Hobbies and interests
Foreign Languages
American Sign Language (ASL)
Community Service And Volunteering
Color Guard
Christian Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Science Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Trinity Bullock
Bold Points1x
Trinity Bullock
Bold Points1x
I would like to become an accredited, licensed Speech Language Pathologist. I enjoy learning new languages, traveling and writing short stories, books and poems, as well as, learning more about politics.
Lexington High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Majors of interest:
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
- Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
Speech Therapist
Therapy Trails2021 – Present4 years
Club2018 – 20191 year
Lexington high School Cat Band
Winter GuardWave After Wave2019 – 2019Lexington High School Cat Band
Color GuardStyx and Stones2020 – 2020Lexington High School Theatre Department
TheatreSister Act the Musical2020 – 2020
Public services
National Honor Society — Fix plates, decorate cards and escort clients to their rooms2019 – 2019Volunteering
Lexington Baptist Church — To pack boxes of toys for children in need2020 – 2020Volunteering
National Honor Society — Bell Ringer2019 – 2019
Future Interests
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
Each Sunday is Self Care Sunday. I will spend the day reading, coloring, self-reflecting, meditating, and pampering myself by doing the little things. I usually sip on a cup of green tea, cleanse my face to remove all the gunk and stress from the week off my face. I take a steaming hot shower and oil my hair. Self-Care Sundays are an incredibly helpful routine, however, self-care always means more on days when I am stressed or anxious. Self Care helps me destress and temporarily distract myself from the constant stressors of life. In other words, it's like a non-edible chill pill. Truthfully, I did not realize how powerful self-care was until I was incredibly anxious one week and a school counselor recommended that I color. It sounds childish to some, but self-care is more about controlling what you can and reflecting love inward, which always helps on incredibly tough days.
Robert Lee, Sr. and Bernice Williams Memorial Scholarship
As a member of the Cat's Paw Yearbook Staff, I worked to complete a 200+ page Yearbook while being a virtual student during the fall semester of 2020. Our staff had a total of eleven members with eight of those members holding editor positions in addition to completing spreads. I completed a spread in the fall of 2021 by emailing Google Forms to students and reaching out through social media. Once I returned on campus in 2021, our school was on an A/B schedule with the upper half of the alphabet going to school on Monday/Tuesday & the lower half attending on Wednesday/Thursday. Despite the challenges of schedules, a small staff, and COVID-19, our book won the All-State award from the South Carolina Scholastic Press Association. While this was difficult, this experience taught me that my accomplishments are limitless, we believed we could, worked as hard as could and we did.
I spent over 100 hours at a pediatric speech therapy clinic last summer and discovered how impactful this career path is. I saw patients improve their skills and build confidence. I’m choosing speech therapy to combine two career clusters that I am passionate about: education and healthcare. This fall I will enroll in Georgia Military College for my Associate of Arts in General Studies. Once I have my Associate of Arts, I will transfer to Valdosta State University and major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, then continue my education to receive my Master’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders to become an accredited and licensed speech therapist.
Speech therapy is about helping others with speech impairments and swallowing issues. Thousands of people struggle to complete everyday functions that many take for granted. I plan on specializing in feeding therapy, to help patients with swallowing disorders, consume liquids/foods. As a speech therapist, each day I enter the clinic, I will know that I am making life easier for my patients. I enjoy being a part of a group where I am working toward something larger than myself, and speech therapy will allow me to impact my community through service. Lastly, as a speech therapist, I will ensure that patients feel seen; I want them to understand that they are not another name on a list. Struggling with communication and eating makes life immensely difficult, and I want to ensure that my patients feel heard. This career will allow me to be an active member of my community and constantly make a difference one patient at a time.
Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
I spent over 100 hours at a pediatric speech therapy clinic last summer and discovered how impactful speech therapy is. I saw patients improve their skills and build confidence. I’m choosing speech therapy to combine two career clusters that I am passionate about: education and healthcare. This fall I will enroll in Georgia Military College for my Associate of Arts in General Studies. Once I have my Associate of Arts, I will transfer to Valdosta State University and major in Communication Sciences and Disorders, then continue my education to receive my Master’s in Communication Sciences and Disorders to become an accredited and licensed speech therapist.
Speech therapy is about helping others with speech impairments and swallowing issues. Thousands of people struggle to complete everyday functions that many take for granted. I plan on specializing in feeding therapy, to help patients with swallowing disorders, consume liquids/foods. As a speech therapist, each day I enter the clinic, I will know that I am making life easier for my patients. I enjoy being a part of a group where I am working toward something larger than myself, and speech therapy will allow me to impact my community through service. Lastly, as a speech therapist, I will ensure that patients feel seen; I want them to understand that they are not another name on a list. Struggling with communication and eating makes life immensely difficult, and I want to ensure that my patients feel heard.
As a member of the Cat's Paw Yearbook Staff, I worked to complete a 200+ page Yearbook while being a virtual student during the fall semester of 2020. Our staff had a total of eleven members with eight of those members holding editor positions in addition to completing spreads. I completed a spread in the fall of 2021 by emailing Google Forms to students and reaching out through social media. Once I returned on campus in 2021, our school was on an A/B schedule with the upper half of the alphabet going to school on Monday/Tuesday & the lower half attending on Wednesday/Thursday. Despite the challenges of schedules, a small staff, and COVID-19, our book won the All-State award from the South Carolina Scholastic Press Association. This experience showed me how dedication and motivation can help you accomplish your goals despite the circumstances you are placed in. This experience also taught me that limitations can only come from within, we never gave up and eventually accomplished our goal.
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
I truly enjoy exercising. For many years I made it a goal to exercise more and I never, ever stuck with it. I would be consistent for a few weeks, maybe even a few months, but I would eventually give up. But this year, I told myself that my experience with exercising would be different. Instead of thinking of it as a resolution, I think of it as a goal. I have a goal to work out each day, even if it is for fifteen minutes, it is still better than zero. By telling myself that it's a goal I have stuck with it. Now, at this point, I have been exercising for over a month. It has become one of the many simple pleasures in my life. I love doing a difficult workout and proving to myself that I can make it. When I am sweaty from a hard workout, it makes me proud because I know that I stuck with it. Exercising is a wonderful stress reliever and a great, yet simple pleasure of mine.
New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
I am an avid reader of books. I enjoy blasting music in my ears while headed to school. I am an editor for the yearbook staff, keeping our work hidden from the student body. I enjoy reading about events that transpired hundreds of years ago. I enjoy learning new words to communicate with people from all over the globe. I love to mix together ingredients like a mad scientist in hopes it will make something delicious. I enjoy finding out new bits of information at school and through experience. I love writing tales for the entertainment of myself and others.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
I would like to capture different lifestyles and possibilities through my writing. Honestly speaking my life is rather boring event-wise, but I like to write about things that are beyond myself and my experiences. In the future, I hope to write for an online writing platform like Episode, Chapters, or hopefully have my works published online. I do hope that my vision gets out there even though this industry is incredibly competitive, I am looking for online platform opportunities that can put my foot in the door for several other opportunities.
Next Young Leaders Program Scholarship
I played volleyball for three in a half years, yet I only participated in club volleyball for about two seasons. Even though I did not believe setting was my strongest skill, I was often played as a setter. Being a setter is the volleyball equivalent of being a quarterback. The setter decides where the ball goes and they set the tone for each play. If the setter does not set the ball properly, the play is immediately in jeopardy. It is also a well-known rule in volleyball that setters always, and I mean always, take the second ball. So, after the first pass, unless the setter calls otherwise, the ball is always theirs. Committing to the ball no matter where it is on the court requires determination and drive. But, also because you're a setter, you have a profound impact on how your team plays. That alone makes each setter a team leader.
That is one particular reason why I loved to be a setter. It allowed me to uplift my teammates and impact the court in ways that I probably could not as a DS or hitter. Being a leader is about being a wonderful role model for those around me. Each time I stepped on the court for a game, I was being watched by coaches and other teams. Especially, younger girls playing volleyball, I definitely watched plenty of girls play in my younger times and told myself "I'm going to work hard so I can play as good as she does". Being a leader is about recognizing that there are eyes on you and understanding that because of your role, your moves are important. No matter what happened on the court, I always encouraged my teammates and kept a smile on my face.
In a game as mental as volleyball, your attitude plays a huge role in how you and your team alike perform. While my leadership in volleyball always helped the team on the court, what I have learned also goes beyond sports. Because of my experience as a leader, I have learned more about myself and come to the understanding that I appreciate leadership positions, no matter how small. I will continue to join different groups and organizations to discover my passions. Also, take on a leadership position if granted the opportunity. In the future, I would like to study to Speech-Language Pathologists, usually, speech therapists conduct therapy on a one-on-one basis with patients. So, my career choice alone requires leadership to guide patients toward better communication skills and swallowing abilities.
I plan to apply my experiences as a leader to my career, by constantly encouraging patients and co-workers alike. I will do this because working in healthcare is all about being a part of a team working toward a common goal, similar to sports. My experience in leadership has helped me learn that I love leading others toward success, taking on a challenge, and I enjoy being a part of something larger than myself.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
Last fall I started taking Dual Enrollment courses. The Dual Enrollment program at my school allowed me to begin earning college credit while also gaining high school credit for certain classes. This was my first time ever taking a class at a higher level than honors. I was definitely skeptical and to make my situation even more interesting, I was taking those courses online. The thought of college itself excited me. However, the thought of college-level coursework and professors scared me. During the fall, my siblings were home with me while my parents also worked from home.
While I was home, I balanced my daily zoom meetings, assignments, and study time. At the same time, I was also keeping track of my sister's progress, meetings, and homework as well. She is elementary age, so encouraging her created quite the challenge. Not to mention, I looked after my other siblings and kept them as quiet as possible so my parents could attend various virtual meetings throughout the day. Despite how difficult this experience was it taught me that I could make it through anything. I performed well in Dual Enrollment classes and managed to keep my sister on track for her work as well.
This experience boosted my confidence because while it was difficult, I made a way through it.
Bold Bravery Scholarship
To me, bravery is about stepping outside of your comfort zone even when you are afraid or worried. I practice bravery by challenging myself to become comfortable with things that I know I am not comfortable with. For instance, using my free period to work on mathematics, which happens to be my most difficult subject. Or approaching students I do not know for the yearbook, which gets easier every time through practice and bravery. I live boldly by not overthinking the little things like a new hairstyle, outfit, or shoes because at the end of the day I am the only one obsessing over those things. Living bravely is putting your fear to the side to do things that you know will benefit you. Bravery can be as small as approaching different students or as large as confronting a difficult situation. However, no matter how big or small my fear may be I always try to live boldly.
Tanya C. Harper Memorial SAR Scholarship
Hello, I am Trinity Bullock and I am a senior at Lexington High School. I am a member of Quill & Scroll; I have also been a member of the Cat's Paw yearbook staff for the past four years. In my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and listening to music, with the occasional glance at political issues/ current events. I aspire to be a Speech-Language Pathologist, also known as a speech therapist. Speech therapists treat patients with dementia, patients on the autism spectrum, bilingual patients, deaf patients, elderly, and as young as an infant. Speech therapists help patients articulate their speech sounds and show proper movements of the facial muscles to make those sounds. But, speech therapists also conduct feeding therapy, helping those who struggle with swallowing food or liquid of a certain texture. Also, speech therapists can conduct aural therapy for the deaf, working closely with audiologists. I will positively impact the world by helping individuals become confident in their skills and making everyday tasks easier to complete. Communication is a simple, yet important part of daily life. Tasks such as ordering food, requesting medicine, greeting family members, and making a phone call require speech.
