Hobbies and interests
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Meditation and Mindfulness
Foreign Languages
Shopping And Thrifting
American Sign Language (ASL)
Community Service And Volunteering
Coding And Computer Science
Music Production
Music Theory
Scuba Diving
Biomedical Sciences
Global Health
Health Sciences
Art History
Politics and Political Science
Photography and Photo Editing
Adult Fiction
Short Stories
I read books multiple times per week
Theresa Guadarrama
Bold Points2x
Theresa Guadarrama
Bold Points2x
I am a hard-working and driven individual who isn't afraid to face a challenge. I am passionate about my work and I know how to get the job done. I would describe myself as an open and honest person who doesn't believe in misleading others. I try to be fair in everything I do. I can adapt to new situations and changes quickly and easily. I have a friendly personality and kind at heart. I love interacting with others. I am genuine, and people can see that I am authentic and honest. I focus on the positive. I always put in the extra effort to achieve my goals, whether short or long-term. I face challenges head-on and talk about them openly. I'm a team player with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
My career goal is to earn a degree in the medical field. I chose the medical field because I love helping others. I'm looking to become a part of the medical field within the next five years. I consider myself deserving of any scholarship because I've persevered through some personal struggles. Struggles that I've faced head-on with the help of God. He who never left my side. I've risen in the face of my adversity and learned from my setbacks.
Capella University
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions
- Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions
University of Phoenix-Arizona
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Health and Medical Administrative Services
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
Personal Care Assistant
Adult Healthcare2017 – 20203 yearsPersonal Care Assistant
Adult Healthcare2015 – 20205 yearsPCA
Praise Mental Services2019 – 20201 yearPCA
Adult Healthcare2019 – 20201 year
Junior Varsity1986 – Present39 years
- 1
Health and Medical Administrative Services
Adult Helathcare — Personal Care Assistant2018 – 2020
Visual Arts
Drawingno1990 – 1993
Public services
Adult Healthcare — Volunteer worker at the time1994 – 1997Volunteering
Independent — PCA2014 – 2020
Debra S. Jackson New Horizons Scholarship
Just like Debra, also believe in second chances. In High School, I ended up getting pregnant. My chances of continuing my education was slim. I was becoming a mother and I had obligations. I decided to put college on hold. I went on to have more children. So, here I am at the age of 49 pursuing an education to earn a degree in the medical field. I chose this field because I want to make a difference and it's a field that's in need of physicians, nurses, administrators, etc daily. My passion is helping others. I love helping people who are in need. I especially love helping elderly people. In my spare time, I donate, volunteer, and help within my community. Missing the opportunity to continue my education after I graduated High School was disappointing for me. But, my family pushed me into earning a degree and getting back into school. I got my second chance in continuing an education at the stage of life I'm at.
My faith, mentors, family, church, and personal beliefs have shaped my personal values. I'm a believer. I trust in God and through Him we can do anything we set our mind too. I have my own unique perception in situations I feel that's overwhelming. I find solutions to any problem that I have. I tend to go for what I want. As long as my needs are met, I'm fine. I know what's for me is only for me and that no one can take that away. I stay away from drama and negativity. I surround myself with positive people. My career aspirations are centered around my constant growth. I am committed in what I do. I'm committed to staying updated with the latest trends and technologies. This year I plan to pursue a degree in the field I chose. I plan on continuing to help within my community. I plan on finding more resources for those that needs it. I plan on working with the community for change.
Making a positive impact within my community is what I love. I want to use my education to help those that are interested in going back to school. I plan using my service within the community to help those that are seriously in need of help. Making an impact in the community helps people to become a better citizens, get better jobs, and shows people the difference between good and bad.
Having a scholarship will help me get into a better school. Having a scholarship will help me better my community. A scholarship will surely minimize my student debt. I can use my scholarship to help support equitable outcomes. It can also expand my network.
Early Childhood Developmental Trauma Legacy Scholarship
Children who are neglected and abused do suffer the consequences when it's time for school. Once in school, they have trouble with the work, grades are lower than other classmates, and it's hard for them to comprehend. This is why many fall behind. The reason for that is children that's been neglected and abused are overlooked. Their problems are often overlooked by teachers, principles, and counselors. And, often, these children show signs of neglect and abuse, but afraid to speak up. The child may struggle from self-regulation or lack impulse control or the ability to think through consequences before acting. That is why it's important to be aware of of a child's grades, the way they act, inability to learn, etc. As a result of this, the complexly traumatized children may behave in ways that are unpredictable or extreme. Without treatment, repeated childhood exposure to traumatic events can affect the brain and nervous system.
Being aware of early childhood development is important. It's important because it can set in motion of changes in a child's live that makes it difficult and hard. Not speaking about the trauma that children experience doesn't make it go away. It makes it more difficult for the child when it's pushed aside. In the field I chose, I plan on combating this by being aware of their behavior and looking for signs of abuse or neglect. If you see a child that all of a sudden acts out than usually, I'd see what's going on. If I see a drop in the child's grades all of a sudden, I plan on asking questions and getting down to the root of the problem. Whether it may be at home, school, on the bus or where ever. It's important you address the root of the problem and find a solution that will fit the child's situation. My field that I am pursuing is in medical. Being a part of the medical field would really help early childhood development. We are able to develop age appropriate strategies to minimize any trauma a child is going through. As a career in the medical field, I'd also plan on increase understanding of a medical diagnosis, therapeutic therapy, etc.
I've never had a personal experience that is related to this issue, but I've has a close family member that has. He was always neglected on weekends when his parents went out to party. The babysitter they chose for him was a person that showed so many signs of drug abuse. My close family member was beat constantly in her care. He was a straight A student in class. He was sociable, out-going, an all around good guy. I saw signs and changes, but, I never asked. I thought he'd come to me with whatever was going on. So, one day out the blue, I decided to ask what was going on. I said your grades are dropping and you're not yourself. He broke down and told me what was going on. I instantly told my mother whom went to his parents with the information I had. The babysitter was fired. She was being investigated. We found out she had done this to other children, but nothing was done. My close family member went through therapy, which helped a lot. Once again, he became a straight A student. He started being sociable again. We had him back. I'd say to those children who are being neglected or abused, please speak up, we care. For those that know this is happening please speak up.
Annie Pringle Memorial Scholarship
Breast health education is important to me because it is the second-leading cause of death among women worldwide. We women need to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer. That's why it's very important to get our annual screening. Women who are equipped with the knowledge of how to take care of breasts and how to self-examine are more likely to have a low risk of breast cancer. Promoting breast cancer awareness is just as important to me. It's important to me because I've had several family members who have passed on with not just breast but cancer in general. That is why it's so important for everyone to have check-ups. Annually screening and check-ups let us be aware of what our health is like or any diseases, or illnesses we may have going on. Early detection is better than no detection. So many wait until the last minute and then it's too late. We can promote awareness of breast cancer by spreading the news, raising awareness about risk factors, sharing survivor stories, and raising awareness of helpful resources, care services and support groups. And, let's don't forget, mammograms. Mammograms can save lives.
Breast cancer is also important to me because there is a lot of misinformation about cancer. That is why I stay up with the most recent updates and the pros and cons. Cancer is a big issue. It's bigger than we think and it has taken a lot of people out. My health is important to me. My family is important to me. My life is important to me. I want to live as long as I can and that is why I do my annual screening and check-ups. If I feel something isn't right about my body or a sign or symptom I haven't experienced before, I admittedly make an appointment with my PCP. Breast health education, we all need to take advantage of. Not just us women, but men as well. Men because it's important to know what's going on with their spouse's health and body. Breast cancer is a disease in which abnormal breast cells grow out of control and form tumors, and that is not what we want. If unchecked the tumors can spread. If you feel something is not right with your breasts, don't wait around before it's too late. Please call your PCP immediately. Each year in the United States, about 240,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in women and about 2,100 in men. Men should also be aware of changes. As an African American, I have a higher rate of getting breast cancer than all other women. We women need to know the most common signs and symptoms associated with breast cancer. Prompt evaluation and detection improve our outcomes. Early detection, healthy lifestyle choices, and understanding the various signs and symptoms are all important facts for me. We need to identify our risk of developing breast cancer. We should continue to promote awareness about breast cancer. We should continue to do our annual screening. Mammograms are our early detection.
Essenmacher Memorial Scholarship
Being in the foster care system can impact one's life. Being a part of the foster care system can also have its disadvantages. Children in the foster care system are more likely to develop mental, emotional, physical, and psychological conditions. But, there are many loving foster homes around the world, which is a blessing. It's a blessing because you're having a family that's opening their home for someone who is in need. You have families that weren't able to parent, which leads them to foster. Fostering doesn't just change kids' lives, but it changes ours as well. I was never in foster care myself, but, my husband and I have always talked about being foster parents. It's something that we both have wanted to do for a very long time. Being able to provide kids with a home is exceptional. Loving a child/children that didn't have that care is unconditional. I have a cousin who was in the foster care system. My uncle and his wife took her in at a very young age. This was the fifth foster home that she had been in. Unfortunately, she explained to me her foster parents had before shown no love or care to the kids they fostered. For them, it was about the money. Once my uncle and his wife took her in, she was delighted and had parents who loved and cared for her.
I would love to become a foster parent one day. I would love to provide for children that will make them feel safe and comfortable. I would love to give them a loving, caring home when they can't live with their birth parents if it's just for a night or two or definitely. Foster children need support, love, care, and stability as any other child. Foster care provides a temporary home in which the child is provided food, shelter, guidance, and discipline as she or he navigates childhood. I'm perfectly fit for all that and above. Foster care isn't for everyone. It's a big step and you have to be willing, prepared, and ready for fostering children. Fostering children will impact me and my family in the strongest ways. Having new editions to the family would be joyful, exciting, and an experience. An experience that I can truly say that I'm there to give a child a home that provides love, care, guidance, and shelter. An experience that will help me and family along the way. I love children. I have seven grandchildren that I love unconditionally. Being able to add to the family would be a blessing and a God send.
Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
My grandmother who passed away in May 2019 was my world. My daughter and myself was her caregiver until she entered the pearly gates. Her passing took a toll on our family, especially myself. My grandmother took me into her wings at an early age. She was not only a grandmother to me, but a mother as well. A mother who taught me about life, religion, and the outside world. She shaped me into the person I am today and I am forever thankful for her. I got pregnant at an early age still in High School. I was ashamed. I knew nothing about parenting or how to be a mother. I was scared to tell my loving, dear grandmother, and my mother too. Somehow, I thought they would be disappointed in me, but, I was wrong. They accepted my pregnancy. They both were my support team. My grandmother taught me about motherhood. She wanted nothing more than the best for my child and me. After her passing, I was a wreck. I couldn't eat, sleep, or be around others. I felt lost. Somehow, I knew my grandmother wouldn't have wanted me to give up or stop living. She knew it was her time to go, but I was having a hard time letting her go. In my heart, I knew she was in a better place. A place where she would be pain-free and with no suffering. And, she loved my children, her great-great-grandchildren. They always made her smile. They made sure she was loved and cared for. We made sure she was comfortable. On her bad days, my big babies would make her days bright, joyful, and enjoyable.
The experience of losing her made me a stronger person. I live every day as it was my last. I plan family events as much as I can. On Sundays, we get together at Grandma's house and cook her favorite dishes. On holidays, we get together at her home and celebrate her life when she was here on earth. We share stories we had with her. We cherish the memories we shared with her. I know she's always with us and watching over us. She's making sure we are good and making the best out of life. I've become more passionate and understanding to those around me. Her loss broke me so I had no choice but to rebuild from the bottom up and fix some things that needed fixing in my life. The loss of my grandmother taught me how to change the way I live my life. I'm more determined, motivated, and happier. I carry my grandmother in my heart every day, we all do. I miss her dearly and always will. But, I know she's with all of us. Rest in Peace grandmother.
Book Lovers Scholarship
The book I would have everyone in the world read if I could be "The Holy Bible". I chose this book because it's sacred and contains the word of God. The Bible is a collection of sacred books written by ancient prophets and historians. Their inspired words are what we know today as the Holy Bible. God never stops loving His children. He forgives us for our sins, whether we believe that or not. Believing in God and having Him in your heart is important. Not everyone believes in His words or abide by them. So many are lost. So many are abandoned. So many have given up on His words. So many of us have given up on Him. This is why I would recommend the world to read this book. The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you. We don't need to be afraid or discouraged. There were times I gave up. There were times His words meant nothing to me, especially when I lost my cousin and grandmother. I asked myself, "Why?" Why did He take them so early? Why did He take them away from their loved ones? "Why" was all I asked myself continuously. When I lost my cousin and grandmother, it took a toll on me emotionally, physically, and mentally. I couldn't eat, think, sleep, or find myself socializing. I went into a dark place, a place I'd never been before
One morning, I lay in bed telling myself this is not me. This isn't what my cousin or grandmother would have wanted for me. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to miss them. It's okay to hurt. It's okay to cry. But, it's not okay to stop living. It was okay God called them home. He was ready for them. They were ready. It was their time. There was no way I wanted them to continue suffering and in pain. God took that pain and suffering away. I realized that. God is in our hearts, whether we believe it or not. God won't leave us. He will get us through our troubled times. He does see our struggles. So many people don't know His words. And, I was one of those people. Not everyone has the same religion and that's okay. As long as we know His word.
Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
I'm an African American who decided to continue my education and earn a degree in the medical field. I chose the medical field because I have a passion for helping others. I love helping those that are in need. I love giving back to the community and volunteering. I see the medical field as a way to give me a chance to develop relationships with patients and engage in problem-solving that will require me to adapt on a case-by-case basis. After graduating from High School, I didn't get the chance to continue my education as I wished. Unfortunately, I got pregnant while in High School and the chance of going to college was out the window for me. I was becoming a mother, a first-time mother, and my child was my priority, so I decided to give up the opportunity to take my education further. I did graduate. I earned my diploma. Here I am at the age of 49, determined and motivated to earn a degree in the medical field. A healthcare career is incredibly rewarding and purposely because of the huge role it plays in saving lives and improving the quality of life of patients. My goal is to make sure patients are receiving proper care and getting the best of care. One of my main goals is to make sure no one is getting turned away because of insurance, religion, discrimination or poverty. I want to promote health with the ultimate goal of meeting the health needs and expectations of individuals. My short-term goals would be completing daily tasks, improving my skills and learning new practices. My long-term goal would be to gain a promotion. This is a goal that I've set if I were to pursue a higher rank in the facility where I work.
I lost my cousin/best friend in 2017 and my grandmother/mother in 2019. The passing of them both took a toll on me physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. Losing a loved one is a hard pill to swallow, especially if you were so close to them. My cousin and I would talk on the phone daily. If we weren't talking on the phone we would text one another. I miss hearing her voice. I miss getting a text from her. I had my days of crying uncontrollably. I had days where I wouldn't eat. I had days I couldn't sleep. I miss her until this day. My daughter and I took care of our grandmother, my daughter's great-great-grandmother until her passing. This was a bigger and harder pill for me to swallow. She was a second mother to me. Again, I cried uncontrollably. I couldn't eat or sleep. I didn't feel like socializing with anyone. I missed seeing her face and that big smile she always had on her face. I realized I had a family to take care of. I realized I had to keep going and live. I realized they were no longer suffering or in pain. I realized they wouldn't have wanted me to hurt. I had to pick myself up and that's what I did, Instead of continuing to grieve, I remembered the times we spent together. I remembered our cherished memories and talked about them. I shared with others what we cherished. My grandmother and cousin both knew my passion. They knew how much I loved helping others. Here I am working towards a degree and pursuing my dream job.
Anna Milagros Rivera Memorial Scholarship
What motivated me as a single mother was reading some success stories from other single mothers. I also spoke to other single mothers who advised me not to get overwhelmed, frustrated, or stressed. Being a single mother, especially at a young age isn't as easy as one thinks. Being a first-time mother at a young age and being a single mother is hard. But, with the support of family and friends, I did my best, I can honestly say. Getting pregnant young and still attending High School was a lot for me. I had to give up my dreams and goals at the time. College was no longer an option for me. I was becoming a mother. I had responsibilities. Thank God, I had a lot of support during and after my pregnancy. My dream was to become a part of the medical field after graduating from High School. I never gave up on my dream. As my son grew up, I was financially stable but wasn't financially stable enough to get into college. I got married and had more children. So, here I am 48 years old wanting to go back to school and earn a degree in the medical field. I am more motivated than ever. I'm determined to succeed. I'm My inner drive is a feeling of motivation and determination that's deep inside of me to carry on, even when I have lost my motivation. When I feel like it's impossible to continue, my inner drive keeps me focused and determined.
I have a passion for helping others. I love helping others. I love volunteering, donating, and giving back to the community. The goals that I have chosen for the medical field are reducing costs, improving patient health, and improving quality care. I want to be able to meet the health needs and expectations of individuals and populations and improve population health outcomes. I'd like to advance into a leadership position. I have set goals. I'm well prepared. I stay focused and I stay eager to learn, especially new material. I want to be able to give back to the community of what I've learned. I don't want to see people getting turned away because of insurance issues or poverty. I want to be able to access resources for those who need it. My main goal is to help the elderly and see improvement when it comes to elderly people. One of my common reasons is an ambition to help people. A generous sincerity to help others may be vital to a medical career. I have personal experiences when it comes to helping people. I was a caregiver to my late grandmother. After her passing, I earned a certificate as a PCA. I worked with patients daily. I'm responsible and work hard at what I do. My goal is mentoring new hires.
A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
I'm a highly driven person who's self-motivated, ambitious and determined to achieve what I want. I have a purpose and a clear vision. I have to have a great mindset for me to stay focused on my goals and pursue them passionately. I keep myself motivated and determined. Without having motivation I don't think I'd be able to succeed. I work hard for what I want. I don't mind putting in the work to achieve my goals. There have been times I've called a workaholic because I'm driven to work hard and get it done. I work hard to become successful and achieve. I see myself as a strong person who's compelled to achieve my goal. My passion is helping others who are in need. I love helping those that need help. I love volunteering and helping in the community. I love getting my voice across and having it heard. I don't define myself as a quitter. I don't push myself hard. When I do find myself getting frustrated, I take a breather and start over again. I work at a steady pace. My career goal is to become a part of the medical field. I chose the medical field because I have an ambition to help others. It would be an honor to be trusted with another human being's health, well-being and life. It's also a field in which one needs to put others first. For me, medicine is truly a service and not just a profession.
I plan on making a positive impact on the world through my career by playing a pivotal role in our society. I plan on sharing my knowledge with others in the community and giving an insight into the importance of medicine. I want to be able to shape overall public health standards and policy decisions. I plan on making sure everyone is insured and no one is left behind because of poverty or other financial situations. Most of all, I would like to make improvements to areas in the medical field that need improvement for patients and their families. I plan on communicating goals and making progress. My biggest impact on the world is making sure everyone is treated fairly and gets the best service possible. There are a lot of challenges that we face in the medical field. For example, quality of care. Many medical errors are made that can be prevented. There are times we have difficulty finding a good doctor. There are high costs of care, which everyone can't afford. We have a shortage of physicians and nurses. Everyone has a different perspective when it comes to why we have a physician and nurse shortage.
With the challenges that are faced in the medical field, I plan on making sure everyone around the world isn't faced with these challenges. I want to ensure patients are provided the care that's needed. I want to make sure families feel safe leaving their loved ones in the care of experienced physicians and nurses. With the high costs of care that we are faced with, I plan on making sure patients' costs are affordable and they are provided with resources. When it comes to everyone's perspective as to why we have a shortage of nurses and physicians, our words should be heard and not overlooked. Many physicians and nurses are leaving for better opportunities and pay. I plan on making sure physicians and nurses are paid equally and fairly. With this being said, I plan on impacting the world with positive aspects for all.
Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
As an African American myself, I know what hardships we face and the struggles we endure. As of today, many are still faced with struggles, hardships, racism, etc. We are racially profiled because of the color of our skin, which is unfair. What I admire most about Zendaya is how she's speaking out against injustices. She has done so much for the Black Lives Matter Movement. African Americans fight every day for their rights. We still get profiled, not only by people but by the police as well, who are supposed to protect and keep us safe. Polices who took an oath to protect and serve, which many have failed to do so. I admire every aspect of what Zendaya is doing in helping the Black community. African Americans are human as the next. We all serve under one God. We all bleed the same color. Zendays doesn't consider herself as an activist but as a lifestyle. This is a choice she made for a good cause. We need many more people like her in this world. Standing up for lives that do matter. All love matters to me. I don't look at a person by the color of their skin. I look at their heart. Everyone is important and should be important. The Black Lives Matter Movement was put into place because of the injustice African Americans endure, especially by the police. For example, Trayvon Martin and George Floyd just to name a few. Trayvon was fatally shot at 17 years old. Zimmerman became suspicious of Martin. He became suspicious of Martin because of the color of his skin. George Floyd was handcupped and pinned down under the knee by an officer.
What I think Zendaya is doing is awesome. Zendaya is doing something greater than herself. She is speaking out. Black Lives Matter seeks to combat police brutality, etc. Police need more training and greater accountability for their actions and misconduct. Zendaya is a person who is driven by pure inspiration. She seems fearless. Zendaya is an inspiration to many across the country. She has brought more to the table for Black Lives Matter than others.
Project Kennedy Fighting Cancers of All Colors Scholarship
First of all, I would like to say I haven't experienced cancer, but, I've lost loved ones who battled cancer. I would like to reflect on my sister-in-law who battled her days with cancer. She was a loving, caring, kind-hearted person, who loved my brother unconditionally. She struggled with health issues her entire life. When my brother and she met, she was dealing with health issues. It got to the point where they had to amputate one of her legs. But, by the grace of God, she stayed strong through that. I was doing online classes at the time when she got admitted to the hospital. She stayed in the ICU for about a week. It was touch and go. My brother needed me at the time, so I decided to put my education on hold. From the time she was discharged from the hospital, she was back and forth to the doctor. Finally, she was admitted again, but, this time was different. The doctors called us over to the hospital the next day to tell us she had leukemia and she had only six months to live. That was not only a sad day, but a difficult day as well. She accepted the news better than us.
Not being able to continue with my dreams and goals was disappointing. I wanted nothing more than to earn a degree and achieve what I've been working so hard to do. I know what it's like to lose someone dear and near. I decided to support my brother and help him get through this. I knew we had a long road ahead of us. When I graduated High School, I didn't get the chance to further my education. The reason is, that I got pregnant while in High School. So, going to college was something I wasn't able to do at the time. I was a single mom, raising a child alone. I had to grow up faster than my friends. I had to be responsible and I was becoming a first-time mom. I did graduate which was a blessing. I had all these plans, dreams, and achievements. This time, I chose to put college on hold for my family. Cancer is a deadly disease that will eat away at every organ in your body. It's sad. Unfortunately, my sister-in-law died within two months. It progressed rapidly. I thought nothing about education and career goals at the time. I made sure I was there to comfort my brother and his stepson.
After she was diagnosed, I was less engaged with school and work. I wasn't thinking about learning, career goals or an education. I wanted to be with family and friends at the time of her passing. I wasn't focused. My focus went out the window as did my goals. I knew in my heart, I'd get back to my education, but, I knew it wouldn't be at the moment. Cancer can have an impact on everyone, especially if you have a loved one who has cancer. Nothing matters more than supporting and comforting your loved one who's dealing with cancer and the family. I stood by my brother through his grievement. I knew if I had continued with my education after her passing, my head wouldn't have been where it was supposed to be.
Jillian Ellis Pathway Scholarship
I'm a person who goes after what I want. I don't let anyone or anything stand in the way of my happiness, dreams or achievements. What God has in store for me is only for me. I keep it real no matter what. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. Most important lead. Being a leader is important to me. I have good leadership, and communication skills, and work hard to get where I want to be. My passion is helping others and giving back to the community. When it comes to problems I look at them as opportunities to grow. My mentality is about growth. I have self-compassion. I have compassion towards everyone even when they're not capable of it. I surround myself with positive things and people. I know there may be times when I'm not able to control uncontrollable things. I just look at it as a growing experience. I am self-aware. There have been plenty of times that I've focused more on others than myself. I realized I had to start focusing on myself and put myself first. Situations that I have come across in the past made me emotional, stressed, and sad. I couldn't allow my emotional state to take control of the person I am. We get so caught up in our words instead of counting on our actions.
As an African American, I've dealt with a lot of hardships. African Americans have been treated unfairly for decades and as of today, nothing has changed for many. I plan on uplifting others by helping students position themselves for success during and after college. I want to help students that are underrepresented go through college and help them find the right resources they need. I plan on providing information to the community who are interested in going to college. I plan on offering mentorship and sponsorship. I plan on training people to become leaders and not followers. I want to educate students on why it's important to stay in school and maintain good grades. I plan on getting help for students that do come from low-income families. There is a lot a person can do for underrepresented students who want to succeed and become successful. Underrepresented students have struggles. They have difficulty paying tuition, the need to support their families, and a lacl of financial aid. I plan on making getting my voice heard and making a change.
Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
Losing a loved one or even a close family member is hard. People always say, "It will get easier, it's going take time or they're in a better place." But, it doesn't. No one knows the feeling of losing a close relative or a closed love one unless you've experienced it. I lost my grandmother in May 2019 and the loss of losing her took a toll on me emotionally, physically, and mentally. The loss of my grandmother put me in a place where I've never been. I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety after her passing. My grandmother wasn't only my grandmother but a mother to me as well. She raised me into the woman I am today. She taught me about life, responsibilities, and going out into the real world. She taught me not to hate but to love. She taught me about respect and why it's important. She taught me about judging and why it's important not to judge a person. She taught me to love everyone and to look into their heart and not what they look like or the color of their skin. Our attachment to others makes us feel safe, secure, and connected, and this is why I was so attached to my loving grandmother. Even though, my grandmother didn't birth me, I was admittedly attached to her and vice versa. When I lost her, I lost the attachment we shared and our connection. My mourning, grief, and pain I endured were the pain of detachment. The grief that I went through was overwhelming. I lost myself. At one point, I thought I was going to lose my family and the people close to me. I didn't want to be around anyone. I kept to myself. There were days I wouldn't get out of bed or eat. I cried uncontrollably. I was in a dark place.
I knew I had to pick myself up and keep moving. I knew my grandmother wouldn't have wanted me to be in a place where I shouldn't have been. I knew she wanted me to fulfill my dreams and achievements. That's when I decided to get help and call my PCP. I had to focus on what was important and that was my family, but most importantly, I had to start with myself first. It's okay to grieve. It's okay to cry at times. It's okay to mourn. It's okay. I do when I feel depressed, sad, and down, I focus on the memories I shared with Grandma. I focus on the times we shared. I focus on her laughter, smile, and beautiful big blue eyes she had. We all will get called home one day. But, I wasn't ready when my grandmother was called home. Even though, I knew in my heart it was best. I knew she would've wanted me to push and fight through this.
I'm more focused now. I know what matters in life and what I want. Losing a loved one is just about the worse thing that could happen to us. Grief is change. It changes our life, our routine, our plan and right along with it, grief changes us. After her loss, it affected me. Now, I'm able to focus better on the tasks at hand. Grief takes a toll on our bodies too. I admit, I lost myself and focus. I had to catch up a lot on things I lost control of. Now, I tell stories to my grandkids about their great-grandmother. I'm focusing on getting back to my education and earning a degree in the medical field. I'm focused on achieving my short and long-term goals. I'm focused on making all my dreams come true. I'm focused on my family and grandchildren. I focus on keeping my grandmother's legacy alive and memories. My mind is recharged and focused. I'm fighting to achieve. I'm a stronger person now. Not because she is no longer with us, but because she would've wanted me to be stronger and handle her death. I found that once I went through this process of grieving, I learned to carry on which gave me more skills to deal with tough situations in the future and even now.
Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Antonie Bernard Thomas Memorial Scholarship
Strong leadership and communication skills are important. As a leader, you must be a good communicator because you inspire and empower the people around you. Without good communication skills, a leader would never be heard or understood by others. I display strong leadership and communication skills in my everyday routine by listening closely to those around me. I like to hear what others' opinions are before stating my opinion. I need to listen closely because if not, I will have no idea what he/she may be stating nor will I understand. That is why I pay close attention to what one is saying without interrupting. I remain receptive to others' ideas and learn from their approaches. I take all considerations in because I might have to make important decisions. I take time to create a to-do list so I don't miss anything. I help my children prepare my grandchildren for school. Sometimes, it's more important to have two heads than one. I make sure my community has all the resources needed. I volunteer, donate, and give back.
When it comes to resilience, I demonstrate to others what I've learned from past mistakes, making sure I don't make the same mistake again. I taught my children about resilient growing up and now I'm teaching my grandchildren. As focused as I am, sometimes, I find myself not focusing. I make sure I focus on what's important and stay focused on it. I think positive and stay positive even when I'm around negative. If I have a situation or obstacle that I'm dealing with, I keep calm and positive. I focus on the things I can control instead of dwelling on things I cannot control. Dwelling on things we can't control will eat at you. When I find myself getting frustrated or angry, I admittedly talk a walk to keep my emotions from getting the best of me. I talk to my grandchildren about this every day. Some things we can't control and our emotions can't either. That is why, I take a deep breath and relax.
Being selfish won't get you anywhere. I once was that person. I didn't like who I became. Selfishness makes you bitter, weak, and angry. I realized I lost a lot of friends and family with my selfishness. I had to change the way I thought and talked. I pay it forward. I donate to those that are in need. I volunteer and give my time and service to others. I'm the kind of person that would give my last dime to anyone in need. My passion is helping others. I love helping others. When someone needs a ride or even an ear I'm there. I'm there no matter what time or night it is.
I am more determined today than I have ever been. I work hard for what I need and not for what I want. My needs have always overweighed my wants. I stay focused on what's important in life because life is too short. I live my life to the fullest without worrying about this, that, and the other. I'm determined to earn a degree in the medical field. That's my focus at this time. I focus on family and everyday life tools.
I'm a very respectful person, even if I don't think you're deserving of it. I was raised and taught to respect and that's what I do. I show up to work on time and give my job my all. I'm a hard worker and work hard. I complete work by its due date. I have a strong work ethic.
Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
I'm a person who lives life to the fullest. Life is too short and tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. That is why we should live our lives as the last. I've turned my life over to God because only He can give me what I need and help me through trials and tribulations. I've always wanted to do things differently. I love a challenge. I don't look out for short cut but am willing to do things the right way no matter the sacrifice it entails. I wake up every morning thanking God for allowing my family and me to see another day. I wake up with a smile on my face ready to start my day. I call my children every morning to see how their day is going. I check on my grandchildren. My mother and I talk on a daily. I place my values not only on the excellence of things but on the stewardship of everything within a person's life. I'm passionate about helping others. I love giving back to my community. I donate, volunteer, and help those that are in need. I have a desire to improve things in the community. For instance, finding and getting more resources for the people in the community. Another improvement that I would like to see happen is keeping our streets clean of drugs. I'm very persistent when it comes to making a change. I love voicing my opinion and getting my word across. I love to learn. I have strong willpower to commit.
I'm very focused. I have a positive outlook on things. I stay positive even when I'm around negativity. Excellence is a way of life that requires strong emotional intelligence, focus, passion, and energy. But, the journey towards excellence can be challenging, but we'll quickly progress when we try to develop habits that allow us to thrive. My excellence means greatness. I found out that my excellence was the quality of excelling and being the best at what I do. I take action. I put in what I want to get out of it. I have to remind myself when things get hard that it will get easier. I improve my morning routines and do things differently. I develop more positive daily habits and I stick to them. I strive for excellence. My key elements of excellence are commitment, belief, full focus, positive aspects, and distractions control.
Clevenger Women in Foster Care Award
Foster children face unique challenges once they get out into the real world. They are left with fewer resources when it comes to college. As a result, studies have shown that foster children are likely to drop out of school and unlikely to graduate. When it comes to my community, I get involved as much as I can. I volunteer, donate, and help out when I can. Being a part of the community is important. It's important to me because I'm giving back and getting to know the people in my community. I love helping. My passion is to help others. I've always loved helping people as I remember. I have a big heart and I'm kind. When I see people who are struggling in my community, I do what I can to get them out of the situation they are in. I donate to people who are in need. It's rewarding and it brings joy and happiness to my life. When I see myself doing good deeds for others it makes me happy. When I see the faces of people who I give to it's priceless. I've always tried to make a difference in my community.
Some way that I've made a difference is by helping younger children with reading. In Elementry School, I remember having struggles with reading. I faced many challenges when it came to reading. That is why I thought it would be a gift to help children who are struggling with reading. I know how it could affect a person throughout life if you're not able to read. I help pass out food to homeless people in my spare time. I donate my clothes that I no longer can fit. Things like that make a difference in one's life.
With my unique skills, I plan to make sure our community has all the right resources that they need. I plan on making sure homeless people are treated fairly and have access to what they need. I plan on violence has decreased and not continuing to increase. I want to keep drugs off the street. So many people have died from drug use because of their addiction. We have lost so many people because of addiction. Addicts who want to get help are denied because of insurance reasons and they fall back to the streets. I want to be able to help with situations like that and make sure everyone is treated fairly and kind. I have a strong work ethic. I follow through with what I do. I have a positive attitude. I'm compassionate about what I do. I have the will to help others and the community. It takes a village, teamwork, and understanding when it comes to the community. One person can make a difference, but, it takes a village to make a bigger difference. Good community builders can foster teamwork and trust and that's exactly what we need. That's important.
Noah Jon Markstrom Foundation Scholarship
I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. I love helping others. My passion is to help others. Working in the healthcare field has plenty of advantages. For instance, diverse careers, well-paid jobs, and fulfillment. I know pursuing a healthcare career has its challenges, which any job would. Bringing a little human being into the world would bring so much joy to me. Pediatricians complete many similar tasks every day and I'm about the challenge. Learning and understanding new material excites me. I love learning and being a part of a team. A team that cares about what they do, loves what they do, and loves helping others. That's a surrounding I want to be a part of. I love children. I have seven grandchildren. I've seen the birth of three of them and it was priceless. Hearing their little cries. Seeing that they are healthy with no issues. Being able to hold them once they enter the world brings joy and tears to anyone that experiences the birth of a child. I love working close to families and keeping them updated about their children. I want to treat children. I want to be able to build relationships with families and see children grow up over the years. I know I'm doing something right by a child if they continue to get care from me. It's to help solve any concern they have for their children. For me, the most rewarding part of pediatrics comes not only from the healing prospects but also from the moments when we see a child empowered to take care of his or her health.
When going with my grandchildren to their appointments, I ask questions to their pediatrics all the time. Sometimes my children get upset but I need to know what's going on, etc. I chose to go into pediatrics because I know I'd be making a difference. A great pediatric nurse can soothe anxiety, catch worrying symptoms early, and help create an environment where children can get the medical care they need. I want to be able to ensure children's needs are being met and their parents are comfortable seeing me as a nurse. Any questions families have, I'd answer to the best of my knowledge and I'll let their PCP know that questions were asked and I answered them to the best of my knowledge. As a nurse, I think it's important to let the physician know. Because sometimes nurses may not answer questions as families wish or they may need more answers. As pediatric nurses, it's our job to create a close connection with patients and families. We are not only there to take care of our pediatric patients but also care for the parents and caregivers. We see children from infancy to teenage years. The health of children is distinct from that of adults due to the growth and development that occurs throughout childhood.
Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
I love helping others. One of my biggest passion is helping others. I'm a giving person as well, who cares deeply for others. Giving back to my community has enriched my life. I love volunteering and donating when I can. By helping my community I grew as a person. I got to know people. I made friends. I looked at no one as being different. Some of the people in my community have been through what I've been through. Some have endured hardship and struggles as I have. Volunteering gave me a boost to my self-esteem, self-confidence and life satisfaction. It made me a better person, a person who I never thought had that in me. When I volunteer, I'm happy, stress-free, and full of joy. I love doing what I do for my community or any other community that needs help. When I give to others, I never expect anything in return. I give from the heart. My heart is big, and that's something that has always been a part of me. Seeing a spark in an individual when I give enlightens me. Just making someone's day fulfills my day.
We all can make a positive impact on the world. Sometimes it takes a village to do so. My plan on making a positive impact on the world by continuing to help my community and giving back. I plan on acknowledging and inspiring someone into action. Action is of big importance in my life. Many of us talk the talk, but, show no action. We can talk all we want to, but talking does no good for no one if action isn't taken. I plan on getting my children more involved in the community and teaching my oldest grandchildren about the importance of giving back and helping. I want to initiate new ideas for the community. In doing so, I will take my time and be proactive and originate new ideas and what changes are needed. Having others count on you is important. Speaking up and voicing your opinion is important. I plan on making sure more people speak up and voice their opinions. I want to go the extra mile. That extra mile is by making a significant impact on the world. I want to change what needs to be changed in the world. For example, racism is a big problem that we as Americans are still facing. Poverty makes it hard for many, especially in the Black community. There are so many ways I plan on making a positive impact on the world.
Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
There have been quite a few obstacles that I've faced. The biggest challenge that I faced was losing my grandmother. My daughter and I was her caregiver until her passing in 2019 May. We took care of her as a loved one should. Her Althemier's had progressed and she had cognitive heart failure. My grandmother raised me. She taught me about life, the challenges that I'll face, etc. When I got pregnant at a young age, she stood by me and made sure I graduated. Losing her took a toll on me as it would anyone. I got depressed which led to anxiety. There were days I didn't want to get out of bed. There were days all I wanted to do was be alone. I had mood swings. Some days, I'd cry uncontrollably. Some days, I'd sleep all day. I spent many days sitting in the dark. There were days I couldn't est or wouldn't eat. I saw how badly it affected my family and myself. I woke up one morning and told myself, I have to get control of this and myself. I made an appointment with my PCP. I was put on medications to help with my depression/anxiety. This disease was taking control of me mentally, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. I knew my dear grandmother wouldn't have wanted to see me like this. She wanted me to grieve, but not to the point it caused me to be depressed. I blamed myself for her passing. I blame myself for not doing the best I could for her. I knew I did and had, but, the back of my mind was telling me differently.
I got much-needed relief after I was put on medications. I lost myself, but, I found myself again. I apologized to family and friends. I stopped blaming myself for her passing and realized it was her time. God needed her more than we did. On holidays, we share memories of her. On her birthdays, we let off balloons and remember her. I had a setback. But, I came back. I had to start living life again. I had a family that needed me. But, I needed myself more. We are faced with challenges and obstacles every day. Whether they are small or big. Losing grandma/mama hurt badly. I lost myself and almost lost the ones I loved. I realized I had to keep going. I realized that I had to face my depression/anxiety head-on.
I learned from this experience that one day, I'm not going to be here. God will come for me one day as He did for my grandmother. I should've got the support I needed before I shut everyone out. I got to understand the process of grief. I know grief is something we can't fix, but, talking about it helps. Grief taught me not to take loved ones for granted. Grief taught me about faith. Faith that I had lost. I was taught to be patient, which I wasn't at the time. Grief taught me I have to love every day creating memories that will comfort me after her loss. I realized I need to continue living life, being happy, kinder, and more determined. That's exactly what I did. I lost the person I once was. I had to get the person back who my loved ones and friends knew. I realized that life was short and to live every moment to the fullest potential.
William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
My dream job has always been to work in the medical field. My passion is helping others. Helping others makes me happy. For me, it creates a sense of belonging and reduces isolation. By helping others, I've found mydelf being more motivated, happy, healthier, and joy. I feel good inside. Seeing the happiness on people's faces when I help them is priceless. My passion is my foundation of my giving. I want to save a life or help bring a new one into the world. I want to be able to care for patients as they recover, assist families through some of their most difficult times in their lives, or work behind the scenes to keep a medical facility running smoothly. I want to make a positive imapct on people's lives. When you go to the doctor, they talk to you in numbers. Oue blood pressure, weight, temperature, and pulse are all measured numerically. Medical professionals use math when drawing up statistical graphsto show success rates of our treatments and other large data points. Science is used in the medical field of medicines. Our medicines has for long possessed the qualities necessary to make science. Medical science focuses on the science of human health and how the human body works.
I plan on attempting on explaining the natural world using systemic observation and experiment. Math is the center of this process. I want to contribute to others what I've learned and experienced with math and science. Math wasn't one of my strongest subjects in school. I couldn't get the concept of it. But, I had to work hard with Math because I knew I would need it ince I got out into the world. Science, I loved. It was one of my favorite subjects. Sceince and Math works togehter. In science, algebric balance is required in chemical formulas, growth ratios, and genetic matrices. In science, math is used to analyze nature, discover its secrets and explain its existence. We have to realize science is so complex and getting more so each day. That is why science and math is important in the world. Any field you chose, science and math is going to be a part of it. My contribution of science and math would be expressing how much we need them both. That both will play a significantly impact in our lives. I use what I learned to others and teach why its important.
Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
Giving back is important to me. It's important to me because it enriches my life and I like putting smiles on people's face. Giving your time to the community familiarize me with the community, and connects me to people and ideas that will positively impact the my perspective for the rest of my life. Currently, I'm donating, volunteering, and attending meetings. I also help elderlies that aren't familar with resources that they need to help them. Parents with children that are struggling at this time, I find ways that will help them with their sytuggles. For instance, I have seven grandchildren who are outgrowing their clothes. I give them to families that can use them. Volunteering gives me a sence of purpose. I'm fulfilled when I help others in the community. Giving back brings so much joy to my life and others. I'm happy when I'm helping others. It's also good for my health. I currently volunteer my services at food bamks. I pass out food and help load the food into their car. God's motivation for giving eas "love". He gave Himself in the person of Jesus. God gave his response tp our needs and not our wants. When we give, it comes form the heart and it's with love.
I plan on impacting the world in the future by making a positive impact. My positive impact will be giving knowledge and inspiring someone into action. Taking time to acknowledge someone by letting them know you see their efforts, talents, or resilience that informs them they are valuable and appreciated. Making people feel appreciated makes them feel happy. That's one of the ways I plan on impacting the world. People need to know they are worthy and appreciated. I plan on making positive social change. That could be done in small and large ways. For eample, holding a door for someone. I find myself doing that a lot and it feels refreshing for me. I help my community out when needed. I've had my struggles and I know what it's like. When I see someone struggling I offer my help. I'm kind, polite, and have more than enough love to go around. I want to see a change with judging. many people get judged, and me personally think it's wrong. I don't ike to be judged so why judge others. The most important thing I plan on impacting the world is by getting drugs off the street and violence.
Barbie Dream House Scholarship
Growing up in a low-income household, my brother and I couldn't get everything we wanted. Our needs came first, which is important. So many of us focus more on our wants than our needs. I remember every new toy that came out I wanted, but, I knew we had to get what my parents could provide. All my friends had Barbies so I wanted one too. I begged my father and mother for one. I either wanted them for my birthday or Christmas. When my birthday came I got three Barbies. I was the happiest girl in the world. The next day, I told my friends I got three Barbies for my birthday. So, one of my friends asked, "Did you get a Barbie house too?" Admittedly, I said, I think I will for Christmas. Unfortunately, I didn't get my Barbie house that year for Christmas and I never did. My Barbie Dream House would be built out of wood. It would be the prettiest Barbie Dream House ever. In my dream house, I'd have a kitchen, dining room, gym, two master bedrooms, two guests room, an indoor pool, a gaming room, a basketball court for my grandsons, and a paradise room for my granddaughters. I'd have at least two elevators. I'm putting elevators in just in case I have an elderly aunt, uncle, friend, etc that have a disability. My Barbie Dream House will be located in Paris. I chose Paris because I've always wanted to live there since I was a teenager. Each of the rooms will be decorated uniquely. I love decorating. I'd also put a patio on the roof. A place where I could go to be stressed-free and have some me time. I want my house to stand out, where celebrities would come to visit and take pictures. I would like to see my house in a magazine.
Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
My career goals will foster the social-emotional well-being of gifted children by establishing long and short-term goals for them. It's important to have the best motivational strategies that will cater to the needs of a gifted child. Gifted children are special in their way besides being gifted. They have many unique talents that are often looked over. Children who are gifted are defined as those who demonstrate an advanced ability or potential in one or more specific areas. Children who score more than above are considered gifted, but they are often looked down on because of their smartness. My career goals will be used on their giftedness. It's important to give a gifted child praise and nurturing. I'd expose gifted children to new ideas and areas. Rewarding a gifted child and using short-term goals with them helps a lot and comes a long way for them. That will be something I'd foster them with. I'd help them manage their time and take control. It's important to let them take control without letting someone else take control for them. I'd help them keep a positive attitude about school and why it's important to keep that positive attitude. I'm a very creative person, I like being creative. Fostering creativity in gifted children will be a priority that I'd use. I'd provide relevant study materials. Relevant study materials are important for gifted children because it's challenging and engaging for them.
When it comes to their intellectual needs gifted children need to be in a safe and flexible learning environment, proper academic rigor, and a dual focus on social-emotional learning. We have to learn how gifted children think. Learning how they think will help me foster their needs better and fit them. I will focus on tiered assignments and make sure teachers utilize their talents and interests. My career goals will also explore word applications. Gifted children may have talked early, learned to read early, and progressed at the same level as normal children who are significantly older than they are. Gifted children are just that. They can comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers. But, we have to realize they have emotions too. Gifted children get stressed, sad, and have feelings as normal children do. Just because they are gifted that doesn't mean they are different than normal children. Yes, they are gifted, but. they are human too. I'd encourage them to do things they are bad at. Gifted children's brains work differently. I'd foster tools that will help them succeed. Getting help when needed is important and that is something that I'd let them know. Being gifted can sometimes have its downfalls. Letting them understand that avoiding comparisons where possible and when. And, we always have to be open-minded with the friends we chose.
Mary Schonfield PA School Scholarship
When I got to High School, I had a plan. I planned to become part of the medical field and help those that were in need. My passion is helping others. I wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. I wanted to save lives and fulfill them. I wanted to help the families of their loved ones who were being treated. My drive was to help others. I was driven to help others. I was the caregiver of my grandmother, who had Alzheimer's and congestive heart failure. Being a caregiver has its ups and downs, but that didn't stop me from doing the best I could for her. My daughter and I made sure she stayed comfortable. We made sure she was surrounded by her loved ones. She was my inspiration to follow my heart and dream. So, I decided to get back into school and achieve what I've been wanting to achieve. I'm ready to receive my degree in the medical field and become a part of that field. After the passing of my grandmother, I received my PCA certificate. I worked for Adult Healthcare keeping clients and providing for their needs. I loved my job until I was having health issues. But, I loved what I did.
I knew that applying to medical school is a long stressful process. I knew there would be some sleepless nights and hardworking nights, which I didn't mind. I'm determined and motivated to pursue what I love and have a passion for. I remember a time when a hospice nurse came in to see my grandmother. I remember her telling my daughter and me how good of a job we were doing with her. I also remember speaking to her one-on-one letting her know helping and saving lives is my desire. A desire to help as many families and their loved ones. My interest was sparked more after speaking with the hospice nurse. I knew this was my calling. I'd like to be the one who helps save a life or bring a new one into the world. I want to care for patients as they recover, assist families through the most difficult times in their lives, or work behind the scenes to keep a medical facility running smoothly. I love seeing when people overcome their illnesses and assist with the process. Pursuing this field is my chance to help others. I enjoy helping others.
I want job growth and stability. The profession in the medical field is rapidly growing. Nurses are needed on a daily. Due to the high demand for workers in the Healthcare industry, careers in healthcare are some of the most well-paying options. The more skilled we are and trained the higher our pay will be. I love new challenges and every day there will be new challenges in the medical field. Each day we will be presented with new information, which will keep things more interesting. I'm eager to learn, determined to work harder, and I am a hard worker. I want to be able to impact families and my community by assisting nurse practitioners with treating diseases. I want to play an important role in the well-being of my patients and making sure they receive the best quality care. Why I'm also driven to the medical field because I can live and work anywhere in the U.S.
Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
The house that I'd be sorted into would be Hufflepuff. I chose this house to be sorted into because I'm a very humble person. When I make mistakes, I own them. I'm an apologetic person, especially if I'm wrong. I'm not the type of person that brags about what I have or what I need. I was raised to cherish every moment and live in the present. The past keeps us from moving forwards and as long as we're stuck in the past, we will get nowhere. I take risks and I'm not afraid to do so. At one point in my life, I thought I could control it all. In realization, I couldn't. I can't control everything and I understand that wholeheartedly. We all don't take criticism well, I know I didn't. But, as I got older, I had to accept it and move on because it didn't matter what people thought of me or what they had to say about me. People like that I looked over and came to an understanding that it must be something in their lives that was going on. I accept that I can't win every battle. I just work harder. I understand my shortcomings and faults. Blaming others is wrong. Faulting others is wrong. I own up to my faults because I'm responsible for my faults and no one else.
I love working and being around others of different races. I care less about what people look like, their religion, etc. I look at what's on the inside of a person and that's their heart. Having a range of people with various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds and various lifestyles, experiences, and interests is what I live for. I like to work with people of different races and get to know all I can about them and vice versa. I was raised to love everyone no matter their color, religion or background. We may look different but there could be very much similarities. I acknowledge holidays of all cultures. My husband is Mexican. I celebrate his cultural beliefs and he celebrates mine. I respect his beliefs and vice versa. Just because we came from completely backgrounds that doesn't mean we are different. That's what people don't seem to understand. When we met, we had quite similarities as did our differences. I respected what he liked and disliked and vice versa, I taught him the language I spoke and he taught me the language he spoke. Our children know both languages, which is great. Now, we are teaching our grandchildren Spanish. My husband wants them to have some part of his culture. Being humble and diverse is important. We seem to forget where we come from at times. I volunteer within my community as often as I can. I donate when I can and help out as much as I can. We as a community must come together as one.
Healing Self and Community Scholarship
Mental health is not taken seriously. Many people are in denial when it comes to mental health. They see it as not having a problem. Many people are misdiagnosed. Many people are getting turned away because of insurance. Mental health should be taken seriously. It should be taken seriously because a lot of people are dealing with it and living with it. Sometimes, without even knowing what the problem is. The reason mental health isn't taken serious, part of the reason is it's often ignored because there is still a lot of stigma surrounding mental illnesses. The unique contributions that I'd give the world to make mental health affordable and accessible by preventing and acting early. As I stated, people are turned away because of their insurance or no insurance. I'd make sure that gaps in treatment centers are closed and improve access to treatment for people. We also need to make sure that our crisis response is strengthened. I'd help with finding more resources and making sure people who are dealing with mental issues have the resources they need. I'd get together with my community to put awareness regarding health issues and make sure we work together as one to find people the right treatment before it's too late. I'd contribute by advising those who have a mental illness to find ways to relax and reduce their stress. I'd contribute by helping them finds ways to be creative and to learn. Our health matters and our lives.
Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
My passion is helping others. That is the main reason I want to be a part of the medical field. Helping others is important to me because you can see others' problems and see their pain. But, I have enough perspective to help them find solutions instead of feeling sorry for them. I'm a listening ear and I care. Sometimes, I care a little too much but that's me and the person I am. I like to make people feel good about themselves and accept them for themselves. So many women feel unworthy, insecure, and have low self-esteem. I once felt that way as well when I was younger. I like to make people feel good about themselves at all times. I have compassion for others even when they don't want it. Having compassion for others is important. It's important to me because I'm able to be there for them when they're in need without feeling overwhelmed by it myself. I volunteer in my spare time. I love helping out with my community and making sure they get the resources they need. I donate when it's needed. I'm a very outspoken person. I give advice and I am opinionated. I like to get my voice out and let it be heard. I love advocating for those that are scared to speak up about certain situations.
Helping others is rewarding to me. It's rewarding because I saved at least one person. For me, that's all it takes to save one person. I learned from helping others that I gained an understanding of their struggles and triumphs. It makes me more informed about what's going on in the world around me, which could truly help me and be useful in my personal life and career. Helping others is also important to me because it allows me to see how other people live their lives and what they value most. I've always had a passion for helping others. It's in my DNA. I help people in my community. I give back to the community when I can. I never forget where I come from. Pursuing a degree is important to me. It's important to me because I can make myself proud and my family. But, not only that I want to make my community proud and give back. Helping others motivates me. I help others out of the kindness of my heart. If you're in need, I'm there. Helping others relieves my stress, but it also makes me happy. When I'm helping someone I can feel the love and vice versa. Seeing how a person reacts when they've helped is priceless. Helping others has been my calling.
Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
I'm 47 years old and here I am trying to continue with my education. I have five children and seven grandchildren. I've been married for 20 years and counting. I'm African American that has had her struggles and been looked at differently. I know what my parents had to endure to get where they are today, which many of us have. My parents did the best they could for my brother and myself. Coming from a low-income family was hard. I wanted different for my children and it's what I want for my grandchildren coming up. I live in a small community and it's hard for many. Pregnancy has increased. Our people are dying from violence/drugs or both. There is a lack of resources. But, as a community, we are one. I love helping others. My passion is helping others. In my spare time, I love to volunteer and donate. There's a lot that needs to be done and things could be better. I was unable to further my education after I graduated because I got pregnant while in High School. I was becoming a mother and my child was my priority. Being a single mother was hard. Not knowing how to parent was hard. I had to learn. I had a great support team who helped me through it, and I am still blessed by that today. I was a single mother, raising a handsome son. Raising a child alone is hard and it has its struggles. Thank God I got through it. I gave my son the best of life. There were times I thought it wasn't enough, but, I knew I did all I could for him. I did get to graduate and walk down the aisle to receive my diploma. I stayed in school carrying a baby.
Education is important to me. We have to have an education to get through life. I would use the money to create a better life by pursuing my education. College is important for many reasons. I wanted to be the first to graduate in my family. I wanted to make my family proud of me. I saw myself working at a highly-paid job. I saw myself succeeding and achieving. I saw myself working in the field that I'm passionate about. I had to give all that up for my child, which was fine. At first, I was disappointed in myself for becoming pregnant. But, once I held my son, it was all about him. Nothing else mattered. Once I got, older and had more children, my dreams of pursuing my education. I told myself once all my children graduated, it was my time to follow my heart and dreams. Here I am following my heart. I'm determined and motivated. This money will give me the ability to help out my community. With more and more careers requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to my success in my workplace. I see this as an opportunity for me right now. I see myself saving lives and helping families. This money can help with my long-term goals. A college degree will surely open up more opportunities, even in fields that aren't in my major.
