoundly impacted me. Her vulnerability and empowerment have shown me that it's okay to stumble along the way as long as I strive to be my best version. Her music has taught me to embrace my flaws and see them as opportunities for growth rather than something to be ashamed of. Taylor's vulnerability in her songs has taught me that it's okay to make mistakes as long as I learn and grow from them. She has shown me that our mistakes don't define us but shape us into stronger individuals. This realization has allowed me to approach challenges with a more positive and resilient mindset, embracing the journey of self-discovery and personal development. Taylor Swift's music is filled with enthusiasm and excitement, reminding me to appreciate the beauty of life's small moments. Whether it's the joy of a new love, the thrill of achieving a personal milestone, or simply finding happiness in the little things, her lyrics capture the essence of these experiences. Through her music, Taylor has taught me the importance of savoring every moment, no matter how insignificant it may seem. This newfound perspective has allowed me to find joy in the everyday aspects of life, fostering a greater sense of gratitude and contentment.
      Chronic Boss Scholarship
      My life has substantially shaped my identity with a severe autoimmune disease called eczema. This condition has changed how I perceive life because of the physical and psychological encounters I’ve gone through. However, this has been a learning experience; I have mastered the art of turning challenges into positive attributes that nurture my strength and flexibility. In this paper, I will discuss how growing up with severe eczema has shaped my character growth and taught me to be persistent when dealing with a complicated world. Living with severe eczema has put me through heightened self-awareness as one of my essential demands. My experience has enabled me to understand my own body to identify triggers, flare-up patterns, and possible treatments. This self-awareness has helped me to take control of the situation and make calculated decisions concerning my health. Also, day to day challenges and disappointments that I’ve experienced have made me very determined and strong enough not to be afraid of difficult situations and not expect anything from this disease. My relationship with severe eczema has taught me empathy and compassion, and I am committed to speaking up on behalf of people living with autoimmune diseases. My experience in managing severe eczema pushed me into an intense investigation of the intimate relationship between mental and physical domains. Engaging in meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques has alleviated stress and kept me in balance, leading to my entire being’s wellness. This emphasis on self-care and fostering balanced mental, physical, and spiritual wellness has also enlightened my perspective. Dealing with a chronic disease, I have been forced to put my health first while learning to improve myself on different dimensions. Adopting healthy eating habits, exercising frequently, managing stress levels, and getting sufficient sleep have improved overall health and welfare. In this personal growth journey, I have discovered talents and capabilities that I did not know existed, giving me power beyond my disability. Determination and the ability to withstand the battle that I fight every day because of my severe eczema. Physical suffering due to the illness, interactions in social settings, and dealing with emotional struggles associated with the disease are highly challenging. On the other hand, every time I succeed against all odds, I prove to myself and everyone else that there are chances of overcoming one's challenges. No doubt, living with such a severity of eczema hasn't been smooth sailing so far. The experience of having an autoimmune disease has made me stronger and revealed a lot about my inner self that I did not know before. In the long run, I use my commitment and strength in difficult times as an example that guides people on their way. My efforts at turning my difficulties into possibilities give a new meaning to a brave and honest living.
      Go Blue Crew Scholarship
      My name is Zoya Siddiqui, and I am a determined junior attending Rochester High School, where I am pursuing my dreams of becoming a doctor. Living in Michigan provides me with a unique advantage as the state boasts an amazing healthcare industry and renowned medical institutions. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a rich healthcare ecosystem that offers numerous opportunities for growth, internships, and networking. I wholeheartedly embrace this environment, recognizing its significance in shaping my path to becoming a doctor. Attending Rochester High School has played a crucial role in my academic and personal development. The school's commitment to excellence and its supportive learning environment have empowered me to thrive and pursue my goals with confidence. I am grateful for the teachers and the abundance of resources available at Rochester High School, which have prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. Looking ahead, I am excited about the future and the opportunities that await me as I embark on my journey toward becoming a doctor. My next step is to attend college, preferably in Michigan, where I can further my studies. I am actively seeking out respected institutions that offer strong pre-medical programs, as I believe they will provide me with the necessary foundation for success. I am eager to immerse myself in a rigorous curriculum and engage in research opportunities and internships that will deepen my understanding of the medical field. After completing my undergraduate studies, I plan to pursue my dream of attending medical school. Medical school will provide me with ample education and training, equipping me with the skills and knowledge needed to become a skilled and understanding physician. I am prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead, knowing that they will shape me into the healthcare professional I aspire to be. Throughout my medical journey, I remain open to exploring different specialties during my residency. I am eager to discover the area of medicine that aligns best with my interests and allows me to make a meaningful impact on patients' lives. Under the guidance of experienced mentors and alongside fellow healthcare professionals, I am committed to continuously learning and growing. Once I complete my residency, my vision is to practice medicine in a hospital or clinic setting, where I can provide thorough care to those in need. I aim to establish strong patient-doctor relationships and be a source of support for individuals during their most vulnerable moments. Additionally, I aspire to contribute to medical research and advancements, continuously seeking ways to improve patient outcomes and make a broader impact in the field of healthcare. I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead as I pursue my passion for medicine and work toward becoming a doctor. With each step I take, I am one step closer to realizing my dream of making a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities through my future career in medicine.
      Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
      If I win a $10,000 scholarship as a hijab-wearing Indian Muslim high school student, the possibilities open for me are fascinating. My dream is to work in the medical field, and this scholarship will allow me to fund my college education and reduce my expenses. Through careful thought and planning, I developed a strategy to make the most of this grant and set myself up for success. First of all, my education would be a priority. I understand the importance of investing most scholarship funds in college tuition and fees. By choosing a prestigious college or university with an excellent medical program and affordable education, I can build a solid foundation for my future endeavors. Researching scholarships, grants, and specific financial aid options for students like me will be critical to significantly reducing financial stress. Equally important is the allocation of funds for educational infrastructure. Textbooks, medical, and study supplies can be expensive but essential for successful learning. Setting aside a portion of the grant for these things will give me the necessary tools to succeed in my chosen field. I will save for upcoming expenses to reduce costs in the future. Applying to medical school can be expensive, and application fees are combined with exam preparation materials. Setting aside a portion of the grant for these expenses will reduce the financial pressure of the application process and allow me to focus on preparing and securing a place at a prestigious medical school. Extracurricular activities will play a significant role in shaping my future. Joining pre-med clubs or organizations, participating in research projects, and volunteering in healthcare settings will enhance my college application and give me valuable experience. I understand that some of these activities may require an investment, but in terms of personal and professional development, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Additionally, attending specialized conferences, seminars, or conferences will broaden my knowledge base, provide networking opportunities, and provide valuable insight into the world of medicine. Investing in my growth and development would increase my competitive edge when applying to medical schools. Lastly, I recognize the importance of my physical and mental well-being. Allocating a portion of the stipend towards health expenses, fitness memberships, or fitness activities will give me a more balanced lifestyle. Taking care of myself would not only contribute to my academic performance but would also enable me to succeed in the future as a medical professional. In conclusion, the prospect of earning a $10,000 scholarship as a hijab-wearing Indian Muslim high school student fills me with hope and excitement. This scholarship allowed me to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor without being burdened with excessive debt. By allocating funds carefully to allocate tuition, educational materials, application fees, extracurricular activities, professional development, and personal wellness, I was confident of laying a solid foundation for my future. Winning this scholarship would be a great opportunity, and I am determined to make the most of it.
      Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
      As a hafiz and a product of Islamic education, my Muslim identity profoundly influences my academic and career aspirations. It shapes my values, guides my choices, and empowers me to remain steadfast in my faith while pursuing my goals. This scholarship would provide crucial support, allowing me to achieve success without compromising my beliefs and enabling me to thrive with the blessings of Allah SWT. My Muslim identity has had a profound impact on my academic journey. Islam emphasizes pursuing knowledge, instilling a solid work ethic, discipline, and determination in me. These qualities, honed as a hafiz, drive my pursuit of excellence in all academic endeavors. The scholarship would alleviate financial burdens, enabling me to focus entirely on my studies. With this assistance, I can access valuable resources, educational opportunities, and mentorship to enrich my academic experience and equip me with the skills needed to excel in my chosen field. My Muslim identity also shapes my career aspirations. Islam emphasizes serving humanity, promoting justice, and positively impacting society. Inspired by these teachings, I am passionate about pursuing a career that aligns with these principles, mainly serving marginalized and underserved communities. This scholarship would allow me to pursue internships, research opportunities, and professional development programs that align with my career goals. It would offer practical experience, networking opportunities, and the necessary skills to make a meaningful difference. With this support, I can embark on a path that ensures personal success and fulfills my duty as a Muslim to serve humanity. The scholarship would enable me to uphold my Islamic values without compromise. It would provide access to halal resources and environments conducive to practicing my faith while pursuing my academic and career goals. Relieving financial burdens ensures that I can prioritize religious obligations, such as attending prayers, fasting during Ramadan, and participating in Islamic activities. Furthermore, the scholarship empowers me to be an ambassador of Islam, fostering understanding and promoting harmony among diverse communities. By embodying values of compassion, integrity, and justice, I can contribute to an inclusive and respectful environment within academic and professional settings. In conclusion, my Muslim identity significantly influences my academic and career goals. This scholarship would provide the necessary support for me to pursue excellence without compromising my faith. With the blessings of Allah SWT and the assistance of this scholarship, I am eager to embark on a journey of academic and career success that reflects the best of my Muslim identity.
      Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
      As a teenager, music is a powerful tool for expressing my emotions and connecting with others who share similar experiences. Taylor Swift's 1989 album has been significant to me, and one song, in particular, has become a favorite: "New Romantics." The song's lyrics speak to my teenage desire to break free from societal norms to pursue my dreams and passions without judgment from anyone. The chorus also reminds me I can overcome anything with courage and determination. But beyond the empowering message of the song, what I love about "New Romantics" is the sense of community and belonging that it creates. In calling her fans "new romantics," Taylor Swift acknowledges that we are all in this together - that we share a common bond and a desire to live life to the fullest. "New Romantics" has become a source of inspiration and empowerment as I navigate the challenges of growing up and finding my place in the world. And also, the song is so catchy that I memorized the whole thing the third time I listened to it. From the upbeat melody to the soaring synths, "New Romantics" is a feel-good anthem that always puts me in a good mood. In short, "New Romantics" is more than just a song - it's a state of mind. It illustrates the spirit of youth and rebellion while recognizing the realities of growing up and facing many challenges. For anyone who's ever felt like a stranger or a misfit, this song reminds us that we are all "new romantics" - united in our quest for freedom, adventure, and self-expression. When I first heard "New Romantics," I was struck by its upbeat and infectious energy. It's the kind of song you can't help but dance along to, and it always manages to lift my mood no matter what kind of day I'm having. But as I listened more closely to the lyrics, I realized there was much more to this song than just a catchy melody. "New Romantics" is an anthem for anyone who's ever felt like they don't quite fit in - for anyone who's ever been told that their dreams are unrealistic or that they need to conform to society's expectations. In this way, "New Romantics" celebrates individuality and authenticity. It has encouraged me to embrace my unique qualities and pursue my passions confidently, even in adversity. For me, the message in the song has been incredibly empowering as I navigate the ups and downs of high school. It's easy to feel like you don't belong or are not good enough, especially when you're constantly being told to act like someone you're not. But "New Romantics" reminds me that it's okay to be different - in fact, it's something to be celebrated. It encourages me to stay true to myself and to keep chasing my dreams, no matter what anyone else may say. So in this way, "New Romantics" is a song I will always hold close to my heart.
      Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
      My name is Zoya Siddiqui. I am a high school student with a long-standing dream of pursuing a medical career; I am excited to embark on this journey and take the first steps toward achieving my goals. I have always been fascinated by the human body and the many ways in how it functions, and I am eager to learn more about the field of medicine and the various ways in which I can make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. While I have yet to choose a specific college to attend, I have been researching various programs and institutions that offer vital pre-med programs and opportunities for hands-on experience in the healthcare field. I am committed to finding a school that will provide a well-rounded education and prepare me for success in my future career while also being a place where I can easily practice my religion. I also understand the financial burden of pursuing higher education and would appreciate any support that can be provided. One of my greatest strengths is my unwavering determination to achieve my goals. I am a hard worker willing to put in the time and effort necessary to excel academically and professionally. I am also a quick learner, eager to take on new challenges and expand my knowledge base. However, I am with my weaknesses. As a very goal-oriented person, I can sometimes become so focused on achieving my objectives that I neglect my personal needs and well-being. This is something that I am actively working on improving, as I recognize the importance of self-care and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I deserve this scholarship because I am passionate about pursuing a career in medicine and making a positive impact in the world. I am committed to using my skills and knowledge to help others and make a difference in their lives, and I am eager to continue learning and growing as a healthcare professional. Regarding my favorite book, movie, or song, I would have to say that my favorite song is "Tabassum" by Mesut Kurtis. The lyrics are uplifting and inspiring, and the melody is beautiful. It has been a source of comfort and motivation for me during challenging times, and I always find myself returning to it whenever I need a boost of positivity and inspiration. Even though it is in Arabic, I have read what it means and memorized the song by heart. As a Muslim, one of my most outstanding achievements has been becoming a hafiz of the Quran at a young age. This challenging but rewarding experience has instilled in me a deep appreciation for the Quran and its teachings. I have also taken many other Islamic classes through organizations such as the Miftaah Institute, which have helped me deepen my understanding of my faith and become more knowledgeable and compassionate. I am also a part of a much bigger Muslim community, as I am a member of IAGD, the Islamic Association of Greater Detroit. I volunteered and did all of my education till middle school in their private school, and I am grateful for the opportunities I have had.