However, for many individuals, speech is a struggle. Many young children face difficulty trying to communicate their needs to their parents. The difficulty makes it hard for them to voice their pains or feelings to adults. Furthermore, when children struggle with speech, it makes social development harder to come by. While I am not sure that pediatrics is the specialization for me, I do understand the impact that therapy can have on younger individuals. Something as simple as babies drinking from their milk bottle can be improved with speech therapy services.
I am not completely sure about my specializations in this career path, but I do know that I want to make a difference. Last summer, I observed a pediatric clinic for a few hours each day for three days a week. My time in the clinic truly highlighted the influence speech therapists hold on their patients. I saw patients walk in at the beginning of the summer struggling with certain sounds and pronunciations. But, by the end of the summer, they were fluent in their skills and their confidence grew tremendously. That is what I want to do. I want to walk in each day knowing that I am making someone's life easier. Life is much more difficult without a voice. So, I want to help make everyone's voice heard. I want children to communicate with their parents with ease. I want the elderly to overcome any struggles posed by strokes or dementia. I want to help the voices of the world grow louder through speech therapy services.
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
When I am having a tough time or simply need to clear my head, I take a self-care break. Usually, this will happen on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. This process will usually run into the nighttime. I start this process by isolating myself and gathering the supplies I need. I gather oils, lavender soap, comfy pajamas, and a coconut body scrub. After getting my supplies together, I take a steaming hot shower. After putting on my pajamas, put on jazz or cafe music, just to have background noise while I read. I will read my book for around thirty minutes to an hour; then I will meditate. Meditating just allows me to focus my attention on my breathing and clear my mind. Later in the night I will listen to music and drink a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate. Afterward, I will get comfortable in my bed and watch a scary movie.
Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
Hello! I am Trinity Bullock and I am a senior at Lexington High School in Lexington, South Carolina. I have also taken several Dual Enrollment courses to help me receive college credit while in high school. Dual Enrollment allows me to take college courses at no cost to me and my family, while also completing requirements for my diploma. I have been a member of the Cat's Paw Yearbook Staff for the past four years and I am currently the photography/tagging editor. I am currently thinking of joining the Army National Guard, to better serve my community for one weekend each month, while receiving financial assistance toward my education and receiving payment for my training/ job. Joining the Army National Guard would benefit my career, stabilizing future job opportunities while allowing me to receive professional job experience. In my free time, I enjoy reading Young Adult books, listening to music, and writing narratives. After high school, I will attend Georgia Military College for my Associate of Arts in General Studies. Attending a community college will lower my costs of education and living since I will be staying with my family while at Georgia Military College. While at Georgia Military College, I will apply for scholarships and complete FAFSA to minimize the cost of my education. If I do not join the Army National Guard I will search for Paid Internship positions, work-study programs, or paid volunteer programs/positions to help further fund my education. My education at Georgia Military College will allow me to have my general education requirements to transfer to Valdosta State University. Transferring to Valdosta, later on, will grant me the opportunity to take the required courses for a lower cost. Once at Valdosta, I will receive my bachelor's in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I will be sure to apply to as many scholarships as possible and possibly maintain a part-time career; if it does not distract from my studies. By attending Valdosta, I will be able to receive an education for eight to nine thousand dollars a semester, an amount much lower than most public universities. Majoring in communication sciences and disorders will aid me in my goal of being a Speech-Language Pathologist or Speech Therapist. After completing my bachelor's I will continue my education to receive my master's and complete my nine-month fellowship. I will search for graduate programs with a lower cost and wonderful networking opportunities to ensure that if I receive debt, I will have a career to help pay it off.
Bold Success Scholarship
In the future, I aspire to be a speech-language pathologist with a specialization in feeding and aural therapy. I will reach my goal by attending a community college for my general education requirements, then transferring to Valdosta State University for my bachelor's in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Afterward, I will continue my education for my master's in Speech Therapy or communication sciences and disorders. I will achieve success by staying on top of my studies, completing internships, shadowing speech therapists, and taking outside courses that will help me toward my career goals. I will start reading about different communication disorders or impairments and how they are treated. I will complete further research into speech therapy and see what other specializations are offered. I want to be trustworthy and helpful healthcare professional. I want patients to enter my office with confidence, feeling like they can reach their goals and accomplish anything. I want to improve the healthcare industry, one patient, at a time.
Bold Equality Scholarship
Equality and diversity are two things that I always encourage. Growing up, I encountered many different children and until now, I never really even noticed that they were different. However, now I understand that while differences are positive, some people approach them in a negative light. One thing I avoid pointing out people who are different and simply offering a kind smile instead. I always welcome everyone and make sure that I treat everyone with kindness no matter their identity or situation. No matter who someone is, each life comes with struggles and kindness makes those struggles a bit easier to bear. Another thing that I do is pay special attention to how my siblings interact with others and how they discuss them. I make sure that if I hear or see my sisters doing anything intolerant that I condemn that while offering a different approach to the situation. I always try to educate myself on different cultures and identities; so, I make sure that I am being respectful because that is the least I can do.
Bold Reflection Scholarship
My life has been heavily affected by the actions and beliefs of others. I am the oldest of five siblings and I have completed extra duties around the house to help out my parents. I have observed how children grow and learn from their families/ home environment. I did an internship last summer at a pediatric speech therapy clinic and it was very eye-opening to how children develop. I hope to become a speech therapist one day after getting my master's in Communication Sciences and Disorders. While I am not sure if I want to specialize in pediatrics, I know that I want to make a difference. I have learned that children pay dangerously close attention to how you interact with them and others. I want my patients to feel empowered by me and inspired. I want each patient who walks into my office to feel comfortable and at peace. The healthcare industry plays such a large role in everyone's life and I hope to improve it, one patient, at a time.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
My favorite hobby is reading because it allows me to take a break from the chaos of the world. In the age of electronics, everyone is tuned into their devices. Many adults use computers, pads, and phones to do their 8-10 hour shifts each day. As a student, I use my computer several hours out of the day to complete assignments. However, devices can be overwhelming, and spending too much time on electronic devices poses no benefits. So, I read in my free time. Reading is something that I do for leisure. Honestly, most books have the same amount of substance as most movies/ television shows. The plots are just as good and the stories are just as entertaining. But, books allow me to practice empathy, by entering the lives of characters, real or fictional. It allows me to approach a story at my own pace and direct my own movie.
Bold Gratitude Scholarship
Most days I start with a prayer, thankful that I woke up this morning with another chance at life. I always make sure to say thank you when I am grabbing breakfast from the school cafeteria in the morning. I always wish the bus driver well before stepping off the bus. And I always show my gratitude for each and every compliment I'm given. These may seem small to you, but every person I encounter on a daily basis has a large effect on my day. The positivity the lunch lady brings every day along with a smile. The sweet greetings from the librarians after they prepare my latest book order. I always thank my parents for cooking dinner and helping with any chores that I have. I always make sure I voice my thanks because I never know what day will be my last. So, I have to make every second of gratitude count.
Bold Career Goals Scholarship
I dream that in the future I will instill confidence in someone who struggles with speech. Communication is a vital part of life. Small things from ordering food, introducing yourself, or proofreading an essay require speech. When someone is not confident in their speech skills it can make communication difficult. Furthermore, it can cause severe anxiety toward social situations or public speaking. I aspire to be a speech-language pathologist with a specialization in feeding and bilingual therapy. I want everyone to feel confident in their speech even if they struggle, have an accent, or swallowing impairment. I want to change something for my patients and build their confidence in their skills. I want them to use their voice and not worry about stuttering or making mistakes. Using your voice is such an important part of life and my goal is to make it easier for someone each and every day because every voice is powerful no matter how small.
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
I would say my best skill is finding ways to meet my goals. No matter how difficult a task may seem or be, I always find a way to reach my end goal. I am improving this skill by using my time wisely and staying on top of my goals in any way that I can. It is much easier for me to reach my goals when I do not feel rushed, so instead of working on something at once I will spend small increments of time on it throughout the day. This makes completing tasks much easier, it also gives me time to revise my work and make sure that I am more focused on doing the task properly than quickly. All in all, I would persevering is my best skill because I overcome obstacles to reach my goals and receive the results I desire. Thank you for reading.
Bold Giving Scholarship
Giving is important to me because people do many discreet things to help me all the time. There have been plenty of moments where I have looked back on my life and realized that other people were helping me toward my goals. While I did work hard to get what I wanted, I could not have done it without the help of others. Giving is important to me because it is a way to show appreciation for the things others have done no matter how large or small. When my sister helps me out with my chores around the house I give her small amounts of money as my way of giving back. I also make sure that anytime she is busy, that I help with her chores to make her life easier. I give back to my community by donating clothes, shoes, and books that I no longer need to companies such as, Goodwill. I understand that I am not aware of many things people do not have. So, if I can donate to my community by giving to fundraisers or donating personal items I do it. I am currently trying to find children's books to donate to an Elementary school in my area, donating books to members of our community in an effort to help create a public library, and I recently donated five different clothing items to the Mission Lexington program. I want to start donating blood soon to help someone in need in my community. I do it because my community has taken care of me and now it's time to return the favor. Thank you for reading.
Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
My acts of service mainly have to do with my family. When my grandmother came to visit my home a few weeks ago, I made it my goal to make her feel comfortable. She is in her seventies so doing many things like stepping in the shower, putting on socks/ shoes, and lotioning her legs can be difficult. I have always grown up helping my grandmother in any way that I can. Before I was mature enough to do some of the tasks I do now, I was sweeping the floors, folding clothes/ towels, and cleaning up her room from time to time. I also help out my mother with my three little sisters, especially the younger two. And whenever I can help my sister Liberty out with chores I make sure that I do it. If she's busy helping mom and can not sweep the floor, I will do her job for her. I get out nightclothes, run bath water, put away dishes, wash them, wipe off countertops and fix bottles. I appreciate the opportunity to make someone else's life easier because I remember when I wanted others to help me. Thank you for reading.
Bold Joy Scholarship
Joy means finding happiness in life even when things are not how I want them to be. I seek joy in my life by making time for my mental, physical and overall well-being. I seek joy by trying new things and getting outside of my comfort zone. I seek joy by making subtle changes in hopes to come across something new. I seek out joy in my life by trying to invoke joy in the life of others. It brings me joy to make others happy. I seek out joy by helping others whenever I can in any way that I can. Seeking joy means a lot to me because sometimes if you do not look for something you will not see it. So, I constantly reach out for joy and try to find happiness in the subtle pieces of life. Not everything in life will be a tear of joy moment but that does not mean the small moments of joy should be overlooked.
Bold Loving Others Scholarship
I make my friends feel loved by sticking with them all the time. Even when things are difficult, I stick by their side. I always offer my assistance when my friends need a listening ear or a support system. I make sure that I compliment them when they do something well or get out of their comfort zone. I am always sure to encourage them when they are unmotivated or faced with discouragement. I really try to keep a positive mindset on me so that it radiates into their day. Sometimes the biggest help for someone is a change of environment, so with a little positivity involved, their outlook on life and its situations can be changed. I make sure that I spend time with them whenever I can, even if we are doing little things like going on a walk or meeting up for lunch. When I know that something tragic happened I always check-in and try to see about their headspace. All in all, I support people to show them that they are loved.
