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Valin Verma


Bold Points


Hello and welcome! My name is Valin Verma. I will be attending Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business and will major in financial planning. I also plan to minor in psychology. For background: I am the first generation in my family that was born in the United States; Sports have been a huge part of my life, the most important being hockey, but nothing has trumped my appreciation of academic achievement. For graduate school, I want to either pursue law and go to law school or get my MBA. I've been drawn to two certain professions: lawyers and investment bankers. Law has always intrigued me since I was little. Of the numerous types of law professions, I always found one to be the most appealing. Corporate law is that one. It combines the knowledge of our legal system with a need for tact, boldness, and, most of all, work ethic. I feel that I would be the perfect fit as a corporate lawyer. On the other hand, my parents, for as long as I can remember, have reiterated to me how important understanding money is. Not just what it is and how to earn it, but all of the details on where to put it, how to make it grow the fastest, and how to make it pay off when using large sums of it. Now, I know that money is constantly circulating our economy and a large part of that circulation is investing. Seeing how stockbrokers and investors use their money has made me want to do the same. While it requires tons of risk and tremendous downside, I have always wanted to use my bold personality in a lucrative and charismatic profession.


Arizona State University-Tempe

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Finance and Financial Management Services
  • Minors:
    • Psychology, General

Corona Del Sol High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Economics
    • Finance and Financial Management Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Investment Banking

    • Dream career goals:

      Managing Partner of my own law firm or Investment Banking Partner

    • Scorekeeper

      Arizona Hockey Referees Association
      2024 – Present8 months
    • Team Lead of the Guest Services Representatives Department

      Ice Den
      2021 – Present3 years


    Track & Field

    2019 – 20201 year

    Cross-Country Running

    Junior Varsity
    2020 – 20244 years


    • Freshman Team Placed 3rd at the 2020 Phoenix Showdown at Sundown

    Ice Hockey

    2013 – Present11 years


    • 2023 Arizona Presidents' Day Invitational 16u Tier II Champions
    • 2019 California State Games 12u Champions
    • 2018 Lake Placid Can/Am Cup 12u Champions
    • 2018 Arizona Turkey Shootout 12u Champions
    • 2021 Arizona State 14u Tier II Champions


    2015 – 20249 years


    • Most Improved Player 2021-2022 Season

    Ice Hockey

    2022 – 20242 years


    • Arizona High School Hockey Association Division II Runner-up 2023-2024


    • Self-employed

      2018 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      AZ Ice — Youth Ice Hockey Coach
      2023 – Present

