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Thinh Nguyen


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My aspirations include ensuring the well-being of my parents in their later years, exploring diverse cultures across the globe, and fostering connections with individuals from various backgrounds. I have a profound passion for Computer Science and a deep appreciation for technological advancements. Additionally, I am dedicated to volleyball. My ultimate career objective is to excel as a software engineer and secure a position within a leading tech company. My passion revolves around technology and the computer science.


Cherry Hill High School West

High School
2021 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer and Information Sciences, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      To become a software engineer

    • Barista

      2023 – 20241 year



    Junior Varsity
    2023 – 2023


    • Junior Varsity Award


    • Computer Science

      Cherry Hill High School West — Research on machine learning to make a system of prediction
      2023 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Honors Society — I participated in donating candies to my local orphanage for Halloween.
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests



    LeBron James Fan Scholarship
    LeBron James is not just a phenomenal athlete; he is a symbol of relentless dedication and exceptional skill that transcends the realm of basketball, making a compelling case for being considered the greatest basketball player of all time. His career is a masterclass in longevity and peak performance, marked by countless records and achievements that speak to his unparalleled influence both on and off the court. From his high school days as a prodigy to his current status as an NBA icon, LeBron's journey has been nothing short of spectacular. He entered the league with immense expectations and not only met but exceeded them, reshaping the way we understand athleticism and competition. His stats are staggering—multiple MVP awards, NBA championships, All-Star appearances, and a spot on the NBA’s all-time scoring list. Each statistic not only highlights his consistency but also his ability to elevate his game at crucial moments, demonstrating a clutch prowess that rivals any in the history of the sport. What sets LeBron apart is his versatility. He can play and excel at multiple positions, from point guard to small forward, and even power forward, showcasing an adaptability that is rare among athletes of his stature. His ability to read the game and make decisive plays, whether scoring, assisting, or defending, makes him a central figure in any team he plays for. This versatility extends off the court as well, where he uses his platform to influence and enact social change, embodying the role of an athlete-activist with grace and fervor. LeBron's leadership is another facet of his greatness. He has the innate ability to galvanize his teammates, leading by example and pushing them towards excellence. His leadership has often been the catalyst for transforming good teams into championship-winning squads, proving that his impact goes beyond his personal stats and accolades. Moreover, LeBron's commitment to maintaining his physical condition and his strategic approach to the game illustrate a deep, intellectual engagement with basketball. He studies the sport with the meticulousness of a scholar, adapting his playstyle as he ages to remain effective and dominant. This adaptability is not just physical but also mental, showing a psychological resilience that is as important as physical prowess in defining the longevity of a sports career. Comparing LeBron to other legends like Michael Jordan or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is inevitable, but what makes this comparison fascinating is how different their paths and playing styles are. While Jordan's killer instinct and scoring ability were his trademarks, LeBron’s all-around game and leadership make him a different kind of force, one that can be argued to be just as impactful, if not more, given the evolution of the game. In conclusion, whether LeBron James is the greatest basketball player of all time can be debated, but his influence on basketball is indisputable. He has redefined what it means to be an athlete in the modern era, combining skill, intelligence, and activism in a way that elevates not just his game, but also his community and the sports world at large. His legacy is one of greatness, characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a profound understanding of basketball as more than just a game.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    Leadership is an amalgam of responsibility, foresight, and the ability to motivate and guide others towards achieving a common goal. My understanding of leadership is rooted in a blend of personal experiences and values that drive me to not only envision a path forward but to walk it alongside those I lead. One of the core elements of my leadership style is empathy. Understanding the diverse backgrounds and emotional landscapes of team members allows me to connect on a more personal level, fostering a supportive environment where everyone feels heard and valued. This connection is crucial, as it helps me tailor my communication and feedback to effectively resonate with each individual, enhancing our collective productivity and morale. Communication, another pillar of my leadership, is about clarity and openness. I strive to communicate goals, expectations, and feedback clearly and constructively, ensuring there are no misunderstandings that could impede our progress. I also encourage open dialogue, inviting team members to voice their ideas and concerns. This not only helps in identifying potential issues before they become problematic but also promotes a culture of inclusivity where every opinion is valued. Decision-making is another critical aspect of leadership. I approach decisions with a balance of analytical thinking and intuition, considering both the immediate and long-term impacts of our actions. This process often involves gathering input from the team, weighing alternatives, and sometimes making tough choices for the sake of the team and project's success. Being decisive, yet flexible, allows me to navigate challenges effectively and adjust our course as needed. Furthermore, integrity shapes every decision and interaction I have. By consistently acting with honesty and moral clarity, I build trust within the team. This trust is foundational, as it cements my credibility and makes it easier to lead others—they know I am committed to our shared values and objectives. Vision is what propels us forward. I strive to set and share a clear vision that not only aligns with our goals but also excites and inspires the team. This vision isn't static; it adapts to new insights and circumstances, demonstrating my commitment to our progress and innovation. By leading with a vision, I help the team see beyond the day-to-day tasks and focus on the bigger picture of what we are striving to achieve together. Leadership also demands resilience and the ability to motivate. Facing setbacks without losing momentum is a challenge, and maintaining team morale during such times is even more critical. I focus on being a source of stability and positivity, reminding the team of our strengths and past achievements while steering us towards solutions. Lastly, I am committed to continuous learning and self-improvement. Leadership is a journey, not a destination. I actively seek feedback, engage in professional development opportunities, and reflect on my actions to understand how I can better serve my team and our objectives. In summary, my leadership is characterized by a blend of empathy, effective communication, decisive action, unwavering integrity, a clear vision, resilience, and a commitment to continuous growth. These traits help me inspire and guide my team towards not just meeting our goals but exceeding them, thereby creating a positive and enduring impact.