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
The simple pleasures of life for me include reading, listening to music, and dancing. These are just average hobbies to many people, but I have found that the little things often bring me high amounts of pleasure. Reading always allows me to be entertained without an electronic device. Many people could be more at peace if they simply took the time to read a book and get out of the notifications on their phones. I have found myself guilty of allowing electronics to take an extremely strong hold over me. Reading allows me to use my imagination and enjoy storylines just as good as, if not better than, movies. Listening to music helps me calm my mind when the world seems overwhelming. I allow the music to overtake me and I wrap my mind in the artists' words. Dancing has always been a release, allowing me to use my body to express myself. When I crave fun and exercise, I always turn to dance and it helps release adrenaline and ease anxiety. These are my simple pleasures.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
My favorite way to help others is through direct service and contact with people in need. For example, visiting a nursing home and engaging with the residents there. Direct contact with those in need is different from donations in the sense that you come in contact with those who you are helping. That contact allows you to make a personal connection with the people you're helping. It's one thing to hear about a conflict or issue in your community, but it's another thing to see the struggles and hardships involved. I love to meet new people during community service projects because it helps me improve my interactions with strangers. Also, I love giving something to people, but in a direct way. For instance, participating in a blood drive to help locals in my community. Or writing letters to members of the community who need a word of positivity. Donations are helpful but I like having some way to tie it back to the person who donated, so it feels more like a gift.
Bold Motivation Scholarship
My motivation daily is my future. I cannot count on my hands how many times I have felt like giving up. However, I did not give up because I thought of my future. I thought of all the things I want to and have yet to accomplish in my life. If I give up, I will never get to those moments I desire or have worked so hard for. My aspirations to go to college, get my education, and become a healthcare professional will be stopped if I give up. My goal to be a helpful adult figure toward children in my community will be stopped if I give up. When I feel like all hope is lost, I think about where I want to be and where I am at. It helps me realize that stopping now will not help me reach my goals for the future.
Bold Legacy Scholarship
I want my legacy to be someone who stood out and changed something for people. In life, there are people who we witness, people who we encounter, and people we learn from. I want people to identify me as one of the third group. There are seven billion people on this planet and I think the least I can do is teach something to at least one of them. I want people to tell stories of how I stood out or made a difference in their lives. I want to be regarded as someone who made someone think about something differently or at least changed something small for someone. I want this to be my legacy because I want to change people and leave a mark on them. I often sit back and think about the wonderful encounters I've had with strangers that really changed me or struck me as different. I would love to have the same effect on someone else.
Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
One thing I have learned about myself is that I enjoy and heavily benefit from having lazy days. I am frequently busy with school work and assignments. I often forget that it's okay to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life. I focus so much on being early that I easily stress myself out. But, taking breaks from schoolwork and chores at home helps me. It allows me to focus on my mental health, which can often get lost in the midst of trying to complete assignments. Now I understand that apart of performing well with my studies requires me to take breaks. Mental health is similar to physical. For instance, lifting weights is beneficial but rest days are also required. Through understanding my stress levels and mental health I have performed better in school, as well as, experienced less worry pertaining to daily duties. All in all, learning what is best for my mental health has helped my head space and school performance.
Bold Books Scholarship
One of the most inspiring books I've ever read is "On The Come Up" by Angie Thomas. This book focuses on Bri's dream of becoming a rapper. Throughout the story, Bri is discouraged by her family members, which forces her to defy rules to live her dream. She eventually sneaks behind her mother's back and meets with a record producer who gets her introduced to the studio. While her defiance is not inspiring, her dedication to her future is. Bri shows that if you want success, you cannot always wait for others to hand it to you. Bri even made it through bad publicity and poor management, which, eventually helped her gain collaboration with a well-known rapper. Her story focuses on how having a dream can lead you out of bad situations and help you find your potential. This story shows that the dreams we hold are not accidental and our efforts toward them should not be either.
Bold Wisdom Scholarship
One sentence I want to share with the world is "Those who work hard in the dark shine in the light". I came across the quote many years ago while working on an English assignment and it has stuck with me ever since. This is the quote I want to share because everyone experiences downtimes. Moments where life is very difficult, stressful, or exhausting. Often, it is extremely hard to encourage yourself and remember that those moments will not last forever. But, that particular quote, shows that the hard times we experience will eventually pay off. Not to mention, the hard work that we do does not go overlooked. There are plenty of times where outstanding accomplishments are made but people feel underappreciated. This quote reminds everyone that their time to shine will come but only because of their undercover dedication.
Davila Scholarship
I am Trinity Bullock and I'm a high school senior. I want to attend a community college after high school for my general education requirements before transferring to a larger school for my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I recently got my license in May and I must say the road is a very scary place to be. From the moment I even started practicing driving, people have nearly killed me in accidents in broad daylight while sober. So, I can only imagine the danger drunk driving poses, especially for young drivers like myself.
Drunk driving has definitely made me think twice about who I'm in the car with and where. I have thankfully never been in a car wreck due to drunk drivers and their decisions. However, drunk driving has always made me think about the decisions I would make if I did drink in a public place and needed a ride home. Truthfully, drunk drivers are a small part of why I'm uncomfortable driving at night, while you can always be drunk in broad daylight, the chances of drunk drivers increases at night.
I learned in health class about how alcohol is a suppressant and it slows brain functioning. Not to mention, it makes many people emotional and easily irate. Now, a slow reaction to any given situation on top of unsteady emotions makes for an incredibly dangerous driver. Many drivers experience road rage naturally but while drunk, such incidents can become violent or fatal rather quickly. Furthermore, depth perception is impaired due to alcohol consumption which makes knowing when to park, break and go hard. This makes drunk drivers difficult each step of the way, and the worse part of all, some people may be driving or transporting others. That simple decision can put even more lives in danger.
Drunk driving has opened my eyes as to how simple decisions can end lives. But also, it shows how an already dangerous roadway can become immensely more fatal due to the decisions of other drivers on the road. My parents have always told me that when I drive I cannot only drive for myself, but I have to drive for those around me. If only drunk drivers thought that before hopping into a vehicle and breaking the law, fewer lives would be lost due to a life-altering decision. All in all, drunk driving affects everyone, so please drive safe and think before you get behind the wheel.
Travel with a Purpose Scholarship
Lillian's & Ruby's Way Scholarship
I am Trinity Bullock and I'm a senior in high school. I wish to pursue Speech Therapy, working with patients on their speech sounds, as well as, feeding and swallowing. My career path directly affects two important and sometimes overlooked parts of everyday life. Without speech, communication for the smallest of things can be extremely difficult. Not to mention, lack of communication in a simple moment can easily morph into an emergency. Finding ways to communicate worries, needs or concerns is critical. Also, feeding and swallowing can end lives in a matter of seconds without proper assistance. I am interested in this field because it combines two things I enjoy doing, leading and helping others.
Last summer, I interned at a pediatric clinic and I saw just how impactful my future career was. I watched patients go from nervous to confident in their skillset. Also, I saw how a person's speech was affected by other factors besides articulation. I have always wanted to make a difference, to truly change something for someone and this career will allow me to do just that. Not to mention, this field of work is incredibly diverse, therapists can work with infants, adolescents, and the elderly. Furthermore, many speech therapists work with the deaf or hard of hearing, as well as, patients on the autism spectrum.
The amount of diversity in this field will allow me to maximize my proficiency in healthcare through a varying caseload.
Most of the books I read are about struggle. The main character experiences hardship or hardships and they always find a way to make it out of them. Now, my life has not been "hard" in comparison to the hardships that the billions of other people on this earth are facing. However, these books have shown me that regardless of what I'm going through there is a way to a better place. Also, books have shown me the power of listening and perspective. I cannot count on my fingers how many times a character has been misunderstood and made a poor decision. As someone who wants to help others with speech articulation, listening will be a huge part of my career.
Books have shown me that being a strong listener is one of the best things to be. Also, it has shown me that sometimes being a helper means listening and being supportive. Books have shaped my goals by showing me that sometimes I need to stop and listen.
Bold Happiness Scholarship
Honestly, spontaneous moments make me happy. I think life easily becomes boring when you have a schedule and everything seems so ordinary. But, a little change in between always makes me happy. It's the little changes in life that bring me the most joy. Whether it's taking a short vacation to get away from home or walking through a new trail in the woods, small changes always make me happy. Sometimes, it's a small encounter with someone different or trying a new hairstyle that brings the changes I need. COVID has helped me realize that I do like change, specifically small changes. So, whether it's watching a new television show, trying a new hangout spot, or calling an old friend, the little changes in life always bring me joy. I recommend that everyone get out of their comfort zone every now and then to experience the joy of something new.
Bold Memories Scholarship
This happened winter of 2020, I was helping out on Band Audition Day at my high school. I was expected to greet parents and onlookers to the appropriate room depending on their child's instrument. I was very proud of my job and thankful to have one that fit me so well. There was something satisfying about making people feel at ease on such a stressful day. I was told several times that day that I was "the nicest person" visitors spoke with all day. I was approached by a woman who looked nothing short of lost. She asked me where the room was and a calmly pointed her to it with brief directions. I will never forget what happened next. She very gently bowed her head toward me after saying "thank you". I will never forget how that made me feel. I always associated bowing with royalty or extremely important people. But at that moment I realized that she bowed to me because she respected me. In her culture, that was a way of thanking and showing respect. I have always known that respect is important, however, that moment reminded me just how valuable it can be.
Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
I am proud of how I managed through the stages of grief. It is to this day one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It was about six years ago when my grandfather passed away. I was about eleven years old and I did not even truly understand what death was, much less how to deal with it. There were plenty of days where I cried myself to sleep, was very irate/ snappy, or moody in general. Just entering middle school and balancing the grieving process was an experience like no other, but I got through it. Honestly, I just learned to stop fighting the feeling I felt and let them pass over me. I eventually learned to journal how I felt about things as a way to express myself. While this process is still ongoing and not truly over, I got out of the saddest part of grief by recognizing that it would take time.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
Being patient is important to me because it's something that easily changes someone's day. I recall several times in my life where people have mishandled a situation because of patience. Maintaining patience can make the difference between a bad day and a great one. Patience teaches that things will grow with time. In today's age, many things are instantaneous, people are not accustomed to waiting for things. However, the best skills are acquired through hours of dedication and hard work. Patience will grow relationships and make things easier. I have helped out with my seventy-year-old grandmother many times and having patience helps a lot. When people rely on you to help them do the little things, patience matters. Patience makes my grandma understand that she's not a burden and that helping her is not an issue. Patience makes people feel important and valued which is an important feeling to bestow.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
I practice self-care through meditation, taking breaks from social media, journaling my experiences, and taking care of my personal hygiene. While many of the things I mentioned may not seem like aspects of self-care, self-care goes beyond physical health. The mind and body go hand and hand, if one is weak the other must carry more weight. When I'm upset I attempt to meditate and journal how I feel to release my emotions in a healthy way. Taking breaks from social media allows me to be in the present moment and not let memories pass me by. It also allows me to take walks outside and get a break from the electronic world that surrounds me. Taking care of my personal hygiene means showering, moisturizing my skin, and keeping myself together. While all of this seems simple, if I don't maintain these practices my health decreases; however, when I maintain the little things, I am at my prime. Self-care will lift you up when you are down and make your worse days easier to manage.
Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
Friendship means being there for someone and sticking by their side when they need you, and even when they don't. Friends are the supporters that we choose. Friendship is supporting someone even through difficult times. Friends are always around to have a good time, tell a good story, and listen when you have things to get off your chest. Friends lift you up when you are down because they care about how you're doing.
