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Tochi Anugwom


Bold Points




My goal in life is to help people as much as I can. Being an Ob-gyn helps me do that.


South Ridge High School

High School
2017 - 2021


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Nursing, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Obstetrician Gynecologist

    • babysitter

      2020 – 2020


    Track & Field

    2010 – 20144 years


    2018 – 2018


    • Business/Managerial Economics

      School — Inventor
      2019 – 2019


    • i joined a dance team and eventually created mine

      Lunch productions
      2018 – 2019
    • class

      after school arts night
      2019 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Solid rock Phoenix food distribution — Member/distributer
      2016 – Present

    Future Interests




    John J. DiPietro COME OUT STRONG Scholarship
    My role model is not just someone from a TV series, of a character from a book, my role model is my father. First I would like to begin with the definition of a role model. According to the dictionary, "A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don't want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements, but continues to strive for bigger and better objectives." This describes my father. He has always been there for me and my family from the beginning. There is no day where he has done anything that would negatively affect the people he loves. He works three jobs just for us to be able to have a roof over our heads, and food on the table. He also works hard so that my mother, who has 2 jobs, can have resting time. Not only does he have these jobs and responsibilities, he also recently starting school. He works during the day, sometimes the night, and still comes back to sit on a chair for hours doing school work. He wants to better his practice so he can get higher-paying jobs in that area to yet again support us, his family. Not only does he support us, but he also supports others around him. He always helps people no matter the condition he is physically or economically. He does these things not looking for a reward other than the peace of mind that that person would be okay. This is a very important trait when it comes to being a good human being. My father has shaped me into who I am because he has passed down many important life lessons. He has taught me to be kind and nothing less. He also thought me to rely on me, myself, and me but also know when to ask for help. This is a great life lesson that will work not only in my life but also in my future career path. I plan to become an obstetrician-gynecologist. From a young age, I have always admired this job because of what it is. It is a job where I get to help women like me and their future lineage. I get to take care of women and their families. I also chose this job because where I am from, there are not many gynecologists. Many go onto other jobs, some don't even complete nursing school. A lot of people give up when they hear the word doctor because it is intimidating. I agree that it is intimidating and hard because you are in charge of someone else's life but that motivates me more to do better. My father has taught me to never give up and to care and love for everything and everyone around me.
    Bold Activism Scholarship
    In the world we live in right now, there are a lot of things that need to be changed. As we all know, police brutality has become more talked about since police brutality rates have gone up. Police brutality has always been a serious issue in the world but most people decide to ignore it. Now it has become more of a problem because the oppressed have begun rioting. Many people then said that rioting won't change anything and that's where I say they are wrong. Rioting does cause chaos and it attracts attention and that is why it is being used by the oppressed. The oppressed not only consist of coloured people but generally people who see the wrong in police brutality. The people are tired of crying for help, asking for help, and being ignored. They have found measures that attract attention so that people would finally hear them and see them. I personally haven't attended riots and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm not saying I don't believe in the cause, as a black teenager in America, I do 100% believe in this cause but I would rather help by doing things differently. I use my day to day interactions and social media accounts to spread awareness of everything wrong with police brutality. I spread facts of the issue to people around me however I can. An issue this big affects every one of different ages, genders, cultures, and more. This especially affects coloured and Generation Z individuals. I do believe that protesting is the right way to do things but like I said, being an underaged black teenager in America, I could get in countless amounts of trouble just protesting peacefully. No one can say that is wrong because we see it on the news. Many coloured teenagers and adults are being killed, thrown into prison, and hurt because of the colour of their skin. They could be protesting calmly and following every rule but still, the police and the Government sees them and tries to silence them. Sadly most times, they succeed. Even though I cannot physically go to protests, I can share my knowledge and help spread the word more. Protesting for Black lives matter and other problems isn't a trend, it should never be a trend. Knowledge about it should never stop being spread. Protests shouldn't stop until we get every wrong turned into a right. The problem of police brutality isn't only in the United States, it is everywhere in the world. Right now, my home country, Nigeria is in the middle of its war. This war isn't between countries, or religions like before, now it is between the Government and the people. This topic, like many others, is not new. This has been a problem for many years but now the people have finally decided to stand up for what they believe in without backing down. The police and soldiers are roaming the streets, shooting aimlessly at the innocent and calm protesters. They are ordered to do this without stopping for peace. They are trained to shoot to