VNutrition & Wellness’ Annual LGBTQ+ Vitality Scholarship
Getting an education is important. It's important because education gives us the ability to set goals and attain them. Through our education journey, we learn to write, read, and our basic math skills. Education is also important because it helps us to become better citizens, get better-paid jobs, and shows us the difference between good and bad. I plan to use my education to make a positive impact on society by showing our society the importance of hard work. Also, by making sure our society understands and lives up to the rights, laws, and knowledge we are supposed to respect and live by. To make our society a better and safe place we must abide by the laws and regulations that are put in place. Because if not, our society would fall to pieces. I love helping others in my community. I love volunteering, donating, and giving back. I'm all about living in a society that is safe and protected from violence. In my spare time, I attend meetings. I love advising people that need advice. I love sharing my knowledge and skills with others. I love advocating for those that are scared to let their voice be heard. I want to be able to make a positive impact on other people's lives. If I can make just an impact on one person it's rewarding. I want my voice to be heard when it comes to changes that are needed. The ultimate goal is to promote good and happy lives for individuals. Society ensures harmony and cooperation among individuals despite their occasional conflicts and conditions.
By sharing my knowledge and helping others solve problems, I know I'd be able to create awareness about my skills. We know knowledge is the power, but, it's much more powerful when it's shared. I want my knowledge to be shared to make a positive impact on society, even after I'm gone. Education is the key to our success. Without an education, we wouldn't be able to get through life. Making a positive impact on society through my education, I'd say would open the eyes to so many. Being able to get our education across to our society is beneficial. I plan on helping students succeed and achieve. I plan on making sure no child gets left behind. I plan on educating and advocating. Making an impact on society is my mission. My mission is to help others. I'm on a mission and my mission won't be completed until I'm done.
Disney Super Fan Scholarship
Disney is the perfect escape. You forget about your worries, struggles, and no more stress. Overall, it is the happiest place on earth. Once I entered the gates at Disney, I left all my worries and stress of the real world behind. You surround yourself with the magic of Disney. It's a wonderful place. The music, the smell of the food and all the laughter around you makes it magical. For me, being able to see and interact with your favorite characters at Disney is priceless. It makes you feel like a kid again and that's what I felt as soon as I entered. Growing up as a kid, I loved watching Mickey and Minnie on television. I had always wanted to meet them in person. When I finally got to meet them, I felt great. I felt like a child again. I thought to myself is this a dream? Getting to see Mickey and Minnie in person was breathtaking. Now, I want my grandkids to experience Disney. I know they're falling in love with the place. This year for Christmas my grandson gets to enjoy this wonderful and exciting place. His Mimi and Papa are taking him. That's going to be one of his Christmas presents. I know he is going to fall in with Disney. Disney taught me so much when I visited. One thing it taught me is about friendship and family. Family and friends will always be there to help, no matter what. Movies like Toy Story, Monster Inc., and Mickey and Minnie. When Toy Story came out, I watched that movie at least three times. I remember when Woody was taken by a toy dealer his friends set out to rescue them. That showed true and real friendship.
Disney means a lot to me. One day, I'd like to go again with the family so we can make memories and enjoy ourselves. Disney to me is about celebrating, friendship, family, and love. I like meeting new people and getting to know them. My mission was to see as much as I could and have a good time. Disney inspires, informs, and entertains you. Seeing people's faces when they enter through the gates of Disney, all you see is happiness and joy. I got to interact with characters, thrilling attractions, and exciting experiences. I had such an exciting experience. I was at my happy place. Disney brings out the best in you. I know it did me. I want to grandbabies have the same experience. Disney's favorite quote is "All our dreams can come true if we dare to pursue them". This quote is so true. Disney not only inspires children but adults too.
Green Mountain Memories Scholarship
My motivation to pursue work in the field of substance abuse is because I love helping others. Helping those who have psychiatric and medical conditions that occur along with a substance abuse disorder is rewarding. It's rewarding to me because I'd be changing lives and helping them with their addiction. Being able to help people that need help is worth it, even if they feel like it's not worth it. Substance abuse lives among us. Our streets are filled with substances that kill the young and elderly. We have homeless people that turn to substance abuse because they have no home and that's the only thing that keeps them going, but not knowing it's killing them slowly. I have a loved one that was addicted to Meth and cocaine. He was in denial for so long. I did everything in my power to get him the help he needed. He went and ended up not staying. Finally, he came to a breaking point. He hit rock bottom. He has been clean for almost a year. He got into a program that he loved. He continues to go to meetings. He graduated and received his gold coin. He still has a long way to go. I'm proud to say I'm proud of the dedication he put into his addiction. He stayed motivated and kept his head held high. I still check on him daily. He is working now. He destroyed everything. His family and himself. Glory to God he got the help needed to become the person he use to be. We have the person he use to be back and I'm honored. Substance abuse is a powerful addiction. People who want help get turned down for various reasons and it's unfair. More research and resources are needed. Our communities need to rally and voices need to be heard when it comes to substance abuse.
I want to address homelessness among individuals with substance use problems. I want to be the one that advocates for them. I want to help people deal with the justice system if they've experienced trouble with the law. This is what motivates me. To get to the root of the problem I have to address the cause of the addiction. Not only that, I want to be able to create a support system for them. It's so easy to give up when people with substance abuse think they're not loved or cared for. That's not the case. I want to reunite addicts with their families. I want to repair the damage addicts caused to their loved ones and friends. Helping others is my passion. I'm passionate about giving back to the community. I help those that are in need. I donate when possible. I work with my community to keep our streets safe and clean from drugs and violence. Our younger generation needs a healthy environment to live in. We all do. Drugs are killing our young and old. I want to help substance abusers to know they are not alone. That with the right help, they can kick their addiction and live. For many it's hard to kick. For many they relapse. But, for those that relapse and continue their use, I want them to know they can do it, if it starts with baby steps and getting through it one day at a time. I like to give people hope and faith. The advice I give comes from the heart. I don't give up on anyone and they must be willing to put in the work. First, it starts with them.
ProjectGiveBack Scholarship for Black Women
As an African American myself, I know what African Americans have endured over the past decade. As of today, it's still the same. We are looked at differently. We are put into a category of underprivileged. The struggles have been real. Giving back to the Black community to me is rewarding. I love helping others who need help. My passion is helping others. I was raised to be kind to everyone and love everyone. I was raised not to judge, especially if you don't want to be judged. Respect is important to me. To receive respect you have to be able to give it. I donate my time to the community whenever needed. Even when I'm not needed, I show up and help. I volunteer in my spare time and help people who are new to the community. My husband and I participate in fundraisers and charity events as much as we can. I like helping my neighbors. I'm good about being kind and sweet to everyone, even those that have a chip on their back. At times, we have to use our enemies as our footstools. I love my community and the people who live in it. We have one another's back. It's important to support one another when needed. As a community, we have to work together and that's what we do. For people that are struggling to make things meet in the community, I don't mind helping, if I have it. I do what I can when I can. My children always tell me that I don't think about myself at times or put myself first, which is true most of the time. I don't want to see one go without or get turned down when they need help. I help people in the community with other uses of resources. I try to find what's available in our community so people know where to go. I volunteer my energy and skills to local organizations. For me, that's important and a great way of giving back to the community. I donate food to food banks. I visit people in the hospital. I like to provide companionship because most people don't get that from family. That's important to me. Knowing a person is happy, satisfied, and loved is important to me while they stay in the hospital. I'm a very determined and motivated person. I work hard at what I do. When I give it my all, I'm at my best. When I'm not giving my all, I think I failed. I don't like having that feeling. When you volunteer you're giving a sense of purpose. Giving back is rewarding for me. It brings out the best in me. I love what I do. The fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. Giving back is also a great way of getting to know your community.
The pandemic impacted everyone. When Covid hit, it hit hard. It affected everybody. We had loved ones that didn't make it. We had loved ones stay in the hospital a little longer than expected. People who were affected by the pandemic and had Covid are still living with side effects. Approximately, 97.9 percent out of every 100,000 African Americans have died from Covid-19. I plan on making sure everyone in the Black community is fully vaccinated because that's important. People who have received their vaccination still got Covid-19. In my opinion, even when the vaccination is given you still can attract Covid. For the ones who are against the vaccination, I want to make sure that the Black community is following the safety precautions. At this point, it's our choice to wear the mask. But, people who have a weak immune or have a serious condition should be safe and stay safe. It's our choice whether or not to wear the mask, but, unfortunately, we are still at risk for a lot of things. I want to put in place for the Black community ways to stay safe and keep their family safe. That's my goal at this point. Our health is important and taking care of our bodies is just as important. As a community, it's so important that we stick together. As a community, we are each other's family. Covid affects everyone differently. Some individuals who contract Covid-19have what is called a 'cytokine storm", which is an aggressive immune response that leads to even higher levels of inflammation. That's why I want to make sure that everyone in the community knows about statistics and why it's important to be safe. People who have built up immunity to common viruses are less likely to get sick. I'm prone to viruses and infections because of my immune. That's why I try to do everything in my power to stay healthy and stay away from people who are sick. You can't tell when a person is sick. That's why it's our duty to stay protected in every way possible. My goal is to teach the Black community the skills I have learned about Covid and the proper cautions we need to use. I plan on getting the community together and speaking on what we can do as a community and make sure our elderly are safe and protected at all costs.
Sola Family Scholarship
My father and mother got divorced when my brother and I were young. I thought it always had something to do with us, but I was wrong. At the time, I didn't realize it was because my dad stayed gone for weeks at a time. He was a truck driver. I was raised by my grandmother who helped shape me into the person I am today. I do give my mother some credit, but my grandmother was always there for me. Eventually, I moved in with her. She sent my brother and me to school. On the weekends my brother would stay with Mom. I had got so used to being there with grandma, I didn't want to leave her side. I got pregnant at an early age still in school and my grandmother was my support. She never turned her back on me or my child. She taught me how to be a mother. She taught me about responsibilities. She taught me about life. I was very educated on pregnancy, birth control, etc. I learned a lot from school in Health class and a lot from my grandmother. I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for her. She didn't give me life, but she helped me with life. She inspired me to do good. She inspired me to get into the medical field. She was my inspiration and until this day, I'll never forget what she did for my brother and me.
My daughter and I were her caregivers. She passed away in 2019 from Alzheimer's and congestive heart failure. It was a blessing for me that I got the chance to take care of her. After all, she took me under her wings and did so much for me. She helped me raise all five of my children. She loved them like her own. I'm glad they got the chance to be a part of her life until the end. I wish she was here to experience time with her great-great-grandchildren. I know she watches over them. When I was faced with obstacles she made sure I overcame them. She told me if I was ever to fall just get back up and start over. She was my positive emotional support. The father of my child decided to walk out of his life, so I had to be a mom and dad. It was hard at first. But, my grandmother made sure we were good and stayed good. If it wasn't for her, I don't know where I might have been. I give all praise to my grandmother for being there. I will continue to honor her and carry her in my heart. She was my savior.
I married a great man. We have been married for 21 years. My grandmother loved him like a son. I'm glad she had the chance to meet him while she was here on Earth. She loved and admired everything about him. I already had three children before we met. He loved them as his own. He was there for them. We have two boys together. He never treated my other three any differently. My grandmother made sure of that. Her passing was hard. I ended up with depression/anxiety after her passing. It got me down. In my mind, I thought I wasn't able to move forward with my life without her. But, somehow I knew, she wanted me to continue with life and my family. I will never forget how she shaped me into the person I am today. Thank you Grandma so much.
Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
My dream job has always been working in the medical field. My daughter and I took care of our grandmother from 2016 until her passing in 2019. We were her caregivers. We just decided to keep her at home where she'd be more comfortable surrounded by her loved ones. She was my inspiration. It took me time to grieve her loss, but I received my PCA certificate in the same year. I worked for Adult Healthcare. I cared for two elderly people. I gave baths. I cooked and cleaned. Made their doctor's appointments and accompanied them to their appointments. I made sure their medications were taken as prescribed. I did my job as expected. When I went in, I had to be patient, considerate, motivated and determined to get through the day. One of the biggest skills I possessed was communication skills. Anytime a profession involves people, good communication skills are a must. I'm a good listener and I was a listener for my patients. I was open to feedback from my patients. I wanted to assure I was doing my job accurately and right. It's important to hear from someone you're working with their thoughts and feedback. If there was anything I did wrong, I'd make sure it wasn't done again. Stress was a skill I possessed when working with my patients. Even if I was having a stressful day, which was at times, I didn't show it. It's important not to show you're stressed at work, especially when working with people. Another skill I possessed was showing and giving emotional support. I gave emotional support to my patients when they were having a bad day. I made sure to put a smile on their face. Adaptability is important as well in the medical field. I adapted to the homes of my patients.
The medical field interests me because I love helping others. One of my most common reasons is an ambition to help others. It's a drive of mine. I chose healthcare as a profession because I'm also curious about the field and how it impacts people at their most vulnerable times. I want to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for those who truly need it. Being able to help save a life or bring a life into this world is rewarding. I want to improve the health of patients and improve their quality of life. I want to ensure families that their loved ones are getting the best care possible and keep them updated as much as possible. There may be times we can't keep the families updated on their loved ones, but I want to make that possible. Helping patients after release is important to me. I want to make sure they have resources outside of care that they can turn to. So, yes, I'm interested in this field because I see this opportunity as a way to contribute to an exciting, forward-thinking, fast-moving industry.
PRIDE in Education Award
The LGBTQ community has impacted me because they are more open at this point. Most have come out while we have a significant amount that's still afraid to come out. Why is this? It's simple, they're afraid of being judged for who they are and discriminated against. People can often feel pressured to fit in with society and it's out of fear. We need to have respect for all, even in the community. Just because someone is different doesn't mean we have the right to treat them differently. In my eyes, we are all the same and bleed the same. Just because you're gay, lesbian or bisexual doesn't mean you're not allowed in a straight community or allowed around straight people. It's unfair and wrong. I was raised to respect my elders and respect each race. I'm the type of person that doesn't judge what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside that counts. The LGBTQ community has been through a lot over the past years. People just can't accept who they are and surprisingly they judge. The LGBTQ community has come a long way and I'm proud of that. They are coming out more, dressing how they feel, speaking up more and not being afraid of what others think of them. Still, we have those people that want them out of our society.
In the field I chose, I can see gays, bisexuals or lesbians working. The medical field needs people and that doesn't matter what your preference is. The LGBTQ works as hard as anyone else does may be harder if they are not being discriminated against. We are all born free and equal. Everyone deserves to live equally and freely no matter who they are or who they love. Human rights belong to everyone and the LGBTQ community is included. Around the world, lesbians, gays, bi, trans, and intersex people continue to face widespread stigma and discrimination, including in education, employment and health care as well as in homes and communities. Many face target attacks which is wrong. We need to put an end to racism and discrimination all together. We all are human beings and deserve to be loved and treated with respect. I've found that the LGBTQ community gives as much love to another as a straight person does. They are easygoing people. They love as hard. They give it their best. All and all they are human as we are.
Linda Fontenot-Williams Memorial Scholarship
When I got to High School, I knew I wanted to continue with my education after I graduated. My dream and goal was to be a part of the medical field. You see, I love helping others. My passion is helping others. Growing up we didn't have much. I came from a low-income family. My parents worked hard to provide for my brother and me. We never went without and our parents made sure of that. There were times I felt disappointed because of how other students would look at me and judge me. I wasn't that popular kid. I didn't have nice things. My hair wasn't that neat. My clothes were hand-me-downs sometimes. I saw the struggles my parents went through. At night, I'd hear my mother cry. My dad would be frustrated at times. I always told myself when I had children, I'd do the best I could as a parent because that's what my parents did the best they could for my brother and me.
I had dreams that I wanted to become reality. Unfortunately, I got pregnant while in High School and my dreams were out the door. I was becoming a mother and I had to be responsible. I was growing up faster than I wished. I didn't get the chance to follow my dream. Here I am, 48 years old pursuing an education. I did two and half years at the University of Phoenix. My grades were excellent. I had a GPA of 3.9. I wasn't able to continue because of financial struggles and that devastated me. I'm wishing to continue with my education and earn a degree. The time I spent doing online classes I was so happy. I was going for my degree in Health Care of Administrations Long-Term Certificate. I chose this degree as I stated, I want to become a part of the medical field. I want to save lives or bring them into the world. My grandmother who I was a caregiver for was my inspiration. I took care of her from 2016 until she passed away in 2019. She was my biggest support when I found out I was pregnant.
My family has pushed me to keep going and make my dream a reality. I'm a dedicated person. I'm very motivated and go after what I want. Quitting isn't a part of me just a word from the dictionary. I want to earn a degree and succeed. I want to achieve the goals that I've set in place for me. I want to give back to the community. I want to make my family proud and family. I work hard at what I do. When I find myself getting overwhelmed, I take a break from what I'm doing and then go back to finish. I face my obstacles head-on. My plan for the future is to earn a degree. I see myself working at a job that pays great with great benefits. I see myself happy. I see happiness in my family. I see myself helping the younger generation with their dreams. I see a bright and promising future.
Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
I am pursuing a degree in the medical field and computer science has a tremendous impact on medical research. For example, computer scientists may use mathematical techniques from graph theory for analyzing medical data. This type of analysis will and can help us better understand human genome sequencing and create new diagnostics technologies. With a computer science degree, I can use the skills I learned to create, implement and improve electronic medical records. They are commonly called EMRs in medical clinics. EMRs are already in use in the United States, but developing countries and underserved communities need digitalized health records.
My goal is to become a part of the medical field. My dream is to become a huge part of and impact the lives of patients and families. After graduation, I want to develop the skills that will help me accomplish the success I've always wanted to accomplish. I'm going to work as hard as I can, and I will do what it takes to get there. I am going to work harder. I'm very determined and motivated. I won't stop until I succeed in my dream job. I am going to approach everything in life with a positive attitude and a lot of excitement. My goals are set high. I want to achieve good grades to attract better jobs. The higher your grades are the better job opportunities you'll have. I'm planning on obtaining additional certificates or educational credentials.
I'm passionate about helping others. I like helping out the community. Whether it's finding more resources or helping graduates succeed. One of the reasons I think I deserve this award is because of the hard work that I put in. I'm a passionate person at heart and have faith and hope in what I do. In hard situations, I don't give up. I work to the best of my knowledge without getting stressed or overwhelmed. I do this to the best of my capability. I leave no work unfinished. When I want to achieve something I leave no stone unturned. This scholarship means more to me than just obtaining money. This scholarship would also mean I have the potential for the future of the community. I'd appreciate every individual that supported me for the rest of my life. I will continuously have individuals to thank for my success and accomplishments. I'd also be thankful and appreciate the generosity of the panel for choosing me. I'd be very generous with the financial support I've been given to pursue my education.
Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
I lost my cousin/best friend in 2017 and in 2019, I lost my grandmother/mother. Both losses had me devastated. Losing someone so close and dear hurts a lot. Whenever I needed someone to talk to my cousin always were there for me. My grandmother raised me. I looked up to her like a mother. In reality, she was a second mother to me. She taught me about love, life, forgiveness, etc. My grandmother was an inspiration to me. I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety after my grandmother passed. My depression/anxiety not only affected me, but it also affected my family too.
It's hard getting over the loss of a loved one. There's nothing anyone can do to bring them back, which hurts more. What made me overcome adversity was simply keeping their memories alive. On their birthdays, we'd let off balloons. Holidays we do it again. I'd talk to other family members about our time spent together. I I cherished every minute and moment I spent with them both. The memories of them keep me alive. I grieved them both for quite a while. I seemingly couldn't let them go. But, I also know they wanted me to be happy and live life. I carry them both in my heart.
In the future, I wish to help the community by overcoming adversity. Whether adversity is the loss of losing someone or struggling. I want my community to know they are not alone and help is available. Helping through or around any situation that will balance your life is overcoming your situation. I love my community and the people in it. As a community, we have to stay focused, and disciplined, and work on our skills. Learning from each other is important. That is one thing I'd like to help my community out by learning from each other. I'd also help the community by practicing positivity. We must be prepared for what's to come. Working on overcoming adversity happens before the tough situation even happens.
We must make it a habit to respect all people, regardless of color. We all have dreams and talents. Why not help those who we care about reach their potential goals? Anything can help a person to get over their adversity and to overcome it. Helping the community is important to me. It's important to me because it provides me with a boost of self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction. Overall, it's rewarding when giving back to the community and helping out your community. In the future, I'd like to see some change within the community. Changes like more resources, especially for the African American community. I'd like to make sure everyone comes together and voice their opinions on important topics. I see myself in the future advocating for my community. I want to make sure our community is safe and protected from harm's way. It's important to rally for our younger generation and the upcoming generation. When dealing with any situation, it's important to see the community come together as one.
Heather Payne Memorial Scholarship
Losing a loved one through suicide is devastating, especially losing someone so close. We often ask ourselves, "Why did this happen?" What could I have done?" Why I couldn't see the signs?" There are so many questions, but, our answers aren't answered. We often blame ourselves. Everyone responds differently when comes to loss because of the special relationship you had with that person. It's hard to let go, especially when you were so close. People say time heals or it takes time. Which I realized is true, whether we want to believe that or not. How I persevered, I talked about it to other family members and friends. It took me a while to get to that point, but, I got there. I learned that letting go doesn't mean you have forgotten your loved one. It just means we'll meet again one day. I talk about the times we shared and spent together. I cherished every moment and memory. That's what I carry with me. I forgave myself finally. I blamed myself for so long. Mental health is serious and it's misdiagnosed. It's misdiagnosed because there are not enough resources. My mental and physical health went downwards, which affected my family too. I found ways to remember and I continue to do so. Education wasn't important to me at the time. This affected me to the point, I felt numb. I felt lonely and sick. I felt sadness. I didn't want to feel this way any longer and I knew my loved one wouldn't have wanted me to feel this kind of pain.
Advice that I would give someone experiencing suicide is to get help. I know many don't like speaking to strangers about their problems because I was that person at first. I learned that speaking about what you're going through will help. I'd tell a person to reach out to their loved ones or call 9-1-1. It's important to get help as soon as possible. I would advise them to go to an emergency room for urgent care. I'd tell them if they're uncomfortable about calling the National Hotline, let a family member help and call. Having someone there with you will help. A suicidal person should never think they are alone. We have to be a voice of reason and let them know they are loved. More resources are needed and as a community that's what we need to work on. We have to help those that are thinking about suicide or who have tried to commit suicide. We have to speak out and be heard. to get the proper resources needed.
If a person is having those thoughts of suicide, reach out to someone you trust. You don't have to be embarrassed about it. I want suicidal person know that they can get help. There is support when it comes to people who have tried to commit suicide or have thought of it. We just have to make sure we have the resources in our community. No one deserves to be left out or feel left out.
Jean Antoine Joas Scholarship
I'm a 48-year-old African American who decided to continue my education. It has always been a dream of mine to become a part of the medical field. I want to help patients and their families. I want the opportunity to work with the best of nurses, physicians, and specialists. I say working with the best because I want to make sure patients get the best of care and their families are a part of their care. Working alongside a team that works hard and puts their patients and families first is a team that I'd love to be a part of. My passion is helping others. I love helping others when they're in need. That's what I'm passionate about. Careers in healthcare are incredibly rewarding and purposeful. Medical professionals play a huge role in saving lives and improving the quality of life of their patients. I know by working in the healthcare field will allow me to nurture my desire to help others while earning a living. I see a bright future in the medical field. Nurses are always needed. When dealing with patients daily it allows you to develop personal relationships with the ones we care for.
If I could save just one or two lives that will be a big impact. Not only will this be an impact on myself, but the families too. Doctors save lives and so do nurses, but their importance goes far beyond that. Being able to help patients minimize their pain or recover from a disease faster makes an impact. That's a positive impact. I want to be able to make a positive impact throughout my career by giving my patients the best care possible. Helping families understand their loved one's diagnosis and the care they're giving is important. It's important because a family should know about the treatment of their loved one. I'd like to find more resources that families could look into while their loved one is being treated. If there is anything complicated when speaking with a family of a loved one, I'd suggest they get all information on their loved one since admission, meaning from day one. I'd make an impact by giving an option of a second opinion if they're not satisfied with the first opinion given. I plan to do more research and learn new skills and terms. I plan on making sure patients are getting the right medications for their diagnosis. That they are not being experimented on by any means. I don't like to see patients or anyone be a guinea pig for anyone. We can make an impact by voicing our opinions about experimentation on a patient. There are always other options and other options should be given and stated to patients and their families. That is one of the ways I'd make an impact on the world. We have to speak up for the ones who are unable to speak up for themselves. We have to be their voice in making sure they are getting the best treatment possible when it comes to their sickness.
Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to abortion and I respect that truly. I respect the choice women make when it comes to abortion. It's their choice. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus. An abortion that occurs without intervention is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous abortion." Miscarriage is different when it comes to aborting a fetus. Abortion is something I wouldn't do as a mother. I'd rather put my child in the hands of good people that I know the child will be loved and cared for. I would never abort an unborn fetus. For me, it's taking the life of a human and that is wrong. Many women out here try to get pregnant and can't. They go through so much trying to have a baby and it's expensive. A fetus is human, it's a human being. A human being that has life. A human-being that wasn't asked to be here. I don't accept abortion and I don't think I ever will. I don't look at a fetus as a mistake, whether it's accidental or not. That's why we have protection used to prevent STDs and pregnancies. Use them if you don't want to become pregnant or you're not ready to become a mother. Condoms, birth control, etc, are the prevention that many don't take lightly. If prevention is not used there will be consequences. The experience of pro-life has shaped me into a different person and my beliefs. Abortion should be abolished. Women shouldn't have to make an abortion decision. Why not decide on adoption? Why not decide to have time to think about abortion? A fetus is human and that's my opinion. A human that is growing inside of you. A human that will continue to grow inside of you. A fetus will soon become a newborn.
Actions that I plan on taking when it comes to human life and a newborn is advocating. I would tell anyone that is pregnant and that's thinking of abortion to take the time out and think about this. Why should women be so quick about having an abortion? I would remind women and teens that carrying their fetus is human. That their unborn child is human. We can't convince everyone when it comes to abortion, but we can have them take another look at the situation. My community would hear my voice when it comes to abortion. I'd speak loud and clear and what I feel about it. As I stated, we all have our different opinions, but this is the life we're considering aborting. I don't think that's right. We have to realize that this fetus is human, and aborting isn't the human way.
Bright Lights Scholarship
My plan for the future is to earn a degree in the medical field. Being a part of the medical field has been a passion of mine since High School. I love helping others. I plan to find a job that I enjoy in the medical field. I want to be able to save lives and help families in the process. I plan on finding a good work-life balance, and fostering good relationships at work and in my personal life. I want to simply enjoy every day as it comes and goes. I plan on making the most out of every opportunity that's offered to me. My goal is to succeed and give back to the community. Making myself proud means everything to me. Not only to me but to my family as well. I want to make my vision of life real. I've set goals for myself, short and long-term goals. Goals are important to set because they will give you a sense of where to start. Continuing my education has been a dream of mine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make my dream come to a reality after I graduated from High School. I got pregnant while in High School. On top of that, I knew my parents wouldn't have been able to afford college. Coming from a low-income family has its ups and downs. It was disappointing at first, but I understood. I see myself in the next five years working in the medical field and helping patients and their families. I want to be a contributor to the medical field. I'm going to continue researching and learning new skills. I will continue to develop my skills so I can be ready once I will be a part of the medical field. I know by picturing the goals that will help motivate me and keep me focused. I like to do things in a certain order that's why I have set goals.
This scholarship can help me get into the college I want, whether it's online or in person. I was a caregiver for my grandmother who passed away in 2019. I took care of her from 2016 until her passing. She was an inspiration to me. Taking care of her was a blessing, especially being able to keep her comfortable at home surrounded by her loved ones. I'm dedicated, motivated, and focused. I work hard at what I do. Quitting isn't a part of my vocabulary. What I don't know, I research and learn more about what I'm studying. I see myself as a leader. I love to lead and not follow. Being a leader is important to me. This scholarship would provide the financial support that I need. This scholarship can contribute to my long-term goals. I would love you guys to invest in my future. I'm not planning on letting you down by any means. I will guarantee and ensure your investment will go a long way. One of the reasons I think I deserve this scholarship is because of the determination I have. I want to succeed. I want my dream to become a reality. I'm a passionate person at heart and whatever I do I do to the best of my capability.
This scholarship will not only serve my purpose but the purpose of my family too. Being able to give back to the community is important to me. I'll never forget the community I live in or the people in it. I love my community and the people in it. I won't let my community, my family or myself.
Annie Pringle Memorial Scholarship
Breast health awareness is a vital part of how we stay healthy. It's so important for every woman to get a mammogram, especially if breast cancer runs in our family. Always do self-checks on your breast. If you feel any lumps or anything. It's important to contact your PCP immediately to get seen. Lumps aren't always cancerous or a sign of cancer, but it's better safe than sorry. As a person who lives with hidradenitis suppurativa, I experience cysts and bumps that go from one part of my body to another. I, also, experience them under my breast. I got a scare about two years ago. I was notified by my PCP. I had to go in for a mammogram, unfortunately, it was my hidradenitis suppurativa. It was a scary experience for me. Breast cancer has a higher rate than other cancers except lung cancer. Our breasts may also be affected by benign breast changes such as cysts or intraductal papillomas, which are wart-like growths near our nipples. When breast cancer is detected early and hasn't spread to anywhere else in our body that's a big relief. It's a big relief because it was detected early. I try to live a healthy lifestyle in the best way possible. I know it can be hard but you have to keep yourself motivated. I stay motivated and determined. I have a set mindset. It's so important for us to make a healthy body weight. Exercising and eating healthy are important. Exercising regularly is what I do. My husband and I both exercise regularly. Early detection is our best protection. Encouraging women to have their mammograms is something I do. I've explained to my daughter over and over it's so important to get your breasts checked and self-check them. I've had to encourage my mother that it's important to have her breasts checked. She has missed her mammograms in the past. So, now, she's on top of her health and what she needs to do.
Smoking and alcohol can affect our bodies and health. I know quitting isn't easy. It's hard, but we have to remember if we want to live longer there's no choice but to quit. I wasn't big on vegetables until I met my husband. Now, I eat vegetables everyday. I'm diabetic so I have no choice but to maintain a healthier lifestyle, especially if I want to live longer. Breast health education is important. Educating people on why it's important is life-saving. Finding breast cancer early is the main goal of routine breast care. Breast health begins with breast awareness. What I do is get a sense of what's typical of my breast. You have to be familiar with your breasts. I know my body so if there's anything that I experience differently that I hadn't experienced before, I immediately call my PCP or email her. I do this because it's important. I don't want to be that person who questions myself constantly or blames myself for not getting checked earlier. We are the only ones who know our bodies. It's important to let your PCP know if something feels wrong. That's how I was with my children as well. When they experienced a new symptom, I immediately called their PCP. We have to take care of our bodies. Women we have to have our yearly exams.
Social Change Fund United Scholarship
In addressing the needs of the Black community, all mental health professionals should provide culturally competent care. Many of the black community are being misdiagnosed or in denial. For many, they think mental health is unreal. Many think they're just crazy, which isn't the case. I live with depression and anxiety. I've lived with this since 2019. At first, I thought it was just emotions until I decided to see my physician. There were times I'd cry and didn't know why. I felt overwhelmed. I felt lonely. I felt sad. I felt nothing at times. There were times I wanted to be alone. I wouldn't socialize or go out like I used to. I'd sleep more. Some days, I wouldn't get out of bed. I overthink. My mood would change. When my husband or children would walk through the door, they didn't know what mood I'd be in from one day to the next. So, they would just kiss me on the cheek and go on their merry way. It not only affected me but my family as well. I told my PCP what I was experiencing. I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety. She even sent me to speak with a counselor twice a week. With the medications and talking to the counselor it helped. I still experience some of these symptoms, but not as bad as before. I didn't want to believe I had a mental health problem. I was in denial at first. It became real. I knew I had to get in front of this because if I didn't it would've destroyed me and my family. I had to control this and not let it control me.
I think we need to get control of mental health issues immediately. I feel like more resources are needed in the community. I feel like mental health needs to be voiced more. I feel like the black community needs to do their research. Mental health care and advocacy can help achieve social justice for communities of color by knowing the benefits of mental health and getting in front of it. We need to be able to have access to other resources needed for health. African Americans are less likely to seek the help they need. That is why as a community we need to take charge and speak up. We need to advocate for those that are in denial, that's what I'd do. I love helping others. My passion is helping others. I want to raise awareness about mental health in the black community. I want to be able to help those that need help and lead them in the right direction. I'd be happy to share my experience of what I went through. I want to ensure the black community that mental health is on the rise, whether it's depression or anxiety. We have to face it head-on. Being an advocate can lead to improvements in policy, legislation, and service development. I'd promote advocacy for mental health in the black community by supporting someone who needs help, volunteering for a local mental health organization, attending a walk or event about mental health, and encouraging others.
Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
As an African American citizen, I've had my share of hardship because of t color of my skin. African Americans have been treated unfairly in the past and it's the same today. It's the simple fact, African Americans have a harder time pursuing their dreams of higher education. The reason is based on where we live, poverty and low income. Throughout High School, my dream was to become a part of the medical field. I chose the medical field because my passion is helping others. I love helping others. I've dreamed of saving lives. Careers in the medical field are rewarding and purposeful. Medical professionals play a huge role in saving lives and improving the quality of life of their patients. I love to listen and make people feel better. Continuing my education has been a dream of mine. I didn't get the chance to do so after graduating because I got pregnant while in High School. Even, if I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't have made it to college because I came from a low-income family. It was hard for my parents at the time. They worked hard to give my brother and me a good life. We had a roof over our heads, food on the table, and clothes on our bodies. They did what they could for us and it was enough for my brother and me. I was happy with that, but, I dreamed of earning a degree. I wanted to be the first in the family of graduating from college. I wanted to be able to give back to the community and underprivileged children. Most of all, I wanted to make my family proud.
The minority population gets treated poorly and unfairly. People of color are looked at differently and treated unfairly. Just because of how we love or where we live. Black students are more likely to drop out because of poverty. As an African American it's been a struggle. I'm a mother of five children and my children got the chance to pursue their degree in the field they chose. As a parent, single parent, I had to work hard. I had a lot of support from my family, but scholarships helped a lot for my children and I was grateful for that. Something had always been missing from my life. That something was a degree. African Americans face many hardships, which many people of color do. As of today, I have financial troubles. Scholarships are an incredible source of financial assistance for college students like me. They reward deserving students like myself with the ability to afford higher education. A scholarship means more to me than just obtaining money. For me, it means that I am viewed as having potential for the future of our society. I want to have the chance to thank individuals who take the time to read my essay and to see where I'm coming from. I don't want the panel to view me or see me as a colored person, but why this will mean a lot to me. I want to accomplish my dreams and succeed. I want to be called a successor. I don't want to be looked at differently or treated differently because of my color. I may not be rich or wealthy, but, I'm a hard worker, determined, motivated, a child of God, and I go after what I want. I'm fierce and I don't give up. I've had my struggles and walked that path of poverty and discrimination. I don't want the color of my skin to have an impact on my education.
Linda Hicks Memorial Scholarship
Personally, I haven't been impacted by domestic violence or substance abuse. But, unfortunately, I have a loved one that's been impacted since 2017 with substance abuse. Seeing a loved one abuse drugs is heartbreaking, especially for the family. The drug affects chemicals and receptors within the brain. This causes different effects depending on the type of drug. As a parent, you want nothing but the best for your children and that's what we expect. We raise them to the best of our ability, but once they reach the real world we can't control the outcomes. His drug abuse had a huge impact on the family. He lost friends and family because of what the drug did to him. As an African American, it's hard to get the resources that are needed. The reason why is because of low income, poverty, and little resource. My passion is helping others. I love helping others. It's one of my biggest passions.
I plan on using my higher education in improving care, coordination, and communication by advocating and getting the community involved. Our streets are filled with different types of drugs and we are losing people every day by overdosing or they're just too far gone. With more resources and change I think I could see a really big difference. It's not just our African American men that are impacted by this issue but our women too. I've seen more women drug abuse has impacted than men. Even teens and teenagers. I would like to get as many addicts off the streets as I can. I'd find them a place where I know they're getting the help they need. Drugs are a serious problem around the world. Drugs are being trafficked from one state to the other. I want to be the one that will help clean up our streets and the community. If I could help just one person from domestic abuse or drugs or both, I'd be making a difference. A big difference. Making a difference is putting your action in place. When it comes to drugs it's like nothing is being done or not enough is being done. Action speaks louder than words. We have to make things happen and stop preaching about it. African Americans have been overlooked for centuries. African Americans have been treated poorly and unfairly for centuries and we're still facing the same problems today.
As African Americans, we are often left behind and forgotten about. We are treated in ways we shouldn't be. Drugs aren't just affecting African Americans, they are affecting every race and our children. But, my way of changing the outcomes of African Americans that are impacted by drugs by changing the way African Americans make sure resources are given. Because many families and community has been destroyed by drug addiction because of African Americans. I think it's fair to say the reason for this is where they come from. Not only do drugs have an impact on African American so does alcohol. Most times when alcohol and drug abuse is used in the home of African American families domestic violence is not far behind. Domestic violence has a powerful impact just like drugs.
Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
I'm confident in what I do. I stay determined and motivated. I don't let anything or anyone stand in my way. I go for what I want. What's for me is for me. I've driven and passionate about what I do. Quitting isn't a part of my vocabulary at all. I believe in myself and have faith in what I do. Being a part of the medical field has always been one of my greatest passions. I love helping people. My passion is helping others who are in need. I volunteer in my community and donate in my spare time. I love advising those that need it. Drugs are a big problem in our community. Drugs are a big problem around the world. It's hard keeping drugs out of the community, but, as a community, we come together and unite to save our community. People have overdosed. People are hooked. Resources are scarce when it comes to helping people get cleaned. Addicts who want help are turned away. I work with people that are trying to make things right. That's why I want to be a part of the medical field. I'm ready to earn a degree and succeed. I want to make the community proud and family.
This scholarship will help my family by giving me financial means. This scholarship will help cover books and other necessary items. This scholarship will also help me graduate college debt free. I know my family only wants the best for me. My family has always known that I wanted nothing more than to continue my education and earn a degree. They have been nothing but supportive of me. My family pushes me. But, this scholarship means more to me than just money. I'll be making a difference and it means that I am viewed as having potential for the future of our society. I will appreciate those individuals that have stood by me for my accomplishments. I would be greatly generous for and appreciate the financial support if I was given this scholarship to help continue my education.
Engineering is a part of the medical field. It plays a significant part in the medical field. There are many subdisciplines within biomedical engineering. It includes the design and development of active and passive medical devices, orthopedic implants, medical imaging, etc. Medical engineering is the process of checking medical equipment and making sure they are safe to use. Hospitals use a lot of medical equipment to deliver healthcare services. Being a part of medical engineering would be something I'd love to do because it's part of the medical field. Making sure the equipment is checked and properly working keeps our patients safe and gives assurance to their families. And that would greatly be enough assurance for me.
William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
I'm African American, 48 years old ready to earn a degree in the medical field. I work hard at what I do. I'm determined, motivated, and following my dreams. I chose the medical field because I love helping others. My passion is helping others. In my spare time, I volunteer and help around the community. I'm more interested in helping the elderly. This is because they're unable to help themselves, but I'm here for anyone who needs help. I want my dreams to become reality. Continuing my education is what I've always wanted to do. I want to help my community and the ones who are looking to pursue a degree. I'm ready to succeed and be successful. I plan on giving back as soon as I earn my degree. I plan on contributing to the field of math and science by teaching what I learned. I plan on doing more reading, attending conferences and discussing ideas with other mathematicians. I love solving problems and identifying problems. It's important to look for gaps or limitations in current research. This is important because we need to know about updates. I want to be able to save lives and see what new research is done to save a life if possible. Working in the medical field has been my biggest dream. Not only do we use chemistry and biology in the medical field math is vital too. Math and medicine naturally go together. Medical professionals use math when drawing up statistical graphs. They use these graphs to show the success rates of treatments and other large data points. In school, we learned the importance of biology, medicine, and science. Mathematics plays a vital role in the medical field as a science. Numbers will give physicians, nurses, and patients information. Being able to contribute math and science to others is a big step. I plan on using what I learned to help others. Medical science focuses on the science of human health and how the body works. Having a degree in medical science will give me the ability to work in many different roles in the medical industry. These jobs are in high command. My contributions to math and science would be fully appreciated by others. Math and science both are needed. We use math and science in our daily lives, whether we know that or not. What we learn can help others.
Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps us determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is serious and often misdiagnosed. Sometimes it's impossible to know or see what a person is going through. Many people get misdiagnosed. Many don't recognize they have a mental illness or live in denial. There are warning signs, you just have to recognize them. As a person who's living with a mental illness, I've had my struggles. When I found out that I had a problem I was in denial at first. I had so many things running through my head. How could this happen to me? Is this happening? How could I have missed the signs? How can I fix this? How will this affect my family? How will this affect me? These are all the questions I had running in my head. I've been overwhelmed. At times, I feel alone. At times I cry uncontrollably and don't know why. There have been times I've stayed in bed all day. There have been plenty of times, I didn't want to be around family or friends. I felt as if this mental illness was taking over my mind, body, and soul. I didn't know how to control it. I had to beat this. I didn't want to push my family away or feel like they couldn't be around me. Some days my husband didn't know what he would walk in the house to. My mood would change from one day to the next. But, through it all, he and my family stuck by me. They pushed me to stay motivated and determined. Here I am today, back to the person I used to be. There are times I have my days.
Mental health needs to be taken seriously. For those that are living with a mental health illness, get the help you need before it's too late. For anyone that knows a person who's living with a mental health illness get them help right away. Watch closely for signs, of personality change, isolation, sudden absence of self-care, sense of hopelessness and overwhelmed, and sadness. For me, mental health literacy is the beliefs and knowledge about mental health issues and their remedies. Mental health has helped me determine how I handle stress, relate to others, take control, and change my lifestyle and health. I try to stay positive. I exercise daily. I eat healthy and nutritious meals. I stay away from negativity and drama. I have a small circle of friends. I interact with those who are there for me. I surround myself with positive people. People who I know want nothing but the best for me. I surround myself with people that are trying to help me. I don't place myself with people who are out to use me or want to see me fall.
Sometimes our mental health symptoms can make us feel lethargic, impact our ability to express empathy or cause codependency or even resentment toward our significant other. Mental health often creates tension, and stress and is sometimes significant in how people live their lives. Mental health impacted not only myself but affected my loved ones too. We affect different family members differently with our mental health illnesses. As I stated, my mood played a huge part in my mental health disease. I've had a lot of people who came and went. People didn't want to be bothered with me anymore or be around me. People who didn't understand how this illness affected me or what it was doing to my life.
My passion is helping others. I love to volunteer for the community. I donate whenever I can and when I have it. I love advocating for the elderly. I advocate for those who are afraid to speak up or afraid of a change that's so much needed. My grandmother was my inspiration. I was her caregiver. She inspired me to help those who are not able to take care of themselves. Even with my mental health illness, I motivated myself in taking care of those who were in need. I worked hard and stayed determined. Living with a mental illness puts stress and struggle on your career. I worked with two client's and some days I felt overwhelmed. There was a day I left in the middle of my job. I couldn't handle the pressure at least I thought I couldn't. It was my mental health illness that made me feel like this. I continued to push and I'm still pushing. I'm helping those that are living there day with mental health to cope.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
The technology that has inspired me and continues to inspire me is the computer. The computer has taught and learned me new things. At first, I had a hard time navigating things on the computer. My children had to teach me how to navigate the computer and how to work it. It wasn't as simple as I thought it would be. Once I got the handle on it, I couldn't get off from using the computer. For me, using the computer helped me become fitter and more intelligent. Smart technology can help us cope with everyday tasks. It's more efficient for everyone. Computers are worldwide. Hospitals and other offices use them, keeping paperwork to a limit. A computer is software that saves our data. It's a backup for us. Instead of calling my physician like I use to or waiting on my test results in the mail, I signed up with My Chart, which made it easier for me to see my test results, message my physician with any questions I have or see what's going on with my health. Computers benefit businesses and the personal world by being able to do things for us efficiently. For instance, buying and selling products, communicating throughout the world, enhancing our knowledge, job influences, entertainment, research and paying bills.
Computers can make the world a better place by bringing people closer and together. Computers can also facilitate contact between using emails, chatting, videoconferencing, mobile phones, and social media. For me, computers have saved time in many areas. Take physicians for instance. With the use of computers, physicians, nurses, etc. can look up a patient's medical condition more accurately and faster. With paperwork, you have to go through papers and sometimes papers are misplaced or mixed up with other patients. Computers and technology have improved our ways of communicating. The way our technology is advancing has advanced had led us to many new ways that have made the world a better place. Computers have changed the way the world works.
Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
Continuing my education has always been important to me. After graduating from High School, I didn't get the chance to go to college and earn a degree as planned. Unfortunately, I got pregnant at an early age, while still in school, so I had to put continuing my education on hold. I was disappointed at first, but, I chose to get pregnant. But, I never gave up hope. I kept the faith. So, here I am applying for scholarships and trying to succeed. I'm a hard worker, motivated, determined, and ready to succeed. My dream is to become a part of the medical field. My biggest passion is helping others. I love giving back to the community. I love to volunteer and donate. Making sure my community has the right resources and gets the help they are entitled to is important to me. No one should be left behind. Sometimes we have to fight with the system and stand our ground. STEAM is important because it's an educational discipline that aims to spark an interest and lifelong love of the arts and sciences in children from an early age. STEAM power has become the energy source for many machines and vehicles we use, which makes it easier and cheaper to produce commodities in large amounts.
Many benefits will help me through my education with STEAM. It improves our social skills and encourages creativity. One of the biggest benefits that can help us is our critical thinking skills. Having an education in this field will boost my curiosity. I'm curious about a lot of things and I've had the confidence and the boost that's needed. No matter what field you get into, we're going to be curious and that's okay. I hope to impact the world by teaching others what I've learned, starting with the community. I want to apply the skills I've learned when it comes to problem-solving. I want to apply it to the community and the next generation. In doing so, they can see the math and science in what STEAM is about. For girls, STEAM can build confidence in themselves and know that their ideas are powerful and valuable. There are a lot of times that women are looked over when it comes to this field. We are discriminated against because we are women. Many think women can't do a job a man can do. But, women are stronger than men think. We work as hard as men and harder. I want to use my developing skills like problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration with others. I want to make a difference in the world and impact people's lives.
What interests me about STEAM is being able to impact the world through STEAM. I'm interested to see more and more women getting involved in the field. It's so important to the 21st century. STEAM will improve my ability for me to see a problem that we're trying to solve from various viewpoints. It will allow me to weigh and evaluate my possible implications as well as different approaches and solutions that I could apply. STEAM focuses on hands learning with real-world applications that will help me develop a variety of skill sets.
Bernard W. Creque III Scholarship
Losing a fallen soldier, especially a family member is tough. It's hard sitting back and hoping, praying will they return home or not. It's hard sitting back wondering if will you ever get to see them again or if will it be the last time you see them. Everyone that has a family member who's a soldier prays every day. It's hard losing someone no matter what the situation may be. It took a while for me to get over the loss of my family member because we were so close. Every time, he got the chance to come home, he'd call me and say I'm on my way over and make sure you have a home cook meal waiting for me. Sometimes he would show up and surprise us all. Holidays were the most difficult. Before we eat, we all would get together and remember our loved ones and share one memory that meant the most. We cherished his memory as we do all our loved ones that have gone home to be with God. For me, his death wasn't in vain. He was a true hero to me in every way. He fought for our country and I'll always be thankful for that. He was brave. He was strong. The fear he had of dying and leaving his family behind had faded. It faded because he knew he was doing something good. He wanted us all to remember him as being brave. He wanted us to remember why he did what he did, and that's what we remember. Soldiers are one of the greatest assets to our country. I see them as guardians of our nation and protecting our citizens at all costs. My fallen soldier was just that, except now, he's our guardian angel. It's selfless for soldiers to put the interest of our country before their interest. A soldier's job is one of the toughest things to do in the world. Our fallen soldiers should be recognized daily, not just on Veteran's Day. They fought hard for our country and I'll be forever thankful for the family member I've lost
Having to experience a loss is hard for anyone. When I lost him, I admit I took it very hard because we were so close and he'd always make my home his first stop. There were many nights that we'd just watch movies, eat popcorn, and catch up. I'll never forget the encouraging words he offered me. Follow your heart and dreams, he'd say. Don't give up or let anyone stand in the way of your dreams. He said, "Cousin, get your degree in the medical field and make us proud. He said to make your community proud. His words made me work harder and made me stronger. I became more ambitious because of him. I'm more determined and motivated. I'm stronger and more confident. My fear use to be failing. I no longer have that fear of failing. My passion is helping others. My goal is to earn a degree in the medical field and succeed. I want to save lives that have always been my biggest dream. I want to help patients and their families. I see this for myself in the future. I want to be an advocate for patients and families. I want the opportunity of empowering my patients and their families with knowledge. Seeing a patient understand their disease process and plan of care, would be an awesome feeling for me. It would be an awesome feeling because I've made a change in the life of a patient and their family.
I Can Do Anything Scholarship
My future self will believe that the choices I made in the past will be made differently in the future. My present self will make certain alternatives for my future self. I will be looking at my life differently and seeing a better world for my grandchildren. My future self will be filled with happiness and peace. My future self will be working in the medical field and helping others. My future self is the person I see myself becoming as I grow.
Sara Jane Memorial Scholarship
Nursing is one of the best jobs for helping others. My passion is helping others. In the nursing industry that's what we do. Since High School, my dream was to become a part of the medical field. Nurses make an impact on the patients they treat and their families. I want to become a part of that. Being able to make an impact and make a difference is what I want to be a part of. The education and treatment advice they provide can help patients live longer and better lives. Nurses make a real difference and making a difference is what I love doing. Nurses have many tasks, but making a difference in their job. We can't save every patient, but at least saving one or two is a huge difference. I chose this career because this is my dream. Nurses look beyond the symptoms to establish the root of the problem. Getting to the root of the problem ensures patients receive adequate treatment and the resources they need to manage their care outside the hospital. I want to be that nurse to make sure my patient goes home with resources and care they can receive outside the hospital.
My goal for a successful career is to advance to a leadership position. Leadership is important in any career. Having leadership skills will help you in the long run. Being a good leader plays a big role. Being a good leader will bring out the best abilities in our team members and working together as a team helps us to achieve shared goals. I'm very organized and I like to keep a team on track and make sure they stay on track. I like to stay focused. I'm a hard worker, motivated, and determined. I see myself as a leader. I see myself as a qualifying leader. I like to lead and not follow. I provide guidance, motivation, and inspiration when achieving goals. That's what I'd want my team members to experience. Leadership helps us create a vision and rally people around a common cause. As a leader, we possess this special skill and knowledge for others. We make informed decisions and solve problems effectively as a leader. Instead of looking away at problems, I fix them before they get out of hand. I face challenges head-on. I'm a believer in what's for me is only for me and no one can take that from me. I don't sit back and wait for something. I go after it. I work hard at what I do. That's important especially when you're trying to succeed in life. I separate what's important from what's irrelevant. I motivate myself in doing what's needed.
I received my PCA certificate in 2019. My grandmother was my inspiration. She's the reason I decided to follow my heart and dream. She's the reason I'm trying to continue my education. My daughter and I was her caregiver. We cared for her from 2015 to 2019, she passed away in May of 2019, from Alzheimer's. I was blessed and thankful to have the courage and chance to be her caregiver. Making sure she stayed comfortably at home and not in a nursing home was important to me and my family. I wanted her to be surrounded by her loved ones and thankfully she was. My grandmother helped me build my confidence so I could continue helping others. My passion is helping others. I want to save a life. I want to help families. I live by SMART goals. We can't achieve our goals if they're not SMART.
Joshua A. Vaughn Memorial Scholarship
I'd like to pursue an education in social work because I love helping others. Helping others is my greatest passion. I love advising people and helping brighten their day. I love to relieve people's stresses, problems, and suffering. I love fighting for social justice and improving the community. I want to be able to improve the lives of people and other communities. There's so much more to being a social worker. People think social workers are only there to help those that live in poverty and child welfare, and many social workers do that kind of work. But, I'd go far and beyond that. Being a social worker takes to heart. I do tend to put everyone's needs before mine. That's just the type of person I am. I'd be using my skills and knowledge from education and experience to enhance the well-being of others. I was raised to respect, love, and care. I'm a people person and I love meeting new people and learning as much as I can about a person. Helping others is important to me. It's important to me because I don't like to see anyone struggling or going through hardships. I know my parents worked hard to provide for and support my brother and me. I know they endured struggles and hardships. We lived in poverty. I'd like to make a difference in the world, community, and people. Social work gives special attention to vulnerable and oppressed communities. People living in poverty need social workers to help them cope with the overwhelming challenges of homelessness, unemployment, and poor health.
I plan on improving and strengthening my community once graduating by encouraging individuals to take an active role in shaping social workers. I'd share the skills, knowledge, and experience I've learned through my journey to the community. I'd provide counseling to those that need it, whether it's individually or as a couple. I'd participate in all meetings and make sure resources are available to everyone. I would plan, evaluate, and develop community programs. I want to make the world a safer and better place for all. I have patience when it comes to people. I have the critical thinking skills that are needed to be a social worker. I have empathy in understanding and identifying with understanding another person's experience and point of view. I know one of the best ways that I can progress in social work is by studying and gaining qualifications. I want to aim for and improve the lives of my community. This is why I would love to become a social worker.