Friends will correct you when you're wrong and celebrate your accomplishments when you achieve them. Friends will tell jokes and make you feel better when you're sad. To me, friendship is receiving support, advice, and assistance from people of your choice. Friends will stand up for you when you can't defend yourself and help you get out of difficult situations. Not to mention, friends will call you out of nowhere because they're concerned about you or just want to check in on you. Friendship is receiving support from the people of your choice.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
I think the best way to live a long, healthy life is to understand what is helping you and what's not. For instance, social media is okay until it takes up a hefty percentage of your time and energy. When people recognize that some things must only be used in moderation, they will better understand health. It's okay to slack off occasionally, but when habits take over your life they become an issue. Living a long healthy life is about making a balance between all aspects of her life. Living a great life is making time for sleep, eating, exercise, while also balancing the social parts of life at well. All in all, life is best when your time is managed appropriately and your responsibilities are balanced with relaxation.
Bold Be You Scholarship
I stay true to myself in my daily life by understanding that life is not always going to be great. Some days I will look at others and think "wow! why can't my life be like that? Why can't I go out every weekend and have the time of my life because it looks like everyone else is?" But, no matter how hard my life gets I remember that everyone has bad days and the only person I am in competition with is me. I can only be a better version of myself with each and every day that comes. I may not be as smart, talented, or well-rounded as some others, but I'm still me. Whether many teens realize it or not, their identity holds power. I remind myself that I am one of 7 billion people and that alone makes me special. I also stay true to myself by enjoying the little things and cherishing them. Not to mention, I applaud myself for making it through my bad days. Overall, I stay true to myself by remembering that I am one of a kind and my story is not meant to be like everyone else's.
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
I keep a growth mindset by remembering that my future is partially in my hands. If I want a better tomorrow, there's a chance for me to create a better tomorrow. A growth mindset is about holding yourself accountable while understanding that you are your own competition. You are always striving to be a better, stronger version of yourself. And any chance that you have to make things better you should take it. But most importantly, growth starts with change, if you want a chance to make, you must make a change. Growth is all about changing for the better and taking risks. I am hesitant to change, so I keep a growth mindset by making many small changes, then making larger ones. I remind myself that the past has already passed and I can only control my future once things are done with. A growth mindset is about taking it one step at a time and letting tomorrow and yesterday worry about themselves.
Bold Influence Scholarship
One thing that I would stand for is advocating for the mental health of children. I believe many parents do not truly comprehend the way their parenting style affects their children's development and emotions. In fact, studies have shown that children who were neglected as infants have lower IQs than children who received adequate affection. Furthermore, the way a parent treats their child molds how the child interacts with others. Anti-social disorders such as sociopathy and psychopathy often develop as a result of childhood trauma and abuse. Not to mention, children who are neglected are more likely to develop mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. The way children are treated does not only affect them while they are young, but it also poses a threat when the children are older. Childhood trauma and emotional disfunction can last a lifetime. All in all, I would advocate for proper treatment of children to help jumpstart healthy emotional development.
#Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
My #back2SchoolBold moment was inspired by things I've struggled with in the past. I strongly believe that mental health is not discussed enough when it pertains to schoolwork and pressure. Many children are focusing on getting accepted in their dream school, going to technical college, or obtaining certifications to enter the workforce. Not to mention, balancing sports, clubs, religious activities, and social life. I think more emphasis should be placed on how to deal with those issues. So, I have made a video composed of tips and methods to cope with feelings of anxiety or worry over school-related endeavors.
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
Something I have learned is that people are a product of their environment. I learned this in sociology class when we discussed socialization from a young age. Ever since I learned it, I have increasingly pondered how it affects me. For instance, if a child is brought up in an environment where they are neglected or not shown affection, that child is many times more likely to have a lower IQ than those who receive constant affection. While I do not have children, I am open to working with children and I strongly believe the way adults treat children is important. Oftentimes, I think parents get away with not treating kids the way they should be treated. However, whether adults realize it or not, they are molding the future professionals of the world. Kids should be treated as though they are our future because they are. The children we teach today will lead the world in years to come. All in all, through my findings, I have a changed perspective on what it means to be a good parent and role model for a child.
Bold Independence Scholarship
Being independent means you do not have to rely on others to get things done. Independence is important because it keeps the world turning. If people were not independent, there would not be electricity for homes or water sources for showers and sinks. Independence affects the world because if people cannot complete a task on their own, they slow down the process. The world would be a dangerous place if doctors, lawyers, teachers, and construction workers were not independent. The world functions best when everyone does their part. On the other hand, independence shows me the importance of self-motivation. If someone has to complete a task on their own, being handheld is not an option. People must rely on themselves to get work done which teaches time management and perseverance. All in all, independence affects the world through the various roles played and shows the importance of self-reliance in life.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
One thing that I do to affect positive change is using my voice to discuss difficult issues. One of the worst things about most community leaders today is that they are not in tune with what members of their community are concerned with. One of my friends was racially profiled by a police officer. He was in the car with an adult, who was the driver, meanwhile, he was searched and had a gun pointed in his face. This happened while my friend was seventeen years old, he was a minor and in the passenger seat. I emailed my governor about the issue, expressing my grievances and he "ensured" me that police officers were "well trained" and "well equipped" for the job. But, that had nothing to do with what I discussed. But, I act locally by doing my research on issues and finding ways to advocate for issues that I care about without contacting local officials who brush off issues.
Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
I love my love for learning. I remember always being excited to go to school each morning. I'm still excited, during my senior year in high school. I have always enjoyed learning new things and I love this about myself because it has made the world connect in so many ways. I feel more knowledgeable about the world and the possibilities for my future because of the educational opportunities at my fingertips. My love for learning has made me enjoy classes I thought I would not. My love for learning has made even the most difficult of concepts interesting. My love for learning has helped me better understand the "why" behind so many things that I did not before. Furthermore, my love for learning has helped me better my relationship with friends and family members. My love for learning is something that I love because it has fueled me through multiple obstacles and hardships.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
Tomorrow. On my worst days, I knew that a new day would come. When I have a bad day or one that does not live up to my expectations, I remind myself, there's a fresh start tomorrow. Each day offers a new perspective and opportunity to change something. Maybe you wanted to jog before work, if you missed it today, you can always try tomorrow. Or maybe you wanted to plan better, to stay organized, you can always try then. When days are difficult remind yourself that there's always another day. This ideology has shown me that the past can either slow you or inspire you. I would rather be inspired knowing that I made progress and gave myself a chance to improve. I've made it through a lot by counting the days and remembering that another one is on the way. All in all, when life gets tough, remind yourself that tomorrow is a new chance to make a change.
Bold Mentor Scholarship
If I am nothing else, I hope to serve as a listening ear through mentorship. There have been plenty of times where I felt truly alone like I did not have anyone who wanted, could, or would listen. So, being a mentor will allow me to give someone else the things I wish I had more of. Mentorship will give me the chance to be the voice I wish I had heard. Not to mention, I hope to not just be a mentor but a friend, someone my mentee can call on whenever they need me. It is one thing just to give advice, but it's another thing to truly be a friend. Lifting people up and instilling positivity into their lives is something I want to do. Through mentorship, I want to show that everyone has their own path and while those paths may have different challenges, the outcome can be the same. Or, in simpler terms, it doesn't matter where you start, what matters is how you decide to finish.
Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
I would live to have a positive impact on the climate through advocating and limiting gas usage. The amount of gas released in the air through cars is enormous. This gas sends harmful amounts of carbon dioxide into the air and atmosphere, where it eventually becomes trapped. Once the air is trapped, it acts like a greenhouse and allows the world to become warmer at an alarming rate, hence what is being seen today. Not to mention, the poultry industry is also responsible for an even larger amount of carbon dioxide production. Cows release a gas that is mostly carbon dioxide into the air, contributing even more to the amount in the atmosphere. However, this can be changed, by finding other ways to receive the proteins commonly found in meat and recognizing that there is an issue at hand. Furthermore, with the invention of electric cars, gasoline-reliant cars can become a thing of the past because society can always purchase a new car, but astronomers cannot purchase a new planet.
Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
One characteristic that I value the most in myself would be my determination. Throughout my educational career, there were plenty of moments where I thought I would not get assignments or projects done. This doubt mainly came from time management, I knew how to manage my time but I did not think I had enough time to get things done. One of my largest pet peeves is being late for anything or turning things in late. However, determination changed those situations for me. For instance, last year during online school, I was home with my family all day. I juggled my chores, siblings, school work, and color guard rehearsals. Not to mention, I started taking Dual Enrollment classes, which are college classes taken during high school.
Looking back on it, that was one of the lowest points for my mental health, but I made it through. Even with all of those factors, I managed to make straight A's for the first time in high school. It still stuns me to this day because I hit a goal under such an immense amount of pressure. Without determination, I would not have made it through the first quarantine or online school. Even when things seem impossible, I still push through because I know that determination can only bring me closer to my goals.
I think this characteristic will help me through college. Many college students struggle because in high school they were not challenged as hard or they are simply unprepared due to high school courseloads. However, I believe my determination will help me overcome the rigor of college coursework and life. Not to mention, after college, when I am an accredited, certified, and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, my determination will help me best serve patients. I wish to specialize in feeding and Aural therapy. In feeding therapy, Speech Therapists impact swallowing and even breathing. The reliance patients will have on me will make me determined to do my best. Also, Aural therapy will allow me to work with patients who are deaf or hard of hearing.
To take on those unique aspects of Speech therapy will take determination. Lastly, my determination will help me make a difference in my community. Many people talk about what they wish had done or did. But, if someone is determined enough they will find a way to do it; even if they are not making a difference in the way they initially hoped.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Loan Lawyers 2021 Annual Scholarship Competition
Financial freedom to me means not living paycheck to paycheck. Over thirty percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, only making enough money to pay bills/ utilities. The pandemic has truly shown me the value of building a successful savings account and being financially prepared. Having financial freedom means having the money to pay for bills, groceries, luxuries, and still have enough to place in my savings account.
I can achieve financial freedom through living within my means and building a budget. Both concepts will give me an idea of what I have and can afford. One financial issue that sets many people farther from financial freedom is credit. Borrowing money to pay for things that they cannot afford now is nice in theory. However, depending on the company, the card, and the item, consumers can expect to pay upwards of thirty percent interest. However, understanding my paycheck and what I can afford will minimize the use of credit. Not to mention, if I do borrow, I will understand how long it will take me to pay off what I have borrowed. Furthermore, creating a budget will ensure that I have enough to meet my necessities without compromising my savings account or luxuries.
Next, I will set a specific amount of money to the side each month for my savings account. Putting money in my savings each month will allow me to be prepared for anything that happens. Being financially prepared is one of the best things to be. With money set aside, I will be ready for any natural disaster, financial crisis, unemployment, or pandemic that comes my way. Not to mention, I will sleep better at night knowing that I can pay for a percentage of unexpected expenses out of pocket.
After developing a savings account, I will make sure that I have multiple sources of income. One of the largest mistakes people make is thinking that you can only receive income from one job. Side hustles have changed the lifestyles of many worldwide. Through selling products online, delivering food, grocery shopping services, baby/ pet sitting, and being a caretaker, passive income can be made. This will allow me to grow my bank account outside of my main job. Not to mention, side hustles usually have a flexible pay amount, so pay can be increased or decreased depending on certain factors.
All in all, these are the steps I will take to receive financial freedom. Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
One way that I try to leave a positive impact on the world is to show others that I see them. With over seven billion people in this world, it is easy to not feel seen. It's easy to feel like you're just another face in the crowd or another student in the classroom. But, my goal is to make people feel seen. Many people are overlooked due to the communities they are in and the resources they have. However, my goal is to make sure that everyone I encounter feels acknowledged in some way.
Also, making others feel comfortable, even if they have only known me for a short amount of time. I have a story on my social media where I insert positive quotes every day. Even though they may annoy some people, it makes me happy when people slide up, mentioning how the quote made it easier for them to push through the day.
