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Yaminah Haroon


Bold Points






I aspire to find a career set in writing, cooking, baking, or internet technology. I enjoy creating and putting together things, and I also enjoy improving upon things. If there is an opportunity to gain some experience in any of these fields, I would love to embargo on them.


Virginia Virtual Academy

High School
2015 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Graphic Communications
    • Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies
    • Religion/Religious Studies
    • Religious Education
    • Theology and Religious Vocations, Other
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Business/Managerial Economics
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Legal Services

    • Dream career goals:

      Business or Immigration Lawyer

    • Patient Care Coordinator

      Be The Change Health & Wellness Center
      2020 – Present5 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Muslim American Society DC — Childsitting
      2024 – 2024

    Future Interests




    Patrick B. Moore Memorial Scholarship
    To passionately make a positive impact on the world by touching lives of other people with my future education is a broad statement the envelopes many concepts and actions. I believe there are people out of this great country of the United States that aspire to come here and pursue jobs and opportunities they otherwise do not have access to. More importantly, they travel for the maintenance of family and kinship, such important things that a person would work hours from 5:00 AM to 7:00 PM just to provide food, shelter, and clothing to the ones they care about. I have my own personal family out of the country struggling to come here, and I myself struggle to go there (my home country) and we do not truly see each other as much as we would hope for. I want to delve into immigration law and learn how to legally- and safely- bring my family to this country or help them with any difficulties they may have. If I cannot do that, then I just wish to be able to carry lawful knowledge and wisdom that may benefit my family around me, just as pursuing the medical field can greatly benefit ones' own family. Hiring a lawyer actually costs a high amount, and so this may not be something that fits into the financial capabilities of all of my family. One may never know when such a thing happens where they cannot defend themselves and actually require to be defended. Thus, if not only I can help my own family and sisters, but I can also help those who struggle in need and who are seeking help. With not severe cases or intense situations only, but even in those situations small and reducible. It is extremely important that, in an age where truth is not always held, and where innocent people are wrongfully accused, it is a pandemic of truth and a pandemic of knowledge. The world needs people who carry the truth firmly and stick to it, and these people should go higher in ranks. For a truly stable and safe society, there cannot be those who do not feel for their people in charge. I am in charge of my plans as of now to progress into what I hope for the future. My plans are going to a community college for two years and engaging in any degree, then moving to Antonin Scalia Law school. This plan really excites me, and I hope to fulfill something in which I can receive the fruition of being able to help those in need with whatever power or position I have.
    Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
    1. The major I selected was Web Design at George Mason University, and this was mainly to gain more knowledge on how to function a website. I enjoy writing and sharing knowledge with others and thus, I plan to, God-willing, create a website where I can create articles that others can derive benefit from. I chose George Mason University because it is a college with great reviews and is in the same state I reside in, making it the perfect choice for my additional education. 2. My vast amount of weaknesses range from minute tasks, such as waking up from bed to larger tasks, which include my inability to speak up for myself. My strengths emphasize my persistence to keep trying, despite the many times my faults arise. The effort to try better each time is not unlooked by myself, as I know that so long as that which I am striving for holds value and is important, I should keep trying to do what I believe is right. My strength lies in trying to better my weaknesses. 