Johnna's Legacy Memorial Scholarship
Living with a chronic medical condition takes a toll on your health, life, and family. It affected my ability to do my job as a PCA (personal care assistant). I had to make a few changes to the way I worked until it took a toll on me, and I could no longer work. Not being able to work put me in a financial bind. Now, living as a stay-at-home mother because of my chronic medical condition, I can no longer do my housework as I usually do without taking a break or without being echausted. The help of medications has helped me a lot with most of the problems I endure. I'm unable to have fun with my grandchildren as I use to, it's disappointing. I've faced major struggles, but, I have a supportive family that helps out tremendously. Learning a new way of life and coping with new physical limitations are one of the biggest challenges I've faced. It's overwhelming, especially when you're unable to do what you use to do. There have been times I've been so wiped out, I stayed in bed all day. I feel ashamed, helpless, and sad. I feel this way because I'm not the person I use to be or the person I once was. Living with a chronic medical condition is something I thought I'd never go through. Here I am dealing with a lot. When I found out about this chronic medical condition, I was scared, and all I could think about was my family and how they would deal with this. I didn't know how I was going to deal with these conditions.
I knew I had to make changes, first I had to make the change within me. I could no longer feel pity or feel like giving up. I had to be a believer. A believer that life goes on. I couldn't put my life on the whole because of these conditions. It was time to make a change, starting with my health. I had to start eating right and exercising more. A lot of foods I had to take away for the better. I couldn't let these medical conditions take a hole in me or control my life. I had to take control of them. People always say, as we get older everything starts to hurt and our health declines. This is true, but, it doesn't have ro be like that if we take better care of ourselves. Some chronic medical conditions we face, we can't control them. We can control what is needed of us. For instance, making sure we have our regular check-ups, staying in contact with our physicians, taking our medications as ordered, and making changes. Sometimes, our chronic medical condition is out of our hands. That doesn't mean we have to quit living. Live harder and be stronger.
What inspired me to excel despite the limitations was my loved ones. The ones that have supported me from day one, are my family. My family showed me how to keep pushing. I'm motivated, determined, and confident. I don't have to let this condition affect the way I live. I have to keep on fighting and pushing. That's what I do. We all have fears, but, we have to face them before they take us. My fear was letting these medical conditions take over and they almost did. I had to wake up and fight. The fight had to start with me for my family. My advice to those that are living with a medical condition is not to give up.
Harvey and Geneva Mabry Second Time Around Scholarship
I'm 48 years old. I've been happily married for 23 years. I have five children and seven grandchildren, whom I love unconditionally. I volunteer my services in my spare time. I'm a hard worker, determined, and motivated. My passion is helping others. I want to save lives and make a difference, especially in the community. I received my PCA certificate back in 2019. My grandmother inspired me to do so. My daughter and I was her caregiver until she passed away in May 2019. She had Alzheimer's. Being able to take care of her at home was truly a blessing, especially surrounded by her loved ones. The nursing home was never an option for the family or myself. We wanted to make sure she was comfortable in her own home. I've always wanted to continue my education. I didn't get the chance to after graduating from High School. I got pregnant at an early age and continuing my education was out the door. I was becoming a mother and had responsibilities. I told myself after my son graduated, that would be my chance in continuing my education. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Here I am now, applying for scholarships to continue my education. I am more determined than ever.
My family has been super supportive of me. I'm ready to make my dream come true. I am ready to succeed and be successful. I'm ready to be a part of the medical field. It's my passion. I want more than a PCA certificate. I loved helping my clients and fulfilling their personal, mental, and emotional needs. My clients became a part of my family. They made me feel loved and worthy of being there. My inspiration came from my grandmother, husband, children, and grandchildren. They are what made me push harder and go after what I wanted. I want to save a life or bring a new life into the world. I want to be able to help patients as they recover, assist families through some of the most difficult times in their lives, or work behind the scenes to keep a medical facility running smoothly. A career in the medical field will allow me to make a difference in the lives of many people. Working in the medical field will give me the potential to make money, the satisfaction of helping others, diverse options for growth and specialization, and the work is never boring. Medical professionals are in demand worldwide. I love the healthcare field because I know it will let me influence a person's life, especially in a situation where they need help the most.
I know the medical profession requires hard work and dedication, and this is why I want to pursue this field because it's a calling and it's my calling. I want to give back to society and go deeper in the field. There's a variety of roles and education levels that I can further. I know I have a passion for the job. I'm good at solving problems. I can multitask and I see myself as fit and active. I love to talk so I have great communication skills. We need to have great communication skills in the healthcare field. If I save just one life that's enough for me. I know we can't save everyone, but saving at least one life is something to be proud of.
La Santana Scholarship
I will dream big by facing my fear of being a failure. I will face the fear of success. I often think I won't be able to pursue my big dreams because I'm afraid of being a failure. I've feared failure since Middle School. Throughout High School, I faced being a failure. I thought my dreams were just a dream. I wasn't big on dreams coming true. I got pregnant in High School. I was fifteen when I got pregnant. The father of my child decided he didn't want to be a part of our life. Being a single mother was hard, but, I had the support of my family. They were there for me when I needed them the most. They made sure, my son had the best. I wasn't ready to be a parent, especially a single parent. I had to learn. I had priorities, my son. I had dreams of continuing my education after I graduated. I had planned on becoming a part of the medical field. You see, I've always loved helping others. I was big in saving a life if it was just one. My Dream was Big. I had everything planned. Unfortunately, it didn't happen, that's when I thought dreams were just that a dream. I finally realized that I could continue with my education. I realized it wasn't late. I realized that I didn't have to give up on my dreams. Here I am 48 years old, motivated and dedicated to succeed and go after what my heart has always desired. My DREAM is to help patients and their families. My dream is to help patients find the right resources they need. I'm big on using my imagination. I'm finding meaning in my life again. That meaning is a success. I have confidence that I can achieve big things, but, I have to believe I can. Believing is important to me. I know it can be intense when you want to do something big. But, I have to put my fear aside and know I can. I've had vivid dreams. These dreams have been intense and they have lingered in my mind. They felt real. To make our dreams real, we have to carry them out. Vivid dreams can be overwhelming and stressful believe me. Having "big dreams" gives us hope for the future. and can bring us power in the present.
My dreams are to become part of the medical field and save lives. This is my wildest of dreams. Careers in healthcare are rewarding purposely. Medical professionals play a huge role in saving lives and improving the quality of life of their patients, and this is what I want to do. I love listening to others. Being able to listen and take care of patients is a blessing to me and for me. But, we also have to realize we are there for a reason and what our job is. I see a bright future in the healthcare field. There will always be a job in the medical field. For me, working in the healthcare field will allow me to nurture my desire to help others while earning a living. The industry has seen significant growth in the past and it's continuing to grow.
I will use my education to make this a reality by succeeding and following my heart. I will use what I learned with others who are pursuing an education in the medical field. I will also use make education to help the community. I see myself earning a degree, succeeding, and being successful.
Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
My favorite song on Taylor Swift's '1989' album would be "Bad Blood". This song is my favorite because I could relate. I've had many friends that have done me wrong in the past. But, a very close friend of mine has stabbed me in the back numerous times. When confronted about the situation with this friend, she acts if I don't know what I'm talking about. Being the adult that I am, raised by excellent parents and my grandmother, I was raised not to look down on others and to always remember where I came from. I was taught to be respectful to everyone no matter the color of their skin. I was taught to make my enemies a footstool and walk away from negativity. The words of wisdom that came from my parents and grandmother stuck with me throughout my life. I've let this close friend borrow money on numerous occasions. I've done many things for this friend. Unfortunately, she continuously made me out to be a bad guy, which didn't sit right with me. For me, it was a learning lesson. I had to make my circle short and cut those out that cause nothing but harm and hurt to me. It wasn't easy, but, I had to do what I had to for myself. I don't put myself around those who think they're better than me or look down on me. I don't put myself around those people who brag constantly. I associate myself with people who do right by me, love me, and will be there for me at any time. A true friend is someone that will have your back through any and everything. A true friend is someone that would give you their ear and shoulder. A true friend is someone that will help you fix a situation. A true friend is someone that will be real. My closest friend was nothing of the sort to me. Instead of being there and appreciating what I did for her, she ripped a chunk of my heart out. I even got her a job and somehow she sabotaged that too. She ended up going behind my back to our employer saying negative things about me. The next day, I walk in the door, and I was told to leave, I no longer had a job. As mad and pissed as I was, I didn't stay and plead my case. Two days after, I ended up getting another job. God looked out and it was in His plan to get rid of the negativity and friend of my life. She thought she won, but unfortunately for her, she was left with nothing in the end. She lost her job, apartment, family, and children. But, somehow, my heart hurt for her, but, I knew I couldn't put myself in that situation ever again. Not with her or anyone else. Chose your friends wisely. I learned a lesson. As of today, I haven't seen or heard from her. I've seen her on the streets a couple of times. But, the God in me, I've given money to her mother to help out with her children because they didn't deserve whatever she was going through. I do want to see her get her children back and make a life for herself. I want to see her do good with her life, but, as far as having a friendship again, that will never happen. I refuse to let her back into my life.
Humanize LLC Gives In Honor of Shirley Kelley Scholarship
I'm a mother of five and a grandmother of seven. whom I love unconditionally. I'm married to a loving, caring husband. We have been married for 23 years. I've always wanted to continue my education. So, here I am applying for scholarships to do so. My plan after graduating was to go to college. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to. I became pregnant at a young age. so my plans had to change. I was disappointed, but, I was becoming a mother, a single mother. My grandmother was my inspiration. She raised me into the woman I am today. She taught me about life and what it will be like once I got into the real world. My grandmother was a second mother to me. She inspired me to never give up on my dreams and it's never too late. She never downed me for getting pregnant at all. I graduated pregnant and received my diploma. She supported me. Becoming a teenager is hard and she taught me the ups and downs of becoming one. My grandmother gave me courage, strength, motivation, determination, and love, which stayed with me. She reminded me that the world could be nasty and mean sometimes, but, it's our job to know how to defeat the nastiness and meanness. Race is a big issue and it still is today. I was brought up not to think I have more than the next or that I'm better than the next. She taught me about peace, care, love, and God. My grandmother taught me to be strong and don't live in fear. When I felt like giving up, she would make sure I got back up. I faced my obstacles head-on, even when I felt like pushing them aside. My grandmother gave me the greatest advice. She knew I'd always wanted to continue with my education.
My grandmother passed away in 2019 May. I was her caregiver. She inspired me to help others and care for those that are in need. In High School, I wanted to be a part of the medical field. I wanted to be an assistant to the physician or an RN. Taking care of my grandmother was overwhelming at times, especially when I had a home to fulfill too. But, my daughter stepped and helped. She's a CNA. I decided to get my PCA certificate to start with, and that's exactly what I did. Being able to work with people that needed a caregiver was my blessing, my calling. I love helping others and taking care of them. I want to be that person to save a life, if it's just one, I can say, I did that. Nurses are indispensable in safeguarding public health. Nurses look beyond the symptoms to establish the root of the problem so that they can ensure a patient receives adequate treatment and the resources they need to manage their care outside of the hospital. That's important to me and this is why I want to be a nurse. I want to advocate for patients and their families. I want to educate those that are planning on becoming a nurse. I work hard at what I do. I'm determined and motivated. I don't give up and I go for what's mine. What's for me is for me. I block out negativity and I have a small circle. I associate with those that push me and support me. I strive for success because I want to succeed and earn a degree.
Anastasiya Y. Hardie Women in Engineering Memorial Scholarship
As an African American, I've felt like an immigrant at times. I feel like this because of the struggles and hardships I've had and the challenges I had to face to get where I am today. Many African Americans today still face hardships and struggles as if this is their first time coming to America. So, yes I know what immigrants had to face and still face. Immigrants do face a lack of resources once here in America. It's unfair and ridiculous. They're human beings as we are and want better lives, that's why they come to America. They come to America to strive and thrive and to pursue an education. I'm not an immigrant but as an African American, I've gone through hoops and turbulence. We all have, whether coming to America or being in America. Pursuing an education is hard, especially when you don't have the money to meet your needs. Everything is high and expensive. Everything has increased.
I've been in America since born. It hasn't always been easy. I came from a low-income family. We didn't have everything we wanted but everything we needed. My parents did the best they could to provide for my brother and me. Yes, we had a roof over our heads and food on the table and that was enough for me. There were times I admit, I wish I had more. Seeing my friends at school, I got jealous. I wanted the new outfit she had or the new shoes. I wanted to take vacations and have fun. I wanted a fancy coat and jewelry. As I got older, none of that mattered. I realized our needs are more important than our wants. I realized my parents worked hard to give us a good life. I realized we had everything, especially the love for one another. Once I got to High School, I had dreams and plans. I wanted to be the first to graduate and earn a degree. I wanted to succeed and reach for the sky. I wanted to further my education after I graduated. I had it all planned out. Unfortunately, I got pregnant while still in High School. Once the father found out I was pregnant, he left and wanted nothing more to do with me or our unborn child. I was devastated. Here I am pregnant at an early age and knew nothing about parenting. All my plans and dreams of furthering my education were gone. I was becoming a mother and had responsibilities. Pregnant, I received my diploma and graduated with my class.
After I had my child, I got a job. I knew I had to get a job. I did have the support I needed throughout my pregnancy since the father had just up and left. My parents and grandmother helped me out a lot. They took turns watching my baby boy so I could work. They even asked if I was still interested in furthering my education. I realized I wasn't as I was when I was in school. I realized that dream had died once I had my child. So, here I am now applying for scholarships to succeed and achieve what I missed out on. I'm motivated and dedicated to earning a degree in the medical field. Somehow my children always knew something was missing in my life. I've expressed to them so many times about earning a degree and continuing my education. As my parents were my support team and backbone during my pregnancy, my husband and children are the support team and backbone for my journey.
Jill S. Tolley Scholarship
Becoming a single mother at an early age, I wasn't able to continue my education as planned. My mind was set on going to college to earn a degree in the medical field. I chose the medical field because I love helping others. I wanted to be able to save lives and make a difference. Nurses can make a difference and promote public and community health by using their knowledge. That's exactly what I want to do. I want to be able to give back to the community and help those that need help. I love working in my community, donating, and volunteering. It's important. It's important to me because it's the community where I grew up. It's the community where I met and made friends. Giving back is rewarding. Helping and saving lives is rewarding. Here I am at the age of 48, following my heart and dream. It's never too late to go after what you want. I'm ready to succeed and earn a degree. I didn't get the chance to further my education once I became a mother, no regrets. I love being a mother and I wanted my child to know that my dreams weren't fulfilled because of him. I chose to become a mother at an early age. I had to learn. I made sure what my priorities were as a mother. I loved my son. Children come first and I made sure my son came first. I was disappointed that I wasn't able to follow my dream, but, I wasn't disappointed having a child that replaced my dream. Life throws us curveballs and I got one thrown my way.
I work hard at what I do. I'm a hard worker. I finish what I start and I don't give up. Obstacles that are thrown my way, I deal with them head-on. Not facing your obstacles is the wrong thing to do. I show integrity and moral character. I show this in my everyday life by working hard, doing my best, and treating others with respect. This award will also help me by lowering the costs of college and the number of hours that I have to work throughout my studies. This way, I'll be able to continue with my academic achievements. This can also give me time to find an internship. My passion is helping others. That gift was passed on to me by my mother and grandmother. This award means more to me than just obtaining money. This just means that I'm viewed as having potential for the future of our society. I have people whom I will continuously thank. People that have pushed and supported me. People who believe in me. My biggest support has been my family. I would greatly appreciate the generous financial support I have been given to pursue my education.
My "why" for pursuing higher education is dedication and motivation. I know I'll be gaining more money, a bigger knowledge base, security and satisfaction. I want to gain career advancement, more job opportunities, and networking. My main purpose in seeking a college degree is my desire to learn more and to better myself to be more successful in life. I would also be the first person in my family in earning a degree. My grandmother was my motivation and inspiration in choosing a degree in the medical field. She not only raise me, but I also took care of her when she was sick. You see there is always an opportunity for learning and developing in life.
Brandon Tyler Castinado Memorial Scholarship
First of all, I'd like to express how passionate I am about helping others. That's one of my biggest passions. I love making those happy who need it the most. When helping others is rewarding and it brings joy into your life. When I help others I feel extremely blessed and happy. Being able to help an individual that's unable to care for themself is a gift. I was a caregiver for my grandmother until she passed away in 2019. She inspired me to go out there and help those that need it the most. After she passed, I knew right away becoming a part of the healthcare field is where I wanted to be. Saving lives is something I want to do. Helping families is where my heart is. I want to inspire hope and contribute to health and well-being by providing the best care to every patient through integrated clinical practice, education and research. Working in the healthcare field will allow me to nurture my desire to help others while also earning a living. I want to touch lives and make difference in my patients' lives. I also chose the healthcare industry because I was curious about the field and how it impacts people at their most vulnerable times. I want to make healthcare more accessible and convenient for those who truly need it. I've seen so many people who have been turned down and it's unfair. They were turned down because of insurance, race, religion, etc. I want to be that person to advocate for those who can't speak up and for those who are scared to speak up. I'm a people person. I'm friendly and I get along with everyone. I'm the type of person that respects everyone, but, I want the same respect in return. I've been at a doctor's office where a Hispanic woman was there with her kids. She barely knew English. I saw the lady at the front desk getting frustrated. That's why it's important to get translators in businesses.
I want to make it my mission to make sure patients feel comfortable and their families. I want their families to know their loved one is getting the best treatment possible and that we are doing everything we can. I want to be able to communicate and be straightforward with families about their loved ones. I am going to assure my patients are comfortable and their well-being is taken care of. I love enjoying helping people and making them feel better. I love learning new skills and techniques. Taking care of my grandmother was the best feeling in the world for me. I learned to the best of my knowledge. When there was something I didn't understand or know, I admittedly called the nurse to ask questions and to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to for my grandmother. It was overwhelming, but she was well taken care of until the end. I knew I had done something right. My mission is to be a speaker in the community and speak to those who want to be a part of the medical field or who are a part of the medical field. I want to express to others what I've learned and experienced. I want to share my knowledge of what I've learned with my community. If asked, "Why do I want to be a part of the medical field?" My answer would be that I'd be a great fit for my mission of putting patients before everything else.
STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
The career path that I'm interested in pursuing is the medical field. I love helping others and being able to save lives is rewarding. I want to make a difference in the lives of others. I want to contribute by creating a healthier world. Making a positive impact on the community is just as important. I want to build my success and work in a diverse setting. My passion has always been able to help those that are in need. I was a caregiver for my grandmother until she departed. She was my inspiration. I knew it was my calling. After she passed away, I studied to receive my PCA certificate to be able to take care of others who need it. I found joy in working with my clients. Seeing that I made a difference in their life was rewarding and priceless. I made my clients laugh and I always made them feel loved and wanted. I have one client that felt lonely and sad. I made him feel like he was worthy and loved. I made an impact in his life and that's what I want. I'd like to advocate for those that aren't getting the help they need when needed. So many people are turned down because of insurance or not being able to pay, it's unfair. I want to see that people are getting the best treatment they deserve and need. I want to be that nurse or assistant to help when it comes to turning people away. The medical field has been my passion since I graduated. As a qualified PCA worker, I'm dedicated and motivated. I want to be able to provide care, support and treatment for the sick, the injured and the dying and support their families and communities. Nurses are the heart of healthcare. They are the heart because nurses have firsthand knowledge of what patients need to feel safe and comfortable, how a unit should show flow, and what will make the healthcare staff most productive. Nurses have important roles.
I see the medical field changing my life trajectory by having the opportunity to work in a diverse environment. The pay is excellent. I'd be able to have the experience of traveling if offered. Most importantly, I want to make a difference in the life of patients and their family. I can also promote health education to the community, especially for those that are interested in working in the medical field. It's my dream and a dream that I want to come true. Being able to help those in the community is important. I would like to corporate the knowledge that I've learned into those that want to be upcoming nurses. The fundamental values of working in the healthcare field include compassion, respect for persons, commitment to integrity and ethical practice, commitment to excellence, and justice in healthcare.
Lotus Scholarship
Single parenting can be a challenging journey. It's hard handling everything alone. But, as a single parent, you have to learn. Getting pregnant at an early age and still, in High School, I had to make some adjustments. The father chose not to be in the picture. I had to do it alone. It was overwhelming and I knew nothing about raising a child. I had to learn, not just for me, but for my child too. Thank God, I had support from family and friends. As a single parent, I had to give up a lot, especially continuing my education. I was becoming a mother and I had to make sure my child was my priority. I had to be responsible. I had responsibilities at a young age. I was a mother and father and I didn't mind at all. I did what I had to do as a single parent. I received my diploma and graduated, and I was proud. When my mother and father separated it hurt my brother and me a lot. But, we got to visit our father and spend weekends with him. Both of my parents worked very hard and provided for us. We didn't go without. I know I faced emotional and behavioral health challenges. My brother seemed fine. Since I was older I guess it affected me more. As I got older, I realized it was for the best. Why stay in a marriage if you're not happy? Staying in a marriage that you're not happy in isn't fair to either spouse. Why should you stay in a marriage for your children? Being in a marriage that you don't want to be in you shouldn't be just for your children. It's not fair to your children or your sufficient others. I realized my parents marriage wasn't happy and it was the best for them both. My mother did the best she could for us. She worked very hard every day. We didn't have much, but we weren't without. Money was tight. After bills were paid money was low. Our father would help out, but when it was convenient for him. when he got remarried, he was absent. It didn't bother me as much at the time. He had moved on and I accepted that.
Thinking back to my mom being a single mother, once I became a mother, I knew I had to do things differently. My child's father wasn't in the picture, I had to live with that. At first, I was angry as I was when my parents separated and later divorced. I realized I had to let that anger go. I had a child and I was going to be the best mother and father I could ever be. As my child got older, I explained to him why his father wasn't in his life. He wasn't mad, angry, etc. He understood. I had to become an adult fast and I faced those challenges head-on. My biggest challenge was balancing work/life. I knew it could be overwhelming, but, I was expected to provide for my child.
I plan on using my experience to impact others by helping single parents. I plan on providing and supporting them in any and every way. I plan on helping them research more and get more resources. As a community, I'd like to work as a team to help single parents. I would like the community to get more involved. I plan on spreading the word and getting my voice out there. Changing just one single parent's life would be a blessing.
Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
I'm an African American, 48 years old that have always wanted a degree. After, graduating from High School, I didn't get the chance to further my education as planned. I got pregnant while in High School and had to put my dreams on hold. So, here I am now, motivated and determined to earn a degree in the medical field. I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. My passion is helping others, saving lives, and making a difference. Careers in healthcare are incredibly rewarding and purposeful. Medical professionals play a huge role in saving lives and improving the quality of life of patients. Just being there to listen to a patient's struggles and help them create goals that can change their life. Being able to change just one person's life is important. I know we can't save them all, but, saving one or two is just as satisfying and precious. My educational goals are to achieve, succeed, and earn a degree. I'm more dedicated than I've ever been. I have a strong support system that I can lean on to get me through. I want to be able to achieve at least 75% or higher in all my classes. I would like to achieve this so I can progress toward my goal of becoming an assistant nurse working alongside the physician. That's my goal at this time. If that doesn't work out for me, I have a backup plan, which we all need. I'm very ambitious, hard-working, and motivated. My future sees me holding a degree and working in the field of my dream. I'm confident and ready to succeed. I'm going for success. I'm not stopping until I have my degree. I want to be able to increase my knowledge and learn new skills.
An obstacle that I've faced in my life would be when I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety. Having depression/anxiety scared me and made me look at myself differently. When I got diagnosed, it turned my world upside down. I knew this would not only affect me but my family as well. It took a toll on my life and my family. There were days I couldn't get out of bed. There were days all I did was cry. My mood would change daily. I wouldn't socialize that much or did I like being around the people I loved? It was terrifying. I knew I couldn't continue to live like this anymore. With the help of medication and changing myself, I got control of this mental health disease. I focused on eating healthier and staying active. When I find myself stressed, I write in my journal. I avoid negativity and drama. I stay away from those that mean me no good. My friend circle is small. I'm the type of person that goes for what she wants. I'm not a quitter. I work hard to get where I'm going. I see myself as a leader and not a follower. I lead by example. Leadership is important to me because it provides guidance, inspiration, and motivation when achieving goals. As a leader, I do see myself possessing the necessary skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively. I have a clear vision of what I want. I communicate my visions to my family all the time. I do have the ability to organize effectively and efficiently. I not only inspire myself but others as well. I'm a balanced person. When I find myself in tight situations, I work through them to the best of my knowledge.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
Technology is improving the lives of so many different people in different ways. For example, collaborations across borders, different cultures, and businesses. We can communicate with anyone, anywhere because technology has globalized the world. The computer has inspired me about how we can make the world a better place. Computers benefit businesses and the personal world. My computer has benefited me in so many ways. One way it has benefited me is that now I have the experience to view my doctor visits, test results, etc online. I can do this by logging into "My Chart". We didn't have this option before. It's a blessing to me to be able to view tests and other important material. The computer can store, retrieve, and process data. Researching is a lot easier. I use the computer to send emails, type documents, play games and browse the web. Computers have been helpful to many businesses. You can get a lot done faster and quicker. The way our technology is advancing has led us to many new ways. Computers are used in a variety of areas. Computers are used for entertainment purposes, such as movies, videos, television, music, photo editing, and art. In today's world for almost every activity whether it's personal or business-related in some other way we rely on the computer system. There are many ways that the computer has made our world a better and safer place. But, there are some cons to the computer too. For example, sites that our children shouldn't be on or scammers. But, overall, the computer has benefited me. It has saved a lot of time, especially when you're a student. Everyone learns differently from the computer. I know it took me quite a while to get used to it. I had to get support from my children. Once I got the hang of it, it was pretty simple to use and search the web. The network of computers has spanned the world globally and it has changed how business is done.
Audra Dominguez "Be Brave" Scholarship
When confronted with adversity, I stopped making excuses. I use to make up excuses for everything. I could no longer continue with the excuses, they finally caught up to me. That is something I didn't want my grandchildren to experience as they got older. I love writing in my spare time and journaling my thoughts. I've always been the type of person that could express more on paper than with voice. I like using my sense of humor and I like making others happy, especially if they are having a bad day. I have faith in what I do. I encourage others to have faith and hope as well. When I succeed, I treat myself. If I see my success isn't happening at this point, I don't tend to give up. It may not happen today, tomorrow, or next week, but, I know it will happen sooner or later. I don't take no for an answer. I pled my case and I make sure my voice is heard loud and clear.
I'm a person that's living with depression and anxiety. Without medication, I don't think I'd be able to function or be around people as much. I still have my days, which we all do. Living with depression and anxiety did take a lot out of me, physically, mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. It took major control over my health. I knew I had to do something. I knew I had to get my life back. I knew I had to fight this for my family as well. I had to start listening to what my body was telling me. I also had to develop some tools that would help me, instead of listening to others. I was determined and motivated to take control of my depression and anxiety. I stopped feeling insecure about myself and allowed myself to feel more secure. Stressing had a toll on me physically, emotionally, and mentally too. I found ways to make myself feel stress-free. I volunteered for services to my community. I gave back to my community and helped those that were in need. Helping others is a passion of mine. I'd give the back off of my shoulder to someone that's in need. I take better of myself now. I've set goals for myself and one of my main goals is to earn a degree in the medical field. Before, I was all over the place. I never finished any tasks I'd be working on. Now, I stay on track and keep to a daily routine. Because of my hard work and dedication, I've overcome a lot. I'm more prepared than ever. I face my challenges head-on. I stay focused and positive. I surround myself with positive people and things. I stay disciplined. I love learning from others.
Life throws us curveballs. It's up to us to catch them or hit them. My circle is small. I had to let go of the negativity and some friends I thought were my friends. There have been some family members I've had to let go, but, I love them from a distance still. There have been a lot of changes I've made and steps I've taken to become a stronger and more confident person. I had to pick myself up and push through adversity. I make peace with any situation I'm in. I've taken stock of all I've been through. I lost my cousin and grandmother, which left a big dent in my heart. As of today, I still wonder if and why this had to happen. It's life.
Youth Equine Service Scholarship
Volunteering has taught me better communication skills, problem-solving, teamwork, and project planning. What people don't seem to realize is that volunteering makes us stronger and we see something in us we never saw before. Volunteering has made me stronger, wiser, and free. I love meeting new people, learning new skills, and making friends. I'm a people person and I love meeting new faces and finding out as much as I can about them. Helping others, volunteering, and giving back is my passion. Volunteering allows us to practice important skills that we can use in the workplace. When I volunteer in my community I never thought I'd hear so many different stories from people. It's fascinating to learn about religion, culture, etc from others. Everyone has a story to tell about who they are and how they got to where they are. It's amazing how so many lives differ. Volunteering has taught me that people make the experience. It has also taught me that I'm making an impact on the community and others. Knowing I'm doing good for others and the community has provided me with a sense of accomplishment. If I hadn't chosen to volunteer, I would have never got the experience of volunteering and I would've learned new things. I love learning new things. When you volunteer you have the opportunity to choose where to make a difference. I chose to help out the church I belong to. I chose to help the Elementary School where all my children went to. If it's just helping one person or one hour at least you're helping and that makes a difference. I was taught we are stronger together than as one. Coming together is teamwork. Since I've been volunteering, I found my sense of purpose. It has increased my social skills and improved my self-esteem. Throughout my school years, I wasn't a talkative person. I never liked standing up in front of the class to give speeches. I was shy. I'd lay my head on the desk so I wouldn't get called on. As I got older, I realized that my voice needed to be heard because I might have to use it one day. Volunteering teaches us valuable skills and provides job prospects. Volunteering has bought so much fun into my life. My children also volunteer, give back, and help those in need. Now, they are teaching their children the same.
Volunteering is important. It's important because it can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence and self-esteem. Not only that, you are doing good for others and the community. My parents always taught me, always remember where you're from, where you were raised, and how I got here. That's something I carry with me at all times. For students, volunteering is the most effective way to acquire crucial skills while you're in High School. Life and work balance for me was overwhelming. When I started volunteering it created a better work-life balance. I got to share some of my talents with others and vice versa. What motivated me to volunteer, I wanted feedback from others on how I was doing. I also had a desire for excellence and needed a sense of important accomplishment. Volunteering is rewarding. When I help others I always get this warm feeling inside. Volunteering gave me structure and I got to experience people from all walks of life, which bought us all together. That's something special.
Wild Scholarship
I'm a mother, wife, and grandmother. I'm outgoing, likable, friendly, and caring. I love to read and write. Writing has helped with my depression/anxiety and stress. When I find myself feeling down, I pick up a pencil and just write. In my spare time, I love to volunteer and draw. In High School, I had a deep passion for art. I never really thought about pursuing a degree in arts. But, I do dabble when I have free time. I enjoy going to art museums. I find art pieces to be amazing and fascinating. I love helping others and I give back to the community. As I stated, I love to write and draw, especially when I'm feeling stressed. I've found that art can communicate information, shape our everyday lives, make a social statement and be enjoyed for aesthetic beauty. Art has its beauty and creativity. Art helps cultures unite and boosts economic growth. Art has been an option for me to pursue. Art was one of my goals. I'd love to have the chance to create some beautiful art.
In a creative arts degree program, I'd be able to learn how to present my work to others in the field. I'd be able to explain my ideas to others about the art I created and what it means. I love feedback from others. It's nice to have another's opinion and an eye. I do have a passion for being an art teacher. I want to be able to show and explain to students what art is about and why I chose the field of art. Art plays an important role. Art reflects our history, traditions, culture, and ourselves. This is why I'd love to pursue a this field. Art allows us to be who we are. Art allows us to dive deep into different topics, emotions and provides the opportunity to reflect on who we are and what we believe in. My goals are to develop and enhance my awareness and understanding of the visual world and the world through art. Pursuing the field of art can enhance my fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, lateral thinking, complex layering and critical thinking skills. This is important because art has its challenges. I face challenges head-on. I work hard at what I do. I love learning and experiencing new things.
I'm planning on creating the illusion of space. Looking at the linear perspective, I'd plan on using this perspective as a drawing method that uses lines to draw objects in space. Overlapping is a plan that I'd have, which we should all know this one. For example, when painting a person in front of a tree and the tree recedes. We can create space in our painting by dark vs. light or using the atmospheric perspective. Focusing and using the one-and-two perspectives will help us create that space.
Dan Leahy Scholarship Fund
Mr, Erasmo Guadarrama, my husband, father, best friend, and grandfather, who I greatly look up to. He inspired me to pursue further education. He has been my support and backbone, as well as our children. I explained to him when we got together that I've always wanted to go back to school and the reason I wasn't able to continue with my education. I got pregnant while in High School. The father decided he didn't want to be a father, so I had to raise my son on my own. Being a single mother is hard and overwhelming, especially when you wasn't prepared. I had a lot of support thanks to my amazing family. After I graduated, and yes I did graduate and received my diploma despite being pregnant. But, I planned to go on to college and earn a degree. You see, working in the medical field is something I've always wanted to do. I love helping others and saving lives. I didn't have the opportunity to do so because I was having a child. I think my husband knew that was a big part missing from me. So, here I am applying for scholarships just so I can achieve and succeed. So, I can pursue furthering my education and earn a degree in the medical field. This would make me so happy and proud. I have so many inspirations in my life at the time, but my husband is my biggest one. He assured me that I can do whatever I put my heart and mind to and that it was not too late to go for what I wanted. I am very determined now because of him. I'm motivated and I am so ready to have success. I'm a very strong mind and willed person. When I want something, I go for it. I work hard at what I do. My mindset is great.
I love voicing my opinions. I love speaking for those that are scared to speak up. Mock trials teach us essential skills such as public speaking, critical thinking, and the art of forming a persuasive, cohesive argument. When it comes to making public speeches that is something I am not shy of. I want to be heard. I want to voice what I believe in. I may think that I already know how to give a good speech or that I'm pretty good at arguing when it comes to my friends, which I don't claim to be. But, the difference is that a mock trial is entirely different. It's on a very different level. I am a person who gets her point across and does a good job of arguing the point. I may not always be right, but at least I got the point across and my voice was heard. One of my goals was to become a lawyer. Why? Because I knew I could make a great lawyer how the way I argue my cases and speak on truth. I also knew I had to improve some skills in some areas that needed working on. Whether it's a speech and debate or a mock trial, you have to be ready. You have to have great communication skills, speech skills, public speaking skills, etc. I'm also a big fan of research. I pretty much research anything that I am not aware of or if it's something new. My motivation would probably be more to speech and debate. The reason is that I could help a lot of students trying to succeed.
Rebecca Hunter Memorial Scholarship
I'm not to brag, first of all, my children were raised the way I was. Respect was one of those words my parents made sure was stuck in our heads. I was taught to be honest, truthful, respectful, etc. That's how I raised my children. Because once you're in the real world it's a whole lot of difference. You have to be independent, work, etc. But, the most important topic I schooled my children on was racism. We can't judge a book by its cover. We have to judge what's on the inside of a person. I was taught not to look down on others or those that are less fortunate, and that's also what I taught my children. Now, they are teaching their children the same. Racism is a big issue. Bullying is another topic I schooled my children on. Bullying is wrong. If you see someone getting bullied, please speak up and tell someone and that's what I taught my children. I've encouraged self-awareness and self-improvement in my children. I've always told them what's for them is for them and only for them. I gave them a speech on not giving up, especially when things are hard. You have to work through it. We all will be faced with challenges, I said. That's life. Most important is not running away from your challenges. My children are me in more ways than I knew. I'm a people person, friendly, kind-hearted, etc., and so are they. I'd give the shirt off of my back for a person that's in need. Sometimes, I'm a little too nice and my children make sure I know that. That's how I was raised. I made sure they set goals for themselves because it's important, especially if you're trying to succeed. I coached my children about life and what it's going to be like once they leave the nest. But, I've always told them as a mother I'll always be here, if anything came up or if things got too hard. But, I also made sure they knew responsibility and whatever bed they laid you have to make it up. Consequences follow the choices you make and the actions you take, which I spoke to them. What I was taught as well, we can't expect our parents to always bail us out when we're in the wrong. That's not acceptable and it's not being responsible.
I tried to invest my children at a young age in self-improvement. It's important to start at a young age. It's beneficial to them because they will likely experience many advantages in life. I made sure I knew my children's weaknesses in school and at home. That way I knew and they knew what needs improving. I gave them praise for their strengths and let them know I was proud of them. We have to as parents reassure our children and let them know they're doing good even when they're not. Identifying what areas need work on is important. We as parents need to avoid emphasizing the outcome. I was a single mother for years. I didn't mind having the role of father and mother because they were my priorities and I put them first. I did what I could as a mother and did my best. Some days seemed overwhelming, but I made the best of it. Some days, I thought I wasn't doing enough, but, I was doing more than enough for my children. Once my children left the nest, as a parent, I was scared and worried. But, they did good and I'm proud.
Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
I'm a mother and wife that loves my family unconditionally. They are my support team and backbone. I have seven beautiful and handsome grandchildren that I'd do anything for. I'm an outgoing person and a people's person. I love helping others that's my biggest passion. I speak my mind and don't hold anything back. Giving back to the community is important to me. I love volunteering in my spare time. I enjoy having quality time with family and friends. I'm very talkative. Advising those that need it, I'm here for it. I'm a good listener. I love experiencing new things and learning. I have a great mindset. I go after what I want. I'm dedicated, hardworking, and motivated. I'm unique in my way. I don't pretend to be someone or something I'm not. I'm honest, truthful, and hopeful. I'm not like everyone else, at least that's what my children and husband often let me know. I'd give the shirt off of my back to anyone that is in need. I'm friendly, respectful, and caring. I give respect where it's due. Most importantly, respecting the elderly is only right. I was raised to obey, respect, and listen to the elderly. I was taught to stand up for what I believe in. I was taught what's for me is for me and only me. I'm passionate about the things I love the most. I don't look down on others, I wasn't taught that way. I don't think less of others. I surely don't think I have more than the next and I'm no better than the next. I enjoy reading and writing. I have a passion for writing. I stay away from drama and negativity. I'm a nice, loving person. I don't like snobbishness. I love going after what I want. I follow my heart. I'm determined to succeed and work in the field my heart desires, which is the medical field. My main goal is to earn a degree and be the first to graduate at the age I am. I face challenges head-on. I don't back away from them.
Giving back to the community is important to me. I love meeting new people. I love finding out about the different culture, religions, etc. What needs to be done in the community, I'm there. Giving back can help brighten our mood and provide an opportunity to meet your community. If you're looking to advance your career, volunteering at nonprofits can also provide great networking opportunities. It also gives you opportunities to and chances to serve on organizations' boards and committees to gain leadership experience. I plan on donating my time at every opportunity I love recycling. I'd make sure the community recycles to keep our streets clean from trash and other stuff. Attending meetings is important. It's important because you need to know what's going on in the community and if there is something that needs a change. Drugs are our biggest concern. Drugs are killing our loved ones. Addicts don't know where to get help or they're easily turned away, which isn't fair. Finding more resources for addicts to get the help they need is how I plan on giving back. People are struggling and our crime rate is up. It's up because of robbery because addicts are robbing to get their next fix, it's sad. Keeping my community clean is what I plan on doing. But, it takes a village to help keep our streets clean. As a community, that's when everyone should come together, it's important. I believe in my community and the people in it.
Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
What excited me about college the most is meeting new friends. But, most importantly, I'm excited about earning a degree, a degree that I've waited so long to achieve. Unlike High School, we have control over what classes we take and at what time. Online classes are the best fit for me. They are the best fit for me because I can go at my own pace. Being able to continue with my education has been a passion of mine. I've always wanted to earn a degree in the medical field. Why? Because I love helping others and being able to save a life gives me great gratitude for knowing I'm where I want to be. I want to be the first to earn a degree. Not only would that make me proud, but my family too. I didn't get to continue my education after I graduated from High School, which disappointed me. I got pregnant at an early age. But, I always wondered what it would be like in college and where I'd be today if I got that chance to go. Here I am 48 years old, doing something I missed out on. It's never too late to follow your heart or dreams. For, I'm excited about the journey and getting a degree. I want to be recognized for my greatness. I'm motivated and determined to achieve and work hard at achieving. I'm excited about getting the job of my dream after graduating. I love learning new things and learning new fields. I have a great mindset. What's for me is for me and only me. And, continuing my education is what I'm looking forward to. This is for me, a dream and goal of mine. No one can take that from me. What also excites me is believing in myself and knowing that I can accomplish and succeed.
Doing online classes and being on campus have no differences. You can face challenges doing classes online, especially if it's for the first time. You will have days that you are as stressed and overwhelmed as you would sit in the classroom. As for me, I try not to stress a lot. I give myself time for a time-out. I don't get overwhelmed. I do what I have to do around the house first and then do my work. I have to take time to breathe. I give myself breaks. I make sure I eat properly and have a steady mind. If there is a problem that rises I admittedly contact the instructor. If I'm having trouble with something, I contact the instructor right away. You have to stay on top of things and stay focused. That's exactly what I do. College isn't like High School. It's a big difference. Classes aren't as easy as they were when you were in High School. So, there will be challenges you face. As motivated and determined as I am, I face challenges. I don't let challenges get in the way of what I love doing. I face them head on and fix them.
Your Health Journey Scholarship
Being healthy and staying healthy was something I never thought about. I'd eat what I want all the time and didn't think about what it was doing to my body. As I got older, I knew something had to change. I felt not myself. When I took walks, I found myself getting tired fast. When I ate just a little, I found myself full or nauseated and I know that wasn't good. When I received the news from my physician I had type 2 diabetes which was my worse nightmare. I knew I had to make changes. Fast foods and sugars I know I had to cut out. Being on insulin isn't what I wanted. But, unfortunately, I am taking medications to control my diabetes. It's been one journey. At first, it was hard giving up sweets and fast food, I admit. Going to restaurants and seeing others eat what I can't be extremely hard. I wasn't that person that liked exercising, walking or jogging. I just loved eating. I ate when I was happy, sad, depressed, and overwhelmed. All I did was eat not knowing what it was doing to my body. Before bedtime, I'd eat ice cream, cookies, chips, you name it. I just didn't think about it. Now, I'm a type 2 diabetic.
Being diabetic is hard. You can't eat what you want or like. I'm diabetic because I choose not to take care of myself. I choose to eat what I want. I choose to look the other way. Now, my body and health are paying for it. It's been mentally, physically, and emotionally hard on me. When I first started the medications for my diabetes, I stayed sick. I had to get used to the medication and my body. I couldn't go out half the time, so I had to immediately go to the bathroom. Once the medication took effect and I had no more sickness, I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I watch what I eat. I stay away from sugars. I take walks and exercise regularly, even on the days I'm not feeling good. I still manage to exercise. Changing my lifestyle has made me stronger. My mindset is in point. I'm not as sluggish as I use to be. Being on a diet changed that. It's important to have good nutrition, sleep, exercise, and relaxation. I try to have as much time for myself as often as I could.
In My Mother’s Name Scholarship
I'm a black African American that has five children and seven grandchildren. Growing up, my brother and I didn't have much. My father and mother worked hard to provide for us. Being from a low-income family, that didn't mean much to me. We had a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothing, personal needs, etc. Nothing else mattered to me at the time. Going to school, we wore what was afforded. Our clothing may have not been the best or name brand, but none of that matter to me. All that mattered to me was getting an education. That was important to my brother and me. Neither one of our parents graduated, but they wanted that for my brother and me. I wanted to be the first to graduate from college with a degree. Getting pregnant at an early age, hindered me back from continuing my education. I was becoming a mother. My child had to be my priority. Going to college was put on hold for me and that's all I ever wanted. I did receive my diploma. I graduated High School, pregnant. I was disappointed in myself at first for getting pregnant because there was no way I'd be able to go to college. In the end, I had to think about my baby. After all of my children graduated, I decided to continue with my education, even at the age I am. This is something I wanted. So, here I am doing scholarship applications to continue my education. I was attending the University of Phoenix. I did great. Had a GPA of 3.4, I think when I left. I was unable to pay for my classes any longer
My dream is to finish what I started. I want nothing more than to earn a degree. I want to make myself proud. I want to make my family proud. My family has always supported me in doing what I love. They are my backbone and they push me. I'm very dedicated, motivated, and hardworking. This scholarship will help me by lowering the costs of college and the number of hours I'll need to work throughout my studies. This scholarship will help me to get back into school and finish what I started. I will be able to continue with my academic achievements and give me time to find internships. This scholarship will help me obtain and earn my degree. I know I have the potential for the future of our society. Individuals I know will thank me for my accomplishments, especially my family and the community. I would be greatly appreciated the generous financial support I'd be given if I'm awarded this scholarship. You would be giving me a chance to pursue my education and goals. I was working on a degree in Health Administration. I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. That has been my passion since I could remember. I love helping others. That's my passion. I was a caregiver to my grandmother who passed away in 2019. She was my inspiration.
Share Your Poetry Scholarship
First of all, writing is what I love. Anytime I feel sad, depressed, anxious or stressed, I write. I have a journal that I write in every day. It keeps me going. I write what I feel about or how I feel emotionally, physically or mentally, all of my thoughts go into my journal. I also write poems. Poems that I let only my family read. I let them because I can trust them and I know they'll give an honest opinion. There's a poem that I started writing after I lost my cousin in 2017. She was not only family but a friend and sister. Then in May 2019, I lost my grandmother, who raised me and made me into the woman I am today. She was my second mother. That were two losses that hit me hard. I still have a hole in my heart that hasn't closed completely. I don't know if it ever will. Grief is unexpected. Here is a poem that I've worked on after the passing of my grandmother, but it's dedicated to them both. I never had the gut to finish it because it brought too much pain and heartache. Every time I'd come up with a verse, tears would flow down my face. Writing is something I'd love to study. Writing is natural to me. Poems have taught me teaching in rhyme, stringing words together, and the art of creativity.
When you left me
Apart from me left too.
Through heartache and pain
I knew I'd never be the same.
Morning, noon, the night, I cried.
Felt no heartbeat, and yes I died.
Grief is a natural response to loss.
It's unexpected without a cause.
I loved you both dear and near.
It was time to let go of the fear.
Fear that I couldn't bare the pain.
It was driving me insane.
Letting go was hard to do.
Feeling empty, sad, and blue.
No need to suffer you would say.
Look up and you know it's okay.
Honey, it's not a goodbye forever.
We're always together.
I'm not suffering anymore.
It was that time to shut that door.
I'll be watching you all.
Making sure no one fall.
I loved you and you loved me.
Babygirl, I'm free.
Spread your wings and live life.
Remember you have Christ.
No more sadness for you.
Know that I loved you.
You'll always cherish our times.
That I know so it's going to be fine.
No more sadness for you.
We will always have you.
This is a poem that I started working on after I lost my cousin and grandmother. It's finally finished. This poem is very sentimental to me. Poems will heal us and help us. Writing period is a strength I thought I never had.
Live, laugh, and love.
This is me all the above.
Live, laugh, and love.
Snowy white like a dove.
Shine, stand and be savvy.
It's the topping of the gravy.
Shine, stand and be savvy.
That's what we need when we're wavy.
Believe, breathe and be brave.
The world needs this for us to be saved.
Believe, breathe, and be brave.
That's our way to pave.
Olivia Woods Memorial Scholarship
The book I'd say that transformed my life is "Make Your Bed" by William H. McRaven. It began by suggesting you wake up and make your bed. It taught me how to overcome adversity. It made me see things differently and things about myself. The book was inspiring. It made me not only think about the big things in life but smaller things that are just as important. The book exhorts us to think big while taking care of the smaller things. We often forget about the small things and focus only on the big things. The book is told with humility and optimism. This book has provided me with just the simplest of wisdom, practical advice and encouragement that will inspire readers to want more. We all go through something, it's life. Sometimes, we take life for granted. Sometimes, we are faced with obstacles that leave us wondering why me. Again, it's life. I've learned life is not fair, get over it. A lesson I've learned is rising to the occasion when times get hard. Failure was one of my biggest fears. The book taught me to embrace it. That gift and determination trump talent, which is so true. Instead of walking away from bullying, we must stand up to it. I was a person who would proprocrasenate and it never got me anywhere. Now, I'm a person who completes whatever task I have. I don't go at it alone. I ask for help when needed. We all need help now and then. Don't be afraid to ask for help. That person was me. I thought I could always go at it alone, but I couldn't. The book "Make Your Bed" made me see things more clearly. It taught me to take calculated risks and to measure a person by the size of their heart, not the size of their slippers. You can learn so much from this book. I got my daughter to read it and she loved it. She got one of her friends interested in the book, which inspired them both.
This book made such an impact on my life because sometimes we have to slide down our obstacles head first and that is so true. Sometimes, we are hit with things when least expected. I've learned to be my very best in the darkest moments. I've doubted myself on many occasions. I didn't believe in myself when I know I should've. I looked at myself as a failure at times. I thought I'd never get the chance to go back to school and earn a degree because of my age. I was looking at everything wrong. my mindset wasn't fueled as it should have been. I don't doubt myself anymore. I'm more dedicated, determined, and motivated. I believe in myself wholeheartedly. It starts with me. I don't see myself as a failure but as a successor. No matter what age you are it's not too late to go back to school. I have a great support team, my family. A support team who pushes me and keeps me focused. Life is hard. Days are long that's filled with anxious moments. Sometimes, we think there is little we can do to affect the outcome of our day. I know that making my bed correctly wasn't going to be an opportunity for praise because it's something I had to do and it was expected of me. Our daily life requires a sense of structure. It's just that simple act of completing your task, which will give you that extra pride.
Martha Mitchell Truth Scholarship
I'm passionate about the US Constitution because it generates trust and coordination between the government and the citizens. It specifies the type of government for a country and how it should function. It lays down the limits on the powers of the government. It lays down the rights and duties of the citizens. The Constitution is known as a living document and that is because it can be amended. In over 200 years there have only been 27 amendments. It's also important to me that the main purpose of our US Constitution creates a national government that consists of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among three branches. It divides power between the federal government and the states. And, lastly, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens. We are the people of the United States, to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The most important aspect for me is the First Amendment because it's the most important part of the Bill of Rights. It protects the fundamental rights of conscience, the freedom to believe and express different ideas in a variety of ways. There are some important things in the Constitution that are limited government, checks and balances, separation of powers, federalism, popular sovereignty, and replubicism.
I plan on continuing to fight for civil rights throughout my career by committing myself to small actions. Not only that, I'd like to get more educated on human rights issues and join a local group. Fighting for civil rights is important to everyone. Getting involved in political process hasn't always been one of my things. But, the way the world is today, everyone should get involved and getting involved in politics is something I think is important for me. Being a student, looking for classes and degrees in relevant fields is something that interests me. As much time as I have on my hand, I'd love to be flexible and willing to go where needed. I'd like to maintain and expand the work I do. Having a voice and speaking up is me. I don't like to hold anything back at all. Getting involved in the community and educating the community on politics and civil rights is something I'd do. My passion is helping others. I like to speak for those that don't have a voice. I speak for those who are afraid to speak up. I would like for everyone to speak their mind without holding anything back. That's important. Racism is a big issue that affects our American people. Our ancestors have encountered racism and people are still living it today. Racism is one of our biggest issues today. It's important to address it. It needs to be addressed. Racism affects people's general well-being when they are denied equal access to jobs, services, and education. Racism has made me question myself and why things have to be this way. Racism can impact the way a person works or studies, and achieves their future goals.
Project Pride of NJ Scholarship
I love helping others that are in need. I volunteer as much as I can. Volunteering is important to me. It's important to me because it provided a healthy boost to my self-esteem and self-confidence. It's not only benefiting myself, it's doing good for others and the community. That can provide you with a natural sense of satisfaction. Having a role in volunteering as gave me a sense of pride and identity. I plan on making changes that are needed. For instance, getting the community involved more. I'd like to see more donations. Donating helps out a lot of people, especially those that are in need the most. I'd like to see people voicing their opinions. Everyone needs to be heard. We need more listeners than speakers at times. Welcoming new neighbors is important. I'd make a cause, run or walk. Something that as a community can join in on. Walk for those who are in remission from cancer or run for Alzheimer's. Any good cause is necessary. I'd like to see a volunteer for mentors. Mentors that can help our younger generation. We need more mentors. Getting the word out is a plan to make a positive impact on the world. We need more leaders. Leaders and not followers. I want to be the person who inspires and acknowledges someone into action. I love sharing my skills and knowledge with others. I love giving advice when needed. I'm a good listener. I don't interrupt when someone is going through a situation. I'm here to listen and give advice or help afterward. As a community, I think it's important for everyone to make a stand in what they believe the community needs more of or what change is needed. I've always gotten involved with the community, whether it's donating or giving funds. I like to help when I can. I have made an impact on many. I have advised many. I like to emphasize and listen. That makes an impact on a person, it's not always about you, which people don't seem to realize. Being able to make a positive impact on the world makes a difference. It would make a difference to me because I'd know I've done something to help others. I know I would've done something for my community and the world. It's a beautiful feeling when you make a positive impact.
I like campaigning for change. I like being an advocate for those who aren't able to speak up or don't want to speak up. I look for a change in my community, whether it's social issues or politics. If we don't speak up to make our world different, "How can expect a change?" Drugs are my biggest concern in my community, which it's a concern everywhere. People are losing their lives every day. It's terrible. It's just not adults, it's our children too. For children that are younger than 12, it's horrible. Being able to keep drugs away from our children and off the streets is a positive impact on the world. Being able to stop traffickers is our only hope. If we can't stand together as a community, it's impossible to make changes that are needed in our area. Writing letters to Congress makes a positive impact and that is something I would do. I want my voice to be heard. I want the community to be heard.
