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Saloni Gupta


Bold Points


A high school student passionate about making a difference in her community. Wants to become a lawyer and defend others in need. Also wants to change unjust policies in her community. Loves collaborating with others and gaining new ideas and perspectives on various issues.


Old Bridge High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Political Science and Government
    • Law
    • Chemistry
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Make a difference in someone's life who has been wronged by the justice system of the USA.

    • Chemistry Tutor

      Old Bridge High School
      2024 – Present7 months
    • STEM Instructor

      Built by Me
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Math Instructor

      2023 – Present1 year
    • Math Tutor to middle schooler

      Math Honors Society
      2022 – 20231 year



    2011 – Present13 years


    • Marketing — Director of Marketing
      2023 – Present
    • Law

      Whiteman Law Group — Assissting attorneys
      2023 – 2023
    • Political Advocacy

      Jersey1st — Legal Researcher
      2023 – 2023


    • Self

      2020 – Present
    • Nritya Creations

      2016 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Just4Kix — Buddy
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Marlboro Hindi School — Teacher Assistant and Cultural Event Organizer
      2020 – Present

    Future Interests





    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    Throughout my life, one person has stood out as the most influential figure: my father. His unwavering dedication and resilience have shaped not only my character but also my approach to life's challenges. In a society where the odds seemed stacked against him, my father fought tirelessly for my custody, sacrificing his own dreams to ensure my well-being. His perseverance taught me that difficulties do not diminish the value of life; instead, they add depth and meaning to our experiences. My father's journey has been marked by obstacles, yet he has always faced them head-on, refusing to succumb to despair. His resilience in the face of adversity serves as a constant reminder that no obstacle is insurmountable with determination and hard work. From witnessing his struggles, I have learned that success is not measured solely by achievements but also by the strength of character displayed in the face of adversity. One of the most profound lessons I have learned from my father is the importance of embracing challenges rather than shying away from them. He has instilled in me the belief that difficulties are not roadblocks but rather opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Whether it was navigating the complexities of the legal system or overcoming personal setbacks, my father has always approached challenges with a positive attitude and an unwavering resolve. Moreover, my father has imparted upon me the values and morals inherent in our Indian culture. He has taught me that gratitude is best expressed not through words but through actions that reflect the lessons learned from those who have shaped our lives. As I embark on the journey of college and adulthood, I am committed to embodying the values instilled in me by my father. Every assignment, job, or activity I undertake will be approached with the same passion and dedication that my father has demonstrated throughout his life. His sacrifices and teachings have laid the foundation for my future success, and I am determined to make him proud by living up to the standards he has set. My father has been the most influential figure in my life. Through his example, I have learned the importance of perseverance, resilience, and gratitude. His unwavering support and guidance have shaped my character and instilled in me the determination to overcome any obstacle that life may present. As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the invaluable lessons learned from my father, and I am committed to honoring his legacy through my actions and achievements.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    If my year so far had a soundtrack, it would undeniably feature Taylor Swift's "Clean" from her 1989 (Taylor's Version) album. This year has been a journey of self-discovery, marked by the shedding of old friendships that no longer served me. Much like the lyrics of "Clean," this song encapsulates the cathartic process of letting go and finding strength in newfound clarity. The opening lines of "Clean" resonate deeply with my experiences this year: 'The drought was the very worst / When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst.' This drought symbolizes the barrenness of relationships that were once vibrant but eventually withered away due to neglect or incompatibility. Similarly, the loss of friendships I've experienced felt like a drought, draining me emotionally and leaving me parched for genuine connections once again. As the song progresses, Swift's lyrics offer a sense of liberation and renewal: 'Rain came pouring down / When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe.' This line captures the transformative moment when I realized that letting go of toxic friendships was necessary for my own well-being. Despite the initial pain of separation, it ultimately allowed me to breathe freely and reclaim my sense of self. The chorus of "Clean" serves as a powerful anthem of resilience: 'Rain came pouring down / And now I'm clean / I'm finally clean.' This refrain encapsulates the sense of liberation and purification that comes from breaking free from toxic relationships. Just as the rain washes away the dirt and grime, letting go of unhealthy friendships has cleansed my life of negativity and allowed me to embrace new beginnings. Furthermore, the bridge of the song resonates with the newfound clarity I've gained this year: 'You're still all over me / Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore.' This imagery reflects the lingering presence of past friendships, like stains that refuse to fade. However, just as one discards a stained dress, I've learned to release the lingering attachments to these friendships and move forward with a fresh perspective. "Clean" by Taylor Swift embodies the emotional journey I've undergone this year, from the pain of losing friendships to the liberation of newfound clarity. Through its poignant lyrics and evocative imagery, the song encapsulates the process of letting go and finding strength in vulnerability. Like Taylor's version of "Clean," I've emerged from this year's challenges stronger, wiser, and truly clean.
    CEW IV Foundation Scholarship Program
    The issue of biased family law and child custody policies is a pressing social justice concern that resonates deeply with me. Having witnessed my father's struggles within a legal system that favored mothers over fathers, I understand the profound impact such biases can have on families and children. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, fathers are awarded sole custody of their children in only about 17.5% of custody cases, while mothers are awarded sole custody approximately 82.5% of the time. These statistics underscore the systemic biases that often disadvantage fathers in custody disputes, perpetuating gender stereotypes and denying children the opportunity to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents. The consequences of biased custody decisions extend far beyond the courtroom, affecting the emotional well-being and long-term outcomes of children involved. Research has shown that children who grow up without meaningful relationships with both parents are more likely to experience a range of negative outcomes, including poor academic performance, behavioral problems, and mental health issues. Furthermore, children who are denied access to one parent may feel a sense of loss, rejection, and instability, which can impact their self-esteem and overall sense of security. By advocating for family law reform and equitable custody policies, I seek to address these systemic injustices and create a legal framework that prioritizes the best interests of the child above all else. This involves challenging entrenched gender biases, promoting shared parenting arrangements, and ensuring that custody decisions are made based on the individual circumstances of each family rather than outdated stereotypes. Moreover, getting involved in social justice issues like family law reform is not only morally imperative but also essential for building a more equitable and inclusive society. When children are denied access to loving and capable parents due to biased custody policies, it perpetuates cycles of inequality and undermines the fundamental principles of fairness and justice. By actively engaging with policymakers, raising awareness within our communities, and advocating for legislative change, we can work towards a future where all children have the opportunity to thrive in nurturing and supportive environments. As someone who has experienced firsthand the injustices of the legal system, I am driven by a sense of urgency to enact meaningful change. Through my studies in political science and my commitment to social activism, I am dedicated to being a voice for those who have been marginalized and advocating for a more just and equitable society. Together, we can challenge the status quo, dismantle systemic biases, and create a brighter future for all children and families.
    Rod Tucci Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up, I witnessed the struggles of my father as he navigated a legal system that appeared inherently biased against him. For six tumultuous years, our family's life revolved around courtrooms, and we were uncertain about when we would see my dad next. These experiences fueled a deep-seated desire within me to challenge the injustices of the legal system and work towards a fairer society, particularly in family law and child custody policies. My journey towards effecting change began during my high school years. As I delved into coursework that explored the intricacies of political science, I began to see how policy could be a powerful tool for shaping societal norms and rectifying systemic inequalities. It was during this time that I realized the potential of political science as a vehicle for social change, igniting a passion within me to pursue it as a career path. Studying political science is not just a means to an end; it is a pivotal step in my mission to become a catalyst for reform. Through rigorous academic training, I aim to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the complexities of policy-making and advocacy. Courses in constitutional law, public policy analysis, and international relations will provide me with a solid foundation for dissecting legal frameworks and proposing effective solutions. My ultimate aspiration is to leverage my expertise in political science to advocate for meaningful reforms in family law and child custody policies. I am committed to challenging existing paradigms and championing the rights of all individuals, regardless of gender, in the realm of familial relationships. By addressing systemic biases and promoting equitable practices, I hope to create a legal landscape where the best interests of the child are paramount, and where fathers are afforded the same rights and opportunities as mothers. My vision for the future extends beyond theoretical discourse; it encompasses tangible actions aimed at enacting real change. I plan to engage with policymakers, legal experts, and community stakeholders to advocate for legislative reforms that prioritize the well-being of families and children. Through research, activism, and grassroots organizing, I intend to amplify the voices of those marginalized by an outdated legal system. In addition to my academic pursuits, I am eager to gain practical experience through internships, volunteer work, and advocacy campaigns. By immersing myself in the realities of the legal landscape, I hope to gain invaluable insights that will inform my advocacy efforts and shape my approach to effecting change.