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Youssuf Elshabrawy


Bold Points






I am Youssuf, an Egyptian-American Muslim. As an immigrant myself and a child of Egyptian immigrant parents, I have firsthand experience of the challenges and opportunities that come with starting a new life in a foreign land. My parents left everything behind to give us a brighter future, and I'm grateful for their sacrifice every day. Growing up in a multicultural environment has taught me the importance of embracing diversity and working together towards a common goal. Our differences make us stronger, and I believe that we can all benefit from learning about each other's cultures and experiences. I plan to obtain a Bachelor's degree in biomedical sciences/biology and then attend dental school. I am also interested in considering an accelerated BS/DDS program to speed the process up. My long-term goal is to improve my community's condition and become one of the top dentists/orthodontists in the world while gripping tightly to my faith and building a family.


University of Houston

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General

The Woodlands H S

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biology, General
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Dentistry
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      To become a dentist/orthodontist

    • Freelance Thumbnail Designer

      Free Agent
      2019 – 20212 years



    2018 – 2018


    2016 – 20215 years


    2019 – 20223 years


    • Graphic Art
      2019 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      No Organization — Helper
      2019 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Masjid Al-Ansar — Volunteer
      2022 – 2022
    • Volunteering

      Masjid Al-Ansar — Supervisor
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Masjid Al-Ansaar — Volunteer (Food Passer)
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests




    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    The paragraph I have chosen is from Plato's "The Republic," specifically from Book 7, which includes the Allegory of the Cave. "And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: Behold! human beings living in an underground den, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the den; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets." This passage, by depicting prisoners in a cave, accurately represents the limited knowledge that we have as human beings, our limited perception of reality, as well as the great power of education and knowledge. Plato's cave is depicted as dark, which is a representation of how ignorant humans look at reality. The prisoners in the cave are chained and facing a blank wall, so they only see the shadows that are formed by objects behind them. These shadows are meant to be the surface-level appearance of things in the everyday world. Plato's use of the cave as a metaphor shows us that he had a belief that a reality is deeper and more authentic than we think that exists beyond our five senses. The journey of a prisoner being freed and getting dragged out of the cave symbolizes the process a person's soul goes through when it goes from ignorance (symbolized as darkness) to knowledge (symbolized as the light). Plato placed a massive emphasis on how hard it is to begin this journey. There's a lot of initial pain and trouble adjusting to the light that accompanies this journey. When we discussed this passage once in my AP World History class, our teacher emphasized as well that the journey from ignorance to knowledge Is not an easy one. This builds on the idea that education is not just challenging, but that it is a process that changes the one going through it. The ascent described in the paragraph isn't just a physical journey, it's more a spiritual and intellectual journey where one goes from being ignorant of the truth to becoming knowledgeable of it. Moreover, Plato's allegory delves into the nature of being enlightened and the responsibilities that come with it. The enlightened person, when he realizes what the truth is, feels compelled to return to the cave and share the knowledge he found with the others. This metaphor is supposed to symbolize the role of the philosopher in society. Plato presents to the reader the idea of the philosopher king, who is the ruler who has the highest understanding and enlightenment, seeking to benefit everyone. The Allegory of the Cave serves as a strong image of how Plato viewed the human condition and the path to gaining knowledge. It shows the path from darkness (ignorance) to light (enlightenment and understanding). Plato isn't just presenting or throwing out a theory about knowledge or the methodology of seeking education, he is articulating an amazing philosophical view of the world that places the pursuit of truth as the highest priority and the role of the enlightened philosopher at the heart of a utopian society. In essence, this allegory goes above its historical context to provide a look into human nature, the path of seeking knowledge, and the importance of education. This allegory makes the reader question their perceptions and beliefs, sparking even a sense of a spiritual awakening in some people. In today's world, it goes without a doubt that everything is based on the first perception, and not digging in deep to find the inner meaning. Plato's message is a great one, and it remains relevant today. I do not like to delve into philosophy, but I can appreciate this piece of art and the great metaphor.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    To me, success is built upon three pillars of my life. As an Egyptian-American. my pillars of success are linked with my heritage. I build my success upon: my dream of dentistry, my belief as a Muslim, and my desire to raise a family. Starting off, success in my work life would look like becoming an accomplished and certified dentist. Dentistry is the field that sits well within me because ever since I was a little kid, I have always had the inner desire to help those who need it and help those less fortunate. If anyone has ever lived in the USA, they know how unfair it is for those who are less fortunate to seek health care without placing themselves in severe debt. It is a serious problem in the system and I seek to do my part in changing it by helping those who can not afford dental procedures little to nothing, depending on the situation. I believe pursuing dentistry will equip me with the skills and knowledge that will allow me to contribute to and benefit my society in a beautiful way. I can envision myself not only helping those in the USA, but my people of Egypt as well. Spiritually, success to me means growing and strengthening my faith as a Muslim. My religion is a core part of who I am, and it is undoubtedly the most important thing to me in the world. Without Islam, I am nothing and I would never have anything. Islam provides me with a moral and ethical framework for my life, as well as an excellent example to follow (The Messenger of Allah ﷺ). The pursuit of dentistry also is tied to this as well because it is regarded as a form of service and charity in Islam, as well as a pursuit of knowledge, which is heavily recommended. Finally, raising a beautiful family is what my view of success is based upon. I envision a bright future where I am the sole provider for my family. I envision a life where I am the protector for my wife and my children, and the rock of the family. I look forward to teaching my kids right from wrong and building a close relationship with my wife that will allow us to teach our children what love looks like. The skills I will gain from pursuing dentistry and strengthening my faith as a Muslim will allow me to become a great role model for my children since it will teach them where hard work gets you, the importance of helping those in need, and the beauty of a strong relationship with the creator. I see myself instilling my core values into my future children, values that are rooted deeply in Islam and my Egyptian culture. I hope that I can one day create a home where Egyptian culture and Islamic Teachings combine to make a beautiful nurturing environment. I can not wait to celebrate religious holidays, dress in cultural clothing, and laugh and smile with my future family. The blend of culture and faith in the household will not only strengthen our bond, but it will also instill into us a sense of identity and belonging, where every member of the family knows how important they are in the house. Being a role model to my children in terms of education and faith is really important to me. I want to show my kids that if you put your mind to a dream, you can easily achieve it. I want to teach them the value of education and to understand that success creeps around from all corners. I hope my children can understand through me being a dentist, which requires several years of schooling, that anything is possible when you stay determined. This scholarship opportunity would really help me achieve this dream because education is very costly here. Whether or not I get this scholarship may influence whether or not I go to my favorite school that I got admitted to because it is expensive. I aim to use this scholarship to make my family and the scholarship donors proud and to show you that this money will not be going to waste. I am a hard-working and determined kid, and anyone who knows me can tell you exactly that. College is a financial burden for many people like me, but since I will not be taking out student loans (interest is forbidden in my religion), the burden is even larger. I appreciate the time you have taken to read my application and to consider me, and I hope you may join me on the path to success.