Paige's Promise Scholarship
I believe in myself. I'm the type of person who goes after what she wants. I'm dedicated to any job I perform. My energy is always positive. I'm drama free and do not like negativity or being around those who are negative. I'm passionate about what I do because I care and I know I can make a difference in someone's life if it's just one person. I live by high standards, not by anyone else's. What's for me is for me and no one else. I was raised to treat others the way I want to be treated. I respect everyone, especially my elderly. I speak up and voice my opinions. I understand how precious time is because there may not be a tomorrow for any of us. Trust your gut and intuition, I do. I look for positivity in all things. I follow my heart. I love helping others and helping in the community. I love volunteering and lending a hand when need be. I donate when I can. Drugs are a big issue everywhere. It's not only killing our loved ones but our teens and pre-teens. Being able to keep drugs off the street is my biggest concern. I want to make an impact on the world by doing so. As a community, we have to stand up and raise the issue more louder and clearer. It's important to know where to go to seek help. That is a plan I plan on doing is driving people in the right direction. Showing addicts they're not alone and that there is help. Drug education helps children and young people understand that all drugs, legal and illegal, have the potential to cause harm and that the drug experience is because of many factors including the person, the drug and the environment. We have to be honest and open about the dangers of drug use and the effect it can have on a person. I'd educate more and help addicts get the resources they need. If we as adults be open about drugs that can help students make safer decisions. It's important to assure students that we care about their health, wellness, and well-being. Prevention and early strategies can reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental disorders in America's communities. I plan on keeping our streets clean and keeping our loved ones safe.
I have a loved one that is an addict. It has been hard seeing them slip away and become a person you don't recognize any longer. I've offered help numerous times, but he's in denial and thinks he can do this himself. We have sent him to rehab twice, but it was a waste of time. I've got to the point, I don't know what else to do. All I know, I miss the person he use to be. I dislike the person when he is on drugs. The aggressiveness is real and his mental issues. The paranoia and hallucinations. Drug use has been going on for six years and I never knew. He covered it up so well. I would like to educate others about the dangers of drug use, whether it's legal or illegal. Educating myself more will be a good start for me. I'll find addicts the resources they need and support. I would like to make an impact on the world by just getting drugs off the streets. I'd write letters to our Congress, Senate, President, whomever, to see what can be done to stop drug trafficking and stop it from coming into America. We need to see a big change.
Jerome D. Carr Memorial Scholarship for Overcoming Adversity
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. I've been dealing with depression and anxiety since 2019. It has not only affected me as a person but my family too. There have been times I didn't want to get out of bed. There have been times I wanted to be alone and not bothered. I've had my share of uncontrollable crying. It's been challenging and overwhelming, but I'm here. The medication that was prescribed by my physician helps. On other days, the medication doesn't help. But, I manage. I stay active as much as I can. I do talk to someone. I make social connections face-to-face. I eat a brain-healthy diet that supports my mental health. I've had to learn how to manage and understand my feelings. My sleep schedule has been off. At this time, I'm on medication that helps me get a good night's sleep. Talking to someone that helps me make sense of my mental health helps me put things in perspective. My biggest support is my family, who's my backbone through it all. I try to reduce stress-related problems as much as I can. I stay away from the negativity and people who bring it. Trying to be strong when you're in a moment of weakness has been hard. Again, I have to remember, I'm not in this alone. In my spare time, I love helping others, especially the elderly. I volunteer as often as I can, which keeps me busy. I read once a week for a stronger mind. I stay motivated and determined. I've found exercising helpful. It has helped reduce stress and depression. I see a big difference when I exercise. My mood is great. I'm peaceful.
Good mental health influences relationships by creating stability. For me to have a good and normal relationship with others, I have to make sure I'm in a stable and good place. My mind stays positive. I have to make sure I'm good before surrounding myself with others. There have been times, I didn't like being around anyone including family. It hurts, but, I was in that state of mind at the time. I just wanted to be alone. I'd find a quiet place where no one can bother me and just sit there, sometimes just staring out of space. Mental health is real and many times it's overlooked. This has influenced my beliefs that mental health is an important issue. it's an issue that's not talked about enough. Mental health can impact one's ability in the workplace, school, and home. Depression has interfered with schoolwork in the past. Not only has depression interfered with school, but it has also been an issue for me with financial struggles and not being able to finish school because of financial situations. Continuing my education has always been a passion of mine. I had to withdraw from the University of Phoenix because I could no longer pay for classes and that was disappointing. That put me in a depressed state. I was doing so well. Had a GPA of 3.2. All I want to do is succeed and earn my degree. What I learned more about my mental state was not letting it control me. I had to take control of the disease.
Sometimes, I do get depressed, sad, lonely, etc. I have to remind myself constantly that I'm not alone and I can get through any situation. I'm here and I'm going to beat this.
Organic Formula Shop Single Parent Scholarship
I got pregnant in High School at an early age. My dream and goal were to continue my education and earn a degree. Unfortunately, I had to put it on hold. I was becoming a single parent. I had to learn how to be a parent at an early age. I did have support, which was a good thing. My parents made sure I graduated and received my diploma. I walked on stage, pregnant and all received my diploma and went home proud and full of enjoyment. I had priorities and that was my unborn child. But, I could honestly say, I knew he was proud of me because I graduated and received my diploma. I wanted to make him proud, that he didn't keep mama from earning her diploma. I missed the opportunity of continuing my education because I was a mother now. Being a single mother was challenging, especially when the father decided to walk away. He is the man today because of his mother, me. I wouldn't have changed anything at all. I decided to continue my education after all five of my children graduated. I spoke to each of my children, and husband too about going back to school. Something was missing for a long time and it was continuing my education. I know I wanted this. I wanted to be the first to graduate from college and the first to earn a degree. So, here I am trying to succeed.
This scholarship will not only help me to finish my education but towards my degree as well. I want to pave a way for my future. Not only for my future but for my children too. I want to make my grandchildren proud of their grandmother. I want my grandchildren to know no matter how old they are, you can do it. Never give up on your dreams and that's my plan at this point. Being a single mother at an early age made me grow up faster. Being a mother was new to me, I didn't know what to expect. But, I paved a way for my son, making sure he was protected and safe. His needs were met and I had plenty of support from my grandmother, uncle, and mother. The last thing I wanted was for him to think he didn't matter and my dreams were put on hold because of him. He was my number priority. Being pregnant didn't stop me from graduating or receiving my diploma. I got to march with my classmates. For single mothers out there, don't think being single is the end of your journey. Make yourself proud and your child/children. No one can take away our dreams of achieving. I learned the hard way. Just because I was pregnant didn't mean I had to give up continuing my education. I had support and family that would've been glad to help me out. I didn't want to be a burden or put a child, that's my child, off on anyone because I didn't think it was right.
All my children ever wanted for me was to continue with school. They have supported me in so many ways. They keep me determined and motivated. Whatever I decided, they had my back. I want to finish what I started. I want to get back to doing what I love and what I have a passion for. I am ready to succeed and earn my Bachelor's degree in Health Administration. I'm a hardworking person and want nothing more than to follow my heart and dreams. My main goal is to receive and earn a degree and graduate. I want to be able to be the first in my family to earn a degree and help others like me. I have a strong mindset. A person that has goals and dreams should live up to it. It's a rewarding experience.
Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
Computer science has been an interest of mine. I've always made myself backup plans when something doesn't work out. Everyone needs to have a backup plan, especially if you're not certain about the degree you're pursuing. I am pursuing a degree in Health Administration at the moment. I have a friend who is currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science. I've learned some very interesting facts about Computer Science. And, at this time, I am thinking about pursuing this degree down the line. Computing offers great opportunities for true creativity and innovativeness. I've learned that computing has space for both collaborative work and individual effort. Computing is an essential part of well-rounded academic preparation. Future opportunities in computing are without boundaries. I am choosing computer sciences as my backup plan for my next degree. I have chosen to study this field because it's interesting and I'm fascinated by how computers work. In my spare time, I would like to spend time designing programs with web pages with the help of my friend. I've always enjoyed solving problems and logical thinking. I love to learn new things and what's the next big thing. Understanding more about different things, I think is important because the more you know, the smarter you're. Since High School, I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. I love helping others and saving lives. Computer science is something I'm interested in.
If I do decide to pursue computer science, my dream job is to work in companies like Google, Twitter, or Facebook. Working in at least one of these companies would be a goal of mine. A broad, interdisciplinary background, with a strong understanding of computer science, is the key to any job in software engineering, at Google or elsewhere. Their guide to technical development offers resources to help you develop your technical skills. I've done some research and the jobs that are high in demand at Google are the director of marketing, global creative director, finance director, senior director in talent management or product management, or director, of global partnership.
Since I know little about computer science, I wouldn't want anyone else that does not to have a chance in winning this scholarship. But, for someone that would like to be a candidate, I would love to receive this scholarship. I would love this scholarship because I've found interesting facts about computer science and learning about computers is important to me. It's never too late to earn as many degrees as you want. I got the opportunity to get back into college, even though I'm much older. It's never too late to further your education. I lost my chance at continuing my education because I got pregnant in High School at an early age. I had another priority and that was raising my child. Pregnancy didn't stop me from graduating and receiving a diploma, I did just that. My passion is in the medical field, but I have others as well.
Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
I love children. I have five children myself and seven grandchildren that I love unconditionally. Children with special needs, need special care and treatment. Gifted children have a special gift that many of others don't see or do peers their age. That is why gifted children are bullied, even laughed at because they are different. Being different is just that, but they are still considered humans as we are. Educating children with special needs or who are gifted can be a hard process, but that is why teachers that are experienced in this area are qualified to work with these children. Gifted children are just as smart as any other person maybe more. I've found that children that are gifted have a strong sense of curiosity. They are also surprisingly emotionally depth and sensitive at a young age. They can comprehend material several grade levels above their age peers. Gifted children are unique in their way. They're enthusiastic about topics and have unique interests. Signs in gifted children can learn and process complex information rapidly. The world may see children who are gifted in a whole new prospect than we as humans do.
Teach a gifted child as you would a child who isn't gifted. We have to educate our gifted children. Gifted children seem to learn more quicker and faster. My goals will foster gifted children by teaching the child his/her weaknesses and what their gifts are. I will let them know I'm there to teach and help them in the areas where they are struggling. Finding programs outside of their school will support gifted children and that's important. I'd provide opportunities for enrichment through programs and activities outside the classroom. Enhancing peer relations by allowing the child to connect with intellectual peers who are of similar mental age is important. I'd enable gifted students to work together, so they can learn from one another. Speak to students about their interests. Offer the most difficult task for gifted students first. In the classroom, I'd be present and observant. I'll have to make sure they are in an environment that's supportive. Giving gifted students a chance to practice is excellent. Practicing exams or tests ahead of time allows them to know what material is on the exam or test. Studies have shown that social-emotional skills such as problem-solving, self-regulation, impulse control, and empathy help with the improvement of their academics. Encourage gifted children to get involved, You never know some of their friendships may be met through sports. Practicing social skills is important.
Teachers of the gifted must be flexible and insightful. They also must be strong communicators with a high level of social awareness and this is important, especially for the students. All I would want for my gifted students is to make the most of their abilities and don't be afraid to speak up when a problem comes up. Being open about any situation is practically normal. Students need to be aware just because they have this gift doesn't mean won't have flaws. Gifted students are normal and special needs children are. They're just different and that's what many people don't understand or have a hard time understanding. Gifted students have emotions. Things are overwhelming for them just like every other student. Most of the time, gifted students are picked on because of their natural gifts. You can look at it as jealousy. Gifted children are overlooked and it's sad. Because no two gifted students are alike it's important to collect information on both students' performance. Every gifted student/child isn't the same. There may be ways that they are, but ways they're not as well. Giftedness is not always seen as a socially positive and valued trait. Many gifted kids are bullied, others underachieve to hide their abilities, and some experience anxiety and depression with an increased risk of self-harm. Then you have as many as 20% that may end up dropping out of school. That is why it's important to treat them as normal as others. Gifted students know they are gifted and it can be possibly overwhelming for them. I see no difference between a gifted child and a normal child. I look at them no differently. They are human beings as we are. They just have a gift. A gift that's special and makes them special. A gift that will help them succeed and achieve.
Seherzada Scholarship
I love helping others, especially those that are in need. I love volunteering and helping out around the community. Being able to provide, support, and make changes to my community is important to me. Getting involved in community work, I've found relaxing and stress-free. It's also rewarding. It's one of my greatest passions. Making a positive impact on the world through my career would be a game-changer. As I stated, I love helping others when they are in need. Being able to change a life is exceptional, especially if it's just one life. To me, knowing I have that impact on someone is wonderful. Making an impact by using emotional intelligence through empathy and listening is a great way to start making that impact. Acknowledging and inspiring individuals to action is a positive impact I'd use. I love sharing my knowledge and skills with others. I'm a positive person and I like staying positive. I'm determined and motivated in what I do. I'm not a person that quits and give up. I face my obstacles head-on. I'm a leader and I like to lead. Whenever someone is in need, I'm there. I like paying attention to what co-workers say. I'm a great listener and I love feedback. I'm also about giving feedback and helping in areas where is needed. When the pandemic hit, it was a lot to take on for the American people. We had to socially distance ourselves from the world. We had to wear masks to protect ourselves and others. We also had to constantly sanitize. Covid-19 took a toll on everyone's lives. But, I made sure my family and I stayed safe and did fun things around the house. I wasn't about to let this pandemic control my life, instead, I found ways to control it by staying safe and keeping safe, especially around elderlies and grandchildren.
Practicing random acts of kindness goes a long way. Small random acts of kindness are just as important. For example, smiling at a stranger or holding a door open for someone. These are great ways to impact the world. Voting with your wallet can have a positive impact on the world. One thing I like to do is send thank you notes out. I love spending quality time with my family. I love educating my grandchildren about the world and what to expect once they are out in the world. On different days of the week, I love to surprise my husband. That's my way of letting him know how much I appreciate him. I give back to the community as often as I can. I find ways to create a love for those that feel left out or unwanted. I try to nurture the relationships I have with co-workers and staff. I have enthusiasm for the profession I'm in and for the employer. It's a desire of mine to make a mark on my co-workers and employer. I want to see a change in our society, especially when it comes to drugs. The drug is a big problem we have in America. I have a loved one that's been an addict going on six years now. I've tried getting him help, but he was supportive of it. He has been in denial for so long. Drugs are killing our American people, even our children. Getting drugs off the streets is one positive impact I'd like to have on the world. I want our world to be safe ground for the American people. I want our streets to be free of drugs, so not other person is lost.
Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
What inspired me to pursue an advanced certification or degree was my late grandmother. I was her caregiver until she passed away in the year 2019 from Alzheimer's. I knew right then and there that being a part of the healthcare field is what I wanted. I love helping people and making their lives better. I want to be able to make a difference in the lives of others. I know I'd be contributing to creating a healthier world. About a month after the passing of my grandmother, I decided to get my certificate. I received my PCA certificate on a Friday and started work that Tuesday. I also worked with a group of mentally challenged individuals too. I had to take a CPR class for that which I passed and received as well. Being involved in work that positively impacts individual lives and industry chalenges is what I am working hard to do. I am pursuing this specific field because it gives me pride and purpose. Whether, it's sitting behind a desk or on the floor, you're still helping others. At this time, I am studying for a degree in Healthcare Administration. As I stated, whether becoming a nurse or sitting behind a desk, it's what I want. Nursing is rewarding. The most rewarding aspect of becoming a nurse is the emotional rewards you can receive from caring for patients. I love supporting people who are at a vulnerable point in their lives with kindness, care, and respect. Nursing offers you so many arenas to practice in. Nursing has been a passion of mine. Being able to have the opportunity to empower our patients and families with knowledge. To see a patient that understands their disease process and the plan of care is an awesome feeling.
The area of nursing I'd like to pursue would be a home healthcare nurse. I'd like to maintain or improve a patient's health within the client's home. Many families want to keep their loved ones to be cared for within their homes. It's a safer option for many families. I want to be able to give my clients and families the best support. For me, I think it's safer, more comforting, and more convenient. It prevents avoidable trips to the hospital for families and clients. It gives relief to family caregivers. It saves money and you have a team of professionals. The goal is to provide treatment for the patient for an illness or injury. It helps a patient get better, regain independence, and become as self-efficient as possible. Elderly members of the family feel more comfortable being within their homes. Being surrounded by family and friends tend to boost their emotional, mental, and physical strength. It makes them happy. Seeing a happy client and family member makes you happy and proud. Being able to help comfort someone's loved one within their home is rewarding as a home healthcare nurse. In-home nursing provides the patient with professional medical care in their familiar surroundings. Nursing homes are a good place for loved ones, I just find it more comforting for a patient in their own home.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
By studying the cosmos beyond our planet, we can understand where we came from, where we going, and how physics works under conditions that are impossible to recreate on Earth. That is why I need to understand the nature of our universe. Through exploration, we have discovered new continents, found cures for diseases, advanced in technology, communication and much more. Studying the origins of the Universe and exploring it helps us build our civilization. I'm a curious person and I love asking questions. If questions aren't asked, we would never get the answers that we are looking for. To me, the universe is everything. It includes all of space and all the matter and energy that space contains. It includes time itself and us. Earth and the moon are part of the universe, as are the other planets and their many dozens of moons. The most important thing in the universe is the Sun. It makes our life possible. What I found very interesting is space is completely silent, nobody knows how many stars are there in space, and the footprints on the moon will stay there over the next 100 million years. The cost of NASA spacesuits cost a lot of money. Matter and energy are the two basic components of the entire universe. This is because matter and energy are essential concepts in all disciplines of science and engineering. I would love to learn more and more about our universe. It's uniqueness, concepts, and ideas.
I would like to employ how our future would look like. As the universe continues to expand, all the stars and galaxies will exhaust their energy and the Universe will cool down, ending in the "Big Chill." If the density of the Universe is equal to the critical density, gravity will be just sufficient to stop its expansion, but only after an infinite time. I would like to explore more that will allow me to approve or disapprove of scientific theories developed on Earth. In school, I loved studying the solar system. Like, "Why is the solar system flat?" Questions like these made me curious. As you know, there are many planetary systems like ours in the Universe, with planets orbiting a host star. Our universe can very well decrease or decay, even shrink. There are theories out there, that I'd love to research more on. One of the theories is that the universe may come to an end in the opposite of a "Big Bang" called "The Big Crunch." There are possible outcomes.
Alma J. Grubbs Education Scholarship
The essential of education is valuable. Education is the key to our success. I'm passionate about my education because I am dedicated to learning. Having an education provides us stability in life and that is one thing no one can ever take away from us. I'm also passionate about education because it provides financial stability and allows for self-dependency. Just having that passion for learning and developing talent helps me stay engaged, motivated, and driven. New challenges require new ideas, new solutions, and new skills and knowledge, which requires continuous learning and self-development. My education has helped me become a part of society. I'm confident in the world I'm in today because of the education I received. Receiving an education helped me understand the world and people. Education has provided me with the opportunity for acquiring knowledge and skills that have enabled me to develop my full potential and become a successful member of society.
My teachers impacted my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations with their teaching behaviors. I learned that the beliefs of our teachers help students through what is taught in class. Beliefs help teachers form their planning, and curricular decisions and identify what should be taught in the class. As a student that is what makes it easier for us to understand. The core of teaching consists of four basic values. Those values are dignity, truthfulness, fairness, freedom and responsibility. My teachers have made me a better learner, which impacted who I am as a student. The beliefs that I've learned from my teachers had an inspiration on the goals and achievements, I wanted to achieve. They taught me my best skills and valuable life skills. They have shown me how to build better relationships with peers and even family. I learned from my teachers how it would be in the real world once I got out in it. I learned about why numbers were important in the real world. My teachers believed in us students. In Elementary school, I dreamed of becoming a teacher or assistant. I love working with children, especially children who have special needs. I wanted to be an inspiration for the next generation coming up. I wanted to be that teacher that helped made just one student succeed. That was my inspiration.
Teaching was something I've always wanted to do. I wanted to become a teacher. Teaching children about the basics of life and knowledge is a plan I'd use. But, importantly, I'd like to give them some of the knowledge that my teachers gave me as a student. I want to be able to have a big impact on my students to prepare them for the real world. The impact that my teachers left on me was long-lasting and that's what i plan on doing for my students.
Saswati Gupta Cancer Research Scholarship
I've lost many family members to cancer. I honestly believe with more research there is a chance in saving many lives from this deadly disease. Once it attacks, it attacks. That is why it's so important to have routine check-ups. My career goal is to obtain a degree and become a part of the medical field. I am all about saving lives and helping others. I hope to achieve my Bachelor's degree and further my education. At this time, my long-term goal is to achieve a Bachelor's degree and get into the field of my choice, which is the medical field. I want to become an effective team leader doing research or to become a physician assistant. Being able to help people and save their life is important to me. I lost my grandmother in 2019 from Alzheimer's. It just kept progressing. She was on medication to help slow it down, unfortunately, the medication was no help. I believe if we would've gotten her seen earlier and tests were done, we would've had a different outlook. Seeing what Alzheimer's can do to a person, especially a loved one is devastating. I'd like to do more research on Alzheimer's and find a way to slow its progression of it or stop it. There is some new medication that's shown to be promising to those who have mild symptoms and mild cognitive impairment. A phase 3 clinical trial found that the medicine lecanemab slowed a decline in people with early Alzheimer's disease by 27%. NIA also funds more than 30 Alzheimer's Disease Research Centers across the country. Scientists at these centers conduct clinical research to improve the diagnosis and care for people with dementia and their families, and to find treatment or prevention. Harvard University is doing the best research.
Dema Dimbaya Humanitarianism and Disaster Relief Scholarship
For me, donating water and food, to medical and psychological care and more, helps rebuild and help others get back to their normal lives in the wake of adversity is important. Being able to come together as a community and help those in need I see as a blessing. We never know what trying times one will go through. For example, the pandemic. When Covid-19 hit, it affected the world. We had to social distance ourselves, sanitize, wear masks, and don't go out unless you have to. Quarantine is what we had to do. It affected families, the community, etc. We lose a lot of people because of the pandemic and things haven't gotten better. We've seen some improvement, but, people are still contacting Covid, and many are still masking up. Once the shots came out, many took the shots, while many were against taking the shots. It was a disaster. As a community, we made sure our community was abiding by the guidelines and laws and social distancing. The outbreak of the pandemic was a disaster relief. A disaster in which we lost a lot of people.
I plan on contributing as much as I can and donating as much as I can. But, it takes a village to help when we are in disaster. I plan on sending funds and crucial supplies. I plan on volunteering and donating blood. Always plan escape routes as well in your home. To make sure your family as well as yourself is safe and protected. If possible, help set up homes for refugees, or pack boxes of food to contribute. I plan on helping those that are in need the most, the elderly. I want to make sure they are ready and prepared for anything. If you come across a person that is injured, stop and assist. I do plan on learning more about hazards, which is important. You have to be prepared by all means necessary. I plan on providing more steps to take in such an emergency by having a community meeting. Also, I plan on going around checking on our elderly making sure they are prepared and safe. My main goal is to have a plan in motion because like the pandemic, we were warned, but to a certain extinct. Helping others is what I live for and I love helping others. That is something that has been in my blood, so when there is a disaster, I want to be ready and prepared to help those in need. If it's by donating or funding.
Andrea M Taylor Future Doctors Scholarship
Working in the medical field has been a dream of mine. I love helping, comforting, and supporting others. Even though the medical profession requires dedication and hard work, I'm all in. At my age, there could be some setbacks to deal with, but I'm willing to work hard and dedicate myself. This is my calling to help others. It's also about a sense of compassion and the need to give back to society. It's been my yearning to dive deeper into the medical field. I don't like to see people in pain, especially children and the elderly, and let's not forget infants. As a doctor, I'd be able to alleviate their pain and make them feel better. When patients come to us, it's our job as a doctor to make them feel better and send them out to live happy lives, and that is exactly what I want to do. I desire to serve others. It has been my desire since I could remember. My daughter and I took care of our grandmother until her last days with us. She had Alzheimer's and we were her caregivers. It took a toll on our bodies and mind. It was all worth it. Being a caregiver can affect a person mentally, physically, and emotionally. My grandmother was my inspiration. About a month after she had passed, I decided to get my PCA certificate.
I am passionate about becoming a medical doctor because it's an ambition of mine to help others. As I stated, I love helping others, it's my calling. I've had the experience to take care of my grandmother, who inspired me to be a part of the medical field. What I'd love most is to save lives in unexpected emergencies and that's the kind of drive I want to have. I want to be able to empower patients and take control of their health and play a critical role in a growing field. As a doctor, it would be my responsibility to go into the delivery of patient care, manage patient floors and units, and run offices. The aspect of a doctor's job can be incredibly rewarding.
I haven't read many books about becoming a medical doctor. I've been doing research online and speaking with others who are in the medical field. I know it's hardworking and there are to be some sleepless nights. But, sleepless nights and hard work are what drive me into becoming a medical doctor. I am determined and motivated and all I want to do is succeed. Believing in myself and my dreams is what shaped me. If I don't believe in myself no one else will. It starts with me and ends with me. I was raised to never give up on my dreams or goals. I was raised not to expect handouts. I was raised to believe that God has me. My family has been my biggest support team. They praised me and believed in me. They are my strength and they have helped me get through my weaknesses. I am the person I am today because of my beliefs and my loved ones. Working in the healthcare field will allow me to reach my desire to help others meanwhile earning a wage. I'll get the chance to bring new life into this world or save another life from ending. Whether working indirectly or directly with another person, I'd be changing lives and impacting families. I love the healthcare field because I love being able to make someone's day and help them through trying times.
Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
Working to address social issues is important. I've educated myself about social issues. Social issues are topics or subjects that impact many people. Often, they reflect current events but also longstanding problems or disagreements that aren't so easy to solve. Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions, which could be strong. I like to advocate for those that are unable to advocate for themselves or scared to speak up and raise their opinion. Our voice needs to be heard. We can't keep quiet on issues that can affect America and the people. At this time, I've taken positive action to address social issues in the community. As a community, everyone needs to come together to support the community. Volunteering is something I enjoy doing. I also donate when it's needed and I try to get the community to donate too. I examine my beliefs and habits. As I said, I voice my opinions about what changes need to be made or how to make our community a whole. I define the problem, clarify the problem, define goals, identify the root of the problem, develop and execute a plan, and move on it. Standing back and doing nothing will get us nowhere.
Drugs are a big issue everywhere. It's killing our loved ones, teens, and even the elderly. It's an epidemic and it needs to be addressed, and that is what I'm currently working on addressing the problem and finding a solution for. I have a loved one that has been struggling with drugs for approximately 5 to 6 years. He is an addict. He is in denial. The drug has made him paranoid and hallucinate. He has got into struggles with family members because of aggressive behavior. It's heartbreaking to see a loved one go through this. It has put a toll on me mentally, physically, and emotionally and other family members. He's not the person we remember because of the addiction and it saddens me to say that. I've tried getting him mental and social support. Nothing worked, at least, he didn't give it a chance. As of today, he has been doing good so far, but, I still worry when he's not around. I've spoken out to the community about ways to keep drugs off our streets and loved ones. I came up with a plan of getting our voices heard and the problem out there. I and another community member have addressed the problem with everyone in the community. It starts with us and addressing the right person. At this time, I am evaluating results and executing and developing a plan. Our children are in danger of meth labs, especially if they have parents making Meth. It's not safe for the environment or our American people.
PAC: Diversity Matters Scholarship
As an African American, I know what it's like to be looked at differently because of your race. I received my PCA certificate back in 2019. I love helping those that are unable to help themselves. In general, I love helping the elderly. Being able to provide, support, and take care of their needs has been a blessing for me. Seeing the smile on their face once they walk into the room is priceless. When I got hired through Adult Healthcare, I was given two clients. I had this sweet, loving lady that melted my heart. My second client was a nice, loving, caring guy, which I thought so at first. I loved working for him and I could see he loved me working there and taking care of his personal needs. I cleaned, cooked, helped with exercise, dressed, cleaned his wounds etc. I remember it was on Monday, I got there clocked in and did what I was supposed to do. We always sat down to watch television together. Long story short, it was something on television that had to do with racism. As usual, we talked and laughed. All of a sudden, he looks at me and says, "I don't know what in the world they continue to allow these aliens across our borders." At first, I sat quietly. I knew I was there for one reason and one reason only and that was for him, the client. I wasn't there for politics or this or that. He admittedly gets up, stands in front of me, and tells me when I use the bathroom to please place toilet paper on the toilet so my color wouldn't run off on him. Again, I stayed quiet, called the office, explained what happened, and was asked to leave. A report was taken and written up explaining what this client had expressed to me. I went by the office and was told not to return to the client's home until further action. From the day I started, he had never said anything of such kind. I admit, there were some slick racist things said out of his mouth, but, I ignored them. It was a shock to me. I did my work. I did what had to be done for him. I made his appointments and accompanied him. It hurt but this is the world we live in. That's realization. Racism continues and a student of color is discriminated against daily. We are looked at differently, approached differently, and spoken upon on terms that we shouldn't be.
I'm a child of God. I am African American. We all bleed the same. We may look different, but, in some ways, we are the same. I was raised to love everyone, no matter your skin color, religion, culture, sexual or gender identity, etc. In the workplace, we often see discrimination because of race, gender, religion or sexual preference. It's wrong. I'm a people person and I love to interact with those around me, especially at work. I like to learn about other cultures and religions. My goals are to respect those around me and be the leader I'm supposed to be. My goals are to set examples and interact with my co-workers. My goal is to work as a team, no matter your race, religion or sexual preference. I want to be treated as everyone else is. There shouldn't be favortism at work. It's not ethical or fair. No one should see you as color.
Chronic Boss Scholarship
When I was first diagnosed with an autoimmune disease it changed my life. I looked at my life differently. I was scared, nervous, and heartbroken. The first question that came to thought was, "How will this affect my family and me?"I had so many questions. I had to come to the realization this is me and how I go from here depends solely on me. My first experience was how I was going to deal with this. Autoimmune diseases can affect many types of tissues and nearly any organ in your body. They cause many problems such as tiredness, pain, fatigue, rashes, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and more. I've experienced headaches, nausea, tiredness, fatigue, loss of appetite, pain, and anxiety/depression. I'm already living with depression/anxiety and it just made it worse. I also experience joint pain and swelling, skin problems, and sore throats frequently. There were a lot of things I had to change. I make sure I'm eating more healthily. I make sure I exercise regularly. I try to get a good night's sleep, which I have trouble doing. I was prescribed some sleeping aid to help with sleep, which helps at times. I do have insomnia. Most of all, I have to make sure I'm stress-free, which has been hard for me recently.
I prepare myself well balanced meals. I have to do things I normally wouldn't do. Making sure I live a practically normal life is my main goal. I do what I'm supposed to do and what the doctor recommends me to do. My family has accepted it and so have I. We live life as normally as we normally do. I make sure they are taking care of themselves and not stressing or worrying about me so much and vice versa. I have a great team. It's a blessing to be loved by your loved ones and an honor to they are my backbone through this process. I try not to be a burden and live. Continuing to do what I did before without stress works a lot for me. I stay motivated, determined, and happy. I have my days. I just have to pick myself up and that's what I do.
This autoimmune disease has made me stronger. I find myself stronger than the disease. I'm controlling it, instead of letting it control me. I've turned my struggle into a strength by staying positive and loving my life. That's all I can do. This disease had me down at one point, but, I came out on top, by not letting it affect me emotionally, physically, mentally or psychologically. I have a great mindset. When I find myself wallowing in pain, my family saves me and that's a blessing. The most important thing is to wake up each morning and try again. I get to be me. I don't let having an autoimmune disease take away who I am at all. My strength is me. My strength is my family. My strength is my Lord and Savior. Living with an autoimmune disease can bring you uncertainty, confusion, anxiety and more. We have to face it whether we want to or not. I'm facing my head on. It's scary, but the scaredness has made me stronger. I believe in myself a little more. I don't have doubts as I did when I was first diagnosed. You just have to take things into your own hands and say I have to do this and not that. This is my journey, but, it's my family's as well. We're in this together. I struggled, but, I adjusted.
Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship
For me, writing is a way that expresses who I am. It makes our knowledge, our aspirations and our work for the future visible to others. I love to write. I find that writing helps with my stress levels. When I'm depressed and sad, I open my journal and start writing. There are times that I write non-stop. I've also written until my fingers are cramped. I love for people to read what I write, but, mainly my family. Writing has unleashed my creativity side. Writing keeps my brain sharp and active. As a person dealing with depression/anxiety, writing has acted preventative for me. Journaling has helped me express my emotions and feelings. I'm the type of person that likes to keep things bottled up inside. I don't like speaking about my problems or situations. I don't like speaking to them because I don't want to be a burden to anyone or feel pity. But, talking to someone does help, so, I've opened up a little more to people, especially my loved ones because I don't want them to worry and have sympathy. As a student, writing has helped improve my understanding of class material and seek clarification. Writing has improved my critical thinking skills and made the connections that I needed. Writing has improved my mood swings tremendously. I can honestly say, writing has made my life different and made me see who I am as a person. In my journal, I've written about what I want to achieve and what my achievements are. I have goals. I have dreams just like every other person. I feel if I didn't write, I don't think I'd be able to get through the day, especially days where I'm not myself. When I'm not feeling like myself, I pull out my journal and write. Throughout school, writing wasn't too important to me, but, I knew if I didn't pay as much attention to writing and the importance of writing, I wouldn't be who I am today or be where I'm at. Writing is that tool that drives communication, and communication serves as a framework for society. It's important to have clear communication and good writing. It facilitates co-worker collaborations, business transactions, and interpersonal interactions. Writing is power. Writing is a form of thinking. Our writing isn't only re-read by us, but by others as well. Writing has changed my mind, and mind changes our behavior and behavior changes our lives. Writing has helped me explain myself to others. What I'm unable to say to others. Whether you know it or not, writing can bring people together. I love to hear what others write. I find it interesting. I, also, find that you can get to know a person through what they write. Writing can build friendships and even relationships. What I've experienced as a writer, L can compose content for blogs, and websites, post articles online, in journals, or even write scripts for movies. Something I'd love to do is write scripts for movies, which is on my list of things to do shortly. Remember writing takes practice and practice leads to success.
Francis E. Moore Prime Time Ministries Scholarship
As a child, I was always told to follow my heart and let nothing or no one stand in the way of my success. That's what I lived by. As an African American, I faced many obstacles. I knew I wanted to go to college and become someone. I wanted to be the first to graduate. Faced with poverty, I knew it would be hard getting into the college of my choice. As hardworking as my family was, it was a trying time still. They provided for my brother and me the best way they could and that's by working hard and working long hours. Our needs were met, food on the table, and anything that a child needed was fully provided. I wouldn't change anything about my upbringing. I'm proud to say I am the person I am today because of my parents, especially my grandmother, who soon came to raise me. I was never without and having little to no money wasn't a concern for me. To me, it was all about education and succeeding. Achieving and reaching my goals was a plan that was placed in my mind and heart throughout the school. Education was important to me. It was the key to my success and as of today, nothing has changed. I am still striving for success. My goals are to achieve, succeed, and graduate. I am yearning to receive a Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration and to get the job that I yearn for.
I previously attended the University of Phoenix, unfortunately, I had to withdraw because of financial troubles and family troubles. I've missed my online classes tremendously. I left with a GPA of 3.2. My grades were incredible. We all go through something and the biggest obstacle I faced was withdrawing from my online classes. It hurt me. Then, I had to face being told a loved one is an addict. That put a toll on me. I had to do something. Laying around feeling sorry for myself wasn't cutting it. I decided to do something. I decided to give the University of Phoenix a call and pled with them. I wanted to finish what I started, so that's why I am on bold.org. I need this.
At this time, I will not let obstacles affect my progress. I can't. I'm stronger and bigger than any obstacles. Whatever gets thrown my way, I will face it head-on. So many of us tend to run away from situations or problems and nothing is done. I've learned my lesson. What I've learned is not to be afraid to ask for help. I have a positive mindset. Helping others is something I love to do. I never liked to accept support from someone because I didn't want to be a burden. Now, I accept it and am proud to accept support. I know I'm not alone and I have a family I can depend on at all times. I'm always thinking big. My success isn't just my success. It's my family's too. I find simple ways to believe in myself. I remind myself that I can do this. I dream and believe in my success.
JADED Recovery Scholarship
I am a mother of a loved one who got addicted to drugs. Little did I know, he had been on drugs for five years, and had tried everything. There are times that I blame myself for not seeing it and missing the signs. I blame myself for letting it get so bad, that maybe I could've helped. It's heartbreaking to see your loved one in pain or going through withdrawal. It's harder not being able to see the person you once knew that's not the same. Meth is a powerful drug as any others are. I've had to experience paranoia, hallucinations, aggressiveness, psychotic behavior, and overdosing once. We have tried rehab with him, but, he always had an excuse just to get out. People around him were afraid to be around him as well as me. There was an incident with another family member where he choked her in front of her son until she almost passed out. Thank God my brother was there to save her because it could've turned out differently. He has not had as many friends as he use to have. Most family members have turned their back on him and aren't able to stay around him for long. It's sad, very sad.
As for me, I've done all I could do. I've had sleepless nights, uncontrollable crying, and went even into a deeper depression. I'm living with depression/anxiety. I was diagnosed about three years ago, and it's no fun. So, imagine having a loved one who is addicted to Meth. It's stressful. This has worn me down to the point, I just want to stay in bed and sleep. This addiction has affected me in many ways. Some days, I don't know if I'm coming or going. I don't have the mindset I use to have. My decision-making is horrible. I have this person in one ear telling me if he's not willing to help himself that I'm not able to, which is so true. This drug has separated us. I want to believe that he will get help. I want to believe that he isn't in denial, but truly he is. He plays the victim. I've been cussed out numerous times, but, I know it's the drug that is why I don't think anything of it. Two days later he's apologizing and I accept as I always do. My relationship with my husband and children has gone downhill because I'm always standing up for him and having his back. It's like I'm the person that's enabling him more. All you want to do is help the ones you love and here I am helping someone dear and close to my heart, my blood, my loved one.
As his drug use got worse it take a toll on my family and me. It created an emotional distance between us. On the days he would come in from his binges, I'd let him sleep. He'd sleep for at least 2 days straight. I've watched the light go out of him and he'd become a different person. All I saw in him was darkness and anger. I had to withdraw from my online studies, and I had financial troubles, I was also dealing with an addict that had all of my attention and there was no way I could concentrate on my studies. Anyone that's dealing with a loved one on alcohol/drugs, please get them help before it's too late. I loved working with the elderly. I have my PCA certificate, unfortunately, I had to give up what I loved for him. This has affected me.
Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - College Award
The area of tech that I am interested in is medicine and transportation. I am interested in this field because it's an important social determinant of health in rural areas. The availability of having liable transportation impacts a person's ability to access appropriate and well-coordinated healthcare, purchase nutritious food, and care for themselves. Anything that is a part of the healthcare system, I am very interested. I love to help people and people that aren't able to help themselves. Being able to provide transportation to those that are in need is a blessing. Not only would it be a blessing to me, but for those that are provided the ride. So, many people, especially the elderly have a hard time finding transportation or getting it. It's either, there are not enough drivers available or there are no funds available for the services. Being able to have transportation for those in need has come a long way, but there's still a need to be done. Resources are scarce in most locations and drivers are not paid enough. Then there are some factors to consider that might impact the type of transportation a patient can have access to. Transportation barriers are long travel distances, lack of vehicles, transportation costs, inadequate infrastructure costs, and adverse policies affecting travel, which could impair overall health. I want to be able to find ways to make transportation more available in low-income communities because this is the area you see no transportation at all or little transportation coming through.
I would like to solve the problem of getting more transportation in areas that are needed the most. I would like to solve the problems where elderlies aren't getting the adequate help they need and better ways to get through to customer service when setting up an appointment for transportation. Problems like these are not looked at as they should be. Think about how much gas a person could save by using transportation for their loved ones. Getting more vehicles and drivers is a problem that I'd solve, which is important. Making sure the costs fit their budget. We have to remember many are living paycheck to paycheck or getting paid once a month. There is a lot that needs to be done. I know personally when the pandemic hit, drivers quit and didn't return. We have to find ways to solve problems like this when an emergency arises ahead of time. The problem is there are not enough drivers and vehicles because we don't have a plan B in place. More resources are needed. More advocates are needed. More people need to stand up and voice their opinions. For those that aren't able to voice their beliefs or opinions, that is where I'd come in and do my job.
As for medicine, the most problem we are facing today is the high cost of care. With everything being up, it's a burden to our families. What we need are more resources to prepare us for times like now. We have to think about the elderly in particular. Then you have patients that sit in the emergency room for a long length of time. It's ridiculous. After being treated, discharge papers should be handed and the room opened for another patient waiting to be seen. That is one of the biggest problems we have and people often leave or get upset about why it's taking so long. With more nurses and physicians problems solved. Having a back-up phusician is an excellent idea.
Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
Americans are the citizens and nationals of the United States of America. I am proud to be an American. Being able to have freedom of speech, being equal to everyone no matter the race, and being united as one, gets no better than that. And of course, I can't leave out being able to reach my goals. The goals that I've set, accomplished and planned are for me and only me. I've worked hard to get where I am today, and being an American has made that possible for me, Not everyone has that opportunity. Every American has different sets of dreams, not every dream is alike, which shouldn't be. Everyone should be proud to call themselves Americans because we've had hardships, struggles, and challenges to get to where we are today. Our ancestors are no different. Being able to voice your opinions, vote, and have equality is priceless to me. As an African American, it's been hard, especially growing up in poverty. Back then, our ancestors faced racism and today, we still face racism. What many Americans don't realize is we bleed the same. As Americans, I believe we are united as one. We are combined someway, somehow. I believe that when two things are linked or attached they act as a single unit, but in reality they're united. As a person who was raised by values and morals.
I am happy to call myself an American citizen of the United States of America. But, I can't forget to give recognition to whom it is due, my parents. People come to America for a better life, which is understandable. America is a place with many opportunities. They come to be free, have better opportunities, and so they can get a chance of reaching their dreams. They know that better opportunities are here than where they come from. Their voices will be heard here in America and they'll have freedom of speech. For those that think they must look a specific race or specific way means you have to be American, that is so not true. The U.S. stands for the United States. As Americans, we are supposed to stand together to be better, to unite when we are under attack, and to unite to ne stronger together no matter what religion you are or what race you are. For me, it means coming together as one when tragedy happens. The Pledge of Allegiance taught me at a young age, what it means to be an American. It means to be respectful to those around you, be who you are, to be proud of freedom with justice, liberty and all. We must represent our colors of red, white, and blue which represent us and our 50 states. We are united as one.
I define myself as an American because I am from the United States. I am a lawful citizen. Being an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residency makes you an American too. Some of the values and characteristics we have as Americans are privacy, equality, timeliness, achievement, and future orientation. As an American, I value my independence and self-determination. As an individual, I had to shape myself into who I am today. I have to make decisions for myself. I have to own up to my mistakes and face consequences if see fit. As Americans, we have to shape our identity and destiny through our choices no one else's. I love being free. I love having freedom of speech. I love being united. Honesty, integrity, common sense, and doing service to the greater good make us great Americans.
Book Lovers Scholarship
Reading has always been one of my biggest passions. Reading has been a blessing to my soul. It keeps me focused. I found that it helps with memory empathy and communication skills. As a person, that deals with stress, anxiety, and depression, it takes all of that away. Reading helps my mental state. I encouraged my children to read as often as they could, especially when you have nothing else to do. In school, I wasn't big on reading. When get called in front of the class to read, I'd act asleep or say I'm not feeling well. One of my biggest fears of reading out loud in front was being made fun of by how I read or spoke. Throughout my school years, I realized that we need reading in our lives. We need reading because it can improve our brain function. Not only that, it's a stress reliever, improves your state of mind, and overall it improves your wellness.
If I could have everyone in the world read just one book, it would be "A Heart That Works". This book is written by Rob Delaney. When I read this book it bought tears to my eyes and laughter. Why this book was important to me because it didn't just deal with grief and heartache. Yet, it was heartbreaking, it was darkly funny that recounted how a father lost his third son to brain cancer. The book is very intriguing. "A Heart That Works" is about love and fatherhood. I'd recommend all fathers around the world to read the book. I found this book emotionally raw but was told masterfully. Losing a child is devastating for any parent. As parents, we often think our children should be burying us, not the other way around. In time, we tend to grieve less and remember how they spent their last days here on earth. This book is a great read. I found it powerful and it helped me in dealing with the death of my grandmother. A heart that hurts is a heart that works.
Jack “Fluxare” Hytner Memorial Scholarship
I've always thought of myself as an influential person. Being influential means everything to me. It's an important aspect of my life. Influence to me means being able to have a positive effect on those around me. Giving back and learning how to make an impact on others has shown me it makes life about something much larger than ourselves. My children have always told me that wherever I go, I tend to stand out. I like to capture people's attention. I am a persuader and I like to persuade others to agree with me and draw respect to those around me. Having the power in any situation lets me know I'm in authority and that I can overcome any and everything that comes my way. Making a difference in someone's life means everything to me. It lets me know that I've made a positive impact on just that one person. It's rewarding.
First of all. I try to surround myself with those with that I see myself. My circle is small and that's how I like it. I like it this way because you don't have to worry about negative people or bad influences. I love making people feel good, especially those with low self-esteem. I lead by example. The biggest influence that I have on those that is around me is listening without interruptions. I'm that person that listens thoroughly without interrupting and giving feedback, and advice where it's due. I will rather be kind than right. I'm an authentic person, which is why I've had a lot of friends tell me, they enjoy being around me for many reasons. I am a straightforward person. I love to see people have trust in me because trust is an essential thing for me. I will give you my word and stick to it. I don't make promises I don't keep. I am kind, caring, and influential.
Overcoming adversity can be challenging, which it has been for me. I have depression/anxiety, HS, diabetes, scoliosis, osteoarthrosis, non-fatty liver disease (stage 2), and the list can go on. Waking up every morning in pain and not being to balance yourself or have enough strength to get out of bed is sad. But, by the grace of God and my family, these health problems have made me stronger.
At this time, I am returning to school to complete my Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration. I chose this field because I like helping others, especially those that are unable to help themselves. Helping the elderly has made a tremendous impact on my life. Just to be able to care for their needs is priceless and seeing that smile on their face as you walk in is breathtaking. I want to be able to make a positive impact on people's lives as Jack did. I love taking care of others. I love being their voice and advocate. I love making sure they are alright. I love making people feel safe and protected.
Larry D Parker Sr.’s Legacy Scholarship
I plan on making an impact on the world through the career I chose by leading. Leadership is important to me because you are able to create a vision and motivate people to make it a reality. I want to be the one that inspires everyone in the organization to achieve their very best. I love to talk. I want my co-workers to know that they can communicate to me about anything. I will show the world that I'm confident in what I do. I want the world to know I have the ability to lead the organization in an effective and efficient way. Teamwork is the key to a successful organization. It takes a team to build a successful organization. By the end of the day, we can stand together and scream to the world, "We did this as a team". My chosen field is in Health Administration. Since High School, I always wanted to be a part of the medical field. I love helping others, that's my biggest passion. Now, I want to work with people that are addicted to alcohol and drugs. The biggest change that is needed in the community as we speak is addiction. I've seen so many people that have let addiction control their life. There have been so many overdoses in the community, it's sad. I came close to losing a close loved one to drugs. My uncle got there in time to call the ambulance. It was a long road to recovery. The best part about his recovery I kept in touch with him on a daily basis and gave him my support, love, and shoulder. I have taken the time to help people with addiction. I've been their ear, shoulder, and supporter.
Yes, there is one particular person in my life that have been my hero. That's my husband. He has been my backbone, supporter, and giver. As I mentioned, I love helping others. I'll give a person that's in need the shirt off of my back if needed. I was taught and raised, there will come a time when it's not all about you. You have to be considerate of others and put someone else before you. It's not all about you and my grandmother was right. One thing she did teach me was to be respectful to others and listen to their story. How could you know how a person is feeling if you're not listening? And she was right. I take the time to listen to those that are in trouble, scared, lost, etc. I'd drop what I'm doing in a heartbeat just to help. The only thing my husband asks of me and that's to make sure I take care of myself too.
One thing I'd change about the world is getting drugs off the streets. Our brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, grandparents, uncles, aunts, teens are leaving this world due to overdoses. Overdoses from cocaine, methamphetamines, fentanyl, pills, alcohol, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and marijuana. The biggest drugs that I've seen that has the biggest overdose rate is methamphetamines and fentanyl. These drugs are laced, and they are killing our people. I want to be the change and advocate. I want to speak for addicts that are in denial or too embarrassed to speak up. I want to be their voice. I want my voice to be heard with the help from the community. The biggest problem we face is people are scared and the police aren't doing enough or the government. Just to take one drug dealer off the street would be a start and change.
Superfood Lover Scholarship
I love superfoods because they help ward off diseases and keep my body healthier. When incorporated into a well-balanced diet, these foods promote heart health, and weight loss, improve energy levels, and even reduce the effects of aging. I love them because they are foods that have a very high nutritional density. Superfoods are defined by their health benefits. I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle as often as I could. I eat right and exercise daily. I make sure I put foods in my body that are nutritional and healthy. I am diabetic and have to watch what I eat. It's been hard but I need to eat what's right so my sugar levels are maintained. Sugars were my biggest intake. Now, I have to substitute something sugar-free or no sugar at all. It's not the same, but I do this for my body and mind. My favorite superfoods are green leafy greens, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds, green tea, yogurts, and berries. Salmon, I love. Cooking can be difficult here at home, but, I do what I need to keep a healthy lifestyle. My husband is also diabetic, so it makes it a little easier to incorporate foods that keep us strong and healthy.
I corporate superfoods into my diet by blending, pureeing, topping, baking, roasting, and broiling. I dip my fruits and vegetables into a dipping sauce that's healthy and nutrient. Eating foods daily provides the highest minerals and vitamins that we possibly need. Keeping a well-balanced diet has been important to me for years. I've tried everything to keep my body and mind well-balanced, and at the time, it seemed like nothing worked. For someone that's been having no energy and is tired, superfoods have kept my body healthy and mind right. I have more energy now and stay less tired. I have enough energy to run around with my grandchildren. Superfoods have worked for me. They can and will work for anyone if you want a healthy lifestyle. Spinach is the number one healthiest food in the world. Spinach is readily available and fresh, frozen, or canned.
Carlos F. Garcia Muentes Scholarship
It is hard for immigrants that come to America for a better life. They are faced with struggles like not knowing English, leaving their families behind, and not knowing anyone. If you don't know it's really hard for them to find a job. Raising children and helping them succeed in school is even a bigger challenge. Housing and access to medical services are a struggle. Immigrants come to America for a better life because of the hardships they face in their country. For example, pay rate. Coming to America immigrants find a life that they've wished for. Immigrants face challenges coming to America. In some instances, immigrants are caught and deported. Many try again. Once arriving in America immigrants are faced with even more challenges. Transportation issues, prejudice, cultural differences, and language barriers are just many challenges they face. It's hard just like it's hard for most Americans.
I met my husband here in America. He was required to come here on a work permit visa. He'd come in April and would leave in October when work is finished. The times we spent together were priceless. The closer we became, the more I got pregnant. It was a disappointment because he wasn't allowed to stay permanently. That was because he wasn't legal. Long story short, we got married, pregnant with a second child, and filed his paperwork. Within, six months he received his residency and worker's permit. After, being here for five years, he received his citizenship. It was a hard process and it cost, but all that mattered was him being here with his family. Sitting there listening to stories of the life he left behind, some of the stories were horrifying. He still makes trips back to his country once or twice a year. Which is a blessing because I didn't want him to leave behind where he was born and raised.
Just sitting there listening to the stories he told was breathtaking. I felt sorry, sad, and bad about the hardships his family faced and him as a child. At one point, I had tears rolling down my face. I never would have imagined the life he had lived. Food was scarce and their pay was horrible. I couldn't imagine letting my family face hardships. At the same time, I didn't want my family to live that rich lifestyle either. I wanted them to know the value of money. It was important for me that I taught my children our needs will always outweigh our wants. I believed that no matter where you come from or who, small things are just as important as bigger things. We all don't have that luxury lifestyle and that's practically fine. We must be happy for what we have and be thankful for just that. Putting others' needs before ours is just as important. Immigrants are human beings like we are. Most work harder than Americans. Immigrants deserve a refreshing and better life too. All they want is a better chance at life and their families.
Cindy J. Visser Memorial Nursing Scholarship
It has always been a dream of mine to become a nurse. Helping others and giving back is a passion of mine. Never once did I forget where I came from or where I was raised. My parents suffered hardships as many of us did growing up. But my parents gave my brother and me the best they could. I never complained nor did my brother. As long as we had food on the table, and a roof over our head, we were happy. Money wasn't everything and as of today, it still isn't. Throughout Middle and High School, I had dreams of becoming a nurse. I wanted to have a job that made people feel safe, comfortable, and cared for. There have been many things that motivated me to become a nurse. First, I love people. I love chatting with them, being around them, and taking care of them. Just knowing that was fulfilling enough for me. I've always loved helping and taking care of people. Everyone deserves someone that has patience and takes it at heart. The motivation to become a nurse came from personal experience. I was the caregiver for my grandmother up until her passing. She had Alzheimer's. It got overwhelming and there were some instances I wanted to walk away. I couldn't. The reason for not walking away was because she raised me, she was my grandmother, she helped with my children and I didn't want her going to a nursing facility. I stepped up. She was my inspiration. She inspired me. It made me feel happy and proud that I got to care for her and made sure she lived comfortably in her home. That's all I wanted. It was a blessing for us both. Looking back, through difficult times, I'd do it all over again. I helped her fight the good fight until the end and I'm thankful I got the chance to. Nursing takes a lot of commitment and work. Nursing is a never-ending possibility.