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    My journey towards achieving my education and career goals has been shaped by personal experiences and a profound commitment to effecting positive change within the legal system. Witnessing my father's struggle within a biased family law system ignited a passion within me to advocate for reform and equitable treatment for all individuals involved in family law disputes. Throughout high school, I was inspired to pursue this mission through policy-making and advocacy. I secured internships at advocacy organizations and law firms to explore the intricacies of both policy-making and advocacy. I recognized that studying political science would provide me with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the intricacies of policy-making and bring about meaningful change. Political science offers a comprehensive understanding of policy formulation, analysis, and implementation, encompassing courses in constitutional law, public policy analysis, and international relations. This academic foundation is crucial in equipping me with the skills and insights needed to address systemic issues within family law and child custody policies. My ultimate career goal is to serve as a catalyst for change within the legal system, particularly in the realm of family law and child custody policies. I aspire to leverage my education in political science to actively shape policies and advocate for reform that ensures fairness, equity, and justice for all individuals, regardless of gender or socioeconomic status. However, pursuing higher education comes with its own set of financial challenges. Despite being accepted into prestigious institutions such as NYU and UIUC, the cost of attendance remains a significant barrier for me. As a result, this scholarship would play a critical role in alleviating the financial burden associated with pursuing my academic and career aspirations. By receiving this scholarship, I would be able to afford the tuition, fees, and other expenses associated with attending the colleges of my choice. This financial support would not only enable me to pursue my passion for political science but also empower me to make a meaningful impact in the field of family law reform. With the assistance of this scholarship, I will be able to fully immerse myself in my studies, engage in extracurricular activities, and take advantage of internships and networking opportunities that will further enhance my skills and expertise. Ultimately, I am confident that with the support of this scholarship, I will be better equipped to achieve my education and career goals and make a positive difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by the legal system.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    In the fall of my junior year, I embarked on a mission to share my passion for Indian culture through dance by starting a Bollywood Dance Club at my school. Recognizing a lack of awareness of Indian dances among my peers, I envisioned a club that would not only teach the vibrant art form but also celebrate the rich cultural heritage it represents. However, my journey was met with unexpected adversity when my club proposal was shut down by the school administration. Initially disheartened by the rejection, I refused to succumb to defeat. Instead, I chose to confront the adversity head-on, seeking understanding and resolution through open dialogue. I arranged meetings with the principal and club advisors to address their concerns and motivations, aiming to find common ground and a path forward. Through persistence and diplomacy, I navigated a series of negotiations and discussions, advocating for the value of the Bollywood Dance Club and its potential to foster cultural exchange and inclusivity. Despite facing setbacks and encountering resistance, I remained steadfast in my commitment to my vision. Through this experience, I learned invaluable lessons in leadership, communication, and resilience. Negotiating and compromising with individuals unwilling to collaborate challenged me to cultivate patience, empathy, and creativity in finding solutions. I discovered the importance of effectively articulating my ideas and persuading others through reasoned arguments and persuasive communication. Moreover, this adversity shaped me in profound ways, strengthening my appreciation for my culture and reinforcing my determination to express my passions authentically. By refusing to allow external obstacles to silence my voice, I embraced the opportunity to advocate for cultural diversity and inclusion within my school community. In hindsight, my attempt to start a Bollywood Dance Club was not merely about establishing a recreational activity but about advocating for the recognition and celebration of cultural diversity. Through perseverance and determination, I succeeded in establishing a Bollywood dance group within an existing club, enabling me to share my passion with fellow students and showcase the beauty of Indian dance at school events. To those facing similar circumstances, I offer the following advice: Embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and learning. Approach challenges with resilience, creativity, and an open mind. Seek understanding through dialogue and collaboration, and never underestimate the power of perseverance and determination in overcoming obstacles. Most importantly, stay true to yourself and your passions, and never allow anyone to suppress your voice or diminish your cultural identity.
    Janean D. Watkins Aspiring Victim's Rights Advocate Scholarship
    My personal journey has been marked by a profound desire to challenge systemic injustices within the legal system, driven by firsthand experiences and a commitment to making a difference. Growing up, I watched my father navigate the family law system, which favored mothers over fathers, sparking a deep-seated need for change within me. Witnessing the obstacles he faced ignited a passion for reforming the broken system, propelling me towards a path of advocacy and policy-making. During my high school years, my academic pursuits in AP US History and AP Government provided invaluable insights into the power of policy in effecting societal change. It became clear to me that by understanding and shaping legislative outcomes, I could address systemic issues and champion the rights of those marginalized by the legal system. This conviction led me to seize opportunities for firsthand experience with policy reform. Last summer, I embarked on an internship at Jersey1st, a political advocacy organization, where I immersed myself in the complexities of policy-making. Witnessing the transformative impact of advocacy reinforced my passion for enacting positive change through policy. My academic journey in political science has further equipped me with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the intricate landscape of governance. Through rigorous coursework, I have delved into the nuances of policy analysis, honing my critical thinking and analytical abilities. Each lesson has deepened my understanding of the multifaceted challenges facing our society and fueled my determination to enact meaningful reform. My career goal is clear: to leverage my academic background and firsthand experiences to pursue a career in policy-making within the criminal justice realm. I am driven by a steadfast commitment to advocating for victims and addressing systemic injustices within the legal system. By championing victim-centered policies and initiatives, I aim to create a more equitable and compassionate criminal justice system. In my envisioned role as a policy-maker, I will prioritize the voices and needs of victims, drawing upon my personal experiences to inform my decisions. I believe that by advocating for inclusive and empathetic policies, we can build a criminal justice system that is fair, transparent, and responsive to the diverse needs of all individuals affected by crime. Ultimately, my journey overcoming adversity has prepared me for the challenges ahead, instilling in me a resilience and determination to effect meaningful change. I am driven by a sense of purpose and duty to make a positive impact in the lives of others. With unwavering dedication and a commitment to justice, I am ready to embark on this journey and strive towards a more just and equitable society for all.
    Ryan T. Herich Memorial Scholarship
    My journey towards making a difference in the world has been shaped by a series of transformative experiences, particularly during my internship at Jersey1st, a political advocacy organization based in New Jersey. This internship not only challenged my preconceived notions but also broadened my understanding of the intricate world of politics and policymaking. Through this experience, I have come to realize the profound impact that embracing diverse viewpoints and the art of compromise can have in shaping public policy for the betterment of society. Initially drawn by the prospect of gaining valuable experience in the field of law, I eagerly applied for the internship at Jersey1st. However, upon realizing that the organization held a different political ideology than mine, I found myself torn between my desire for professional growth and my personal reservations about aligning with their stance. Despite these initial hesitations, I recognized the rare opportunity to gain hands-on experience related to law and public policy in my home state, and I chose to embrace the challenge. During my internship, I was tasked with researching critical background information on significant issues in New Jersey, such as public school education and liquor license regulations. Delving into the intricacies of these issues, I encountered a plethora of opinions and ideas from across the political spectrum. This experience highlighted the importance of encompassing multiple perspectives and engaging in a process of compromise to create effective policies that benefit the broader community. One of the most eye-opening aspects of my internship was witnessing firsthand the impact of the broken legal system on individuals and families, particularly in family law cases where fathers often faced disadvantages. This realization fueled my determination to tackle the flaws within the legal system and work towards creating more equitable policies. My internship at Jersey1st was a real-world application of intellectual exploration and open-mindedness, both of which are integral to pursuing my future career goals. It taught me valuable lessons about the necessity of embracing diversity of thought in the realm of politics and policymaking. By engaging with ideas that were diametrically opposed to my own, I learned the importance of transcending personal beliefs in the pursuit of meaningful change. Moving forward, I plan to leverage my understanding of history, cultural anthropology, political science, and geography to advocate for policies that address systemic injustices within the legal system. By incorporating diverse perspectives and fostering a spirit of compromise, I aim to make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families who have been marginalized by existing policies. In conclusion, my journey towards making a difference in the world has been shaped by my experiences at Jersey1st and my commitment to challenging the status quo. By better understanding the lessons learned from history, cultural anthropology, political science, and geography, I am confident in my ability to effect positive change and contribute to a more just and equitable society.