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    My journey with mental health has been a profound teacher, shaping my understanding of resilience, compassion, and the human condition. Growing up in a community where mental health was seldom discussed openly, I witnessed firsthand the devastating impacts of untreated mental illnesses, not least through the tragic loss of my mother to suicide. This pivotal event marked the beginning of my own struggles but also planted the seeds of my life’s mission: to advocate for mental health awareness and destigmatization, especially within underserved communities. The silence around mental health in my community taught me the importance of voice. For years, I internalized my grief, misunderstanding it as a personal weakness rather than a reaction to lost maternal love and the absence of communal dialogue about such pain. This misinterpretation led to years of emotional turbulence, affecting my relationships and academic performance. It wasn’t until I sought therapy in college that I began to understand my experiences as part of a broader societal issue—a lack of open dialogue about mental health, compounded by cultural stigmas and systemic barriers to accessing care. This realization reshaped my worldview and career aspirations. I switched my major to psychology, driven by a determination to understand mental health not just as a scientific discipline but as a bridge to community healing. Academically, I delved into courses that explored the intersection of mental health, culture, and public policy, which illuminated the vast disparities in mental health resources among different communities. These studies confirmed my resolve to ensure that no one else should suffer in silence as my family and I did. Professionally, I aspire to become a clinical psychologist working in urban communities similar to my own, providing culturally competent care and advocating for mental health policies that prioritize accessibility and education. I am also committed to launching community workshops that foster open conversations about mental health, aiming to dismantle the stigmas and normalize seeking help. On a personal level, my experiences have profoundly influenced my relationships. They have taught me the importance of empathy, listening, and patience. With friends and family, I strive to be a source of support and an advocate for mental wellness, encouraging open discussions about emotions and mental health challenges. These efforts are not only healing for me but also help build stronger, more understanding connections. Moreover, my mother’s story and the lessons I’ve learned from coping with her loss continue to inspire my vision for a world where mental health is as openly discussed as physical health. I imagine a society where young people are equipped with the mental health literacy they need to navigate life’s challenges healthily and where families are supported comprehensively in addressing mental health issues. Through the Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship, I seek not only to honor my mother’s memory but also to contribute to a cultural shift towards greater mental health awareness and empathy. By sharing my story and the impact of mental health on my life goals, relationships, and understanding of the world, I aim to illuminate the paths through which healing and advocacy can transform personal and collective experiences. This scholarship represents a critical step toward achieving these ambitions, helping to ensure that future generations can live in a world where mental health is recognized, respected, and nurtured.
    Brad Hinshaw Memorial Scholarship
    Losing a parent to cancer is a profound, life-altering experience that reshapes every facet of one's existence. My father, a man of boundless energy and joy, succumbed to lung cancer, leaving behind not just an aching void where his laughter once filled our home, but also a legacy of courage and resilience that continues to inspire me. His unwavering positivity, even in the face of his grueling illness, taught me the invaluable lesson of facing life’s adversities with strength and a smile. My favorite memory of him involves our weekend hiking trips. No matter how strenuous the path, he had a remarkable way of pointing out the beauty in the small details—the rustle of leaves, the chirp of birds, and the serene silence of nature. These moments, precious and everlasting, instilled in me a deep appreciation for nature and the transient beauty of life. His loss, however, thrust me into premature maturity. Suddenly, the world demanded pragmatism over grief. As a teenager, I found myself grappling with the heavy responsibilities of supporting my family both emotionally and financially. The aftermath of his death was a turbulent period, filled with challenges that tested my resolve at every turn. Yet, it was during these trying times that the essence of my father’s teachings became a guiding light. His life, a testament to perseverance and dedication, motivated me to channel my grief into purposeful action. I immersed myself in studies and extracurricular activities, driven by a desire to honor his memory by embodying the virtues he lived by. The impact of his passing extended beyond personal growth; it spurred me to advocate for cancer awareness and support within my community. Inspired by my father’s battle and the struggles of many others, I initiated fundraising campaigns to aid local cancer research facilities and support groups. This endeavor not only helped in providing much-needed resources but also created a platform for sharing stories and healing collectively, mirroring the support my family received during our toughest times. This scholarship resonates deeply with my journey, as it seeks to uplift individuals who have experienced similar losses, transforming grief into empowerment. It offers a beacon of hope and support, enabling students like me to pursue educational aspirations that might have seemed unattainable amidst financial and emotional turmoil. By investing in the education of those who have endured significant losses, it perpetuates a cycle of goodwill, empowering us to contribute meaningfully to society in ways that honor the memories of those we’ve lost. In essence, my father’s legacy does not reside solely in the past but propels me forward, infusing my ambitions with purpose and my actions with the drive to make a positive impact. Through this scholarship, his enduring influence can extend to the broader community, fostering resilience and compassion among fellow scholars. As I strive to embody his virtues and carry forward his legacy, I am reminded that even in loss, there is a capacity for profound impact and a pathway to transformative growth.