      Disney Super Fan Scholarship
      Growing up watching Disney movies was a magical experience for me. As a child, I was captivated by the colorful animation, catchy songs, and whimsical characters. The first time I went to Disneyland was when I was 9 years old. My favorite show on Disney Junior was Sofia the First, and I was so excited to meet her. My grandmother had made me a purple gown just like her, with all of the beads and the exact same shade. I also remember going and trying to pick out a tiara that looked just like hers. I was waiting in line to meet her, and I met other girls that were my age and were also excited to meet her. It never occurred to me then, but as I grew older, and I started to see behind all of the glamour and make-believe, and everything princessy, I realized that Disney's impact on popular culture went deeper than just entertainment for kids like me. Disney's stories and characters have inspired generations to believe in their abilities and pursue their aspirations, no matter how big or small. One phrase that perfectly summarizes Disney's influence is "Dreams can come true." This sentiment is evident in many of Disney's most beloved princess stories, from Beauty and the Beast to Frozen. These movies taught us that no dream was too big and that with hard work, determination, and a little bit of magic, everything was possible. For me, one of the most influential aspects of Disney's storytelling has been the portrayal of strong, independent female characters. Disney Princesses had a very big impact on how young girls and women perceive themselves and their place in the world. These characters have shown us that girls can be just as strong, brave, and capable as boys and that they too can achieve their dreams, regardless of societal or cultural barriers. One of my favorite Disney Princesses is Rapunzel. Her story of being trapped in a tower, yet never losing hope and ultimately realizing her dream of seeing the floating lanterns, has inspired me immensely. Rapunzel embodies determination, creativity, and hope, and her journey has resonated within me as I encountered challenges in my life. She has taught me to never give up on my dreams and to always believe in myself. Disney's impact on popular culture extends beyond just movies and characters. The company has also created theme parks, merchandise, and even educational programs that continue to inspire and delight people all over the world. I feel grateful to have grown up with Disney as a part of my life, and I know that their stories and characters will continue to inspire generations to come.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      Number the Stars is one of my all-time favorite books. Interestingly, I wasn't enthusiastic about it when it was assigned as school reading. Typically, such books don't interest me. However, I was hooked once I started reading it and finished it in less than four days. It is a historical fiction novel by Lois Lowry that tells the story of Annemarie, a young girl who helps her Jewish friend Ellen escape from the Nazis during World War II. What I love most about this book is the way it is written. The characters are so well-developed that you can't help but care for them. The story is engaging, emotional, and thought-provoking. The book is not just about the Holocaust but also about the power of friendship, family, and community in times of crisis. The themes of love, bravery, and sacrifice are woven throughout the book, making it a truly inspiring read. Although I am not Jewish and can't relate to the characters, the way the story is written is unique and dear to my heart. When I learned of Peter's capture and death, I cried. When Ellen and her family reached safety in Sweden, I was overjoyed. And when the soldiers came to talk to Uncle Henrik right before he left, I held my breath. Everyone should read this book, not just because I adore it, but because of the serious themes it addresses. Although it is fiction, certain parts of the book shed light on the real struggles faced by Jewish families during the Holocaust. It emphasizes the importance of a solid support system and the role of friendship and family in navigating traumatic events. With Annemarie and her parents by her side, Ellen overcame a harrowing experience in her life. In conclusion, I highly recommend Number the Stars to anyone looking for an inspiring and emotional read. It is a timeless classic that will stay with you long after you finish reading it. The book is suitable for all ages, and I believe it should be mandatory reading in schools. It teaches important lessons about history, empathy, and the human spirit. If you haven't read it, I suggest you pick up a copy as soon as possible. Trust me; you won't regret it.