All in all, I love reminding others that they are important and that their situation today is not permanent. Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
My favorite piece of art is Automat by Edward Hopper. This piece features a woman, in what looks like the 1940s, sitting alone in a diner. Despite this painting being almost a century old, the theme still plays a strong role in today's society. The idea behind the painting is loneliness. The woman is sitting in what appears to be an empty diner, giving the concept of there truly being no one around. It's not that the woman chooses to be alone, in this instance she has no choice.
Furthermore, there is an undeniable presence of darkness behind the woman showcasing what she tries to escape. There also happens to be no light in the streets. When people feel alone, they tend to compare it to darkness or emptiness which this painting perfectly symbolizes. Lastly, the woman is in her Sunday best, only to sit alone. It shows how society prepares for inclusion but is only met with exclusion.
Even in the midst of social media and hundreds of forms of communication, there is still loneliness plaguing society because when your phone is shut off, you, like the woman in the painting, are all alone.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
My dream life is a life where I make enough money to pay for utilities, groceries, car bills, phone bills and still have money left over to save/ spend. In my dream life, I will live in a safe neighborhood where I feel comfortable living on my own. I would like to live in a city with a low crime rate and a high quality of life. Not to mention, in my dream life I will have an impact on my community. Whether I make my impact through my church, private charities, or donations to companies, I want to make a difference.
Furthermore, in my dream life, I will serve as a voice for the youth. I will advocate for healthy mental health strategies and tips since many young people struggle with mental health. Also, in my dream life, I will spend time being in the moment. Life is too fast to not enjoy things while they are around. Lastly, in my dream life, I will be content, while things will not likely be perfect, I will be grateful for what I have.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
One personal finance lesson that I find important is time is money. It's amazing how I have heard this saying for many years, yet, only recently have I started to understand the purpose behind it. For starters, nothing in life is free, if you did not pay money, for one thing, you spent it in time or on something else. For instance, if a restaurant offers a free sandwich after purchasing ten other sandwiches, the sandwich you receive in the end was free. But, the company has profited from ten sandwiches, when you could've spent a tenth of the money on a single sandwich.
Furthermore, even if the other ten sandwiches were free, money would still be spent on gas money to drive you to and from the restaurant. So, no matter how this is examined a person either loses time or money. If someone does not want to pay for a car wash, they must spend money for someone else's time to complete the task. If a person has a job and they cannot watch their kids, they must pay for daycare or a babysitter.
All in all, if a person does not have the time, then they must have the money to compensate.
Thank you for reading and offering this chance to fund my education.
"If You Believe..." Scholarship
I believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to better themselves. Each person is starting the race of life in different places with different obstacles in their way. Due to some of the obstacles, people may need extra assistance from others or a support system. I take pride in watching those around me succeed and grow. If I can help someone else reach their goals or improve their lives, I will do my best to aid them toward their aspirations. I have always wanted to show others what I've learned or know if it will better help them understand.
Helping others is important to me because I feel a special type of pride when I know that someone was counting on me and I got the job done. My largest adversity came from balancing online school, band rehearsal/ performances, and home life. Last fall, I completed my school work online, including two college-level courses. Not to mention, my parents and sisters were home all days, each needing something different to be productive.
My morning started around six in the morning, so I could wake up and eat before my sisters did. Next, I would prep everything needed for the morning and make sure they were occupied before my zooms began. Then, I would complete any assignments I had for the day while keeping my sisters as quiet as possible. Afterward, I would have color guard rehearsal twice a week for two hours in the blazing fall weather of South Carolina. As difficult as the guard was, it was a nice refresher from staying in my house for most of the week. Now, this time in my life was not difficult to complete, it was difficult in managing it all.
Having flexibility in my school schedule was immensely beneficial; however, I quickly grew weary of experiencing similar things each day with little variation between. I became very irate with family members and bothered by the constant tasks of the day. My mental health was at a different type of low than it had ever been before. Due to safety concerns, I rarely left my house outside of guard performances/ practices on the football field.
But, through determination and a little positivity, I made it through a semester of online school. This difficult time had shown me that with determination and time management, anything is possible; even the things that seem unreal can be done.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Studyist Education Equity Scholarship
Everyone should stand for educational equity because everyone deserves to have a chance at a better livelihood. For many lower-income individuals, education could be the ticket toward living in a safer neighborhood, putting more groceries on the table, higher salaries and relying less on government assistance. However, this cannot be accomplished without fairness in the educational
community and while the education system has vastly improved not all schools are created equal.
There are thousands of underfunded schools lacking resources such as computers, library books, internet access, textbooks, and paper. Furthermore, underfunded schools naturally place lower-income students at a high disadvantage. Students may not be able to purchase supplies on their own; this causes students to rely heavily on school-supplied materials. But, if the school is unable to finance those resources, the students are at a loss to complete their work. Through educational equity, students will cease to hold a disadvantage due to finances in the public education sphere.
Next, educational equity should be advocated for because it will allow cycles to be broken. Education is the passport to the world; Education offers better job opportunities, as well as, insurance options. In today's age, there are not many jobs that can be obtained without a degree, certification, license, or training. Through equal opportunity, many can improve their career, lifestyle, and educational goals.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Second Chance Scholarship
I would like to make a change in my life to reach my fullest potential. My old volleyball coach had a saying "nothing changes if nothing changes". It took me a while to catch on, but I eventually realized what she meant. Making a change in my life would allow me to impact my community/ area to the fullest. I have always taken pride in my involvement in my community, but I want to do more. I desire to hold a strong impact in my community. One step toward my goal was participating in an internship this summer.
My major of interest is Communication Sciences and Disorders. After receiving my bachelor's and master's degrees, I will become an accredited, licensed, and certified speech-language pathologist. Also, I would like to specialize in aural, feeding, and forensic speech therapy, all of which come with their own unique aspects that I admire. In June, I started observing at a local pediatric clinic that featured numerous forms of therapy including feeding, occupational, physical, and speech. This experience was very enlightening, I do not think I have ever learned more from watching.
The amazing relationship speech therapists held with their patients showed me how rewarding this career is. Furthermore, I saw how determined patients were and how confident they became as they grew their fluency/ skills. It amazed me how comfortable children were with me even though I did not perform therapy on them. My internship highlighted the incredible impact speech therapists can hold in the lives of babies, children, teens, adults as well as the elderly. Not to mention, they can also work with the hard of hearing, deaf, and bilingual.
This scholarship will help me come closer to my goal by ensuring that I can hold less stress while expanding my education and being an active participant in the community. Furthermore, this scholarship will lower the cost of my tuition, aiding me further in my educational journey. I plan to use any scholarships that I am given to fund my educational goals. Once I have achieved my many educational goals, I will be an active member in the medical field.
My career, funded by financial aid, will provide hope and satisfaction for patients. Also, my schooling will give me the chance to improve the life quality and livelihood of many backgrounds.
Thank you for reading and this opportunity to further fund my education.
Deborah's Grace Scholarship
My moment of the trial began last fall, I was a member of my high school's color guard, did all of my classes online, and watched my sisters during the day while my parents worked from home. The pandemic began only months before, sending my parents home since they normally work in a hospital. However, due to the high number of patients in the hospital, they worked from home. Now, both of their jobs involve numerous meetings and calls to discuss customer service/ efficiency.
Since they had numerous meetings, they needed silence throughout the day. That requirement would have been easy if my sisters were in school, but they were home as well. Not to mention, one of my sisters had to do online school as well, the hard part was making sure she did the required work. Motivating her to complete her school work was just as time-consuming as doing my work. Furthermore, I had zooms to attend for my college classes that were mandatory. If I missed a certain number of zoom meetings, it began to affect my grade.
I had to find a way to make sure that my sisters were good to go, before my parent's meetings began, as well as, my zoom calls. Once I figured out how to properly manage my time, I had to find room to finish my work, but the good news is, most teachers checked work on a weekly basis. So, I had until Thursday night to finish my work, because the teacher checked assignments on Friday afternoons. Also, I often had to schedule individual zoom meetings with my Geometry teacher, because math has never been my strongest subject.
That situation was the focus for about half of the day, but the second half was dependent on guard. I had a two-hour practice for two days each week, with a performance every other Friday at a football game. With the football games usually ending around eleven o clock on Fridays, my face did not hit the pillow until around one in the morning. Due to the football game food not being the best, I usually packed a few snacks to hold me over until I got home. So, I always ate dinner once I came home, showered, and relaxed before finally going to bed.
But, I got through it, how? Honestly, I just kept pushing through each and every day. Even though things were pretty difficult to manage, I made it by telling myself that life could've been worse. I got to get out of the house for 2-3 days out of the week, which was more than what many students in my situation were getting. Guard was difficult and rewarding, not to mention, it gave me the chance to get out of the house. Which, when you have a lot to juggle, taking a brain break can be helpful. Getting outside and tossing a flag, seems so minimal when you have many things to juggle at home.
My perseverance will help me better understand the power and effect of time management skills. Also, it will help me prioritize taking breaks since I can be quite a workaholic when push comes to shove.
Thank you for reading and providing this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
In the midst of a life and world-altering pandemic, it has been difficult to stay hopeful, but, there is one thing that constantly reminds me change is possible. The one belief keeping my optimism alive is education. The world is filled with plenty of issues today, global warming, economic recovery/ crisis, corrupt governments, unfair legislation, slavery, human trafficking and that is just scraping the surface. However, one thing that can change all of this is growth.
A wise person once said, "education is the passport to the world." As often as many people forget, those words are true. Not only does education help many maintain jobs, pay bills and make a living, education also provides a door into a world of problems, as well as, solutions.
It is fairly difficult to solve a problem that one is not knowledgeable about. So, educating ourselves and each other on issues in our community allows government officials to stay accountable for keeping communities safe. Not to mention, advocation creates a community willing to solve problems, rather than ignoring them. However, education expands beyond local or even federal issues. There are several countries in the world with citizens who are living in inhumane conditions.
Did you know that one-hundred and forty-nine countries have enslaved citizens? This is not discussed often in history books or even well covered in news headlines. However, it still occurs and without knowledge, people who are trapped in dangerous situations cannot receive aid or refuge. Without aid and refuge, millions continue to live in dangerous conditions that can be escaped, if only citizens had the support they needed.
Overall, the future can improve through education and change. Through advancements made in the education system and industry, the world's problems can be overcome.
Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to fund my education.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
One of the wisest things I've ever heard came from social media. The quote read, "If you had $86,400 in your bank account each day you woke up and whatever you did not spend went to waste. You would do everything in your power to spend your money, to make sure none of it waste. It's the same with each day, you have 86,400 seconds, use it wisely."
This quote has stuck with me because it proves that we waste so much time on things that truly won't benefit us. It is easy for many to watch a two-hour TV show, but the same people struggle to sit through a two-hour class. This quote highlights how as a society, taking advantage of time is one of the most innovative things we can do. If everyone used their time wastefully, there would be nothing functional in the world. The technological advancements we have would be non-existent.
The devices that help many perform tasks would be no more. The best part is, that is only when a small percentage of people use their time wisely. This means the world could be much safer, efficient, and better if everyone used their time like they were on the clock because at the end of the day we are.
All in all, this quote is special because it reminds me that no day is promised. Many children did not live to see my age, and for the sake of them and future generations. I must use my time in a way that benefits something or someone.
Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity means doing something that was not required because you genuinely want someone else to be happier. Generosity is special to me because it shows the true intentions a person has. For years, I never truly noticed the small things that people did for me, that they did not have to do. I had a close friend, who would walk me to class every day for over two years, just to make sure that I felt comfortable. I never asked him to walk me to class, but he still did it. His actions showed his intentions, it showed where his heart was and how dedicated he was to ensure I felt safe.