    Stewart Family Legacy Scholarship
    Leadership and science are twin pillars upon which the future of society rests, each playing a crucial role in shaping the world we aspire to live in. Science, with its relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation, propels us forward, unlocking the mysteries of the universe and finding solutions to our most pressing challenges. It offers a pathway to new technologies, medical breakthroughs, and an understanding that deepens our relationship with the natural world. Meanwhile, leadership is the catalyst that translates scientific understanding into actionable change. Effective leaders inspire and mobilize individuals and communities to leverage scientific advancements for the betterment of society. They possess the vision to foresee long-term impacts and the commitment to ethical principles, ensuring that the march of progress benefits all, not just a privileged few. In the context of advancing science, leadership becomes especially pivotal. As we confront global issues like climate change, pandemic diseases, and technological disruption, the role of leaders in science is to ensure that research agendas and innovations are aligned with the broader social good. These leaders advocate for policies that support scientific research and education, ensuring that bright, passionate minds have access to the necessary resources and opportunities to pursue science careers. By fostering environments that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving, leaders in science create platforms for the next generation to contribute meaningly to ongoing global dialogues and solutions. Moreover, leadership in science isn't confined to those at the helm of research labs or government bodies; it also emerges in classrooms, community centers, and even digital platforms. Young leaders in science often serve as bridges between complex scientific information and the public, demystifying data and emphasizing the relevance of science in everyday life. This form of leadership is crucial in building a society that values and understands scientific principles, which in turn supports informed decision-making at both individual and collective levels. Financial barriers, however, often impede talented students from underprivileged backgrounds from pursuing scientific careers. Scholarships and financial aids are essential in this regard, as they provide the means for these students to complete their education and bring their unique perspectives and innovative ideas to the science community. Diversity in science not only enriches the field with a wide range of insights but also ensures that scientific advancements are inclusive and consider the needs of diverse populations. As we look to the future, the interplay between leadership and science will undoubtedly shape our world in profound ways. Leaders in science must continue to advocate for research and innovation that addresses the real-world problems while ensuring ethical standards and equitable access to the benefits of scientific progress. Empowering young minds through education and leadership opportunities means investing in a future where science and leadership together pave the way for a sustainable, equitable, and thriving world. This scholarship aims to support the ambitious, driven, and impactful leaders of tomorrow who will harness the power of science to make a lasting difference in the world.
    Ken Landry Memorial Scholarship
    My journey in volleyball has been a transformative experience, molding me into the person I am today and equipping me with the tools to make a positive impact on others. Through countless hours of practice, intense matches, and moments of triumph and defeat, volleyball has taught me invaluable life lessons about teamwork, resilience, and accountability. These lessons have not only shaped my character but also empowered me to inspire and mentor others in meaningful ways. Volleyball is inherently a team sport, requiring seamless coordination and communication among players. Each position on the court is crucial, and success depends on the collective effort of the team. This understanding of interdependence has instilled in me a deep appreciation for teamwork. I've learned that individual talent is important, but it is the synergy of the team that truly drives success. This lesson transcends the court and applies to various aspects of life, from professional settings to personal relationships. By fostering a collaborative mindset, I can inspire others to value teamwork and build strong, supportive communities. Volleyball, like life, is full of ups and downs. There are moments of exhilarating victories and crushing defeats. Through these experiences, I have developed a resilience that enables me to bounce back from setbacks and keep pushing forward. The sport has taught me the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, learning from mistakes, and never giving up, no matter how challenging the situation. This resilience is a quality I strive to instill in others, especially young athletes. By sharing my journey and the obstacles I've overcome, I hope to encourage them to persevere and stay committed to their goals. Volleyball has also provided me with opportunities to mentor and inspire others. Whether through coaching younger players or sharing my experiences with peers, I have found great fulfillment in guiding and supporting others on their athletic journeys. By offering advice, encouragement, and constructive feedback, I can help them navigate the challenges they face and unlock their full potential. Mentorship is a powerful tool for making a lasting impact, and I am committed to using my experiences to uplift and empower others. Beyond individual mentorship, I strive to create a positive and inclusive culture within the volleyball community. This involves promoting sportsmanship, respect, and empathy among players. By fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and supported, we can enhance the overall experience for all participants. A positive culture not only improves performance but also strengthens bonds and builds a sense of belonging. I believe that by championing these values, I can contribute to a more vibrant and cohesive community both on and off the court. In conclusion, my journey in volleyball has been a profound source of growth and inspiration. The lessons I've learned about teamwork, resilience, accountability, and mentorship have shaped my character and equipped me to make a meaningful impact on others. As I continue to pursue my passion for the sport, I am dedicated to sharing these lessons and inspiring others to achieve their own success. Through volleyball, I have discovered the power of sport to transform lives, and I am committed to using this platform to create positive change.
