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Zamariah Maloy


Bold Points






My name is Zamariah Maloy I am a high school senior who will be attending Oakland University in the fall 2022. I am getting a degree in Graphic Design. My goal is to work for a company with great values, create visual concepts Where I communicate ideas in marketing and advertising for the world to see.


Macomb Community College

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Architecture and Related Services, Other
  • Minors:
    • Pre-Architecture Studies


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • Graphic Communications
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Graphic Design

    • Dream career goals:

      Creative Director

    • Cashier

      2021 – Present4 years


    • Visual and Performing Arts, General

      2021 – Present


    • Graphic Art
      2021 – Present
    • Cass Technical High School

      Graphic Art
      2021 – 2022

    Future Interests




    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    Dream version of my future self is to give back.
    Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
    The everyday world inspires me as a Graphic Design/Artist Student at Oakland University. The world is art itself it is beautiful. The more I study the more beauty I see where I see beauty the next person may see me something else. Art has a message whether you get it or not , art is so you can express what you are feeling. I find joy in mixing different paint to have unique, bright pretty colors. Where my dorm is located I see out the window so many inspirations of beauty that allows full imagination .
    Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship
    How a scholarship will affect me as a freshman at Oakland University and benefit my future. A scholarship will assist in so many different ways as a student trying to achieve for a higher education. Living on campus as a freshman is a lot tougher it’s very costly room and board takes a huge chunk of a student’s financial aid resources. With a scholarship I can focus on my education without any financial worries. A scholarship would not only help me as a student, but also take a burden off my family income. You have to understand a scholarship is a lifesaver for all students who want to achieve. A scholarship big or small is a blessing to receive. A scholarship will help me with my future, dreams, education, accomplish my goals and change my life that someone believes in me as I believe in myself. As a student I use this scholarship to cover the cost of my books, and tuition. Getting a scholarship these days is essential for many students. I will be grateful for just a little assistance to farther my education journey. I have the strength, determination and passion to achieve, no matter what life may bring my way. Good education is the key success. College so far is great but getting a bill due before you can really get started is a very different experience, but I am convinced I will be successful. I will represent your scholarship well during my years in college and beyond. Getting a degree is important. It’s important because it is what I want for my future. I worked hard to get to Oakland University and I will work hard to stay I will never give up and always do my best. No one should have their education limited because of a lack of household income. Getting a scholarship would be a great honor for me, it means that someone else wants me to succeeded, that I will have support outside of my family. Education is the key to my life, I want to continue getting the best high quality education I appreciate the power of learning. Once I receive my degree in Graphic Design / Architecture that will be the big part of my foundation to be successful, have a better future , to create visual concepts to show my creative thinking, create digital plans. Yes your scholarship will benefit my future and I would be so thankful to everyone for their support.
    CATALYSTS Scholarship
    How want to make a positive impact in this new world we live in for my generation and beyond to believe in your future, dreams, have an open mind. Stand up for what is right , be committed don’t use social issues against others. Our generation should be able thrive if we just work together. I want my impact to have a meaningful change. My first positive impact was that I voted for the first time in 2022 and I will continue to vote the rest of my life. Stand up for justice, stand up for environment issues. Help adults understand that young people are affected by social issues and that they need to take time to just listen. I sent out 10 positive text daily love yourself, stay positive, trust God, you are smart, powerful, I believe in myself and you, give respect , choose to be happy, never give up, be your best self.
    Growing with Gabby Scholarship
    How I have grown being a freshman in college. Dealing with financial aid has inspired my personal growth. As a young adult making decisions takes a lot of courage and being away from home for the first time in my life. I appreciate my family I loved how I was guided for this journey. I have grown to know that this education really cost while attending Oakland University. I will stay focus on this dream to be on campus even though my best friend now is financial aid and student loan.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    My favorite Disney character She-Hulk Attorney at law. She is a super hero I love what stands for being a green hero she is smart, has a degree, she has super powers that every young girl or woman would want to have. She has the same strength as a man but she is a woman. Her attitude is positive, she wants to help who she can, she was justice for all.
