Hobbies and interests
Self Care
True Story
Ruby Mendez
Bold Points1x
Ruby Mendez
Bold Points1x
Hi i'm Ruby Mendez
I am a Senior where I currently attend Prescott Jr. Sr. High School. I am 17 years old. I live with my mom and dad at our agriculture community where they work as well. Where my two little brothers and older brother live with us they are currently six of us living in our home. . I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities not only for my school but also for my community. My organizational abilities and attention to detail have been instrumental in successfully managing class finances and coordinating fundraisers. My dedication and hard work in this role reflects my responsible and reliable nature. I was a member of the Spirit Club at my school where I demonstrated my enthusiasm and school spirit for our school to our athletes during games. I have been instrumental in organizing and executing various events and activities that have promoted unity and pride among our student body. I have always been able to effectively collaborate with my peers and rally support for school events showcasing my excellent teamwork and communication skills. I am a genuinely caring and compassionate person, always willing to lend a helping hand to my peers and actively contributing to a positive environment. As my long-term goal is to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer/Ultrasound Technician, I am trying to do better in school. I am distancing myself from people and trying to get my life together, I want to accomplish my goal and do better in life.
Prescott Jr Sr High
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Medicine
Dream career field:
Diagnistic Medical Sonographer
Dream career goals:
Public services
Prescott High School — Helper2023 – 2023
David Foster Memorial Scholarship
Although there are many teachers who have made an impact in my life. My high school teacher Ms. Hammer has made a deeply and significant impact in my life. She is the main reason as to why I began to believe in myself and why I have been excelling so much in my academics. Before I has her as my history teacher I would have F's and D's and maybe a C.
She saw the worth and patential I had, but I hadn't seen yet in myself. Before I would always ditch class, be extreamly late to class, or say I would have to you the restroom and not return. Many teacher before her had given up on me before. Being extreamly tired of my excuses and my constant absences in school and classes. It was either I wouldn't go to school at all or I would just not show up to class at all. This would be a constant habit of mine and even still did it when I first had Hammer as a teacher.
Ms. Hammer never gave up on me and constantly reminded me that this wasnt the right path. That I had to try more for my academic future. I very slowly began to progress. At first it just began with me trying to be more presrent at school. Then I began to do my work and turn in my assignments on time. As im in my final month of my senior year I have all A's, but one class which is my lowest grade and its a B.
I am extreamly proud of myself of how far I have came academiclly. How much I have changed in myself and how I have a geniune passion to continue with my education and further it. Ms. Hammer has been an extreame help to me especially this year. Showing how much she geniually care and how far she's willing to go for her students. At first I would use her as a reason to continue working hard and to have dedication.
Now I use myself as a reason to countinue. I try to remind myself anytime anything gets hard or to much. How much I have progressed and how well I'm doing when I try and have dedication. I now what to persue college to do my prerequtes, so when I'm done with those. I can go to a college or university that offers a program for Ultrasound Technicians. I want to become a Registered Diagnostics Medical Sonography as my future carrer.
This has all been thanks to my beautiful, amazing, and extraordinary teacher Ms. Hammer.
Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
As a first generation Hispanic woman and a college bound student of two immigrant parents who immigrated from Oaxaca, Mariscala de Juarez, Mexico. They both came from nothing were they struggled back at home for years. Back at home my mom used to share a bed and one blanket with her four siblings. She had to stop going to school in the 6th grade to help her family at home.
My dad has eight siblings and he was never able to go to school. My dad doesnt know how to read or write in spainsh or english. He only know how to spell his name. Anytime he has anything of ours to sign for school he doesnt proudly. Since my parents didnt come from much moved to a new country and started from zero. I want to be able to make all of their sacrafices and hard work worth something.
Having to see all of my parents struggles first hand and seen how far they have came knowing it was not easy at all. Makes me proud to say that they are my parents who immigrated from Mexico. Who have been able to give me everythig I need/want despite my childish needs before in the past. They always were able to hide from my siblings and I when they would struggle with money.