    Rebecca Hunter Memorial Scholarship
    Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's values, behaviors, and attitudes. One of the most effective ways to impart these lessons is through personal example. Demonstrating self-improvement and determination can profoundly influence a child's development, instilling a sense of perseverance, resilience, and the importance of continuous growth. By actively engaging in self-improvement and displaying unwavering determination, parents can paint a vivid picture of these virtues, fostering an environment where children learn to value and embody these traits. One of the primary ways parents can set a positive example is by committing to lifelong learning. Whether through formal education, self-study, or learning new skills, showing a dedication to personal growth teaches children the importance of education and intellectual curiosity. When parents pursue new knowledge or skills, they demonstrate that learning is a continuous process, not confined to the classroom. This encourages children to adopt a similar mindset, understanding that growth and improvement are lifelong endeavors. Life inevitably presents challenges, and how parents respond to these obstacles can significantly impact their children. By facing difficulties with resilience and a positive attitude, parents show that setbacks are not insurmountable but opportunities for growth. Demonstrating problem-solving skills, seeking help when needed, and maintaining a positive outlook despite adversity teaches children the value of perseverance. This behavior underscores the message that determination and resilience are key to overcoming life's hurdles. Setting and achieving personal goals is another powerful way to model determination and self-improvement. Parents can share their goals with their children, involve them in the process, and celebrate milestones together. This transparency not only demystifies the goal-setting process but also illustrates the importance of planning, hard work, and dedication. When children see their parents working towards and achieving their goals, they learn to appreciate the effort required for success and are more likely to set and pursue their own goals with determination. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet, exercise, and mental well-being is another aspect of self-improvement that parents can model. Prioritizing health and wellness demonstrates self-care and discipline. Engaging in regular physical activity, preparing nutritious meals, and practicing mindfulness or stress-reducing techniques show children the importance of taking care of their bodies and minds. These habits can significantly influence children's attitudes toward their health and encourage them to adopt similar practices. Integrity and accountability are fundamental components of self-improvement and determination. By consistently acting with honesty and taking responsibility for their actions, parents set a standard for ethical behavior. Admitting mistakes and learning from them, rather than blaming others or making excuses, teaches children about accountability and the importance of personal integrity. These lessons help children understand that true self-improvement involves a commitment to ethical conduct and personal responsibility. Lastly, parents should emphasize and celebrate effort rather than just results. Praising children for their hard work, persistence, and progress reinforces the value of determination. This approach helps children develop a growth mindset, where they understand that effort leads to improvement and that challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. By acknowledging and celebrating their own efforts and those of their children, parents create a supportive environment that fosters continuous self-improvement. In conclusion, parents can profoundly influence their children's development by embodying self-improvement and determination. Through lifelong learning, resilience, goal-setting, healthy lifestyle choices, integrity, and a focus on effort, parents can set a powerful example. This not only helps children develop these important traits but also prepares them to face life's challenges with confidence and perseverance. By living these values, parents paint a vivid and lasting picture of what it means to strive for personal growth and success.