3. My name is Yaminah Haroon, and I am currently a High School Senior (As of 2023 to 2024). I deserve this scholarship because I don't have a sufficient amount of money to cover the costs of college, regardless of the job I work and the small amount of money I make. I deserve this scholarship because I qualify for it, as a Muslim with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, who is striving to learn more about the deen from people qualified with the certification of an Aalim. I don't believe I am more deserving than others who qualified for this scholarship, but my hope is not lost in my chances of receiving it. 4. My favorite book is the Noble Quran, and may Allah keep it that way. The Quran is a book that was revealed to the Ummah so beautifully and eloquently that rejecting it can only be a rejection of the heart. The sheer amount of wisdom and knowledge in the Quran shows that it can only be from Allah and that no being could ever conjure something so beautiful and in-depth of the world. One of my favorite surahs is Surah Nuh, which many ayaat describe Nuh (peace be upon him)'s calls to Allah, relating how his people rejected him. The seventh verse describes the people placing their fingers in their ears and turning away from the Prophet who was sent to them. The ayat specifically says: "And whenever I invite them to be forgiven by You, they press their fingers into their ears, cover themselves with their clothes, persist in denial˺, and act very arrogantly." How the Arabic for this ayat was written is so beautiful and describes just how the people rejected Nuh (peace be upon him). 5. My greatest achievement as a Muslim is being able to embark on an Alimah program. Through this program, I have memorized the Quran and learned how to decipher complex Arabic sentences. The opportunity Allah has given me to dedicate my time to the Deen is not taken for granted and I am ever-grateful to Him for it.
    Valorena Publishing & Cocoa Kids Collection Scholarship
    Literacy has benefited my life vastly. From my extensive studies down to my household. How one conveys thoughts and intentions through words greatly impacts the validity and emotion of his or her message. The beauty in using language as a tool to shape one's speech only further enhances it. That precise thought is what lends a great number of authors recognition and reward. The beauty of language is how in-depth it goes, and how far back words reach to their roots. Humans usually start from their roots, taking small steps as they reach further up. That journey through time for a human in age is like the journey through time for a word existing in the current that can be traced back many years. One doesn't begin a four-hundred-chapter book or a twenty-page research paper without at least starting a small picture book first. From my youngest years, my mother exposed me to literature through many picture books. I read through Amelia Bedelia with laughter, engrossed myself in different stories from a Disney picture book, and began checking out hard-covered books that my finger worked harder to grasp due to their thickness in frame and width. Eventually, reading books became a hobby requiring sophistication and intellect. My mind got used to putting itself to use for the sake of understanding the message each author was trying to convey with each sentence they provided on each page. It was as if I had put myself into the author's shoes, and imagined the pen in my hands, trying to process how they had written their stories. That passion for imagination urged me to embark on writing stories of my own. I had small story-telling bursts to my siblings at night, in many failed attempts to get them asleep, before picking up a pen and writing out books upon books with my hand on paper. Once I discovered writing via technological devices, the matter was swift, smooth, and quick. Story and story was planned and brought out until I lost my enthusiasm for make-believe. I wanted something real and tangible to write out. I wanted to write essays and papers, and do loads of research. I wanted to embark on the world I was already living in, and write about that. I wanted my work to be something others could learn from, and could implement into their lives. To even begin something like that makes literature incumbent. Literature is really important in any informational work. If a sentence is not grammatically sound, then there can be doubt in the author's credibility. Properly presented works are deserving of recognition and consideration. Many scientific articles contain sound grammar usage mechanics, despite the article being solely based on science. The same is to be said about any written work in any field. Literature is essential even in Law. If the Constitution of the United States contained many grammatical flaws, there is a possibility of it being rejected by the people. Literacy is essential to me because of my aspirations and hopes of bringing something beneficial into the world, through which my generation can hold on to the tongue of our fathers and use the tools of literature to express themselves firmly. I want to write many books that contain worlds further explaining the one we live in and books containing extensive knowledge of history, writing, and arithmetics. I aspire to bring knowledge on a gorgeous plate to the people of my generation without gaining disapproval of the past. If any amount can lessen the costs of education I require for such knowledge, I am grateful.
    Future Planner Scholarship