Throughout my nursing career, I hope to provide nursing services to rural areas. I would like to advance in my degree and obtain professional certifications. I want to have new doors opening up for my family and me. Most importantly, I want to give back to the community. I want to make a difference in someone's life. I can offer hope to people, sometimes during their worse times. Having the opportunity to counsel patients and families after a devastating diagnosis, celebrate with them when given good news, and become trusted confidantes is everything to me. You have accessible, quality training options, steady industry growth, and active exciting work, and it's a job that makes a difference and that is one of the reasons I chose nursing. Carrying on Cindy's legacy is important. I value and valued the work she did for others. It was the love of her passion. She used nursing to channel her love for the community and that is what I would like to do. I want to be able to help those that are in need the most. I want to make sure they are getting the quality of care needed and deserved. I want to be the change for my community. Nursing is the backbone is healthcare. I want to be that backbone and be an inspiration. I love providing care and boosting the spirits of people.
Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
Mental health awareness is essential in understanding symptoms of different mental illnesses and finding treatment to make your life happier and healthier. Mental health is usually put on the backburner. Mental health affects how we think, feel, and act. It determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. That is why we need to be more sensitive to mental health and how it can affect our emotions, and psychological, and social well-being. Unfortunately, many people who live with some mental health issues are too late before anything is done. That's why it's important to address the problem and find a solution. Talking about mental health helps improve our communities by making it more acceptable for those that are suffering from mental illness to seek help, learn to cope, and get on the road to discovery. Mental health affects people of all ages and backgrounds. It's just important to address the symptoms that may signify a problem leading to a successful treatment. I've lived with depression and anxiety since 2018. I never paid any attention to the signs and symptoms I was having. I just through them on the backburn as many of us do. I thought it was something temporary, menopause, or a mid-life crisis. I didn't know what was going on with me. My crying was nonstop. I often felt sadness, unworthy, unloved, insecure, etc. Sometimes I couldn't get out of bed without feeling anxious or overwhelmed. It took a toll on myself and my family. The person who I had become wasn't the person I used to be. I hated myself at times and felt I didn't deserve to be here. It was a lot on me. Little did I know mental health isn't just about mental illnesses. it's also about maintaining a positive state of well-being. If mental illnesses remain untreated, the symptoms can worsen and negatively impact a person's well-being. Talking about your feelings can help you stay in a good mood and mental health and deal with times when felt troubled. That is something I had trouble with. I didn't know how to address it or didn't know how to. I didn't want to make people think I was crazy. Most are diagnosed as being crazy and that's not the case. I thought talking about my feelings was a sign of weakness. In reality, it isn't. Addressing mental health is what should be done. It is just taking charge of your well-being and doing what you can to stay healthy. And that is exactly what I have done. I got the help I needed and medication. Getting help turned my life around and my family. I have been carrying all this weight on my shoulder for so long. I've been walking around with depression and anxiety for so long without addressing it. I found and got help. I shared my story and accepted uncomfortable feelings. I prepared myself. My biggest support team has been my family and I don't think I would've done this without them. It's been good for me to know that I found someone to discuss my mental health with, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually definitely found it uncomfortable. It was hard talking to someone I had no clue about my problems. It was difficult and embarrassing for me.
My experience with mental health has made me a stronger person. The person I used to be, I found that person again. My life was in shambles and torture. My heart had fallen into pieces and at times it's still that way. I thank God every day I'm here and have found peace and a way I'm dealing with my depression and anxiety. I continue to have the strength and I pray daily that God continues to give me strength. I thank God I'm here to enjoy life and live. I've found happiness within myself again, which plays an important part in my life. I'm healthier at this point. I talk openly about my illness and I'm proud of doing so. My relationships were put to a test. Obstacles were thrown my way. I received them and dealt with them. I thought differently about mental health once I did more resources on it. It was made to be clear that depression and anxiety are serious and it's something to take seriously. I has no clue my depression was that severe until I got help. When looking back, I wish I would've gotten help sooner. I waited until it got severe and that was disappointing to me. Now, I am living proof that it's possible to turn things around when getting help. Don't wait until it's too late. Don't wait to talk about your illness. I'm a better person. I'm stronger, wiser, open, supportive, and determined every day. I want to be able to advocate for people that are embarrassed or ashamed of doing so. They are scared or considered dangerous to others. But you can be a danger to not only yourself but others too. That is why it's important to get help. Mental awareness is the ongoing effort to reduce the stigma around mental illness and mental health conditions by sharing your personal experiences. People often suffer in silence and their conditions go untreated. Everything has turned around for me. My relationships are better and I'm better. I see a bright future. I see achievement and success.
First-Year College Students: Jennie Gilbert Daigre Education Scholarship
College textbooks aren't just expensive, college is expensive too. This actually can put stress on a student, especially when you don't have the money. Financial aid is a savior for everyone. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is our first step in the college financial aid process. It's completed every year by students that seek financial aid. It has helped me a lot as well as other students. The application is there for help and that's why it's important for us students use it. Financial aid also includes grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and student loans. The best is that the application is free. For me to make that positive impact, I need to start small. Making a plan was my next step, and my children helped me in doing so. I love helping others and the community. In y spare time, I volunteer. I like learning new skills and meeting new people. As a community, we stand up as one to make changes and fix what's needed. My family and I donate, support, and help those that are in need. I host and attend events. I make sure the words get out. I need to make a bigger impact y asking for feedback. Paying it forward is a blessing and it fulfills me and puts a smile on my face. Making a positive impact on the world through my career is so important. I love voicing my opinions and speaking up. I go the extra mile. I pay extra attention to what I do. I'm ambitious about what I put my time in. Staying focused and communicating is my main strategy at this point. I want to be able to give back to my community. I was taught to never forget where you're from no matter how far I get in life. My family has been my biggest support team through it all. They taught me to push and don't hold anything back.
I got pregnant at an early age, still in High School and my dreams were put on hold. I didn't get the chance to continue my education because I was becoming a mother. I had to figure out how to be a mother and money was a big issue for me. So with that saying, I had to put school on the backburn. Here I am now, pursuing a degree and following my dreams. A degree could be a big help to family and the community. I need to teach and share experiences with others that are thinking about pursuing a degree. I want to be able to make the biggest impact on the world with my know-how. Making the world a better place often means bettering it for a few people at a time. Ask questions, listen carefully, show kindness, and be accountable, that's the person I am. The only way to get an answer is to ask questions. The only way to know and understand is to listen and the only way to be accountable is to take ownership of what happens as a result of your choices and actions. It's important, not to blame others or make excuses, and do what you can to make amends when you're wrong. Doing this will and can help you along the way in life and your career. Knowing that I've made a positive impact to make the world a better place is important. For me, it gives me a greater purpose and heightens a sense of belonging. I am committed to making a positive impact. I want to teach individuals and make a difference.
Health & Wellness Scholarship
I believe it's important because it makes you feel good mentally. Regular exercise will lift your mood and help you feel good all at the same time. Smoking cigarettes, eating junk food, and drinking sugary drinks or alcohol are all expensive habits, which destroy your health and it's not a healthy lifestyle. That is why I maintain a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy and nutritious. Of course, if we live a healthy lifestyle that's less money spent. I want to live longer and feel better about myself and control my stress levels, so it's something I work hard doing, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My health has been up and down and it's been hard to maintain. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, HS, and much more. I work hard daily to keep up a good lifestyle and good eating habits. It's hard not being able to eat what I want, but, I have to do it, not just for my family, mainly for myself. I want to be able to run around with my grandchildren and enjoy life. For me to do that, I have to do what is right for my body, mind, and soul. At first, it was hard trying to exercise regularly, but I had to do this for my health. A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that make you happy and feel good. I had to be motivated and determined to live a healthy lifestyle and eat healthily.
I maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating healthy. Sometimes I have to force myself, but I have to do this. I measure and watch my weight, which is important to me. It's been hard, but I have to limit unhealthy foods and eat healthy meals. I just have to balance and maintain. Exercise also helps with my depression and anxiety. I'm confident in myself that I will hopefully be taken off all these medicines in the future. My sleeping hasn't been so good either, so I set a time frame every night for the same time. I push myself and stay optimistic. I feel good inside since I've had a well-balanced lifestyle. Before I just ate what I want, even more, when I was depressed. I didn't want to live like this anymore. I knew things had to change and I had to be the one who changed them. I had a great support team and workout partners, who helped me along the way. It felt good and I felt 10 times better. Drinking water, I wasn't drinking enough of it. For some reason, it made me sick. Again I had to push myself in doing so. Never say never because that's all I did. For one, I didn't think I could do it. When going to restaurants, I thought I wouldn't be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I did. My family makes sure I stay healthy and lead a healthy lifestyle. I don't think any of this would've been possible if it wasn't for them, cheering me on. I'm so proud of myself and who I've become. Now, I get to run around with my grandchildren and enjoy life, all because I made some tremendous steps in my life. Anyone can do this, I did and I'm living proof. It's challenging but I made a plan, asked for help, had a positive mindset, thought big, and helped others who were where I was. I overcame the challenges that were thrown my way, we all can. Don't give up on yourself because I didn't.
Servela Theodore Memorial Scholarship
Growing up, I was taught the importance of helping others and giving back. Assisting others to fulfill my life. It brings happiness and goodness to me. Helping for me is from the heart. I don't look for anything in return. I'd give the shirt off my back for someone in need, that's the type of person I've always been. I wouldn't change anything about it. Helping others in need is essential to me. There may be a day I need help, you never know. Helping is a passion for me and I'm passionate about it. Doing a good deed for someone is amazing. In my spare time, I volunteer my services. I speak for those that aren't comfortable or feel their words aren't important. I stand up for what's right and what's wrong. If I see there is a problem in our community that needs changing, of course, I'll be an advocate and voice my concerns and opinions. By helping others, I've found that sense of belonging. I'm happy about what I do. I feel good and blessed. Giving back to the community is fulfillment. I get to meet new people, learn new skills, and be myself. I don't forget where I come from like most of us. Giving back is a great way to get to know your community and its citizens. Giving back has been a sense of purpose for me. Skills I didn't know I had, unlocked potential skills I have. Volunteering has helped me grow and built friendships. Working together widens your horizons and network. About twice a week, the community gets together to have meetings. Meetings that are based on resources, education, senior citizens, younger generations, and changes. I love to donate and provide support. Drugs are really big in our community and as a community, we got to stand together to keep them off the streets and away from our younger generation. I'm optimistic that I will see a change in the community. I'm optimistic that it will come sooner than later. It needs to happen. I've learned that by giving, you will be given and mighty blessed. I'm thankful I have the chance to help others and the community. It's a blessing everyone in the community works as a team. We support one another. We offer advice, support, and solutions. When a community works together, we build. When we work together as a team more is done. I see nothing but success coming shortly. I taught my children about the importance of giving and helping. Now, I'm teaching my older grandchildren about the importance of giving and helping. When I'm depressed, I get myself up and see where help is needed.
My happiness comes from my family and giving. I'd rather give than receive. Not everyone is the same. Most want something in return or expect something. No, that's not me. When I give, it is coming from the heart. When I help another, it's coming from the heart. I also share my blessings with others. When you share something of worth with a person, just know the person is worthy of your attention and has earned your trust. Others will follow your example and will be more discerning when it does come to sharing their blessings with others. I give what I decided in my heart to give. It's not by reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. I know God will bless me abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that I need, I will abound in every good work.
Students for Animal Advocacy Scholarship
I'm passionate about animal advocacy because animals are like family. They should be treated as want to be treated. Animals have feelings as humans. They get emotional as humans. That is why animals should be treated the same. Just because they're four-legged animals doesn't mean they have to be treated differently or poorly. I have a total of seven dogs and they make my day. My dogs love to cuddle. They help relieve my stress, anxiety, and depression. They keep me in good shape, health-wise. I have always had a love for pets. Growing up, I had pet rabbits, cats, dogs, hamsters, and goldfish. I could honestly say they were like my best friends. I talked to them every day when it was their feeding time. So, yes, I love handling animals, especially the ones that were treated unkindly and poorly. Working with animals means you need to bond and communicate with them. Developing a bond with them can be highly rewarding. They need comfort and love too. For me, this type of work can provide ample opportunities to spend time not just with animals but with other people too. I love meeting new people and getting to know everything about them. Sometimes you will come across someone that has some of the same similarities as you do. I believe in the right of animals to exist without fear of abuse, exploitation, or extermination. As an animal advocate, I work hard to uphold what needs to be done and changes that are needed. I fight for the rights of animals, making sure they get a fair chance of survival. I volunteer when I have spare time, and so does my daughter. She loves animals as much as I do. Pets are important. You have to make sure they eat healthy, exercise, and visit the vet for their check-ups.
We as advocates need to make sure owners help make their pets as comfortable as possible. Pets can enrich our lives and even improve our health through companionship, stress reduction, and increases physical activity. The human-animal bond can affect many aspects of life positively. Animals can also sometimes carry germs that can be passed to their owner. That is why making sure your animal is updated on their shots, well visit check-ups, etc. Being aware of animal cruelty is important. If you come across an animal that looks unfed, sickly, attacked, or beaten, don't hesitate to call the authority. Remember you are saving a life. Animals need to be supported, protected, and loved. I love educating pet owners. Donating and fostering is something I love to do, even finding a great place fit for them. Making sure your animal is sprayed/neutered is something to keep in mind, especially if you don't want babies running around. Fighting for animals is the right thing to do, making sure they are in no danger and out of harm's way. Watching animals fight or be attacked by one another is wrong and it should be penalized. It's animal violence and it's violent to have animals attack one another. Fights are usually to the death, many dogs do succumb to their injuries later.
Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
Giving back is important to me, especially when it comes to the community. Helping others is a passion for me. I love to volunteer in my spare time. I love meeting new people and bonding with them. Giving back comes from the heart, that's why I do what I do. Giving back and helping the community brings out the best in me. It makes me happy. I never look for anything in return, that's not in me. I'm the type of person that would give the shirt off my back if needed. I can honestly say that I got that from my parents and grandmother. I handed it down to my children and now they're handing it down to my grandchildren. It's important for me when it comes to giving back and helping. For one, you never know when you're in a situation and need help. I've had many obstacles thrown my way, but who hasn't. We just have to find ways to get through them. I think going through obstacles makes us stronger. It's a part of life. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. My health is going downhill. It's not what I expected. My health has severely drained my time, energy, and focus. It's taking a toll on me. I have so many medications that I'm on as well. It has got me to a point I'm just ready to give up. There have been days that I'm not looking forwards to getting out of bed. At times, I feel like I'm just holding on. I have a loving, caring, supportive family, which I know needs me as much as I need them. I remember one day, I just sat on the edge of the bed crying. My mind was racing. I heard this voice telling me I have so much to live for and that I still have a purpose. Everything changed for me that day. I picked myself up and pushed. I've been pushing through my pain, depression, anxiety, etc. I declared on that day, I'm not giving up, I have to fight for things to get better. I have to do what the doctors say and take my medication as prescribed. I have a family that needs me and I have a life. My world has revolved around my family. I'm not letting my health stand in the way of my happiness. I'm going to fight whatever comes my way. I'm going to fight for better health and well-being. I can't let what's going on with me get the best of me. I control my life and well-being. I can't let my health control who I am or my purpose. I'm strong, motivated, determined, and empowered.
No matter what is thrown my way now, I defeat it. I face my obstacles. I'm being a leader for not just myself but my family too. Instead of me not asking more about my health I asked less. Now, I ask as many questions as possible when it comes to my health. I don't leave the doctor's office without explanatory answers. Leadership is important to me. Leadership has shown me has helped me with myself and to do the right things. I make sure I eat right. I exercise and check my sugar. I stay away from foods that are not nutritious. Being a leader of my family has set direction, built a vision, and created something new. I guide my team(family) through motivation and direction. I encourage myself as much as possible. I know I'm worthy. Being a good leader takes the lead.
Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
My most influential, supported person who taught me about life was my grandmother. She raised me into the person I am today. She was the person who I looked up to. Unfortunately, she passed in 2019, and I was her caregiver. She was my mother/grandmother. When she left this world, it took a toll on my life. I grieved for so long and I still grieve. She was my biggest help when I got pregnant at an early age, while still in High School. My grandmother made sure I received my diploma and I did. She supported me through my pregnancy and I couldn't have been more blessed. She saw the disappointment I had on my face because I had to put continuing my education on hold. But I had to do what I had to because I was becoming a mother. I remember the words of advice she had given me. She always called me baby. She said baby don't be discouraged you will get your chance of achieving your goals. She said, just follow your heart and the rest will follow. No matter how old you are or where you are in life, you still can get an education, she stated. God won't let you down, so don't let yourself down. Having a child isn't bad, it's just making you grow up a little faster. You got this she said. Those words will stick with me forever. After all my children graduated, I knew this was my opportunity to follow my heart and that's what I did. My husband and children supported my dreams and they pushed me to go after what I wanted. So, I sure did. My grandmother's words inspired me too. I decided to apply online to the University of Phoenix. I was pursuing a degree in Health Administration with a Long-Term Certificate. I set time aside for my classes. My grades were good. Unfortunately, I had to drop my classes because of financial troubles. That is the reason I've been applying for scholarships. I want to be able to finish what I started. I want my grandmother to be proud of me. I want to be proud of myself.I know this degree will help my family and community. I can give back. I love helping others, especially those that are in need the most. I take time to volunteer. I love giving back to the community. I don't expect anything in return. This is my passion. My passion is making sure others are taken care of before myself.
Words of inspiration from my family and grandmother have helped me. Their words have helped me start what I didn't get to and that was continuing my education. Getting an education has always been important to me. I remember sitting down at the table and helping all my children with their homework. I remember helping them practice for quizzes and tests. I remember going over their assignments checking for errors and mistakes. I made sure they continued their education. My support team (my family/grandmother) pushed me. They made sure I never gave up on what I wanted. My family made sure I pursued my degree. Dropping my classes was the hardest thing I had to do. It made me feel like the first time I felt. I'm more motivated, determined, strong, and willing, to finish what I started. I had a GPA of 3.6 when I left. I want nothing more than to finish. I want to be able to say "I did this" to no one but me. I need this.
Green Mountain Memories Scholarship
To be honest, I never thought about pursuing work in the field of substance abuse. I have always wanted to be a part of the medical field since I was in Middle and High School. I just wanted to help people because it's a passion of mine. I love helping others and I'll give the shirt off of my back if someone was in need. Giving is good for you and it makes me feel good inside when I give. It makes me happy when I'm helping others. I volunteer my time, donation, and energy to help anyone that's in need. Helping others doesn't just make the world a better place, it also makes you better. Giving back to the community is just as important to me, so I give when I can. The best part about me, I don't expect anything in return. I just like seeing people happy and blessed. I watch the news just about every day. I see things that need to be changed, especially in Black communities. What hurts me most is seeing an increase in overdoses. Most are young and healthy. Most are elderly or mid. Most don't know who to go or where to get the help. Most are turned down. Drug dealers are taking our streets and little is being done. I know it takes an army to make our cities better, but taking just one drug dealer off the street is better than none. Drugs are affecting our young generation and older generation. Drugs are getting trafficked into our countries and that's the problem. We are losing more people to drugs than guns. I decided to apply to Capella University to get a degree in the field of substance abuse. It makes me sad to see so many people, especially children losing their lives to drugs.
As I stated, I love helping others it's my passion. I love being an advocate for someone who won't speak up for themselves. Addicts are human beings just as we are. So many are in need of help, want the help, but are too afraid to ask or get help. It could be for many reasons. For instance, they are embarrassed, ashamed, broken, scared, denied, etc. What really got me thinking about pursuing work in the field of substance abuse is that I almost lost a loved one. He almost overdosed if my uncle hadn't shown up as quickly as he had. He started using it in 2017 but little did I know. I was clueless. He was very good at hiding it. I got a call one day. I was visiting my uncle. I answered the phone and heard nothing but slurring. I didn't recognize this person. All I remember him saying is I'm an addict. I was in disbelief and shocked. I froze for a minute with tears coming down my eyes. I said I'm going get you help, I got you. He tried rehab but choose to walk out. He tried rehab again and checked himself out after spending two days there. I get the call saying I can do this myself and I trusted that and him. He stayed clean for about a week or two and all of a sudden, I noticed the signs again. The advice I did give him was you have to help yourself, it starts with you. I'm willing and ready to help you, but you have to make that possible. For a long while. He was in denial. I check on him daily. I feel like this is my calling and I know.
Supermom Scholarship
My children have motivated me in many ways. What can I say, they are my support team. My children push me to go after my dreams and goals and follow my heart. They have played a key factor in the person I am today. They've seen me at my worse and they didn't break. Instead, they gave me a reason to get back up and push. I deal with depression and anxiety. I have crying moments. There have been times I didn't want to get up out of bed. If it wasn't for my wonderful, loving children, I don't think I'll be where I am today if it wasn't for them. It's amazing how many children, whether they have a family of their own or not, find time to be there for their parents. I don't ask much from my children because I know they have their own life now, so I don't bother. But, I can say, I call them daily just to see how they are doing. My children are my world. I don't know what I'd do without them. Once they all flew the nest, I felt alone for a long time, but I knew it was going to happen one day. They come to me for advice and vice versa. They motivate me everyday. I feel loved, happy, strong, worthy, and caring. Getting pregnant at an early age, I had to put my dreams on hold. I was becoming a mother and my responsibilities were to my child. Being a single mother still in High School was hard. The father decided he didn't want children at the time so he left. Yes, it was disappointing, but I had to set my emotions aside for my child. I didn't want to fail him or myself as a mother. I did what I had to do as a mother and got plenty of help from family members. The experience of being a mother felt great. I graduated and received my diploma. Being pregnant didn't change too much about me. Walking across the aisle with a big belly didn't faze me as I thought it would. I held my head high and walked on that stage. Abortion or adoption wasn't a choice for me because I don't believe in either one. That's just me and my opinion. I felt empowered and blessed. For me, I saw it as a stretching and growing experience. Many parents may never get that feeling. I gave my son the best any mother would give their children. He never asked for much, but he was spoiled to the max. Being a single mother shaped me to do better, succeed, and follow my dreams. Being a single mother made me stronger and made me look at life differently. I led by example. I became his leader. I was mother and father to him. We had a bond that couldn't be replaced.
The support that has helped me the most is my family. They have supported me in so many ways. They make me stronger. My children have always known that I wanted to continue my education. They made sure I made it happen. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, my children made sure I didn't give up. They made sure I took care of myself no matter what. My stressors were lower because my children had my back. They knew my dreams and goals meant something to me. They made sure I never gave up on my dreams and they didn't give up on me. Here I am now, pursuing my degree and happiness.
Mary Schonfield PA School Scholarship
Still in High School, I got pregnant and I made a decision to put continuing my education on hold. At the time this was the decision I had to make. After all, I was becoming a mother and had responsibilities. My dreams and goals were diminished and that disappointed me. I had dreams while in High School going to college and pursuing a degree. I remember at super one night all my doctor talked about was becoming a part of the medical field. She wanted nothing more than to help others. I saw so much of myself in her. I love helping others it's my passion. After she graduated, she went to a community college and got became a CNA. I was nothing more than proud of her. It really took me back this could've been me, pursuing a degree and helping others. Here I am 47-years old pursuing my dreams and happiness. It's never to late to achieve your goals and succeed. No matter how old you are, you can still be successful. In 2016, my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzhemier's. Unfortunately, it was progressing. So, my daughter and I decided to keep her comfortable at home and become her caregiver. Dealing with someone who has Alzhemier's is overwhelming. Not only does it put stressors on the person but a caregiver as well. She struggled in remembering things, frustrated, difficult concentrating, etc. It took a toll on her mind and body. It took a toll on my daughter and myself too. But, we managed and took care of her up until the end. She passed away in 2019, May the first. It was hard letting her go because she raised me and helped raised my children. It was devastating for us all.
All my children had graduated, so I thought now it's my time to do what I've always wanted. That was going back to school and pursuing a degree. My family supported me and they knew this is what I wanted. Two months after my grandmother's passing, I decided to go for my PCA (Personal Care Assistant) certificate. I drove about 20 miles a day to and from training and class to obtain my certificate, but it was all worth it. I started working for Adult Healthcare and Praises taking care of disabled clients that was in need of care. Just being there and providing for their needs were remarkable. Not only was they a client of mine, we became friends. They put light and joy in my heart and vice versa. I didn't think of them as a patient. I thought of them as being a normal person. A normal person with disabilities. Just helping others made me get back in school too to become a medical profession. I want to be able to help save a life or bring a new one into the world. I want to be able to care for patients that is in recovery and assist families through some of the most difficult times in their lives. I'd even love to work behind the scenes to keep a medical facility running smoothly. As the world changes, the healthcare industry evolve to meet new needs and provide care. I see opportunities for growth for me. I love learning new skills and meeting new people. I love the chance to help people as much as I can. A career in medicine is one of the oldest and most respected professions. It will allow me the potential to impact human life in a way that's unique and the job satisfaction I get will be unparalleled.
Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
I'm 47-years old, African American that decided to pursue my dreams once after my children all graduated. Pursuing a degree has been a passion of mine for so long. I didn't get that opportunity once I graduated. The reason being, young and still in High School I had to set my priorities. I was becoming a mother and I had to take on responsibilities, so continuing my education was put on hold. I was somewhat disappointed because throughout Middle School it was a dream of going to college and earning a degree. So, here I am now, applying for scholarships and trying to succeed. I've waited so long for this opportunity. My career of choice is becoming a part of the medical appeal. I just want to help people and take care of their needs and put them a priority. I've always helped people, giving the shirt off of my back when someone is in need. I never expect anything in return that's not me. Helping others bring so much joy to me and makes me a happier person. I help out with my community and volunteer. Volunteering is what I do in my spare times. I like giving back and making a change in the community. Volunteering has always given me a sense of purpose. Just that fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. It's important to me. And I love meeting new people and getting to know them. It brings that feeling of goodness in me. Giving back inspires.
I plan on making a positive impact on the world through leadership. With good leadership, I can create a vision and to motivate people to make it reality. I want to be that leader that inspires everyone around me and in the organization making sure we achieve the very best. Being a leader through my career sets an example for co-workers. I'm a good listener and communicator. My communication skills have improved so much in the last years. I'm a shy type of person and I had fears. I was scared of standing up in in front of people giving a presentation. When it came time for me to speak in front of classmates, I got nervous, and words got scrambled up. I overcame these obstacles and got better. I have to be an inspiration to everyone around me. I want to have the ability to organize in an effective and efficient manner because it's important. Not just for me, but those around me too. I want to be able to fulfill the commitment I've set out to do and i have to work toward my fulfillment. For me, being a good leader will maintain and develop skills, knowledge and experience in myself and others. I have to be objective, fair and reasonable, A good leader takes responsibility for their own actions as well as the action of others and that's me. I act with conviction and provide clear direction to others. I was a caregiver to my grandmother up until her passing. That took a toll on me and family. I wasn't the same person when I lost her. After a couple months, I decided to get my PCA certificate to care for others that was in need. I loved my job and being there to help clients that needed the help brought life back into me. I fulfilled their every need. Not only did I make the client proud, myself as well. Being able to help someone that was in need felt great. My grandmother inspired me in doing so.
ProjectGiveBack Scholarship for Black Women
First of all, I never forgot where I came from or who I came from. That has always been important to me throughout my life. Like many, people forget where they come from for many reasons. For instance, higher-paid jobs, luxury, bigger and better lifestyles, etc. Things like that never faded or changed me. Money changes a lot of people also. Friendships, relationships, and family ties all can get destroyed. That has been one of my strengths. I don't let money define who I am as a person. I don't let it destroy me by buying things that I don't need. I love helping people and don't expect anything in return. I've always been the type of a person if you're in need, I don't mind helping. People struggle, even myself at times, especially once the pandemic hit. I give my time to volunteering and giving back to the Black community. As an African American myself, I know how hard it is for many, especially when you're living paycheck to paycheck. There are just not enough resources and change is needed. Community meetings I join because I need to listen to the struggles and give feedback. You have those that don't like to speak their mind. I let their voices be heard by speaking for them. Earning my degree is important to me because not only it will help the Back community, my family too. I'm on this journey of pursuing my degree because I want to help as much as I can and have some changes. Changes that are needed for the best. The pandemic made things more complicated for a lot of us. What I'm doing right now is making sure everyone has got their covid shots and updated with them. Virginia is on the rise again with Covid and people are dying. I educate people who are scared to get the vaccine and let them know why it's important. In my spare time, I help out with the community as often as I can. Making sure our children get an education is also important to me. I want our next generation to be able to afford the college of their choice without flaws and discrimination. I learn about the needs in the community and explore what needs to be fixed. Helping others make me happy. My family and I donate funds to organizations that directly support the African American community. I buy from companies that are giving back to support racial equality. I make sure I'm heard at meetings. I voice my opinions. For students that are having a hard time with grades, I make sure they get the help they need. I join support groups, blogs, and get the word out there, especially when events come up. Helping others will always be
Lee Avenatti Memorial Scholarship
I haven't lived in a group home or foster care but I have a friend who has. So, I'm here to tell her story. You see we have so many children that have been neglected or abused just to end up in foster care or group home. And, once they reach adulthood, I think it's something that they carry the rest of their lives unless they are willing to open up about the situation. My best friend and I have been friends forever. Unfortunately, she ran away from home at an early age and dropped out of school. She ran away because of the abuse and neglect that occurred in her home by someone she loved and adored. We lost contact from then on. We were like sisters. We had one another's back at all times and we were there for one another through the good and bad. Never did she once open up about the problems she had surfing at home. I do remember one day she come to school with a black eye but I didn't question her, now I wished I had. Only if I knew, I probably could've kept her out of the system. Long story short, she contacted me when she was 22-years old. I had no idea what had happened. She opened up to me about what she was experiencing at home. She did end up in foster care with a good family. She went back to school and got her GED, and after several tries she said. Because she had dropped out of school, she had a hard time reading, writing, and being normal. She had the lowest academic achievement she said, but that didn't stop her. She went on to apply for college with the help of her foster parents. It was tough she said but she worked hard.
She ended up getting a scholarship and a Master's and Bachelor's degree. Now, she is an advocate for children that are lost and abandoned. She gives back to the community she ran from. I thought that was such a blessing. She voices for the unheard, which makes them feel safe and protected. She also works in the medical field. She volunteers for the Fire Department and is an assistant teacher when needed. Being in the foster care, she said was the best thing that happened to her because if she would've stayed at home she told me she'd either be on drugs, in the streets or died.
Not everyone that ends up in foster care or a group home makes it out. Meaning their dreams and goals are no longer their options. I thank God daily that my friend was able to get from the abuse and neglect she experienced. Now, look at her she is doing so well. She has two beautiful children and a wonderful husband. Every Sunday, they faithfully go to church. Her goals and dreams were met in my eyes. So many students get left behind because they grew up in foster care or group home and some don't come back from that. The majority of students that comes back have a difficult time learning and their grades are worthless. I would like to receive this scholarship for the friend that thought I'd lost. Just sitting there listening to her story, I was in disbelief. I'm ambitious, motivated, and determined to achieve what I set out to do. In the honor of my friend, I would like to help more children that do end up in foster care or group home. That would be my mission.
"Forbidden Foods" Scholarship
Since I remember, I've always had problems with my stomach. I dealt with excruciating pain that would wake me up in the night and sometimes during the day. About, two years ago, I started having the same problems again. An endoscopy and colonoscopy were done. I'm also suffering from acid reflux. The bottom line is I can't tolerate spicy and hot foods because of the stomach lining. When eating spicy and hot foods, I'm in the bathroom within a few minutes. I start feeling the pain in my stomach and it's excruciating. At this time, I'm in Stage 1 (inflammation) with my liver. I have swelling of my stomach like I'm 9 months pregnant, where I can't bend or bend to tie my shoe. It's been a struggle. Certain foods I can't tolerate and it's painful. When going out to eat at a restaurant with family, I can't have what I want because I know I'll be in the bathroom within minutes, or I'll have excruciating pain. It is hard to get the career that I want because of the problem I have regarding my stomach with other health issues on top of that. So, this diagnosis has impacted me tremendously. I just want to be able to get into a career where health issues don't consume myself. Currently, I am seeing a gastroenterologist. More tests and tests are being done and bloodwork. I don't want this to have an impact on my life or career. I am seeing a better and brighter future without my health issues. I'm the type of person that stays positive and motivated. I try not to let anything, or anyone get me down or let me down. I do see a future of achieving, succeeding, and earning my degree.
This scholarship would assist me in reaching my goals by allowing me the opportunity to do so. This scholarship would allow me to put focus on my academics, increase the chance of staying in school, and graduating on time. Also, receiving this scholarship would give me fewer financial concerns, more time to study, and a greater chance of access. It would also keep my anxiety and stress levels down because I do worry a lot about being financially stable. I know this scholarship, or any scholarship will make a big difference in my education. The money will truly allow me to be more selective in how I spend free time. This scholarship would definitely help me financially, professionally, and academically. I know the scholarship will benefit me in many ways. I need this because I want to be able to achieve and succeed. I love the field that I' m in. I love the work I do. I'm motivated, determined, and motivated. I put effort and pride in the work I do. I give it my all. I love learning new skills. I love the challenge. For me, it's about beating your obstacles. I have fun when I'm doing my work. I love helping others and I'm passionate about the work I do. I've always wanted to work in the medical field. I want to have the opportunity to experience, learn, and train. Being in the healthcare field, each day isn't the same and that's something I can easily get used to. My passion is to make patients happy, secure, and safe. You are faced with a different task every day. On top of that, you get to resolve problems and give solutions.
Show your Mettle - Women in STEM Scholarship
Today's STEM employers need trained and qualified professionals. By pursuing a degree in IT or STEM, I have a better chance of getting provided with job security and being that strong integral force in the marketplace. I want to be a part of the medical field, that's my dream. I'm confident, motivated, determined, and ambitious about any career I chose at this point. I love helping others and their families if needed. I want to be able to make an impact on my community and give back. That's another thing about me, I love giving back, and I don't look for anything in return. What I do comes from the heart and that makes me happy. As long as I help one person, I'm good. For so long women don't qualify up to a man's standard and that is wrong. Women can do as much as a man if not more. I feel like this would be a great opportunity for me because I'll be helping a lot of women who got turned down. It's not fair. Giving women equal opportunity to pursue and thrive in STEM or IT narrows the gender pay gap. It enhances women's economic security, ensures a diverse and talented STEM workforce, and prevents bias in these fields and the products and services they produce. Think about it, without the presence of women in the STEM field, innovation would be limited and exclude half of the population. I would like to get the chance to show that women are just as capable as men when it comes to this field. I don't mind working with all men because it shows me that has the power to do as they do and work even harder at my job. Men do sometimes get intimidated when working with a female, it's common. But, what men don't know is women have the power to become successful and succeed as men do. We are not just stay-at-home mothers and that is what we are portrayed to do. That's not the case. Women can do as much as a man can if given that chance. I think most of the problem may be men are afraid of women bringing home a bigger paycheck.
We all face obstacles in life, whether it's at the workplace or home. The biggest fear I have had as a woman and African American woman is being treated unfairly and poorly. These are just some of the obstacles I have encountered over the past years. Women experience discrimination in the hiring process or recruitment. Tech has an issue with gender diversity, let's face it. It's sad but true. Women who major in science or engineering are less likely to be hired in the tech industry because of their color. When I got my PCA certificate, I was eager to work because I love helping those that are in need and need the help. I remember one of the clients I had. He was always happy to see me. I took care of his personal needs, such as bathing, shaving, medicines, etc. As the weeks passed, h started making these little discriminating remarks, which I didn't seem to care about because I was just there to do my job. One day, as I was leaving, he said something mean and nasty to me. I was in awe, shock, and disappointed. I turned around and asked him, "Was there a problem that I was unaware of?" Sadly, he said to me, you are of color and I don't need your services anymore. Man, did my face drop.
Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
I embody selflessness by thinking of other people before myself. I love helping others, especially those that are in need. I'm not a selfish person and I never put myself before others or thought it was all about me. I wasn't bought up like that. I was taught to respect, honor, cherish, help, love, care, and believe. I'm a generous person and I'm kind. I think less about myself and more about what's important. There are people out there who struggle daily, and I've been there so I know what it's like. There are people living paycheck to paycheck and it's hard. That is why I offer my service by helping and seeing what I can do to make their life simpler and more accessible. With the free time I have on my hand I lend a hand by helping my community. I like to give back to my community. I will never forget where I come from. I volunteer more often than I usually do and I give my time. I am an embodiment of goodness in me. I couldn't live in a world where people were selfish because everyone would be fighting for their interests without regard for what happens to anyone else. I couldn't live like that or do I want my grandchildren to live like that. I have taught them to put aside their selfishness and think of others. I care about others and I have the desire to help others. It's in my blood and it's a blessing for me. I'm the type of person that will give the shirt off of my back to anyone that's in need. I help others because it makes me happy and it has been my calling. It makes me feel good about myself. I don't expect anything in return that's not me. I go beyond my concerns and emphasize with others. I'm humble and see broader views and truly listen to what others have to say. I've put myself in other's positions plenty of times. Instead of saying "I" it's "we". And, once I get to know someone truly know someone, I don't let them face their struggles alone.
I have helped plenty of people that were in need. It's something I love to do. I've had a close relative who lost loss his life to drugs and it was devastating for me. Believe it or not, there were plenty of sleepless nights, barely eating, worrying, and continuous crying. And, I still have a lot of fear and sleepless nights. I stood by him through his withdrawals. I cried with him through his withdrawals. I sit up late at night and gave him my shoulder to cry on. I listened without judging. I completely helped him get clean. I'm still on his back every day and I will continue to help him through this journey. I talked to him twice a day and twice a week we go out to eat. I make sure he is continuing with his program. When he is in need of a ride, I'm there. Most importantly, I made sure I stayed healthy and got through this. Without the help of my family, I don't think I would've done this alone. They stood by me through it all just making I was okay and doing what I was doing to keep myself healthy. I've been told by many I have a big heart and I put others before myself. I'm comfortable knowing that I was able to help those that needed the help.
Loretta Webb Green Scholarship
I plan on accomplishing my continued education by developing new skills and remaining relevant in my field, earning more money, and realizing big dreams. Life is an ongoing learning process and the more we learn the better off we are. In my opinion, no one should ever stop learning. Follow your passions, heart, and dreams. That is exactly what I'm doing at this point. I thought continuing my education was over. I'm 47-years-old and I thought it was too late for me. But it's never too late. I didn't get the chance to continue my education after I graduated because I got pregnant at an early age still in High School, so I had to put my education on hold. It was a disappointment, but I had to do what I had to do. Going to college has always been a goal for me. Achieving and succeeding and earning the degree of the choice I want. Gaining additional skills in communication is important to me. Through my years in school, I didn't like to stand in front of the classroom and speak. I would consider myself as a shy person back then. My communication skills were horrible. As the years went by, they did get better. Being able to continue my education has increased the confidence in me. I've kept my focus on school and I've became better at regular tasks that's been time-consuming. I've allowed myself to take on new responsibilities that I thought I weren't ready for. I love learning new skills and accepting new challenges. Continuing with my education can help improve job performance. When I choose to go ahead and grab the chance of furthering my education, I knew it would benefit me. It has created new opportunities, gave me a sense of purpose, decreased my stress level, and boosted engagement.
I've never been a foster child, but I have a relative that has. It shaped her into the person she is today. She went to college, pursued two degrees, and received them. Being a foster kid, I know is hard, even though I haven't experienced it. So, I really can't give you any details on this. But truthfully, I've seen many foster children who have gone far. They followed their hearts and succeeded. If I was ever in that position, I would definitely follow the dreams and goals I've set for me. I'm ambitious, motivated, determined, and go after what I want. I have high expectations when it comes to my goals. I work harder and put in effort in what I do. I handle do what I'm supposed to do at all times. The responsibilities that I take on I'm a responsible enough person to be responsible. I make good choices, understand and use resources, set SMART goals, and earn good grades. I study hard. Setting goals has shaped the person I am today. Setting goals has obligated me as an individual to take action, regardless of the obstacles that may be put into place. My goals as a student have given me the courage to develop strong critical thinking skills.
Olympians Academy Leadership Wings Scholarship
I'm 47-years-old and decided to continue my education. It's something I've always wanted to do. I'm studying for my Bachelor's degree in Health Administrations Long-Term Certification. I chose this degree because I want to be a part of the medical field. That's something I've wanted since High School. I got pregnant at an early age, still in school, becoming a first-time mother so I wasn't able to further my education. I was becoming a mother and my child was my priority. I had to put my college dreams on hold, which was a disappointment to me, but I had no choice at the time. Being a single mother was hard but I gave my son the best I could and it all turned out to be the best. I have no regrets because I gave my child the life he needed. He graduated, got a football scholarship, and finished college. It made me proud knowing I did something right, even though I was a single mother and his father was nowhere in the picture. I made a positive impact being in my son's life. After all my children graduated, I decided to fulfill my goals and dreams. I just want to make my family proud, most importantly myself. I want to be able to say, "I did this and achieved what I wanted." Leadership has been important to me throughout my school years. I've never been big on being a follower. I plan on making a positive impact on the world through leadership by using emotional intelligence through empathy and listening. I love helping others and I love getting involved with my community. I use to be a shy kind of person, someone who never like to put their input on situations or voice my opinions. Now, I like to give advice and share my knowledge and skills with others, which is so important to me. My biggest impact would be acknowledging and inspiring others into action. I like to volunteer when I have spare time. I like to open up to others and listen to what others say and open up about myself. I'm ambitious, driven, and personify a growth mindset. I'm also committed to higher purposes and driven by my strengths and values.
I'm passionate about leadership because I believe in the work I do and I value the work I do. Passionate leadership motivates and inspires their people to be the best and that's what I like to do. I like to inspire, motivate, determine, and value what I do as a leader. I like to make things happen. I'm passionate about learning new skills and accepting challenges, small or big. I finish what I start. Quitting is something I resent because I know I'm not a quitter. When I put the effort into something I do I work hard at it. My passion as a leader gives me strength and I can use my strength in helping others become great leaders. Leadership gives you power, the power you thought was never there. Curiosity and interest are both successes in my leadership. As a passionate leader, I'm immersed in my work. I will do anything plausible to make things happen. I put the time, energy, and effort into being a leader. Yes, sometimes, leadership is overwhelming and we lose interest and passion. Passion is about ambition and that is materialized into action when we put our mind, body, heart, and soul into something impossible to make possible. Leadership has taught me about strength, courage, and passion. I love sharing my ambitions and inspiring others. Lead by leading.
North Carolina Youth Equine Service Scholarship
My volunteer services have taught me about leadership and communication skills. As a volunteer, you never stop learning. I developed new skills, and passions, gaining new insights about myself and others around me. Also, it gave me new insights into the world. Volunteering enabled me as an individual to help others selflessly. When you volunteer your time it makes people happy and volunteering makes me happy. Providing support and assistance to the community has always been important to me. It has taught me what I didn't see in myself before. Helping others and staying regularly in contact with one another helps you develop a solid support team and I have. Volunteering has kept my depression and anxiety under control in so many ways. My stress level is down when I'm staying busy. I've gained so much confidence because volunteering gave me the chance to try something new and build a real sense of achievement. I love to take on challenges and volunteering has made me tackle some challenges head-on. Volunteering has its benefits and volunteering has benefited me. I get to stay in contact with the community regularly. We support one another. Volunteering has bought fun into my life and taught me valuable skills. Most importantly, volunteering has improved my self-esteem and increased my social skills, and I met new friends. It also helps you to gain relevant work experience. Specific skills that you learn from volunteering are wide and varied. Volunteering builds relationships because I have built many and we still stay in touch with one another. Volunteering is a way of helping others. It is giving a person's time and ability to help someone who may be in the help of need.
Volunteering is an important passion for me. I love helping others, especially those that are in need. I love reaching out and checking on people who are in need. Volunteering is awesome. When volunteering makes you feel good inside because you are helping and changing people's lives. Volunteering just doesn't benefit the people you are helping, but you as well. You learn so many skills when you volunteer. For example, communication skills, leadership, professionalism, self-esteem, etc. When I volunteer I always challenge myself to try something different and I love challenges and new skills. Volunteering has also made me discover some hidden talents. It gave me a healthy boost. I know my role as a volunteer has given me a sense of pride and identity. I have encouraged my children to volunteer when they aren't working. It's something they can do in their spare time. Now, I'm teaching my older grandchildren about volunteering and why it's important. Not only can volunteering help put some things in perspective for them.
Taking the time to help those in need is so important. When you take the time out of your day to volunteer you'll see the change within yourself. You get the chance to meet new people, experience new skills, and learn. Volunteering will help with job opportunities. For people who experience depression, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc. Volunteering can help release the pressure. As someone who is living with depression and anxiety volunteering has helped me, even when some days are worse than others. Not only does volunteering help, but seeing people that's around me brings out the best in me. I'd encourage anybody to volunteer, especially if you're not doing anything or have nothing to do. You get the chance to improve lives and the community. Most importantly, you're helping and changing lives. Volunteering is also the perfect way to discover something you may be good at.
Dynamic Edge Women in STEM Scholarship
My favorite tech invention would be the touchscreen and infinity display. Compared to standard laptops, touchscreen laptops comes with excellent brightness and better color accuracy, vibrancy, and reproduction. I find that touchscreen displays are more glossy so they can respond to touch more. I also like the touchscreen because all it takes is your hands moving in the direction you want to go. Standard computers were complicated for me at first. I had to get my children to show me how to use them. With the touchscreen, it's more easily done and less complicated. Touchscreens provide perfect navigation and accessibility through just physical touching that eliminates the need for a traditional computer. Touchscreens are used more than traditional computers. Schools, offices, libraries, doctor offices, workplaces, you name it, all are using touchscreen devices. They are more popular than traditional computers. For me, it's faster to use touchscreen devices too. Touchscreen laptops are also good because have the advantage of typically being more lightweight, especially if you choose a model that doesn't have a keyboard and extra features attached. Today, touchscreens are a crucial feature of all the devices in the market. Touchscreen technologies were first patented in the 1970s, but it wasn't until recent years that the touchscreen gained commercial importance. I like to play the PS5 now and then with my boys, so I've found that infinity displays allow users to see and do more from the screen. The effects of infinity displays are unique.
I would hope to contribute to the world changes that are effective and needed. When you earn a degree that is the happiest day of your life. The reason being is because it's something you have always desired and wanted. It's a big step when earning a degree. You gain knowledge, skills, and experience to help in your career and personal life. On top of that, you would have gained communication skills and problem-solving and achieve your goals and that can increase your confidence. When I started my online classes, I was so excited and ready, and nervous at the same time. But, this was something I've been waiting to do and that is to continue my education. With so much going on in the world today, degrees are needed, especially for high-paying jobs. I know when and if I earn my degree it would help not only myself but my family too. I wouldn't forget about my community. With the lack of resources, people are in need and it's been challenging. I know with the degree that I'd earn, I would be able to do a lot within my community especially help the senior citizens. As for my community goes, my degree would give me a lot to talk about to others who are trying to pursue their degree. Not only would my degree help to find better resources and make sure everyone has the advantage of the resources, but I'd also like to speak on and help low-income families, especially those that are trying to get their children to further their education.
No one knows what the future may or may not hold at this point. But, what I do know, is I'd like to see many changes made, especially when it comes to the low-income community and racism. 'm just hoping for a brighter and better future. A future that our younger generation will look forwards to.
Future Leaders in Technology Scholarship - College Award
The area of tech that I'm interested in is Health Administration, and that is what I'm studying. I chose this area because it possesses a variety of technical skills in healthcare management, including software and typing. Their daily work operations may need to know about electronic records systems and general desktop software. The key hard skills in healthcare that are important would be knowledge of regulatory practices, chart requirements, state survey readiness, knowledge of healthcare computer systems and databases, how to analyze patient data, and monitoring vital signs and behaviors. The top qualities and skills that I have that would make me a great candidate for me or anyone that is pursuing the medical field is good leadership, critical thinking skills, relationship building, ethical judgment, adaptability, and quick thinking. These skills are essential to any career that you pursue. I've been interested in the medical field since I graduated from High School. The medical field is going to be always open and available for jobs. I love helping others and I want nothing more than to do that. Administrators oversee the day-to-day administrative operations of hospitals and other healthcare facilities. They have many roles to carry out and they need to do so. For example, planning, supervising all medical services that include, monitoring budgets and updating health records. Technology has improved healthcare in many ways.
A problem that I hope to solve by way of my future education and career in tech by addressing the rising cost of healthcare, recruiting high top nurse talents, managing medicare, and medicare, expanding the use of telehealth and virtual healthcare, and protecting against cyber attacks. At this time, everything is rising in cost and it's a struggle for many. Healthcare costs are on the rise and it's challenging, especially for senior citizens. The pandemic hit us hard and we're and many are still recovering. With my education, I hope to help the community because that is important to me. I address the community on what I've learned and give some insight. The best tech jobs pay higher than the average median wage and have projected growth rates that are 11% faster than the average job in the U.S. With this money, I can truly help my family and my community. I love giving and don't expect anything in return. It's a higher demand in the tech field and the potential of earning is well benefited. As long as you have the education and training that's needed, it's a choice of study for anyone that's interested in pursuing a degree in the tech field.
Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
I came from a low-income family. Growing up, my brother and I didn't have much, but our needs were met. I was taught not to judge or discriminate. Back then, students were so hateful and mean. I got teased regularly because I was me. For example, skin color, hair type, clothing I wore, etc. It hurt and nothing has changed as of today. Children of low-income families are less likely to get into a University. Sometimes it's not just because of their financial situations, discrimination can play a role too. More scholarships like this one are needed. Coming from a low-income family myself and others like me, there were times we had to face hardships. Not everyone gets advantages as middle or upper-class does. And, that is why low-income families need to have advantages like others. I'm 47-years-old, an African American, with five children, and seven grandchildren, and I still face hardships. I don't have the luxury as middle and upper-class families do, but I get by and my husband and I make sure our needs are met first and what's left, we have family time. I have come a long way from when I was growing up. But, again, I make sure I have my priorities straight.
Still, in High School, I got pregnant. I didn't have the chance to continue my education because I was becoming a mother and had to be responsible. Yes, I was disappointed in myself because I decided to become a mother at an early age, but, no regrets. I had no regrets because having a child changed me and made me a better person. Yes, I didn't get to hang out with friends or have fun, but I didn't mind. I gave my son the best life I could give him without his father being in his life. I was a single mother, but I had help from my family, which meant a lot. I'm not going to lie, I was on TANF and received food stamps. Being on TANF or food stamps wasn't a big deal for me because we had to live. I'm proud to say my son graduated, attended college, and played football and basketball. Low-income or not, I made it, we made it.
I didn't get the chance to continue my education as I stated. I promised myself after all my children graduated from High School, it was my time to achieve my dream and goals. I decided to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Health Admimination at the University of Phoenix. I was proud of myself for accomplishing my goals and dreams. My GPA was 3.6. Unfortunately, I could no longer attend because I couldn't afford to pay out-of-pocket. I miss being in school so much. I didn't get to accomplish My family has had my back all this time and they have been my support team. I know they have seen the disappointment in my eyes. Getting this degree would help my family and community. Where I live there are a lot of low-income families not being able to afford college for their children. Resources are there, but choose to go to the families who don't need them or can afford to send their children to college. Low-income families are being turned down on many occasions. I have seen and witnessed the disappointment in some of the children's eyes. Most low-income students have dropped out and never look back. I see that as a problem in many ways. I chose Health Administration because I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. I love helping people and making sure they are well taken care of. I received my PCA (Personal Care Assistant) in 2019. Being able to take care of the elderly has a big impact on me. Working with those that are in need made me stronger and I have seen personal growth in me. I have great communication, critical thinking, and effective skills. Skills that would be essential to my career.
Education is the key to success. The education I've received would help the world tremendously. Education illuminates gender inequality, to reducing poverty, to creating a sustainable planet, prevents needless deaths and illnesses, and to fostering peace. Education help turns weakness into strength. Education has given me confidence and helped with my decision-making. Receiving my degree will help my community. I can bring more resources to the community and see that low-income families get the benefits and resources they need to send their children to college. My education could transform our society. Low-income families have a direct impact on a child's academic outcome. Community support builds strong schools, and strong schools build a strong community. That is why it's so important for communities to get together and make a change. Supplemental programming, donations, and volunteering can provide opportunities that can help to close the education gap, especially when it comes to low-income families. When we take the time to donate our time, efforts, and resources, we can help our students succeed and be successful.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
One technology that has inspired me is our communication. Before smartphones or telephones, telegraphs were the immediate predecessor to the telephone. Many people thought that the telephone was unnecessary. The telegraph has already performed the function of instantly sending messages down a wire to an anxious party to the other end. Smartphones have changed lives because it has given people the ability to communicate with others in many ways. Smartphones are powerful, convenient and can be addictive. There are many benefits to smartphones. For example, internet surfing, twitter, Facebook, snapchat, camera, entertainment and games and GPS and maps. That is how most of us communicate nowadays. They are more useful and helpful. Most have given up on landline phones because of smartphones. Mobile phones provide the means to communicate with friends, family, and co-workers. Unlike previous communication devices, smartphones are on hand to use for callers at all times and used at any place where there is a signal.
Everywhere you look all you see is smartphones being used on a daily basis. They are easier to access. But they can also be a distraction and addictive, especially for the younger generation. You have many adults that get distracted as well and that are addictive. In the event of an emergency, having a cell phone can allow help to reach you quickly and could possibly save lives. The importance, however, goes way beyond personal safety. We use our cell phones for our alarm for work or school to communicate with friends and family anywhere in the world. Cell phones improve communication and connection. Many ways they are important to us and for us. They help with organization, in emergencies, provides a wealth of access to information, and resource for health and well-being. Not only are they useful for recreational use but for businesses too. Cell phones give students access to tools and apps that can help them complete and stay on top of their class work. These tools can also teach students to develop better study habits, like time management and organization skills.
Precious K. Hollins Dental School Scholarship
What does Dentistry mean to you?
