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Tina Azarm


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Hello! I am a Senior in high school who plans to pursue a passion in the field of literature! Growing up with English as my second language, I became hungry for words and was determined to explore the literary and poetic works of authors. My work is recognized through various accolades such as the John Hopkins Book Award alongside the honor of being recognized by the Governor's Honors Program in the field of Communicative Arts (a recognition that is only given to 3% of students in my county). My achievements are not solely limited to literature, however. I am also fascinated by the concept of mathematics and served as a Math Tutor in the Work-Based Learning program in order to teach my peers in math-related subjects. I believe that I should be considered as a candidate for scholarships because of my continuous drive for learning and success. My father is currently retired and my mother works a minimum wage job in retail. My parents are facing the burden of sending both my twin sister and I to universities. My parents have dedicated themselves greatly to their career fields, but it is still an incredibly hefty sum of money coming out of their pockets. Therefore, scholarships will be a tremendous aid, allowing my sister and I to pursue our passions in a higher education field. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration in reading my application!


Innovation Academy

High School
2021 - 2025
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies
    • English Language and Literature, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Writing and Editing

    • Dream career goals:

      Determine a way to weave the fields of literature and mathematics together, resulting in me to pursue a career that incorporates both of my passions and benefits other individuals.

    • Math & Reading Center Assistant

      2024 – 2024
    • Lifeguard

      Sears Pool Management
      2023 – 20241 year
    • Intern

      The Entrepreneurial Hour
      2024 – Present10 months
    • Lifeguard

      SwimAtlanta Pool Management
      2022 – 2022
    • Math Tutor

      Georgia Work-Based Learning Program
      2023 – 20241 year



    2016 – 20204 years


    • 1st Place Freestyle
    • 1st Place Breaststroke
    • 1st Place Relay Race

    Figure Skating

    2024 – Present10 months


    • English Language and Literature, General

      Along with two other members, we examined not only the reason as to why authors chose to discuss certain themes in their dystopian novels, but also the connections that they have with them and how it has impacted their viewpoints on issues nowadays.
      2023 – 2024


    • Hobby

      2022 – Present
    • Hobby

      2024 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Gwinnett County Public Libary — Library Volunteer
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Schoolhouse — Newsletter Writer/Designer, SAT Prep Tutor
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Innovation Academy Student Ambassadors — Student Ambassador
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      National Honor Society — Contributing Member
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      North Fulton Community Charities — Childcare Attendant
      2024 – Present

