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xaylah clarke


Bold Points






My life goal is to become an orthopedic surgeon for a national team. I want to become one so that I can help people. I would love to one day be able to help athletes in a similar way someone helped me. I want to be able to give back to my community in many different ways other than money and fundraisers.


Atlanta Metropolitan State College

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Biology, General
  • GPA:

Maynard H. Jackson- Jr. High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Medicine
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1070


    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      becoming a surgeon



      2021 – Present3 years


      Junior Varsity
      2018 – 20213 years


      2019 – 20223 years


      • Photography
        2019 – Present

      Future Interests



      Trees for Tuition Scholarship Fund
      At the intersection of my interests lies a genuine dedication to environmental sustainability and the application of cutting-edge technology to address global challenges. I am engaged in several initiatives within my community that embody these principles, and I am poised to carry these endeavors into the post-college chapter of my life. One significant project I have undertaken is establishing a community garden, a green oasis within the urban landscape. Recognizing the critical importance of sustainable agriculture and local food production, I collaborated with residents, environmental organizations, and city officials to transform an unused plot of land into a thriving space for cultivation. This endeavor promotes eco-conscious living and fosters community cohesion as neighbors come together to nurture and harvest the fruits of their collective labor. As a STEM enthusiast, I have actively participated in educational outreach programs to foster an early interest in science and technology among local youth. Partnering with schools and community centers, I organize workshops and interactive sessions that demystify complex scientific concepts, making them accessible and engaging for young minds. By kindling a passion for STEM at an early age, I hope to contribute to the growth of a future generation equipped to tackle the intricate challenges our world faces. Looking ahead to my post-college journey, I envision merging my passion for environmental sustainability with my career in renewable energy. Armed with a degree in environmental engineering, I aim to spearhead initiatives that harness the power of clean energy to address the pressing issue of climate change. Whether through designing innovative solutions for renewable energy generation or advocating for sustainable practices in urban planning, my goal is to be an agent of positive change. Moreover, I recognize the significance of global interconnectedness and the need for collaborative efforts to tackle shared challenges. To this end, I plan to engage in international projects and collaborations that transcend geographical boundaries. Whether participating in research initiatives focused on global health or contributing to sustainable development projects in underserved regions, I aspire to leverage my skills and knowledge worldwide. My commitment to making a difference in the world is not a mere aspiration but a roadmap that weaves my passion for sustainability, STEM expertise, and community engagement. As I embark on the journey beyond college, I am determined to actively participate in the ongoing dialogue of progress, contributing to a future where the ripples of positive change extend far beyond my immediate community.
      Camille Donaldson Memorial Scholarship
      Persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness marked my struggle with depression and a loss of interest in activities I once enjoyed before COVID-19. The weight of emotions made daily tasks seem overwhelming, impacting relationships and work performance. Recognizing the severity of these feelings, I sought help from a mental health professional, initiating a crucial step toward recovery. Therapy became a pivotal tool in my journey. Through counseling sessions, I began unraveling underlying issues, learning coping mechanisms, and gaining a better understanding of personal triggers. Additionally, medication, when prescribed by a mental health professional, provided crucial support in managing symptoms. Beyond professional help, my adopted self-care practices. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep became integral in managing mood. Engaging in hobbies and social activities and reconnecting with supportive friends and family helped combat feelings of isolation. I learned the importance of self-compassion and acceptance throughout this process. Acknowledging that recovery is not linear and that setbacks may occur, I embraced the journey, understanding that seeking support does not equate to weakness. Acceptance played a significant role in breaking free from the stigma associated with mental health struggles. Reflecting on the experience, I realized the significance of setting boundaries, prioritizing mental health, and seeking help proactively. This journey highlighted the importance of destigmatizing mental health issues, prompting me to become an advocate for open conversations surrounding mental wellness. The lessons learned from this experience were transformative. I emerged with a deeper understanding of personal resilience, the value of seeking help, and the importance of self-care. Overcoming depression was not just about navigating through a challenging phase but also a journey of self-discovery and growth. The journey through depression amid the tumultuous era of COVID-19 was akin to navigating uncharted waters, where the waves of despair crashed relentlessly. My perseverance through this turbulent period revealed the profound strength inherent in acknowledging vulnerability and seeking assistance. It was a courageous plunge into the depths of self-awareness, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Medication, when deemed necessary and prescribed by a mental health professional, became a crucial ally in navigating the labyrinthine corridors of depression. It was not a cure-all but a support beam, allowing me to find steadiness amidst the tumultuous seas of fluctuating moods. However, the beacon of hope was not solely found in professional guidance; it also radiated from self-care practices meticulously woven into the fabric of daily life. The routine of exercise, nourishing meals, and restful sleep became pillars of stability, fostering a conducive environment for healing. Engaging in beloved hobbies and nurturing social connections became a lifeline, dispelling the suffocating tendrils of isolation. However, the most profound revelation was accepting the non-linear nature of recovery. Understanding that setbacks were not indicative of failure but integral parts of the journey fostered self-compassion. I learned that seeking help was not a sign of weakness but a courageous stride toward restoration. The metamorphosis from a place of desolation to one of understanding and advocacy was transformative. It was not merely overcoming an ordeal but a voyage of self-discovery. I emerged not just stronger but enlightened, armed with empathy and a genuine commitment to shattering the suffocating shroud of stigma enveloping mental health. This experience became a catalyst, propelling me into the role of a passionate advocate, striving to illuminate the path towards destigmatization through open dialogues and shared experiences. The journey through depression was not just about survival; it was a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, growth, and an unwavering determination to foster a more compassionate world for mental health.