Dentistry allows me to be my boss. Dentistry balances their personal and professional lives to meet their individual needs and desires. For me, it's important to maintain the health of your smile as well as your overall health which is so important. We must take care of our teeth because unaddressed tooth decay or gum disease can lead to infections and other conditions that can put your entire body at risk for health issues. Dentists are essential members of the medical community and are one of the most important members of our society. As a dentist, I need to make sure I work to keep people healthy so that nobody has to suffer from cavities or tooth decay. The work that is done is to improve the patient's oral health and to educate people on how to maintain healthy teeth. In healthcare, dentistry is a healthcare service because of its role in evaluating, diagnosing, preventing, or treating oral diseases, which can affect systemic health. Our job as dentists, we make sure that our patients get the best care they need when it comes to their teeth.
Why did you choose the profession of Dentistry?
I chose this profession of Dentistry because dentists are highly regarded by the communities they serve for their contributions to the general health of the public as well as their drive to improve the lives of those around them. This would be a great profession for anyone who cares a lot about the importance of teeth this is exactly the field for you. Unfortunately, the field I chose was the field of medicine. I've always wanted to be a nurse so that is why I chose Healthcare Administration. But dentistry is something for me to think about at this time. Dentistry is referred to as being as an art because it requires manual dexterity and is a field that naturally attracts those with the inclination to work with their hands. I think I can have an appeal to dentistry because I would be able to use this for medical science to help others. Just think about it, creativity is required in the field of dentistry. It's not just for the dental clinic to grow, also, it help dentists to grow as individuals. The profession of dentistry can improve the quality of life and that is important to me. I may not be able to improve every patient's life but improving just one or two is just as satisfying to me because I know I've done a well job with the work I've done. Like any other job, stress is a factor and dentistry has been recognized as having a stressful profession. But, the majority of dentists have had a happy outcome.
What would you bring to the field?
I love helping others and making sure their needs are met at all times. I'd bring to the dentistry field strong interpersonal skills because that makes all the difference. Bringing manual dexterity is the field is important and should be first. I love learning and having that desire to learn would make a difference to me and from the rest. I am very passion about my work, so I'd make sure my passion is for providing care for those in need and that will help me stand out. I'm there for one reason and that reason is for my patients needs and care. Making sure your patient is satisfied is important as well as the quality of their health. Going into dentistry you must have good judgement, professionalism, critical thinking, organization and negotiation skills and is just some of what dentistry requires. You must have great skills when going into this field. You have to ask yourself, "Are you a leader?" "Will you bring responsibility, accountability, and skills?" I think of myself as being a leader and not a follower. I will bring responsibility, accountability, and skills to my profession. Another question to ask yourself. Can you cope with the workload in dental school? To answer that question you must make sure of this and what dentistry demand. For me, this would be a yes and no because I have to consider time, availability, stressors, etc. As a 47-year-old, I could handle the workload, but I have to also consider whether it will interfere with my appointments, health issues, and family. So, if it's definitely not going to interfere with other things I have going on, yes I can handle the workload, especially if I have a plan set for school and a set mindframe.
What are your strengths and weaknesses and how are you planning on using them to matriculate the rigors of dental school?
My strengths are bravery, confident, idealistic, determined, motivated, hardworker, passionate, achievable, humble, kind, high-spirited, patient, respectful, trustworthy, creative, and dedicated. I also lead and not follow. These strengths I know I have to make it in the dentistry field. Some of my strengths, Ive made some adjustments over the years. If it wasn't for my strengths, I wouldn't be the person who I am today. My weaknesses are failing, being to honest, hard time letting go of tasks until I finish, not believing in myself as I should, not being able to accept proudness, lack of organization, fear of public speaking, not speaking my mind enough, stressing way to much, and not giving myself the credit I deserve. First of all, I have to remember that my GPA is used to make a judgement call on whether or not I can handle the rigors of dental school. This is understandable. I have to make sure my strengths outweigh my weaknesses at this point, if I want to master and succeed in dental school. Patience is the key. I must be confident that I can do this because if not, there is no way I'll be able to cope with the workload. Any college you choose, you have to be willing, ready, determined, motivated, and passionate about your field. Going into dental school would be a passion of mine because i never considered this before. I've always been stuck on one thing, not giving myself the opportunity to explore other options. I never realized that. I have to get past my weaknesses and make sure I can get a hold of them. I have to work harder on turning my weaknesses into strengths. Because, if I let my weaknesses get the best of me, I have no room for my strengths and my strengths are needed in dental school. I personally think if I go in there showing weakness, I'm not going to make it. In order for me to succeed, I have to balance work and personal time. Throughout my time in dental school, especially my first year, my time management and strategies will be put to the test. I have to be open-minded and get involved much more.
How would this scholarship reach help you reach your goal of becoming a Dentist?
I believe it's very important for me to help others throughout my journey, and even more so when I've reached my goal. Money should be my last factor. This scholarship would allow me to focus on my academics, which would increase my chances of staying in school and graduating on time. As a student, if I did receive this scholarship, I would have less financial worries, more time to study, and a greater chance of success. I know this would help to empower my academic and career goal by removing the financial barrier. It will give me more time to study and secure better grades. Most importantly, it will help me gain more knowledge.
How does your personal code of ethics align with those of Dentistry?
An ethical dentist strive to do what's right and good and that's exactly what I'd do. Ethics affect virtually every decision made in a dental office, encompassing activities of both judging and choosing. Ethics affect relationships with patients, the public, office staff, and other professionals. As a dentist, you have to make numerous decisions. My personal code of ethics would outline the principles that governs the decisions and behaviors at any job because that is the rules and obligation we are suppose to take. Acting as a ethical leader is just as important. Maintaining a mindset is ethical for anyone that pursuers a career and we all have to have that mindset before going into the workplace.
What does leadership mean to you?
Leadership is important to me. I like bringing people around me up because I love helping others. I like to guide and achieve certain goals through direction and motivation. I like to encourage others to take actions that they need to succeed and to be successful. I don't like to see anyone fail. As a leader, I make sure I have the skills that I need to learn and cultivate to make sure my leadership is effective. I have the ability to lead.
Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
I'm a 47-year-old African-American woman who's been in unfair situations, especially when it came to my job. As a woman, I have ambition and drive, but many don't see that. My purpose in life has been about changing the ways women are treated and disrespected in any field they are pursuing. I'm a hard-working woman that's driven for success. I try not to let anything or anyone stand in the way of what I want because I know what God has for me and only for me. No one can take what's for me. When I go after something I go for it. I love new challenges and skills. I'm open to just about anything especially when it benefits education or the community. One reason why women are underrepresented in the STEM field is that women in science are paid less, promoted less, and win fewer grants. This is mainly because they look at women as not being qualified enough or experienced. They see women as stay-at-home moms, which isn't the case at all. Women are twice a hard workers as men, maybe more. Men doesn't see it that way and it's been like that for decades. As of today, women are still underrepresented in the so-called hard fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
My family is my biggest influence in my life. As a family, we operate together and relate to one another. My family has made me a better person and made me realize what's important and what's not. Most importantly, they shaped me into who I am as a person today. As a parent, it was my job to influence my children's basic values. For instance, like religious values, how to see the world, issues related to their future, and educational choices. I realized that the stronger my relationship is with my children the better their relationship will be with there children. The stronger relationship I had with my children, the more influences I had. This is because I knew my children would be more likely to seek mu guidance and value my opinion and support. And now, this is what my children teaching their children, my grandchildren. My family and I have built that bond that no one can take from us. They love me unconditionally as I love them. My family has been my support team and always will be. Without there support, I really don't know if I'd be able to succeed, achieve, or reach my goals.
My family shaped my career aspirations by letting me know it's never to late to go for what I wanted. I got pregnant at an early age, still in High School. I had no idea about being a mother or the responsibilities that came along with them. I had to grow up faster than I should have. I had to put my college dreams on hold because I was having a child. But, having my son shaped me into how to be a mother. I bonded with him the very first time I saw his little face. I always said after all my children had graduated, I was going back to further my education and so I did. My family were so proud of me and they knew this is what I wanted. I was ready to achieve and succeed and be successful. I love helping others and my community. As a community, we have stuck together. I got the chance to work in the healthcare field and I had nothing but support. I received my PCA certificate because of the inspiration I had, my family.
Software Engineers Scholarship
Wearable devices that are available today can monitor our sleep habits, track our heart rates and blood sugar levels, record our physical activity, and help our doctors better understand our health. Wearable devices that we have today are worn comfortably on our bodies. Motion sensors take snapshots of our daily activities which are then synced to our laptop computers or mobile devices. I think wearable devices make it easier for our lifestyles daily. They make users healthier, which is so true. Wearable devices have helped me in many ways. From tracking my distance, walking, jogging, running, etc. I see wearable devices helping in providing self-management for chronic conditions. In the workplace, wearable devices will be beneficial to employers and employees. They will provide employees with useful and actionable information regarding the environment they find themselves in, such as noise levels, temperature, and blind spots. Wearable devices also assist employees in their daily tasks just by monitoring their actual work performance.
With all of this that I've said so far about wearable devices, we see the useful side of them. I think wearable devices will change human beings and their lifestyles by changing how we see them now. What if in a few years wearable devices for human beings aren't valued as they were when they first hit the market. How do we not know if most of these devices fail to drive long-term engagement for a majority of users? The lack of long-term utilization raises the stakes for any company that incorporates these wearable devices that relate data into their products or services. Habit formation is a complex process that occurs over time.
Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
On my bad days, I'm ready for a good old laugh or joke. We all need that every once in a while, even though for most, laughter and jokes, can't help what a person goes through. For someone who deals with depression and anxiety, I try to keep a smile on my face every day, even when I'm a wreck. You see, I was taught to smile through the negativity, drama, etc. And, unfortunately, that's what I've been doing because I was under the impression "smiles" help with the pain. That's not always true. See, I hide my pain so no one can know what I'm dealing with and I don't want to be a burden and I don't want to put a burden on them, even though they are my support team. I remember back, High School, 2nd period, my friends and I always joked, but sometimes they'd say some joking words and it hit a nerve for me. Being the friend I am, I didn't think too much about it because we had been friends for so long, "Why should I bother?", I asked myself. I didn't want to ruin a friendship, after all, we joked all the time, even when it would hit a nerve. There was this boy in our class, kind of weird but nice. One day, here he comes walking into the classroom, usually, he'd speak or make us laugh, but on this day it was different. It looked like he had just seen a ghost, his face was white as a sheet. So, my friend and I go over to him and start joking with him. Seeing his face get all red we knew something must have been wrong. You never know what a person is going through. A joke, smile, or laugh can't take away what you're feeling. Sometimes, we just have to set aside our jokes, wits, and humor and take the time to see the problem. We get so caught up in ourselves not realizing we are doing more harm than good. Sometimes, we just have to put our witty side away. Jokes aren't for everyone. The next day, I see my friend sitting in a different seat in the classroom. He had his head down. I thought I'd go over to see what was going on and that's what I did. Another one of my friends offered to come with but I explained to her, that I thought I'd do this alone. I proceed by asking what was wrong. He slowly lifts his head up and proceeds to tell me, he was moving away and he didn't want to lose the friends he have. He looked me in the eye, face as red as an apple, and explained, I don't want to make new friends. Instantly in the back of my mind, I wanted to be that witty friend of his, but I didn't. Instead, I sat there and listened. Sometimes, you see, that is all we can do is be an ear for someone, instead of being witty and humorous. I'll laugh at a joke when I'm down and depressed just to please the person because I don't want them asking questions. I'll find myself being witty back because I don't want to show my real pain. You can be witty and have humor but don't take it too far.
Cariloop’s Caregiver Scholarship
Being a caregiver requires skills and experience. Caregiving is a commitment. You must be present and provide quality care. Most importantly, make sure this is what you want because if not, caregiving is not for you. You have to show empathy, patience, kindness, respect, and responsibility. I was a caregiver for my grandmother for six years. She had Alzheimer's and over the years it progressed, which was expecting. It took a lot of energy from me, and it wasn't easy. This disease changed her tremendously. She had a hard time remembering who we were, what day and time it was, who she was, etc. I didn't recognize her anymore and it was heartbreaking. Just seeing her slip away daily it broke my heart in pieces. Some days were good for her, and other days wasn't so good. You would never know what to expect from day to day from her and I understood that. It was difficult for me and hard because I had to take care of her 24/7, Monday-Sunday and it was a lot. Then once I got home, I had to prepare super and chores. I was exhausted. But I did what I had to for my grandmother because I couldn't bare seeing her in a nursing facility. I wanted to make sure she was comfortable at home and surrounded by family. On the days, I felt like giving up, I had to remind myself I may be in this position someday or need help one day. Every day, I'd remind myself it's the disease that's taking over. I had to be patient and have patience because I was losing my grandmother to Alzheimer's. Most importantly, I had to practice empathy because I understood the difficulties my grandmother was going through and facing. There was no way I was going to brush off her issues. Deep down I knew my grandmother wasn't who she once was because of this disease that was taking her away from us. But what I realized, I didn't have to remember how she was but who we knew and who she once was. My experience I recall when I took care of her was finding time to take care of myself too. I used relaxation techniques for us both all the time. I made sure she was comfortable and stayed comfortable. Importantly, I made sure I comforted her with verbal and physical assurance. I made sure she stayed active when she had a good day. For example, I let her help with folding clothes, drying dishes and putting dishes up.
I found myself having higher levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. I admit, burdens I had. I felt like the burdens were put on me and no one else. Here I am just the grand-daughter and her children living their life. Not once, did they ask whether i needed a break. Never did they call just to give me an hour or two to myself. It was sad, but in the end, I knew one day I'd be blessed. When she passed in 2019 of May on the 1st, I took it hard. I'm still grieving. I know she'd be so proud of me for taking care of her until the end. I'm happy I chose to be her caregiver, even though it wasn't easy. I'd do it all over again if I had too. She inspired me in so many ways. A month after her passing, I decided to get my PCA certificate. Thanks to my grandmother. You never know when you're facing a sickness and need the help.
Christian ‘Myles’ Pratt Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship
The most influential people in my life have always been the ones closest to me. My family is my biggest support team. My parents have always taught my brother and me a strong work ethic and to do what we want to make us happy. My parents taught us to live for ourselves and no one else. What's for us is for us and that has stuck with me throughout my childhood. Most importantly, my parents taught my brother and me, that we have to love ourselves first. My parents have guided me, nurtured me, and comforted me. I was taught to reach for the stars and what seems impossible is possible. I've always tried to aim high and value what's important to me. I never let my guard down and I face challenges, small or hard. That is the type of person I am. I go for what I want and never give up. I give guidance to those that need guidance, especially to those who seem lost. I have a passion for art. Art helps with our development in terms of learning and understanding. Art has helped with my stress, depression, and anxiety. Solving problems has been one of those difficult tasks that I've had trouble with. But, art helps us understand the concepts of the problem we are trying to solve.
I am not currently taking classes for art. In my eyes, art is not just about what you paint, put on paper, or draw. To me, it's more than that. We can create a piece of art in our mind which makes us feel better about ourselves. Art has given me the meaning of life and helped me understand the world. Art is an essential part of my culture that allows me to have a deeper understanding of my emotions. I know art has increased my self-awareness and allowed me to be open to new ideas and experiences. When I look at art, I see more than a painting or what's behind the painting. I start looking at the shapes, patterns, and anything that makes me feel some connection to the art. Art has opened my mind clearly and freely.
What makes my artistic skill or gift different is that it's visual. I look at art that meets the eye and has imagination behind it. Everywhere I go I see art. Posters on walls give me information and motivation. Seeing all these creative works at a park informs people to come there with their children. Music is an art and I love to dance. I make beautiful art by dancing. I listen to music to keep my energy up and stress level down.
Learner Calculus Scholarship
I only thought calculus as of a college mathematics course with the main goal of mathematically preparing students for degrees in STEM. Calculus is essential for our survival because we need the development and understanding of what's around us. For example, like climate and population growth models, the spread of diseases or mechanisms that would resolve conflicts or deal with economic and financial crises. Calculus is needed in a multitude of fields that we wouldn't ordinally think would make use of its concepts. Physics, engineering, economics, statistics, and medicine all need calculus and it's important. Calculus is an important gateway to many STEM majors. You see calculus is a fundamental course for STEM. We need the skill of calculus that we learn for a variety of disciplines and that is important. Calculus is very important because calculus is concerned with two basics, which are differentiation and integration. Calculus is the mathematical backbone that deals with problems where variables change with time or some other reference variable. Calculus is the study of how things change. It provides a framework for modeling systems in which there is change and a way to deduce the predictions of such models. Calculus is perceived to serve many roles No matter what the purpose of calculus is, it is clear that college calculus is viewed as a critical course in university STEM education.
Just as teaching mathematics is important in the STEM field. We have to understand that there is more to mathematics, however than part of being part of STEM. The mathematics that we as students learn in school includes content and thinking that can be used as tools for tackling integrative STEM problems. Calculus is that major barrier to students' progress in STEM. The calculus reform has been designed to transform classrooms into active learning laboratories. Also, they help instructors embrace innovative approaches to teaching and learning. The calculus reform makes sure that students perform better in Math and help close gaps in STEM fields. Most importantly, this can help to create different mindsets for students. I admit students fail in calculus because it's at a higher conceptual level than precalculus and high school algebra. You have to put a lot of work into calculus, especially when doing practice problems and that is something a lot of people aren't willing to do. The idea is to not make calculus easier and that is why many students leave the STEM field because they are not able to pass calculus. Hard or not, calculus is important in the STEM field.
Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
I'm originally from the United States, but my husband is not. I met him when he was over here as a migrant worker. He'd come every year in April and then leave in October. He was here with a Visa since he was a migrant worker. We hit it off admittedly and fell in love. When I got pregnant with his first child, he no longer could return to the United States, unfortunately, he came illegally because he wanted to be a part our son life. Once he got here, we got married immediately and started on his paperwork to obtain his legal documentation. We did. One of the biggest challenges he faced was learning to speak and learn our language. He had lack of job opportunities because he hadn't got any of the legal documents to seek employment. At the time, he did know how to drive but driving was so different than it was here, so I had to teach him how too.
Two months after he got here, his brother and his family came to the United States illegally. They come looking for a better life as all immigrants do. When asked they faced many challenges getting across the border. Hiding and little or no food and water. Not being able to take bathes. One of their children were nine at the time and there was an older one. The problem was trying to get him registered for school. He had to have his records transferred from Mexico to here. He knew no English. It was a challenge. His family had problems with employment because they were not legal. They had no type of transportation at all to get back and forth. I took the time to take them where they needed to go. Immigrants face so much. Navigating a new life was even a bigger challenge. I know the system only plays by the rules and laws, which is fair. But what I don't see as fair is deporting the families who comes here for a better life and an education of their children. I understand the fact that a child/children shouldn't be allowed in the school system without legal documentation. What I don't understand is why not give them a chance to an education that they need. That is why the government needs to work harder for the families that are here for a better life with or without children. They deserve it and they are as human as we are. Why not step up and help them become citizens, especially those who doesn't have a record. Getting background checks is admissible I'd think to make sure we our communities are safe and children.
In many other countries jobs is scarce and the pay is less than what we expect. Many immigrants face a language barrier, which many of the students struggle to excel in their education. Immigrants work as hard as Americans and sometimes way harder when it comes to their education. If an immigrant has access to getting a higher education it enables the immigrant to achieve their dreams, and it becomes an economic and social mobility generator that benefits themselves and their children country.
Pet Lover Scholarship
My pets have truly changed my life for the better. I have seven dogs. Five chihuahuas and two big babies. My two big babies are a mixed breed of Labrador and Rottweiler. They are a big part of my family. I call them my big babies. It amazes me to see how much they just sense things, especially if I'm not having a good day. The best part about having my pets is they keep me motivated. Not only that, they help lower my stress because I do stress a lot. My pets have taught me so much about caring, loving, and faith. I'm living with depression and anxiety and my moods are up and down. If it wasn't for my little and big babies, my pets are truly my heroes. On the days I cry, each one of them takes turns licking my face and I couldn't imagine life without them. They make me smile, laugh, and hope. Having my pets around make me settled and content. When I think I'm lonely, I'm not because of my babies. They are very well trained, disciplined, and comforting, which helps me mentally. I also get the benefit of getting more exercise through walking and playing with them. Having my pets has cut back on my stress. My dogs showed me how to understand them and how to love them even when they're clingy, annoying, and too playful. My pets have surely taught me about commitment, patience, and selflessness. Spending time with my pets is relaxing.
I love my pets because they give me comfort, faith, and hope when I have doubts at times. I love my pets because they are protective of my family and me, especially my grandchildren. I love them because they keep me happy, active, and healthy. When I feel sad, they sense that and cuddle with me. My pets give me strength every day to keep pushing when I don't want to. Some days when I'm depressed and don't want to get out of bed, they give me a reason to get up. My pets have offered so much to me. They offered their support, companionship, and unconditional love. They share their feelings toward me wholeheartedly. What I love most about them is they never let me down. You see a family member or friend will let you down in a heartbeat, but, your pets won't. They simply show you their love, respect, and feelings, and that's all they want in return. You must treat your pet as you would treat humans, there is no difference. Pets have feelings too. Bella, Coco, Junior, Lily, Puma, and Jj are my babies, heart, and family. The love I have for each of them is unconditional.
A Dog Changed My Life Scholarship
I have five little chihuahuas and two big dogs, they are my life. They changed my life tremendously, especially on the days that I'm depressed and sad. I love them like my children. Having my dogs around made me feel calmer. They take my stresses away and make me look at life differently. You see, I have depression and anxiety and my days are up and down. When I feel like that, I get my babies and we go on long walks. I talk to them like they're human and to me they are. They are well trained, disciplined, and listen well. My days are much brighter when they're around and that makes me feel good. I find much more joy in the day-to-day and that's an incredible feeling for me. The days I feel lonely ease my loneliness. I love the fact that they are so protective over my grandchildren. When I have my grandchildren over for the night, my dogs are so protective of them. They love to cuddle with my grandchildren and it's amazing. My babies have impacted my life for the better. They can sense when I'm not myself or having a bad day and that is what I love more about them. To me, when I feel sad, they feel sad. When I'm happy, they're happy. When you lose a loved one they are the best to have around. It feels your void and keeps you from grieving too much. I know when I lost my grandmother and cousin, my babies made sure I was okay. They helped me with the sadness, crying, and void I felt. I was picked back up from the love I got from them.
Healthy Living Scholarship
A healthy lifestyle is important to me because it has many benefits that are not only for my body but for my mind too. I'm diabetic and I'm on two medications, Metformin and Glipizide. I have to make sure I take these medications. Not only that, I have to make sure to eat right, exercise, and keep my sugar level under control. It's hard cutting out everything you love to eat, especially sweets. I can have sweets but in smaller amounts. I have to watch what I eat at all times. I have to make sure I follow a healthy lifestyle just not because I'm diabetic but because it also helps reduce the risk of having cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases. I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, HS, which is an inflammation disease, and a mild case of arthritis. That is why it's so important to me to keep up a healthy lifestyle. I wish I could've kept a healthy lifestyle before, now look at my case. I'm dealing with diabetes, high blood pressure, low potassium, weakened and suppressed immune, and much more. I admit I use to eat out more than I ate at home. I loved sweets and I ate them at kinds of nights, without thinking about the reprecussions. So, now I have to take all these medications to help.
Making sure I exercise daily is important to me. Exercising not only makes me feel good mentally but physically too. Maintaining a better diet, exercising daily, and sleeping well are essential parts of a healthy lifestyle we need. If we don't exercise, diet, or get a good night's sleep, we are sure to wake up feeling sluggish the next morning and throughout the day. And, feeling sluggish and tired throughout our day keeps us away from our daily chores. When I first get up in the mornings, I check my sugar first. I fix a healthy breakfast with black coffee. Afterward, I get ready for my daily exercises. This is a daily routine for me. There are days that I do procrastinate, whether to exercise or not, who doesn't. But, at the same time exercising is what I need and I need to keep up a healthy lifestyle. Some exercises, I do from the television, especially on rainy days. I get the same action as I would have if I was outside walking, jogging, or doing 3 laps. I make sure it benefits my body and mind.
In 2019, I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety. It had me in a place where I didn't want to be. It not only took a toll on me but my family too. My moods were up and down. I stayed sad all the time. I cried more than usual. I found myself in an unhappy place. Every day, my mind would race, which it does still some days. My medications have been helping me so far. I just knew I had to get this under control somehow, someway. My family needed me and I needed me. It took me a while to get back to the person who I use to be, but, I'm here. I can honestly say, I'm not where I need to be just at the moment but I'm here. It took everything in my power to get back on my feet. I fought a hard fight and I pushed. It wasn't a good or healthy lifestyle I was living. The depression and anxiety took more than enough from me. I'm at this point in my life, I'm still pushing and fighting, but I'm not in the place I was 2 years ago. I had to make some changes. First of all, I had to make sure I had less stress, which helped so my depression didn't get any worse. I exercised to keep myself from stressing too much and I made sure I got a good night's sleep. I found myself doing mindfulness activities, which helped my brain process pain and emotions. My daughter and I took up a yoga class which I enjoyed. Some days, I just relax and find a quiet place for me. I have some me-time all the time. I realized that having a healthy lifestyle helped me mentally. I thought more clearly and felt more alert. It really improved my attention span and concentration.
Dylan's Journey Memorial Scholarship
A learning disability can be hard on children and adults, especially when it comes to school. I had trouble staying focused and organized. But, I was never diagnosed with having a learning disability, which was disturbing for me. I had problems paying attention or staying on track with things. As an adult, I still have some similarities as I did back in Elementary, Middle, and High School. Once I started college, and online classes, I wrecked my brain. It wasn't as easy as it was when I was younger, but this was it for me. I was now pursuing my dreams and goals as I've always wanted. About 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, which put a lot on me and my family. I found myself being in a dark place, a place that I didn't want to be. I couldn't concentrate, stay focused, or be the person who I knew I was before all of this. Depression is a mental disability and it can affect a person's ability to manage his or her learning disability. Adults with learning disabilities suffer from depression, and I never knew that. When I started my classes online, I had trouble concentrating and learning. At first, I thought I couldn't do this, or did I think I could manage this, but I did. Because of the medications that I am currently taking I was able to stay focused, concentrate, and manage my time in my classes. Some days, I still found myself fighting and trying to push through, but no way I was going to let this take control of the person I am.
I keep myself motivated and positive. There was no way I was letting my depression and anxiety stand in the way of my dreams. I fought for this and I keep fighting. My greatest support team was my family, but, I was my biggest support team. I've always wanted to pursue a degree since I graduated from High School. I was young, still in High School when I got pregnant. My dreams of continuing my education were put on hold because I was becoming a mother. After my children graduated, I thought this would be the perfect time to follow my heart and dreams and so I did. Being able to go back and finish what you loved to do was important to me. This was my time to shine. I feel that I am a good candidate for this scholarship because I am ambitious. I want this more than anything. I've worked so hard to get to the point where I am now. I wasn't able to finish my classes at the University of Phoenix because I wasn't able to pay out-of-pocket, due to financial problems. So, I had to drop out. That is one of the reasons I am applying for scholarships so I can get back to doing what I loved. My GPA was 3.6 when I left. The disappointment was an understatement for me. I was heartbroken that I could no longer do my online classes. I am ready to pursue, achieve, and succeed. That is all I've ever wanted. I want nothing more than to receive my degree and to say, "I did this" all for my family and me.
Shawn’s Mental Health Resources Scholarship
As a person who is living with depression and anxiety, I try to keep a clear mind at all times. Some days it's a struggle for me, but I stay positive. I am going through some financial situations as we speak. I use to attend the University of Phoenix but because I wasn't able to pay out of pocket for my classes, I had no choice but to drop out. That was the hardest decision I had to make. I was doing well. My GPA was 3.8, which was awesome. What's so disappointing to me is I'm not able to finish what I started because of financial troubles. That has been my biggest problem with my anxiety, not being able to continue what I love. But, I have great support, from my family. They make sure I stay positive and focus on what I love. I take daily walks to keep fresh. I also read books every day and enjoy time with my grandkids. I pray that things get better and that I'm able to attend school again. I've applied for scholarships, so I make sure I stay on top of that. I try not to stress so much about it, but, it's hard at times, especially when you follow your goals and dreams. Every day has been a struggle. I had to change that because if I didn't, I'd be stuck. My depression and anxiety haven't been so bad because I think about the positive. I know one day I'll be able to achieve and succeed and get my degree. I stay hopeful and have faith. I've trained myself to become more mindful because I know that will benefit me. I'm at the point now where I know it's going to be okay. I can't let this one setback hurt my dreams and goals. I'm more motivated and know this shall pass. Most importantly, I pay attention to the present moment and live in the moment. I reassure myself my financial problems won't last long, this to is just a setback. A serback that I will overcome.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
My favorite piece of art is Mona Lisa because the portrait is very realistic of a very real human being. For me, the painting is a masterpiece because it's a symbolic manifestation of human creativity and represents the Renaissance art period. Mona Lisa had that angelic smile that would brighten up a room. The painting was painted by the Italian artist Leonardo de Vinci. Needless to know, I didn't know that Mona Lisa didn't have any eyebrows. The reason for this was because it was the fashion of the Renaissance to shave them. Women shaved their facial hair, including their eyebrows, then. Even though Leonardo was Italian, he sold the painting to France. The Mona Lisa is perhaps the most recognizable piece of art in the world. Her smile was so pleasing that it was more divine than human a writer wrote. Her real name was Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a cloth merchant.
WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
Remembering in Elementary School, I loved when it was time for music class. The music just made me smile. I remember playing an instrument. Unfortunately, I don't recall what instrument I played. Music had a big impact on me. In Middle and High School music class was my favorite. Listening to music was memorizing to me. Music blocked my sadness, problems, and negativity. Music plays a big role in my life. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety in 2019, and I still have my days. I was in a very dark place but when I listened to music things were better. Music relieved my stress, depression, my anxiety. I find music powerful. I plan on making a positive impact on the world through music by letting the world know that listening to music heightens your positive emotion. Music can make you feel good and put you in a great mood. Music shapes our cultures and societies around the world. It inspires me to change and be the person I know I am and not what want to be. I'd let the world know it's okay to have a personal relationship with music because it makes us feel good and changes our mood. Music gave me the strength to see myself as I am. Music has helped me through tough situations. When I feel worthless, the music tells me a different story. Whatever sung you choose to hear listen to the world. Music has healed me and so can it heal the world. Music had the power to alter my mood, changed perceptions, and inspire change. Music gives me energy and joy when I need it. It has shaken me out of moods that I didn't want to be in. Music made me look at life differently and live in the mood. Music makes me live to the fullest and enjoy life. I cherish moments that I share with my loved ones and remind myself that I am a child of God. I live day by day and live positively. Listening to music makes me see things from a whole new perspective.
Bookman 5 Scholarship
As African American woman we face many obstacles, especially in low-income communities. Children are left behind because they can't afford college. I was attending the University of Phoenix, but unfortunately, I couldn't afford to continue my classes. My financial aid had been used up and I could no longer borrow. So, here I am applying for scholarships that's what I am doing so I can get back into school and finish what I started. At this time, I'm not financially stable, but I am making ends meet. But, it's been tough. But, just like any other obstacle I've faced, I've faced them head-on. While I was attending the University of Phoenix I was doing great. My GPA was 3.6. I've had to make the choice to leave because I couldn't afford the classes anymore. Talk about disappointing, I was more than disappointed. But, I couldn't let it stand in the way of making my dream come true. I decided to apply to many scholarships as I possibly can. That is the only way I know I can get back into school. When the pandemic hit it was crazy. People struggled and still struggling. Resources were scarce and things were hectic. So, I overcame a lot. Financial-wise, food-wise, and gas-wise. But, somehow, that didn't stop me. I couldn't let this rain on my parade. My family and I had to budget, but part of that wasn't budgeting to help me back into school. It broke my heart but we had to live.
College is important to me for many reasons. Not only doesn't college help with my long-term financial gain, but job stability, career satisfaction, and success outside of the workplace. I know that college can be crucial to my success in today's workplace. College can, sure enough, can increase access to job opportunities for me. It can be a great pathway to the advancement and economic stability. When I was attending the online classes at the University of Phoenix, I saw some improvement in personal growth and self-esteem. I felt like this was my calling because I had to put dreams and goals on hold because I got pregnant young and was still in school. I was becoming a mother and I had responsibilities. I had no idea how to parent, but, I learned. At the time, I felt like I was giving up a lot, especially getting the chance to continue my education. But, once my son came, I fell in love with him and felt that bond. Once all my children graduated this was my time to shine. It was my time to follow my heart and dreams, and succeed. That is exactly what I did. Now, I'm trying to finish what I started by receiving my degree and succeeding.
Once I earn my degree and I hope it's some time soon, I see a better life for my family and me. I know I'd made a big impact on my community because I love helping others and voicing my opinions. I love getting involved with community meetings, the people from the community, and helping the ones that are in need the most. Using my degree would be for the good. There need to be more resources in our community, especially for the elderly. They need it more. The care, support, and help. As for my family, their lives will change drastically. With so much going on now, and prices going up on food and gas, I know I would change my family's lives for the better.
WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
My greatest achievement to date would be getting myself back into school and following my dreams. I came from a low-income family, and now I don't see much difference, between my family and me. Growing up was hard, but, as I got older I understood more. Every family isn't the same, we all don't come from money. We were a low-class family when I was growing up. We were not as fortunate as everyone else was, and I don't see any difference as of today. Low-income doesn't have the luxury as others. Low-income families have to make ends meet. Children that come from low-income families can't afford to go to college. I see myself earning and receiving my Bachelor's Degree and continuing my education afterward. Financial Aid has helped me, and I thank God for that because if not, I couldn't afford to go to college at all. I once attended the University of Phoenix, unfortunately, I could no longer continue my classes because I couldn't afford to pay out of pocket. I was very disappointed. I want nothing more but to continue what I started. So, that's why I've been applying for scholarships. When I left, I had a GPA of 3.6. I was so proud of myself because I finally had the chance to go after my dreams and destination. Being able to experience time in the classroom again meant a lot. I want nothing more than to receive my degree and continue with my education.
The experience of being able to do online classes made me happy. It made me feel like a child again, except for being in the classroom. It taught me that it's never too late to follow your dreams and your destiny. I got pregnant at a young age, and my hopes and dreams were put on hold. The reason being is that I was becoming a mother and had responsibilities at the time. Yes, I was disappointed because I had my plans laid out. I knew nothing about being a parent so I had to learn and I did. The father wasn't in the picture so it was up to me. Thanks to the help from family and friends, I don't think I could've done it alone. Once my son got here, I fell in love and I wanted nothing more than to be his mother. So, yes, my dreams were canceled. After all my children graduated, I decided to pursue my happiness and that was continuing my education. No matter how old you are, it's never too late to pursue what makes you happy. I had a great support team, my family. They were my backbones and still are as of today. You can turn the impossible into the possible and that is what I did and want to continue doing.
I hope to achieve what I started. All I know is now, that I want to shine and reach my goals of receiving my degree and taking it a little further. I love helping people, especially the elderly. I was the caregiver of my grandmother from 2016-to 2019, until her passing. She inspired me to help those that are in need. Those that don't have family or family that doesn't bother. Two months after her passing, I decided to get my PCA (Personal Care Assistant) certificate. My job was tough at times, but I loved every minute of it. Seeing the happiness on your client's face as soon as you walk through their door was priceless. I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. Working in the medical field makes me feel happy, important, and satisfied because I am helping in making a difference in someone's life. I'm a friendly person and love to meet new people and friendly faces. Just knowing I can make that huge impact on the patient and their family would be breathtaking to me. By working in the medical field, I know that I'd be able to invest my intellect, skills, and passion to serve others in the demanding and rewarding medical profession.
I know by working in the healthcare field it will nurture my desire to help others while making a living for myself. What people don't realize is as the world changes, the healthcare industry evolves to meet new needs and provide care. This is the field where we must put the needs of our patients first. Medicine is truly a service and not just a profession.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
Hard times always come. But, there have been things that made it a little more bearable for me. I live in the moment and try not to think about the next day, next week, or next month. I try to be mindful at that moment because I want to enjoy and enjoy what's around me. I've learned to live life to the fullest because it's my opportunity to experience. I'm thankful for what I have and for not what I don't. I keep a smile on my face when things aren't going my way or I'm feeling down. I stay positive and surround myself with positive people. What gets me through times is being able to look forward to things no matter how small they may be. I always surround myself with my loved ones because they keep me smiling, laughing, etc.
Staying optimistic has lowered some of my levels of depression. See I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety about 2 years ago. This disease has had me up and down, but, God has seen me through it and my family. I have to stay optimistic that I won't let this control who I am. It's been rough at times, but, I let nothing get me down. I smile at the negativity and keep it moving. I keep my head held high through the good or bad. When I'm down, I stand myself back up with no hesitation. Being optimistic has helped me realize that I can and will control my depression. I've fought through my worse days because it has helped me think about my purpose in life. I don't blame myself when things go wrong like I use to. Most importantly, I remind myself that my setbacks are temporary. Inside and out, I'm happy.
Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
One personal finance lesson that I've found important is budgeting. Budgeting helps save me money. Budgeting kept me out of debt, which was a good thing. I learned quite much since I've been budgeting. One important lesson I learned was being able to have a plan of where my money goes and where it shouldn't go. I make sure that I keep records of how my money flows because if not, I know I'd use it on things that I don't need. People don't understand the value of saving, and I was one of those people before. Instead of using money on my needs, my wants came first to me. That was a cycle that I had to break, especially once I had children. I had to put my wants aside and prioritize our needs. As a working adult, I had to make some big changes that were needed. I learned how to set goals and use my money wisely. Another tip that I learned from a friend was to spend less than I made and that is exactly what I do now. I had to take charge. When it comes to my financial situation, I find ways to that it doesn't affect my family. I love to shop, I admit, but, I make sure bills are paid in advance and the same for rainy days. It's hard not to go crazy when you have money, but we have obligations. My obligations are budgeting, saving, spending less, and protecting my cash flow. Another smart choice I've made is purchasing quality over quantity and that has worked for me. I have to be realistic when it comes to budgeting because if not, I probably would've been in debt. I don't blow my money on things that are not needed anymore.
Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
i make sure my voice is heard by those that are in power. Instead of using our furnace in the wintertime, my husband put in a wood stove so we can use wood. Our light bill during the winter is unbelievable. During the summer months, I mostly use a fan, unless it gets really hot and then I'll turn on the AC. But, during the summer times, our bill isn't that high either. We have made some tremendous changes to make sure we have a positive impact on the climate. If we see trash that people have just thrown out, we will pick it up. It's important to keep our environment safe, especially for our next new generations. Recycling is something else we love to do. Instead of throwing things away, we make sure it's recycled. There need to be more regulations when it comes to our environment. That's why we should create environmental regulations. I believe that the most powerful benefit of global warming is making sure we have fewer deaths in the winter, lowering energy costs, and possibly fewer droughts.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
I look for ways to bring positivity to my community. I offer guidance and new skills that I know will help the community. When small businesses come to our community, I support the business as much as I can. I spread the word to make sure it gets out to the community. I donate as much as I can to my skills and services if needed. Without the support of the community, I think we'd be in a place where nothing good is coming from it. We have community meetings that I attend regularly and voice my opinions and ideas. Just listening to others speak gives me some hope and it lets me know we are working together as a community. My daughter-in-law's mother opened up a food truck. Where people go to get healthy varieties of food so they don't have to always depend on fast food restaurants just to eat. On weekends, I helped on the truck, especially when we have events to go to. I like to make a positive impact on my community and make sure there is no one left out. I make sure resources are available to those who are in need. I'm helping to make sure at this time that the elderly have some kind of transportation to get to and from their appointments. It's our job as a community to stick together and make the impossible possible, and that is exactly what I and others are continuing to do. Everyone should be heard. When there is no space open up for an event I offer my home. If it's a big event, I try to find something near so everyone can be in attendance. You just have to find positive ways to create a positive effect that can change your community.
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
My grandmother always encouraged me to get out there and make a difference. She also encouraged me to strive and work hard toward my passions, dreams, and goals. That has stuck with me all these years. But, what stuck with me more is what God has for me is for me, and no one can ever take that away from me. I have lived by those words throughout my life. Getting pregnant young made me grow up faster and made me see life in a better way. I realized that I was a mother now, still in school and I had responsibilities. My grandmother was my backbone through everything, and she made sure I received my diploma. Life is what we make of it. I try to carry a smile on my face at all times, even when I'm down. I surround myself with positive people and stay away from negativity. I live in the moment, that's all we can do. I don't think about tomorrow, the next day, or next week, I live for now. I learned to love myself because it provided me with self-confidence and self-worth, and that's what made me feel more positive. I feel happier and I take better care of myself. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I became someone I'm not. It put a lot on my family, and they didn't deserve that. I had to focus on my strengths more and myself and get out of this hole I was buried in. Jesus Christ our Savior got me back to where I needed to be. I had to start loving myself first before everyone else because I needed that comfort and needed to be comfortable with myself. Self-love helped me see my potential which allowed me to forgive myself.
Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
I believe in good things to come. Faith has impacted my life tremendously. Faith helped me overcome challenges and view storms through different lenses. Knowing that Christ loves me gives me the strength to make it through the day every day. His love for me and promise to be with me gave me the confidence to embrace whatever comes my way. No one can imagine what I have had to overcome. I've had to overcome grief, which is not easy for no one, especially if you have lost a loved one who was dear and near to you. I let the grief lead to depression and anxiety. Now, I'm on two medications that sometimes help and sometimes don't. My PCP has switched and switched my medications because nothing was helping at the time. I go to counseling every two weeks, which helps. When I thought about giving up, I thought about why I shouldn't give up. When I lost my grandmother and cousin, their loss hit me hard. My grandmother raised me and my cousin and I was like sisters. We were there for one another through everything. She'd always give me her shoulders to cry on and her ear to listen and vice versa. So, yes, their passing took a toll on my mind, body, and spirit. I thought I'd never get through the grieving process, but I did. God made sure I did. He let me know I have something to live for and a family that needed me. I put my faith into His hands. I put my trust in Jesus our Savior instead of myself. He had plans for me. So, I had to get up from my misery and move forward. I had to fight. Having faith in myself gave me a reason to fight. I still miss them every day and they will always carry that special place in my heart. I think about the good times we shared and had. I keep their memories alive by talking about them and laughing with other members of the family about our times together. I cherish our memories and always will. I chose to leap in faith and that's exactly what I did. The Bible calls us to trust and believe in God will take care of every step and detail of our lives. We can't rely on God just for the sake of it, and I don't. We need to rely on Him because he knows what is best for us and wants to refresh and relieve us.
God has been my backbone through it all and my family. God has made sure that I am where I need to be and want to be. God has shown me I have goals and dreams to achieve. I know God will help with my career and see that I get the career of my dreams. I know my faith has guided me to the major I'm seeking and my career. Prayers have helped me too along the way. I have more confidence in myself and make decisions that are confident and I'm sure of. I don't allow anything or anyone to get in the way of my dreams or goals. What God has for me is for me. Faith has enabled me to overcome every obstacle I have thrown my way. Faith has taught me to surround myself with positivity, acknowledge my passions and accomplishments, be realistic about my goals, and reach the stars. I do not know how I would've overcame so much if it wasn't for God and my faith.
Vicki Sartin's Purpose in Nursing Scholarship
When I had my first child, my dreams and goals were put on hold. I got pregnant at an early age, so I had to grow up faster than others. I was becoming a mother and I had responsibilities. In no form or shape was I prepared to be a mother, but, I managed. I finished school, graduated, and received my diploma. I had dreams of going to college, but I had to put my dreams on hold. It wasn't easy but I had plenty of help at the time. Since, Middle School, I've always known I wanted to become a nurse, even though in High School my mind was already made up. I wanted to be in the medical field. I love helping those that are in need and those that are unable to take care of themselves. Nurses spend their time with patients to provide them with insights into their wants and needs, behaviors, health habits, and concerns. As a nurse, it's important that we make them important advocates in their care. As a nurse, I'd provide direct patient care and promote a healthy lifestyle. I like to comfort people when they are in need of comfort and support. I've spent most of my time helping the elderly and I loved my job. I got my PCA certificate in 2019 and my grandmother inspired me into doing so.
My daughter and I took care of our grandmother from 2016 to 2019, she passed in May of 2019. She had Alzheimer's that continued to progress over the years. It was difficult to see the disease take over her mind, body, and soul. It's not easy taking care of a person who has Alzheimer's or any other disease. It's like they are here but they are not. I want to be able to help the ones that are not able to take care of themselves. As a nurse, we are their comforter, healer, and make sure they are safe in our care. We must also keep the family updated and informed on their medical health. It's our job to offer to call other family members or contact a funeral home if needed. I'm a loving, caring person who like to provide support and give some advice. We have to be have faith in what we do as nurses and remember why we are there. Encouraging other nurses is just as important to me. Even relying on them at times and vice versa. Nurses are unique in their own way. You see in becoming a nurse w must be ready and prepared for what's to come. There may be many challenges with our job. But, it's our responsibility to defeat that challenge. I love learning new skills. I want to build and accomplish why I am there.
Not only did my grandmother inspire me, she made me look at the medical field different, but in a good way. Watching other nurses, even the doctors, they have taught me about gratitude and humility. I chose to become a nurse because they do it for the love of the profession. Sometimes our greatest strength can be our greatest weakness, which is very true. I see myself giving my all to patients and their well-being. We have to remember it all comes back to the patient, which means they are self-less. We must take the time to focus on our patient's needs and wishes because that's important to them. It will also be important to their family. And, we have the opportunity to empower our patient's and their families with knowledge.
MJM3 Fitness Scholarship
Factors that I know have surrounded my poor eating habits are poor nutrition and physical determinants. Before the pandemic hit us, I ate right and made sure I kept my sugar under control all the time. I ate fast food I'd say about once a week, but now it's different. I watched what I ate all the time. I prepared healthier meals and ate healthy snacks. The pandemic changed all that for me. I try to maintain what I eat, but it's been a struggle. Staying at home just to keep myself and the family safe, all I did was eat. I found myself preparing foods that weren't as good for me. Poor nutrition affected my health in many ways. Not eating right has contributed to my stress levels being up more, tiredness, and my capacity to do my house chores. I have less energy than I've had before and I do find myself being tired all the time. Sometimes, I'm not focused as I use to be and it's hard to concentrate. I've lost weight, the weight that I know needs to come off, but more weight than I needed off. Physical determinants I know have also surrounded my eating habits. My whole attitude has changed about the foods I eat and the foods I should be eating. My meals aren't prepared as before, instead, I don't care what I throw together or whether it's healthy or not. My mood towards the food I suppose to eat, I don't have the time and energy to prepare the meals as I should, which I know I should be doing. I'm eating too many meals from home, too many foods that are processed, eating on the run, and not having the time to eat as a family. It's been hectic.
At this point, I need to get my sugar under control because I don't want to be on insulin. Right now, I'm just taking two medications to help control my sugar. Also, I need to partake in controlling my sugar too without just having the medicines control my diabetes for me. I need to exercise regularly, eat healthier, and stop eating fast foods, which is my main problem, fast foods. I need to change the way I prepare my meals. My meals should be prepared like I use to prepare them, healthy and baked. I need to eat more vegetables and fruits and less sugar. I have a lot to change at this point. I have very poor eating habits because of poor nutrition. That I will be changing too.
I will maintain this change by doing what I should and how I should. I have to watch out for what I eat mainly. Not only that, I have to make sure my eating habits have changed. My meals need to be more healthy. What I use to do is plan my meals the night before and that really worked for me. I need to go back doing this again and getting into the routine I use to have before the pandemic. i know trying to maintain this is going to be hard, but I know I can do this. I have to, especially if I don't want to end up on insulin. Eating healthy is the key to managing my diabetes. I know I can maintain a healthier diet, I just have to remember why this is important to me and why I should do this.
Cat Zingano Overcoming Loss Scholarship
Losing a close family member or loved one is a difficult pill to swallow. I lost my grandmother 2019, who had Alzheimer's. She practically raised me and I always looked up to her. She taught me about life and the importance of life. My grandmother was there for me when I got pregnant at an early age. Still in school, she made sure I graduated and received my diploma, and that's exactly what I did. I knew nothing about being a mother or the responsibilities that came along with being a mother. I had to grow up faster than I thought, but, my grandmother was by my side no matter what. She helped me raise my son, and she was a lot of help with all my children. Unfortunately, I lost her to Alzheimer's and that's when I went into depression. I couldn't eat, sleep, think, focus, or none of that stuff. I remember losing so much weight and laying in bed for days just balling my eyes out. It got to the point where my family had given up with me. I knew I had to make this better, not just for me, but for my family as well. I had to focus on my grandchildren because I know they needed their nana, and so did my family. Somehow, I knew this isn't what my grandmother wanted of me. I knew she wanted me to move forward and fight, and that's what I did. Even though, I ended up having to be put on medications for my depression and anxiety, which is helping. Some days, I still find myself in a dark place, a place where I know I shouldn't be. Some days, I still grieve and it's been a process for me. But, at the same time, I'm trying to heal. I lost my cousin/sister/best friend in 2017, and then to have another loss afterward, put a toll on me. My cousin was someone that I loved like a sister and best friend. She was there when I needed her to be and vice versa. Her tragedy hit me hard too.
Losing someone very close to you or a loved one is a hard process to cope with. And there have been days that I still grieve for them both. But, I knew this isn't what they would want from me. I know that they would want me to live my life to the fullest and enjoy life while I'm still here to enjoy it. It took me a long time to get where I'm at now. I fought to get here. It doesn't mean I've forgotten about them, it just means, I need to move on and focus on what's in front of me and what life has stored for me. At this time, I am fighting to make sure their memories are not forgotten and that there's a place in our hearts where we will always carry them. I'm fighting to achieve my goals and the dreams I have. I'm fighting my depression and anxiety daily and remind myself that I'm in control of this mental issue. I'm fighting to achieve my certificate. My main focus at this point is finishing my education. I have to realize mu education is for me and it's not for everyone else.
I have walked my path of grief and some days I find myself still walking that path. The memories of my grandmother and cousin have played an important part in the grief process for me. The memories have allowed me to keep my loved ones alive in my mind and heart. It took me some time to get here, but, all I do now is sit back and remember the good days we shared. So, I'm able to cherish every moment that I shared with my grandmother and cousin. I've listened to people telling me it's going to get better in time, but grief changed me. No one can understand what a person is going through unless they have lived it and that is so true. Grief can affect our body, mind, emotions, and spirit because it did mine. I knew my family noticed how grief affected me because they could tell. Losing my loved ones taught me that I am WORTHY of love and belonging. It taught me that love isn't what hurt me, it was the mess of me not knowing where I could send my love after my grandmother and cousin died. I loved harder after I lost my loved ones. I let myself feel the pain and all the other emotions I had. I had to be patient with the process and made sure I started taking care of myself. It doesn't get easier, but we have to stay focused.
RESILIENCE Scholarship
I have so many memories of my grandmother. Memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. The most favorable memory that I will always remember is her smile and the love she had for us all, especially her great-grandchildren. I loved walking into the room where she sat. All I saw was that big smile she always had on her face. You never knew when she was sad, angry, frustrated, or anything. Her smile covered all the emotions she may have been going through. When she loved, she loved hard. I never heard anyone say one bad thing about her. She taught me about life and about the real world. Her advice was forthcoming and heartwarming. Her memories and teaching will remain with me forever. My grandmother asked for so little but gave so much. That is the person she was. She could tell if something was wrong with me, she always could. All she had to do was look into my eyes with that big, bright smile of hers and tell me it was going to be okay. She saw when I was broken. It was like she made "broken" a word of something beautiful. Every day, she told me how beautiful I was and how strong I was. After our talks and even before she would have that big, bright smile on her face. That smile was a thousand words.
My daughter and I took care of her when she got sick and made sure she stayed at home while doing so. There was no way I was letting her go to a nursing facility. She had Alzheimer's and it progressed. Seeing her lay there in bed day after day not knowing who we were was heartbreaking for us all. We tried not to think about how the disease got her, but how we remembered her. I remembered how she use to be before Alzheimer's and not how she was with Alzheimer's. She raised me and I thank her for that every day. She made me into the person I am today. My grandmother taught me about life and what to expect in the real world. I got pregnant at an early age, she was my backbone. She wasn't mad, I thought she'd be, but she wasn't. When I told her, she smiled, touched my face, and said, "Baby you're not the first and won't be the last." She said, we go get through this together and we did. I walked down that aisle and received my diploma, pregnant and showing. She influenced my life the most by expressing to me that I have to love myself before anything and let no one define who I am or where I'm going in life. Them words have stuck with me and I passed them down to my children. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. I'll never, ever forget what she taught me and the love she gave my children and I.
My grandmother passed on the 1st of May in 2019. It was hard for my family and me, but, I took it real hard. I got depressed and my depression progressed with anxiety. She inspired me to work with the elderly. I got my PCA certificate 2 months later. You see I've always wanted to be in the medical field since I was in High School. So, she inspired me into doing so. I will always remember you, granny. Until we meet again, R.I.P.
CEW IV Foundation Scholarship Program
The social justice movement has impacted me and the community over the last few years by making sure every one of different minorities is equally treated and has a fair stand, especially when it came to the underprivileged or the ones with financial problems. Over the recent years, illegal immigrants have been coming to our country illegally for a better life, and most bring along their families. For the school system being able to get children in their school regardless of their status is a blessing. It's a blessing to me because they require education just like everyone else in our country. It shouldn't matter what race, religion, or cultural background you're from, you shouldn't be denied an education, it's unfair and wrong. As a community, we made sure illegal children were put into our schools to learn and graduate. They should be allowed to earn their degree and achieve the goals they are set. Without a green card, I know it's not fortunate for them to attend college without some proof of residency or citizenship. Things have hung up over the years surprisingly, and more need to be done.