    Future Interests




    Andre' Burchelle Roach Scholarship
    My name is Tina Azarm, and I am one of millions who has found refuge in the written word. From those tender moments when my father guided my hand through the individual strokes of the English alphabet, I was captivated by the art of literature and its power to influence the world around me. Despite being a life-long learner and finding a wide range of subjects captivating, literature has always resonated with me in a way that no other subject has before. I found joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and joy in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. As a confused high schooler who often questioned her role in the grand scheme of things, writing allowed me to find my purpose in life and identify the goals that I wanted to achieve with this incredible career. One of those goals was to empower individuals and to become a voice for the voiceless. Currently, I have crafted many poetic works regarding love, heartbreak, and passion that I showcase on a blog that I created earlier this year. I believe that every story deserves to be heard, for we often forget about the privileges we hold that aren’t available to citizens in other parts of the world. Literature is an underappreciated platform that helps magnify the power of the unforgettable stories and experiences of humanity, allowing its words to resonate with thousands of individuals across the globe. At my high school, I wanted to create a club that could help magnify the power of literature even further. Through the implementation of the Poets Society, we delve into the intricacies and history behind every poetic work. I wanted to create a community of like-minded writers and thinkers that could come together and promote thoughtful discussions of literary works. Through it, I've been able to foster crucial connections with other individuals and increase my passion for this incredible discipline. Ultimately, the funds provided by this scholarship would be a tremendous help, as I am trying to minimize as much as possible the financial burden on my family. My father is currently retired, and my mother works a minimum-paying job in retail. As of now, my parents are facing the predicament of sending my twin sister and I to university. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies and less about worrying how to get the adequate funds for my tuition, housing, or food. Additionally, this scholarship will allow me to continue pursuing my passion for literature and broaden my access to resources that will improve my literary skills. Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration of my application.
    Froggycrossing's Creativity Scholarship
    With thou stroke of mighty pen, Thou has woven the tales of many: Of Angels and Demons, Of Flora and Fauna, Of Heroes and Villains, Of Gods and Mortals. With thou stroke of mighty pen, Thou has drew the tapestries of the earth: The silky slopes of sandy dunes, The intricate, jagged ridges of mountains, The inky depths of oceans, And the emerald, lush groves blanketing the world. With thou stroke of mighty pen, Thou has recorded many a thought: The anguish of painful memories, The jubilations of joyful moments, And the exhilaration of serendipity. With every line and tender curve, Creativity blossoms through an ink's soft trace.
    Creative Expression Scholarship
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    My name is Tina Azarm, and I am one of millions who have found refuge in the written word. From those tender moments when my father guided my hand through the individual strokes of the English alphabet, I was captivated by the art of literature and its power to influence the world around me. Despite being a life-long learner and finding a wide range of subjects captivating, literature has always resonated with me in a way that no other subject has before. I found joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and joy in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. As a confused high schooler who often questioned her role in the grand scheme of things, writing allowed me to find my purpose in life and identify the goals that I wanted to achieve with this incredible career. One of those goals was to empower individuals and to become a voice for the voiceless. Currently, I have crafted many poetic works regarding love, heartbreak, and passion that I showcase on a blog that I created earlier this year. I believe that every story deserves to be heard, for we often forget about the privileges we hold that aren’t available to citizens in other parts of the world. Literature is an underappreciated platform that helps magnify the power of the unforgettable stories and experiences of humanity, allowing its words to resonate with thousands of individuals across the globe. In today’s society where individuals are becoming increasingly divided and polarized, literature is of the utmost importance and holds the power of fostering crucial connections. Personally, I love creating literary works to which every person can relate to. By exploring the ways in which humans are similar to one another instead of fixating on what divides us, we can foster empathy and continuously promote an interconnected world. The funds provided by this scholarship would be a tremendous help, as I am trying to minimize as much as possible the financial burden on my family. My father is currently retired, and my mother works a minimum-paying job in retail. As of now, my parents are facing the predicament of sending my twin sister and I to university. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies and less about worrying how to get the adequate funds for my tuition, housing, or food. Additionally, this scholarship will allow me to continue pursuing my passion in literature and broaden my access to resources that will improve my literary skills. Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration of my application. If you wish to read some of my literary works, I have attached my blog here:
    Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
    From the pandemonium of immigration and the ever-lasting struggle to adapt emerged a serendipitous passion – a journey that initially began with hatred but soon turned into a zealous thirst for novels, books, and literature. My name is Tina Azarm, and I am one of millions who have found refuge in the written word. As I witnessed the incongruous blend of my Persian heritage in the wide, white world of America, I turned towards literature as a means of guidance. Admittedly, my fondness for the literary discipline was not fully acknowledged until I had reached my freshman year of high school. As I embarked on the journey to literacy in the English language, I struggled to differentiate the squiggly and blunt lines in English letters from the poetic and curving nature of those in Farsi. This sudden cultural shift left me disoriented and confused, allowing me to acclimate only once I had fully adapted to the language, culture, cuisine, and all other characteristics that define an “American.” As my English proficiency increased, so did my desire to read. Words jumped off the cream-colored pages of books and I soon began immersing myself into the haven that is literature. I covered every nook and cranny