    I am very passionate about event planning, and as a young, South-Asian, American, and Muslim girl, I find that it influences a lot about my mood and personality. We have a Holiday in Islam, called 'Eid'. There are two Eids, and I thoroughly enjoy planning for scheduling ahead for both. To prepare for the holiday, I like to write many different types of lists. I write grocery lists, shopping lists, activities lists, and invitation lists. Being able to have everything down on paper helps my mind work ahead to get as much as I can from my time leading ahead. I love bringing my vision to life when it comes to an event. Depending on the event, I like to vary in what I choose for the theme. For small birthday parties, I like to keep things sentimental between the decorum and the person the event is addressed to. For crowds, it's important to adhere the details to the general preference. Designing an event is an artwork in itself. Not everyone can move that craft. I never found myself to be a person of art. Despite that, there's a feeling of enjoyment in carrying out tasks I had planned to bring an event to the air. In my memories, there have been so many events that I had planned. From a very young age, I had a keen eye on my aunt, who used to deliberately buy and order many things to change a dusty old room into a brandished and beautiful interior. As the months went by, there was always something else to plan for. I come from a family with many children, and as each child grows, there is always another memory to cherish with decadent cakes, royal feasts, and luxurious festivities. With all of that muddled into such an occasion, the only thing that matters is the memories you make and the lessons you learn. There was no lesson I acquired in my brain at that time, and my mind focused only on enjoying the time with my friends and family. My cousin and I spent our time stealing strawberry wafers from the kitchen, as many pre-school kids attempted. It was a fairy, wonderland party, which my aunt woke up particularly early to be planning. She bought huge, soft coasters to imitate lily pads on our green carpet, and fake rose petals to scatter all over the staircase. It was almost like walking into a fairytale itself- save for the obvious look of our exterior home...which was undoubtedly more like the haunted house next door. I loved sulking in all the beauty of simple changes. Soon enough, my aunt had to leave. She moved out, and with her went all the beautiful designs and wonders and decorating and a small home. I didn't realize it, but soon those wonders would come back with the years. Spark by spark, flames of design and longing for the adventures of the past came back soaring in me. I wanted to recreate the beauty my aunt had left behind. I wanted to take the gloomy faces of the generation ahead of me and show them something wonderful. I learned how to make different origami stars, butterflies, and dragons, cascading them over our house. I ran to the kitchen, baking and testing many delightful treats to share with my loved ones. I even dipped my toes into the dangerous waters of gift-shopping, there were quite a few lessons learned in that. Most importantly, I learned that my passion for event planning comes from my passion for bringing together cherished memories.
    Desiree Jeana Wapples Scholarship for Young Women
    My name is Yaminah Haroon and I am currently a High School Senior at Virginia Virtual Academy. I have four siblings, but I'm the oldest, and our parents work hard to ensure a safe and healthy environment and household. I believe that education is really important to continue ensuring that the generation knows their past and how to solve many problems life may throw at them. I plan on holding on to my education through perseverance and effort. Studying too hard, trying too little, trying too hard, or trying too little are all small habits I carry throughout my educational career. My father taught me that no matter how much I want something done, the best way to get it done will always be through balance. Sustainable behaviors come from a balance of the actions and the mind. That moral remains present not just in school environments, but in my hobbies as well. A lot of my beliefs and understandings are pulled from my father, who advises many of my decisions. He helped me figure out what careers I wanted to pursue. With enjoyment and delight from reading many different works and analyzing them, I managed to conclude that the writing field is something I would like to be in. My father was an avid pursuer of architecture. He built and assembled many models of buildings and bridges etc. As if it was yesterday, I remember watching the dust pile up on the dark black strips of wood my father used to mimic bridge wires, and blowing the dust away. My father worked overnight to assemble that piece, and I was astonished. When he concentrated, he was in a trance of focus, precisely and decidedly putting together different works. I remembered that when I decided to give writing a small story a try. I wanted to put together a story void of all the horrors many people contained. Horrors like ideologies that went too far, or messages that were harmful for the young people absorbing them. Just like that, I wanted to put together a simple and enjoyable story, with not much else to it. Little did little me know, that stories were not as easy as I thought. Word-building, word-processing, and plot-lining all took time and many papers to lay out. My father would work overnight designing buildings. I worked overtime designing different fantasies and make-believe plotlines. If a certain line or story didn't fit right into the overall, it had to be scrapped, polished, and either thrown out or placed back in. Most of the time, I opted to take the shortcut out of my work. I attempted to give up. My father pushed me back in. With a few words from him, I realized that anything in life didn't come so easily. He told me that giving up was easy. My father was right. Giving up wasn't stopping. It was completely discontinuing and abandoning something. Sometimes, it was wrong. At that moment, I knew I had two options. I could either work harder or leave the story alone. I wanted something that people could read without being uncomfortable or disturbed. I wanted to put a form of entertainment that didn't ruin people's perceptions. I had to turn back to the story with a pen and a clean slate if the story had a chance to come to light.
    Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    Mental health is a matter of importance for students all around the globe. Explaining how deep the troubles of the mind go is another trouble of the mind. My mind is such that it cannot be occupied by everything all at once. Clutter in my brain is a trouble for my soul, and small prayers are what can help throughout the day. If my mental health is good, my academic life is good. If my mental health is bad, my academic life falters with it, too. With the academic workload, I receive daily, I need to have a form of meditation or calm. My form of relaxation is my religion. Without it, I truly do not know how my life would be. I am most grateful for everything it has carried me through and all the tips for my mind that it has supplied me with. Along with my religion came my movement. Exercising daily, eating nourishing foods, praying, and getting proper rest are all important factors of the day that should be enforced upon oneself. Days that I receive a sufficient amount of exercise are the most productive. Whenever I am feeling sluggish, my work tends to be more lazy and drawn out. Clear and precise work will come from a clear and precise mind. The reason why mental health is so important is because the people of the generation to come will eventually become leaders and public figures. With the population advancing in such a way, the new generation needs to have something to live for and look forward to. The addition of cell phones and social media is a subtraction of mental health. This is because the time spent online, scrolling through one's phone or whatever one may do, actually impairs their views of the world. It limits the generations' ability to communicate effectively with one another and therefore, it destroys their social capabilities altogether. The internet is a place for people to share their experiences and inner thoughts and while that may be stress-releiving for those individuals who do so, it is stress-impairing for those watching. As one observes others acting so freely and openly, it opens the door to possibilities in their expectations of the world. Success does not come from expecting others to give you. Rather, success is such a thing in which a person works hard and focuses. The American school system relies on your focus and good grades, through which one has better opportunities and chances at receiving scholarships and grants. If mental health and academic studies go hand in hand, then they must be treated like such. Adequate sleep, proper nutrition, consistent exercise, and the will to live will ultimately benefit every student. A student who falters in maintaining these things will lack in one part of their lives, and if one lacks, then the possibility of the rest lacking is existent. Every student needs to improve their lives with their academic career, and not sacrifice one trying to attain the other. Losing health in the body, soul, and mind will shatter academics and thus, treating the former with responsibility and respect is of the utmost importance.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    A book I would recommend everyone in the world read is the Quran. The Quran is a book that many Muslims around the world read daily for spiritual, emotional, and physical guidance. It is so special to all these people- about 25% of the entire population- that they work to memorize the lines in this book. To memorize the Quran is another matter entirely. There are so many benefits to just reading such a book and for me to explain it will take a while. All I can provide is a small essay, so this will do just fine. The Quran is a beautiful book that contains prophetic stories from the religion of Islam. It provides insight into different rulings and prohibitions for Muslims. The Quran also provides a good amount of good deeds, for everyone to reap the benefits from. It is such a work that, though poets have tried, no one has ever bested or compiled something more eloquent and beautiful. Try as they may, nothing will ever replace a book in its highness and glory. Prophets mentioned in the religion of the Christians and the Jews are mentioned in this book as well, their stories and their morals are all too similar for the people to learn from and recognize. Mentioned in the Quran are Abraham (peace be upon him), Moses (peace be upon him), Jesus (peace be upon him), and much more. As Islam is an Abrahamic Religion, this is expected. The wonder of the Quran does not stop with it's familiarity, but rather, it continues with it's unfamiliarity. If one were to look at the sky and think to themselves about the structure of the galaxy, they could not have ever written something so beautiful and astonishing as the Quran's descriptions of the universe around us. In the Quran it describes in detail how man was made- the process of a fetus in the womb, for example. The structure of the solar system is described, in a book revealed one thousand and four-hundred years ago. The Muslims of the time were so strong in their faith and willing to believe, that it wasn't a matter of questioning whether the words of the Book were true or not. Faith is something people are either guided by or astray from. This Holy Book is one that one should, at the very least, open and look inside of.