    Dr. Robert M. Fleisher Liberty and Prosperity Award
    Being a good citizen encompasses a multitude of responsibilities and virtues, each contributing to the well-being and progress of society. It means actively engaging in one's community, understanding the issues that affect it, and participating in the democratic process. Throughout my transformative journey as an intern at Jersey1st, I gained profound insights into what it truly means to be a good citizen, the integral role of voting in maintaining a free nation, and the significance of the Constitution in guiding our democratic principles. To me, being a good citizen involves more than just obeying laws and paying taxes; it entails actively contributing to the betterment of society. It means advocating for positive change, even in the face of adversity or disagreement. My internship experience at Jersey1st challenged me to confront my own biases and preconceptions, emphasizing the importance of embracing diverse viewpoints and engaging in constructive dialogue. As a good citizen, it is crucial to recognize that progress often requires compromise and collaboration across ideological lines. Voting is a cornerstone of democracy and an essential aspect of being a good citizen. It is the most direct way for individuals to influence the direction of their country and hold their elected officials accountable. In a free nation, every citizen's voice should be heard and respected, regardless of their background or beliefs. By participating in elections, citizens uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that power remains in the hands of the people rather than in the hands of a select few. Without active participation in the electoral process, a nation risks drifting towards authoritarianism and eroding the foundations of freedom and democracy. The Constitution serves as the bedrock of American democracy, outlining the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the structure of government. To me, the Constitution represents the collective aspirations of the American people for a just and equitable society. It guarantees fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly, while also establishing a system of checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power. As a good citizen, it is essential to respect and uphold the principles enshrined in the Constitution, even when it may be politically inconvenient. My internship experience at Jersey1st reinforced the importance of these core principles of citizenship. Despite initial reservations about aligning with the organization's political ideology, I chose to embrace the opportunity to learn and grow. By engaging with diverse perspectives and advocating for inclusive policies, I embodied the principles of good citizenship in action. Moving forward, I am committed to upholding these values and contributing to a society where all voices are heard and respected. In doing so, I will strive to honor the principles of democracy and ensure that our nation remains free, just, and prosperous for generations to come.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    In the first six years of my life, I experienced the constant turmoil of courtrooms and the uncertainty of which parent I would live with next. This challenging period instilled in me a strong sense of justice and a determination to change the broken system that often did not favor fathers. My father's relentless battle against this unjust system served as a profound inspiration for me. During my high school years, I began to realize that I could bring about the change I desired through policy. My AP US History and AP Government classes provided me with valuable insights into the injustices prevalent in our country's history. Learning about the Civil Rights Movement, the Gay Rights Movement, and the Women's Rights Movement ignited a passion within me to make a positive impact on society. My journey into the world of policy started with an internship at Jersey1st. While our political ideologies did not always align, I seized the opportunity to gain practical experience in crafting and advocating for policies. During my time there, I conducted research on critical education issues in New Jersey, contributing to the development of proposals related to school choice. This experience allowed me to grasp the intricacies of policy-making, even when faced with differing viewpoints. My decision to major in political science stems from my desire to delve deeper into the realm of policy and justice. Through the study of both American and global politics, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various avenues for addressing societal issues. My goal is to harness this knowledge to drive meaningful policy changes in the future. However, the path to achieving my aspirations is not without its financial challenges. The costs associated with undergraduate and law school can be overwhelming. This is where the importance of the scholarship I am seeking comes into play. Receiving this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden of pursuing my education. The support provided would help cover tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses, making it more feasible for me to focus on my studies and actively engage in extracurricular activities related to my field. Moreover, it would ease the stress associated with student loans and the prospect of accruing significant debt. By reducing the financial hardship of my educational journey, this scholarship would allow me to fully invest my time and energy in my academic pursuits. I would be able to take advantage of internships, research opportunities, and other experiences that would further enhance my understanding of policy and justice. In conclusion, my background and experiences have shaped my determination to effect positive change through policy. Studying political science is my chosen path to bring about this change, and this scholarship would play a vital role in facilitating my education and future career. By providing financial support, it would enable me to focus on my studies and ultimately contribute to the transformation of our society's policies and systems for the better.
    Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
    The books I've had the privilege to read have been more than just stories; they have been mentors, guiding lights, and catalysts for change in my life. In particular, three books, "Harry Potter," "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo," and "Just Mercy," have left a profound imprint on my character and the aspirations I hold dear. "Harry Potter" has been my companion through countless adventures, but beyond the magic and fantastical creatures, it imparted some of life's most enduring lessons. The saga of a young wizard named Harry, who confronted relentless challenges and adversity, demonstrated that courage and resilience are essential traits in the face of life's trials. Harry's unwavering commitment to fighting for his beliefs and standing up against injustice has resonated deeply with me. This story has imprinted in my heart the belief that no matter how daunting the circumstances may be, staying determined and faithful to one's convictions is crucial. Harry Potter has profoundly influenced my life goal: to never waver in my advocacy for what is right and just, especially when confronted with adversity. "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" took me on an entirely different journey, exploring the intricacies of human connections and the significance of nurturing authentic relationships. Evelyn Hugo's life story, a tale of glamour and secrets, taught me that the true wealth of life lies not in material possessions but in meaningful relationships. The book's portrayal of surviving in a world that can be adversarial, particularly for women and people of color, struck a chord with me. It illustrated the challenges one can face while trying to thrive in a world that isn't always equitable. Consequently, it has shaped my goal to prioritize the cultivation and preservation of profound and authentic relationships while navigating a world that may not always be fair. Lastly, "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson opened my eyes to the harsh realities of injustice prevalent in our world and the dedicated individuals striving to rectify these wrongs. Reading about the flaws and biases deeply ingrained within our legal system was both enlightening and disheartening. It made me acutely aware of the pressing need for reform. This book has profoundly influenced my life's ambition to become a lawyer, actively participate in policy reform, and dedicate my efforts to fixing a system that has wronged not only me but countless others. I am determined to stand up for those who need it the most, ensuring that justice is served fairly and equitably. These books have transcended their pages and enriched my life with invaluable lessons. "Harry Potter" taught me the virtues of courage and resilience, motivating me to champion what I believe in. "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" emphasized the significance of meaningful relationships while navigating an often uneven world. "Just Mercy" exposed the injustices in our legal system and inspired my goal to work toward reform. These literary mentors have ignited a passionate desire within me to make a meaningful impact on society by defending the rights of those in need. They have shaped not only my goals but also my character, and I am determined to honor their lessons throughout my life's journey.