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Vaneti Ceus


Bold Points




I am a hardworking student who is dedicated to helping others through my writing, and I love reading books and am looking forward to starting this next stage of my life in college and the world of marketing.


Miami Norland Senior High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • English Language and Literature/Letters, Other
    • Marketing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Marketing Intern

      Braarthe Enterprises
      2023 – 2023
    • Acquisitions Intern

      Gen-Z Publishing
      2022 – 20231 year
    • Marketing Intern

      Social Tech Labs
      2021 – 20221 year
    • Retail Associate

      Ross Dress for Less
      2023 – Present1 year

    Future Interests



    Rose Ifebigh Memorial Scholarship
    My journey from Haiti to the United States has been a transformative experience, offering me profound insights about myself, my home country, my family, and my new environment. Leaving Haiti and moving to the United States has taught me resilience and adaptability. The transition from my familiar surroundings to a new country was challenging, but it revealed my ability to navigate and thrive in diverse environments. I discovered a deep inner strength that enabled me to overcome obstacles and embrace change. This journey has instilled in me a sense of determination and a desire to advocate for others facing similar challenges. The process of adapting to a new culture and educational system was daunting at first. I had to learn to balance my Haitian identity with the new cultural norms I encountered in the U.S. This duality enriched my understanding of who I am and strengthened my ability to empathize with others from different backgrounds. It also made me more resourceful and independent, qualities that I believe will serve me well in my future endeavors. My family has always been my pillar of strength throughout this journey. Their unwavering support and sacrifices have taught me the importance of perseverance and the value of education. My parents’ stories of working tirelessly to provide for us have inspired me to pursue my goals relentlessly. Their dedication and hard work have shown me the importance of giving back to the community and helping those in need. Moreover, the distance has made me cherish my cultural heritage even more. Haitian traditions, music, and cuisine have become vital connections to my roots. These elements of my culture serve as a reminder of where I come from and the values that have shaped me. They also fuel my passion to contribute to my country’s development and help improve the lives of my fellow Haitians. The educational opportunities in the U.S. have also been eye-opening. I have access to resources and learning experiences that were not available to me in Haiti. This has motivated me to take full advantage of my education and use it as a tool to create positive change. The knowledge and skills I acquire here will empower me to address the issues I am passionate about effectively. This journey has had a profound impact on my life and career aspirations. Witnessing the disparities in both Haiti and the U.S. has fueled my passion for social justice and advocacy and it has made me determined to use my education and experiences to make a difference in the lives of others, particularly marginalized communities. I aspire to pursue a career in public policy or international development, focusing on creating sustainable solutions to address social and economic inequalities. My goal is to work towards policies that promote equity and inclusion, both in Haiti and globally. I believe that by leveraging my unique background and experiences, I can contribute to building a more just and equitable world. In conclusion, my journey from Haiti to the United States has been a profound learning experience. It has taught me about my own strengths, deepened my appreciation for my heritage, and exposed me to the complexities of a new society. These experiences have shaped my identity and fueled my passion for social justice, guiding me towards a career dedicated to making a positive impact. This journey has not only defined who I am today but also inspired my vision for a better future for all.
    Inflow Digital Marketing Scholarship
    As infants, we begin by babbling and uttering simple sounds to interact with the world around us. As we grow, our vocabulary expands, and we learn to articulate our thoughts and feelings more effectively. This journey of communication takes us through various stages of development, from basic expressions of love and hate to the acquisition of more sophisticated vocabulary. One day, I stumbled upon a job posting for an internship on Chegg. As an introverted teenager with limited extracurricular activities, I thought, 'Why not?' I anticipated an enjoyable experience, but what truly amazed me was the unexpected pathway that unfolded. While working in marketing for a company dedicated to improving the mental health of teenagers, I had the chance to witness the impact of my social media posts, providing valuable resources and support to those in need. Marketing, to me, was about breathing life and soul into the simple words and images of everyday life, allowing them to connect with people and inform them. This experience inspired me to delve deeper into marketing. I joined more organizations related to marketing, including my role as a brand ambassador for a non-profit called Teenage Advocates, where I raised awareness about teenage homelessness and mental health issues. My subsequent marketing internship further solidified my passion, as I led teams and managed the company newsletter. Working cooperatively and leading teams instilled a strong work ethic in me, motivating me to continue learning about marketing and working towards the betterment of others' lives by communicating valuable resources when they needed a helping hand. For me, marketing serves as a medium through which companies communicate with the world. By pursuing marketing and continuing my education with a bachelor’s degree in it, I aim to develop advanced techniques that can enhance companies' relationships with their customers. I plan to then use this degree to get into the world of publishing and work in the publishing industry as a marketing manager to create the type of content and lead teams that can produce work that allows people to see the truth held within reading books. The publishing industry for me is a field that has always given me the greatest feeling of warmth and love from reading the books they produce and one that continues to inspire me to work to help others feel the same way about the books they buy. Books for me have always been my source of solace whenever I felt pain, sadness, or happiness I would retreat into the world of romance, thriller, and adventures and every time I went into that world I always came out feeling the utmost amount of unconditional love that I could ever find. The type of love that made me feel like I couldn’t help but not share that same love with others. So doing marketing in the publishing industry I feel has always represented my deep-seated desire to connect with people and the immense satisfaction I derive from presenting a product or service in a way that not only aids comprehension but also enriches a part of people’s lives they may have never envisioned it could.