    Love Island Fan Scholarship
    Heart Strings: A Love Island Challenge "Heart Strings" is an innovative challenge designed to test communication, trust, and coordination among Love Island couples. This event promises memorable moments and strengthens relationships while providing viewers with plenty of entertainment. The challenge unfolds in three progressively difficult stages. Couples are tethered together by a stretchy bungee cord, emphasizing teamwork and synchronization. Stage 1: The Trust Walk In "The Trust Walk," couples navigate a maze-like course with obstacles such as inflatable barriers and low walls. One partner is blindfolded, relying on verbal instructions from their partner. Clear communication and trust are essential, as the guiding partner cannot physically assist. The objective is to complete the course quickly without knocking over obstacles, with time penalties for each one hit. Stage 2: The Balance Beam "The Balance Beam" requires couples to cross narrow balance beams and stepping stones over a shallow pool. Maintaining balance and coordination while tethered is crucial. Falls into the water mean restarting the stage and incurring time penalties. This stage tests physical coordination and mutual support under pressure. Stage 3: The Puzzle Tower In "The Puzzle Tower," couples climb a vertical wall to collect puzzle pieces and solve a jigsaw puzzle at the top. They must climb up and down repeatedly, working together to complete the puzzle quickly. This stage combines physical exertion with problem-solving and cooperation. Challenge Rules Rules ensure fairness and safety: couples must stay tethered, and interference with others results in disqualification. Communication is allowed, but physical assistance is limited. Time penalties apply for rule violations or falling in Stage 2. Prize The winning couple enjoys a romantic private dinner under the stars, complete with a luxury picnic, serenade by a local musician, and an overnight stay in a decorated cabana. Safety and Entertainment Safety is prioritized with harnesses and trained staff. Multiple cameras capture the excitement and mishaps, with lively host commentary. Viewers can vote for the most entertaining couple, who receive a special award. In conclusion, "Heart Strings" is an unforgettable challenge blending excitement, teamwork, and romance. It tests couples' ability to work together under pressure while providing viewers with drama and fun. This challenge is sure to be a highlight of the season, leaving a lasting impression on participants and fans alike.
    Matthew E. Minor Memorial Scholarship
    I am an immigrant from Vietnam who came to the United States with my family in search of better opportunities. This journey has shaped my identity and aspirations, instilling in me values of perseverance, resilience, and hard work. I am passionate about Computer Science and dream of becoming a software engineer to develop innovative solutions that address real-world problems and promote equity. Community involvement has always been a significant part of my life. As a member of the National Honor Society, I participated in numerous community service projects, including organizing donation drives and assisting in local events. I also volunteered at a summer camp, helping kids with various activities and ensuring they had a safe and enjoyable experience. These experiences have taught me the importance of giving back and fostering a sense of community. Financial need is a considerable challenge as I enter higher education. My family has worked tirelessly to provide for us, but the cost of college is a significant burden. Scholarships and financial aid are essential for me to pursue my education without adding undue financial strain on my family. These resources will enable me to focus on my studies and achieve my career goals. One of my passions is ensuring the safety and well-being of children and youth in my community, particularly in the context of bullying and cyberbullying. In today’s digital age, the prevalence of cyberbullying has become a serious concern. To address this, I believe in the power of education to prevent bullying. I have participated in workshops and seminars to educate both children and parents about the signs of bullying and cyberbullying, the impact it can have, and how to seek help. By raising awareness, we can empower children to speak out and seek support. At the summer camp where I volunteer, we have implemented programs to create a safe and inclusive environment. This includes team-building activities that promote respect and understanding, as well as clear policies against bullying. Children know they can approach me or any staff member if they feel threatened or uncomfortable. To combat cyberbullying, I advocate for the use of privacy settings and safe online practices. I have helped organize workshops that teach children how to protect their personal information online, recognize harmful behavior, and report it. We also encourage parents to monitor their children's online activity and maintain open lines of communication. Providing support for victims of bullying is crucial. I have been involved in peer support groups where students can share their experiences and offer each other encouragement. Additionally, we collaborate with school counselors to ensure that children receive the professional help they need. In conclusion, my journey as an immigrant has instilled in me a strong sense of community and a commitment to making a positive impact. Financial aid is crucial for me to pursue higher education and achieve my goals. My efforts to keep children and youth safe from bullying and cyberbullying reflect my dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone. By continuing these efforts, I hope to contribute to a safer and more equitable community.