    Future Interests





    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    The trajectory of one's career often stems from the intersection of passion and purpose. For me, this intersection is situated firmly in the world of finance and law. My initial work experience as a team lead for the guest services representative department at an ice hockey rink offered me valuable interpersonal skills and a sense of community; however, it did not ignite the same enthusiasm I felt when exploring the dynamics of money and legal frameworks. My choice to major in finance for my undergraduate degree is rooted in a deep-seated interest in how financial systems operate and a conviction that these systems can be leveraged to drive meaningful change. As the first generation in my family born in the United States, I have had a deep personal connection to money. My parents, who immigrated seeking better prospects, struggled financially. They have emphasized the necessity of understanding money and how it works - not just as a means of commerce, but also as a powerful tool that impacts economies, creates civilizations, and, ultimately, alters lives such as ours. I learned about the complexity of financial markets, investing methods, and economic policy during my senior year of high school and I was hooked. The more I learned, the more it became evident that a career in finance would fulfill my intellectual curiosity and give me the abilities needed to have a significant influence. On the other side of the corporate world, my admiration for business law has been an important driving force behind my career aspirations. Seeing how corporate attorneys expertly traverse difficult legal environments, give strategic advice, and maintain the highest ethical standards has inspired me to replicate these attributes in all aspects of my professional career. Majoring in finance will equip me with a robust foundation in financial principles, analytical techniques, and strategic decision-making. These competencies are essential for a career in investment banking, where I can help businesses grow, innovate, and create jobs, thereby contributing to economic development. Furthermore, the critical thinking and mathematical abilities developed during a finance degree are equally valuable in the field of corporate law. Understanding financial statements, market trends, and economic indicators will provide a solid base for navigating the complexities of financial regulations, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance, ensuring that businesses operate efficiently. Ultimately, I envision a career where I can make a significant impact in either investment banking or corporate law. In investment banking, I aim to facilitate sustainable growth and innovation, helping businesses thrive and, in turn, fostering economic development. In corporate law, I aspire to navigate and influence the legal frameworks that govern corporate conduct, ensuring ethical practices and protecting stakeholders. By majoring in finance, I am taking the first step toward a career that combines my passion with purpose, allowing me to contribute to a more equitable, affluent society. This foundation will enable me to impact change, whether by pushing economic progress or campaigning for legal integrity in the corporate world, eventually helping businesses and communities alike.
    Urena Scholarship
    I first encountered the phrase "comfort zone" in middle school. At the time, the term left me confused. My puzzlement resulted from a narrow worldview in which familiarity was equated with security. It was only as I matured and gained a broader perspective that I truly understood the phrase's significance. Stepping out of one's comfort zone is essential for personal development, an endeavor that has become a cornerstone of my journey toward becoming the best version of myself. Personal development is crucial to me because it represents an ongoing process of self-improvement and growth. It is a never-ending commitment to broaden my knowledge, skills, and experiences while pushing the boundaries of what I can accomplish. My journey through high school athletics has been a testament to this philosophy. Playing ice hockey, tennis, and running cross country taught me invaluable lessons that transcended the sports arena and permeated my academic and personal life. Ice hockey, with its unrelenting pace and physical demands, taught me the value of perseverance and communication. I can barely remember how many times my coaches would harp on us the importance of talking and communicating on the ice. The intensive training sessions alongside challenging tournament weekends pushed me past my perceived boundaries, instilling a strong work ethic and tenacity. I learned to embrace challenges and see that true growth occurs when we face adversity head-on. This perspective carried over into the classroom, where I pursued difficult courses with the same tenacity, seeing challenges as chances for growth rather than insurmountable impediments. As I transition to college, I plan to continue my athletic pursuits by playing on Arizona State University's competitive club team, further honing these skills and fostering new levels of personal growth. Tennis, on the other hand, honed my strategic thinking and focus. The sport required calculated plays while under the constant duress of physical fatigue and the solitary nature of the sport required me to cultivate mental fortitude and self-reliance. Each match tested my ability to remain poised under pressure, strategize, and adapt in real-time. With tennis, I learned to become methodical and composed under pressure which became an asset during exams and complex projects. In contrast to tennis, running cross country gave me a unique perspective on dedication and self-discipline. Long-distance running is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. The solitary miles taught me how to set goals, keep a steady pace, and persevere even while my body ached and my brain told me to quit. This endurance training mirrored my academic journey, where sustained effort and long-term commitment were essential for success. The lessons of patience and persistence I learned on the trails informed my approach to studying, helping me stay concentrated and motivated through the rigorous demands of my coursework. Reflecting on the confusion I felt in middle school about the "comfort zone," I now realize that stepping out of it has been the key to my personal development. My character has been profoundly impacted by my experiences in ice hockey, tennis, and cross country. By continually stepping out of my comfort zone, I am committed to becoming the best version of myself, driven by the lessons learned and the belief that growth knows no bounds. With the help of this scholarship, I will be able to continue this journey, enabling me to reach new heights and make a meaningful impact in my community and beyond.