of my shelves with these books and fell more in love with them through every page. As the years passed, I found myself becoming increasingly intrigued by pieces of literature that discussed serious and complex themes – books that brought light to the brutality of issues in our world. One of the most memorable and impactful literary pieces that I laid my eyes upon was the dystopian novel “1984” – a book regarding a totalitarian regime, a romantic escapade, and a torturous exposure to rodents! In my ninth-grade year, as I flipped through the novel’s cream-colored pages for the first time, I felt a great amount of despair as Winston’s struggles reminded me of the troubles that my homeland was going through at that very moment. As I heard the echoing voices of my brothers and sisters fighting for their rights on television, their situation so nearly mirrored the predicament that Winston Smith was enduring. The fight for freedom against an oppressive regime was no longer a fictional issue. It became a reality, my reality. “1984” served as my cautionary tale, a beacon of light warning the world about the evils of a corrupt government. This novel indirectly serves as a memento of citizens’ resilience as they fight the battle against a higher power. “1984” has shaped my goals tremendously, prompting me to pursue a one-year research project centered around dystopian novels and their ability to reflect the current fears and anxieties that individuals have of society. I became enthralled and captivated by the literary discipline, so much so that I aim to pursue it in my journey to higher education. This novel has educated me on the importance of being a voice for the voiceless, motivating me to showcase my own literary works regarding heartbreak, pain, and happiness on my blog site. “1984” is a novel that I advise every individual to read, for it reminds us of the darkness that lurks in a world that can so easily take away our privileges. Ultimately, literature has the power to entertain, educate, and empower all those around us. It has served as a beacon of hope throughout the booms and busts of my life, strengthening my understanding of the world and intensifying my passion.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    Sometimes, success isn’t characterized by the wealth one accumulates throughout life, the number of sumptuous mansions one owns, or even those trivial, prestigious titles. Instead, success is defined by the ability to experience the journey in its totality and to learn not to prioritize the outcome that comes with it. For me specifically, success is about being able to embrace the aspect of self-growth with open arms, cherishing each win and each loss with grace, and valuing the trial-and-error process that comes with it all. As a driven yet highly perplexed high school student who tried to map out the next four years of her life and what career to pursue, the road to my destination has been anything but easy. The question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” often felt incredibly daunting, causing me to react like a skittish deer that hid behind a plethora of shrubs and tree stumps. Unlike many of my classmates who had a clear vision of what they wanted to pursue, I was like a whirlwind of curiosity, uncertainty, and indecision. At one point, I dreamt of being a forensic scientist who could bring criminals to justice through careful analysis of evidence. Then, my passion shifted towards cinematography, as I marveled over the works of Steven Spielberg and Quentin Tarantino. Afterward, my passion for cinema died down as I was left to choose another career that I might potentially want to pursue. These continuously shifting aspirations left my mind in a dubitable state, unsure which path or direction I must follow. It was during one of these many moments of doubt that I stumbled upon the power of literature, particularly the strength of poetry. As I read through a poem’s harmonious verses and sing-song nature, I found refuge in an entity I hadn’t experienced before. As my love for this literary discipline strengthened over time, I challenged myself further by creating a blog that showcased my very own poetic works. My works were crafted over an extended period and have enabled me to communicate my abstract thoughts into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and happiness in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. As I delved deeper into the might of poetry, literature, and novels, I ultimately discovered that success wasn’t about choosing the career path that would give me the largest sum of money or the largest amount of recognition. Instead, it was about finding something that I find enjoyable – something that I know I will learn from, improve from, and contribute to in a meaningful way. Literature taught me this vital lesson, allowing me to embrace the uncertainties and imperfections that will come along in my writing journey, for they will only improve me in the long run. Looking back, I am eternally grateful for those moments in my early high school years when I was puzzled about what I wanted to do with my life. Those moments pushed me to dream big and realize that the sky is the limit. Each step of my journey has helped me substantially to find my writing style and what impact I want to make on the world around me. The funds provided by the Redefining Victory Scholarship will aid me tremendously, as I am trying to minimize the financial burden on my family as much as possible. Throughout my years in higher education, I plan to hone my writing capabilities through college courses, involvement in literary organizations, and opportunities to publish in academic journals. By alleviating the financial strain, I can commit myself fully to pursuing my passion for writing, poetry, and the art that is literature. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of my application.
    Ken Larson Memorial Scholarship
    Evict me from my cozy, humble abode; confiscate my assets, books, and furniture; deprive me of my most cherished belongings and possessions. But know that you will not take this one thing away from me no matter how hard you try: my knowledge. My knowledge remains untouchable, a treasure trove securely locked within my head and guarded by a shield called the human skull. Knowledge remains an effervescent part of my life, whether gained through calculating the long-awaited solutions of mathematical equations or immersing myself in the works of the late poet Emily Dickinson. Indeed, the greatest gift one could ever give to someone in this world is knowledge. Considering this statement, teachers stand as the most invaluable and precious treasures we could ever receive. To this day, I vividly recall my first-ever teacher – my mother – gently guiding my hand as we traced through the subtle curves of our native language. These habitual lessons were soon replaced by my second teacher – my father – as he taught me the bold letters of the English alphabet. As I shifted my gaze from right to left and left to right, the beauty of seeing what initially appeared to be just squiggly lines and extraneous symbols fused together to form a melodious symphony of words and sentences. I was thirsty for more knowledge and invigorated by the plethora of information around me. I knew right then