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T'Niyah Bios


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My life goal is to make sure that my daughter has nothing to worry about in life when it comes to financel problems. I'am passionate about cooking that is one of the things that help ease my mind


George Gervin Academy

High School
2007 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Associate's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Food & Beverages

    • Dream career goals:

      personal chef

    • team member

      2020 – 20222 years



    2019 – 20223 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Project alert — Volunteer
      2020 – 2021

    Future Interests


    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    nderstanding the nature of our universe is crucial for humanity's progress and evolution. The universe is the vast expanse that encompasses all of existence, and unraveling its mysteries can reveal valuable insights into the fundamental laws and principles that govern our reality. By exploring the universe, we can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate web of relationships between space, time, matter, and energy. One of the primary reasons it's essential to study the universe is to address the most fundamental questions humans have been asking for centuries: Where did we come from? What is our place in the universe? What is the nature of reality? By investigating the universe's origins, evolution, and structure, we can uncover answers to these profound questions. To better understand the universe, scientists employ various ideas and concepts from multiple disciplines. Some of these include: 1. Astrophysics and cosmology: These fields focus on the study of celestial objects, space, and the universe as a whole. By analyzing the properties and behaviors of stars, galaxies, and other cosmic phenomena, scientists can gain insights into the universe's evolution and structure. 2. Particle physics: This branch of physics explores the fundamental particles that constitute matter and the forces that govern their interactions. Understanding the behavior of particles like quarks and leptons can reveal the underlying laws of physics that govern the universe. 3. Theoretical frameworks: Concepts like general relativity, quantum mechanics, and string theory provide theoretical frameworks for understanding the universe's behavior. These frameworks offer mathematical models and predictions that can be tested and validated through experimentation and observation. 4. Technological advancements: Developing innovative technologies like telescopes, spacecraft, and detectors enables scientists to collect data and make observations that were previously impossible. These advancements have greatly expanded our knowledge of the universe. 5. Interdisciplinary approaches: Collaborations between scientists from diverse fields like physics, mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy foster a comprehensive understanding of the universe. By integrating insights and methods from multiple disciplines, researchers can develop a more complete picture of the universe. Some of the key concepts that scientists hope to employ to better understand the universe include: 1. Dark matter and dark energy: These mysterious entities make up a significant portion of the universe's mass-energy budget, but their nature remains unknown. Unraveling their properties and behaviors can reveal new insights into the universe's evolution and structure. 2. Quantum gravity: Developing a theory that merges quantum mechanics and general relativity can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the universe's behavior at the smallest and largest scales. 3. Multiverse hypotheses: Exploring the possibility of multiple universes or alternate realities can expand our understanding of the cosmos and the laws of physics. 4. Black hole physics: Studying black holes can reveal insights into the universe's most extreme environments and the behavior of matter and energy under intense conditions. In conclusion, understanding the nature of our universe is a profound and complex endeavor that requires the collaboration of scientists from diverse disciplines. By employing innovative ideas, concepts, and technologies, we can continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe and gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate and awe-inspiring cosmos we inhabit.
    Martha Brooks Culinary Arts Scholarship
    I am passionate about pursuing a degree in culinary arts because cooking has always been an integral part of my life. From a young age, I found joy and creativity in the kitchen, experimenting with flavors, techniques, and ingredients. I believe that food has the power to bring people together, evoke emotions, and create memorable experiences. My culinary goals encompass both personal and community-oriented aspirations. On a personal level, I aim to refine my skills, expand my culinary knowledge, and master various cuisines. I want to continually challenge myself to create innovative and visually stunning dishes that not only taste amazing but also tell a story. I aspire to become a recognized chef, earning accolades and opportunities to showcase my culinary expertise on a larger scale. However, my ambitions extend beyond personal success. I am committed to making a positive impact on my community through my culinary pursuits. I believe that food can be a catalyst for social change and unity. With this in mind, I plan to establish initiatives that address food insecurity, promote healthy eating habits, and provide culinary education to underserved communities. To achieve