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    When my father moved to the United States from India at the tender age of eight, he carried with him dreams that far outweighed his small suitcase. His early years were defined by financial hardship, as he worked tirelessly with his parents to make ends meet. Despite these difficulties, his journey has been a source of inspiration for me, substantially influencing my perception of what true success looks like. Irish novelist, Margaret Wolfe Hungerford, once stated that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Well, success is also in the eye of the beholder. For instance, for Thomas Edison, one of the most innovative people in history, success was marked by hundreds of failures. For him, success was the invention of a new piece of technology or the establishment of a new procedure. For my father, success was a journey rather than a destination. His unshaken pursuit of a better life for our family, despite numerous setbacks, has ingrained in me the conviction that failure is not the opposite of success, but rather an essential component of it. For me, as a finance major at Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business, success entails helping my community by assisting others in keeping their money protected, or by shielding my clients from harmful contracts leveraged by money-hungry corporations. But more than that, success for me also means carrying on my father's resilience and strength. In high school, participating in various activities ranging from cross-country running to political debate club has provided me with a broader understanding of what success looks like. One thing that became a constant no matter what I did was that success was deeply intertwined with lifting others as I climbed. In other words, I found that success meant using my achievements to provide opportunities for those who may not have the same advantages. By tutoring a struggling classmate or covering for a sick coworker, I was substantially carrying out my vision of success. This $2,500 scholarship represents more than just financial assistance; it is essentially an investment in my future. I will be able to devote more of my attention to my extracurricular and academic pursuits without having to worry about finances as much. The scholarship will help bridge the gap between my dreams and reality, much like my father’s hard work bridged the gap between our past struggles and current opportunities. Furthermore, as I strive to either attend law school or obtain my MBA for my graduate field of study, this scholarship will also allow me to reflect on my personal vision of success. As I further my academic journey, I aim to continue taking steps that fulfill my perception of success. This scholarship will provide the resources I need to excel academically in finance, gain practical experience, and contribute to my community, much like my father did. His journey from a small town in India to building a life in America taught me that with hard work, relentlessness, and the right opportunities, any dream is attainable.
    Learner Calculus Scholarship
    Calculus, a branch of mathematics that analyzes continuous change, holds unparalleled importance in the STEM field, acting as a foundational pillar that supports and advances various disciplines. Its significance extends beyond abstract theoretical concepts and into real-world applications that promote innovation and understanding in medicine, technology, engineering, science, and mathematics. Engineering, perhaps more than any other field, is deeply intertwined with calculus. Whether it’s civil, mechanical, electrical, or aerospace engineering, calculus is fundamental in designing and analyzing systems and structures. Calculus is used in aerospace engineering to calculate trajectories and optimize fuel usage for spacecraft. Calculus-based simulations enable engineers to predict the behavior of complex systems under various conditions, resulting in more durable and efficient designs. In medicine, calculus serves an essential role in modeling and comprehending intricate biological processes. For instance, differential equations, a core component of calculus, are utilized to model the spread of diseases, helping epidemiologists predict and manage outbreaks. On top of that, calculus also helps in developing medical imaging technologies such as MRI and CT scans. By applying integral calculus, these technologies reconstruct images of the human body from numerous data points, enabling precise diagnostics and treatment plans. The technological realm is equally reliant on calculus. In computer science, algorithms that enable machine learning and artificial intelligence frequently involve calculus-based optimization problems. For example, gradient descent, a method for training neural networks, uses mathematics to reduce error functions and enhance predictive accuracy. Adding on to technology, calculus also has applications in modern telecommunications. Signal processing methods, vital for data transmission and compression, utilize Fourier transforms, a notion based on integral and differential calculus. Thus, calculus not only drives innovation but also enhances the efficiency and functionality of modern technology. Mathematics, the language of STEM, finds its