kill, trained by their Government. This same Government was put there to protect and keep the country in order. They would shoot and kill anyone they see that isn't the Government or the police themselves. Tuesday, 20th October 2020 was one of the worst days, the Nigerian citizens have seen. Hundreds of people were killed during the protest in the Lekki toll gate, Lagos Nigeria. Several of those people were just innocent people that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The government tried to cover it up by saying there was a group of rough protesters and that the people were not killed but just hurt a little bit. This shows how corrupt and ignorant the Government is. Though the people have videos, pictures, and personal statements of what happened and how people were being killed, the Government still tried to cover their mess up. Not only do we have a war going on, for years, but countless children from the age of 5- 18 are also forced to work in horrible conditions and are being paid little to nothing. Nothing is being done about this because the people are too scared to stand up. Though I cannot physically be there to help, more than ever, I am sharing my knowledge of current events, sharing credible facts, and links to donation sites. To get people, whether Nigerian or not, to sign petitions in order to stop the government. I have always done this and I don't plan on ending anytime soon. These issues need to be fixed now because we are all tired of this. I will do everything in my power, from posting and sharing about it in on my social media platforms, to going to calm protests, and sending out informational packets, to make sure people continually hear about the wrongs happening in the world until the wrongs are turned into rights.
    Prime Mailboxes Women in STEM Scholarship
    I was in STEM for a majority of my middle school years. Though I moved schools most of the time, I still found myself joining STEM programs because I felt that was where I was needed. I have many other hobbies/ interests but I still made time to participate and help in any STEM activity we were doing. STEM to me is no just learning about science, technology, English, and math. STEM is much more than just learning the subjects, it also includes teaching, and discipline whether you are the student or not. This academic disciple helps learners learn and teach and also help teachers keep this alive. Through STEM, we develop many life skills. This academic discipline doesn't just serve as something to take in school for a grade, or just for an after school program you join to pass the time, it is more than that. It is such a great program that brings great and intelligent minds together for problem-solving, critical thinking, and more. It creates critical thinkers, trains your mind, helps in problem-solving, teaches discipline, increases knowledge in science, technology, English, math, and more. It plays a key role in a students journey/path/guide to their future. STEM is everything and most people don't realize it. That's why I am glad to know that almost every school, tries to introduce STEM in. This will help many kids, teachers, and parents. I plan to become an OBGYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologists') and this will greatly help me. I have always used the things I have learned from STEM in all areas of my life. I use it intentionally and unintentionally. It has become such a great and useful part of my life that I use in almost every situation. To problem-solving of the highest degree to even the simple things. STEM teachings can be used everywhere. It is being used everywhere if you look closely. Being an OBGYN and using what I have learned from STEM would not only help me save and help lives but also make likes better. STEM has so much to offer and till this day, being a senior in high school, I am glad and grateful for the opportunity I had to be taught under some great teachers and staff in the STEM program. I have always used the keys learned and I will forever continue to teach, learn and use them.
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now as a senior , I am ready to start putting forth my hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. I will need to be disciplined and hard-working throughout my time in college. My target G.P.A for college is at least a 3.9. I plan to choose a nursing major in ASU and complete my four years of medical school. I also plan to become an Obstetrician, Gynecologist. I chose this because of all its demands. Not only does it require medical and educational skills, but it also requires the need to care for others. I chose this job because I had always made it my priority to take care of others. This profession enables me to take care of women and their lineage. I will know my goal is achieved when I become a certified nurse and a graduate student in a top medical school in the United States. I will have reached my goal by May 2025. My long term goal is to become board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. I want to do this to be able to help women around the world have a smooth delivery. This job holds two lifes in its hands. You have to make sure you are ready to do something like this because you cannot back out while people are in need of your help.
    Evie Irie Misfit Scholarship
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I come from a country called Nigeria. The country is known for its corrupt government and poor quality. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. I came to the USA a few years ago and when I got here, I was immediately labeled as someone who is that smart or worth much. This made me feel like a misfit in everything I did and with anyone I had any type of relationship with. I never wanted to accept it and that was a great decision because of what it has helped me achieve. Because of this experience, I have had quite the same perspective on life. I believed that everyone has to grow alone. I then later in life, learned that yes you can grow alone but you can grow alone together. You can have friends, family, and a husband/wife and still grow alone. Growing alone doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be alone. For me, it means that you have to focus on yourself too from time to time. The fact that people already labeled me as not be able to do anything extraordinary, made me work harder. Not only did I do this to show that I am worth it, but I did for me. For me to be able to grow and be more responsible and mature in everything I do.