The social justice movement has created a way for everyone to be treated as they are. We are all human beings. More of our children are being able to attend the college of their choice with this movement and I am so thankful for that. My community has been a voice of reasoning and voiced their opinions about how things should be and how much of a change we needed. People of color and different races have spent their time fighting for financial awards and with no luck. But, it all changed for the good of our community. The biggest social issue that we face today is immigration as I spoke about earlier. Why immigrants risk their lives coming to America is because they want a better life and better opportunities. Education, health, jobs, etc are what many looks for. I know many people think they hurt our system and in fact, I don't judge their opinions. But, what I do know, we have Americans that can work and is too lazy to work. If it's not that, instead they look for ways to make easy money. Immigrants come to our country ready to work and work hard for their money and their families. We have these Americans sitting on their behinds daily doing nothing or living off the government.
Since the social justice movement, the United States has emerged to make sure immigrants are protected from discrimination and excessive force from immigration laws. There has been advocating for immigrants to have a path provided for them for citizenship undocumented immigrants. I've always closely kept up with the news on immigration and as of today, it seems promising for many, but work still needs to be done. Without the support of your community, there's no way of doing this alone or standing up for what you believe in. Yes, I can stand up alone for what I believe in. The community standing up with me gets things done faster and heard faster. We are still facing racism. Every day if each of us stands up against racial prejudice and intolerant attitudes, as a community we can build a world beyond racism and discrimination, where we all exercise human rights. Racism is complicated but a change is needed and we are the only ones that can help make that change.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
Reading helps expand our minds and give us ideas. Reading keeps our minds young, healthy, and sharp. That is why it's important to read. I have always been a reader and writer. That is what I love to do in my spare time is read and write. Reading develops our minds. Our mind is that muscle that needs exercise too. I can honestly say reading has improved my mind. When I read, I'm focused and concentrated on what I'm reading.
My favorite book is "I Am Enough", which is written by Grace Byers. I loved this book because it's about female empowerment and respect for diversity. The book is about your self-worth and embracing differences. It's a rhyming poem but it's deep. It's about loving yourself and being yourself. This book taught me that "I Am Enough" no matter who I am or where I'm from. I'd recommend this book to young mothers, mothers who have daughters, and teens that think they are not enough. Her message spoke to me. Her message encourages children to recognize diversity and show respect and kindness to others, and that is what we should be teaching our younger and new generation. I know and accept that I am enough just as I am. Once I accepted that, I am able to love who I am. I spend my time and energy on giving and receiving because that is what I deserve. I've read this book at least five times and gave it to my daughter to read. This book has inspired me in more ways than I can imagine. Now, I can inspire others to read this book.
Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
Aging cannot be prevented, but we have to be prepared to age, it's life. Many of our health concerns for the elderly is memory loss, dementia, and Alzheimer's among other health conditions. Old age is one of the most sensitive stages we have to go through. That is why it's so important to take care of the elderly, especially if they have no loved ones that are willing to be a part of their care. Elderly people need care and comfort to lead healthy life without worries or anxiety. One thing I can do to improve the lives of elderly people in my community is by reaching out and making connections to improve the quality of life for seniors. There will come times when we have to be their ear and voice. We have to remind them that they are useful and needed. As a community, we should support, provide, and help the elderly. That's exactly what I've done for quite a while. As we age, our bodies and health age with us. That is why it's important to motivate the elderly and keep their spirits up.
My daughter and I was the caregiver of our grandmother. She had Alzheimer's and seeing her go through this was very difficult for us as a family. I must have to say, she was my inspiration in becoming a PCA (Personal Care Assistant). I wanted nothing more than to help the elderly. I wanted to be the one to take care of their needs and be there for them. Once I started to work, that is when I reached out to just one person in the community. From there, she got the community together. I started a program called, "No Seniors Left Behind." We worked as a community and we still are.
Hasanovic American Dream Scholarship
The "American Dream" means to me that regardless of where a person is born or what class they were born into can live in a society in which upward mobility is possible for everyone. It's their happy way of living that is thought of by many Americans as something they can achieve by anyone in the U.S., and that means by anyone. I believe it doesn't matter where you're from or what your culture is anyone can make it possible. Immigrants that come to the United States come here for a better life and a better life for the families they left behind. They come to the United States for job opportunities that they couldn't get back home. Many immigrants aren't paid as much where they're from as in the United States, and that is why they are looking for better opportunities and a better life. Immigrants work hard, they are hard workers. They are what makes our economy grow and develop. Many Americans don't like to work, instead, they sit on their behinds daily doing nothing or looking for a handout. That right there is what I call laziness. If you are able to work, "Why not work?" Get off of your behind and go make a living. Most immigrants do get deported which can be understandable. But, the way I see it, if they are coming to this country for better opportunities and to take care of their family back home, let them in. Help those that are willing and ready to work, fight for our country, and want a better way of living. Why not help with residency? We can't help them all, but we can some, especially if they have children.
I married an immigrant, and we had two handsome boys. I was always scared of him being deported and his sons would grow up without their father. So, I did the necessary steps so he could stay here. At first, I has some family members telling me he just wanted to gain residency and nothing more. But, that wasn't the case for me as it may be for others. We are still going strong 20 some years later. We are proud grandparents, and we have been to his country to meet his family. I plan on using my college degree by not being biased or racist. Immigrants are human as we are. Because of their background, where they're from, or who they are, doesn't mean they don't deserve a chance to be happy and make a better life in this country. I personally believe we all should be treated equally and with the same respect. They should be able to work in a workplace where they are treated fairly and should be paid like other workers. Just because you are from a different country doesn't mean you're different in any way, shape, or form. We breathe the same and bled the same color. Immigrants have as many rights as Americans. They can build their own dreams, build a family, own a business, and have a stable jobs, and that's what I'm hoping to achieve with my degree. Help those that need help that came here looking for a better life. I want to let them know they are not alone. We have resources out there that can help. I want to be able to show them a brighter future and what to look ahead for. No one should be allowed to take no one's "American Dream" from them. What's yours is yours. Your dreams are yours and no one else's.
Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
The most helpful piece of financial advice I've received is to spend wisely. That was important for me because we I didn't I knew I'd be broke in a matter of time. With everything going up as we speak, we have to spend wisely. The gas prices are going up and food. I've always been one of those people who think about needs and not wants. The less you spend on what you want, the more money you can save on what you really need. Sometimes, we just can't go out and get what we want if we won't be able to cover our basic needs. I like to think out of the box and start investing out of the box. Invest if that's what you have to do. I also don't use my money all at once without considering my factors. I like to save as much as I can on rainy days because you never know what will come up. Sometimes things come up unexpectedly. Have a savings plan put in place and invest. I've seen people up to their spending when they got a raise. I'm the type of person when I know I'm going to get a raise, I don't think about it. I keep working as I've always done and simply look at my check as no raise were on there. If you are not sure about how to save money, I would say get help by getting you a financial advisor. Every paycheck I once received, I'd put some aside out of every check. Be smart enough to open an account. That is what Id did because if the money is not in your hands or wallet you can't see it and it's less spending for you. You have to be smart.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
The biggest problem that is facing the world right now is the pandemic (Covid-19). When the pandemic hit, it hit everyone hard, and it's still continuing as of today. Schools have to go virtual, social distancing was put in place, wearing of the mask was mandated, and staying at home was another solution to stop the spread. It was also recommended to have small gatherings or no gatherings at all. People In order to keep ourselves and our family safe and protected, we had to abide by and follow the mandated rules. We lost a lot of people due to this outbreak. Americans were suffering at a high because of the pandemic. Many got behind on rent, mortgage, electric bills, car notes, etc. The food supply was in shortage. People would go and gather as much stuff as possible to keep food on the table. Jobs had become scared and people were getting laid off or furloughed. Many had a hard time getting by and their bills paid on time. People who received unemployment were thankful because that is all they had to rely on at the time. PUA was put into place. Many people didn't go back to work because of unemployment.
One way to work on this problem is for everyone to get the vaccine, and continue wearing your mask when going out, especially if you haven't got the vaccine or if you're against getting the vaccine. We need to keep ourselves and our families safe. Working together as a community can decrease the chance of losing a loved one, a friend, or yourself. We have to face this problem head-on. It's our only chance of getting back used to the ways it once was. We need to stop the virus, so we all can move forward.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
One change that I believe would make education better for future generations is less academia and more learning. Students need more learning than anything. Learning requires our students to constantly learn new things. Also, to unlearn and relearn as the world changes. We can anticipate the change of learning, explore strategic possibilities and identify ways of creating better opportunities for all learners. When thinking about the future of our generation learning ensures the success of students in the future. Education provides the stability we all need in life. Getting an education is something that no one can ever take away from us. By assuring that our future generation gets the education they are in need of, by making sure they are well-educated and holding a degree, will and can increase our future generation for better career opportunities and open up new doors for them. The future generation needs more learning so that they can be well-educated and improve their chances of obtaining a degree. Learning is important to society because it's a whole and it helps different people to share their knowledge and agree on mutual values.
If our future generation doesn't get the education they so need, I personally don't think they'll continue to stay in school. It's important to learn new things, instead of being reached over and over the same thing. Learning new and different materials brings a new light when it comes to getting your education. That is why it's important for teachers to introduce new material to our future generation because as our society changes and the world changes, education changes. We cant have our students stuck on the same material as we were taught in school. So much has changed and that is why learning should change. We don't always have to learn in the classroom. Why not take the class outside and learn as well. What you see in the classroom is different from how we see things outside of the classroom. Learning is an experience we all need.
Bold Great Minds Scholarship
Rosa Parks was an American activist in the civil rights movement. She was best known for her pivotal role in the Montogomery bus boycott. Rosa Parks is someone who I admire. I admire her because she helped Martin Luther King, Jr. free black people. Rosa was brave enough to get on the bus and sit in the front. Rosa Parks was an important person to me and a lot of others because she fought for civil rights. She has inspired me in so many ways. She was called "the mother of the civil rights movement." Rosa invigorated the struggle for racial equality when she refused to give up her seat to a white man. When Rosa was arrested, she launched the Montgomery Bus Boycott by 17,000 black citizens. She made it possible for African American people. Today, we are still experiencing racial profiling and discrimination amongst African Americans. We still have a lot more to fix. More are continuing to be stopped, arrested, detained, and prosecuted because of their race. Whites have been believed that they have been placed by black people. African Americans are still being discriminated against by white people. As I stated, we still have a long way to come. Rosa Parks with her bravery led to nationwide efforts to end racial segregation. She has been an inspiration to me and for so many others. She taught me that we are all human and we shouldn't be defined by our color. Rosa Parks taught me that we are all equal and have rights too. She taught me that no matter what the color of our skin is, we are GOD's children and we have rights as everyone else does. Rosa Parks made the impossible possible for African American people. She stood her ground.
Isaac Yunhu Lee Memorial Arts Scholarship
Remembering back when I was in Middle School, I wanted to become an artist. I didn't have the best drawing experience at all, but, all I knew was this is what I wanted to do and be. I loved taking art classes. I was always so eager to get to art class. Some days I was in class, seated and ready to work before any other students got in class. Seemed like I was always the first in class. I remember when I was in Elementary School, we started out drawing stick people and it progressed throughout the school year. In High School, I wasn't so interested in becoming an artist nor did I like to draw. I had different dreams, and it wasn't to become an artist. Then I found myself when I had free time I'd pull out one of my old drawings and picked drawing back up again. For me, at the time it was a habit. Something to do in my spare time.
In Middle School, I found art gave me meaning and helped me understand the world we live in. And, that is so true for so many artists. Art can improve our quality of life and make us feel good. Art can keep our stressors away. When we create a specific kind of art, it elevates our mood and helps with a situation we're trying to solve. Art for me was a creative beautiful piece that came from the heart, and the piece belonged to me and no one could take that from me. I knew when I worked on an art piece, my artwork was opening my mind up with new ideas and new art to work on. Art played a big role in my life back in Middle School. Once I got home from school every day, I couldn't wait to get started with homework and draw. I remember some days, especially on weekends all I wanted to do was draw. When going to the park with friends, I'd have my drawing materials. I'd walk around the park looking for things to create in my art book. Believe it or not, I still have my drawings back from then.
One particular piece of art that I had created inspired me. What inspired me to create this wonderful piece of art was off of television. It came from a movie that I had seen on television that night. I'll never forget that night or the commercial. It was a commercial about a young girl who had lost her mother. Every evening while outside she would see the different colors of butterflies. Those butterflies would land on her arm or shoulder and while she played, they stayed. She knew they were a sign from her mother and all the different colors she admired. Her mother always dressed in colors and it didn't matter to her whether she matched or not. The moral of the story I got from the commercial was your loved ones are always with you and they come to you in any form, shape, or size. She knew her daughter was in grief and saw nothing but sadness in her eyes. So, she came to her every evening because that was their time together, in the summer evenings. the commercial still sticks with me today. Come to find out, when her daughter graduated, she went to college to be a designer. She designed clothing in many colors, which was inspired by her mother.
Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we feel, thinks, and act. It can affect our daily lives. Mental health is a disease that everyone should take seriously, and most don't. Mental health helps us to determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and how to make choices and decisions. One practical solution that I'd use to help more people that are struggling with mental health is by being patient. We have to try and show patience and care without being judgemental of their thoughts and actions. The best thing we can do for that person is to listen. We can't disregard or challenge their feelings. Encouragement is the best option. Encourage them to get help and to get help immediately. Be careful what you say to a person with mental health problems. Giving a mental health person direction is good. Let them know they are not alone and there is help out there. Don't let them go at this alone. It is frightening and it can be emotional for that person, and that's okay. Help them open up. I'd recommend them to go to their PCP first and let their PCP know what's going on and how long it's been going on. And, their PCP should recommend a mental health professional. A person with mental health issues should value themselves, take care of their body, learn how to deal with their stresses, and set realistic goals. The most important factor for a mental health person is surrounding themselves around good and positive people. They should also give themself a chance to deal with this ongoing issue as soon as possible. A mental health person shouldn't wait until it's too late. They should deal with this issue as soon as they see changes.
Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
What inspired me to pursue an advanced certification or degree because I've been wanting to achieve what I've been so long waiting for. See, still in High School, I got pregnant at an early age. So, I had to put continuing my education on hold. I was becoming a mother and I was going to have responsibilities as being a mother. My junior year, I already knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a part of the medical field. I wanted to become someone that would help others and take care of their needs and problems. I wanted to be a nurse. The times a nurse spends with their patient's provides you with unique insights into their patients' needs and wants, behaviors, health habits, and concerns. And as nurses it's important for us to be advocates for our patients. I want to be able to provide care, support and treatment for the sick, the injured and the dying and to support the families and the community. My daughter and I was a caregiver for grandma. She inspired me in so many ways possible. Knowing that I was able to take care of her needs and give her the comfort she needed meant the world to my daughter and me. Unfortunately, she passed away in 2019 with Alzheimer's. Being a caregiver isn't easy especially if it's with a loved one. A month and a half later, I decided to take a class to receive the PCA (Personal Care Assistant) certificate. I was finally making my dream come true.
My primary goal is to provide quality care to the patients. I have to think of ways to optimize my patient current tactics or their practices. At the same time, it could help me in becoming an advocate for my patient's individualized needs. More goals that would benefit me would be acquiring advanced technology skills, obtaining professional certificates, refining interpersonal skills, and improving critical thinking skills. A nurse's mission statement is a declaration of values and goals of a nursing career. That will give me an idea on driving my career, tell people what I'm about and I'm aimed to bring to the table. Once becoming a nurse, it's also a good idea to bring your smart goals into your nursing field. For example, safety, patient care, efficiency, accuracy, and professional developments is some of the smart goals you can bring to the table. A way that I will know for sure that I will accomplish nursing goals is having a clear vision about what I'm doing and taking the minute to remember my initial motivation for becoming a nurse. I can also look into certifications. You have goals for a reason and that's to make sure you reach them and succeed. At this time, I'm trying to create a goal that is concrete and detailed. My short-term goal for nursing is to finish school with flying colors and find a well-paying position at a facility where I can gain the most experience. These short-term goals will play a part of my long-term goals.
Empowering Women Through Education Scholarship
Education is important to me because it provides stability in life, and it is something no one can take away from me. Being well educated it's the success to my future goals and dreams. It increases the chances for better career opportunities and it can open new doors up for me. It's important for us to never stop learning because learning benefits us in every way possible. One major benefit of education is learning how to learn. Education showed me the difference between good and bad and it helps us in becoming better citizens. Education showed me the importance of hard work, and at the same time, it helped me grow and develop. Everyone needs education. Education develops our critical thinking skills. I know when I got my education it gave me the knowledge of the world around me and changed it into something better. Education gave me that perspective of looking at life. The exposure and the ability to think independently, which is required in life to succeed and achieve. Getting my education provided me with direction. Without an education, "How would we be able to read, write, speak, and listen?" We wouldn't be able to at all. The importance of education goes far beyond what we read about it in books etc. That is why it's so important to teach our children about education and the importance of education. We need an education because without it, "How would we be able to succeed?" It's impossible to do.
I got pregnant at an early age still in High School. I thought I wouldn't be able to graduate or finish school. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I received my diploma. I succeeded in carrying an infant in my stomach. I didn't let my pregnancy stop me from graduating walking down that aisle to receive my diploma. I knew I had to finish because without it, I wouldn't be able to raise my child and I didn't want to feel my child. It was important to me and my child to continue my education. I had to put my goals and dreams on hold by furthering my education because I had responsibility at the time. My child was my priority. If I hadn't finished school I would have never known how to be a mother to my son. Education is the key to our lives and successes. Education helps us become useful members of society and the world we live in. Education helps eradicate poverty and hunger giving us better lives. Education exposed me to new ideas and cultures. It taught me how to be a better person and how to live life. Besides people who are educated have better chances of getting well-paid jobs. The higher our education and accomplishments are, the better we are when it comes to our careers.
Dog Lover Scholarship
I have two big dogs and five small dogs, which I love like children. They let us know when someone pulls up to our home when new faces come around, and if something is around that's not supposed to be. My dogs keep me motivated and happy. When I'm feeling down, somehow they can sense that. I love dogs because they are just as smart as humans. I love them because they keep me happy and healthy. The relationship that I have with all of my dogs is good for my heart and soul. I love them because they bring such a positive vibe to your life. My dog shows and gives me affection. They have been my building block to a happy home. When coming home to my dogs my stress goes away. Dogs reduce our stress. Walking a dog can keep you in good shape and healthy too.
Having all these dogs has really been a stressor relief for me and they are like my children. They are a part of the family. Since I've had dogs when I'm emotional or had a bad day my dogs make all the feelings go away. They have lifted my family and me up in many ways. Feelings we have for our dogs are stronger than we think. You find this secureness in your dogs and I know I do. You can form a strong bond with your animal and that's normal. You grow a friendship with them and loyalty. I know I love my dogs unconditionally. My dogs have always turned my bad days into good days.
Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
A happy family, marriage, home, work environment is what I value most in myself. I love the life I live. I love my family, home, and marriage unconditionally. I live in the moment and that makes me happier because I'm not focused on the past. I take the time to notice the small things and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. So many of us tend to live in the past instead of focusing on what's in front of us. I'm not that person. I cherish every moment I spend with my loved ones and the memories we share. I value my health and the health of my family. I define myself without letting someone else define me. I believe in the importance of the way I live and how. Helping others is important to me. I love to help those that are in need especially if they haven't any family or friends. I try to give back to my community as much as possible. I appreciate the miracles of life. I spend as much time with my friends as I often can. Being able to have time with our friends is the key to our emotional well-being. Being able to continue my education has been a dream of mine. I want to accomplish and achieve what I've been working so hard for. I'm here to succeed.
I feel that my values will help with my life journey by keeping me on track and focus what I'm set out to accomplish. My values help me with the decisions I make and my actions. They will help align the path of my career and life to what's important to me. These are the essential foundations in finding my life purpose because it reminds me of who I'm truly am. If we live by our values and that is exactly what I do, it's like a compass that guides everything we do. Value has given my life purpose and happiness. I have a beautiful family, home, friends, etc. Whenever something comes up unexpectedly in my life, my value shows me a path forward and to make the right decision. Values are linked to ourselves, and they are essential to our mental health.
Bold Creativity Scholarship
Creativity is a way of living life that embraces our originality and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas. Creativity is about living life as a journey into seeing and communicating that extraordinariness of the simplest, our most days act. Creativity is something we need in our lives. I apply my creativity in the things I love dear and near. Every Sunday, I plan some creative time just for me. I make sure I have my to-do list before living the house. I apply creativity to new skills. You see I love learning new skills. I like challenges. I face my obstacles head-on. Adding creativity into my life makes my life more interesting and fulfilling. Creativity, sure enough, expanded my perceptions, which comes with new ways of problem-solving. Creativity makes sure that I view and solve my problems openly and wisely. It opens my body, soul, and mind. If we lose connection with our creativity, we lose touch with society, which imprisons people to have a closed mind. I also express my creativity in writing. I love to write in my journal daily. Writing helps me fill voids. Writing gives me a sense of purpose and why I'm here. I live in the moment and stay the moment. I can't worry about tomorrow or the next day I'm passionate about what life throws my way. I try to beat the odds and work on myself every day. I have dreams goals, and visions and that's what I create. Being creative keeps me motivated, boosts my confidence, and clarifies my thoughts and feelings. I see myself being more productive than before. Most importantly, it helps me see the big picture of things.
Larry Darnell Green Scholarship
Still, in High School, I got pregnant. I knew I had to finish my education and that's exactly what I did. I walked down that aisle at graduation, pregnant, but stood tall. When they called my name out, I was the proudest soon-to-be mother. Getting pregnant at an early age, I had responsibilities now. I didn't know the first thing about being a mother. I had to grow up faster than I wanted to. But, being pregnant didn't stop or keep me from continuing my education. It wasn't just about me anymore, I was having a baby now and I had to finish my education. I walked down that aisle proudly and pregnant and received my diploma. Being a single mother did help shape my educational journey. I had goals and dreams after I graduated, but I had to put them on hold for my son. You see, I was becoming a mother and I wanted to raise my son myself. His father was nowhere in the picture or through my whole pregnancy, which hurt, but all I could think about was this little human growing inside of me. Looking back, I wished I would've just continued with my dreams and goals after my son was about 6 months. I had support, I just didn't want to be a burden to any of my supporters. Instead, I had more children and got married, which was a blessing. But, staying in school pregnant was the best thing I did. I wanted to show my son I did this with him and for him. I wanted to know, I continued my education, pregnant and that was fine with me. Education showed me the difference between good and bad and helped me to become a better citizen and mother for my child. Continuing my education and being pregnant, helped me grow and develop as a person. It shaped me knowing I was living in a better society and knowing and respecting laws, regulations, and rights. That is what I taught my son and the importance of education.
A lot of my supporters were from my community. They stepped in and gave me a baby shower and check on us every day, even stopping by. I am a 47-year old continuing her education. But, I never forgot where I came from. So, giving back to my community is a blessing. I plan on giving back by teaching, learning, and action. It's important for our younger generation in my community to know why education is important and its importance. I want to see a decrease in kids dropping out of school. I want to see more diplomas and more signing to colleges. For low-income families, I'd like to help them with resources. I plan to stand up for my community and let them know we are in this together and no one should be left out, period.
Women in Tech Scholarship
In today's STEM employers are in need of trained and qualified professionals. Pursuing a degree in STEM will provide me with job security, and will give me a strong sense of being an integral force in the marketplace. Studying and working with STEM will help me learn about the world around me, find innovative solutions to real challenges in the world, and it will play a role in some of the country's major discoveries and developments. There are many things you can do working with STEM. For example, cure diseases, in which I'd love to find a cure for Alzheimer's. That's what my grandmother passed away it. I'd love to find out more about the disease and what can be done to keep it from processing or even preventing death. Our brain works in mysterious ways. Pursing a degree in STEM gives helps us focus on positive reasons and why we are there. I would say this to fellow students who are choosing to pursue a degree in STEM. First of all, make sure this is the career you want to be in. Second of all, be prepared. Third, get real, and fourth incorporate online resources. Before going into any field, you have to be prepared for what you're getting yourself into. STEM teaches us more than mathematics and science concepts. It focuses on hands-on learning with real applications. This helps us develop a variety of skills that includes creativity and 21st-century skills.
I hope to accomplish more than anything. There would be more job availabilities and continuing growth. I want to accomplish new skills and challenges. Any challenge that would be thrown my way, there's no way for me to back out. I love challenges and making our society a better place, especially in helping our children's growth. I would like to foster ingenuity and creativity. I'm there to be encouraged and build resilience. Most of all, I'd like to accomplish encourage teamwork, which is important. Encourage experimentation and teach problem-solving. STEM education fosters a skill set that stresses critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This type of skill set encourages innovation among those who possess it. Our country's economic development and stability are dependent on its ability to invent and develop new products. Whether we know it or not, we use STEM in everyday life. For example, when we bake, cleaning, shopping and while traveling.
Law Family Single Parent Scholarship
I'm 47-years old, happily married, five children, and seven grandchildren. Once my children graduated, I decided to continue my education. It's been a long-time goal and dream of mine. I got pregnant, young and still in High School. So, the chances of me continuing my education further were slim. I had responsibilities and that was being a mother to an infant. An infant child, I had no idea about taking care of with little support. His father was an illegal immigrant, unfortunately, he had to return where he was from. So, I was stuck raising this child on my own, which I had support from my family, so I wasn't completely alone. Being a single mother is hard, it's not easy. I had to grow up fast in order to give my child the support, love, and care he needed. I knew I couldn't do that being away off to college. I had to put a stop on going to college. It was disappointing, but I was a mother, and my son needed his mother. I didn't give up on my education. I continued going to school, while being pregnant. I graduated and received my diploma. At one point, I was embarrassed about continuing my education because I was pregnant, and I was getting bigger and bigger. I had to do this for the child inside of me. I couldn't have his mother giving up on her education because I didn't want him to think it would be okay. So, you see, by me continuing my education put things in perspective for me and made me take a closer look at life. Meaning I was giving my child the life he deserved. My child made me see and look at life differently and a chance to open new doors.
I plan on making a positive impact on the community by educating our younger generation and new generation about education. Education has always been the key to our successes and that's what we have to teach our children, especially if we want them to stay away from the streets. Education provides stability in life, and it's something no one can ever take away from my children or me. I plan on teaching my community and their children by having a well-educated background proves that we have better opportunities in a career, and it open up new doors.
JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
Education has showed me the importance of hard work, and at the same time, it has helped me grow and develop. Receiving my education were able to shape me into a better society to live in by helping me know and respect the rights, laws, and regulations. I had to put my dreams and goals on hold because I got pregnant at an early age. But, when all my children graduated, I decided to continue my education, even though I had got a bit older. Education has been a continuing factor in my life. Education sees that we get better jobs, increases innovation, productivity, and human capital. Since getting my education it acquainted me with the history of my ancestors and others, culture, and adapted socially with experience for the younger generation. I've seen the faces of my peers expressing nothing but disappointment and hatred toward education. I've had many friends who dropped out, only going back to receive their GED. And some of them, I've seen today, working at a fast-food restaurant or odd jobs to make ends meet. Which you have to do what you have too but staying in school would've made things easier and better.
Being educated made me see things clear, especially about life. It made me look at the future as being brighter and better. For me, education is the backbone in the society we live in. Education changed my perspectives on things and how different things seem when they're really not. Education gave and showed me moral values and patience. Believe it or not, education equipped me into focusing more on the good than the bad and equipped me with the skills I need to learn and work with. It helps us shape our personalities, so we can better understand the outside world and how we deal with life situations. Without an education, there's not much hope. Education gave me life and showed me how to view life. Education gave me the knowledge of the world around me and changed it into something better. Something that I had different outcomes and opinions about, but education opened up a new door and path for my present and future. Education is the key to success, happiness, and achievements.
Saroya Byrd Legacy Scholarship
Making a positive change in my community is what my community needs. Making sure your community is safe and protected is important, especially if you have children. The biggest change I'd make in my community is getting drugs off the streets. Drugs is a big problem in my community. There have been so many overdoses and it continues. The only way to fix this is finding a way to get them off the streets and the dealers. As a community, we have to find the source and take care of that first. Understanding how substance abuse develops would be a big step for the community. The problem is, we don't have to many resources or drug use is overlooked. For the young generation, we have to step up as a community and speak to them about avoiding temptation and peer pressure. There's not enough done for mental illnesses. Again, it's overlooked and swept under the rug. Getting the community together is my first priority. Setting up meetings about twice a week and making things happen. We can't turn our heads on what's affecting our community, children, teens, and adults. Something has to be done and it starts with the community. It's going to take a village.
I know we can't keep all the drugs off the street, but at least just enough is a start. We can start small and work our way up. Once we get the dealers and find out where the drugs are coming from, that's a big advantage for the community. This will be a big impact for our children. No one wants their children growing up, knowing the streets is nothing but drugs. It starts with us as parents to teach our children before they go out right and wrong. Because, if we don't, more likely they'll find someone who will, and we don't want that. We have to let our children know to lead by example and not peer pressure. As a community, I'd make sure our voice is out there and the resources we need. People often turn to drugs and alcohol when something in their life is missing or not working, and we have to teach our children better than that. We have to keep a well-balanced life for our children. We have to help our children develop goals and dreams for themselves, because the streets will take our children. Keeping our children focused and educated is important. As a community, w have to stop the drug use and so many dying, and that's what I plan on doing.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity for me is being generous and kind-hearted. Being generous to someone has to come from the heart. I'm happy to give my time. Showing generosity to people that is in need is important to me. I love helping people, especially when they're in need. There comes a time when we all are in need. Being generous is more about giving cash or stuff. Sometimes you got to let it come from your heart and that's exactly what I do. For me, I've seen it's been good for my health. For example, when I find myself helping someone in need, feels like the pain that runs through my body disappears. I was raised and taught to be kind-hearted and generous around those that surround me, even if a person is unhappy. I try to show generosity to everyone, especially to the ones that need it. When I'm generous, I feel happy, joy, and warmth. I'm happier, fulfilled, and more peaceful within myself. At home, I'm more productive. Generosity has changed my life and how I view the world. It deepens my marriage, friendships, and brings joy to those around me.
Bold Persistence Scholarship
When I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I really thought that was an ending for me. I thought this way because I knew how bad depression and anxiety can be. Having depression and anxiety, a lot of things run through your mind, even suicidal thoughts. To me, depression was just a word to use for sadness, frustration, etc. I never looked at it as being mental, until I read more about it. Depression is a mental disease and it can break you. Many people that deal with depression just look the other way. Many are misdiagnosed. People, it's real and people are living with it every day. You can't turn your back on it.
I know I couldn't let this get the best of me and I wasn't. I was persistent to face it head-on so I could continue living my life.I was determined to fight this. Without persistence, I was letting this slow me down as a person and affect my ability to grow. I have dreams and goals to accomplish so I knew I couldn't let this get the best of me. Persistence was a powerful and admirable part of me and it showed my character. I have the ability to achieve what I want to in life, without letting depression and anxiety control that, regardless of my setbacks. It takes a little bit of time when it comes to persistence, but, it's a learning experience, and that is what it has been for me. It helped me focus on life more and not give up. Setbacks is setbacks that I'v overcame. I have confident in what I do and how I do it. I am aware of the decisions I make and my setbacks. I just don't let my setbacks define who I am.
Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
I deal with depression and anxiety. I also deal with stress, worries, overwhelming situations, crying, and my list can go on. Nature is a way for me to find some comfort and peace. Nature takes away my emotional thoughts and puts them into perspective. Nature helps me get out of my head and into my body. I find clarity of mind so life makes sense. I also spend my time talking to God about a lot of stuff. I feel a rush of happiness running through my body and when I get that feeling nothing else matters at the time. It's just nature and me and that makes all my stresses and problems go away. I feel free, I feel alive and joyous. Just recognizing the beauty of nature makes me feel blessed, satisfied, and more at peace with myself. It takes all of my worryings away and lets me see what's important.
When I first got diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I thought I'd never be the same again. There were days all I wanted to do was sleep. There were days all I did was cry and worry so much. My husband didn't know what mood swing he'll be seeing today or tomorrow. My life was spiraling and it got me into a place I didn't want to be in. I couldn't recognize myself anymore. And, some days are still like that, but not as bad because of the medications I am on. I live in the moment now. I appreciate the things that are important to me. I look at life differently. I found myself again. I appreciate it every day. My family is my whole and grandchildren and they make me whole. Nature can release that pain for you, as it did me.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
Study strategies that I used to achieve academic success were listening in class, paying attention in class, and taking notes. I used these strategies as often as possible. When studying at home, I stayed clear from distractions and put all my focus on what I was studying. You see, distractions can keep you from the ability to focus and forget about what you were studying. I always put myself in a place where I was alone and knew no distractions could hinder me from my study strategies. I made sure my notes were complete at all times. I made sure that I was on top of things and that I was caught up on assignments, notes, and my readings. I'm an organized person and I still am. If something isn't organized or out of place, I tend to get frustrated. I have to make sure things are organized. I carry a homeworker planner at all times, so that way I'd know what I've done for that day and what's for the next day. It's that simple, plan ahead and stay on top of things. We put strategies in place to help us with our academics. One of my main strategies was always reviewing my notes and going over them until I got it. Every evening, I'd make myself comfortable and review and study. If not, I think I would've been behind or even stuck.
Bold Goals Scholarship
My goals for the future are earning my degree, Bachelor's of Science in Health Administration, and finding a job in that field. But, first, I must complete what I started. I was unable to finish my online classes at the University of Phoenix because of money issues. Once my financial aid ran out and my loans had hit a max, I no longer could take my classes. I miss it more than anything. I've applied for som many scholarships but no luck. Hopefully, I'll get some luck soon sp I accomplish my dreams. I had to put off furthering my education because I got pregnant at an early age, so, my responsibility was taking care of my child. But, I promised myself, once all y children graduated, I was going back to school to continue my education and that's what I did. The classes were flexible and it was at my own pace. When I left, my GPA was 3.12, and I was doing so well. And, all I want to do is earn my degree and continue my education. I want to earn my Master's degree.
Education has always been important to me. I see my future goals as being bright and successful. I see myself doing what I've wanted to do for so long. My future goals looks promising and achievable. I just got to make sure I work harder toward my accomplishments and goals. At this time, that is what my plans are. They are to get back into school and finish. I didn't want to get to that point where I just stopped. I want to continue with my classes and get my degree, that's all I ever wanted.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
The wisest thing I've ever heard and that was life-changing for me is"Live in the Moment." And, as of today, I still say those words to my children, family members, and friends. Living in the moment for me is living in the present, not the past, and not waiting on the future. All we can do is live in that moment. Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us, that's why it's important to live in the moment you're in and be thankful. Each breath I breathe is a gift and I'm aware of that. To me, it's extremely important to live in the present moment because I don't know what tomorrow might hold or the next day. Living in the moment. When I'm in that present moment, it brings out true happiness, joy, peace, and that is all a piece of our well-being. When we become mindful living in the moment, we realize that we are not our thoughts, but observers of our thoughts. There was a time all I did was live in the past. It made me bitter, miserable, and sad. It turned me into a person I didn't recognize anymore. I never lived in the present or thought about what the future may hold for me. I held on to that past for quite some time, eventually, I had to let go. That's when I remembered my grandmother always telling me to live in the moment, that present moment, and look forward to the future. And, I took her words to the heart and I still do. So many of us like to hold on to the past, but, it does nothing but eat away at us, which I learned. I don't think about tomorrow, next week, or a month from now. I think about that moment.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
Non-fungible tokens (NFT) are transforming our world, and they will continue to do so this year in 2022. These innovations go beyond Bitcoin to things like smart contracts, which allow us to verify ownership with NFTs. The non-fungible token is a unique digital asset that represents real-world items. For example, art, video clips, music, and more. NFTs use the same blockchain technology that powers cryptocurrencies, but they are not a currency. They are generally built using the same kind of programming as cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. They can be exchanged or traded from one another. For investors that are betting on a long-term increase in the value of Ethereum, more people buying ether for NFTs has the potential to be the very best thing.
NFTs, inspire me because they change the world by how we communicate with one another and transmit information. And for consumers, it's a great way to keep something very special and personal from your favorite content creators. NFTs also inspire me because they are something of value that cannot be interchanged, they could be anything digital. NFTs offer a record of ownership that is verifiable through a digital ledger. I know they could open up a whole range of possibilities for digital assets that I can buy, sell, and transact with. NFTs enable new markets by allowing people like me to create and build upon new forms of ownership. These projects succeed by leveraging a core dynamic of crpto. Think about it, a token's worth comes from users' shared agreement. And with this said, it means that the community one builds around NFTs quite literally creates those NFTs.
Surya Education Assistance Scholarship
I am passionate about receiving my education because I developed a passion to learn. Growing up, I was eager to learn and explore new things. After graduating I lost my chance of furthering my education because I got pregnant at an early age. All through High School, I knew what I wanted to pursue. I had made my mind up. I wanted to be a teacher, work in the medical field, or do counseling. My main pursuit was going towards the medical field. I love helping people that are in need. Becoming a nurse is what I wanted more. I'm passionate, empathetic, sympathetic, and committed to my job. I love to talk and good communication skills I have. I'd advocate for my patients and speak out when things are going wrong. I know being a nurse has challenges and I love a challenge. I am a hard worker and I work under pressure. I respect others and their wishes, especially the patients. I do have the ability to bring understanding and peace when there is a confusing or challenging situation.
Education is important. Education provides stability in your life and it has for me and it's something no one could ever take away from me. Graduating and continuing your education increases your opportunity for better career choices and it opens new doors for you. When I was the caregiver for my grandmother, I knew nursing was something I'd love to get into. She was my inspiration because she taught me how to be a caregiver and what it takes to be one. It's a challenge, but a challenge you can work with. After she passed, I decided to get my PCA (Personal Care Assistant) right away. I got a job immediately. Going out helping people that needed the help was breathtaking for me. Education lessens the challenges we face in life. I for one knew the more knowledge I gained receiving my education the more opportunities would open up for me, which allowed me to achieve better possibilities in my career and personal growth. Education plays a key role, an important key role, in the career world.
Education is the key to my success and that is why I'm passionate about receiving my education. When I gained my education, I gained a deeper understanding of what's right, what's wrong, what's fair, and what's unfair. When we develop our reasoning and critical thinking skills, we'll be able to apply these skills to the situations in our lives. For me, education is the most empowering force in the world. It creates our knowledge, builds our confidence, and breaks down barriers to our opportunities. For our children and grandchildren, education is the key to opening doors for them for a better life. I know education for me provides direction and gives me a road map to great opportunities and how to approach my life.
Diabetes Impact Scholarship
I'm a 47-year old African American who has type 2 diabetes. Type 1 and 2 diabetes have their differences and their similarities. Many Americans are at high risk of diabetes. Type 2 is largely diet-related and develops over time. Having type 2 diabetes means that cells don't respond normally to insulin, meaning, our pancreas makes more insulin to try and get the cells to respond. Unlike most conditions, diabetes is mostly managed by us. Which means, keeping our sugar checked, monitoring what we eat, dieting, exercising, and taking our medications. At this time, I am on two different types of medication for my diabetes. Some days, I do forget to check my sugar and watch what I eat. But, it's important to do so. Diabetes has to be monitored and checked daily, that's very important. People that deal with diabetes know it's a struggle and checking your blood sugar can be a lot. Diabetes also attacks different parts of your organs, if not controlled.
I'll help others who are living with a chronic autoimmune condition by showing compassion and empathy. Most people don't like others showing sorrow or letting you in and it's okay. Being there is just as important. Before going to others, I'll make sure to get some research of their condition and watch what I say when I give some comfort to that person. Validation and believing in them make a person feel better. Let them know they're not alone. Support and time are a plan in helping others with their condition. Let them know it is OKAY not to be OKAY. Being a friend is all we can do and that is exactly what I'd do. Don't force someone to let you in, you have to be patient. Show respect as you would want and speak on their condition. Helping others is what I love to do. My daughter and I was the caregiver for my grandmother until he passed. Alzheimer's got the best of her. But, her family, remembered how she once was and not how her condition had her.
Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
I recently was enrolled at the University of Phoenix, unfortunately, I had to drop my classes because I couldn't afford them, which was disappointing for me. I was heading towards my Bachelor's of Science in Health Administration with a Long-Term Care Certificate. When I left my GPA was 3.12. So, if I won this scholarship, I'd get my classes going again. My assignments were always on time, and I set a schedule aside just for my classes. You see I missed my opportunity to further my education after I graduated. I got pregnant at an early age, I knew I had to be an adult because I had a child on the way. I had a responsibility and that was to take care of my unborn son. I was disappointed in myself, but not disappointed in having my baby. So, I promised myself after all my children graduated from High School, I was going back to school and that's exactly what I did. I had great support from my family and they saw how much this meant to me. So, I'd get my classes going again. Being back in school meant the world to me. Not only that, I was fulfilling a dream and goal of mine. I'm ready to succeed and achieve and when I do earn my Bachelor's, I'm going forward. I'. planning on continuing my education and going for my Master's. I want this so much. If I had this $1,000 right, I'll get back in school.
Linda Hicks Memorial Scholarship
My deceased sister-n-law was impacted by domestic violence and was addicted to drugs. She was also very sickly. She had diabetes and had an amputation done on her right leg. I always thought because of her health was the reason for her actions, never did I think she was doing hardcore drugs. I knew my brother did drugs, but with the two of them together on it, I always thought it wasn't a good comparison, even though, they fell in love and got married. She had a son, who is also addicted to drugs. Unfortunately, he is incarcerated at the time, which my brother is still doing drugs as we speak. It's so hard to watch a loved one go through different emotions, especially when they haven't consumed drugs in a while. I've conversated with my brother on numerous occasions, but it's always I'm grown and I what I'm doing. So, 'What else can I do?" He is my one and only brother and I have no more siblings. I watched my sister-n-law fight her addiction until the end. See my brother has MS too, and I'm afraid that by him taking the drugs isn't helping with the medication he takes for his MS. Drugs has taken over my community and they are taking over everywhere. People are dying every day, due to overdoses. It's ridiculous. And it's harder when it's someone you love.
There need to be more outreach programs and there needs to be a change put into place. Domestic violence and drug abuse needs to be heard more and not put on the backburner. I'm an African American, I know more African Americans deal with domestic violence and drug abuse than any other race. The African American community is impacted a lot more. You're seeing more African Americans with low-income, drop-outs, trouble in the family, and selling of drugs using more drugs and domestic violence in the home coming from African Americans. Some time doing drugs takes away their stresses, struggles, and demons.
I would use my higher education to assist by providing more support and resources in the community. I'd hold meetings at least twice a month to discuss what can be done and how it can be done. It takes a village to help, with that being said, I'd like the community to help as much as they could. Domestic violence and drug abuse is a problem. It's a problem around the world. We need to keep drugs from coming into our country and we must stop domestic violence. We need to be a voice for those that are ashamed, in denial, or has hit rock bottom. For women who are abused, have been abused, or going through abuse, we need to speak up for them too. So many women are in fear of their life and the life of their family. If children are involved it's harder to leave an abusive situation. As the saying goes for many, "It's easier said than done," which is true for many. We need more support for these women and for drug abusers. Educating, learning, and teaching would be a great way to start, and that is exactly where I'd start from.
Paybotic Women in Finance and Technology Scholarship
Katerinne Johnson is best known as being a pioneering physicist, space scientist, and mathematician. Katherine was a Black American mathematician. The gender of inequality in science continues to be an obstacle for women and girls today. Katherine was nominated in an Oscar-motion film that followed her true story and two other African American women. Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, worked hard to gain recognition in their fields, despite facing heavy discrimination. All three women were referred to as NASA's human computers. Thanks to their smartness and hard work and sharp minds at a time when there were no computers like we have today. Katherine's complex calculations on mechanisms as a NASA employee led to the success of the first US crewed spaceflights. She was an inspiration to many. Despite being discriminated against, she didn't let that get in the way of her success. Katherine succeeded despite being racial profiled and that's enough inspiration for me.
As an African American, I know what it feels like to be discriminated against, whether it's the color of your skin, your hairstyle, clothing, etc. Women of color had to prove themselves harder than whites back then, and as of today, and things still aren't any different from then. I'm planning on being the best leader I could possibly be through my career. You see women of color hasn't had it easy, we get overlooked, and even unrecognized sometimes. The achievements we make aren't broadcasted or talked about as females of a different color. I want to have my voice heard and my opinions. I plan on making things better and supporting others as they would support me. I want to be able to get my word across to many and adapt the best I can as a leader. You have to think strategically and adopt a growth mindset, which I certainly will do for my colleagues and for others who surround me. I'd practice my self-awareness and be aware of my surroundings as well. Having an inspiration on someone else feels good. Just knowing you have inspired just one person for today is a blessing. Being a leader, I'll have to focus on myself and add value to what I do. Aligning yourself with other influencers is important and will be an importance in my career. Taking advantage of all the opportunities that I have in store for me could help my career further. I like learning and training, and work hard at what I do as I would want others to do. If I don't know what it is being a leader, I'll sure enough take management and leadership courses, especially if I want to do the best in what I'm there for and that's being a leader. I have to consider every day is an opportunity and brush up on my hard skills.
Andrew Perez Mental Illness/Suicidal Awareness Education Scholarship
First of all, I want to take the time to say I'm deeply sorry for what happened to Andrew Perez. So many have went before him and after him because of a mental illness. A mental illness that at times get misdiagnosed or not worth looking into. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety about 3 years ago. When my grandmother passed, I went blank and found myself in a dark place. A place where my family couldn't get me out of. I was in that place for so long, I decided to get help. I scheduled an appointment with my PCP and then she referred me to a counselor. I was put on two medications, which helped, but not like I thought it would. Recently, I was put on another medication for my depression, so I'm hoping this medication will help me. I still find myself in dark places, crying out the blue, worrying, overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, insomnia, etc. It's a lot to deal with, but I'm managing it day by day and one step at a time. There have been times I've shut my husband, children, brother, and mother out. I find myself alone and lost. I have no help in dealing with this on the outside, and my husband is in denial. I try to speak to him about it, and suddenly, he changes the subject. So, I feel I have no support, even though, I know I do.
I am passionate about a lot of things, but so more my seven grandchildren. You see they are the reason I get out of bed every day. I call them every night before bedtime just to see how they are doing and to tell them "I love them unconditionally". By walking, doing things outside, visiting my children, and enjoying life is how I cope with my mental illness. I just don't want to get in that place where I give up. I know I have a lot to live for and God is not ready for me just yet. I have to keep pushing and pushing. Some days are harder than others, but I manage. That's all I can do and live in the moment. There have been times I don't feel like doing anything but to stay in bed. I get exhausted, tired, no energy, and overwhelmed. My mind at times is crazy, I can't explain. So, I focus on my hobbies and passions instead of my disease so much. I can't let this take control of my life, even at times it does.
My goals are to get better and to do whatever it takes in doing so. My aspiration for the future is to advocate for those that are living with a mental illness. Mental illnesses aren't as concrete as physical illness. Depression is often not taken seriously. Mental illnesses is to take seriously and not overlooked. It should be treated as seriously as a physical disease, such as cancer and any other disease. You have to watch for the signs, which many don't or parents. I'd love to be a voice for others who aren't brave to speak out. I'd love to help those that have their backs turned on. I would like to help many people as I can, especially children and teens. Anxiety and depression affect many children. Anxiety disorders are the most common in the United States, and it can be triggered by many factors. As a person living with a mental illness, please get help as soon as you can. Please, talk to someone, it's a first start.
Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
I want to pursue a career in STEM because it will allow me to have a wide variety of future opportunities after graduating. For example, say if I would pursue a career in engineering open many doors. I can seek a career in such diverse fields as chemical engineering, computer science, or environmental science. There are many opportunities in this field and flexibility. I have many different areas of specialization within any STEM major. Then there is compensation, which is the highest in initial compensation for recent graduates. You can get a job and personal satisfaction when pursuing a career in this field too. Everyday life is constantly affected by professionals from STEM programs. These programs have been developed to not only properly educate, but strategically help prepare graduates for the future workforce. A STEM career is a career on the cutting edge. It could help me position myself in the next groundbreaking technology. I love the experience of working with new technology and what it brings to the table. And, this field can give me the freedom and flexibility in the STEM field to clear a new path for new ideas and innovation. And think about it, as technology continues to develop, STEM careers are the fastest-growing career in the United States. I will have the chance to work with leading-edge technology and being able to learn new ideas and new technology builds a cutting-edge for me.
I will use my degree in STEM by starting a blog, getting on social media, and volunteering for a career day at one of the local schools in my area. STEM education would give me the skills that would make me more employable and ready to meet the current labor demand. This would encompass the whole range of experiences that I've learned and skills. Each STEM component would bring a valuable contribution to a well-rounded education. Science gives learners an in-depth understanding of the world around them. My goal will be to produce an action plan on what works, change what doesn't, seize opportunities, and minimize the threats to STEM. For my community, I'd make sure that my STEM community is youth-focused, action-oriented, hands always-on, adult-coached, and try-fail-try again approach. One of my plans would also be to promote self-directed learning, connect real-life connections, encourage communication, and require teamwork and collaboration. One of the most important things about STEM-based education is that it teaches children more than science and mathematics concepts. And, the hands-on learning with real applications will help develop a variety of skill sets. What I say would make me strive in STEM, early exposure to science, engineering, and math can provide me with the foundation necessary to partake in an increased number of STEM careers. In everyday life, STEM helps teach us important skills, especially in budgeting and handling money.
Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
I'm an African American student that decided to further my education after all of my children graduated, and that's exactly what I did. I didn't get the chance to further my education after I graduated. You see, I got pregnant at an early age, so I knew I had responsibilities. After all, this was a child that I was going to carry for nine months, and I didn't want to put him on anyone like many teens do when they get pregnant. Adoption or abortion isn't what I wanted because I don't believe in either. I laid down and made him, even though it takes two to tangle, but, I had responsibilities and this was going to be my child. Still in school, I know it would be challenging and I didn't know anything about parenting. With the help from my loved ones, I got there, even though I had to put my dreams aside for my baby boy, which didn't matter at all for me. I was becoming an adult now, I had to be the best mother I could be and I was. I came from a low-income family and we didn't have much, and to me, it wasn't a real big deal you know. My brother and I didn't have fancy clothes, shoes, hairdos, etc., and that was fine with us. We had a hardworking father and mother that did their best to provide and support us and that was all I needed. I had students in class talking about what they got or going to get and how much their parents went out and spent on them. At first, I admit, there were some jealousy and hate, but, I had to get past that. All I ever heard was about material stuff, but never about the love they got from their family or the support, so looked like to me, they worried more about the value of things instead of their needs. We all have our wants, but, I was taught our needs will always have to come before our wants, again, what my mother taught me.
As I stated, I decided to further my education after all my children graduated. I had all this time in my hand and now I was able to carry out my dream. I've always wanted to work in the medical field since I was in Middle School. In the medical field, there's always a job opening and there will always be a job. I had the full support of my family. They had my back. They even pushed me to follow my heart and dream and so I did. I decided to do online classes because I thought it was better and I'd be at my own pace. I went to the University of Phoenix and I loved it. Unfortunately, I had to drop my classes because of financial troubles and I didn't have enough Fafsa to continue to cover the cost of the class. Even I had gone over with the loans and could no further borrow. Before I left, my GPA was 3.5 and I was doing so well. I completed all of my assignments, stayed on top of things, and kept in touch with the professors when I didn't understand something or when I was sick I'd let them know admittedly, so, they'll give me some extra time to complete an assignment. I was going for my Bachelor of Science in Health Administration Care Long-Term Certificate. I'm so ready to get back and finish what I started. I have the potential to meet my goal and achieve it so I can get my degree. At this time, money is the only problem holding me back and that disappointed me more than you could ever know. This has been a dream of mine, earning my degree and once I earned it, I'd take my education further. Coming from a low-income family, which I'm in the low-income category as well. It's not easy as everyone thinks.
You know, early decision policies at colleges and universities have favored wealthy families and created additional barriers for marginalized communities. There is decreased public funding of higher education, increased tuition costs, reduced financial aid, and the student loan debt crisis that makes it more difficult for low-income college students, and being African American doesn't make it any better. If I did get back into school, which I hope soon, I plan to use my education by voicing my thought about why it's so important to go back to school first of all. For the ones that are getting into the medical field, I'll speak to them to see if this is where they really want to be because if not, this field isn't the right choice for them. Some people can't stomach the workload, the shifts, etc. Some people don't like sitting behind a chair all day long, they rather move around. I can make this world a difference by teaching what I've learned and taught those who are willing and ready to learn. Since the pandemic, there has been a lot of nurses leaving to protect themselves and their family. But, then the ones who stayed didn't break their oath and put the safety of their lives and family in danger because of the oath they took when they got into the medical field and those are our heroes. It takes a lot of working and working to get into any field you choose. In the workplace, I'd use what I was taught and make it a safe environment for those around me and myself. I'd work closely with my co-workers and learn from them vice versa. Medical professionals can play vital roles in low-income neighborhoods. In addition to screenings, immunizations, and check-ups, they can promote health education and that is something I'm willing to do. I'd provide health education, promote health activities, encourage preventative care, provide incentive programs, and offer screenings. I'll approve it by analyzing data and outcomes.
Jae'Sean Tate BUILT Scholarship
I'm an African American, who decided to go back to school after all my children graduated, indeed I did. I got pregnant at an early age, still in school, and now having to raise an infant on my own. I'd already had my goals set and what I wanted to do after I graduated, unfortunately, I had to put them on hold. I was angry with myself for getting pregnant at an early age, still in school, but the good thing was, I did graduate and received my diploma. I did have to put my college dreams on hold because I had a little one take care of, and I didn't want to be that mother leaving my child. I did have support from my family because I knew nothing about raising a family. I will never forget the day that he came to the world. When the nurse laid him on my chest, it was love at first sight and I knew then I had to grow up. I did feel some disappointment for not being able to go to college, but, when my child got here, that feeling went away and college. I did want to make my son proud of his mother, so, I got a job.