purest expression in calculus. It provides a systematic method for addressing issues involving change and motion, extending the scope of mathematical exploration. Calculus serves as the foundation for advanced subjects such as real analysis, complex analysis, and differential geometry, demonstrating its importance in the broader mathematical landscape. Additionally, calculus is instrumental in finance, a field directly relevant to my major. In finance, calculus is used to model and predict market behavior, optimize investment portfolios, and evaluate risk. Techniques such as stochastic calculus are indispensable in the valuation of financial derivatives and options, whereas continuous compounding of interest relies on exponential functions, a fundamental concept in calculus. By providing the tools to analyze dynamic financial systems and make informed decisions, calculus bridges the gap between abstract theory and practical financial applications. In the ever-evolving landscape of STEM, the importance of calculus remains undiminished. Its timeless relevance and utility are a testament to its underlying role in our understanding and exploration of the universe. Given its wide range of applications, calculus is an essential tool that connects theoretical mathematics and real-world problem-solving. As I pursue my studies in finance, I am eager to explore deeper into the applications of calculus, knowing that it will be a valuable tool in my academic and professional development. Embracing the challenges and opportunities that calculus presents, I am committed to leveraging its principles to contribute meaningfully to the field of finance and beyond.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Treye Knorr Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Valin Verma, and I am honored to have the opportunity to share my story and aspirations with you. Born into an immigrant family, I am the first generation in my family to be born in the United States, and this unique background has profoundly shaped my personal and educational journey. Growing up, my parents instilled in me the importance of understanding money and financial responsibility, knowing that these skills are essential for building a stable and successful future. My journey has been deeply intertwined with my passion for hockey. I have played the sport throughout my entire life, and it has been a cornerstone of my personal development. Hockey has taught me the values of teamwork, perseverance, and discipline. These lessons have been invaluable both on and off the ice. As I prepare to join the club college hockey team at Arizona State University, I look forward to continuing my athletic journey while pursuing a major in financial planning. Choosing financial planning as my major was a natural decision. My parents' emphasis on financial literacy has sparked my interest in the field, and I am eager to help others achieve financial stability and success. Financial planning offers a unique blend of analytical skills and interpersonal communication, both of which are my strengths. I thrive in environments where I can analyze complex data and develop strategic plans, while also building meaningful relationships with clients to understand and meet their needs. One of my long-term goals is to further my education by either obtaining an MBA or attending law school. This scholarship will play a crucial role in helping me save money for my undergraduate degree, thereby making it feasible for me to pursue advanced studies. With an MBA, I envision myself becoming an investment banker, where I can leverage my financial expertise to help corporations make informed investment decisions, drive growth, and contribute to economic development. Alternatively, as a corporate lawyer, I would focus on navigating the intricate legal landscape of business, ensuring compliance, and protecting the interests of my clients. Both career paths offer the opportunity to make a significant impact. As an investment banker, I would be in a position to influence major financial decisions and foster economic growth. As a corporate lawyer, I would have the ability to safeguard businesses against legal pitfalls and support their long-term success. My dedication, unwavering commitment, and passion for excellence position me well for either career. I am driven by a strong work ethic and a desire to continually learn and grow, qualities that are essential for success in these demanding fields. This scholarship is not just a financial aid; it is a key that unlocks the door to my future. Alleviating the financial burden of my undergraduate education allows me to focus on my studies and extracurricular activities without the constant worry of financial strain. This, in turn, enables me to pursue my dreams of advanced education and a fulfilling career. Moreover, it empowers me to give back to my community by using my skills and knowledge to help others achieve financial stability and success. In honoring Treye Knorr, I am reminded of the importance of boldness, determination, and generosity. Treye was a young man who embodied these qualities, and it is through the kindness of the Knorr family that students like myself are given the chance to pursue their dreams. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and am committed to making the most of it. I hope to carry forward Treye's legacy by being bold in my pursuits, generous in my contributions, and dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. This scholarship is a pivotal step toward my goal of becoming either an investment banker or a corporate lawyer. It will enable me to save money for my undergraduate degree and pave the way for further education. I am deeply thankful to the Knorr family for their generosity and for believing in the potential of students like myself. With your support, I am confident that I can achieve my dreams and contribute meaningfully to my community and the broader world.
    Rick Levin Memorial Scholarship