    Nikhil Desai Reflect and Learn COVID-19 Scholarship
    The pandemic of COVID-19 did not come out of a magical portal, it came with warning signs and all. This gives the impression that we were all prepared for something this catastrophic. The answer in fact is that we weren't. Under weak leadership and denial, most of us decided to ignore the blaring signs. No one, no matter how prepared they looked, was actually ready to give up their whole life and stay indoors. The idea of something so easily caught and deadly spreading around struck fear in the hear of most. While others ignored the statistics and warnings. My family and I immediately started being careful about where we went, who we met, and what we did. We didn't want to risk the chance of us losing our lives. Schools were closed, Churches were shut down until further notice, hangouts and meetings were limited, malls and other open places were closed. I had to move my senior year of high school online. At first, it was fun to be able to do school from my home but then it quickly dawned on me that this is a lot more serious than the former president of the USA, Donald Trump, told the citizens about. The number of deaths increased day by day, quicker than anyone would've imagined. Now I am going to have online graduation, my parents have to work three jobs to keep us afloat and then have to go back to the hospital to take care of the sick, my siblings and I are stuck in our home for days on days, weeks on weeks and more. Even though my family and I are going through a lot, we pause just to remind ourselves how lucky we are. I still get to go to school and finally graduate, my parents still have their jobs, and last but certainly not least, my loved ones and I have not been affected by the Corona Virus. The year is almost over and we haven't been rushed to the hospital, or we haven't fallen sick, we are still alive and healthy. This experience has thought me to be grateful, kind, and learn to not things for granted.
    Angelica Song Rejection is Redirection Scholarship
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. At a young age, I always believed that everything in life will never be handed to you. I didn't come from a rich background. My parents worked really hard at work and never really had time to come to my school productions or help with homework. They worked hard to earn good pay for our family, to be able to support us. I am truly grateful for that. It made me start relying on myself. This helped me from middle school, high school, and it will definitely help me in the future to come. I am grateful that even with a busy schedule, though they weren't there for everything, they were still able to shape me into the beautiful and independent woman I am today. This "failure" made me who I am today and that is thanks to my experience. Everything I have gone through since I was born, whether good nor bad, has made me the great person I am now. Even though these "failures" might have hurt back then, they began to truly work in my favor. I was able to turn the bad things and make them into good. I reaped and I sowed. This means I planted my failures and turned them into large bundles of success. I am not going to stop doing this. I will take this "failure" with me for the rest of my life and pass it on to as many people as I can. Rejection is never something that someone wants to go through. For me, I'm always afraid of rejection but what I remind myself is that all I can do after is come back better and stronger. Whenever I get rejected from an opportunity or an idea, I step back, think about the steps I took and how I can better them. Then I come back with everything down and ready. I don't give my plan space for wrongs. I make my plan bulletproof so that when I do come back for my second chance, I am a hundred percent ready for anything that might come up against me. Failure shouldn't stop you from achieving your goals. No one stands in your way except you. You need to step back and come back stronger and better. That is the motivational system, thoughts, and quotes that I train myself to work by in my everyday life and tasks. These help me overcome my failures and turn my rejection into a good thing.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    In the world we live in right now, there are a lot of things that need to be changed. As we all know, police brutality has become more talked about since police brutality rates have gone up. Police brutality has always been a serious issue in the world but most people decide to ignore it. Now it has become more of a problem because the oppressed have begun rioting. Many people then said that rioting won't change anything and that's where I say they are wrong. Rioting does cause chaos and it attracts attention and that is why it is being used by the oppressed. The oppressed not only consist of coloured people but generally people who see the wrong in police brutality. The people are tired of crying for help, asking for help, and being ignored. They have found measures that attract attention so that people would finally hear them and see them. I personally haven't attended riots and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm not saying I don't believe in the cause, as a black teenager in America, I do 100% believe in this cause but I would rather help by doing things differently. I use my day to day interactions and social media accounts to spread awareness of everything wrong with police brutality. I spread facts of the issue to people around me however I can. An issue this big affects every one of different ages, genders, cultures, and more. This especially affects coloured and Generation Z individuals. I do believe that protesting is the right way to do things but like I said, being an underaged black teenager in America, I could get in countless amounts of trouble just protesting peacefully. No one can say that is wrong because we see it on the news. Many