    New Beginnings Immigrant Scholarship
    My journey from Vietnam to the United States has been a profound and transformative experience, shaping both my identity and my aspirations. As an immigrant, I have faced numerous challenges, but these obstacles have only strengthened my resolve and determination to succeed. I came to the United States with my family in search of better opportunities and a brighter future. The transition was not easy; adjusting to a new culture, learning a new language, and navigating the complexities of a different education system required significant effort and resilience. However, these challenges also presented opportunities for growth and self-discovery. The values of hard work, perseverance, and adaptability that I brought with me from Vietnam have been essential in overcoming these hurdles. One of the most significant aspects of my immigrant experience has been the importance of education. My parents instilled in me the belief that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving success. This belief has driven me to excel academically and to pursue my passions with unwavering dedication. I have embraced every educational opportunity, knowing that it is a pathway to realizing my dreams. My career aspirations are deeply influenced by my immigrant background and the desire to make a meaningful impact. I am passionate about Computer Science and envision a career as a software engineer. Technology has the power to transform lives and bridge gaps, and I am eager to be a part of this transformative field. My goal is to leverage my skills in artificial intelligence and machine learning to develop innovative solutions that address real-world problems. I am particularly interested in creating technologies that can improve access to education, healthcare, and financial services for underserved communities. My immigrant experience has made me acutely aware of the disparities that exist in society, and I am committed to using technology to promote equity and inclusion. By developing intelligent systems that can adapt to the needs of diverse populations, I hope to contribute to a more just and equitable world. In addition to my technical goals, I aspire to be a leader in the tech industry. I want to foster a culture of continuous learning and innovation, where diverse perspectives are valued and everyone has the opportunity to succeed. I believe that my unique background as an immigrant will enable me to bring a fresh perspective to the industry and to advocate for inclusive practices. Ultimately, my career aspirations are driven by a desire to give back to the community and to make a positive impact. I am committed to mentoring other immigrants and underrepresented individuals in the tech field, helping them navigate the challenges I once faced. By sharing my experiences and knowledge, I hope to inspire others to pursue their dreams and to contribute to the advancement of technology. In summary, my immigrant experience has shaped my identity and career aspirations in profound ways. It has taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and the transformative power of education. As I pursue a career in Computer Science, I am driven by the desire to create technologies that promote equity and inclusion and to be a leader who champions diversity in the tech industry. My journey from Vietnam to the United States has been challenging, but it has also been a source of strength and inspiration, guiding me toward a future where I can make a meaningful impact.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    Military service has been a significant part of my family's history, instilling values of duty, honor, and perseverance that have shaped who I am today. My grandfather served in the Army during the Vietnam War, and his stories of camaraderie, resilience, and sacrifice have left a lasting impression on me. Growing up, I often listened to him recount the challenges and triumphs he experienced, which instilled in me a profound respect for the men and women who serve our country. My grandfather's military service was not just about combat; it was also about the bonds formed with fellow soldiers and the commitment to a cause greater than oneself. These narratives highlighted the importance of teamwork, leadership, and dedication. My family's military background has profoundly influenced my character, teaching me the value of perseverance, discipline, and service to others. My educational goals are closely tied to these values. I am passionate about Computer Science and aspire to leverage technology to solve real-world problems. I plan to pursue a degree in Computer Science with a focus on artificial intelligence and machine learning. The rapidly evolving field of technology fascinates me, and I am eager to contribute to innovations that can improve lives and drive progress. Throughout my academic journey, I aim to gain a deep understanding of complex algorithms, data structures, and programming languages. I intend to participate in research projects and internships that will provide hands-on experience and deepen my knowledge. By combining my technical skills with the principles of integrity and perseverance I learned from my family's military background, I am confident in my ability to excel in my studies and future career. Post-graduation, I see myself working as a software engineer in a leading technology company, focusing on developing intelligent systems that can revolutionize industries such as healthcare, finance, and education. My long-term goal is to become a leader in the tech industry, driving innovation and fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. I am also committed to giving back to the community, whether through mentoring aspiring technologists or participating in initiatives that promote STEM education. The values of service and dedication that my family's military experience instilled in me will continue to guide my career. I aspire to create technologies that make a positive impact and to lead with integrity and empathy. In addition, I am determined to support initiatives that bridge the gap between technology and underrepresented communities, ensuring that the benefits of innovation are accessible to all. In summary, my family's military background has profoundly influenced my values and aspirations. My educational goals in Computer Science reflect my commitment to excellence and my desire to make a meaningful impact. Post-graduation, I envision myself as a leader in the tech industry, driving innovation and contributing to the betterment of society. The principles of duty, honor, and perseverance that I inherited from my family's military service will remain at the core of everything I do.