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    It has always been known that the most profound moments tend to spur from the most unlikely of sources. From the stories of the quiet nerd who falls in love with the bad boy in school to the stories about the teenage girl who turns into a wolf and how she deals with that it is in those words that I have found the most complete solace and had the most profound levels of understanding which is why I love sharing those books with others. One day I read a book called Weregirl by C.D. Bell it is about a teenage girl who gets bitten by a wolf and then gets powers that allow her to transform from a human to a wolf and vice versa. It is the kind of story that takes you along for the ride and fully lets you immerse yourself in every high and low the main character experiences. During every moment when Tessa (the girl in this story) was scared out of her mind about what was happening to her body, and during the moments when she felt pressured to excel in school and in her extracurriculars and was riddled with anxiety and stress about living up to everyone's expectations, Those moments expressed what many teenagers have always felt been too afraid to express, it normalized their feelings and told them it was okay to have them. I would want everyone I know to read this book because it perfectly encapsulates the struggles of mental health while also entertaining us with the story of the wolf. The words we use in this world do have power, they can make a person feel less alone and understood or one day can inspire others to go after their passions in life which is what makes this book so special. Reading about this teenage girl’s drama moved me to write and publish my own work and join more spaces meant for people in the literary world. By connecting two unlike topics to one person a wolf and anxiety C.D. Bell reconstructed the way people view anxiety and life struggles and developed a point of reflection for when we feel the most overwhelmed, it made me believe that even though everyone’s life struggles may look different we are all still one in the same and we all still deserve to feel accepted with every flaw we carry.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    I imagine my future self, waking up early to grab her morning workout and then getting ready for the day heading off to work where she empowers authors to create meaningful work and lends a helping hand out to those who are still learning how to capture their voice with writing. Someone who has multiple best sellers and has traveled the world writing about its beauty. A person who sees a hard obstacle as a challenge rather than a time of failure is the version of my future self I will always aspire to be.
    Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
    Imagine this story a teenager decides to go on a trip to visit his mother, but then suddenly, while he is on the plane, the pilot has a heart attack and the plane crashes into the woods, leaving this teenage boy stranded and alone for months on end. Imagine another story a 4-year-old girl immigrates to America and as she grows up she faces pressures to be a good student and societal pressures about what her body should look like all while dealing with the struggles of losing her childhood home and having to couch surf with other family members as her mother sinks even deeper into her mental illness. These two stories sound nothing like each other. From a blind eye, you would think they have nothing in common, but in reality, they are more alike than you think, because what both of these stories suggest is the pain and struggles both characters went through and that is what makes them connected to each other. I believe that it is through our darkest moments in life we can find the most light and it was through that moment when the teenage boy was crying in the dirt feeling sorry for himself because he was alone, and at that moment when that girl was crying on the bathroom floor all alone because she thought she’d never survive poverty. It was those moments that taught me that a book was never just a book, but it was a messenger to the heart and to the mind without ever even knowing who the person on the other end is. . The girl in the second story is me and the boy in the first story is from a book called Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. I have been an avid reader all my life, but I never knew about the momentous level of emotional connection and realization that I could feel from a book until I read that book. The words the teenage boy (Brian) spoke to himself when he was in those woods while he was crying, suggested that he was done feeling sorry for himself and decided to get up and go do something about the situation that he was in and so I like him one day felt tired of being tired and so I decided to use my struggles to motivate me to work harder for a better life and use my writing to help amplify others voices. I became a published writer from that boy's words, I became a Brand Ambassador who spreads awareness for teenage homeless and mental health, and a volunteer who writes letters to children in hospitals because of his words. What I learned the most from that story was that just because you are starting at a broken place in your life doesn’t mean you have to end there. At the end of the book Hatchet, Brian ends up building his own shelter and weapons so he can hunt and build his own fire. He created a home out of a life he thought was never going to survive, which is a message that will carry on with me forever. I began speaking up about censorship and book bans and fighting for reproductive rights because of that book and now have a deeper fondness for helping others through their struggles. I hope to continue doing that work in the future and further expand my writing with a B.A. in English Lit so that one day my stories can be the thing that helps someone get out of whatever storm they face.