      New Kids Can Scholarship
      Being "the new kid" is a role that often comes with a complex blend of challenges and opportunities. As someone who has experienced the dynamic of entering new communities multiple times, I can attest to its profound impact on individuals' lives, friendships, and future goals. The first wave of impact is typically felt in the realm of personal identity and self-discovery. Being the new kid necessitates a process of adaptation and self-reflection. One is compelled to navigate unfamiliar social landscapes, often prompting a deeper examination of one's own values, interests, and personality. This process of self-discovery, though initially challenging, can be transformative, fostering resilience and adaptability that become valuable life skills. Friendships, a cornerstone of the social fabric, are significantly influenced by the experience of being the new kid. A sense of isolation can characterize the initial stages, as established social circles may already exist. However, this challenge is a crucible for forging authentic connections. Many enduring friendships are born from the shared experience of navigating the uncharted territory of new environments together. On the flip side, being the new kid can also offer a unique vantage point for observing existing social dynamics. Freed from pre-established roles and expectations, newcomers can bring fresh perspectives and break down social barriers. This role can be an impetus for inclusivity, encouraging established groups to expand their circles and embrace diversity. Moreover, the experience of being the new kid has a lasting impact on future goals. The resilience developed through overcoming the initial hurdles becomes a valuable asset in pursuing ambitions. The adaptability honed in navigating diverse environments is a skill set that proves beneficial in various professional and personal contexts. For many, the experience of being the new kid serves as a catalyst for cultivating empathy and understanding. The challenges faced during the assimilation process instill a heightened awareness of the importance of creating welcoming environments for others. This newfound empathy often shapes future goals, with individuals aspiring to contribute to inclusive communities and workspaces. In the long term, the ability to integrate into new environments becomes a hallmark of versatility, a quality highly sought after in an ever-changing global landscape. This adaptability can lead to diverse career opportunities and the ability to thrive in dynamic, multicultural settings. In conclusion, being "the new kid" is a multifaceted experience that leaves a lasting imprint on individuals' lives, friendships, and future goals. While the initial challenges may seem daunting, the growth, resilience, and adaptability cultivated through this experience become powerful tools that shape individuals into well-rounded, empathetic, and versatile contributors to the communities they encounter throughout their lives.
      Nasser Seconi Scholarship Fund
      Playing a sport should never be scary, especially when it's something you've cherished since the age of five. My 10th-grade year in high school was marked by a moment of intense fear, but it also brought the pinnacle of my soccer journey. As a goalie, you're often given specific instructions on handling various situations on the field, and catching the ball is one of the fundamental skills we practice relentlessly. It's like second nature to us, etched into our muscle memory through months of training. I vividly remember that particular game. The ball was just three yards away, and my instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, I charged out of the six-yard box, ready to grab it. The catch was textbook, precisely as my coach had taught me. I was on my knees, the soccer ball securely in my arms, and then it happened - a sudden, jarring impact to my right collarbone. I fell flat on the turf, and in that disorienting moment, it felt like an eternity. I clung to the ball, wondering if my beloved sport had just dealt me a devastating blow. My mind was a whirlwind of fear as the team trainer examined me. I couldn't think straight, fearing the worst, like a torn rotator cuff that would require extensive medical attention. But after the evaluation and the call to my worried mom, the relief washed over me as I learned I would be okay. The shock slowly subsided; my shoulder was iced, and all I wanted was to return to the game and be out on the field again. Strangely enough, that year also brought the most incredible moment of my soccer career. Midway through the season, our starting goalie was sidelined, and I finally had my moment to shine on the varsity team. It was an exhilarating feeling - no more bench-warming; I was an essential part of the team. The pitch was alive with energy, and we dominated 5-0 by halftime. I had made six saves, and three decisive goal kicks, and the sense of accomplishment was unparalleled. We ended up mercy-ruling the opposition with a resounding 10-0 victory. This opportunity not only made my season but also laid the foundation for the challenges that lay ahead. In the aftermath of that game, something truly remarkable happened. I grew even closer to my teammates. We forged an unbreakable bond, a camaraderie that extended beyond the field. It was a good thing we did because our school administration decided it was a brilliant idea to consider canceling our season to build an outhouse for games. This absurdity only strengthened our resolve and unity. Soccer goalkeepers are well aware of the inherent risks of their position, especially the potential for upper body injuries. The constant dives to block shots and make saves put our hands, fingers, and wrists in harm's way, often resulting in sprains, dislocations, or fractures. The repeated impact on our shoulders and elbows during these dives can lead to dislocations and fractures. It's a challenging position that we embrace with passion and dedication. If it weren't for that fateful opportunity to play on the varsity team, my subsequent years in the sport wouldn't have held the same significance. I learned the value of perseverance, the joy of teamwork, and the resilience that comes from overcoming adversity. Soccer has remained my enduring passion, and despite the scares and setbacks, my love for the game has never wavered.