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    What Joy means to me great happiness, good spirit with in myself. Joy is gladness, delight, peace, being cheerful, having the present of God in my life. Feeling of much laughter, Joy for my future in life. To give Joy to everyone in my journey of life.
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    The meaning of life for me is freedom, purpose, happiness what you bring to your life is achievement. But you have to survive, grow and learn to just be alive . Meaning of life is what you we choose. Meaning of life is your family, love, giving back, sharing, strength and passion with determination. Meaning of life is to be humble, grateful, blessed. Meaning of life is the good and the bad. Meaning of life is reason and a season you just have to be open minded to what might come your way to stay focus and listen with your heart.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    The impact I want to leave in the world is for everyone to give back to their community. Stand up for what you believe in. Never feel bad when someone says no just keep pushing. I will continue doing my random acts of kindness, volunteering, tell everyone to keep your faith, hope and dreams alive. I positive energy for everyone, stay involved in your community. Have compassion, and understanding, good deeds even if someone might think I am crazy. I want to feed someone, donate, mentor, pay it forward for another student like myself . I want to start with one person I can’t do everything but I can do something.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    I phone, laptop computer is improving our lives in so many ways. It has made life a little more easier to communicate with others from across the globe. But what really make the world a better place is the people. Some time technology can be harmful if you use it for the wrong reason. I can tell you technology has made the world easier for most Americans. Technology is taking over the world and the way we live it would be totally different without it. It help with the environment, education, medicine, and communication, getting a job, and finding great scholarship opportunity for school.
    MJM3 Fitness Scholarship
    The factors that surround my poor eating habits junk food. Hot Cheetos, candy taffy, now later, chocolate, cup cakes. Fast Foods. Poor nutrition the carbs and sugar in fast foods leads to cholesterol levels, increased in blood sugar, dental cavities. I need to change which I can at the age that I am now with more fruit and vegetables less sugar drink’s more water. Change is not a bad thing I have to look at the bigger picture do I want to live a long health life with out heart disease, obesity, low energy level. Stop mindless eating, middle of the night eating, chose better snack, stop skipping breakfast, and the big one emotional eating.
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    It’s not just one thing that I do for senior citizens. I am blessed to have both grandparents. But I am blessed to have my great-grandmother. I show love to them all for sharing their stories, history, and how to carry myself as a young lady. I am just getting my driving license so now I can take them shopping, church, community activities or just spend time watching a movie.
    Charlotte Emery Memorial Scholarship
    Black girl magic is empowerment, being positive, black excellence is greatness aqualities and abilities. To celebrate black art, and black people. Black girl magic celebrate our beauty, power. We as black girls come in so many different shade. I empower other by self care, positive talk, acknowledge our worth, focus on our success. Uplift some one when needed, help set goals, tell them to invest in your self. Surround yourself with good people , don’t be ashamed of who you are and where you come from stand proud with your head up.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is The woman of Brewster Place black woman living in New York City how different paths that led them to this place. Is is about seven women and their struggles, strength, determination and passion. They turn life around for each protected each other. They had loving and paInful experiences racial oppression, they had secrets. Brewster Place was a building at a dead end of the street. Brewster Place was basically a shelter for women like we have today. That you can still have dreams, hope and wishes. That you have to believe in your self and you will make it.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    Who I admire from history Barbara Jordan she was the first Black American delegate to the United Nations. In 1972 she ran for President. She had a political like no one else. She always said unbought and unbossed . She was the first Black woman elected to the State Senate. She helped pass the states first minimum wage law. To me she is not talked about enough.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    The most helpful piece of advice that I can give. Is pay attention to your money, your checking and savings accounts. Pay attention to what you put in and take it is your responsibility. Not your parents, the nice person at the Bank, or customer service, no one should know your financial situation but you.
    Bold Gratitude Scholarship
    I was taught by my mother as a little girl how to be thankful for everything that you received and to be grateful to give. To appreciate the good and the bad. To never take anything for granted. I appreciate what I have and what I do not have, I appreciate the life I was given, I appreciate the life that I am living. I was taught to be humble.
    Zamariah Maloy Student Profile |