As my long-term goal is to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer/Ultrasound Technician, I am trying to do better in school. I am distancing myself from people and trying to get my life together, I want to accomplish my goal and do better in life. My destination in life is to be happy and have the family I want.
An experience from my own life as a member of a migrant seasonal farm worker family that has influenced who I am and the way I see the world is when my dad got injured at work working in the fields. He was working his first couple of hours of the day when he had a ladder fall on him and hit his right leg. As a Mexican man who grew up in Mexico he learned he always had to be taught and never be soft because being soft is for women. My dad getting injured on the job has influenced me a lot. It has influenced me to be the best that I possibly can be and take full advantage of the education I was able to receive thanks to my non-stop working mom and dad. When my dad got injured he kept working despite the pain on him. It wasn't until a couple hours later when it was time for his lunch break that he couldn't tolerate the pain any longer.
My uncle who also works in the fields is a Mayodormo and he took my dad to the hospital. My siblings and I were at school when it happened . It wasn't until we got home from school when we were told that our dad was in the hospital getting surgery done on him. When my dad finally came home with my two uncles I was watching my dad struggle and in pain. How both of my uncles needed to be on one side of him just so he could stand up straight.
My dad trying to get back to work and recover as soon as possible has shown me how determined he is to be the main provider of the household. Has shown me that no matter the major step backs or how far you have fallen always continue.
Zamora Borose Goodwill Scholarship
As my long-term goal is to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer/Ultrasound Technician, I am trying to do better in school. I am distancing myself from people and trying to get my life together, I want to accomplish my goal and do better in life. My destination in life is to be happy and have the family I want. I am passionate about becoming an Ultrasound Technician for my future field career. I enjoy helping other people.
Diagnostic Sonographers not only help people but can also make a huge difference in others lives. Providing accurate ultrasounds is essential in detecting and diagnosing medical conditions, making a sonographer vital in providing the best treatment for a patient. Sonographers use sophisticated ultrasound equipment to capture images of a patient's internal organs and soft tissues. I am fascinated by the inner workings of the human body and I have a passion for helping others. Becoming a Medical Diagnostic Sonographer is a good fit for me because I want to gain highly technical skills and I get to work closely with people each day.
This position combines focused medical knowledge, hand eye-coordination, and a motivation to get patients the medical care they need and deserve. One of the finest aspects of the ultrasound scan is that it delivers no risk. Instead of using any kind of harmful radiation like x-rays or anything else, it uses high frequency sound waves to get the inside images of the body. To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding.
I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns. That I will be able to help them get through in the future. Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs. I am preparing myself to enter the field of sonography by applying to college where I can earn a two - year associate degree from an accredited Sonography training program or through a bachelor's degree.
My desire to become a sonographer stems from my belief that this role plays a crucial part in the healthcare system. As a sonographer, I envision myself working directly with patients, providing them with the care and attention they need to make a positive impact on their healthcare outcomes. To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding. I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns.
That I will be able to help them get through in the future. Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs.
Lemon-Aid Scholarship
The kindness from my mother has changed the way I think because she has been the most understanding and considerate person I have ever met. She has shown me more kindness and compassion then I deserve. Her kindness has shown me how much I have taken my mother for granted and how much she truly loves and cares for me. Although my mom and I don't have the best relationship.
She makes my little world a happier place. My mother decreases my loneliness that I often feel at times. Her multiple acts of kindness throughout my 17 years of life has helped with my depression and anxiety. Diverting the attention from myself to take my mind from my symtoms. She can always seem to brighten up my day no matter what even if shes having a bad day herself.
My mom is constantly giving me complimants when im feeling down. She has five children in total 26 year old son being the oldest, 21 year old daughter, 17 year old daughter(me), 14 year old son, and the baby 10 year old son. She has taken care of us all in every way possible. She is the most hard working and strongest woman I know. My mom is always being considerate, compassionate, and benevolent towards me especially.
I hate to admit this but, I have put her throught a lot of things. With all of the things I have done I am constantly dissapointing her. Dispite all that she still shows me the most love and reminds me everday that she loves me. I am trying to do as many scholarships as I possibly can becasue I know finacially my mom cannot afford to put me throught college. Althought she says that she can to not stress me out I know that she cannot especially when she still has my brothers to take care of.