    Valiyah Young Scholarship
    My name is Yaminah Haroon and I am a High School Senior. I enjoy working hard and doing things that can help my family. Different ways that I achieve those goals are by making breakfast in the mornings, and sometimes making lunch or dinner in the evenings. I enjoy baking and making energy bars for my ever-growing siblings. I contribute in different ways, by taking less of the load off my parents' shoulders. Nevertheless, I am still young and have a lot to learn. I have a job at a doctor's office in Maryland, as a Patient Care Representative. Despite this, I can't make enough money to cover the costs of all of my education. I have an extracurricular school, in which I pursue religious studies. This includes grammar usage mechanics in Arabic, Islamic Jurisdiction and studies, as well as Islamic History, among many other classes. My parents cover the costs to the best of their ability in this, but still cannot do so fully. Being able to have another source of money will heavily contribute to my receiving and covering the costs of education after my high school years. A few times in which I have contributed to my community include the moments when my neighbors ask for favors from me. Whenever they leave town, they simply ask me to look after their trash and watch out for their mail. Especially if there is a package that needs to be safeguarded. I enjoyed this because I wanted to look out for my neighbors. They are a new couple and even have their own two little kids. They have become close to my family, especially because the two children run around the neighborhood doing all types of silly things. Typically, they need more than one pair of eyes looking out for them. The impact being able to do those things had on me was pleasant. I was happy to hear that my neighbors trusted me with something so important, like their own packages and mail. I was also happy to hear that they were comfortable around me. Likewise, we could trust them with small things here and there. Having people that you can trust is an important tool in life. So, building that up with neighbors whom I can help is crucial to me. Here and there, I like to even drop off some baked goods and treats for the kids and the kind couple. Everyone should try to build up something like that with anyone in their community.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    When any one person is feeling down or lonely, they know they can always turn to their favorite show on the television. For many people, that show is 'The Office'. Likely, in my life, many people watch 'The Office', and it is so important to me that I have something to turn to when life is feeling down. Like many people around the world, that show is 'The Office'. However, this comes with quite a catch. Much to my dismay, I find a certain character in the show to resonate all too well with my character. That is the character of Michael, the man who takes the title of 'boss' in the office workspace. For him, things don't always go well. He constantly attempts to lighten the mood and bring people together for teamwork activities. His environment, which constants of mainly damp people, turns on him. Not everyone is willing to participate in the projects and pastimes he puts together. Many times, he sees the day he planned refusing to unravel. Despite his positive personality, he is internally unhappy and dissatisfied. Like Michael, I try to maintain a positive attitude within my friend group. The people I associate myself with, simply refuse to do so. While there is no issue with disagreeing or not participating with another, repetitively doing so can be harmful. I want to prevent that harm and see people united and harmonized. Despite my efforts, my hopes are unfulfilled. Resonation with Michael Scott is not something I enjoy. He is not my favorite character, and to be frank, he is not the brightest. I can hope those are not qualities in my own character, but for me to decide would be foolish. With all this in mind, Michael Scott is what makes the show so special. He helped the characters in the office grow and become better and closer people. His attempts at bringing people together actually worked. Pam and Jim's relationship develops into something beautiful, Dwight and Angela surprisingly get along together, and Michael himself eventually finds a soulmate. For people around the world, 'The Office' is comforting. While it is comforting, I can proudly say that yes, I am the most like Michael Scott.