my culinary goals, I intend to enroll in a reputable culinary school that provides a comprehensive education in both the technical and creative aspects of cooking. I will immerse myself in various culinary techniques, cuisines, and ingredients, honing my skills under the guidance of experienced chefs. Furthermore, I plan to gain practical experience by working in diverse culinary environments such as restaurants, catering companies, and even food startups. This will allow me to expand my knowledge, develop my palate, and learn to adapt to different culinary styles and demands. In terms of community contributions, I have actively volunteered at local soup kitchens and food banks, helping to prepare and distribute meals to those in need. Additionally, I have conducted cooking workshops at community centers, teaching basic culinary skills to individuals who have limited access to resources. These efforts have reinforced my belief in the transformative power of food and have fueled my determination to uplift and support my community. By combining my passion for culinary arts with my commitment to community service, I strongly believe that I can make a lasting impact. I am dedicated to using my culinary skills to advocate for positive change, promote inclusivity, and create opportunities for those who face adversity. I sincerely believe that I should be awarded this scholarship because it would enable me to further my culinary education, expand my community outreach efforts, and ultimately contribute to a more vibrant and empowered society through the medium of food.
    Ward Green Scholarship for the Arts & Sciences
    I am passionate about pursuing a degree in culinary arts because cooking has always been an integral part of my life. From a young age, I found joy and creativity in the kitchen, experimenting with flavors, techniques, and ingredients. I believe that food has the power to bring people together, evoke emotions, and create memorable experiences. My culinary goals encompass both personal and community-oriented aspirations. On a personal level, I aim to refine my skills, expand my culinary knowledge, and master various cuisines. I want to continually challenge myself to create innovative and visually stunning dishes that not only taste amazing but also tell a story. I aspire to become a recognized chef, earning accolades and opportunities to showcase my culinary expertise on a larger scale. However, my ambitions extend beyond personal success. I am committed to making a positive impact on my community through my culinary pursuits. I believe that food can be a catalyst for social change and unity. With this in mind, I plan to establish initiatives that address food insecurity, promote healthy eating habits, and provide culinary education to underserved communities. To achieve my culinary goals, I intend to enroll in a reputable culinary school that provides a comprehensive education in both the technical and creative aspects of cooking. I will immerse myself in various culinary techniques, cuisines, and ingredients, honing my skills under the guidance of experienced chefs. Furthermore, I plan to gain practical experience by working in diverse culinary environments such as restaurants, catering companies, and even food startups. This will allow me to expand my knowledge, develop my palate, and learn to adapt to different culinary styles and demands. In terms of community contributions, I have actively volunteered at local soup kitchens and food banks, helping to prepare and distribute meals to those in need. Additionally, I have conducted cooking workshops at community centers, teaching basic culinary skills to individuals who have limited access to resources. These efforts have reinforced my belief in the transformative power of food and have fueled my determination to uplift and support my community. By combining my passion for culinary arts with my commitment to community service, I strongly believe that I can make a lasting impact. I am dedicated to using my culinary skills to advocate for positive change, promote inclusivity, and create opportunities for those who face adversity. I sincerely believe that I should be awarded this scholarship because it would enable me to further my culinary education, expand my community outreach efforts, and ultimately contribute to a more vibrant and empowered society through the medium of food.
    Larry Leon Irons Culinary Memorial Scholarship
    I am passionate about pursuing a degree in culinary arts because cooking has always been an integral part of my life. From a young age, I found joy and creativity in the kitchen, experimenting with flavors, techniques, and ingredients. I believe that food has the power to bring people together, evoke emotions, and create memorable experiences. My culinary goals encompass both personal and community-oriented aspirations. On a personal level, I aim to refine my skills, expand my culinary knowledge, and master various cuisines. I want to continually challenge myself to create innovative and visually stunning dishes that not only taste amazing but also tell a story. I aspire to become a recognized chef, earning accolades and opportunities to showcase my culinary expertise on a larger scale. However, my ambitions extend beyond personal success. I am committed to making a positive impact on my community through my culinary pursuits. I believe that food can be a catalyst for social change and unity. With this in mind, I plan to establish initiatives that address food insecurity, promote healthy eating habits, and provide culinary education to underserved communities. To achieve my culinary goals, I intend to enroll in a reputable culinary school