that my goal in life would be to absorb all that the earth had to offer, and to one day reciprocate that generosity of the world by providing that knowledge to others. Although I never had the privilege of witnessing the uplifting spirit of Ken Larson, it is abundantly clear that his passion for his career and his ability to uplift others through the power of education was central to his core philosophy. Like Larson, I imagine myself in the future impacting the lives of hundreds of students through the indubitable power of self-discovery through learning. Specifically, I hope to pursue the topics of mathematics and literature in university, cultivating even more knowledge through college courses, research projects, and participating in organizations that embody my passions. By immersing myself in the remarkable disciplines of math and literature that go beyond the typical high school curriculum, I aim to gain an extensive understanding of life and bestow my unique perspectives with the rest of the world. Now as I stand on the brink of my high school journey, I envision the transformative and unique voyage I will soon embark on. Offering the gift of knowledge will remain my life’s mission, and I will not stop until I have fulfilled that task.
    Team USA Fan Scholarship
    Imagine this: a young girl glides effortlessly along an icy, smooth surface. With her skates laced up tightly and her eyes on the prize, she outshines her class by miles as she executes powerful jumps and flawless spins with ease. She was destined for greatness ever since the first time she got on the ice. This young girl was none other than the U.S. Olympic figure skater Tonya Harding! Tonya Harding has had multiple accomplishments throughout her skating career, such as winning gold in the 1991 U.S. Figure Skating Championships, silver in 1992, and bronze in 1989. Additionally, Tonya Harding became the first American woman to successfully land a triple axel in competition, a feat considered impossible during her time. Despite the glistening surface of her remarkable talent and numerous accolades, Tonya Harding’s life has been marked by turmoil, financial issues, and serious controversies that ultimately had her banned for life from competitive figure skating by the U.S Figure Skating Association. Her story is one of resilience and determination, reminding the world about the challenges that life could potentially throw at you. To begin, Tonya Harding was born in Portland, Oregon on November 12th, 1970. She came from a blue-collar family, with her mother working a waitressing job and her father holding multiple positions to support their family. Ever since she was young, her family struggled to earn a sufficient sum of money, which often led to explosive arguments between her two parents. Her mother was also an incredibly demanding and at times abusive parent, inflicting physical and emotional pain on Tonya during their frequent altercations. There was even one instance where Tonya recalled her mother throwing a knife at her during her childhood. But despite the turmoil occurring in her home, she found refuge on the ice as she looked forward to her weekly lessons as a means of escaping the conflicts in her life. At age 15, she became a figure skating prodigy and began competing in national competitions. However, she often found it difficult to fit into the mold of a “figure skating princess”. Many of her competitors came from affluent backgrounds and were described as graceful, poise, and well-mannered. Tonya on the other hand was described as athletic, powerful, outspoken, and came from a working-class family. Despite often outskating many of her competitors, she still would receive very low scores on her routines due to the judges’ biased perception of her. Then, in 1994, Tonya’s figure skating dreams would come to an abrupt and frightening end. In the Winter Olympics, Harding’s competitor and rival, Nancy Kerrigan, was attacked backstage by a man hired by Harding’s ex-husband and bodyguard. The man purposefully struck Kerrigan with a police baton on the knee where she usually landed her jumps, leading her to be too injured to compete in the Olympics. Tonya denied ever being involved in the scheming and downfall of Kerrigan but ultimately pled guilty to a jury and was banned from ever competing again. Though this story is about a controversial, fallen athlete – a woman who has been beaten and battered down – Tonya Harding remains a powerful and relentless force that forever altered the world of figure skating. She refused to let the hardships from her personal life influence her figure skating success. Harding has inspired thousands of skaters around the world (including myself) to begin their own figure skating journeys despite the world telling them not to.
    Valorena Publishing & Cocoa Kids Collection International Scholarship
    My name is Tina Azarm, and I am a daughter, sister, poet, and lifelong learner. Growing up, I became fascinated with all numbers, letters, and words. As a child, I would eagerly sit next to my mother as she took my hand in hers and traced my fingers through the subtle, tender curves of the Persian alphabet. Soon after, these habitual lessons were replaced by my father as he taught me the bold letters of the English alphabet. As I shifted my gaze from right to left and left to right, the beauty of seeing what initially appeared to be just squiggly lines and extraneous symbols coalesced together to form a melodious symphony of words and sentences! As I connected letter after letter, word after word, and sentence after sentence, it marked the beginning of a satisfying sensation within me that later turned into a fiery passion for novels, poems, and stories. Despite finding a wide range of subjects captivating, literature has always resonated with me in a way that no other subject has before. I find joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and joy in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. As a confused high schooler who often questioned her role in the grand scheme of things, writing allowed me to find my purpose in life and identify the goals that I wanted to achieve with this incredible career. One of those goals was to empower individuals and to become a voice for the voiceless. Currently, I have crafted many poetic works regarding love, heartbreak, and passion that I showcase on a blog that I created earlier this year. I believe that every story deserves to be heard, for we often forget about the privileges we hold that aren’t available to citizens in other parts of the world. Literature is an underappreciated platform that helps magnify the power of the unforgettable stories and experiences of humanity, allowing its words to resonate with thousands of individuals across the globe. In today’s society where individuals are becoming increasingly divided and polarized, literature is of the utmost importance and holds the power of fostering crucial connections. Personally, I love creating literary works to which every person can relate. By exploring the ways in which humans are similar to one another instead of fixating on what divides us, we can foster empathy and continuously promote an interconnected world. The funds provided by this scholarship would be a tremendous help, as I am trying to minimize as much as possible the financial burden on my family. My father is currently retired, and my mother works a minimum-paying job in retail. As of now, my parents are facing the struggle of sending my twin sister and I to university. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies and less about worrying how to get the adequate funds for my tuition, housing, or food. Additionally, this scholarship will allow me to continue pursuing my passion in literature and broaden my access to resources that will improve my literary skills. Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration of my application! If you wish to read some of my literary works, I have attached it here:
    Sabrina Carpenter Superfan Scholarship
    It is quite fascinating how quickly the human mind falls in love with something! Have you ever opened the cream-colored pages of a novel and became so mesmerized by its plot that you read the entire book in one sitting? Or have you grudgingly started watching a movie that your parents recommended, only to find yourself halfway through, gripping your seat and anxiously waiting to see what would happen next? I encountered this for the first time when I heard the melodic and rhythmic qualities of Sabrina Carpenter’s songs! Although I had been fairly aware of her presence in the entertainment industry and never went out of my way to listen to her music, it wasn’t until I came across her most recent singles “Espresso” and “Please, Please, Please” that I became a new-found Carpenter fanatic! I began exploring the different aspects of Sabrina’s multifaceted career and became inspired by her consistent authenticity, charisma, and talent throughout it all. What fascinates me the most is that Carpenter has been in the spotlight for the majority of her life. Her early days started out on Disney Channel through the show, “Girl Meets World,” as she played the character of Maya Hart. She also voice acted as Princess Vivian on the popular animated series “Sofia the First.” Soon after, Carpenter gracefully transitioned from an acting career to a music career, seeking to establish a name for herself now that she had matured and enhanced her vocal talent. Needless to say, she has done just that and has officially solidified her rank in the music industry! Sabrina has a level of emotional depth and transparency in her music that is unmatched to songs being produced nowadays. Personally, her song “Please, Please, Please” has resonated with me in a way that I never expected. I find myself replaying this song multiple times per day due to the raw emotions conveyed and Carpenter’s “desperate” vocal delivery. It is abundantly clear that she works tremendously hard on her songs before their release, allowing her audience to appreciate the level of care and attention that she puts into every project. Just when you think that Carpenter has reached the peak of her career, she continues to achieve even more! Recently, she has been gaining an even wider audience by performing with Taylor Swift at the “The Eras Tour” concert. Carpenter has consistently been chosen as the opening act of this concert and has performed with Taylor Swift in various countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Japan, Australia, and Singapore. Ultimately, Sabrina Carpenter has proved time after time again that the sky is the limit. As she juggles the expectations and responsibilities of her singing career, it is only a reflection of her well-rounded and incredibly adaptive character. She has continuously chased after every opportunity that came her way and remained a beacon of kindness, inspiration, and charisma. Now, as I navigate the ups and downs of my own life, I am reminded of Sabrina Carpenter's transformative changes and the thrill of chasing after every opportunity, which guides me toward the joy of empowerment and endless possibilities.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Kayla Nicole Monk Memorial Scholarship
    From those tender moments when my father guided my hand through the individual strokes of the English alphabet, I was captivated by the art of literature and its power to influence the world around me. Every novel, mythical tale, and poem was filled with unique nuances that only ignited my passion for the literary discipline. I found joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and happiness in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. From that point forward, I knew what I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life: I wanted to be a writer. As a confused high schooler who often questioned her role in the grand scheme of things, writing allowed me to find my purpose in life and identify the goals that I would like to achieve with this incredible career. One of those goals was to empower individuals and to become a voice for the voiceless. Currently, I have crafted a plethora of poetic works regarding love, heartbreak, and passion that I showcase on a blog that I created earlier this year. I believe that every story deserves to be heard, for we often forget about the privileges we hold that aren’t available to citizens in other parts of the world. Literature is an underappreciated platform that helps magnify the power of the unforgettable stories and experiences of humanity, allowing its words to resonate with thousands of individuals across the globe. In today’s society where individuals are becoming increasingly divided and polarized, literature is of the utmost importance and holds the power of fostering crucial connections. Personally, I love creating literary works in which every person can relate to. As mentioned previously, I frequently discuss universal emotions in my works such as passion and pain, love and lust, or joy and sorrow. By exploring the ways in which humans are similar to one another instead of fixating on what divides us, we can foster empathy and continuously promote an interconnected world. Although I am aware that my impact on literature will not be as widely recognized as people who discover cures to cancer or donate thousands of dollars to local charities, I know that my influence is simple yet incredibly profound. I hope that through my literature, I can inspire, motivate, and empower individuals just like so many literary works have done so with me. Writing is a life-long journey that I am willing to dedicate myself towards, and I hope that through it I will leave a trail of hope and positive impact worldwide. The funds provided by this scholarship would be a tremendous help, as I am trying to minimize as much as possible the financial burden on my family. My father is currently retired, and my mother works a minimum paying job in retail. As of now, my parents are facing the struggle of sending my twin sister and I to university. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies and less about worrying how to get the adequate funds for my tuition, housing, or food. Thank you so much for your thoughtful consideration of my application and the beautiful spirit of Kayla Nicole Monk for inspiring this scholarship. If you wish to read some of my literary works, I have attached it here:
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    Ever since those moments when my father led my hand through the individual strokes of the English alphabet, I became entranced by the art of literature and its power to influence the world around me. Every novel, mythical tale, and poem was filled with unique nuances that only ignited my passion for the literary discipline. I found joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and happiness in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. From that point forward, I knew what I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life: I wanted to be a writer. As a confused high schooler who often questioned her role in the grand scheme of things, writing allowed me to find my purpose in life and identify the goals that I would like to achieve with this incredible career. One of those goals was to empower individuals and to become a voice for the voiceless. Currently, I have crafted a plethora of poetic works regarding love, heartbreak, and passion that I showcase on my blog that I created earlier this year. I believe that every story deserves to be heard, for we often forget about the privileges we hold that aren’t available to citizens in other parts of the world. Literature is an underappreciated platform that helps magnify the power of the unforgettable stories and experiences of humanity, allowing its words to resonate with thousands of individuals across the globe. Another way that I hope to impact the world with my literature is to foster connections and promote personal growth. I believe that literature is the most impactful when it creates an entire community filled with people who can connect with one another through literary works. For example, J.K Rowling was able to create a community with millions of individuals who call themselves “Potterheads” and admire the experiences of the characters in her Harry Potter series. Together, the community laughed about hilarious moments between the characters, debated the outcome of potential plot twists, and found their fictional home in the fantastical realm of Hogwarts. In today’s world where individuals are becoming increasingly divided and polarized, literature holds the power of fostering these crucial connections. Personally, I love creating literary works in which every person can relate to. As mentioned previously, I frequently discuss universal emotions in my works such as passion and pain, love and lust, or joy and sorrow. By exploring the ways in which humans are similar to one another instead of fixating on what divides us, we can foster empathy and continuously promote an interconnected world. Although I am aware that my impact on literature will not be as widely recognized as people who discover cures to cancer or donate thousands of dollars to local charities, I know that my influence is simple yet incredibly profound. I hope that through my literature, I can inspire, motivate, and empower individuals just like so many literary works have done so with me. Writing is a life-long journey that I am willing to dedicate myself towards, and I hope that through it I will leave a contribution of hope and positive impact worldwide. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of my application. If you wish to read some of my literary works, they are attached here:
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    Despite never having the chance to meet the bright and uplifting spirit of Kalia D. Davis, her story resonates with me in profound ways – allowing me to admire her constant positivity and well-roundedness throughout her life. Her continuous dedication to academics, extracurriculars, and most importantly her family, is the epitome of the values I hold and will continue to uphold throughout my time on this planet. I hope that through this application, I will enlighten you about the person that I am and the qualities that I possess that make me an ideal candidate for this scholarship. My name is Tina Azarm, and I am a daughter, sister, writer, and lifelong learner. I am currently a rising senior with aspirations of pursuing literature that goes beyond the typical high school curriculum. Like Kalia, I have continuously prioritized my academics and aimed to challenge myself intellectually. With a great amount of grit and dedication, I consistently ranked in the top 5% of my class for the past four years. Despite finding a wide range of subjects captivating, literature has always resonated with me in a way that no other subject has before. I find joy in the act of releasing abstract emotions into tangible ideas, words, and sentences. Writing allowed me to make sense of the nonsensical, find inspiration from the uninspiring, and joy in the very entities that brought forth negative emotions. I have consistently showcased my loyalty towards this subject by pursuing it in ways that are outside of the standard school environment. For the past year, I created my own passion project that delved into dystopian literature and how historical events mirrored those found in dystopic works. Additionally, I serve as a writer of the Schoolhouse newsletter that gets distributed to over 90,000+ individuals in 100+ countries. Much like Kalia, I have not only dedicated my time to extracurriculars and academics, but I also continuously find ways to impact the community around me. Whether that be through tutoring or volunteering at events, I am incredibly dedicated to organizations such as the National Honor Society and local charities such as North Fulton Community Charities. Throughout my life, I have always aimed to have an exceptional work ethic, and the story of Kalia D. Davis has only motivated me even further. If chosen as a recipient of this scholarship, I aim to make a difference in my community through the power of learning and education. The funds provided by this scholarship would be a tremendous help, as I am trying to minimize as much as possible the financial burden on my family. My father is currently retired, and my mother works a minimum-paying job in retail. As of now, my parents are facing the struggle of sending my twin sister and me to university. Despite these challenges, my parents know that education plays an extremely important role in life – for it has the power to open the door to new opportunities and a better future. Receiving this scholarship will allow me to focus more on my studies and less about worrying how to get adequate funds for my tuition, housing, or food. Ultimately, Kalia D. Davis has left a legacy of beauty, perseverance, and lifelong learning. I will continue to uphold and honor these pillars of life by striving for excellence in all the opportunities that come my way. It would be an absolute honor to receive this scholarship and pay tribute to the beautiful person that Kalia was. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of my application.