coloured teenagers and adults are being killed, thrown into prison, and hurt because of the colour of their skin. They could be protesting calmly and following every rule but still, the police and the Government sees them and tries to silence them. Sadly most times, they succeed. Even though I cannot physically go to protests, I can share my knowledge and help spread the word more. Protesting for Black lives matter and other problems isn't a trend, it should never be a trend. Knowledge about it should never stop being spread. Protests shouldn't stop until we get every wrong turned into a right. The problem of police brutality isn't only in the United States, it is everywhere in the world. Right now, my home country, Nigeria is in the middle of its war. This war isn't between countries, or religions like before, now it is between the Government and the people. This topic, like many others, is not new. This has been a problem for many years but now the people have finally decided to stand up for what they believe in without backing down. The police and soldiers are roaming the streets, shooting aimlessly at the innocent and calm protesters. They are ordered to do this without stopping for peace. They are trained to shoot to kill, trained by their Government. This same Government was put there to protect and keep the country in order. They would shoot and kill anyone they see that isn't the Government or the police themselves. Tuesday, 20th October 2020 was one of the worst days, the Nigerian citizens have seen. Hundreds of people were killed during the protest in the Lekki toll gate, Lagos Nigeria. Several of those people were just innocent people that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The government tried to cover it up by saying there was a group of rough protesters and that the people were not killed but just hurt a little bit. This shows how corrupt and ignorant the Government is. Though the people have videos, pictures, and personal statements of what happened and how people were being killed, the Government still tried to cover their mess up. Not only do we have a war going on, for years, but countless children from the age of 5- 18 are also forced to work in horrible conditions and are being paid little to nothing. Nothing is being done about this because the people are too scared to stand up. Though I cannot physically be there to help, more than ever, I am sharing my knowledge of current events, sharing credible facts, and links to donation sites. To get people, whether Nigerian or not, to sign petitions in order to stop the government. I have always done this and I don't plan on ending anytime soon. These issues need to be fixed now because we are all tired of this. I will do everything in my power to make sure people continually hear about the wrongs happening in the world until the wrongs are turned into rights.
    Gabriella Carter Music and Me Scholarship
    I don't have a specific song that is special to me at the moment but I do have a genre that is always my number one and that is Gospel. It inspires me to continue being a good person and help others and also to keep going no matter how hard life can be right now. It also helps me stay focused on what is right and stay away from what doesn't benefit me at all. Most people have many different types of inspirational genres, my main out of three is Gospel. My second two are classical and rock. Rock might not be something that most people find inspirational but as I said, many people have their own type of style. Rock keeps me energized and calm and classical keeps me peaceful. All these three genres are my source of inspiration. I listen to every type of genre because I feel that whatever music makes me happy and inspires me, no matter the language or the style, I shall continue listening to it. Music is an escape and an inspiration. It carries messages of different types across the world. It has helped through depression, heartbreak, loss, success, happiness. Whatever mood, there's is a song that can help.
    Justricia Scholarship for Education
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now I am a senior with hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. My long term goal is to become a board-certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. For me to reach this goal, I will need to graduate from medical school and finish my residency program. To be certified in the gynecology field, I will need to pass my board examination. I will continually track my steps to make sure I am on the right path. Not only does this job require medical skills but also the love of helping and taking care of people. This is how I know that I am right for this career path. I will know when I have accomplished this goal when I am working as a board-certified doctor in gynecology. I will have reached my goal by August 2033. I am working hard to better myself physically, mentally, and education-wise. I plan to continue putting forth more time and dedication to my studies. With the dreams I have, I need nothing less than hard work and I plan to do that. While I am doing that, I am also going to be taking care of myself by doing the hobbies I love. I will still be doing dance and trying to polish and excel in my skills. I also try to look after the people around me. Whenever any of my fellow peers are having a difficult time or feeling down, I never fail to step in with an encouraging word and a smile. I know everyone has their own struggle and hardships so I make sure I spread joy to them and tell them that they are doing great. I do this because everyone needs an encouraging word once in a while. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Sander Jennings Spread the Love Scholarship