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    In the first six years of my life, I experienced the constant turmoil of courtrooms and the uncertainty of which parent I would live with next. This challenging period instilled in me a strong sense of justice and a determination to change the broken system that often did not favor fathers. My father's relentless battle against this unjust system served as a profound inspiration for me. During my high school years, I began to realize that I could bring about the change I desired through policy. My AP US History and AP Government classes provided me with valuable insights into the injustices prevalent in our country's history. Learning about the Civil Rights Movement, the Gay Rights Movement, and the Women's Rights Movement ignited a passion within me to make a positive impact on society. My journey into the world of policy started with an internship at Jersey1st. While our political ideologies did not always align, I seized the opportunity to gain practical experience in crafting and advocating for policies. During my time there, I conducted research on critical education issues in New Jersey, contributing to the development of proposals related to school choice. This experience allowed me to grasp the intricacies of policy-making, even when faced with differing viewpoints. My decision to major in political science stems from my desire to delve deeper into the realm of policy and justice. Through the study of both American and global politics, I aim to gain a comprehensive understanding of the various avenues for addressing societal issues. My goal is to harness this knowledge to drive meaningful policy changes in the future. However, the path to achieving my aspirations is not without its financial challenges. The costs associated with undergraduate and law school can be overwhelming. This is where the importance of the scholarship I am seeking comes into play. Receiving this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden of pursuing my education. The support provided would help cover tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses, making it more feasible for me to focus on my studies and actively engage in extracurricular activities related to my field. Moreover, it would ease the stress associated with student loans and the prospect of accruing significant debt. By reducing the financial hardship of my educational journey, this scholarship would allow me to fully invest my time and energy in my academic pursuits. I would be able to take advantage of internships, research opportunities, and other experiences that would further enhance my understanding of policy and justice. My background and experiences have shaped my determination to effect positive change through policy. Studying political science is my chosen path to bring about this change, and this scholarship would play a vital role in facilitating my education and future career. Providing financial support would enable me to focus on my studies and ultimately contribute to the transformation of our society's policies and systems for the better.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I could choose one book for everyone in the world to read, it would be "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid. This book is a remarkable choice for several reasons. Firstly, the plot of this book is simply amazing, filled with unexpected twists and turns that keep you hooked from start to finish. The title itself is quite misleading, as the story is about much more than just Evelyn Hugo's marriages. What truly sets this book apart is the beautiful and captivating romance stories it portrays. The reader becomes deeply invested in Evelyn's journey to find true love, rooting for her and her truest love to overcome all obstacles. As you read, you'll find yourself laughing, crying, and even shouting in anger at the events unfolding in the story. It's a rollercoaster of emotions that leaves a profound impact on the reader. One of the most remarkable aspects of this book is the way it creates a strong attachment between the reader and the characters. You'll find yourself caring deeply about their fates and feeling their joys and sorrows as if they were your own. The book is also filled with beautiful and iconic moments between the characters that will stay with you forever. These moments are so well-crafted that they become unforgettable, etching themselves into your memory. In the end, "The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" is a book that not only entertains but also touches the heart and soul. It's a story that lingers with you long after you've turned the final page, leaving you with a sense of longing and nostalgia. This is why I believe it's a book that should be read and cherished by people all over the world.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    The dream version of my future self is simply happy, having overcome life's challenges to find the happiness she truly deserves.
    Dounya Discala Scholarship
    Expressing my pride in Indian culture has always been deeply important to me. Dance, in particular, has been my chosen medium for this expression. It was during the fall of my junior year that I embarked on a journey to start a new dance club at my school, a journey that would test my tenacity in the face of unexpected challenges. The challenge I faced was twofold: the lack of awareness of Indian dances at my school and the desire to share this beautiful art form with both South Asian and non-South Asian students. I envisioned a Bollywood Dance Club as a means to achieve this, a place where I could teach my peers the joy of Bollywood dance and share the rich Indian culture that dances like these encapsulate. Excited by this idea, I presented it to my school's principal, who approved it enthusiastically. We gathered nearly 40 members, including both South Asians and non-South Asians, all eager to join. However, just when it seemed like our journey was beginning, it took an unexpected turn. The principal decided to shut down the club, citing the existence of another Asian club with a dance section as a reason. This news left me feeling frustrated and oppressed. Instead of letting anger consume me, I chose to take a more constructive approach. I proposed a meeting with the principal and the advisor of the other club to explore a compromise. This was a pivotal moment in my journey. I had to navigate a complex negotiation process, finding common ground while ensuring that my vision for the Bollywood Dance Club remained intact. Through several meetings and persistent efforts, we eventually reached a solution. I would lead a Bollywood dance group within the existing club, where I could teach and perform Bollywood dances at school events. It wasn't the original plan, but it allowed me to share my passion and culture with others. This experience taught me invaluable lessons in leadership and communication. I learned how to negotiate and compromise with individuals who were initially resistant to my ideas. It required careful consideration of their viewpoints and a creative approach to align our interests. I discovered the importance of effective communication, tailoring my messages to resonate with various audiences. Furthermore, this journey reinforced the significance of expressing my passions and preserving my cultural heritage. I realized that settling for a mere occasional dance performance within another club would not suffice. By advocating for my vision and fighting for the ability to share my culture through dance, I refused to let anyone suppress my mode of expression. My tenacity in attempting to start a Bollywood Dance Club at my school was a transformative experience. It honed my critical communication skills, teaching me the art of negotiation and compromise. It deepened my appreciation for my culture, reaffirming the importance of sharing it with others. Through this journey, I not only learned to overcome obstacles but also emerged as a stronger leader and advocate for cultural expression. My passion for Indian dance continues to drive me, and I remain committed to sharing the beauty of Bollywood dance and culture with those around me.
    DRIVE an IMPACT Today Scholarship
    Throughout my life, I have encountered numerous challenges and opportunities that have allowed me to exemplify these values and demonstrate my commitment to making a positive impact. Determination: When I noticed the absence of an Indian dance club at my school, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create the Bollywood Dance Club. This initiative required unwavering determination as I navigated the administrative processes, gathered members, and secured funding. It taught me that determination is the driving force behind turning ideas into reality. Respect: During the formation of the Bollywood Dance Club, I encountered resistance from the Asian American Club, which already existed. Instead of reacting with anger and frustration, I chose to approach the situation with respect. I initiated a dialogue with the club's advisor and our school principal, showing respect for their perspectives and concerns. This experience underscored the importance of respectful communication in resolving conflicts. Innovation: Creating a new club demanded innovation. I had to develop a unique vision for the Bollywood Dance Club, outlining its goals and aspirations. This process required me to think creatively, ensuring that my club stood out and offered something distinct to its members. Versatility: Adapting to unexpected challenges and changes is a critical aspect of leadership. When I faced the possibility of my club being disbanded due to similarities with the Asian American Club, I had to be versatile in my approach. I proposed a compromise that allowed me to lead a Bollywood dance group within the existing club, showcasing my ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Equality: The DRIVEN scholarship emphasizes equality, and I have always been committed to promoting inclusivity and fairness. Within the Bollywood Dance Group, I strive to create an environment where every member feels valued and included, regardless of their background or experience. I believe in treating everyone with fairness and equity, aligning with the scholarship's core principles. Nurture: To make a lasting impact, one must nurture and support others. As a leader within the Bollywood Dance Group, I take on the role of mentor and guide, helping members develop their dance skills and fostering a sense of belonging. I believe in nurturing the potential of every individual, fostering growth, and building a strong, supportive community. Looking ahead, I plan to continue embodying these values and making a positive impact. Through my experiences, I have gained essential leadership skills such as effective communication, negotiation, and teamwork, which will serve me well in the future. I aspire to use these skills to address pressing issues in my community, such as promoting cultural diversity and advocating for equality and inclusivity. The journey of creating the Bollywood Dance Club has been a testament to my determination, respect for others, innovative thinking, versatility in adapting to change, commitment to equality, and dedication to nurturing the potential of those around me. I am eager to further develop these qualities and use them to drive positive change as I pursue my education and career.
    Reasons To Be - In Memory of Jimmy Watts