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    If I had the opportunity to persuade a community of individuals to watch a Netflix movie/show of my choosing, without a doubt I would choose the Netflix documentary, “Three Identical Strangers.” Now, I know what you must be thinking: this isn’t a movie OR a show! No, it is not, but it is indeed better, and I am here to prove as to why that is! Three Identical Strangers details the astonishing and true story of triplets who were separated at birth and placed in three different households. At 19 years old, Edward Galland, Robert Shafran, and David Kellman discovered one another by chance and were in utter shock by their jaw-dropping similarities! They had the same mannerisms, the same ginger-colored hair, the same brown eyes, smoked the same brand of cigarettes, wrestled in high school, and even had the same taste in women! For the first few years, the triplets were overjoyed and ecstatic as they inquired more information about one another’s childhoods and what they liked and disliked. But then, some peculiar similarities began to appear that were quite odd. The brothers had realized that they were all placed in households with adoptive parents who had different styles of parenting and different socioeconomic statuses: one blue-collar, one middle-class, and one wealthy family. Additionally, they all vividly remembered employees coming from adoption agencies and conducting weekly or monthly assessments on the boys. The employees recorded their every move and strategically took out a notepad to conduct evaluations. When the adoptive parents questioned the employees’ intents, they simply responded that it was a routine checkup to assess if the child was getting along well in their new environment. The triplets had had enough of their secretive past and decided to conduct an investigation of their own, marching up to the adoption agency and demanding the truth. Soon after, they discovered the horrifying reality: the triplets were separated at birth for a confidential scientific investigation conducted by Dr. Neubauer. The team behind the experiment strategically separated children who were of a multiple birth and placed them in different households without disclosing the intent of the experiment to the adoptive parents. Dr. Neubauer wanted to solve the age-old discussion of nature vs. nurture, trying to see if the triplets’ environment or their genetic composition played a larger role in their lives. This experiment had incredibly dangerous psychological implications for the triplets. They had all struggled with separation anxiety throughout their childhood, which later manifested itself into severe depression. Unfortunately, the documentary reveals that one of the triplets – Edward Galland – tragically took his own life because of the diagnosis of manic depression. Ultimately, this documentary tells us of the unethicality of scientific experiments on human beings. The triplets were exploited and deceived just to satisfy the research of a doctor who couldn’t have cared less about the long-term impacts on them. This documentary is a heartbreaking story of three boys who thought that their lives would finally be fulfilled when they found one another, only for it to raise more questions than answers. To me, this masterpiece is worth watching more than any other reality show, science fiction, or fantasy movie. Unlike other films or series, it allows us to ponder on societal issues and the grave implications that our choices can have on others if we don’t take into consideration the importance of consent and ethicality. This remarkable story is one that everyone should hear once in their lives, for it is the epitome of resilience and the complexity of human nature.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    As I navigate the jubilations, hardships, and everything in between that define the experiences of adolescence, it often gets harder and harder to find role models in the entertainment industry that I can relate to on a personal level. Nowadays, many A-list celebrities put on a façade of humbleness and kindness – deluded by factors such as their wealth, fame, and status in modern society. However, one person stands out amongst the plethora of fame-driven individuals; she is the epitome of grace and effortlessness, demanding the attention of all in a room with her wittiness and charisma. She is none other than the one and only Zendaya Coleman! As a child, I frequently reminisce about memories of my sister and I playing with Barbie dolls - creating fictional scenarios as they treated patients, traveled to imaginary planets, ran multi-million dollar companies, and created imaginary cures to cancer and other such diseases. In my fantasy-driven brain, my Barbie dolls could do anything they wanted and pursue whatever career their hearts desired. Zendaya has proven time after time again her competence in so many different careers! To begin, she is a wonderful actor who has starred in popular films/series such as Euphoria, Spider-Man, and The Greatest Showman. She has wonderful dancing capabilities, starring in the nationally recognized TV show, Dancing with the Stars. Not only can she act and dance, but she has a background in singing and modeling! She has done a wide array of things, and this is only the beginning of her career. Despite her profound impact in so many different industries, there is one aspect of her multifaceted career that I admire the most: her acting career. One of her most memorable moments in my opinion was her appearance in the show, Euphoria. From the beginning of the first episode to the end of the first season, I saw a vulnerable and broken woman who was so incredibly different from the confident and bold image she portrays herself as. Zendaya took her character to depths that no other actress could have done – she displayed the struggles of addiction, family issues, and mental health struggles in a way that so many individuals could resonate with. As a teenager who has struggled immensely with body image, foreboding thoughts, and apprehension, Zendaya brought to light the hardships that teenagers endure during these developing times. Throughout the progression of the series, Zendaya’s character doesn’t allow her struggles to define who she is. In certain moments, we see her demonstrating personal growth as she navigates the complexities of her trauma. Ultimately, Zendaya has proved countless times that the sky is the limit. As she juggles the pressure of multiple careers, it is only a reflection of her well-rounded and incredibly adaptive character. She continuously sets out to learn from opportunities, take risks despite doubts, and exude confidence no matter the situation. Now, as I navigate the ups and downs of life, I am reminded of her transformative changes, leading me toward the joy of empowerment and endless possibilities.
    Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