that provides a comprehensive education in both the technical and creative aspects of cooking. I will immerse myself in various culinary techniques, cuisines, and ingredients, honing my skills under the guidance of experienced chefs. Furthermore, I plan to gain practical experience by working in diverse culinary environments such as restaurants, catering companies, and even food startups. This will allow me to expand my knowledge, develop my palate, and learn to adapt to different culinary styles and demands. In terms of community contributions, I have actively volunteered at local soup kitchens and food banks, helping to prepare and distribute meals to those in need. Additionally, I have conducted cooking workshops at community centers, teaching basic culinary skills to individuals who have limited access to resources. These efforts have reinforced my belief in the transformative power of food and have fueled my determination to uplift and support my community. By combining my passion for culinary arts with my commitment to community service, I strongly believe that I can make a lasting impact. I am dedicated to using my culinary skills to advocate for positive change, promote inclusivity, and create opportunities for those who face adversity. I sincerely believe that I should be awarded this scholarship because it would enable me to further my culinary education, expand my community outreach efforts, and ultimately contribute to a more vibrant and empowered society through the medium of food.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my life, I have faced various forms of adversity that have tested my resilience and determination. However, through sheer perseverance and a strong belief in myself, I have managed to overcome these challenges and emerge stronger. These experiences have shaped my desire to give back to my community, particularly through my culinary skills. One of the most significant adversities I faced was becoming a young mother. At a time when most of my peers were focused on their education and career aspirations, I found myself navigating the responsibilities of motherhood. It was a daunting task, but I refused to let it define me or limit my potential. I sought support from my family and friends, and together, we created a strong support system that enabled me to continue pursuing my dreams. To provide for my daughter, I had to work while attending school. The balancing was challenging, but it taught me the value of time management and perseverance. I learned to prioritize my responsibilities and make sacrifices to achieve my goals. It was during this time that I developed a deep appreciation for the culinary arts, as cooking became a creative outlet and a source of solace for me. Despite the financial hardships, I managed to complete my culinary education, acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry. However, my journey did not end there. As a woman, I faced gender biases and stereotypes in the world, which often made it difficult to be taken seriously. But I refused to let these obstacles deter me; instead, I used them as fuel to prove my worth and break through the glass ceiling. Now, as I reflect on my journey, I am filled with a strong desire to give back to my community. I believe that the culinary arts have the power to transform lives and bring people together. I envision myself establishing my own culinary business or restaurant within my community. By doing so, I can provide job opportunities for individuals who may have faced similar challenges or hurdles in their lives. I want to create an inclusive and supportive work environment that values diversity and provides equal opportunities for all. I aim to empower individuals, particularly those from marginalized backgrounds, by offering them a chance to showcase their culinary skills and contribute to the local economy. By doing so, I hope to break the cycle of adversity and poverty that often plagues our communities. Furthermore, I aspire to mentor and inspire aspiring chefs within my community. Through workshops, cooking classes, and apprenticeship programs, I want to share my knowledge and experiences with others, helping them discover their passion for culinary arts. I believe that by nurturing talent and providing guidance, we can foster a stronger culinary community and inspire others to pursue their dreams. In addition to empowering individuals, I also want to address the issue of food insecurity within my community. I plan to organize food drives, volunteer at local shelters, and participate in culinary events for charitable causes. By utilizing my culinary skills and resources, I hope to make a positive impact and ensure that everyone in my community has access to nutritious meals. Ultimately, my goal is not only to achieve personal success in the culinary field but also to uplift and support my community. I want to be a role model for others, showing them that regardless of their circumstances, they have the power to overcome adversity and achieve their dreams I hope to create a ripple effect of positive change, making a lasting impact on the lives of those around me.