    I have always believed that everything in life will never be handed to you and that is the biggest failure I am thankful for. I didn't come from a rich background. My parents worked really hard at work and never really had time to come to my school productions or help with homework. They worked hard to earn good pay for our family, to be able to support us. I am truly grateful for that. It made me start relying on myself. It helped me trust and put full love into myself. This helped me from middle school, high school, and it will definitely help me in the future to come. I am grateful that even with a busy schedule, I am still able to shape myself and my future into something beautiful and it has helped me become more of an independent woman that I aspire to be one day. Some "failure" made me who I am today. I took my downfalls and shaped them into my uprising. Everything I have gone through since I was born, whether good nor bad, has made me the great person I am now. Even though these "failures" might have hurt back then, they began to truly work in my favor. I was able to turn the bad things and make them into good. I reaped and I sowed. This means I planted my failures and turned them into large bundles of success. I am not going to stop doing this. I will take this self-love with me for the rest of my life and pass it on to as many people I can.
    Austin Kramer Music Scholarship
    As a Christian, my main source of inspiration is Gospel. This playlist inspires me to continue being a good person and help others. It also helps me stay focused on what is right. Most people have many different types of inspirational genres, my main out of three is Gospel. My second two are classical and rock. Rock might not be something that most people find inspirational but as I said, many people have their own type of style. Rock keeps me energized and calm and classical keeps me peaceful. All these three genres are my source of inspiration.
    Palmyra-Eagle Panther of the Year Scholarship
    I was in STEM for a majority of my middle school years. Though I moved schools most of the time, I still found myself joining STEM programs because I felt that was where I was needed. I have many other hobbies/ interests but I still made time to participate and help in any STEM activity we were doing. STEM to me is no just learning about science, technology, English, and math. STEM is much more than just learning the subjects, it also includes teaching, and discipline whether you are the student or not. This academic disciple helps learners learn and teach and also help teachers keep this alive. Through STEM, we develop many life skills. This academic discipline doesn't just serve as something to take in school for a grade, or just for an after school program you join to pass the time, it is more than that. It is such a great program that brings great and intelligent minds together for problem-solving, critical thinking, and more. It creates critical thinkers, trains your mind, helps in problem-solving, teaches discipline, increases knowledge in science, technology, English, math, and more. It plays a key role in a students journey/path/guide to their future. STEM is everything and most people don't realize it. That's why I am glad to know that almost every school, tries to introduce STEM in. This will help many kids, teachers, and parents. I plan to become an OBGYN (Obstetrician-Gynaecologist) and this will greatly help me. I have always used the things I have learned from STEM in all areas of my life. I use it intentionally and unintentionally. It has become such a great and useful part of my life that I use in almost every situation. To problem-solving of the highest degree to even the simple things. STEM teachings can be used everywhere. It is being used everywhere if you look closely. Being an OBGYN and using what I have learned from STEM would not only help me save and help lives but also make likes better. STEM has so much to offer and till this day, being a senior in high school, I am glad and grateful for the opportunity I had to be taught under some great teachers and staff in the STEM program. I have always used the keys learned and I will forever continue to teach, learn and use them.
    Gabriella Carter Failure Doesn't Define Me Scholarship
    I have always believed that everything in life will never be handed to you and that is the biggest failure I am thankful for. I didn't come from a rich background. My parents worked really hard at work and never really had time to come for my school productions or help with homework. They worked hard to earn a good pay for our family, to be able to support us. I am truly grateful for that. It made me start relying on myself. This helped me from middle school, high school, and it will definitely help me in the future to come. I am grateful that even with a busy schedule, though they weren't there for everything, they were still able to shape me in the beautiful and independent woman I am today. This "failure" made me who I am today and that is thanks to my experience. Everything I have gone through since I was born, whether good nor bad, has made me the great person I am now. Even though these "failures" might have hurt back then, they began to truly work in my favor. I was able to turn the bad things and make them into good. I reaped and I sowed. This means I planted my failures and turned then into large bundles of success. I am not going to stop doing this. I will take this "failure" with me for the rest of my life and pass it on to as many people I can.
    Impact Scholarship for Black Students
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now I am a senior with hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. My long term goal is to become board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. For me to reach this goal, I will need to graduate from medical school and finish my residency program. To be certified in the gynecology field, I will need to pass my board examination. I will continually track my steps to make sure I am on the right path. Not only does this job require medical skills but also the love of helping and taking care of people. This is how I know that I am right for this career path. I will know when I have accomplished this goal when I am working as a board-certified doctor in gynecology. I will have reached my goal by August 2033. I am working hard to better myself physically, mentally, and education wise. I plan to continue putting forth more time and dedication to my studies. With the dreams I have, I need nothing less than hard work and I plan to do that. While I am doing that, I am also going to be taking care of myself by doing the hobbies I love. I will still be doing dance and trying to polish and excel in my skills. I also try to look after the people around me. Whenever any of my fellow peers are having a difficult time or feeling down, I never fail to step in with an encouraging word and a smile. I know everyone has their own struggle and hardships so I make sure I spread joy to them and tell them that they are doing great. I do this because everyone needs an encouraging word once in a while. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully yours, Tochi Anugwom.