    My volunteer experience at Marlboro Hindi School had a profound impact on my core values and shaped the direction of my career and life goals. This experience has been instrumental in helping me understand the importance of cultural identity, community, and the value of sharing one's heritage with others. As a Teacher's Assistant and Cultural Event Organizer at Marlboro Hindi School since my freshman year, I have had the privilege of playing a role in nurturing the cultural connection of young Indian Americans to their heritage. Being a part of this organization not only allowed me to give back to my community but also helped me rediscover my own identity within my heritage. Growing up in a school with a small population of Indians, I had limited exposure to the depth and richness of Indian culture. Through my volunteer work, I had the opportunity to teach young children Hindi and introduce them to various aspects of Indian culture. Many of these students were in a similar position to what I once was – they had limited knowledge of the Hindi language and knew little about India's cultural traditions. It was heartwarming to witness their journey as they embraced their roots and began to feel a sense of belonging to their culture. In helping these children find their cultural identity, I, in turn, found a deeper connection to my heritage. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my volunteer role was organizing cultural events for the Hindu festivals of Diwali and Holi. These events allowed me to showcase Indian culture to a wider audience. Each year, students and Teacher Assistants came together to prepare performances, including dances, songs, skits, poetry recitals, and even traditional Indian street plays. These events not only celebrated our culture but also served as a platform for self-expression and creativity. My volunteer experience at Marlboro Hindi School has significantly influenced my core values. It has taught me the value of cultural preservation and the importance of community in fostering a sense of belonging. It has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of education and mentorship in helping individuals embrace their cultural heritage. This experience has instilled in me a deep sense of pride in my Indian identity and a commitment to sharing it with others. Looking ahead to my career and life goals, this volunteer experience has solidified my desire to continue working in roles that promote cultural understanding and diversity. I envision a future where I can continue to bridge cultural gaps and help individuals, especially young people, connect with their heritage. Whether through education, cultural events, or community engagement, I aspire to make a positive impact on the lives of those who, like me, are seeking to embrace their cultural roots. My volunteer experience at Marlboro Hindi School has been a transformative journey that has influenced my core values and set the course for my career and life goals. It has taught me the importance of cultural identity, community, and the joy of sharing one's heritage with others. I am eternally grateful for this experience, and I am excited to carry its lessons forward as I continue to pursue my passions and contribute to the celebration of cultural diversity in the world.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    I believe that my mental health is of paramount importance because it plays a crucial role in my overall well-being and ability to function as a successful human being. Maintaining the right mindset is essential for accomplishing my goals and leading a fulfilling life. Whether it's dealing with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or simply the challenges of daily life, a healthy mental state enables me to operate at my full capacity. In my experience, struggling with mental health issues such as anxiety or depression can be overwhelming and severely impair my ability to function effectively. There have been times in my life when I was not mentally in the right place. During those periods, I often felt constantly tired, sad, and unmotivated. These emotions had a profound impact on various aspects of my life, from my academic performance to the maintenance of my social relationships. I realized that a good state of mental health is the foundation upon which I can build my best self and excel in every aspect of my life. To maintain my mental wellness, I have developed a set of coping strategies that help me stay emotionally resilient. One of my primary methods of self-care is music. When I'm feeling down or drained, I turn to my favorite tunes. Music has a remarkable ability to shift my mood and provide comfort during difficult times. It's like a reliable friend who's always there to uplift my spirits. Another effective way I maintain my mental wellness is by engaging in physical activity, such as going for a walk or spending time with friends. Physical activity not only boosts my mood but also helps me manage stress and anxiety. The companionship of friends offers emotional support and provides opportunities for laughter and relaxation, which are essential for my mental health. I also find solace in reading and journaling. These activities serve as outlets for self-expression and self-reflection. Reading allows me to escape into different worlds, explore new ideas, and find inspiration. Journaling, on the other hand, helps me process my emotions, organize my thoughts, and gain clarity about my feelings and experiences. These practices help me maintain a sense of balance and inner peace. I firmly believe that mental health is a vital aspect of being a successful and functioning human being. It shapes our ability to pursue our goals and maintain healthy relationships. Through music, physical activity, reading, and journaling, I have cultivated a toolkit to support my mental wellness. These strategies help me navigate the challenges of life, manage my emotions, and ensure that I am in the right mindset to thrive in every aspect of life. In essence, taking care of my mental health is not just a personal choice; it is an essential commitment to my overall well-being and success.
    McClendon Leadership Award
    Leadership, as encapsulated in Ben Parker's famous words, "with great power comes great responsibility," holds a profound significance in my life. To me, leadership is not about donning a cape and swinging through skyscrapers but about shouldering the responsibility to inspire and guide others toward a common goal. It is a quality that emerges not from power or authority but from a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to making a positive impact. My leadership journey began when I recognized a void in my school community—a lack of representation of Indian culture through dance. Fueled by my passion for Bollywood dance, I decided to take the initiative and create the Bollywood Dance Club. This endeavor, from its inception to its challenges and ultimate resolution, provided invaluable insights into what leadership truly means. The first aspect of leadership that I encountered was the need for a clear vision. I had to articulate precisely what the Bollywood Dance Club represented and where I envisioned it heading. This required not just a grand idea but also a well-thought-out plan, setting the foundation for the club's future growth and development. Leadership, in this context, meant having the foresight to chart a course and inspire others to follow. Building a team and garnering support were equally crucial in my journey. As a leader, I needed to assemble a dedicated board and attract members who shared my enthusiasm. Effective communication was paramount, as I had to convey my vision persuasively to my school's principal and potential club members. Leadership involves being a compelling communicator and motivator, encouraging others to believe in the cause and join the journey. The next challenge I faced was an unexpected one—creative differences with another club, the Asian American Club. This setback taught me that leadership isn't just about overcoming external obstacles but also internal conflicts. Instead of succumbing to anger and resentment, I chose to take a more constructive approach. I proposed a meeting with the principal and the Asian American Club's advisor to find a compromise. This episode underscored the importance of adaptability and negotiation in leadership. It revealed that sometimes, true leadership involves not bulldozing obstacles but finding common ground and working together towards a solution. It taught me the value of diplomacy and compromise, vital skills for any leader navigating complex situations. While my initial attempt to start the Bollywood Dance Club in its standalone form may not have succeeded, it provided me with a priceless education in leadership. I learned that leadership is not just about achieving one's goals but also about the journey and the growth it brings. It's about resilience in the face of adversity, adaptability amid change, and the ability to inspire and unite people for a common purpose. Leadership is a profound responsibility. It means having a clear vision, effective communication, the ability to build and motivate a team, adaptability in the face of challenges, and the skill to negotiate and compromise when necessary. It's not about the position or title one holds but about the positive impact one can create. My experience with the Bollywood Dance Club has shaped my understanding of leadership, instilling in me the qualities and lessons that will undoubtedly make me a more successful leader in the future. It has reinforced the idea that leadership is not about the destination but the journey, and the growth it brings along the way.
    Frank and Nelcie Williams Memorial Scholarship