I want to be able to make her proud to make all of her sacrafices worth something. I want to be able to finacially afforad college and to be able to finacially take care of myself. All of the times my mom has came after work and still put us all before her self. No matter how tired and long her day has been. She will foever be my savor, my source of happiness, and my reason to always countinue and be my reason and constant reminder why I should give up because she came from Mexico left her home and gave me the life she never had. She left her family, home, everything that she ever knew for the benefit of others me and my siblings.
Dr. Michal Lomask Memorial Scholarship
I am passionate about an education in STEM because I want to pursue a higher education in Diagnostics Ultrasound Technician Sonography. I am passionate about making a career as an Ultrasound Technician. I enjoy helping other people. Diagnostic Sonographers not only help people but can also make a huge difference in others lives.
Providing accurate ultrasounds is essential in detecting and diagnosing medical conditions, making a sonographer vital in providing the best treatment for a patient. Sonographers use sophisticated ultrasound equipment to capture images of a patient's internal organs and soft tissues. I am fascinated by the inner workings of the human body and I have a passion for helping others. Becoming a Medical Diagnostic Sonographer is a good fit for me because I want to gain highly technical skills and I get to work closely with people each day.
This position combines focused medical knowledge, hand eye-coordination, and a motivation to get patients the medical care they need and deserve. One of the finest aspects of the ultrasound scan is that it delivers no risk. Instead of using any kind of harmful radiation like x-rays or anything else, it uses high frequency sound waves to get the inside images of the body. To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding.
I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns. That I will be able to help them get through in the future.Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs. I am preparing myself to enter the field of sonography by applying to college where I can earn a two - year associate degree from an accredited Sonography training program or through a bachelor's degree.
My desire to become a sonographer stems from my belief that this role plays a crucial part in the healthcare system. As a sonographer, I envision myself working directly with patients, providing them with the care and attention they need to make a positive impact on their healthcare outcomes. I want a job that will make me excited to go to everyday. I want a carrer I can proudly say I have and have had the oppurtunity to get through colloge and a program.
Julius Quentin Jackson Scholarship
Hi my name is Ruby Mendez I am a Senior where I currently attend Prescott Jr. Sr. High School. I am 17 years old. I live with my mom and dad at our agriculture community where they work as well. Where my two little brothers and older brother live with us they are currently six of us living in our home. I am currently serving as the Class of 2024 Treasurer where I have shown great leadership skills and strong commitment to the betterment of my class.
I have a strong intellectual curiosity and a genuine passion for learning. I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities not only for my school but also for my community. My organizational abilities and attention to detail have been instrumental in successfully managing class finances and coordinating fundraisers. My dedication and hard work in this role reflects my responsible and reliable nature.
I was a member of the Spirit Club at my school where I demonstrated my enthusiasm and school spirit for our school to our athletes during games. I have been instrumental in organizing and executing various events and activities that have promoted unity and pride among our student body. I have always been able to effectively collaborate with my peers and rally support for school events showcasing my excellent teamwork and communication skills. I am a genuinely caring and compassionate person, always willing to lend a helping hand to my peers and actively contributing to a positive environment.
As my long-term goal is to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer/Ultrasound Technician, I am trying to do better in school. I am distancing myself from people and trying to get my life together, I want to accomplish my goal and do better in life. My destination in life is to be happy and have the family I want.
A challege I am still learning to overcome, but am getting better at is my mental health. Dealing with the struggles that come with my mental health. Has had shown me that I can overcome anything and that I can surpass anything I put my mind to. That even through my hardest times alone it will pass and everything will be okay.
My finacial struggle is that currently the most money I have in my name is $50 dollars. During the summer I wasnt able to work because I had to stay home to take care of my little brothers while my parents worked. My parents can't finacially help me they way they say they want to. My mom gave all her savings to her lawyer, so she could get her papers. And my dad is still paying for his laawyers, so he can recieve his papers. Currently we are struggling with keeping up with all the payments we have. I hope reciving this scholarships will give one less thing for my parents to worry about. So, that I can be able to finacally take care of my self.