    Big Picture Scholarship
    There is one single movie that holds a very special place in my heart, and it is "Kingdom of Heaven". This movie has changed my perspective on history and religion, and has even made me become a better person through understanding. When I first watched this movie, I was decently young and ignorant, and religion was not one of my favorite topics to learn about nor watch, especially when combined with history. However, in this movie, Salahuddin Ayyubi's portrayal in the film inspired me to explore deeper into Islamic history and comparative religion, significantly opening up doors to what would be my favorite hobby in my free time. Salahuddin Ayyubi, also known in the west as Saladin, is shown the movie as a fearless leader, full of honor, wisdom, and compassion. His portrayal sticks out compared to other war leaders in other films, especially those from the middle eastern world. Salahuddin's character is the definition of chivalry, mutual respect with the enemy, and commitment to faith and serving God. In the film, Salahuddin has massive respect for different cultures and a high tolerance for different religions, which is apparent in his honorable treatment of Christians. This portrayal really servers as a reminder of how complex historical figures and commanders were and the events they shaped. The movie's depiction of Salahuddin really sparked my interest in Islamic history, after watching the movie, I was drawn to explore the rich history of the Islamic golden age. This era was truly marked by advancements in science, arts, religion, philosophy, etc. It was a living proof of the impact of Islam on the world. Being a Muslim myself, I felt proud of my people's accomplishments and inventions they have made to help better the world. Studying these contributions really offered a new perspective contrary to the one portrayed by educational systems in the west. Every school I have been to did not really delve into the contributions of the Islamic golden age, even in a world history course, which is disappointing. This movie provided me with a more vivid understanding of the past, and it showed how connected different civilizations were. This movie really encouraged me to explore comparative religion as well. Salahuddin was a living embodiment of what it means to be a faithful Muslim, which allowed me to see the differences and similarities between Islam and Christianity. This exploration wasn't academic, rather I pursued it out of my free time and interest. I enjoyed researching and debating on several topics between Christianity and Islam, which I still do enjoy to this day. One of my favorite aspects about the film is the theme of respect between enemies. In the movie, Salahuddin and King Baldwin IV, although being enemies, respect each other very highly. This shows that mutual respect and understanding can bridge even the biggest of gaps, which is a lesson we should all benefit from. The relationship between Baldwin and Salahuddin also serves as a metaphor for the potential of peace between different faiths and the importance of finding common ground. Throughout their interactions, the movie highlights the possibility of coexistence and mutual respect between Christians and Muslims, which is a message to every follower of those faiths right now, that although we have major creedal differences, we can settle on our similarities and have peace. The world needs this message because we live in a world where religious and cultural tensions still exist. I love this movie and it has improved my life in so many ways and helped me discover my hobby.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    One beautiful thing about Minecraft, is that the bounds are endless when it comes to creativity and exploration. One of my favorite aspects in the game is having a pet wolf in survival mode. This feature of the game really resonated me well ever since I played Minecraft as a child and had my first pet wolf. What I love is the journey that comes along with trying to get a pet wolf. You have to go through countless in-day games of searching for wolves and hunting skeletons for the bones. Even once you have enough bones, there's a chance that the wolf rejects them all before accepting to be your pet, which makes the search even more intriguing. That moment where you try over and over again with the wolf using the bones marks the beginning of a very special companionship. Once you tame the wolf, he becomes more than just a wandering non-playable character, he becomes your best friend. The wolf defends you against several mobs like zombies, skeletons, spiders, etc. The wolf also follows you no matter what, through thick and thin, unless you make him sit in his space. With my wolf companion by my side, I always feel secure and safe knowing I won't have to face the unknown alone. The loyalty doesn't even feel robotic or programmed, it's a genuine feeling you can feel with the wolf. Also, the responsibility of taking care of my pet wolf adds another emotional layer to the gameplay. You have to feed your wolf whenever he gets injured, as well as keep him safe from harm's way. The point of the game doesn't even focus on survival anymore. At that point, it becomes about the legacy you and your pet wolf leave behind in the Minecraft world, and how far you get. Moreover, the wolf adds a level of difficulty to the game. When you decide to go on a dangerous adventure such as hunting or mining, choosing to take your pet wolf along with you is one of the hardest decisions you can make, because when your pet wolf is gone, there is no coming back. You can always get a new pet wolf, but that bond isn't the same, which also adds a level of emotional realism to the game. The emotional connection that the player develops over time with the wolf in Minecraft is surprisingly complex and beautiful for a block based game. One gets to celebrate victories with the wolf, mourn its loss after its death, bond over food and successful adventures, which all contribute to a rich and beautiful emotional rollercoaster, a special bond that transcends beyond the digital screen. Having a pet wolf in Minecraft mirrors the human desire to have a companion in the wild. It reflects our innate need to take care of and be cared for the beings around us which is beautiful. The mirroring of real-life feelings/emotions in Minecraft makes the game so much more special than it seems to the naked eye.
    Jiang Amel STEM Scholarship