    My journey through education is driven by a deeply personal mission—to become a lawyer and a force for justice in a world that sometimes seems to favor the powerful over the powerless. The genesis of this aspiration traces back to my childhood, where I witnessed the painful injustice my father faced while trying to secure custody of me. His struggle was a crucible moment that ignited a burning desire for change within me, shaping the very essence of my educational goals and my vision for the future. As a child, I watched my father navigate the complex and often bewildering legal system. His battle for my custody was a harrowing experience that exposed the stark realities of a legal system that can sometimes fail those in desperate need of its protection. Witnessing his resilience in the face of adversity planted a seed of determination within me. I vowed to myself that I would learn the law and develop the skills needed to defend people from its injustices. This commitment was not just about personal vindication but also a pledge to ensure that such injustice wouldn't befall others. My educational journey is, therefore, a stepping stone towards fulfilling this promise. I envision myself immersed in the rigorous study of law, absorbing its principles, and honing my advocacy skills. I want to be a lawyer who stands as a beacon of hope for those who have been wronged by the system, guiding them through the intricate web of legal proceedings with empathy and expertise. But my ambitions extend beyond the courtroom. While I want to be a proficient lawyer, I also desire to influence change at a broader level. I harbor a strong desire to be a part of the change-making process in my community and beyond. While I may not seek political office, I am committed to finding innovative ways to shape policies that align with my vision of a just society. Whether it's through advocacy, community organizing, or engaging in meaningful dialogues, I want to be a catalyst for positive change. The foundation of my future success lies in my unwavering pursuit of education. I am dedicated to excelling in my academic endeavors, not only to master the intricacies of the law but also to develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for effecting change. I understand that a strong educational foundation is the bedrock upon which I will build my career as a lawyer and a changemaker. Beyond personal achievement, my overarching vision is to serve my community and extend a helping hand to others. I believe that my education will equip me with the tools and knowledge necessary to address the pressing issues that my community faces. Whether it's advocating for access to quality education, championing social justice initiatives, or supporting underprivileged individuals, I am committed to being a resource and an advocate for positive transformation. My educational goals are deeply intertwined with my personal experiences and my vision for a more just and equitable world. I aspire to become a lawyer who not only defends the vulnerable but also actively works to reshape the systems and policies that perpetuate injustice. Through education, I am determined to carve a path that leads to meaningful impact, not only in my life but in the lives of those I aspire to serve. My journey is driven by the belief that education is a powerful tool for change, and I am committed to harnessing its potential to create a brighter future for all.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    Movies have an incredible power to shape our lives, offering us insights into the world and ourselves. They can become more than just entertainment; they can become touchstones, repositories of emotions and lessons. One such movie for me is "Captain America: Civil War," a film that has played a significant role in my life and personal growth. My journey with this movie began on May 6th, 2016, a date etched in my memory. I eagerly anticipated its release for months, and I vividly remember that day – wearing my Spider-Man t-shirt and clutching an oversized bucket of popcorn, my excitement was palpable. As the Marvel theme played, I was transported into a world of superheroes and moral dilemmas. The movie gripped me from the start. I gasped when Wanda Maximoff accidentally caused destruction in Lagos, and I felt the tension when the Avengers clashed over the Sokovia Accords. The epic showdown at Leipzig Airport had me on the edge of my seat. The introduction of Peter Parker added a spark of excitement, but it was Steve's betrayal and his heartrending final battle with Tony that left me in tears. I couldn't understand why this movie affected me so deeply, but I knew I had fallen in love with it. The following year, it became my favorite Christmas gift when Netflix added it to its platform. For 365 days, I watched it daily, nestled in a fuzzy blanket with an array of snacks. Afterward, I spent the next three years coercing my dad to rent it for me. When Disney+ finally launched, I convinced my family to subscribe, just so I could watch this movie at any time. My bond with "Captain America: Civil War" deepened as I reflected on my strained relationship with my stepmom. Much like Steve and Tony's conflict, our interactions were marked by a "my way or the highway" attitude. Neither side was entirely wrong, yet the rigidity of our beliefs hindered any resolution. The movie served as a reflection of my life, teaching me the value of compromise and an open mind. In all aspects of my life, I learned to keep an open mind and accept diverse perspectives and ideas. This not only led to faster problem-solving but also enriched my knowledge and understanding. Defending a single viewpoint had proven futile, and I realized the importance of being open to alternative perspectives. As I confronted my family's issues, "Civil War" offered a fresh perspective on the heroes I idolized. I saw the Avengers causing massive destruction and realizing the consequences of their actions. It mirrored the complexities of real-world issues where politicians often struggle to agree, resulting in delayed decisions. Witnessing this made me want to be part of the solution, advocating for common ground and understanding others' perspectives in governance. My love for "Captain America: Civil War" transcended its plot, characters, and cinematography. It became a reflection of my moral dilemmas and personal growth. The movie's depiction of complex choices and their consequences resonated with my struggles. It reminded me that the path I choose and how I engage with the world matter profoundly. "Captain America: Civil War" is the movie I would choose to watch for the rest of my life. Its ability to mirror my own life experiences, teach the importance of compromise and open-mindedness, and inspire me to be a part of solutions to complex problems makes it more than just a film. It is a constant source of reflection and personal growth, a cinematic companion on my journey through life.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya is undeniably a multifaceted talent, excelling in various aspects of the entertainment industry, including fashion, singing, activism, and acting. While her prowess in these realms is truly admirable, it is her acting career that I find the most captivating and commendable. Zendaya's acting journey is a testament to her exceptional talent, versatility, and unwavering commitment to her craft. One of the most remarkable aspects of Zendaya's acting career is her impressive range. She has seamlessly transitioned from her early days on the Disney Channel to blockbuster franchises like Spider-Man and complex, emotionally charged roles in series like Euphoria. This ability to adapt and excel in vastly different roles is a testament to her extraordinary talent. Zendaya's portrayal of Rue Bennett in the hit series Euphoria is a standout example of her acting prowess. Playing a troubled teenager struggling with addiction and mental health issues is no easy feat, but Zendaya delivers a performance that is both raw and deeply affecting. Her ability to convey the complex emotions and turmoil of Rue's character is nothing short of remarkable. She captures the vulnerability, despair, and resilience of the character with such authenticity that it's impossible not to be moved by her performance. In contrast, Zendaya's role as MJ in the Spider-Man franchise showcases her versatility. She effortlessly embodies the smart, witty, and confident persona of MJ, bringing a refreshing and contemporary twist to the character. Her chemistry with Tom Holland's Peter Parker is palpable on screen, adding depth and authenticity to their relationship. This ability to seamlessly transition from the intense drama of Euphoria to the lighthearted superhero world of Spider-Man is a testament to Zendaya's adaptability as an actress. What sets Zendaya apart in the world of acting is her unwavering commitment to her craft. She doesn't just play her roles; she fully immerses herself in them. This dedication is evident in her preparation for each character she portrays. Whether it's extensive research, method acting, or perfecting her character's mannerisms, Zendaya goes above and beyond to ensure that her performances are nothing short of exceptional. Furthermore, Zendaya's passion for filmmaking extends beyond acting. Her interest in directing and her desire to learn more about what happens behind the camera demonstrates her commitment to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the industry. This willingness to explore different facets of the entertainment world reflects her genuine love for the art of storytelling. While Zendaya's talents in fashion, singing, and activism are certainly commendable, it is her acting career that I admire the most. Her ability to tackle a wide range of roles with depth and authenticity, her unwavering commitment to her craft, and her willingness to explore the filmmaking process make her a standout figure in the world of acting. Zendaya's performances, from her portrayal of Rue in Euphoria to her role as MJ in Spider-Man, leave a lasting impression and showcase her remarkable talent. She is not just an actress; she is a true artist who continues to push the boundaries of her craft, and for that, she deserves the utmost admiration and respect.
    Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
    My journey through the enchanting world of Hogwarts has been magical. No matter how many times I take the Pottermore test, I'm sorted into Gryffindor. At first, this puzzled me; I had always expected to be among the Ravenclaws, renowned for their intellect. However, over time, I've come to embrace why Gryffindor is my true home, where my strengths, values, and aspirations align perfectly. Gryffindor is synonymous with courage, but I've realized that true bravery transcends the absence of fear or the willingness to thrust oneself into perilous situations. It's about summoning inner strength to confront fears, regardless of their size or significance. My admiration for Neville Longbottom, who personifies this aspect of Gryffindor, has deepened over the years. Despite his initial shyness and nervous disposition, he eventually found the courage to stand up to the Golden Trio. This resonates with me on a personal level, as I grapple with social anxiety and the daunting task of making new friends. Each time I muster the courage to engage with unfamiliar faces, it's a victory over my fears. It's about pushing beyond my comfort zone and embarking on personal growth. Harry Potter, the quintessential Gryffindor, is often misconceived as entirely fearless. However, his battles with fear, especially when facing Voldemort, were a testament to his humanity. It became evident to me that overcoming fears, regardless of their size, is an act of courage. Whether it involves conquering public speaking anxiety or summoning the strength to confront someone about an issue, I draw upon my inner Gryffindor to face these challenges head-on. Moreover, I've come to appreciate that intelligence is highly regarded in Gryffindor, albeit in a distinctive manner. While Ravenclaws are celebrated for scholarly brilliance, Gryffindors use their intelligence to champion causes they believe in passionately. My ability to swiftly devise solutions, even in high-pressure situations where success is uncertain, has always been a point of pride. It's my Gryffindor spirit that compels me to think on my feet and take decisive action when circumstances demand it. Even in the face of failure, I remain resolute and resilient, channeling the indomitable spirit of a true Gryffindor. Boldness and readiness to take calculated risks deeply resonate with me as a Gryffindor. While I may not share the impulsive nature of James and Harry Potter, I am unafraid to embark on ventures that require courage and moral conviction. I firmly believe in doing what is right, even when it entails braving potential consequences. One might question the presence of loyalty, often associated with Hufflepuff, within a Gryffindor's traits. Yet, I firmly attest that loyalty is an indispensable quality for any Gryffindor. It signifies an unwavering commitment to stand by one's friends and take decisive action to safeguard those we hold dear. This loyalty is deeply ingrained in my character, driving me to take every necessary step to ensure the happiness and safety of the people I cherish. The captivating world of Harry Potter has led me to wholeheartedly embrace my identity as a Gryffindor. Courage, the ability to confront fears, unyielding determination, and dedication to doing what is right for those I care about are the qualities that define me as a Gryffindor. Regardless of how many times I am sorted, my heart and soul belong to the house of bravery. I remain steadfast in my commitment to embody the spirit of a true Gryffindor in my daily life, drawing inspiration from beloved characters who have left an indelible mark on my journey.