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Yi Fong Huang


Bold Points




University of Washington-Seattle Campus

Master's degree program
2023 - Present

Albany Medical College

Bachelor's degree program
2009 - 2013
  • Majors:
    • Medicine


  • Desired degree level:

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Public Health
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Future Interests





      Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
      Mental health is a topic that is close to the hearts of many people around the world, and I have seen firsthand how experiences with mental illness can have a profound impact on their beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. I have had both positive and negative experiences with the mental health industry. I have had several loved ones who have struggled with mental health issues, and my own experiences with depression and anxiety have greatly influenced my perspective. I grew up in a family where mental health was not discussed openly. It was seen as a taboo subject, and any issues were often brushed under the rug. When I began experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety in college, I didn't know what was happening to me. I was afraid to seek help, fearing the stigma that often surrounds mental illness. It wasn't until one of my friends opened up to me about their own struggles with depression that I felt comfortable enough to seek help. I went to her school's counseling center, where I was able to talk to a therapist and learn coping strategies that helped me manage my symptoms. This positive experience with the mental health industry inspired me to pursue a career in counseling. I wanted to help others who were struggling with mental health issues and break down the stigma that often surrounds these conditions. However, I also had negative experiences with the mental health industry. One of my family members was misdiagnosed with a mental illness and prescribed medication that made their symptoms worse. It wasn't until they sought a second opinion that they received an accurate diagnosis and the appropriate treatment. This experience made me aware of the flaws in the mental health system and the importance of finding a qualified and trustworthy mental health professional. In my career as a counselor, I strive to provide a safe and non-judgmental space for my clients to share their experiences. I believe that everyone deserves to have access to quality mental health care and works to reduce the stigma surrounding mental illness. My experiences with mental health have also influenced my relationships. I now recognize the importance of open and honest communication about mental health in my personal life. I encourage my loved ones to seek help if they are struggling and provide support and encouragement throughout the healing process. In conclusion, experiences with mental health can have a profound impact on an individual's beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. While there may be negative experiences with the mental health industry, it is important to remember that there are also positive experiences and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. With increased awareness and understanding of mental health issues, we can work together to reduce the stigma and improve access to quality care.
      Kevin R. Mabee Memorial Scholarship
      Hello, my name is Yi Fong and I am excited to share a bit about myself and my journey. I have always had a passion for helping others, especially in the realm of healthcare. As I navigated my college years, I became increasingly interested in public health and decided to pursue this as my career path. I completed my undergraduate degree in Health Sciences and went on to pursue a Master's degree in Public Health, with a focus on community health promotion. I am now working as a Public Health Specialist, focusing on developing and implementing programs to improve the health and wellbeing of communities. My passion for public health was influenced by my family and my own health journey. My mother was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was a teenager, and watching her struggle with the disease and its complications was difficult for our family. I became interested in learning more about the underlying causes of chronic diseases like diabetes, and the role that public health interventions could play in prevention and management. As I began my career in public health, I also became increasingly interested in the impact of diet and lifestyle on health outcomes. I grew up in a family that valued healthy eating and regular exercise, but as I learned more about the connections between diet and chronic disease, I decided to make some changes to my own diet. I began incorporating more plant-based foods into my meals, inspired by books and documentaries that highlighted the health benefits of a whole-foods, plant-based diet. I also started paying closer attention to the environmental impacts of food choices, and the ethical concerns surrounding animal agriculture. For me, the decision to adopt a plant-based diet was driven by a combination of health, environmental, and ethical considerations. Since transitioning to a plant-based diet, I have noticed a significant improvement in my own health and wellbeing. I have more energy, better digestion, and a clearer mind. And as a public health professional, I am excited to be working on projects and programs that promote healthy, sustainable, and equitable food systems. In conclusion, I am passionate about my career in public health and dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of communities. And as for my dietary choices, I am proud to be living a plant-based lifestyle that aligns with my values of health, environmental sustainability, and compassion for all living beings.
      Saswati Gupta Cancer Research Scholarship
      My interest in helping others stems from the experience I had saving a patient’s life when I was an intern in my senior year of college. It was the second month of working as an intern. It was my job to check on the patient to see if I could remove her tracheal tube and mechanical ventilator to let her breathe independently. As I walked close to the patient’s bed, I found that her vital signs were abnormal and her respiratory rate was unusually high. I knew that something might be wrong. Therefore, I quickly went to the doctor for support, and then we found a blood clot had lodged in her throat, so we immediately removed it. Fortunately, the patient survived. However, the doctor pointed out that the patient might have died if I hadn't noticed. After that incident, I decided to pursue a career in which I would dedicate myself to saving others. I initially worked as a Clinical Research Assistant and advanced my career to become a Senior Clinical Project Manager, and most of my clients are international pharmaceutical companies focusing on oncology studies. Collaborating with clients to obtain approvals for new drugs has been a crowning achievement. Nonetheless, I am still thirsty for additional academic preparation. As a Senior Clinical Project Manager, I realize that I must be highly familiar with the study purposes and the protocol designs. As a result, earning a Master of Public Health Degree would enable me to continue to advance in the broader picture of a whole range of diseases and summon my maximum professional contribution to the clinical trial industry. Furthermore, I am doubly eager to gain more knowledge that will aid me to improve on my approach to leading projects while conducting clinical trials in hospitals around the world.