    As an Egyptian American man standing at the cusp of my future, I like to reflect every now and then on my heritage, where I started, and where I see myself in the future. I find myself really influenced by the legacy of my Ancient Egyptian ancestors, who highly valued education, knowledge, and innovation, and being here in the United States, I am grateful to be in the land of opportunities to pursue my passion. My dream is to pursue dentistry and to one day be able to help those who are less fortunate and cannot afford dental procedures. To me, Dentistry is the perfect mix of art and healthcare, it requires a hand that is careful and heart that cares about the wellbeing of others. Through my years of challenging high school work, taking several APs and every Honors class that I could, my desire to become a dentist has only grown. I made sure to take plenty of classes related to healthcare/science so that I could be sure that I have a passion for this kind of work. I vividly remember the low-income neighborhood I lived in when my family first moved to Chicago, and although we were able to make it out to a safer area, I could not forget the smiles of the people who could not afford to get their teeth fixed up. The United States, as we know, has a greed problem. There are too many people chasing dollar bills while forgetting the fact that others are struggling. It is important that a lot of compassionate people can come together to not only combat poverty, but to combat the greed built within the American economy. Everyday you will see someone driving the nicest car, while they forget or ignore the fact that those less fortunate than them can not even find a place to sleep for the night. Why is it the case that we forget about those who are less fortunate than us? Are they not humans as well? Everyday we hear about the American dream, or chasing mountains of money, but when do we ever hear about lifting up those who are down, showing mercy to those who are not fortunate? It's truly a shame when you see someone pursuing a career in STEM only for the money, because as we know, the STEM field does make a boatload of money, however, this does not mean that we should just pursue careers for the money, but to make use of the knowledge we have obtained to help those who cannot help themselves. In my culture, we value family and keeping the ties of kinship, and as a result of that, you will find it common that we tend to help the poor whenever we can. I know the challenge of facing two different worlds, and I live it every time I visit Egypt. When I become a dentist, I plan to help people not only in the United States, but also in my home country, the mother of the world, Egypt. My culture has instilled in me a deep gratefulness and understanding that health is a responsibility of a community, and those who can, should look out for others whenever possible. As an Egyptian-American, I carry with me the pride of the mother of the world, the civilization still admired today and known for its contributions to medicine and science. I understand that it is a basic human right to have your health taken care of by those who are qualified, and that a smile can surpass language and even cultural barriers.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    Starting off, I'm not going to lie, I do enjoy the animated Spider-Man series more than the in-person Spider-Man movies, but if it came down to the in person series, I would have to say that Tom Holland is my favorite Spider-Man actor. What sets Tom Holland apart from the previous actors is that he brings in the vibe of the youthful innocence of Peter Parker, and this is a quality that neither Toby Maguire nor Andrew Garfield brought to the screen. It's also pretty amazing that Tom Holland was actually a teenager when he first acted as Spider-Man in the movie 'Captain America: Civil War'. By being close to the real Peter Parker in age, Holland made the movie more authentic to the comic series and the animated series. We all know that Peter Parker is known as a high school student with a double life, and the fact that Holland was able to bring the age aspect to the movies made it more clear to the audience. What also makes Tom Holland the best Spider-Man actor is the fact that he actually has a background in the physical aspects of the movie. It's well known that Holland is a trained gymnast and dancer, which actually allows him to perform many of the stunts on set, removing the need for a stunt double. This makes Spider-Man even more authentic because in the animated series and comics, he clearly doesn't require a stunt double. Another aspect that makes Tom Holland my favorite Spider-Man is the fact that he has a genuine bond with the other actors on the set. For example, his interactions with Robert Downey Jr. (aka Tony Stark) and Jacob Batalon (Ned Leeds) are filled with a genuine compassion and friend-like humor. This isn't really the case with the other actors, as it just felt like they were doing their role. The chemistry between Holland and the cast really sets him apart from the other Spider-Men and it contributes to the emotional depth of the movies. The final aspect I want to mention that makes Tom Holland my favorite Spider-Man is his humor. When Tom Holland is acting as Spider-Man, he is always light-hearted and full of funny jokes in almost every casual conversation. This lines up almost exactly with the Spider-Man in the comics and the animated series, which shows us that his portrayal of Spider-Man is accurate. And on the other side, Holland is good at showing his vulnerability and sad emotions in the movies. The beautiful balance that Holland is able to create with one side being funny and the other side able to be emotional it shows that Spider-Man is in the end a human being like the rest of us, and for these reasons, I believe Tom Holland is the best Spider-Man actor.
    Future Dentists Scholarship
    It all began on a hot summer day in the beautiful city of Cairo, Egypt. I was on the couch at my grandmother's apartment during a family gathering, when my uncle sat next to me on the couch and started asking me about my future plans. To be honest, the question had me struck, I thought to myself, "what do I really want to do?" but I replied the typical answer you would give to your Egyptian family, "An engineer". My uncle didn't just stop at one question, he sort of pressed me by asking, "Why do you want to be an engineer?", I was dumbfounded, I really had no reason driving me to become an engineer. You see, my uncle himself is an MD, and he is very passionate for his job, and he understands the struggle that comes with teenagers choosing their future careers at such a young age. My uncle asked me, "Have you considered dentistry?", my initial thoughts were of course not, why would I want to spend that many years in school? It all hit me that this was a very shallow reason, even though dentistry does require a lengthy amount of schooling and dedication, it does not mean it isn't worth it. I replied to my uncle by saying, "No, what makes you recommend it?" he went on by listing reasons I've never before heard of like: the low unemployment rate, high reported work satisfaction, a calm life, and a feeling of happiness for helping others with their oral health and smiles. My feelings towards dentistry immediately changed. How could I have been so ignorant? Would I really let a short few years of schooling deter me from a beautiful career and future? After the gathering ended, I spent hours researching all about dentistry, the different paths you can take within like becoming an orthodontist, periodontist, pediatric dentist, and a general dentist. I immediately fell in love with dentistry, and I recalled the fact that I've never had a bad experience at a dentist ever since my first visit to one. Over the course of the next few months, I continued to speak to dentists (including my local one and friends through my parents), and every time I indulged into researching the topic, I was left hungry for more. Fast forward to now, I'm a semester into my senior year and I cannot wait to begin my path towards dental school. I aspire to be one of the most skilled dentists in the world and have my name out there for helping those who could not afford dental care, and inspiring those who don't know what career path to choose. I really thank my uncle for the talk he gave me, and I'm not sure I would be the same person without the advice he gave me.