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    My name is T'Niyah, i'am a 19-year-old mother, and I'm working hard to ensure my daughter doesn't have to endure the financial struggles I experienced growing up in a single-parent household. First and foremost, I believe that investing in personal growth is paramount to creating a better life. With financial resources, I would prioritize education and skills development. I would enroll in courses and workshops that align with my interests and aspirations, allowing me to acquire new knowledge and enhance my abilities. By investing in continuous learning, I would broaden my horizons, expand my skill set, and increase my chances of professional success. Additionally, I would allocate funds for personal development programs, such as coaching or mentoring, to enhance my self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. This investment in personal growth would not only benefit me individually but also positively impact my interactions with others and my ability to contribute meaningfully to society. Another significant aspect of using money to create a better life involves giving back to the community through philanthropic endeavors. I firmly believe in the power of collective action and the importance of addressing social and environmental issues. With financial resources at my disposal, I would support organizations and initiatives that strive to make a positive impact. This could involve donating to charities and non-profit organizations that focus on issues such as education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and environmental conservation. Moreover, I would actively seek out opportunities to volunteer my time and skills, leveraging my financial resources to create a multiplier effect by inspiring others to contribute as well. By using money to make a tangible difference in the lives of others, I would not only create a better life for myself but also contribute to the well-being of the broader community. Lastly, I firmly believe that experiences hold more value than material possessions. Therefore, I would use money to create memorable experiences that enrich my life and deepen my connections with loved ones. This could involve traveling to new destinations, immersing myself in different cultures, and exploring the wonders of the natural world. Through these experiences, I would gain a broader perspective, develop a deeper appreciation for diversity, and create lasting memories. Additionally, I would prioritize spending quality time with family and friends, creating opportunities for shared experiences and meaningful connections. By investing in experiences, I would create a better life by fostering personal growth, building relationships, and cultivating a sense of gratitude and wonder. In conclusion, money, when used wisely, can be a powerful tool for creating a better life. By investing in personal growth, philanthropy, and experiences, we can harness the potential of financial resources to make a positive impact on our own lives and the lives of others. Prioritizing education and skills development, giving back to the community through philanthropic endeavors, and investing in meaningful experiences can lead to personal fulfillment, a sense of purpose, and a stronger connection with the world around us. Ultimately, the true value of money lies not in its accumulation but in how it is utilized to create a better life for ourselves and those around us.
    AHS Scholarship
    My professional goal is to become a personal chef and my personal goal is to become top five of my class to succeed to become a chef so, I can better my life for my child and me. My plan for my field is to give back to those in need I would like to have a food truck that goes into low-income communities and give out free hot food. Four days a week three meals throughout whatever days the truck comes. I know by my doing that the stress on single parents, elders, etc would be lifted off their shoulders, to where they would only have to worry about phone bills, car notes, rent, etc. If there was somebody that did that in my community that I lived in when I was little, would have helped my mother out a lot. She wouldn't have had to figure out ways for us to eat during the day or had to put some things on hold that she had to do. I hope to have multiple ways for people to get free hot-ready food. I want to set up multiple buildings throughout San Antonio, I would like to set up buildings close to campus where kids that are working late can just pick up food and go home. I always wanted to become a personal chef when I was a little girl, I used to always love helping my grandmother cook. Food was the one thing that could cheer me up no matter how bad of a day I having. I want to live on this earth knowing that I made a change in the world. I want to leave a legacy for my kids, grandkids and many more generations to come. This scholarship would help me meet my goal by me not having to worry about how am I going to pay for my college and have to get stuff for my child when she needs something really bad. I would only have to worry about what my child needs instead of how am going to come up with the money for school too. I could excel in all my classes with my mind being clear about not having to figure out ways I'm going to get out of debt. If I could change one thing in the environment it would be that nobody would starve that's one thing that the world has a problem with. They could see people on the side of the road begging for food to feed their family and they would just drive on by.
    Black Students in STEM Scholarship Fund
    My career goal is an labor and delivery nurse. My goals are to try and help every women get through a safe delivery and learn more about the women’s body part.The way a women’s body work is interesting, the way a women can grow a baby in nine months and push it out is incredible and attending HBCUs offer students something they can't get anywhere else: a diverse and inclusive scholarship community that celebrates the richness of the entire American experience. Furthermore, Black HBCU graduates are more likely to be thriving in terms of purpose and financial well-being than non-HBCU students.