Another thing I did not realize until many years ago is how many generous acts go unnoticed. For example, teachers across the country buy everything from notebooks to binders out of pocket, to ensure that lower-income students still have the supplies they need. Honestly, that is not a teacher's job, that is the district and board of education's job to make sure they set aside enough funding for school supplies. However, teachers still purchase materials, because they care enough about students to solve a problem, that is not theirs to solve.
All in all, generosity shows purpose and passion for a person or cause. Thank you for reading and this opportunity to further fund my education.
Bold Technology Matters Scholarship
I am currently very excited about the Microsoft Surface Pro, even though, this might be "new". I'm very excited to get this device for my college years. Last fall I completed online school and I remember the constant struggle to complete chemistry and geometry equations on my MacBook. (which is issued by the school) It was also a lot of extra work to write the problem on paper and then copy that work onto my MacBook for submission.
But, enough about the Macbook, the surface pro is the trick of all trades. Why? Because it combines two of the most used devices for work and school alike. It combines a tablet/ Ipad and a laptop into one. The touch screen quality of a tablet allows students, like me, to write the equations, rather than type and create high-quality handwritten notes, on an electronic device. A plus of this device could be adding a pen, to ensure that handwriting is visible to professors and students. However, with time and practice, that can be mastered as well.
Furthermore, the keyboard aspect of the Surface Pro allows students who are accustomed to the keyboard of a laptop to easily navigate the keyboard of the Surface Pro. Which not only maximizes efficiency but also maximizes typing comfort. The keyboard makes the device perfect for anything that involved typing from essays to emails.
In Conclusion, the Surface Pro allows users to have the perfect union of tablet & computer. Not to mention, the Surface Pro is about half the size of a Macbook or the average standard computer selling in stores. Thus, making it many times lighter in bookbags or computer bags than typical computers. Further maximizing the comfort of the owner and increasing portability. This device single-handedly combines sleek improvements and updates with familiarity.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
One change that could be made to education that would benefit future generations, would be a different approach to teaching. Each teacher has their strong suit, some teachers can only teach if they use a PowerPoint, worksheet, or the board. Other teachers have stronger qualities when it comes to associations. For example, my chemistry teacher came up with a saying BRINCLHOF to help us better remember the gases that needed a subscript of 2 next to them. However, teaching isn't only about the teacher, it is also about the student.
Many teachers become so comfortable with their current teaching styles that they fail to see when students misinterpret. Speaking from personal experience, sometimes it's not the problem itself that causes the confusion. It can simply be the way the problem is worded or even the method used to solve the problem. The way a teacher chooses to approach a problem can make all the difference. But why?
Well, that part is simple. Each student has a combination of learning styles, each of which, works best under specific circumstances. For instance, a student may be a hands-on learner in chemistry, while, this student may also be a visual learner in mathematics. If teachers better understood the multiple approaches to learning, it could heavily benefit them in the classroom. There are three main types of learning styles, auditory, tactile and visual.
Auditory is when concepts or instructions are spoken or relayed by recorded voices. Students with a high level of auditory memory can benefit immensely from this type of teaching style. Auditory learning is also best accompanied by repetition in and outside of the classroom. This has been beneficial for me, while I was taking my Algebra 1 End Of Course Exam my freshman year. My teacher always said, "you got your B", "You got your B". I came across a problem that dealt with that and I almost clicked the wrong answer, until I heard my teacher's voice in my head saying, "you got your B" and I knew which one was correct.
Next is tactile, being able to "feel" certain textures or products can help students (or anyone) better comprehend a concept. For example, in cooking class, watching someone knead dough is helpful, however, you can't always look at dough and tell that it's right. It has to be felt, understanding the differences in texture, can be helpful in those cases. Furthermore, having a sensory relation to a concept is always helpful.
Last is visual, this requires a lot of representation and organization, especially with numerical concepts. One of the hardest classes I have ever taken was Prob & Stat, I remember re-taking many tests and quizzes just to pass. However, when I stopped to make a diagram that represented what the problem was asking, my accuracy improved greatly.
All in all, if teachers can find a way to implement opportunities for all learning styles, students will be more successful, and more likely to remember content.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
While there are plenty of problems I could've chosen to center my essay on, I am choosing unawareness. Out of all the issues that came to mind, I believe this one, is the root of many. Unawareness can be anything from not checking local news or not understanding the events transpiring in the world around you.
This problem excludes many from noticing and solving problems that do not affect them. Many people do not understand the role they play on a global scale. But, it's true, there are many instances where, people need help, however, this information is not recognized by the general public. The issue lies in that is, if public officials are the only people aware of something, they are the only ones who can change it. However, if an entire country is aware of an issue, that provides more approaches toward improvement.
Too often in more developed countries, such as the United States, the standard of living is so high, that citizens have the privilege to be unaware and unaffected by worldwide issues. Meanwhile, there are people in other countries, who are censored, silenced, oppressed, and disadvantages, due to their governments' protocols. However, changes cannot be made without awareness for issues, being unaware allows problems to expand, without a solution or plan in place. The lack of planning and knowledge makes change difficult to create.
Ultimately, unawareness creates a sense of separation and misinterpretation of the world around us. But, getting informed can change lives and eventually, the world.
Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
One way to help people who struggle with mental health is to create an open space for discussion and therapy. Many people who deal with mental illnesses understand that it comes with a stigma. This can make discussing mental health an anxiety-ridden event. The misunderstanding of mental illnesses derives from Hollywood and the general lack of research/ awareness on the topic. This misunderstanding creates a difficult starting point for those with anxiety around their mental illness.
However, this stigma can be stopped through research and resources. Many mental illnesses can be better understood through research, supporting someone through mental health struggles can be easier, if the mental illness is first understood. The research process is crucial to understanding how to approach mental illnesses in a respectful and caring manner. Once the research is done, through careful analysis with a medical professional, such as a counselor, therapist, or psychologist, help can be exponentially helpful.
Once better comprehension is reached, scheduling regular appointments with medical professionals are critical. Normalized appointments without a presence of stigma from friends or family, develop a safe place for patients to receive necessary medications and therapy services. Furthermore, once this space is created, this will normalize discussion of mental illnesses outside of the clinic and with family/ friends.
All in all, the best thing to do, is take the proper steps to create a safe space. When someone is uncomfortable talking about their issues, it makes it that much harder to find help. So, when in doubt, do your research and find out.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
My favorite book is Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas. This story was released after The Hate U Give, however, it serves as a prequel. Concrete Rose tells the story of seventeen-year-old, fatherless, Maverick Carter, who has a baby boy, Seven, and a daughter Starr on the way. This story details the various approaches Maverick took to taking care of Seven and eventually Starr. Maverick was not making enough money working at Mr.Lewis' store to provide for his son.
So, Maverick started dealing various drugs, in an attempt to make more money, which he did.
Maverick was later confronted by Dre, who left the drug life after having a daughter of his own. He almost stopped dealing, however, when his friend was shot, it sent him back into his old habits. Furthermore, Maverick wanted to kill the man who he was sure, shot Dre and he almost did.
However, it seems as though his life flashed before his eyes. At that moment, Maverick realized that if he pulled the trigger, his relationship with his children would mirror the one he had with his own father. Since his father is distant and incarcerated for involvement in the same gang, Maverick once was.
So, what seemed to make life harder, actually saved him from making a poor decision and becoming incarcerated. This story is my favorite because it shows the development of the strong-willed, successful, educated man that Maverick Carter became, as well as, how he got there. It also answers questions from the Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. Overall, this book has a special place in my heart because it shows how determination and motivation can change a life.
Thank you for reading and this opportunity to fund my education.
Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
One of the best pieces of financial advice came from my Mema (grandma). We were sitting on the phone one evening and we were talking about her past, as we usually do. She began discussing her experiences as a teacher and her checks. She told me something that has sat on my mind from the moment I heard it. Since then, it has sat on the forefront of my brain when I make a purchase.
She told me, when you get your check, take a portion of it and put it away each month. Now, don't get me wrong, I've never been a huge spender, in fact, I have money stowed away that I only plan on using in an emergency. She continued, to say that I didn't have to store away much money, I could do whatever I could afford to store away. She expanded by saying, I wouldn't miss the money if it automatically went away after each check.
Then, she explained that when the money is placed in your savings account for a certain period of time, it will expand naturally because of the interest rate. That rate can double, triple, or quadruple the amount of money initially placed in the account. While I have not begun my first job yet, I make sure that I keep the money I have saved, exactly where it is. Not to mention, that I continue to be conscientious about my spending habits and financial tendencies.
To this day, I am very thankful for my grandmother's advice. I will use it once I start working to save for college and my future.
Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to fund my education.
Bold Great Minds Scholarship
If I could dine with one historical figure, I would choose Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in the year 1818. He lived in slavery for the first twenty-one years of his life, prior to escaping to Massachusetts. In Massachusetts, he became a public speaker, author, and firm abolitionist. However, I do not admire Mr.Douglass simply for what he did, I admire how he did it, much more.
During slavery, there were "slave codes" written, which listed what enslaved persons could and could not do. One of the largest rules on the list, forbid slaves to learn to read or write. But, that did not stop Mr. Douglass, who read in secret.
Post-slavery, Mr. Douglass went on to write a book "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass". At the beginning of the story, Frederick discusses how his "soul" escaped from him and how he "became a slave" mentally/physically by obeying someone, who did not truly deserve his respect.
Conversely, later in the book, Mr. Douglass says something that has stuck with me, since the moment I heard it. He said, "I told you how a man became a slave, now I shall tell you how a slave became a man."
This is when Mr. Douglass realized that caving into the things you disagree with isn't okay. He obeyed commands and he still wasn't happy. One day after fieldwork, while his master was away, someone gave him a "root", that would protect him from being beaten. After putting on the root and placing faith in it, he gained the courage to fight off his master. Which he did, successfully. This moment gave Frederick his manhood, in the sense that a man, stands up for himself. That attitude led Mr. Douglass toward freedom, his deepest desire.
White Coat Pending Scholarship
I'm Trinity Bullock and I will attend a community college for my Associate of Arts. Once I have my associates, I will transfer to Valdosta State University and receive my bachelor's and masters in Communication Sciences and Disorders. I would like to become a Speech-therapist because I admire and respect what they do. Not to mention, Speech therapists have a variety of options as far as work location; clinics, home health, hospitals, nursing homes, and school. This diversity allows them to care for a wide scope of individuals.
I have been participating in an internship for the past month at a private-practice pediatric clinic. At my internship, I have had the privilege to observe Speech-therapists during feedings, straight speech sound therapy as well as, initial and re-evaluations. This experience has opened my eyes to many of the issues faced by members of my community.
After graduating and completing my 9-month fellowship, I will begin full-time work as a Speech-language pathologist. I desire to work in an underserved community because it gives me the chance to truly make a difference in my career. Often times in the healthcare industry, there are millions of people who desperately need assistance and care. However, they do not receive it because they cannot afford it or don't have appropriate resources in their area for proper care.
Due to the flexibility in the locations speech therapists can work in, I have an advantage in reaching underserved individuals. Knowing that there are underserved people in my community is very devastating. It shows that while the healthcare system has vastly improved, it still has many more milestones to reach.
Serving in an underserved community will give me a chance to help someone come closer to a better livelihood. Many underserved individuals are afraid to seek healthcare for fear of embarrassment or stigma, but, with the proper treatment and care that can be overcome. I highly desire to make a difference, to make each and every patient that I see understand that I care.
I want my future patients to know that they are not just another face in the building. I want patients to know that their health and happiness are valued during treatment. Also, I want to prove that just because you are not in a certain income bracket, does not mean that you do not deserve healthcare/therapy.