Otto Bear Memorial Scholarship
My name is Ruby Mendez and I am an attending Senior student at Prescott Jr. Sr. High School. I am a 17 year old Hispanic woman who lives in Vista Hermosa with my parents and three brothers. Vista Hermosa is a small community where everyone knows each other. It is also where both of my parents work. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, hanging out with friends, and playing soccer with my little brothers.
I am passionate about making a career as an Ultrasound Technician. I enjoy helping other people. Diagnostic Sonographers not only help people but can also make a huge difference in others lives. Providing accurate ultrasounds is essential in detecting and diagnosing medical conditions, making a sonographer vital in providing the best treatment for a patient. Sonographers use sophisticated ultrasound equipment to capture images of a patient's internal organs and soft tissues.
I am fascinated by the inner workings of the human body and I have a passion for helping others. Becoming a Medical Diagnostic Sonographer is a good fit for me because I want to gain highly technical skills and I get to work closely with people each day. This position combines focused medical knowledge, hand eye-coordination, and a motivation to get patients the medical care they need and deserve. One of the finest aspects of the ultrasound scan is that it delivers no risk. Instead of using any kind of harmful radiation like x-rays or anything else, it uses high frequency sound waves to get the inside images of the body.
To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding. I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns. That I will be able to help them get through in the future. Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs.
I am preparing myself to enter the field of sonography by applying to college where I can earn a two - year associate degree from an accredited Sonography training program or through a bachelor's degree. My desire to become a sonographer stems from my belief that this role plays a crucial part in the healthcare system. As a sonographer, I envision myself working directly with patients, providing them with the care and attention they need to make a positive impact on their healthcare outcomes.
I believe I can contribute to this field by being considerate, kind, and passionate with the people that will be coming in to see me. I hope that I will be able to impact the people in my small community in a good way.
Overcoming Adversity Cariño Scholarship
An adversity I am still learning to overcome, but that I am getting better at overcoming is my mental health. My mental health has for sure been my biggest obstacle in my life that I have been dealing with for a couple years now. Although I have fantastic people in my life that give me lots of support and love. I have always found it extremly difficult for me to open myself up to others, especially my family. The only person I have been able to truly open myself up about my mental health has been my ex-boyfriend.
I dont talk to him anymore like I used to hes the only person who knows about my struggles with my mental health. He benefited me in my life in many ways. He has helped me become a better person made me feel loved and cared for. I felt safe in his presence and I am forever grateful for him. He has made me realize I need to be more open about what I want and need in my life.
Being with him has truly givin me an experience I wont forget and am grateful for. He has taught me that I need to always put myself first. He's taught me and showed me that I can do anything that I put my mind to.
My mental health has made me take a long look at myself and where I want to be in my life. Everyday I try to do one small thing for myself that will benefit me in the long run. I used to not care for living, my life, and my health. Althought I still stuggle at reminding myslef to eat, get enough sleep, etc. I have gotten a lot better at taking care of my self. This year I have a geniune passion to do better in my educastion and further my education.
After dealing with all the things and going through all the things I went through on my own. I have became a lot more empathetic and understanding with others emotions, recations, and actions. Because at the end of the day no one knows what someone else is really going through, how theyre dealing with it, what theyre doing to themselves to help them cope, or even if they have anyone to help them go through with it.
After one of the happiest and most open person killed himself in our town. I learned that majority of people dont really have anyone they can talk to about their mental health, so I have tried to help those around me as much as I can by lettling them know that they are not alone. That they can open themselves up to me about anything and they could trust me. And have tried to open myself up to my friends and those around me that I love.
I was always in my bedroom, always would be asleep during the day and afternoon, and would barely eat. I like to think that the world would gain the impact knowing that a peer, friend, or someone like them is struggling as well. As they went through some of the same challenges I went through. Although I am still learning how to be more open and communicate better with the people I love about my mental health. It is still one of my greatest struggles as of today. When others know someone is struggling with their mental health, it becomes less scary to others and more real and relatable. Knowing or having contact with someone with mental health issues is one of the best ways to reduce stigma. The benefits of sharing about my mental health not only benefits me but others as well. Sharing can help everyone make friends, get to know our neighbors and make neighborhoods safer.