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    If you haven't already immersed yourself in the enchanting world of "Bridgerton" on Netflix, it's time to clear your schedule, grab some popcorn, and prepare to be transported to a captivating realm of romance, drama, mystery, and history. "Bridgerton" is not just a period drama; it's a masterpiece that caters to a wide variety of genres, making it a show that everyone can enjoy and appreciate. Let's start with the romance, the beating heart of "Bridgerton." The love story between Simon and Daphne is nothing short of mesmerizing. Their chemistry sizzles on screen, and the burning passion between them will give you goosebumps. You'll find yourself rooting for their love, and their journey will tug at your heartstrings like few other shows can. But it doesn't stop there. The secret desires simmering beneath the surface in the relationship between Anthony and Kate will make your heart race, adding layers of complexity to the story that keep you eagerly anticipating each new episode. Now, let's talk about the plot. "Bridgerton" is a rollercoaster of emotions and surprises. The reveal of Lady Whistledown's true identity is a jaw-dropping twist that you won't see coming. It turns a character we all rooted for, Penelope, into someone we suddenly love to hate, showcasing the show's ability to keep you guessing and invested in the characters' fates. Season 2 of "Bridgerton" takes an innovative approach by showcasing Indian culture, a move that adds depth and relevance to the story. In a time when such inclusivity would not typically be appreciated, the show fearlessly highlights the struggles faced by Kate and Edwina, two brown women navigating the Regency era. This cultural inclusion, along with the incorporation of an iconic Hindi song, adds a unique and beautiful layer to the series that sets it apart from other period dramas. The soundtrack of "Bridgerton" is another standout feature. The instrumentals of classic songs, like "Wildest Dreams," are masterfully woven into the show, perfectly complementing the scenes they accompany. The music enhances the overall experience, drawing you deeper into the world of high society and scandal. And let's not forget the costumes. Every dress in "Bridgerton" is a work of art. They are intricate, beautifully designed, and incorporate small details that elevate the show's visual appeal. Watching the characters parade in these exquisite garments is a feast for the eyes, and you'll find yourself coveting their wardrobes. While "Bridgerton" may not adhere strictly to historical accuracy, it excels in portraying social classes and complex family dynamics. It captures the essence of the Regency era while offering a fresh perspective that keeps the narrative engaging and relevant to today's audiences. "Bridgerton" on Netflix is a show that deserves your undivided attention. Its rich tapestry of romance, drama, mystery, and history, combined with its unforgettable characters and stunning visuals, make it an absolute must-watch. So, clear your weekend, indulge in this enchanting world, and discover for yourself why "Bridgerton" is the best period drama ever made. It's a journey you won't want to miss.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Taylor Swift's Eras Tour was not just a concert series; it was an era in itself, a testament to the power of music to transform lives. I vividly remember those nights of staying up late every weekend, eagerly anticipating what surprises Taylor had in store for us, from her enchanting outfits to the unexpected songs she would serenade us with. While I had my heartaches about missing out on some of her iconic tracks like "Wonderland," I was fortunate enough to attend the Eras Tour, an experience that would forever change me. Before the tour, I had been a fan of Taylor Swift since 2020, but it was during the Eras Tour that my appreciation for her music deepened significantly. Her songs became more than just melodies; they became a lifeline to understanding my own emotions better. I discovered that I could relate my feelings and experiences to Taylor's lyrics, realizing that someone out there was going through the same trials and tribulations as I was. In those moments, I felt less alone in my struggles. One of the most powerful aspects of Taylor's music is her ability to share her journey of healing through her songs. Listening to her music during the Eras Tour gave me hope that, just like her, I could navigate the storms in my life and emerge stronger. It taught me to process my emotions more effectively, helping me to keep my feelings in check and respond less impulsively to life's challenges. Even when I found myself in situations that resonated with songs like "All Too Well (Ten Minute Version)" or "Mean (Taylor's Version)," I held onto the belief that, like Taylor, I too would eventually feel "Clean." Her music offered a sense of closure, a reminder that pain is not perpetual and that healing is possible. Beyond the personal growth I experienced, Taylor Swift's music also introduced me to a vibrant community of fans known as Swifties. This community became an integral part of my life, and it extended far beyond the concert venue. I found friends who shared my deep appreciation for Taylor's music, and we formed connections that enriched my social life. My TikTok "For You Page" became a haven of Swifties, and I cherished the moments when I stumbled upon strangers who shared my passion for Taylor's artistry. In the end, Taylor Swift's Eras Tour was not just a musical journey; it was a transformational experience that helped me discover a stronger, more resilient version of myself. Through her music, I learned to process my emotions, found hope in challenging times and forged connections with an incredible community of fellow fans. As I bid farewell to this unforgettable era, I am reminded of Taylor's words in "Shake It Off": "It's gonna be alright." Thanks to her music and the memories of the Eras Tour, I know that I, like Taylor, will find my way through life's ups and downs, emerging stronger and wiser with each chapter.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    My Dream House, nestled in the heart of Greenwich Village, New York City, is a captivating blend of urban sophistication and tranquil retreat. This unconventional choice of location for a Barbie Dreamhouse adds a unique charm to the entire experience. Picture yourself wandering through the lively streets of Greenwich Village, surrounded by the bustling energy of the city, and then stepping into the enchanting world of my dream home. The exterior of my Dream House is a captivating three-story structure, skillfully designed to harmonize with the classic architecture of Greenwich Village. It presents an unassuming front entrance that opens into a spacious interior. Its defining feature, a subtle yet striking lilac hue, sets it apart from its neighboring houses. The landscape surrounding my Dream House is meticulously maintained, with ivy-covered walls and seasonal flowers that burst into vibrant colors throughout the year. As you step through the elegant double doors, the sun-drenched sunroom welcomes you with open arms. It's the perfect place to savor your morning coffee while basking in the warm rays of the sun. Inside, the interior exudes an air of understated luxury, adorned with neutral tones that create a serene atmosphere throughout. Each of the five bedrooms serves as a personal sanctuary, complete with walk-in closets filled with glamorous outfits and accessories suitable for every occasion. My bedroom is a reflection of my personality and passions, adorned with a wall of cherished memories. It showcases prints of friends, beloved movies, and Taylor Swift posters, creating a space that's uniquely mine. The kitchen is a culinary haven, equipped with the latest high-tech gadgets and appliances. It ensures that even a novice cook like me can whip up delicious meals with ease. The sunroom effortlessly leads to an indoor pool and hot tub, both of which can be "brought indoors" with retractable walls, allowing for year-round enjoyment. The LED lights in the pool create a mesmerizing color-changing experience that adds a touch of magic to the space. Descending to the basement, you'll discover a state-of-the-art theater room with plush, reclining chairs and a popcorn machine, providing an authentic cinematic experience. Adjacent to it is an arcade room filled with classic games like Pac-Man and Tetris, as well as modern gaming consoles for endless entertainment, from Just Dance to Mario Kart. While my Dream House may not replicate Barbie's iconic pink palace, it perfectly mirrors my personality and desires. It's a vibrant oasis in the heart of the city, where the energy of New York City is just steps away, yet I can retreat to my private sanctuary whenever I desire. This dream home seamlessly combines the excitement of the city with the comforts of an idyllic suburban retreat, making it the ultimate Barbie Dreamhouse that's uniquely mine.