    Scholarcash Role Model Scholarship
    My role model is not just someone from a TV series, of a character from a book, my role model is my father. First I would like to begin with the definition of a role model. According to the dictionary, "A role model is a person whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others, especially by younger people. A good role model is someone who is always positive, calm, and confident in themselves. You don't want someone who is down or tries to bring you down. Everyone likes a person who is happy with their achievements, but continues to strive for bigger and better objectives." This describes my father. He has always been there for me and my family from the beginning. There is no day where he has done anything that would negatively affect the people he loves. He works three jobs just for us to be able to have a roof over our heads, and food on the table. He also works hard so that my mother, who has 2 jobs, can have resting time. Not only does he have these jobs and responsibilities, he also recently starting school. He works during the day, sometimes the night, and still comes back to sit on a chair for hours doing school work. He wants to better his practice so he can get higher-paying jobs in that area to yet again support us, his family. Not only does he support us, but he also supports others around him. He always helps people no matter the condition he is physically or economically. He does these things not looking for a reward other than the peace of mind that that person would be okay. This is a very important trait when it comes to being a good human being. My father has shaped me into who I am because he has passed down many important life lessons. He has taught me to be kind and nothing less. He also thought me to rely on me, myself, and me but also know when to ask for help. This is a great life lesson that will work not only in my life but also in my future career path. I plan to become an obstetrician-gynecologist. From a young age, I have always admired this job because of what it is. It is a job where I get to help women like me and their future lineage. I get to take care of women and their families. I also chose this job because where I am from, there are not many gynecologists. Many go onto other jobs, some don't even complete nursing school. A lot of people give up when they hear the word doctor because it is intimidating. I agree that it is intimidating and hard because you are in charge of someone else's life but that motivates me more to do better. My father has taught me to never give up and to care and love for everything and everyone around me. This job perfectly suits that lesson.
    Nikhil Desai "Perspective" Scholarship
    All my life i have had quite the same perspective on life. I believed that everyone has to grow alone. I then later in life, learned that yes you can grow alone but you can grow alone together. You can have friends family, and a husband/wife and still grow alone. Growing alone doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be alone. For me, it means that you have to focus on yourself too from time to time. You can look after your family and friends while also looking out for yourself. This enables you to not only grow emotionally, but also physically and spiritually. With all the chaos going on in this world, it might be hard to even consider yourself but you must. It isn't healthy to just completely disregard yourself, and your well-being. It is also found to help take care of others around you if you know how to take care of yourself too. You can't start helping people if you don't know how to help yourself. Its like you teaching a subject that you have no idea about. This would not only hurt you, but it wouold end up hurting the people around you. Another example is if someone is sick and they are trying to heal a person. Better yet, if someone has no knowledge of how to heal and they are trying to heal someone else. You wouldn't let a random person with no medical background remove a gun from a gunshot victim would you? The answer is plain and simple. You must take care of yourself. I realized this and it has helped me in multiple areas of my life. Growing alone might seem scary but thats what helps. You get to overcome the fear of growing alone and this turns you into an independent machine. You might still need help from people and this is not bad, but at least you know that after they teach you, you have that skill added to your memory. You can then go one to helping other like you when you were scared to ask for help or scared to grow alone. Being alone and being loney is different. Growing alone and Growing to be lonely, are different. We have to learn to be able to fend for ourselves but still know when it is time to ask for help. We have to learn to be able to help others that are in a part of their life that we went through and overcame. Now that diversity is a bigger topic than before, we need to come together. You can fight a problem if you are divided. There are strength in numbers and we should take that into our advantage. Dividing ourselfs into race, age, wealth group and more won't help anybody in life's journey. When you see someone struggling, take tijme to help them, When you see someone in pain or not doing great, take a second out of your already busy life, to help them. There might not be any direct rewards but trust me, the reward of just being there, counts ten times than and actual gift.
    African-American Entrepreneurs Grant — Female Award