Rompe Las Fronteras Scholarship
Hi my name is Ruby Mendez a 17 year old hispanic women living in my small rancho called Vistia Hermosa. I live with my immigrant father who works in the fields and my now U.S. Citizen mother who works in a warehouse. Where they both work under the company of First Fruits, which houses and helps their workers. I am passionate about becoming an Ultrasound Technician for my future field career. I enjoy helping other people. Diagnostic Sonographers not only help people but can also make a huge difference in others lives. Providing accurate ultrasounds is essential in detecting and diagnosing medical conditions, making a sonographer vital in providing the best treatment for a patient. Sonographers use sophisticated ultrasound equipment to capture images of a patient's internal organs and soft tissues. I am fascinated by the inner workings of the human body and I have a passion for helping others. Becoming a Medical Diagnostic Sonographer is a good fit for me because I want to gain highly technical skills and I get to work closely with people each day. This position combines focused medical knowledge, hand eye-coordination, and a motivation to get patients the medical care they need and deserve. One of the finest aspects of the ultrasound scan is that it delivers no risk. Instead of using any kind of harmful radiation like x-rays or anything else, it uses high frequency sound waves to get the inside images of the body. To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding. I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns. That I will be able to help them get through in the future. Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs. I am preparing myself to enter the field of sonography by applying to college where I can earn a two - year associate degree from an accredited Sonography training program or through a bachelor's degree. My desire to become a sonographer stems from my belief that this role plays a crucial part in the healthcare system. As a sonographer, I envision myself working directly with patients, providing them with the care and attention they need to make a positive impact on their healthcare outcomes. Being working class Latina, raised in a Catholic family has created many barriers and pathways into the future I wish to hold. Furthermore, taking all the social identities I have grew into have become the bases for my educational goals and identity. My primary social identity is a 1st generation female student.
Andy Huff Memorial Scholarship
Hi, my name is Ruby Mendez, a 17 year old Hispanic woman living in my small ranch called Vista Hermosa. I am passionate about becoming an Ultrasound Technician for my future field career. I enjoy helping other people. Diagnostic Sonographers not only help people but can also make a huge difference in others lives. Providing accurate ultrasounds is essential in detecting and diagnosing medical conditions, making a sonographer vital in providing the best treatment for a patient.
Sonographers use sophisticated ultrasound equipment to capture images of a patient's internal organs and soft tissues. I am fascinated by the inner workings of the human body and I have a passion for helping others. Becoming a Medical Diagnostic Sonographer is a good fit for me because I want to gain highly technical skills and I get to work closely with people each day. This position combines focused medical knowledge, hand eye-coordination, and a motivation to get patients the medical care they need and deserve. One of the finest aspects of the ultrasound scan is that it delivers no risk. Instead of using any kind of harmful radiation like x-rays or anything else, it uses high frequency sound waves to get the inside images of the body.
To me this career is rewarding because I get the ability to help patients struggling through difficult times. Being a sonographer is rewarding. I’ll be able to support patients as they go through often scary medical concerns. That I will be able to help them get through in the future. Especially the ones who are going through it all alone. I also like the idea of this career because I get to enjoy the benefits of using state-of-the-art imaging equipment and look forward to advances that may introduce new technology to their jobs.
I am preparing myself to enter the field of sonography by applying to college where I can earn a two - year associate degree from an accredited Sonography training program or through a bachelor's degree. My desire to become a sonographer stems from my belief that this role plays a crucial part in the healthcare system. As a sonographer, I envision myself working directly with patients, providing them with the care and attention they need to make a positive impact on their healthcare outcomes. My community has impacted me to open myself up to more opportunities and new experiences in my life. My community has helped me put myself out there more and better myself for my future. Yes, my community is a small rural town where everyone knows each other.