Serving a variety of individuals will allow me to use my education for the betterment of society. Many people come from underserved communities and never look back. But, I want to always show that just because I have not lived in their shoes, doesn't mean I can't make their walk less dreadful. All in all, I would like to care for any individual because I want their lives to be improved and show them that everyone deserves health care.
Thank you for reading and giving me this opportunity to fund my education.
MedLuxe Representation Matters Scholarship
I would like to become an accredited, certified, and licensed Speech-language pathologist. Once I have completed school I will specialize in feeding and swallowing disorders. I will help patients who have trouble swallowing certain liquids/foods and strengthen their mouth muscles. Through doing this, I will aid patients with their motor skill growth and make eating/swallowing less of a hassle. As a speech therapist, I will help parents and providers better understand what their child or patient needs to be successful, so, they can eventually graduate from therapy.
However, Speech therapy is a white female-dominated healthcare field, and as a black female I will definitely stand out at most clinics/hospitals. I am currently interning at a Pediatric Speech-therapy clinic and all of the Speech Therapists are white women. So, the thought of me being a black woman in a mostly white field truly inspired me. It's inspiring because it shows that healthcare isn't just for one type of person. Anyone who truly cares for people and wants to make a difference can be a successful healthcare provider, regardless of the career.
I believe that racial diversity is crucial because it will give a variety of perspectives in the healthcare system. For example, if something isn't being implemented at home, having a co-worker who can cross a cultural barrier to help parents understand treatment is helpful. Honestly, I will say racial diversity in healthcare is immensely encouraging as someone who is a person of color. To go on social media and see other women of color working in the healthcare field, reminds me that I can break those barriers too. However, it is critical to have a variety of individuals who can bring a unique approach to an issue being faced. For instance, maybe a child is bilingual and their therapist struggled to translate. Having multi-lingual and culturally aware healthcare providers will break barriers build through lack of knowledge.
Lastly, racial diversity is critical to creating an environment that is open-minded and inclusive. Since, if a co-worker is disrespectful or racist to an employee, what will stop them from having that approach to patients of the same racial group. Expanding the group through diversity will show patients and co-workers alike, that race doesn't matter. Every health professional made it to their career because they care about others and have a passion for their job. That passion should always go beyond cultural, ethnic, lingual, and racial barriers.
Thank you for this opportunity to fund my education and reading.
Mental Health Movement x Picmonic Scholarship
It was mid-September 2020, I had recently started online school due to the pandemic and my mother's health concerns. I had been at home for several months now with my family, trying to balance chores, schoolwork and a house full of people who all needed silence to work. To put it sweetly, it was dreadful. I woke up each day only to do the same thing I did yesterday. The only thing that kept my spirit up during the pandemic, was colorguard. Twice a week I went to color guard rehearsal, even though it was in the afternoon heat of Fall, it was better than being inside. Guard allowed me to step outside, something I didn't do very often last fall.
However, guard couldn't follow me home and change the fact that I had to do online school. Guard couldn't change the fact that I was struggling to hold myself up. With things being a little shaky at home, I felt like guard was the only chance I had to escape the walls of my home. But, with that being said, I came out of it. I learned to manage my time around my sisters, chores and my schoolwork. So, when January 2021 arrived, I was ready to go to school. Let me just say, no matter how bad it sounds, taking a break from the "usual" can be healthy.
This experience helped me learn that mental struggles aren't always as simple as they seem. But, now, I make sure that ask my family and friends about how they're doing, always making sure they feel comfortable telling someone about their thoughts. And, that if they are going through something, that they understand they have a safe place with me, always. Because I'm a teenager, I often find it difficult to discuss my thoughts or feelings what adults. Even though, they can try to understand, they've never been a child in this time, so they can't completely relate. So, making sure that my peers feel comfortable coming to another teen is how I can help.
Lillie Award
I would like to attend a local community college, obtain my Associate of Arts and transfer to Valdosta State University. Once at Valdosta, I will work toward my bachelor's and master's in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Once I have those degrees, I will become an accredited, certified, and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist. Those health care professionals aid patients with speech impairments, as well as, swallowing difficulties due to a stroke. I realized this was the career for me when I began my research and internship. I have always enjoyed knowing that others are depending on me to complete a task or help them. There's a special form of satisfaction received when you know someone is leaning on you for help.
I thought about nursing for a while but I dismissed it because I am very squeamish. I also considered teaching, I love to show others how to do something after I learn. However, I don't think I would do well in a classroom full of students, with their own unique needs. Shortly after doing a little research, I took the PSAT, based on your score, the test categorizes careers they believe are a good fit. One of my clusters was health care, so, I started researching health care careers that kept me away from bodily fluid.
I came across speech therapy and after visiting a few websites I realized that it combined the aspects of two careers I respected. However, I truly gained an understanding of how satisfying the career is when I began my internship. Speech therapists help with tasks that many take for granted, such as, swallowing or asking for help. During my time as an intern, I have witnessed the passion that speech-therapists possess when it comes to helping others and making a difference.
I have observed speech therapists reassuring patients that they are capable and celebrating alongside them when they reach their goals. Patients gain confidence because of the care that Speech Therapists provide. Not to mention, speech therapists are aware that there are many factors that affect speech from developmental disorders to tongue ties. Furthermore, their career allows them to work with patients from all walks of life; from babies in feeding therapy to geriatric therapy.
The diversity and passion in this career have driven me toward it. Through this career, I will provide therapy for members of my community, while being surrounded by like-minded professionals who also wish to aid their community.
Thank you for this opportunity to fund my education.
Brandon Zylstra Road Less Traveled Scholarship
It has always been a goal of mine to make a difference, to leave my mark on someone. To make someone remember me and what I showed them about life. I would like to go to college and major in Communication Sciences and Disorders. That major will lead me to become an accredited, certified, and licensed speech-language pathologist. Speech therapists improve hundreds of lives each day, by helping with swallowing/feeding difficulties and helping with speech sound production. Last school year, I began taking dual enrollment courses, allowing me to take some college courses now, to offset my tuition later.
This summer, I am observing speech therapists at a local pediatric clinic to develop a better understanding of what my life after school could be like. This internship has provided insight into the daily duties of speech therapists. I plan to attend a community college for my general education requirements and then transfer to a public university, for my bachelor's and master's degrees. Then, I will complete a paid nine-month fellowship before receiving my license.
It was my freshman year in high school and I was a member of the Cat's Paw Yearbook Staff. Even though I had previously participated in yearbook class, yearbook at the high school level was a very different story. We had to write stories and captions using a special form of English, known as AP Style. We had photography assignments that were weighed as test grades, which required us to attend sports and fine arts events outside of school. Not to mention, because I was a staffer, we had to interview various students throughout the school day to complete pages.
That was on a normal day, but at that point in the year, it was crunch time. It was around March, which meant that the entire yearbook was due in about a week. Now, that doesn't sound that bad, until I realized that I would receive several pages at once to complete by the end of the week. Which wasn't "impossible", but it did require high amounts of time management. With finals coming up and grades being due for many classes, I stressed just thinking about how I would get it done. But, sooner than later, I realized that I had the power to control when my work was done. And if there's one thing I hate to be, it's late. When we turned in the book late, we lost hundreds to thousands of dollars a day, resulting in less funding for the following year's book.
That year, we had an 80 minute lunch period, so I came in during the start of lunch and began placing pictures. Then, I asked classmates (who were also in there during lunch) to help me identify who was in the pictures. Then, I wrote the first two sentences of my captions and brainstormed story angles. Then, I ate lunch and planned whatever else I could for my spread. Then, when class came, I found what classes the students had and interviewed them. With the help of my time management skills, I finished my work early and helped other classmates. It was a difficult time, we had duties for other classes, not to mention, it naturally takes a few days to complete one spread, whereas we had multiple. However, that moment showed me that with determination and organization, anything can be accomplished.
Thank you for reading.
Louise Speller Cooper Memorial Scholarship
There was a point in my life where I didn't know what I wanted to do with my career. But, I knew one thing, I was going to college. From a young age, my mom emphasized the importance of doing well in school. She showed me that it wasn't an option to make a name for myself, once I branched off into adulthood. Even though there are other options outside of college, she understood that in today's age, it's difficult to pay bills from a job where a college degree isn't required. Furthermore, my mom has always supported my educational goals. She believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself. For example, last fall I began taking dual enrollment classes. (college courses and high school courses). I had never taken a college-level course before, not even Advanced Placement. I was nervous about it, but my mom encouraged me to apply for the program at my school. I did, and it opened my eyes to the joy of the college experience. I loved the newfound freedom in college coursework. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've never proved to myself that I could do well in a more advanced course.
Not to mention, because of her advice, I won't have to spend as much time on my general education requirements for college. Also, I won't have to spend as much money as most incoming college students do, during their first year. Her insight will lead me closer to my degree and eventually, my career. But, she showed me that there are bigger reasons to make a name for myself. I have several younger siblings, four sisters, and a brother. As the firstborn, I set the tone for the expectations my younger siblings have. While their dreams may be nothing like mine, the goal of producing a productive citizen remains the same. My mom recognizes that with every accomplishment I make, I show my siblings that just because you're a minority, doesn't mean you can't have success. She also demonstrated how when I'm successful, I pave the way for other young women to come and do the same.
I always wanted to be a positive and productive role model for my siblings. My mom showed me that if I want something, I have to be willing to put my best foot forward for it. I gave my all to dual enrollment and had an incredible experience. My mom has shaped my ambitions in life by showing me that I have the power to determine my future.
Thank you for reading.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
My story begins in the sixth grade when my grandfather passed away from lung cancer. I am currently a rising senior in high school. I still remember how frustrated and upset I was all the time. However, this story isn't about me. It's about my grandmother, who has been married to my grandfather for decades. After his death, I noticed that she was more irate than ever before. Her patience was as long as a string of hay. I stayed at her house for a little over a week last summer and I noticed she was very particular about everything.
I woke up each morning, got dressed, and fixed her breakfast to make sure she ate her morning pills. I went to fix her toast and she wanted it covered in spray-on butter, so I did that. She wanted her microwavable oatmeal filled with a little more water than needed and heated for three minutes. I did exactly as she asked, however, as I predicted because I ate oatmeal all time, her oatmeal was "soupy". But, having followed her instructions exactly, I took it to her. She tasted it and proclaimed, "Why isn't like the oatmeal I had yesterday?" I answered, "I did it exactly as you told me." And she said, "Well, maybe there's no love in it." Which was her way of saying, I didn't want to do it at all, so I did it wrong. Which was not the case.
Now, I could've delved further into the situation but I didn't, something told me that statement wasn't true. I knew that she was speaking out of repressed anger and pain. But, I quickly saw that not everyone understood her grief the way I did. When I was growing up, I went over to my grandparent's house all the time. They made me and my cousins clean, it was expected that you did what they asked with not a peep said back. My younger cousins currently live with her, however, they don't understand that expectation. So, of course, while I was there, my grandmother asked us to clean and help her with tasks.
My cousins did a few things she asked, but, not without the presence of smart comments muttered under their breath. Which that type of behavior with a baby boomer never, ever works in your favor. It made my grandmother even more upset. So, after witnessing my cousins' behavior, I gave them a long lecture about grief and respect. I showed them that the best way to honor him is to treat her with respect. However, it also showed me that grief can bring people together. In fact, I often sit down with my grandmother and ask about her past with my grandfather. When I do, she seems genuinely happy and at peace. Since people can die but their legacy and effect on you never do. Overall, witnessing my grandmother's change has shown me that a little compassion will carry you a long way. Also, I have learned that the way you approach a situation can change the situation itself. Making someone feel comfortable enough with you to have those tough conversations and not be afraid to express themselves to you.