    Brandon M. Greber Memorial Scholarship
    The military and the protection of our country hold profound significance to me, representing the embodiment of sacrifice, duty, and honor. Growing up in a family with a history of military service, I have always admired the unwavering commitment of those who serve. The military is more than just a defense force; it is a symbol of national unity and the guardian of the freedoms and values we hold dear. This personal connection has given me a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by service members and their families. To me, the military exemplifies the highest form of selflessness. Men and women in uniform put their lives on the line to ensure the safety and security of our nation. They leave their families, endure rigorous training, and face unimaginable challenges, all to protect a way of life that allows us to pursue our dreams and live in peace. This level of dedication inspires me to be a better citizen and strive for excellence in my own endeavors. The concept of protecting our country extends beyond physical defense. It encompasses preserving the principles of democracy, justice, and liberty. The military's role in humanitarian missions, disaster relief, and international peacekeeping highlights its commitment to global stability and human dignity. This broader perspective of protection aligns with my belief in the importance of contributing positively to society, whether through community service, professional achievements, or personal interactions. Witnessing the impact of military operations in bringing aid and stability to regions in need has reinforced my commitment to service. What motivates me in life is the desire to make a meaningful impact. I am driven by the values of integrity, perseverance, and compassion—traits that are integral to military service. My goal is to use my skills and knowledge to help others and create a better future. Whether it is through my academic pursuits, volunteering, or career aspirations, I seek to embody the same spirit of dedication and service that the military exemplifies. Additionally, the sense of camaraderie and unity within the military community is something I deeply admire. The bonds forged through shared experiences and the mutual support among service members reflect the strength of collective effort. This sense of belonging and teamwork motivates me to build strong, supportive relationships in all aspects of my life. I have seen firsthand how a strong community can provide strength and resilience in the face of adversity, and I strive to foster that same sense of unity in my personal and professional circles. The discipline and resilience demonstrated by military personnel also serve as powerful motivators. The rigorous training and constant readiness required in the military cultivate a mindset of perseverance and adaptability. These qualities are essential not only in defense but in overcoming personal challenges and achieving long-term goals. Observing the resilience of service members in the face of adversity has taught me the value of determination and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook, even in difficult times. In conclusion, the military and the protection of our country symbolize the ultimate commitment to safeguarding our freedoms and values. The selflessness, honor, and dedication of those who serve inspire me to strive for excellence and make a positive impact in my own life. Motivated by the desire to contribute meaningfully to society, I am committed to upholding the principles of integrity, perseverance, and compassion in all that I do. The example set by military personnel drives me to pursue my goals with the same level of dedication and to support and uplift those around me, contributing to a stronger and more united community.
    Ken Larson Memorial Scholarship
    I am deeply passionate about my chosen major in computer science because it allows me to dive into the dynamic and ever-evolving world of technology. My fascination with how technology can solve real-world problems drives me to create and innovate solutions that can positively impact my community. The endless possibilities within computer science, from developing software that improves daily life to designing systems that enhance communication and efficiency, inspire me to pursue this field. Additionally, my love for technology stems from its potential to bridge gaps and provide opportunities for people from all walks of life. I am motivated by the idea of using my skills to develop accessible and user-friendly applications that can make a difference. My goal is to become a software engineer and break into big tech companies, where I can contribute to groundbreaking projects and collaborate with like-minded individuals to push the boundaries of what technology can achieve. Ultimately, my passion for computer science is fueled by the desire to innovate, solve problems, and make a tangible difference in the world. I am excited about the future and the opportunities it holds for me to contribute to the tech industry and help my community. One of the key reasons why I am so passionate about computer science is its interdisciplinary nature. This field is not limited to just coding and software development; it intersects with numerous other domains such as healthcare, education, finance, and environmental science. For instance, in healthcare, computer science is revolutionizing the way we approach medical diagnostics, patient management, and research. Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms are being developed to detect diseases early, personalize treatment plans, and even predict patient outcomes. The idea that my work could one day contribute to saving lives or improving the quality of healthcare is incredibly motivating. Furthermore, the problem-solving aspect of computer science is particularly appealing to me. The process of identifying a problem, brainstorming potential solutions, and implementing a functional and efficient solution is both challenging and rewarding. I enjoy the intellectual stimulation that comes with tackling complex problems and finding elegant solutions. This problem-solving mindset is not only applicable to technical challenges but also to real-world issues, where technology can be leveraged to make a significant impact. In addition to technical skills, computer science has also taught me the importance of perseverance and continuous learning. The rapid pace of technological advancement means that there is always something new to learn, and staying updated with the latest trends and developments is crucial. This constant need for self-improvement and adaptability aligns with my personal values and drives me to keep pushing myself to grow both personally and professionally. Ultimately, my passion for computer science is driven by a desire to make a positive impact on society. I believe that technology has the power to transform lives and create a better future for all. Whether it is through developing innovative software, designing systems that improve efficiency, or creating applications that promote inclusivity and accessibility, I am committed to using my skills to contribute to meaningful projects. I am excited about the future and the opportunities it holds for me to make a difference in the tech industry and beyond. In conclusion, my passion for computer science is rooted in its potential to solve real-world problems, its interdisciplinary applications, the collaborative and innovative nature of the field, and the continuous learning and growth it offers. I am dedicated to pursuing a career in this dynamic and impactful field, where I can use my skills and knowledge to create positive change and help my community.