    In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now as a senior , I am ready to start putting forth my hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. I will need to be disciplined and hard-working throughout my time in college. My target G.P.A for college is at least a 3.9. I plan to choose a nursing major in ASU and complete my four years of medical school. I also plan to become an Obstetrician, Gynecologist. I chose this because of all its demands. Not only does it require medical and educational skills, but it also requires the need to care for others. I chose this job because I had always made it my priority to take care of others. This profession enables me to take care of women and their lineage. I will know my goal is achieved when I become a certified nurse and a graduate student in a top medical school in the United States. I will have reached my goal by May 2025. My long term goal is to become board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. For me to reach this goal, I will need to graduate from medical school and finish my residency program. To be certified in the gynecology field, I will need to pass my board examination. I will continually track my steps to make sure I am on the right path. Not only does this job require medical skills but also the love of helping and taking care of people. This is how I know that I am right for this career path. I will know when I have accomplished this goal when I am working as a board-certified doctor in gynecology. I will have reached my goal by August 2033. College can be particularly intimidating and I am grateful for my success in high school. I plan to start a free clinic for women. There are a lot of unwanted deaths during pregnancy and I would like join forces with other clinics to help as much as I can. I hope to be such an asset to others and if chosen for the scholarship, I will go above and beyond to provide assistance in whatever way is needed. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to hearing a favourable response. Respectfully yours, Tochi Anugwom.
    Opportunity for Black Women Scholarship
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now I am a senior with hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. My long term goal is to become board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. For me to reach this goal, I will need to graduate from medical school and finish my residency program. To be certified in the gynecology field, I will need to pass my board examination. I will continually track my steps to make sure I am on the right path. Not only does this job require medical skills but also the love of helping and taking care of people. This is how I know that I am right for this career path. I will know when I have accomplished this goal when I am working as a board-certified doctor in gynecology. I will have reached my goal by August 2033. I am working hard to better myself physically, mentally, and education wise. I plan to continue putting forth more time and dedication to my studies. With the dreams I have, I need nothing less than hard work and I plan to do that. While I am doing that, I am also going to be taking care of myself by doing the hobbies I love. I will still be doing dance and trying to polish and excel in my skills. I also try to look after the people around me. Whenever any of my fellow peers are having a difficult time or feeling down, I never fail to step in with an encouraging word and a smile. I know everyone has their own struggle and hardships so I make sure I spread joy to them and tell them that they are doing great. I do this because everyone needs an encouraging word once in a while. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully yours, Tochi Anugwom.
    Undiscovered Brilliance Scholarship for African-Americans
    I was born on the 15th of August 2003 into the Anugwom family. My birthplace is located in Lagos, Nigeria. I am the second child with two siblings. I grew up in a majorly religious home with strict teachings. The importance of education was also embedded in me at quite a young age. In these four years of high school, I have learned academic skills, life, and social skills. I have strengthened my skills of respect, self-worth, and empathy. I have also realized that I am closer to grasping my full and actual potentials. These four years have been challenging and incredible in many ways. I can sincerely say that I improved with the help of my teachers, my friends, and the staff. Now I am a senior with hopes for the future. I have found myself thinking of the future as the time for college comes near. My main hope for the near future is being able to go to my dream college, Arizona State University. I also aspire to get my master's degree and begin my dream job. My dream job, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, requires a lot of time and hard work. With what all my four years of high school have taught me, I believe that I will be able to succeed in my goal. My long term goal is to become board certified Obstetrician-Gynecologist. For me to reach this goal, I will need to graduate from medical school and finish my residency program. To be certified in the gynecology field, I will need to pass my board examination. I will continually track my steps to make sure I am on the right path. Not only does this job require medical skills but also the love of helping and taking care of people. This is how I know that I am right for this career path. I will know when I have accomplished this goal when I am working as a board-certified doctor in gynecology. I will have reached my goal by August 2033. I am working hard to better myself physically, mentally, and education wise. I plan to continue putting forth more time and dedication to my studies. With the dreams I have, I need nothing less than hard work and I plan to do that. While I am doing that, I am also going to be taking care of myself by doing the hobbies I love. I will still be doing dance and trying to polish and excel in my skills. I also try to look after the people around me. Whenever any of my fellow peers are having a difficult time or feeling down, I never fail to step in with an encouraging word and a smile. I know everyone has their own struggle and hardships so I make sure I spread joy to them and tell them that they are doing great. I do this because everyone needs an encouraging word once in a while. Thank you for your time and consideration. Respectfully yours, Tochi Anugwom.