    With my pads and skates on, I hunched my head over the toilet. As vomit dripped down my shirt, I glanced around the bathroom uncomfortably. Still feeling like a total mess, I slowly got up and buckled my helmet. I had no idea what to expect. Would I be the best player, the worst player, somewhere in between? In my mind, I envisioned a comforting scenario that would ease my anxiety. When I ran onto the ice, I hoped that whatever happened, I would do my best. Being hit every minute constantly had me gasping and coughing from pain. Players towered over me, but I gave everything I had and before I knew it, the session was over; the tryouts for day one were finished. Nobody had any idea of what would happen. But, every player did know that the coaches wanted to see who could maintain focus under pressure during day two. The following day, the excruciating pain from the previous night’s tryout started to hit me. Nevertheless, I used whatever strength I had left to step back onto the ice. I had to perform at an even higher level. My aggressive style of play for the second tryout was seemingly exactly what the coaches were looking for. As soon as I got off the ice, the coach gave me an offer to play on the team. I felt a sense of pride, but I knew, deep down, I had to be the hardest-working player on the team. That would ensure my success. Throughout my youth sports career, nothing came to me as naturally as ice hockey. I always made the teams I tried out for, and I never had to question my skill. But, as I started to get older, the competition became more challenging. By the age of fourteen, I was no longer a leading goal scorer, but rather, an average player. No longer was I able to rely on my talent because every player who had come as far as I had possessed the same skills as me. All that mattered was how much work one was willing to put in. At the start of my senior year, I hadn’t made any of my desired teams in my state. For the first time in my life, I was confronted with the devastating possibility of not being able to play hockey. It hit me hard, but I realized that if I wanted to continue to play the sport I loved, I would have to try out for teams outside the state. Suddenly, an unlikely opportunity presented itself when the Vegas Jr. Golden Knights opened up registration for their tryouts. Las Vegas was about a five-hour drive from where I lived, but I wanted to continue to play, no matter what. However, what I didn’t expect was the amount of positive personal change this new chapter of my life would bring about. That offseason was grueling. Countless hours spent at the gym, numerous hockey camps trying to perfect my craft. I became used to the unrelenting pain every workout inflicted on me. As the summer progressed, I slowly started to see changes in my physical appearance and my attitude. My ability to persevere in the face of adversity became my most potent weapon against self-doubt and external distractions. Discipline and self-confidence started to become habitual qualities that showed in the ways that I held myself, spoke to others, and behaved. When the season started, I became one of the team’s captains through my exemplary attitude. Along with that, I found myself playing some of the best hockey in my life. Maintaining my role on the team became a responsibility that I proudly embraced. I had built my work ethic throughout the summer and I finally saw that the habits I created would keep me driven to be committed and dedicated to anything my heart desired.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    “That’s The Difference Between You And Me. You Wanna Lose Small, I Wanna Win Big.” These words, spoken by Harvey Specter, are just some of the many witty and intelligent statements that have got me hooked on the show "Suits". My parents have had a Netflix subscription for as long as I can remember; however, I didn't have a go-to show or movie until last year. I was addicted to this show the minute I watched the preview. The sharp and bold dialogue combined with the utmost intriguing plot has me watching for several hours on end. The characters, such as Mike Ross and Harvey Specter, are so well-written and develop so intensely throughout the series that I can never get tired of watching the same episodes. In my opinion, Suits is one of the best TV series of all time, and everyone should be able to clear time from their day to experience its magic. "Suits" is a lawyer drama series that navigates the world of corporate law in New York and, in later seasons, Chicago. The series follows the main characters of Mike Ross, Harvey Specter, and Louis Litt. The plot stems from Mike Ross convincing the bold senior partner Harvey Specter to hire him at a law firm named Pearson Hardman while he doesn't have a law degree and is not part of the New York Bar. While Harvey and Mike try to conceal this secret, they both do their best to win cases together and propel their firm to the top. "Suits" perfectly balances humor, plot, and character relationships in such a way that the viewer can never get enough. The countless number of sharp quotes from Harvey Specter also have me trying to use his diction when I speak to others. The show is so intriguing because it seems like Mike and Harvey always know what to do at the right time, which is a testament to the brilliant writing. Furthermore, while the first few episodes of some long shows can be stagnant and just expository, the Pilot episode in "Suits" is actually quite the opposite. Right off the bat, the viewer can see immense character development, wild plot twists, and emerging conflict within each episode. However, the show also has a tendency to change the structure of each episode by either leaving it on a cliffhanger or tying a plotline. Viewers never know which is coming, and I find that entertaining because it always keeps me on my toes. While the entertainment aspect of "Suits" is unmatched, I also find myself adopting the word choice and critical thinking strategies used by some of the main characters. By doing this, I have become more confident, been able to stay focused longer, and ultimately further my academic intuition to follow my dreams of being a corporate lawyer. I guarantee viewers will not only be captivated by the thrilling legal drama but also inspired to adopt a more strategic and confident approach to their own challenges. Harvey Specter’s world is one of high stakes and higher rewards, and viewers should find that immersing themselves in it is an experience they won’t ever forget.