    Courage/Yongqi Scholarship
    My current educational journey is quite rigorous and challenging, filled with tedious tasks and complex concepts that require a lot of understanding and perseverance. Growing up in a marginalized community, I have faced numerous obstacles, but these challenges have only strengthened my resolve to pursue my dreams and make a meaningful impact. From a young age, I was always curious about the world around me. My interest in science was sparked by the everyday struggles I observed in my community, particularly in agriculture. Watching my family and neighbors struggle with poor crop yields and unpredictable weather conditions, I became determined to find solutions that could improve our way of life. This curiosity and determination drove me to excel in school, despite the many challenges I faced. In high school, I enrolled in advanced courses like AP Computer Science Principles, AP Physics, and Calculus AB. These subjects were not only challenging but also incredibly demanding. There were moments when the workload felt overwhelming, and I questioned whether I could keep up. However, my passion for learning and my desire to help my community kept me going. I spent countless hours studying, seeking help from teachers, and collaborating with classmates to deepen my understanding of the material. One of the most significant challenges I faced was balancing my academic responsibilities with my duties at home. As the eldest child, I often had to help my parents with farm work and take care of my younger siblings. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I reminded myself of my goals and the impact I wanted to make. This sense of purpose gave me the strength to persevere, even when things were tough. Asking for help was not always easy. Coming from a disadvantaged background, I sometimes felt hesitant to reach out for fear of being judged or feeling inadequate. However, I learned that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. My teachers and mentors played a crucial role in my educational journey. They provided guidance, encouragement, and resources that helped me overcome obstacles and achieve my goals. The support I received from my community also reinforced the importance of helping others and giving back. One of the most pivotal moments in my educational journey was when I successfully developed a strain of drought-resistant maize. This project, which combined my passion for science and my desire to solve real-world problems, was a turning point for me. It demonstrated that with hard work, creativity, and perseverance, I could make a tangible difference. This achievement not only boosted my confidence but also inspired me to continue pursuing my dreams. My experiences have instilled in me a set of core values that guide me in everything I do. Resilience, determination, and empathy are at the heart of my journey. I have learned that challenges are opportunities for growth and that perseverance is key to overcoming adversity. My commitment to helping others and improving my community drives me to keep pushing forward, even when the path is difficult. In conclusion, my educational journey has been shaped by a combination of challenges and triumphs. Growing up in a marginalized community, I have faced numerous obstacles, but these experiences have only strengthened my resolve to pursue my dreams. The values I have developed, such as resilience, determination, and empathy, have guided me through difficult times and will continue to drive me as I work towards making a positive impact. Asking for and receiving help has been a crucial part of my journey, reinforcing the importance of community and support. As I look to the future, I am committed to using my education and experiences to create meaningful change and help others overcome their own challenges.
    Dr. Rajesh Aggarwal Scholarship for Scientific Studies
    Growing up on a small farm, I experienced firsthand the devastating impact of unpredictable weather and poor crop yields. Our farm, which my family depended on for our livelihood, was increasingly vulnerable to droughts and extreme weather conditions. Watching my parents struggle to make ends meet fueled my determination to find a solution. This personal adversity led me to explore innovative scientific solutions while I was still in high school. In my sophomore year, I enrolled in an advanced biology course that introduced me to the fascinating world of genetics and biotechnology. Inspired by what I learned, I decided to undertake a personal research project focused on creating drought-resistant crops. My goal was to use genetic modification to enhance the natural abilities of plants to retain water and survive longer periods without rainfall. The journey was not easy. I faced numerous challenges, from mastering complex scientific concepts to dealing with skepticism from those who doubted the viability of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). However, my personal connection to the problem kept me motivated. I knew that if successful, my work could not only save my family’s farm but also help countless other farmers facing similar struggles. I started by conducting extensive research on the genetic traits of various crops. I spent countless hours in the school lab, experimenting with different techniques to introduce drought-resistant genes into maize plants. My biology teacher became my mentor, guiding me through the intricate process of genetic modification. I also reached out to local agricultural experts and university researchers for additional insights and support. After months of rigorous experimentation, I succeeded in developing a strain of maize that could thrive in arid conditions. This innovation was a result of combining creative thinking with rigorous scientific methodology. I had to think outside the box, question traditional farming practices, and explore new scientific territories. The maize variety I developed used less water, grew faster, and produced higher yields even in drought-prone areas. Implementing this new crop on our farm was a transformative experience. Not only did it stabilize our family’s income, but it also restored hope in our community. Neighboring farmers, who had been on the brink of giving up, adopted the new maize variety and saw their fortunes improve. This ripple effect demonstrated the power of innovative solutions to create lasting change. My experience taught me that adversity can be a powerful catalyst for innovation. By combining creative thinking with scientific principles, I was able to turn a personal challenge into an opportunity to make a broader impact. This journey has solidified my commitment to using science and creativity to tackle societal challenges. I am now dedicated to further advancing agricultural technologies to ensure food security and improve the lives of farmers worldwide. In conclusion, my personal struggle with farming adversity led to a scientific breakthrough that addressed an everyday societal challenge. This experience underscored the importance of perseverance, creativity, and scientific inquiry in solving real-world problems. It is a testament to how innovative thinking, when combined with science, can lead to solutions that not only overcome individual hardships but also contribute to the greater good.