I Am Third Scholarship
My educational goal is to become an accredited, licensed, and certified speech-language pathologist. I knew this was the career for me because it combines two careers I admire. I appreciate the helping and leadership aspect of nursing. However, I am very uncomfortable with bodily fluids and organs. If I were in an operating room I would probably faint. Another career I considered was teaching, I love to show others what I know. However, I don't think I would be the best fit for a room full of children. Speech therapy conjoined multiple aspects of those careers into one.
But, after observing speech therapists at a local pediatric clinic, I understood that speech held more power than I thought. As I began my internship, I have noticed how heart-tugging it is when a child cannot or will not speak. I see the emotional despair that the children hold because they want something or need something but can't voice it. It causes their behavior to carry more weight in their daily lives because there are very few other ways to communicate when you're not old enough to read or write. So, maybe the child misbehaves, but it's not because the child is "troubled" or "bad", it's because the child is frustrated. Their brain understands what they need but it lacks collaboration with their mouth muscles to express that.
It reminds me of the value your voice holds at such a young age and how lacking a voice can hinder understanding. Conversely, I observe the satisfaction that therapists and patients alike receive when comprehension improves. Also, I see how diligently children work to pronounce certain sounds properly or position their tongue in the correct spot for muscle memory. Not only that, speech therapists work with all ages in a variety of settings. Many therapists work in nursing homes or hospitals with elderly patients who cannot swallow certain liquids/foods, due to a stroke.
There's a special type of gratification knowing that you helped someone eat or drink. It's such an interesting career because you help people with everyday things that many take for granted. But, the reality is, our voice could leave us tomorrow or we may not be able to consume certain consistencies. The best part is, there are caring and highly trained professionals, to help you.
My future career can impact the world through understanding. When you lack basic communication skills, it causes you to be misunderstood and frustrated. However, with a little compassion and care, parents can better understand their children. As well as, help them become outstanding communicators and improve their quality and enjoyment of life.
Thank you for reading.
Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
It was April 2020, I came home from school thinking that I would be out of school for a week. Three weeks later, stores ran out of household essentials such as toilet paper and cleaning supplies. I spent months in my home, like millions of other families did. Once school began in August, my mom chose the virtual learning option for the first semester of the school year. I was at home with my three younger sisters, my mom, and my stepdad, trying to do assignments and work. It was the same agonizing routine every day. I woke up, ate breakfast, logged into zoom meetings, completed assignments, ate lunch, relaxed when I had the chance, and tried to encourage my sister with her work. Staying inside with my family, in between the same walls, almost twenty-four hours a day, every day, quickly became exhausting.
The only break I had from that painful routine, was color guard/band. Despite how helpful the band was when I came back home I was exhausted. I still had to eat dinner, clean the kitchen, shower, and head to sleep. It was as though the work never ceased. Online school was extremely fast-paced, to the point where I had to work on weekends to stay on top of my assignments. I began sleeping less, communicating less, my eczema flared up, and I was overwhelmingly unhappy. It was as if I was stuck, in an endless loop, forever. And I quickly realized that I needed to get out more, I began running the neighborhood on weekends and meditating. I downloaded apps to journal or vent about my day. Although those steps didn't cure the funk I was in. It definitely helped.
As far-fetched as this sounds, the cure was going back to school. I loved waking up every day and leaving my house. Even when the classrooms were so quiet that I could hear a pin drop. Even when I couldn't recognize some of my classmates in the hall because they wore masks. All I had to do was break my routine, once I broke it, I felt powerful. I felt like the endless loop that I was stuck in, vanished.
My experience with mental health allowed me to see that your environment plays a large role in your mental health. Once I got out of the house and changed my environment, I was happier. I truly felt like I was living again. It also made me notice the power of how you approach a situation. I chose to be considerate when I spoke to people, I even made it a goal to try to hand out a compliment a day. Everyone is on the spectrum of something and because we are always on the outside looking in, we never really how close someone is falling off the edge of their safety cliff. But, overall, my experience with mental health has made me understand that what you say and do to a person can ruin them. So, when you're emotional please choose your words wisely.
Thanks for reading :)
Team Black Empowerment Scholarship
I've pondered nearly my whole life about what I want to be. Well, not what, but more like, who. My largest goal for adulthood is to give back to others. It has taken me years to realize, that there were many hidden sacrifices made to keep my life great. People have always done kind and generous things for me. I can only hope to scrape the surface of that generosity in my adult years. Giving back to my community will allow me to hold a position that I haven't held before. Helping your community is like planting a seed, you start with a small bundle to work with. But, as you nourish and provide for that seed, it begins to expand and eventually grow. Once it grows, you have a network of stems, branches, and roots collaborating to develop a tree.
Once the tree is large and tall, the tree won't remember being a seed. But, you will remember the growth, the sweat, the time, patience, and courage it took to grow that powerful tree. The only thing I can hope to be, that no amount of school can teach me, is a good human being. Someone that doesn't need to know a stranger to help them and doesn't need a check to do a good deed. I can only hope to leave my mark on someone, so they can pass it on.
Thank you.
Susy Ruiz Superhero Scholarship
It was the first semester of my sophomore year in high school. My first class of the day was Algebra 2, which happened to be the most failed course in the entire school. I performed decently in Algebra 1, so, I was partially confident that Algebra 2 would be the same ball game. About nine weeks into the course, I managed to maintain an A- grade. The outlook for Algebra 2 looked very promising. But, that soon came to a close.
The second half of the course was strikingly different than the first. Honestly, I'm not sure what happened. I had always been an early bird, waking up at around five in the morning, to help my sisters get ready for school and take my sister to the bus stop. Not to mention, make sure that I had enough time to get dressed, eat breakfast and catch the bus. Despite my early-rising, I came into class tired all of the time. At first, I thought it was the Benadryl I took each morning for my allergies. I tried everything in my willpower to stay awake in the course. I took frigid bottles of water, brought mints, snacks and even sat in the front.
And yet, I still struggled to keep my eyes open each morning and my grade was feeling the aftermath. Once I realized my drowsiness was rather consistent, I decided to meet up with my teacher and improve my grade through one-on-one practice. So, each afternoon during my teacher's lunch break, I practiced every piece of material I didn't retain from class. I worked with my teacher and my understanding grew before her eyes. But, once it was test time, everything I learned flew out the window. My teacher went as far as breaking it down into steps for me to understand during lunch and it still didn't stick.
Truthfully, I felt like a lost cause, it didn't matter what I did, I still lacked comprehension. But regardless, Ms.Wingate still worked with me, and many other students, during her lunch break. She worked with me, despite how much I felt like a lost cause. At the end of the semester, she was even kind enough to help students who wished to improve their grades. So, I retook many tests and brought my grade out of the gutter. To this day, I appreciate the effort and energy she put into making sure I was satisfied with my educational experience. But, Ms.Wingate taught me something that I only noticed after taking her class. She showed me how much teachers truly value your education and that they value your learning enough to go the extra mile for you.
Thanks for reading!
Art of Giving Scholarship
I am currently a rising high school senior and I aspire to major in Communication Sciences and Disorders. After I obtain a bachelor's and master's degree in that field, I will be able to work as a Speech-Language Pathologist/Speech Therapist. Speech therapists aid millions of patients each year, working in clinics, hospitals, nursing homes, and schools. They help children properly pronounce words and syllables, not to mention they help with feeding/swallowing issues for all age groups. I am currently doing an internship at a local pediatric clinic and everyday I watch children improve their skills. I observe first-hand the satisfaction on parents' faces.
However, six years of school requires a high amount of financial security that I don't have. I plan on attending a Community College next fall for my general education requirements to help offset the cost of my education. While at a junior college, I plan to participate in a work-study job offered on campus to further help fund my degree. So, that I can attempt to graduate with less debt. After receiving my general education requirements I want to transfer to University to begin my major-focused studies. Receiving this scholarship would relieve a portion of my worries about funding my education.
Thank you for this opportunity.
With great thanks, Trinity
"Wise Words" Scholarship
It was my eighth-grade year, my second year playing volleyball, and my first year playing at Pleasant Hill Middle School. The athletic department had just hired a new coach, Coach Erica, to say the very least, she was tough! If there was even a slight presence of laziness or lack of effort, the entire team would run or do extra drills until we got it right. But, it wasn't just her tough-love approach that stuck with me all these years later, as a rising senior.
She had this saying, she'd always say it when things got tough: during practice, during conditioning, and in the huddle during games. She'd say, "Nothing changes if nothing changes." Despite me hearing this saying for months, I never actually understood it until far after the season was complete. When I heard it in the beginning, it didn't make much sense. But, now, I understand. Coach Erica was trying to say, that if we seek to change, we first must be willing to make one. In our case, if we wanted to play more, we would have to change how we were practicing or how much we practiced. Or, if we wanted to improve our skill level, we'd have to change what we did in our free time.
This quote is special because it showed me that my fate is always partially in my hands. Coach Erica showed me, that while I might not have been able to control whether she put me in the starting lineup, I could control, how hard I worked, and in turn, that would influence her decision for the line-up. It also taught me how you can play on the same team and have very different results. Ultimately, she indirectly taught me, the changes we choose to make, become the changes that we eventually see.
Penny Collins Scholarship
Seven years ago social psychologist, Dr. Corinne Moss-Racusin, conducted a study on gender discrimination in the workplace by creating two resumes. The resumes were identical in experience, education, and personal attributes; with one slight change. One resume was written by "John" and the other by "Jennifer". Dr. Corrine sent the resumes to hundreds of medical professionals across the country for "review". Despite a nearly identical resume, "Jennifer" was less likely to be offered a job and if she received the job, she was paid thirteen percent less than "John". (Alexander W. Watts, The Clayman Institute For Gender Research).
However, minimal job opportunities for women in the workplace are only the tip of the iceberg. Gender discrimination and mistreatment in the workplace can easily develop due to a lack of advocacy. In the case of "Jennifer", a potential employee in the STEM field is a part of measly twenty-three percent of female workers. This discrimination can be conquered by recognizing that in a male-led environment it is easy for discrimination toward women to be overlooked. Since, women only account for roughly 1/4 of the STEM field, their grievances may be ignored.
Furthermore, discrimination can be addressed during the application process. Employers should dwelve beyond resume content, and focus on understanding the employee. This includes strengthening the hiring process through: interviewing and discussing leadership skills. If, in the case of "Jennifer" employers focused more on ability, they would've recognized the similarities between the two resumes and possibly hired two highly qualified applicants. Not to mention, if the employers had to only choose either "John" or "Jennifer" they could've requested an interview, upon recognizing that the resume material was the same.
Intersectionality can conquered through an emphasis on the "team" aspect that the workplace should hold. Regardless of the job, each employee is apart of a network, in which each employee's job is valued for the betterment of the business/company. It begins with coworkers recognizing that differences can be immensely beneficial in problem solving and decision making. The "conflicting" viewpoint may be the appropriate solution to the company's problem. Once differences have a positive connotation, it wouldn't matter that the head scientist is Marcella and rather than Marcus. Additionally, honoring accomplishments in a respectful yet celebratory approach can highlight an individual's achievements without excluding the individual. For instance, if a newly hired Juanita, happens to be the first female CEO, highlighting her accomplishments as the first female to do is an honorary act. However, ensuring that her team contribution is highlighted enough, to where she feels as though she is never "female" before she is Chief Executive Officer.
In conclusion, discrimination can be changed in the work place with an emphasis on collectivity, transparency, recognition and consideration.