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    The trajectory of one's career often stems from the intersection of passion and purpose. For me, this intersection is situated firmly in the world of finance and law. My initial work experience as a team lead for the guest services representative department at an ice hockey rink offered me valuable interpersonal skills and a sense of community; however, it did not ignite the same enthusiasm I felt when exploring the dynamics of money and legal frameworks. My choice to major in finance for my undergraduate degree is rooted in a deep-seated interest in how financial systems operate and a conviction that these systems can be leveraged to drive meaningful change. As the first generation in my family born in the United States, I have had a deep personal connection to money. My parents, who immigrated seeking better prospects, struggled financially. They have emphasized the necessity of understanding money and how it works - not just as a means of commerce, but also as a powerful tool that impacts economies, creates civilizations, and, ultimately, alters lives such as ours. I learned about the complexity of financial markets, investing methods, and economic policy during my senior year of high school and I was hooked. The more I learned, the more it became evident that a career in finance would fulfill my intellectual curiosity and give me the abilities needed to have a significant influence. On the other side of the corporate world, my admiration for business law has been a significant driving force behind my career aspirations. Seeing how corporate attorneys expertly traverse difficult legal environments, give strategic advice, and maintain the highest ethical standards has inspired me to replicate these attributes in all aspects of my professional career. Majoring in finance will equip me with a robust foundation in financial principles, analytical techniques, and strategic decision-making. These competencies are essential for a career in investment banking, where I can help businesses grow, innovate, and create jobs, thereby contributing to economic development. Furthermore, the critical thinking and mathematical abilities developed during a finance degree are equally valuable in the field of corporate law. Understanding financial statements, market trends, and economic indicators will provide a solid base for navigating the complexities of financial regulations, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate governance, ensuring that businesses operate efficiently. Ultimately, I envision a career where I can make a significant impact in either investment banking or corporate law. In investment banking, I aim to facilitate sustainable growth and innovation, helping businesses thrive and, in turn, fostering economic development. In corporate law, I aspire to navigate and influence the legal frameworks that govern corporate conduct, ensuring ethical practices and protecting stakeholders. By majoring in finance, I am taking the first step toward a career that combines my passion with purpose, allowing me to contribute to a more equitable, affluent society. This foundation will enable me to impact change, whether by pushing economic progress or campaigning for legal integrity in the corporate world, eventually helping businesses and communities alike.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    Throughout my youth sports career, nothing came to me as naturally as ice hockey. I always made the teams I tried out for, and I never had to question my skill. But, as I started to get older, the competition became more challenging. By the age of fourteen, I was no longer a leading goal scorer, but rather, an average player. No longer was I able to rely on my talent because every player who had come as far as I had possessed the same skills as me. All that mattered was how much work one was willing to put in. At the start of my senior year, I hadn’t made any of my desired teams in my state. For the first time in my life, I was confronted with the devastating possibility of not being able to play hockey. It hit me hard, but I realized that if I wanted to continue to play the sport I loved, I would have to try out for teams outside the state. Suddenly, an unlikely opportunity presented itself when the Vegas Jr. Golden Knights opened up registration for their tryouts. Las Vegas was about a five-hour drive from where I lived, but I wanted to continue to play, no matter what. However, what I didn’t expect was the amount of positive personal change this new chapter of my life would bring about. I had no idea what to expect. Would I be the best player, the worst player, somewhere in between? In my mind, I envisioned a comforting scenario that would ease my anxiety. When I ran onto the ice, I hoped that whatever happened, I would do my best. Being hit every minute constantly had me gasping and coughing from pain. Players towered over me, but I gave everything I had and before I knew it, the session was over; the tryouts for day one were finished. Nobody had any idea of what would happen. But, every player did know that the coaches wanted to see who could maintain focus under pressure during day two. The following day, the excruciating pain from the previous night’s tryout started to hit me. Nevertheless, I used whatever strength I had left to step back onto the ice. I had to perform at an even higher level. My aggressive style of play for the second tryout was seemingly exactly what the coaches were looking for. As soon as I got off the ice, the coach gave me an offer to play on the team. I felt a sense of pride, but I knew, deep down, I had to be the hardest-working player on the team. That would ensure my success. That offseason was grueling. Countless hours spent at the gym, numerous hockey camps trying to perfect my craft. I became used to the unrelenting pain every workout inflicted on me. As the summer progressed, I slowly started to see changes in my physical appearance and my attitude. My ability to persevere in the face of adversity became my most potent weapon against self-doubt and external distractions. Discipline and self-confidence started to become habitual qualities that showed in the ways that I held myself, spoke to others, and behaved. When the season started, I found myself playing some of the best hockey in my life. Maintaining my role on the team became a responsibility that I proudly embraced. I had built my work ethic throughout the summer and I finally saw that the habits I created would keep me driven to be committed and dedicated to anything my heart desired.