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    I am Team Conrad. From the moment I started watching the Amazon Prime series, "The Summer I Turned Pretty," I found myself inexplicably drawn to Conrad's mysterious and intense demeanor. His character resonated with me on a deep level, and as I immersed myself in the series, there were specific moments that solidified my allegiance to Team Conrad. One of the most compelling aspects of Conrad's character is his complexity. Throughout the series, we witness him grappling with his demons, trying to shield himself from the vulnerability of love. The moment that stands out most vividly to me is when he opens up to Belly about his fear of getting hurt. It's in this moment of raw honesty that we see the depth of his emotions. Conrad's vulnerability is palpable, and it's impossible not to empathize with him. Conversely, Team Jeremiah may argue that Jeremiah's kind and charismatic personality is a better fit for Belly, but I believe Conrad's depth adds a layer of intrigue that cannot be matched. His brooding exterior conceals a reservoir of passion and emotion that he only reveals to those who are patient enough to break through his defenses. This complexity makes Conrad's character incredibly captivating and makes me root for him even more. Another significant moment that firmly cemented my allegiance to Team Conrad was the beach bonfire scene. As Belly and Conrad sit together by the fire, there is an undeniable chemistry between them. It's a moment charged with unspoken feelings and longing glances. Conrad's inability to express his emotions verbally, yet his ability to convey them through his actions and gestures, is incredibly powerful. It's a moment that epitomizes the kind of intense connection that fans of Team Conrad crave. Furthermore, Conrad's dedication to Belly throughout the series is a testament to his love for her. He pays attention to her interests, whether it's helping her with lifeguard training or buying her Sour Patch Kids. This attention to detail demonstrates the depth of his feelings. He breaks up with her at Prom because he fears he's hurting her, even though it pains him to do so. This selflessness in his actions and his willingness to put her happiness and well-being first show the depth of his love. Moreover, in the later seasons, when Belly is happily involved with Jeremiah, Conrad conceals his love for her. This demonstrates his maturity and respect for her choices. It's a heartbreaking moment for fans of Team Conrad, but it also underscores his character's integrity. In contrast, Jeremiah, while undoubtedly charming and charismatic, doesn't evoke the same level of emotional depth and intensity that Conrad does. While some may argue that Jeremiah is a safer choice for Belly, I believe that the complexity and passion that Conrad brings to the table make him a more compelling and unforgettable character. I am Team Conrad because of the moments in the series that have showcased his depth, vulnerability, and unwavering love for Belly. His mysterious and intense demeanor draws me in, and I believe that the complexities of youth and first love are best explored through his character. While Team Jeremiah may have their reasons for supporting him, my heart will always belong to Conrad Fisher.
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    September 1st signals the onset of autumn, a season that holds a special place in my heart due to a cherished ritual that has become a cornerstone of my life. Every morning, like clockwork, at 7 A.M., I embark on a sacred journey. As I navigate the quiet streets, the familiar melodies of Taylor Swift's "Red (Taylor's Version)" serenade me, setting the perfect backdrop for the day ahead. The destination of this daily pilgrimage? None other than Starbucks, where I order my beloved autumn elixir, the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Latte. This beverage is far more than a mere drink; it's a conduit to a world of inspiration, ambition, and unwavering determination. The Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Latte isn't just a medley of flavors; it's a symphony that harmonizes with my cherished memories and aspirational dreams. With each sip, I am transported to a realm where the boundaries of possibility seem limitless. It's almost as if I'm sipping from the very cup that once graced the hands of Hermione Granger, conjuring her unwavering studiousness, intelligence, and determination. With every indulgence, I am enveloped in the very essence of ambition itself. Senior year brings its own unique set of challenges – the anticipation of college applications, the relentless pursuit of academic excellence, and the dedication demanded by extracurricular pursuits. This phase, while exhilarating, also comes with its moments of apprehension. Amid this academic whirlwind, my Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Latte serves as my steadfast companion, accompanying me through the highs and lows of my educational voyage. I carry with me the ambition and drive instilled by my beloved drink. This drink serves as a constant reminder that success is not merely a distant goal but a tangible reality, attainable through dedication and unswerving effort. It is a guiding light during moments of uncertainty and a symbol of my unyielding determination to excel. But this Starbucks creation is more than a mere beverage; it's a vital source of energy that kickstarts my day. It rouses my senses, kindles the fires of motivation within me, and grants me the fortitude to surmount the academic obstacles that lie ahead. With each sip, I find the inner strength to dive into textbooks, complete assignments, and engage in meaningful discussions with my peers. This ritual has a transformative effect, rekindling my passion for learning and driving me relentlessly toward the pursuit of excellence. Nevertheless, the significance of this drink goes beyond the realm of academia. It acts as a catalyst for forging connections with friends, creating treasured memories, and seeking solace during moments of introspection. It marks the beginning of autumn, which is more than just the transition of leaves and a chill in the air. Fall signifies the warmth of companionship, the delight of shared experiences, and the unmistakable pang of nostalgia that accompanies the changing seasons. My Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai Latte is not just a beverage; it is the embodiment of ambition and tenacity. It enriched my senior year, equipping me with the resilience to confront challenges head-on and inspiring me to leave an indelible mark on my education and community. With each sip, I embrace the spirit of autumn and the profound life lessons drawn from my beloved Starbucks beverage, carrying them with me on the journey toward future success. x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    Disney's enchanting realm of magic has woven its spell into my life, with one story, in particular, holding a cherished place in my heart—Disney's "Tangled." This radiant masterpiece resonates deeply within me, encapsulating the very essence of my being and embodying the qualities that define my passion, drive, and ambition. My all-time favorite Disney movie is "Tangled," a film that transcends mere cinema to guide me through life's uncharted territories. The tale centers around Rapunzel, a spirited princess with an insatiable curiosity for life's wonders. Her journey from captivity to self-discovery mirrors my path of forging an identity in a world ripe with potential. Rapunzel's unquenchable thirst for knowledge mirrors my unwavering drive for new experiences. Bound by her tower, the world is an unexplored realm awaiting discovery. Similarly, I embrace the unknown, viewing challenges as stepping stones to success. Just as Rapunzel embarks on daring escapades, I embrace risks that propel me toward the horizon of my dreams, with each uncertainty fueling my ambition. Beyond adventure, Rapunzel embodies enduring optimism that resonates deeply within me. Her ability to find beauty in adversity mirrors my belief in the power of positivity. This optimism underpins how I approach life's hurdles, transforming setbacks into catalysts for growth. Like Rapunzel, I see brilliance within individuals and circumstances. My connection to "Tangled" runs even deeper—it has shaped pivotal moments in my life. My Sweet 16 celebration was inspired by the film, a testament to my devotion. I was bedecked in a lilac lengha, surrounded by decorations adorned with the iconic sun icon. My cake, a buttercream rendition of Rapunzel's flower-covered braid, captured the film's essence. The image hand-painted on my name sign recreated the poignant boat scene shared between Rapunzel and Flynn, a personal touch of my adoration. Rapunzel's capacity to drive change reflects her indomitable spirit—a trait I share. By befriending societal outcasts, she unlocks their potential. Similarly, I strive to uplift and inspire everyone I encounter. Fostering positive change fuels my ambition to create a world free of limits, much like Rapunzel's determination to break free. As my journey unfolds, "Tangled" is more than a film; it embodies the passion, drive, and ambition that propel me. Rapunzel's mark on my heart guides me through life's challenges with unwavering determination. Her story signifies the liberation of my spirit—a spirit thriving on challenges, seeking adventure, and believing in the innate goodness of all things. In a world clouded by doubts, "Tangled" stands as a testament to unwavering determination, boundless optimism, and embracing life's uncertainties. Like Rapunzel, I'm driven to seize every opportunity and ignite positive change. As I journey forward, my heart intertwined with Rapunzel's tale, I embody the passion, drive, and ambition defining both the film and my quest for a future illuminated by realized dreams.
    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    Among the different portrayals, my favorite Spider-Man actor is Andrew Garfield. His embodiment of the character isn't just about wearing the suit; it's about the deeper connection I've formed through my journey. During my internship at Jersey1st, a political advocacy group, I experienced the transformative power of voicing beliefs and advocating for meaningful change. Just as Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man stands up for what he believes in, I was immersed in advocating to pass school choice and liquor license reform policies at Jersey1st. These experiences cultivated my passion for the significance of voting as a means to amplify one's voice in the community. My admiration for Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man is rooted in his embodiment of tenacity and quick-witted humor, qualities that mirror the drive and ambition I possess. Witnessing the conflicts of ideologies at Jersey1st, where resolutions were often elusive, reaffirmed my commitment to seeking common ground. Andrew Garfield's portrayal resonates with my fervent belief in the importance of compromise between opposing views, as he too navigates challenges with a spirit of understanding and unity. Beyond my advocacy endeavors, I've recognized a cultural gap that calls for attention. Despite the significant South Asian population at many colleges, participation in cultural dances remains limited due to a lack of training. This observation kindles my passion to bridge this gap by introducing Bharatanatyam and Bollywood dance classes in college. By sharing my culture through dance, I aspire to create a more inclusive environment that fosters understanding among diverse communities. Just as Spider-Man's journey is intertwined with our collective experiences, my path mirrors his commitment to change. From my advocacy work to my intent to offer cultural dance classes, my goal is to impact my college community profoundly. I intend to inspire others to share their beliefs and advocate for change, demonstrating the ripple effect of a single individual's determination. Andrew Garfield's portrayal of Spider-Man resonates with me on a personal level, connecting my experiences to the values he represents. Through my dedication to fostering compromise, cultural understanding, and change, I aim to embody the very essence of Garfield's Spider-Man. Just as Spider-Man's legacy endures, I aspire to leave a lasting mark on my community, reflecting the heroic ideals that transcend the silver screen.