    Just like Connie Konatsotis stated, education is the one thing that nobody can take away from you no matter how hard anyone tries. Born in Tehran, Iran, I enjoyed the first years of my life running, dancing, playing, and relishing the pulchritude of the world surrounding me. My loving parents taught me about fantastical realms abundant with princesses and dwarfs, numbers and letters, and the everlasting gift that is learning. My home became my utopian society, a refuge embellished with the most captivating of stories, the funniest of jokes, the loudest of laughs, and the rhythmic, steady beating of my heart. Thereafter, my parents told my twin sister and I that we would be going to a strange new land, one they described where our learning would be expedited in comparison to our leisurely learning sessions in Tehran – a land called “The United States.” I entered this new realm with caution and the personality of a skittish dear, alert of my surroundings and nervous at the expectations thrown my way. In classes, I would gaze at my new teachers in puzzlement as they spoke a language filled with nuances and words I could not comprehend. In the lunchroom, I watched other students during mealtime munch on their turkey and white bread sandwiches as I quietly ate my ghormeh sabzi. I felt incredibly out of place and felt as if I was impeding on grounds that weren’t mine. But eventually, I found myself developing fluency in the English language – learning the mannerisms, cuisine, traditions, and all in between of what made an individual an “American.” I fascinated myself with poetry, literature, dystopian works, and mythology. Cramming every nook and cranny with my prized novels filled me with a joy that I can only describe as euphoric. As I breezed through my middle school years, I had the privilege of being accepted into a selective STEM Magnet high school that allowed me to explore the pathways of engineering, information technology, and healthcare. Although these STEM fields are rather interesting, I have had the greater enjoyment of taking classes within both the realms of information technology and literature, allowing me to increase my knowledge and form interdisciplinary connections within the two entities. When asked what my favorite aspect about the concept of STEAM was, I have a simple yet straightforward response: the arts are the answer to releasing the wonders of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Where would we be without a little bit of creativity? No longer would we have graphs to draw linear equations, nor blueprints of architectural structures. We would no longer have 3-D blueprints of scientific concepts such as DNA or atomic diagrams of the ubiquitous periodic elements. The arts are so beloved by all because they help bring theories and concepts to life! Additionally, the arts are beloved by myself because it allows me to express myself in a way that I cannot ordinarily do with humans. By writing poetic verses and narratives, I can tell stories of love, heartbreak, resilience, poverty, and any story of my heart’s desires. Ultimately, I hope that through my education, I am able to persuade others of the impact of creativity. Ever since the enticement of literature reeled me into its web, I have continued to express my story through my works, allowing me to become a voice for others whose stories are similar to mine. I want to console, inspire, affirm, and comfort individuals who find their way to my writings. By doing so, I aim to leave indelible marks on the haven that is literature.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    Mathematics – its complex syllables caressing my auditory senses as I indulge in a world filled with nuances, numbers, and perplexing calculations. To be indubitably clear, math is not merely a subject to me. It reminds me of a historical tale: my historical tale. Today, as I solve trigonometric equations or determine the directrix of conic sections, I can’t help but form recollections of the times when I sat in my father’s lap as we reviewed shapes, numbers, and letters – back when times were simple and easygoing with just me, my dad, and the beginning of a satisfying sensation that later turned into a fiery passion for equations, graphs, and theories. In essence, I can’t remember a single math session with my father where he didn’t mention his grandfather. You see, my dad’s grandfather was a mathematician. His inability to solve a math equation was nonexistent. He performed complex calculations in seconds, whereas it would’ve taken others hours to complete. I believe my father’s strive for academic excellence stemmed from the prestigious accomplishments of my great-grandfather. But soon, the pursuit of academic excellence in mathematics was presumed unto me. I no longer considered mathematics my haven; in fact, it became a threatening fortress, one that I hid away from behind a foliage of grass and tree stumps. From the ages of eight to twelve, my father sat me behind our dinner table to go through the Georgia core curriculum of mathematics. My head crammed information regarding linear equations and measures of center before it could fit no more. My tears soaked my crinkled worksheets until my father finally dismissed me. For a long duration of time, I could not understand why my father kept pushing and striving me for success in this subject. Why couldn’t I have focused on the works of Shakespeare, the victories of the late Napoleon, or the discovery of DNA? “Math is more important,” he would repeat sternly. But why? Years later, I soon identified his why. Math surrounds us inexplicably in all we do. Math can be traced through my history – through the connection with my great-grandfather who I never had the privilege of meeting. It reverberates throughout the world in a universal language in which we all can reach the same answer even through different means. Math is my love and our answer to the ever-continuing mystery that is life.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    A totalitarian regime, a romantic escapade, and a torturous exposure to rodents – yes, this book is none other than the dystopian novel “1984”! If a crowd of students were to hear me saying that, they would’ve rolled their eyes in annoyance as they recalled the excruciating boredom they had to endure as they read this novel. Although its usage of perplexing terminology may turn some individuals away, it resonates with me deeply as I connect with the protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith. In order to explain my appreciation for “1984”, allow me to start from the beginning: my birth! I was born in the country of Iran, known for its delectable culinary dishes and vast array of oil reserves. Despite its recognition across the world, Iran is dictated by an authoritative and relentless theocracy. Women are required to wear head coverings, there are various limitations for freedom of expression, and the government actively limits media usage to its citizens. I was seven years old when I questioned my mother about why my teacher scolded me for taking off my head covering. She stroked my hand in hers and warned me that in doing so, I had violated one of Iran’s serious guidelines for women. Although my family and I moved out of the country when I was less than 10 years old, I frequently find myself reminiscing its memories and empathizing with characters whose stories are similar to mine. In my ninth-grade year as I flipped through the novel’s cream-colored pages for the first time, I felt a great amount of despair as Winston’s struggles reminded me of the troubles that my homeland was going through at that very moment. As I heard the echoing voices of my brothers and sisters fighting for their rights on television, their situation so nearly mirrored the predicament that Winston Smith was enduring. The fight for freedom against an oppressive regime was no longer a fictional issue. It became a reality, my reality. “1984” served as my cautionary tale, a beacon of light warning the world about the evils of a corrupt government. This novel indirectly serves as a memento of citizens’ resilience as they fight the battle against a higher power. It is one that I advise every individual to read, for it reminds us of the darkness that lurks in a world that can so easily take away our privileges.