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    I could feel the other player, feet behind me; as I skated into our zone, I saw the pack sitting along the boards. I quickly glanced behind me and still saw him, inches from my back trying to get around. As I gathered the puck along the boards, I wheeled around the net and gained the momentum I needed to fly down the ice. One defender . . . two defenders . . . three . . . four . . . five! I made a move and quickly snapped a wrist shot past the goalie to give our team the win. The siren blared, the stands erupted, and the bench went crazy. As I finished celebrating with my team, I couldn't help but feel that all kids should be able to experience the rush of adrenaline I had just felt then. Throughout my youth sports career, nothing came to me as naturally as ice hockey. The rush of excitement that the sport gave me was unwavering and ultimately helped me get through numerous tough times when I was little. Furthermore, when I was a junior in high school, I decided that teaching others how to appreciate and play the sport that I love would be a great way to give back to the community. My dad and I volunteered to coach my younger brother's summer recreational league team. While I didn't get to see the younger kids often, I enjoyed every minute of coaching them and getting to know them. Using my past experiences with hockey, I taught some of the young athletes how to shoot the puck, how to skate hard, and ultimately, how to love the game. I also reiterated loving the game went beyond just loving skating and shooting. Loving the game meant appreciating what it stands for, which is sportsmanship, camaraderie, and selflessness. As a bonus, seeing the team succeed supplied me with a booming sense of pride and happiness. Additionally, as many of these kids were just starting to play hockey, I made sure to instill values that would stick with them forever such as discipline, perseverance, and, most importantly, kindness. This scholarship is more than just a chance to win money. It is the opportunity to remember and appreciate members of our society who have had a huge positive impact on our community, such as Janie Mae, who selflessly committed herself to providing for her community and those in need. Her love for her community is unwavering and shows her commitment to kindness and compassion.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    The movie, Interstellar, is one of my favorite movies of all time. The breathtaking cinematography, the intriguing plot, and the overwhelming CGI effects all add to the movie's spectacularity. However, none of those characteristics are what drew me to love the film. For those who aren't familiar with the movie: Interstellar takes place in the future where another dust bowl has started and the world is in a critical state. Crops are failing, militaries and government programs are being defunded; it seems as if the world is telling humanity to leave. A team of underground NASA scientists and astronauts are sent through a wormhole to find a new home for humanity while Earth takes time to recover. Throughout this journey, they are faced with several hardships and have to find a way to save the human race. Why is this movie relevant to the understanding of our universe? Well, it's because of the numerous and wide-ranging natural phenomena that are presented throughout the film. From black holes to cryo beds to wormholes to gravitational anomalies, Interstellar presents a theoretical future of how space travel could operate. Furthermore, our understanding of the universe should go beyond just wanting answers to the millions of questions that the universe has posed to us. We should understand the universe so we can use our knowledge of it to navigate through it. Eventually, the Earth will become inhabitable, and humanity should be equipped with the knowledge to save itself from dying with the Earth. Gaining the knowledge needed to routinely fly through space is not easy and we must work hard if we ever want to venture out to distant planets and potentially colonize and find future homes for ourselves. To start, we must know what to find, and that means looking at our past work and seeing what theories are possible. Building upon the works of Einstein, Galileo, Stephen Hawking, and other well-known scientific figures will allow our species to reach new heights in terms of understanding our universe and how its laws work. Additionally, as a consequence of our furthered knowledge of the laws of physics, new technology will begin to take hold of many different sectors of science. Space travel will become easier for NASA and other private companies such as SpaceX, prolonging human lifespan would theoretically become possible if we are able to figure out the inner workings of cryonics, and leaping advances in medicine would also be made. Striving to better comprehend the nature of our universe is not only a profound scientific effort, but it is also an essential undertaking for the progress of humanity. Additionally, multifaceted techniques that combine astrophysics, mathematics, and quantum mechanics can provide us with thorough insights and fresh viewpoints. Ultimately, this journey of discovery builds upon our intelligence, ignites our curiosity, and brings us together in our common effort to decipher the enormous and amazing universe we live in.