I'm happily married, five children, seven grandchildren, with a loving family whom I love dearly. Since all my children had graduated, I knew it was time for me to get back in school and that's what I did. I attended the University of Phoenix, online classes and was doing well. I was studying to receive my Bachelor's of Science In Health Administration Long-Term Care Certificate. I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field since I was at a young age. My GPA was a 3.2 when I left. I had to drop my classes because there were no more loans left for me and there was no way I could pay out-of-pocket. So, I had no other choice. I've been applying for scholarships since I had to drop out and no luck. Earning and receiving my degree is what I want to do. I want to succeed and say, "I did this". I feel like I'm a quitter because I had to quit what I started. I had no choice, only if it was a different outcome. I came from a low-income family, but they gave us what we needed and not what we wanted. All I ever wanted was to get this degree and further my education more until I can't no more.
If I did get this scholarship, I would finish what I started and succeed. Education had always been important to me. When the pandemic hit, he hit a lot of hard and as today we still struggling. We couldn't do what we wanted without protecting ourselves and family. Masks were recommended and social distancing and I didn't mind that all. I also know, the pandemic put a toll on the school systems too. A lot of students fell behind and colleges around the world. But it didn't stop many for going what they were after, and I want to go for what I'm after and that's my degree. So, here I am ready and willing to get back to my classes to reach my full potential. I feel like it was a waste of time for me to start what I couldn't finish. I miss my classes and my miss doing the work. I was always up for new challenges and new learning material. I miss that all. My work was always on time, and I always attended my classes because I put time aside just for my studies.
Bold Success Scholarship
I have already considered what I want to achieve and how I plan to achieve success. First of all, I need to restart my online classes again, but I'm unable to do so at this time because I don't have the money to finish what I started. I was attending the University of Phoenix and unfortunately, I had used all my loans up and of course, I don't have the money to pay out of pocket. When I did attend, I was getting my Bachelor's of Science in Health Administration with a Long-Term Care Certificate. My GPA was 3.2 and I was doing so well. I chose this field because I've always wanted to be a part of the medical field. I had applied for 78 credits, 3 scheduled, and hadn't been scheduled for the 39. That is why I've been applying myself to scholarships. I want to finish my classes and get back to doing so soon. I'm so ready in achieving what I started and I am ready to succeed. I committed to this and I'm still trying to commit. I set my life goals and all the things I've wanted to accomplish in life. Right now, my biggest accomplishment is being able to achieve my degree so I can say I've succeeded. My life goals have always been meaningful in my life and I want them to make a big impact in my life. Learning my bachelor' is large and it's been challenging for me, but I love a challenge. I have already achieved some of my goals, which are marriage and family, proper mindset and balance, career passion and personal satisfaction, and trying to have some financial stability. Now, all I need to achieve is getting my degree in Health Administration and I'm complete.
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
The meaning of life for me is my purpose in life. , which consists of the central motivating that aims in my life. It's the reason I get up in the morning, and what I do from the time I get up, whether it may be running errands, doctor appointments, tasks, working out, or taking care of my grandchildren. My purpose in life is my purpose, which guides my life decisions and the decisions I make and not what others make for me. I try to live in the moment and worry less about tomorrow. I do not let friends or family have a choice in the decisions I make or do I let them tell me how to live. I don't spend my life wondering what could've, would've, or should've because that makes it harder for me to live. The true meaning of life isn't what we think it is, we have to determine our purpose and that is exactly what I've done. I can't let the little things get me and believe me, I use to. Now, it's just something I sweep under the rug and let it stay there or find a solution to why it's upsetting me so much. I was created for a purpose in life and what was created for me is for me. Every step I've taken in life, I've achieved or tried to at least. My meaning of life is also my family, a family that I love unconditionally. Physical and mental well-being is important to me. It's just not letting me take care of my body but my mind too. Belonging and recognition make me feel valued and validated and the feeling that others get me.
Bold Gratitude Scholarship
I live with gratitude by appreciating everything. I spend every waking moment with my loved ones and cherish the moments. I also find gratitude in new challenges that I'm able to complete without help, which is a true blessing for me. I improve my happiness in other ways. If one way can't meet my happiness I find another way. And, I improve happiness in other areas in my life. Areas that I know need improvement. I was a person that never really expressed my feelings, emotions, and myself. Now, I try to live in the moment without putting so much pressure on my mind, body, and soul. I don't like to be judged and I don't judge others and I stop comparing myself to others. I'm all about living the present, looking forward to the future, and keeping the past in the past. I'm so thankful for what I receive, whether it's tangible or intangible. I acknowledge the goodness I have in my life and other people appreciate and see me as having that gratitude too. That right there makes me feel good about myself. Gratitude makes me feel my positive emotions, relish my good experiences, improve my health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. I've dealt with anxiety and depression since 2019. I have some bad days and I have some good days. I try not to let my bad days outweigh my good days. But, I am managing it with medications, which has helped quite much. I'm grateful and appreciative that I don't let my disease take over the person I am and who I am. I'm a fighter and I continue to fight. I take time to notice and reflect upon the things I've been able to experience. I feel more alive.
Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
You see I'm the type of person that loves to help others, especially when they are in need. I don't do it to expect something in return. I do it out of the kindness of my heart. There may become a day when I'm in need and need some help. We have to be able to express ourselves with love and not be judgemental of others. I like to give my time, money, and donated items I no longer use or need. Because there are people out there that are in need. For me, a selflessness is an act of kindness. Being selfless identifies and connects me with others and that is rewarding enough for me. I don't look for anything in return and I never will. It's a blessing for me in knowing I helped someone. I have a big heart and I truly can say I got that from my mother and grandmother. They raised and taught me to never judge someone if you don't want to be judged, which is so true. Being selfless helps us slash our egos and make us a better person and it changes who we are and it's not by acting out of pride or for a desire to be noticed. I love helping the elderly because they need help, especially if they have no family. I like to pick up their medicines, make sure their appointments are made, and make sure they have a ride to and from their appointments. I even call and see how it went, their appointment. Selfness lets me know I'm acting from the heart and soul instead of my ego, tapping into my true desired feelings. As long as I'm living I will continue to help others and that's what I'm going to teach my grandchildren.
Bold Career Goals Scholarship
My dream for my future career is to be able to be in the career that I've always wanted. I plan on getting myself back into school and finishing where I left off. I want to be able to succeed and achieve what I've always desired. I use to attend the University of Phoenix, but, I was no longer able to complete my program. I couldn't do so because I can't afford to pay out of pocket. When I left my GPA was 3.5 and I was doing so well with my online classes. I was aiming for my Bachelor's of Science Health Administration Long-Term Certificate. I've always wanted to work in the medical field. I got my PCA(Personal Care Aide) in 2019. My dream for my future career is being able to earn my degree and get a career in the field I've been so longing for. I'd like to become an expert in my desired field and build from there. I want to be able to be a mentor for others who want to join the medical field. I want to lead by example and have an action plan after I have my dream job. Being in a professional field, I have to be able to be professional, lead, and be manageable. I described the plan that demonstrated what I was thinking analytically about my future career and what my potential will be at the career I'm in. I have to make sure I'm able to have the potential to grow in my career. Dreams are The idea about my future career typically involved me envisioning my happiness, success, and a sense of completeness. My long-term goal has always been growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities and contribute.
Bold Bravery Scholarship
I practice bravery and live boldly by identifying what scares me and my fears. I can't live boldly unless I knock down barriers from what I'm scared of and what fears me. Never try to sweep your fears under the rug, and I've done that half of my life. One of my biggest fear was the pandemic. The pandemic got me to a place where I didn't want to be. It was like living in a cage, even though it was for protection and the protection of my family. Once the vaccination shots came out, I was still living in fear, even with so many people who had taken the vaccination. The pandemic got me into a bad spot, but, somehow I overcame it with the help of family and friends. Living in fear takes a toll on you and your body. I had to stand up to this fear and to what scared me because I needed to be free of this. I had to get comfortable with being uncomfortable, which helped me find the boldness in me. Now, I make being brave a habit and use positive self-talk. Most importantly, I had to embrace my failures because I don't like to fail at what I do. I realized failure is a part of growing up and life. We go fail at something some time or another, and we have to accept that, and that's what I did. We can't win all the time, sometimes we have to expect the unexpected. Now, I find myself getting bolder and living boldly. Living boldly for me was speaking the truth of who I am and I act with the intention of doing so. I believe in what I can do and what I set my mind to. I take chances.
Bold Bucket List Scholarship
A bucket list is a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. Many people make a bucket list for their dying wish, which is very much acceptable too. The things that are on my bucket list are being able to travel around the world and visit as many places as I possibly can. The only place I've visited is Morelos, Mexico because that's where my husband is from. Life is to short and I want to fulfill my bucket list before it's too late. At this time, I haven't achieved what I'm set to do. I'm just nervous because of the pandemic. We are still losing people around the world today because of the pandemic. I know I can't let this stop me and believe me I'm trying not too. The most important that's on my bucket list at the moment is having a trip my my children and grandchildren to Disney World. I want so much to be able to have this trip with my family, but everyone stay so busy because of their job. Not only that, I want to take a cruise with my husband, just my husband and I, so we can enjoy our time and cherish the memory. There's so much I want to do at this time, but, I haven't achieved anything on my bucket list. Hopefully, in the future I'll have the opportunity too. Lie is just so short and tomorrow isn't promise to any of us. Nothing has changed on my bucket list and one day I hope and pray I get to cross out everything on there. We shall see.
Bold Talent Scholarship
Talents are our recurring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Our talents are what comes normal to us. Talent qualifies our potential. We all have some kind of talent whether we believe it or not. Perseverance is one of my biggest talents. I like to try new things despite the difficulty that comes along with it. I want nothing more than to succeed at my goals I have set for me. When I try something, I don't like to give up on what I'm working on. It takes patience and hard work. I don't like to quit what I start because that's just giving up without putting your all into it. Perseverance for me is succeeding what I want to achieve in life. It's that essential quality for success in life. I'm the kind of person that don't let anyway define my talents or skills, that's all me. It's my ability to stick with the goals, tasks, and passion I set for me and only me. Preserving entails effort and practice. I show my perseverance by clarifying the goals I set, and I have to base it on my purpose, needs, and abilities. I like to try new challenges, acknowledge my accomplishments, and live in the present. I see myself living my goals and accomplishing them. I practice by taking action, breaking down my skills, paying attention, and always looking for ways to improve, which is so important. I view a challenge as an opportunity to learn. There was a time I didn't have time to do what I needed to do. But now, I organize my time, work, and materials. It never hurts to adapt to a new environment and that's what I do adapt making it easier on me. Be truthful to yourself and others.
Young Women in STEM Scholarship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama, African American, 47-years old. After each one of my children graduated, I decided to go back to school. It has been something I've always wanted to do. I got pregnant at an early age, so furthering my education was completely shot. I had responsibility at the time and my child was my first priority, which at the time, it didn't bother me then. Once my children graduated, I felt I was missing something in my life, that's when I talked to my husband about going back to school. He was all for it and my children. I knew once I had my child there was no way in me furthering my education because I had no help in helping me out so I could. I wasn't mad, just disappointed in myself. But, I did get to go back. I went to the University of Phoenix to pursue a degree in Bachelor's of Science in Health Administrations with a Long Term Care Certificate. I choose this degree because I've always wanted to work in the medical field. I have my PCA certificate, CPR card, and OSHA. What motivated me is by helping others, especially those that can no longer do for themselves. It makes me happy and when I look in the mirror I can honestly say I'm proud of myself for that day. Just knowing you have a real passion for helping someone makes you a better person. Not so many are blessed out here as others, so that is when I like to step up and make sure their needs are met. I do this out of the kindness of my heart and for not what many do it for and that's something in return. It's very rewarding for me when I get to help others and that's my biggest reward. If I could do anything with my life, I'd imagine myself continuing to help others and help them get the resources they need. And, giving back to the community too. When the pandemic hit I know a lot of Americans struggled and struggled. Just to put some comfort in their lives, helping would be something I'd like to do. I'm not rich, but what I do have I don't mind giving a little here and a little there.
What excites me about STEM is being able to live and work on the cutting edge. What I also love about STEM is that it introduces innovation from design to problem-solving. The youth generation channels their creativity into scientific advancement and beyond. STEM can boost our confidence and help provide a world of understanding. Pursuing a career in STEM can provide me with job security and bring out that strong force we have in ourselves making us an integral in the marketplace. Being able to make an impact on the world through technology is a blessing in disguise. Technology affects the ways we as individuals think, communicate, and learn. It helps society and determines how we interact with one another on a daily basis. Technology plays an important role in our society today and I think without it many will be lost. I admit it can also have negative effects on the world and impact us all on a daily basis. Looking into the future, I personally think that employers will be only seeking out those that are ready, willing, and continuously learning new skills. Think about it since we have technology manual jobs are disappearing on a regular. For Mr, technology shapes what I do and how I do it. Technology makes jobs easier. They help set up reminders, gather receipts, track investments, compare prices, and much more. Now that we have the technology, we don't have to waste our time doing financial tasks, now with just one click, we can pay our bills online. Technology has improved healthcare, online grocery shopping, etc. Technology reduces errors and so much more. As a business owner, technology helps businesses improve communication processes. Emails, texting, websites, and apps facilitate improved communication with consumers. We get better time management thanks to the productivity of apps and improved health thanks to the easy access of technology. Now, patients are able to make appointments, see their records, and communicate with their physician using "My Chart".
Being an African American woman, I've had to overcome many obstacles as other women has. People have looked past what I am as a person on the inside, but chose to judge me on the outside. Since the era of slavery, African American women have been viewed as being dominant that they should be workers and nothing more. We are not treated equally and looked at as being different and less than. African women have got less pay than others. I've been called names you could never imagine. I've been laughed at because of the way I wore my hair. I've been ignored when I raised my hand and I've been rejected from a job I had once applied for. The reason said was because I didn't have enough experience or had enough work experience. But, through it all, I didn't let it stop me anyway or anyhow. I continued keeping my head held high. I got through my obstacles by turning the negativity into positivity. I ignored ignorance, stupidity, and what people said about me or what they thought of me. I realized there's only one person that can judge you, "He sits high and looks down low". As of today, we are still dealing with race, sexuality, discrimination, religion, etc. As a woman I can say I succeeded. I overcame being looked and viewed differently. Despite an improved labor market, black Americans still can't obtain well paying, stable jobs with quality benefits. African American women have came along way, but there's some unfairness we still live with. I came from a low income family and turned out well I must say. We didn't have everything, but, we had what was needed.
Taylor Coleman’s “More than a Conqueror” Scholarship Award
Having an autoimmune disease doesn't make you less human. I have been dealing with hidradenitis suppurativa and anemia for quite sometimes now. Having to take all these medications does put a toll on my body and family time at times. I feel tired, exhausted, nauseated, weak, and no energy quite much. My immune is also weak, so that puts a lot on me too. My life has changed tremendously and education. Through all of this, I can't let this stop me in any form of way. I have to keep living and thank God for another day. I can't let this take over my life or education, I just can't. My life can't be put on a standstill because of this, and I can't let it outweigh my good days. It's been frustrating and depressing, I admit.
I really can't say it has impacted my future because I can't let this beat me. I have to keep fighting, pushing, and going forward. Some days I don't want to get out of bed, and I have not enough energy to get out. All I do is take it one day at a time and see how the next day will go. I have felt rejected because of the fact, those that are closest to me have no understanding or feelings how this has impacted my life, or do they experience what I go through. But I took the time to explain my situation so they could get a better understanding of it, which helped a lot.
If I do get this scholarship, it can definitely help me in many ways in reaching my educational and career goals. First off, I wouldn't have to put so much pressure on myself by letting what I have get to me so much. Secondly, I wouldn't keep my focus off of what's important and goals. Third, I'll feel like no matter what a person goes through or going through we are all human and need to be looked at as human and not the disease. You can do anything you put your mind into doing, just can't give up. Giving up is not one of the words that comes out of my mouth. We can't let a disease or sickness define who we are or what we are and that's what I do not claim.
Having an autoimmune disease can have an effect on any part of your body. And, if you have one autoimmune disorder its most likely you can get another one. You have to remember; you can't let any disease take away the person you are. There's not one thing better to do is fight for your life and try not to let the disease take over it. Don't miss your appointments and do as the doctor's say.
Giving Back to the Future Scholarship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama, an African American. Once I graduated, I didn't forget where I came from nor did I forget my community. So many people, once graduated, forget where they came from and once they are in college, they become someone they're not. Giving back for me is important for our people gives me the opportunity to meet new people and see who's in need and what they're in need of. Giving back for me is from the heart and not looking for something in return. I see giving back is like a reward for me. It makes me feel good about myself and happy. Giving back gave me that sense of purpose. The fulfilling feeling of giving back and contributing to society is unparalleled. I met a lot of people that I had never met and It was great. I learned so much from everyone. I know by giving back that I'm bettering the lives of the people around me, and that was a great feeling for me. By interacting with people and people from different backgrounds you learn so much about their struggles and their needs. You never know what a person is going through if you're not aware of it. Being aware of what's going on in your community is important. Being an African American, I know it's so hard to get into some colleges because of our skin color and we are still getting treated like we're nothing because of our race. It isn't easy being an African American and so many have been left behind and that right there is not fair. We're not seen or heard, until we speak up and let our voice be heard.
I love to volunteer and I do so every chance I get. I mostly volunteer to help out the disabled and the elderly. That's is why I'm teaching my grandchildren now, that it's important to give back but, don't look for anything in return. Let giving back come from your heart..
Bold Best Skills Scholarship
My best skill is being responsible for the things I do. I don't leave a mess behind leaving it for someone else to clean up. You have to be responsible for your own messes and mistakes. Being responsible helped my self-esteem, my relationship with family and friends, and when I worked with my co-workers. Responsibility helped me in big ways. It made me a better person than I was when I was a teen and teenager. It helped me work through my mistakes without having them being weighed down on me by regret, guilt, or shame. I wasn't a responsible person growing up at all. I had someone else to lean up against my mistakes and the messes I made. I wasn't the kind of kid that liked to clean her room, I'd pay my brother to do that. I cheated on tests, had other students take notes for me. I just wasn't responsible. As I grew up, I realized that responsibility is important in life. You have to be responsible for your own mistakes because no one should have to take the blame for your mistake and that is what taught my children and taught my grandchildren. Being responsible gave me the strength in building my character and that I'm not perfect. Yes, we go make mistakes in life, no doubt. But, we have to learn to clean up our mistakes and don't make the same mistake again. I do need a little more of being responsible improved, I admit. But, I try not to forget that I have responsibilities and an obligation of being responsible. The biggest improvement I see I need is not rescuing my adult children when they are not responsible. I need to realize they are not children anymore.
Mary P. Perlea Scholarship Fund
As an African American, I had to overcome a lot over time in my life. I didn't have the best of clothes growing up or the expensive shoes we see today. You wouldn't catch my parents buying something expensive. I wore hand-me-downs because that is what my parents could mostly afford at times. On Christmas's my brother and I would get what they could afford. Going to school was an even bigger challenge for me because of what I wore and how my hair was fixed. I had students that made fun of me on a daily. I remember one student throwing things in my hair and making nasty comments to others about me. I remember a couple of students calling me a monkey even hitting me. At the time, I thought it was me. But, I found out more students of color were getting the same treatment. I remember coming home crying and telling my parents I want to be taught at home because of how the children were treating me at school. I had students telling me I lived in a barn or even a broken-down house, which broke my heart into pieces. I hardly knew about racism back then.
Looking back now, there were some things I could've done differently. Like paying no mind to what others would say. Instead, I should've just ignored the words and shook them off. Because to me now, thinking back, the students that were so mean to me, could've had something going on in their household and they were taking it out on me. They could've been experiencing things a child didn't have to experience or worse. I was taught two wrongs don't make it right or get even with someone. No matter what color you wear or what race you are, we are all the same to God. If you have a disability, that doesn't make that person stupid or dumb, I look at them as being different, but still human beings. it doesn't matter where you live or who you are, we all are God's children. Some happen to be more fortunate than most of us, but, that shouldn't define who we are. And, the fortunate isn't better than who we are.
I've overcome a lot and one is that of race. I don't discriminate or do I care how you live, where you live, or who you are. We all are the same in some ways and other ways we are different, but that shouldn't distinguish what we are or who we are. With the education that I did receive, first of all, I'll let the underserved and the underrepresented know that they can do just about anything. That they may be different, but, that can't define you of what you in life. My way of also helping would be getting my community involved and looking for a way to endorse research. I'd use my time and place differently. I'd build empathy and remove barriers. I'd help them face their challenges so they won't have to go at it alone. Helping others is important to me, it has always been important to me. When helping another, I do it from my heart and not just look for a reward. You are rewarded when you help others. As a person, it makes me feel good inside and out just because I helped a person that day. It gives me a better look at things in life.
Melaninwhitecoats Podcast Annual Scholarship
I chose my professional healthcare field of interest because I love helping those that are in need and unable to help themselves. Most of all, I love making a difference in the lives of others. There is nothing more rewarding than being able to help those that need care. I want to have that purpose of serving others and just being able to save and preserve life which is the most wonderful profession anyone can be in. Nurses, physician, assistants, etc is our frontline heroes. They put their lives on the line every day and we need more recognition pointed toward them. I love the healthcare field because I love making a difference in a person's life and helping them through their trying times. Your schedule is potential and flexible. People need medical care at all times of night and day. It's never-ending. Saving a life makes you feel like you're on top of the world and that is what I want to feel. The healthcare field has its downs as well. You so often get close to a patient like they are family and when you lose them, it's like losing yourself. People always say you're here to do your job and not make friends. But, "How is that possible?" You tend to get close to your patient's and there's really not much you can do, besides, continue doing your job and remembering why we are there.
Diversity creates that stronger feeling of inclusion and our community, which makes our workplace feel safe and more enjoyable. We have to always remember what we are there to do and why we chose the field we are doing. You have to be able to respect your colleagues and the families of your patients, even when things may get out of hand with a family member, we have to walk away and get our superior involved. I'll admit, we go have our bad and good days, what job doesn't. The healthcare field can be stressful, you just have to learn how to deal with a stressful situation and not take it out on your colleagues, patients, or superior, especially if you want to come back to a job the next day.
When the pandemic hit, it hit hard for many many Americans around the world. Financially, I know it hit my family and me hard. We got behind on a lot of bills, barely had enough to put food on the table,
we had to borrow money for gas. If I do win this scholarship, it would turn my world around. I'd be ecstatic and crying at the same time. The healthcare field is a profession I have always wanted to get into. I attended the University of Phoenix online, but, I was unable to finish because of financial problems. When I stopped, my grade point average was 4.0. I want nothing more, but to finish what I started and obtain my Bachelor's degree in Health Administration Long-Term Certificate. All I want is to achieve what I started and what I wanted to do. It meant everything to me once I got back into school.
At this point, I really can't see where I'll be in the next 10 years because no one knows when their time is coming. But, my goals are to try my hardest to finish what I started and that is by getting back into school to achieve my dream. All I've ever wanted was to be able to help others. I hope and pray I win, it would mean everything to me and more.
Cyrilla Olapeju Sanni Scholarship Fund
Immigrants face many many challenges when coming to America, especially those that leave children and family behind. Those that do bring their children along with them have a higher effect on them than their parents. Socioeconomic and psychosocial concerns are more challenging for children. For example, depression, panic disorder, sadness, anxiety, and the list can go on. Immigrants that cross the border just to come to America are looking for a better life for their family and themselves. Once the children do arrive in the United States with their family have no kind of support and the mental support is low. I don't know what challenges immigrants face because I haven't been dealt that hand. But, I do know their purpose for coming here is for a better life. Many come here to forget the life they once lived and want to leave it behind. Many forget why they come here. Many think they have no obligations, rights, or want to abide by the law. Unfortunately, what they don't understand, the law applies to everyone legal or not.
My husband and I met when he came to America on a Visa to work. But, he did have to go back because he was only here to work and not to stay, so, if he had stayed and got caught, he would've been deported immediately back to his country. He did decide to cross the border illegally to be here with me and at the time I was pregnant and he wanted to be here for his son. We got married, six months later, applied for his green card and worker's permit and once it all was approved, he was legal. A lot of work, but, short process because we were married and had a baby. Now, he is a citizen. But, I knew the challenges he'd face if he would've got caught by crossing the border illegally. He would've been deported and if got caught at the border, they would've put him in their cell for 10 days before returning him home. What he described to me was horrible of what he had seen. People had died of starvation, shot down, beat up, women raped, robbed, and the most horrifying for me was when he talked about the children. Parents had to leave them behind. Many died from dehydration, starvation, trampled on, etc. I felt bad. But, what I felt worse about was how challenging and hard immigrants had to face just to get to a better life for their families and themselves. Since he has been here, it really changed him. He saw better, the work was worth the pay, it was like he had got to heaven. At first, it was hard for him to get used to our lifestyle, but, with the help of my family and me, he eased right into it. He hated he had to leave his mother and father behind, but, every week he sent them money. When his dad passed, he left him everything over there in Mexico. I could only imagine what he had to face and how terrifying it must have been, but, he faced the challenges head-on and I thank God every day for blessing me with a wonderful husband, father, grandfather, and best friend. He beat the odds. He knew if he hadn't made it back here, his life would've been a whole lot different than it is now.
Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
I am a 47-year old wife, mother of five, and grandmother of seven. I decided to go back to school once all my children graduated, and that's exactly what I did. I was currently at the University of Phoenix, an online student, pursuing my degree in Bachelors for my Health Administrations of Long-Term Certificate. When the pandemic hit, I was no longer able to afford my classes. When I left, my grade point average was 4.0, and I want more than anything to finish to obtain my degree. That is why I have applied for so many scholarships, so, I can succeed and finish what I started. You see I have never been the person who gave up on anything, I've always wanted to finish what I started, and I'm hoping to do it soon. It's been a struggle for me. I'm no longer employed, due to the fact, I am not able to work for health reasons. I have a cervical nerve root problem, that causes radiating pain from my neck down to my lumbar. I have to have surgery, but, I've been putting it off until after the holidays. But, more than anything, I want to finish my college education.
I was a caregiver for my grandmother, who passed away with Alzheimer's in 2019. She inspired me to go a little further and pursue an education in Health. After she passed, I got my PCA (Personal Aide Assistant) certificate. I loved working with those who had a disability and were unable to do the things they once did, especially with the elderly. Most of them had no family or no family that wanted to take care of them, so, that is what we would do, step in when no one else wanted to. As a PCA, CNA, RN, LPN, it is our duty and responsibility to use our voice and experience to advocate for our patients that are within our healthcare team. I'd ensure that my patients get the best quality of care needed. I am there to do my job, nothing more or nothing less. Once we walk into the room or home of our patients, it's all about them at that point, nothing else matters. I have to be the voice for my patients, even if they have a voice. My key role will be making sure I do the job I'm there to do and have an impact on the patient, where they would give me a good review on the work I do, and hopefully give some good reviews to other families. We have to play that key role in shaping hospitals wide policies for approaches to help patients and their families. And as a nurse, we don't stop at the hospital level. Nurses are at the forefront of global health care. Not only would I provide the necessary care for individualized patient care, but I would also educate, innovate and advocate for the health and well-being of my community. We need more people to stand up and advocate for those that have their lives on the line every day to help those that are in need and those that are battling serious illnesses. When the pandemic hit, it hit hard, causing nurses, physicians, etc, putting their lives on the line and the lives of their families. But, you see, they didn't stop what they were doing because it was their job to keep patients safe, protected, and cared for. Our frontline heroes are tested every day, but, they keep doing their job as per the oath they fulfilled.
Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
I don't think anyone can actually tell us the real true meaning of life, I think it's something we all go through and have to experience. There's no real true definition of life. For me, it's all about happiness, building a family, getting through the tough times, cherishing every moment with your loved ones, and living life to the fullest, and looking to the highest of all, God. Life has its ups and downs and man I've experienced the ups and downs, who hasn't. I've been thrown curveballs, obstacles, you can name it, but most importantly is how you deal with them. You see we all deal with life differently. I'm the type of person that gets emotionally real fast, on the other hand, my husband just deals and keeps it in. Our life has full of purpose. My purpose in life has been defining who I am and not letting anyone define me. It starts with you and ends with you. Life has shaped my goals, offered me a sense of direction that I was willing to take, and created the person I am today. I'm a mother of 5, God blessed me with a wonderful husband, blessed with 7 grandchildren, a sister, a cousin, a friend, etc. Everyone has different purposes in life. Life for me has been about living and fulfilling my purposes. We must live life to the fullest because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone, and that is exactly what my family and I have been doing. I've endured heartache, pain, sadness, and all. But, all of what I've felt just made me stronger and wiser. I live because I have people who love me. I live because I want to learn more. I live because I'm happy, I live because I'm me.
Tanya C. Harper Memorial SAR Scholarship
I am a 47-year old that decided to go back to school. It has always been a dream of mine to achieve what I've thirsted for, for so long. Here am I, studying at the University of Phoenix working on my degree Bachelors. I am working towards my Long-Term Certificate in Health Administrations. I also have my PCA (Personal Care Assistant) certificate. I decided to go for that when I was the caregiver of my grandmother. You could really say she inspired me to help others in her condition or any other condition. She passed away in 2019, which hurt me so bad. So, yes, after that I went straight for my certificate. I've been thinking about going for my CNA. I am an African American, and I personally think in some ways, we have came along way. But, there is more African American physician's that is needed to make a huge positive impact on the world, especially as of today. Doctor's ask us about our race to insure we get the highest quality care for all patients and that they provide us equally and fair as others. No one should be turned away from medical care because of race, religion, color, or how they carry themselves. It's an unfair treatment. But, our ethnicity is a broader term for race.
I plan to make a positive impact on the world through my medical care by finding ways to cure cancer and any other disease that can make our lives shorter. As an African American, I plan on seeing that Afican Americans are treated as others and that they get the best medical care as possible. No matter where you are from, I plan on helping those that live in the poor communities make sure their needs are met and that they will be able to afford their medicines that are prescribed for them. As a doctor we must go in accepting who we are, influencing the next generation, and accepting our difficult tasks that we have to deal with on a daily basis and understand sometimes our outcomes aren't always shining and bright. We will have those bad days, but, we have to make sure we turn the bad into good and come back stronger and working harder the next day. There will be obstacles as doctor's that we face as any other person would face. But, obstacles that we must face head on and not push back and wait until things get worse. As doctor's we are there to help our patients and teach our residents. They learn from what we teach. If a mistake happens and is not corrected at once, who to say the residents won't make the same mistakes. Whether black, white, hispanic, Chinese, etc., we should not be looked at by the skin of our color or by patients that turn us away because of our skin color. You may have that one patient that asks for a different doctor because of the color of your skin, it happens, whether we think so or not. If I as a doctor was put into a position like that, I'd have to abide by my ethic rules and remember why I became a doctor in the first place. Yes, I think I would let the patient know, the same thing I'm telling them would be the same the next doctor tells them, but, I'd still have to discharge myself because a patient has their rights as us doctor's do.
Stefanie Ann Cronin Make a Difference Scholarship
There is a lot of ways that a person can aspire to make a positive impact in the world, especially if you see there needs to be a change. Since the pandemic, the world has changed tremendously. In the past year, it has transformed nearly every aspect of our world, seemed like we all were in a standstill position. The pandemic affected our lives more than we thought it would. It changed every aspect. It was mandated to wear a mask when going out or just stay at home to be safe. Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid large gatherings, keep social distancing, etc. Our schools shut down, leaving no choice for students to go virtual. People lose their jobs, were behind on rent, were unable to keep food on the table, etc. It hit millions and millions hard, especially the poor communities. And, as of today, people are still trying to catch up. The outbreak changed the lives of many Americans. The year 2020 was defined by the coronavirus pandemic, arguably the worse pandemic that the world has seen in 100 years. Things seem to be getting better, but, there is a lot of people out here not vaccinated. Many are against vaccination or because of their religion. Many are scared it may not be worth it after all. We still are dealing with deaths, hospitalizations, and the virus.
My biggest aspire to make a positive impact on the world would be helping those in my community that is still dealing with struggles and trying to get ahead. I would like nothing more but to the voice of my community and to get the word out to the community. By setting up a community meeting and having everyone share their struggles, etc. You see many people in my community are struggling still. My family and I are not just quite out the woods either, but, being able to find and get those people that need help would be a fulfilled mission for my family and me. Being able to give the people the right resources to look into would definitely be a start. The more resources we have the better. I'd just have to have the stability to make that impact on my community. Sharing my knowledge and skills with the community would be a great help to everyone, but, as a community, we all must step in and assist. Let everyone have the floor, even though it may not be what you want to hear. Everyone should be able to share their opinion at any meeting. Getting involved with your community is important, you never know what a person is going through. Another thing I'd like to take the time and speak to the community about is being able to have enough transportation buses to get the elderly to and from their doctor appointments. You see where I stay, once the pandemic hit, a lot of the people who took the elderly to and from their appointments and to the grocery store got laid off and never was rehired again, which left a shortage of drivers and not a lot of help getting the elderly where they needed to go. Having two transportation buses and over 100 people needing a ride, many had to cancel their appointments and reschedule. With the backlogs being backed up, it took longer than you would think to get in sooner. So, yes, I'd aspire to my community by getting more drivers back and helping those that are still behind in bills.
Eleven Scholarship
Failure is not unusual but having the courage to get back up and fight for what you believed in is indeed unusual, and that is exactly what I did. There comes a time in our lives, in everyone's lives, where we experience failure or a setback, it's life. We just have to face them head-on. I look at failure as a lack of success, and I really thought that is what I had. I got pregnant at an early age, and once I did, I knew my college dreams were over at this point. I wasn't going to be able to achieve what I wanted to do after I graduated because I had responsibilities now, and that was taking care of my baby boy. Believe me, I didn't regret having him, once I saw him, I admittedly fell in love with him and I bonded with him quickly. As a single mother, I had to do what I had to for my son. But, I did graduate and I had all the support I needed, my handsome son. I didn't want to fail him because I already had failed myself and that's when the poor self-esteem came in. I lacked confidence about who I was and what I could've done if I wasn't a parent so early. All my dreams were out the window and the chance of me going to college was a zero at the time. I had this one friend that was always there for me through it all, who became the godmother of my son. Whenever she came around, I always joked about myself to her in a negative way, and I always thought she was better than I was. She really got fed up with me with the negativity, but, she always looked past it, and bought nothing but positivity into my life. One thing I'll never forget, she always told me, just because you had a child at an early age doesn't mean you're less of a person or can't achieve what you wanted to. She looked at me and said, "You will not be the last to get pregnant at an early age." She really changed my output on things. Having poor self-esteem after I became a mother affected me horribly. I turned everything around in an instant with the help of my friend. I became the best mother ever. I gave my son the world, even though at times, I still doubted myself. I went above and beyond to become the person I wanted to become, but, I had to put college on hold, which wasn't what I wanted, but, that's what I needed to do at the moment. I had a big responsibility and that was my son. I didn't want to fail him as I failed myself. All my fun times were over indeed and going out, but, that was okay with me. I had fun just being a mother to my son, which I loved hanging out with. I did have plenty of opportunities to go out and chill with my friends or just my one best friend, but, I declined just to be there for my son. Hanging out wasn't that important to me anymore or being with friends. My best friend always made the time to come and hang out with my son and me, which I loved every minute of. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would've been in the place I was in then. I always called her my angel of blessings. Fight for what you believe in.
Chronic Boss Scholarship
Learning you have an autoimmune disease or any other disease it's a hard pill to swallow. I had a lot of emotions in that office that day, I really did. I wanted to break down, but, I couldn't, not in that office. But, once I got out of that office and into my car, my tears flowed down naturally. How was I going to explain this to my family? How will they feel? I didn't want any sympathy from them or have them worrying about me, especially since they have their own family. So, that day when I got home, I decided to tell them and no tears from my eyes because somehow I was going to feel the relief I needed by telling them and at the same time, they would be relieved. Once I told everyone, I felt great, like a weight lifted off my shoulder. One by one, here comes my children hugging me whispering in my ear, it's going to be alright mom, we got you and you got this. You see I have anemia and my red blood cells are enlarged. I stay tired and fatigued all the time. Some days, I don't want to get out of bed. I just don't have the energy too. When I first started the medications, they made me so sick and nauseated, but, I had to let them get into my system fully, so they can work, which the doctor told me to. No matter what the downs I've had with this autoimmune disease, it shaped me to look ahead and keep living. My family needs me and I wasn't about to let this destroy me or my family.
From that day forward, I knew I wasn't going to let this autoimmune disease get me down or keep me in and out of the doctor's office. I have so much to live for and living is my strength. As children, we were learned to fight for what we believe in, and from that day on that is what I did and still doing. You see, at some point in our life we are going to receive bad news, live bad news, and see bad news, it's life. It doesn't mean we need to stop living, it just means we need to keep going. As of today, I am still living with this autoimmune disease with other health problems as well. I promise myself every day, I am going to continue this fight and hopefully, this medicine will help me along the way. Yes, I still have my bad days, but, I'm trying to have more good days than bad ones. I have a family that needs me and I need them. What gives me strength on a daily is knowing I'm still here. I have great support time. My doctors stay in touch with me regularly and I'm a mother, wife, sister, cousin, grandmother, aunt, and friend. Knowing this gives me strength. My biggest and most strength is GOD. He will never leave our side. For anyone out there that is going through whatever disease, don't give up or let that disease defeat you. You see I am defeating this autoimmune disease before I let it defeat me. I have recurrent infections and severe infections, but, I try not to let that get m down. When I do get down, I pray and think about my support team. I am living proof that we can go through any struggles, obstacles and still be on top.
AptAmigo Innovation Scholarship
When you find yourself thinking of new ideas for ways you can improve your business, it's just that entrepreneurial spirit. That spirit is what motivates me every day. I've always had the passion to open a small business up since Middle School. My dream was to open a small hair shop with hair products and hair accessories. I took cosmetologist in High School and I loved it. I remember always trying to do my own hair and my friends. Watching my cousin do hair from her home on weekends inspired me more and more. I always had questions for her. It looked so easy. What I didn't realize was she didn't have a license to do hair, so that was why she wasn't working out of a shop or had her own shop. But, I continued to pile myself up every weekend with questions and ideas. I even got my mother to buy me a mannequin head to practice on. I practiced every day after my homework was done. This was my way of excelling in my professional opportunity. That way I could build my team, which would build my way towards making my business effective and efficient. You see I've always been that type of person that thought out the box and think like an owner, champion all ideas, minimized the rules, and kept that crazy idea written down to put in my files. I even like getting ideas from others, especially the ones who own their own business. Doing this gives me the opportunity to have that drive and the people with who I surround myself. Being an owner is hard work and you have to put a lot of your time and effort into it. Me personally, I'd only hire those individuals that have the same entrepreneurial spirit as I do. Individuals like that would make our business better and effective. Remember keeping your clients happy and satisfied is important too. Everyone doesn't have that entrepreneurial spirit like many of us do. I keep an attitude and approach to thinking actively seeks out change. It's that mindset that embraces our critical questioning, innovation, service, and continuous improvement. I've always had passion and purpose.
I plan on applying my passion for innovation by bringing it to life. My grandmother always told me to pursue my passion in what I like to do and not what everyone else wanted me to do. I love to write and I've always had a diary as I could remember. So, for any idea that had come to my mind, I always write it down. I asked questions and visited small hair shops, which was important to me. That way I could find out the do's and don't's, what clients like and dislike, etc. Expanding your mind through experiences and knowledge can help build your innovation, so that is something I do. I've also visited a small hair shop and had some time with the owner, she intrigued me and really inspired me. I just didn't know it wasn't as easy as I thought it was, but, she said it's all worth the hardworking and school in the end. If it was my passion, she told me to go for it. She had been to five to six hair shows competing and won everyone with a new and different hairstyle. That really put my mind at ease, just sitting there listening and answers answered timely and clear.
Defining yourself is first and letting everything else follows. Don't let anyone tell you differently or talk you out of your dreams and what you have the passion for. Keep the negativity out of your life and people that doesn't mean you any good, Follow your heart and your dreams is a big core skill for me. You can't let anyone or anybody stand in the way of your passion. It's your purpose and no one else's. remember that. Innovation begins with curiosity, which we all start out as being curious about something. Creativity is a core skill. Get creative with your passion and purpose and let everything else follow. I am a big risk-taker, so take a risk. Collaboration skills enable me to work towards my common goals with others. Communicate with your clients, actively listen to them and do what they want and not what you want with their hair, take responsibility as an owner, and make sure your employees do too. Respecting the diversity of your colleagues is so important.
3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
Empowering other women can naturally empower me, which can create that growth in my career. You see women over the years have been treated unfairly, unequally, and degraded, especially when it comes to the workplace. Women are treated inhumanly when they are bought In to do a man's job. You have those men that harass them and exploit them in ways you wouldn't think. Being sexually harrassed, discriminated against is just as bad in the workplace for women. Things have certainly come a long way this day of time. Women now work as hard as men do, even harder. They are treated fairly, equally, and the way a woman should be treated. But, race and gender stills play a role in today's society, it just creates divergent and uneven outcomes for women of all races, especially men of color. There are ways that as women we can empower one another, especially women in the community we live in and people all over the world. A lot of women deal with low self-esteem, I know I did for a very long time. I had help in boosting my self-esteem and I've also helped other women boost their self-esteem. We must be open and honest with ourselves and with one another. Shutting down the negativity from one another is just as important. Think nothing but positive thoughts and empower one another with positivity. Advocating for one another is just as important for me. I try to advocate for women that can't advocate for themselves or women that don't have that voice yet. As women we can support one another in the business we run, especially back women. Black women need more empowerment in today's society. As a black woman, it has been really hard, which it has for many, just not myself. We have to prove ourselves more than once and it's not fair. African American women are not just fighting gender equality but also racial equality. No matter how much we want to act like racism isn't a problem, well it is, especially for people of color. African American women need more empowerment. Lead by example and as a follower. Young women, especially black young women are deeply influenced by their role models, so that is the reason why we need to make sure we are good role models, so it can build their confidence, all the while it's building yours too.
In order to make sure these demands are met, actions speak louder than words. Simply follow or own rules of empowerment and they shall follow. Be the leader they know you are and delegate. African American women need to know they are respected, which all women should know, but, African American women should be given the same respect as any other woman. In my opinion, we all bleed the same. No one should be discriminated against, harassed, sexually exploited, no matter what color or race you are. Women need to stick together, have their voices heard, and be empowered. Set clear expectations for one another and be the voice of reason. Never hold back on anything, simply share your ideas and opinions and give constructive feedback. Recognize women's successes and applaud them on running their business and doing a great job in running it. Women are powerful, beautiful, and hardworking. Women that can endure hard labor pains and carry a child for nine months have a strong backbone. A strong backbone that should never be seen any different. So, yes, a woman can do as much as a man and more. Empowerment.
CareerVillage.org Scholarship
First of all, I would like to take the time and introduce myself. My name is Theresa Guadarrama, 47-years old, and studied at the University of Phoenix. My grade point average at the time I left was 4.0. I was unable to continue, due to the fact, I had financial problems and when the pandemic hit, it hit us hard as far as a lot of others as well. I've always wanted to go back to school after I graduated, unfortunately, I got pregnant at an early age and my number one priority was providing for my son. So, I had to put off going to college. Had a total of 5 children, who I love unconditionally. Once everyone graduated, I decided to go for my dream. I decided to do online classes, which my family did nothing but support me. I heard so much about the University of Phoenix, so that is the college I chose. The classes were easy and the assignments were not as difficult as I thought. My instructors were always there for support and to help with anything students needed. By the way, I was going for my Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration Long-Term Certificate. I chose that field because I love working in the medical field. I received my PCA certificate, which is a Personal Care Assistant, and boy I loved working with the elderly as their caregiver or companionship.
My personal career exploration journey was simply just learning about various occupations and their fit with my unique preferences, skills, interests, and values that I want to help satisfy me. I saw myself as helping those that are in need and need the help. So, of course, I did some research on nursing. I researched CNA's, RN's, LPN's, etc. The sites that I looked up and did my research on really got to me. The site just shredded some light on me and I knew this was what I wanted because I love helping people, especially the elderly. I was my grandmother's caregiver as was my daughter, she inspired m as well. See she passed away with Alzheimer's and she really needed us to be there. The disease took away my grandmother, the grandmother I once knew. After et my she passed, I decided to go for my PCA (Personal Care Aide). Once I earned my certificate, I applied to places right away. Just seeing your client's faces once you walked through the door was priceless, especially if all they wanted was companionship. My focused sites, I can really say guided me in the right direction. The sites made me see things clearly and this is what I really wanted to do. All I wanted was to help those that needed the help and that had no family or had family that didn't care to come around or those families that were just a workaholic. I miss my grandmother every day. I wish she was here to see how her family grew. She loved babies, but, I know she's watching over us all. I was really impacted and what can I say, the sites aided me to be where I wanted to be. All I want now is to finish what I started. I am proud of myself for what I succeeded in, but, I want to be the successor and get my Bachelor's Degree. I am trying to get a scholarship so I can finish and get back in school. I like to finish what I started. I was taught that grow up and never give up, even if it gets hard.
Cliff T. Wofford STEM Scholarship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama, and I was an undergraduate studying at the University of Phoenix. I was studying Health Administrations, which was a degree for my Long-Term Certificate Bachelor's Degree. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to afford tuition any longer because where the pandemic hit and I'm unable to work. I was unable to borrow any more money because I had reached my spending limit. I was so depressed and sad I won't able to complete my courses and I was doing so well. My grade average at the time was 4.0. I, not only disappointed myself but my family too. All I want to do is finish what I started and earn my degree. I've always wanted to go back to school and my family supported me through it all. Only if I had the money to get started again. I really, really want this for me. I told myself after all my children graduated, I was going back to school to earn my degree, but, unfortunately, I couldn't finish. So, here I am trying to get a scholarship to get back into school. I have five beautiful and handsome children and seven grandchildren that are my inspiration. I'm unable to work because of my lower back problems, which is a cervical nerve root disorder. I was also diagnosed with scoliosis and more medical health issues as well. Before I got sick I worked as a PCA and earned my certificate too. A PCA is a Personal Aide Assistant. I loved my job, especially helping the elderly. Even if I am unable to work, I still want to achieve and succeed, meaning I would like to go back to school and get my degree. It means the world to me.
See for about a year now, my abdomen has been giving me problems. Chronic pain, vomiting, nausea, swelling like I'm 9 months pregnant and so extended. I have fatty liver, which I will have to take a biopsy of pretty soon. That is one reason I'm interested in the program to cure whatever problems that come with your liver. Whether it's liver cancer, liver damage, or cirrhosis. The treatment of cirrhosis liver disease using stem cell therapy has the most evidence in what is currently a very novel treatment option. But, due to the lack of trials, the nature of the results is very sporadic. We need a cure for liver disease or any other disease that can cause death. Cancer is a big problem, we lose people on a daily basis and if we had more treatments and cures it could help a lot of people. At the present, cell therapy with hepatocytes, hemopoietic cells, immune cells, endothelial progenitor cells, and mesenchymal stem cells has been suggested to be a promising candidate therapy for liver disease. But, instead of hepatocytes, the transplantation of stem cells has shown therapeutic potential for liver function improvement. Our liver is the fundamental visceral organ, which is the largest gland and the third largest organ in the body after skin and the intestines. Our liver fulfills about 500 functions that include detoxification, the maintenance of energy levels, the metabolism of fats, participation in blood production, production of amino acids, and regulation of blood clotting.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
Art makes me look at the world differently. You just tend to see things you could never see before, even if it was present by just being there. For me, art is a beautiful piece of work. It takes away your bad days, stress, sadness, depression, etc. Art is calming. On a stressful day, going to an art museum puts you at ease and makes you feel peaceful, especially if you find that one painting that takes your breath away. My favorite piece of art, I'd have to say is 'Starry Nights" by Vincent Van Goug. Vincent was one of the most well-known post-impressionist artists. He created about 2,100 works of art, that included: 860 oil paintings, most of them was dated from the last two years of his life. A lot of his artwork was iconic, and he had some beautiful pieces that were mind-blowing. Starry Nights convey strong feelings of hope through the bright lights of the stars shining down over the dark landscape and night. Vincent wrote a personal letter in 1888 that described "a great starlit vault of heaven" one can only call God. I liked his art style very much. You could tell he put a lot of passion into his work and his personality. After his death, he became the most recognized painter of all time.
#Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
After all my children graduated, I decided I wanted to go back to school. It had been my dream, so I did. My family supported me and stood by me through my journey, and I can't forget to say "GOD". Without, the love and support from my family and GOD having my back, I don't think I've would've done it alone. I had some push. What inspired me, I have to say is my family. They were my inspiration and GOD of course. It was time to follow my heart and set out what I've always wanted to do. I'm currently working towards my Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration Long-Term Certificate. Nursing has always been a field I wanted to go into or just the medical field in general. So here I am, completing my goal and trying to succeed. At this time, my GPA is a 4.0, and I must say I'm real proud of myself, but, again, I couldn't have done this without my amazing family, especially my husband. When you have a big support system for me, that is what made me do what I'm doing today. I am where I want to be at this time.
Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
I have to admit, I was never someone who was good in Math, I thought it was confusing, hard, and complicated. But, as I got older, I learned Math is important because Math helps us think analytically and have better reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us. Analytical and reasoning skills are important because they help us solve problems and look for solutions. In life, Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are the power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills. In the real world, you see, chatting on our cell phones is our way of communicating. In the kitchen, we bake, which requires some mathematical skills. Gardening, arts, keeping a diary, planning an outing, banking, and planning dinner plans, we are using our Math skills on a daily basis, whether we know it or not.
We start off by learning our basic Math skills, which helps us as students learn to look at an entire problem before attempting to solve it. We learn to state the problem, come up with possible equations or possible ways to solve it, more step by step to come to a conclusion, and lastly evaluate the final answer. Math shapes my world because it gives me a way to understand patterns, qualify relationships, and predict the future. Math helps us understand the world, which we use the world to understand Math. The world is interconnected, but, as we use it, students can make sense of the world and solve complex and real problems. The most well-known order of principle in Math is the order of operations, which gives the order in which to conduct mathematical operations. If you think about it, we are able to describe the universe around us. It allows us to learn more about the universe. When we had that foundation of basic mathematics we were able to ask more complicated questions, which the questions also require accurae mathematical models.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity for me is being generous and kind, which I get from my mother. My children have often told me sometimes I'm too generous and I never expect anything in return. It just went out one ear to the other. You never know, there may be a time when some generous person comes up and helps you out the kindness of their heart. That's exactly what I like doing is helping out the kindness of my heart. I'm the type of person that will definitely give the shirt off of my back if someone needs it. There are so many out there that needs some generosity in their life and is need of help. It doesn't break you because you're being so generous, it just makes you a blessing that they have never seen coming. I will be generous to you if you really need the help and not manipulating me or making it become a habit. Because there are some people out here like that as well. If I see you're struggling, yes, out the kindness of my heart, I'm going to lend you a hand, if it's my last penny. And, my mother is the same way. She loves helping people, so do I. My husband is like that too.
Being generous makes me feel good and good about myself. It is a natural confidence builder and that natural repellant of self-hatred. I try to focus on what I'm giving and not what I'm going to receive. I don't expect anything in return at all. I give my time to others and I expect nothing. I am fulfilled, happier, and more peaceful with myself because I'm making a difference in someone's life, which is a very good deed. You should never give and want something in return.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
For someone that has chronic depression and anxiety, I have hope for the future. I'm pumped for what life is going to bring my family and me and excited to see what the future is going to hold for me. Right at this moment, I am so grateful and thankful for what I have and the choices I made to become the mother, wife, sister, aunt, cousin, a friend that I am today and every day. Life throws us obstacles, and boy, I've had many thrown my way. I've been knocked down but got back on my feet. It took some time in doing so, but I made it and am so grateful I did. For someone that is living with chronic depression and anxiety, I didn't think I'd make it this far. I still have my days, but, thank goodness for the medicines I've been put on to help with this process. Little things don't bother me so much as they use to. The negativity I don't surround myself around or drama. All I see ahead of me now is the future looking more promising and better. I have hope it does because I have seen some drastic changes that I've become aware of, but, still there needs to be more work done. I'm at peace with myself. I'm more joyful than I've ever been, I'm alive, breathing, and living life to the fullest. I'm not perfect and don't claim to be. I have my faults, make mistakes, try not to do them over, and keep pushing. I cherish every moment with my loved ones and shared memories. I try not to think so much of the past, instead, what the future is going to bring. Today, tomorrow, next week, next month, isn't promised to any of us. That is why it's so important to live in the moment and let everything else go. Be thankful for what you have. Needs are important and want just not.
I see the future holds fewer drugs or no drugs at all. Our streets are cleaned up. Less violence or no violence at all. Guns should be handled with care around children and locked away at homes. People should only be allowed to carry a gun with a permit. I see shops not selling guns unless a person has a permit or applying for one. But, the most important change I see is the pandemic has passed and moved on. It will be died out. Most things have changed, but, there's a lot of work that needs to be done. Hope not only helps me to believe that something better is coming, it gives me the belief that I am the person that can make something better come true and that's a better future, especially for the generation that is coming up now. I focus on the positive and kicked the negative to the curb. I need my hope in God, which leads to faith.
Carlynn's Comic Scholarship
The show that has impacted me would be "The Simpsons." The show's catchphrases and one-liners create a shared cultural knowledge among fans, and it's a success as a primal-time animated show. The show has led directly to the creation of others of its kind. For instance just like "Family Guy." American Guy Dad," and "Futurama." and less directly to an explosion of witty animated shows, that's aimed at adults. There is a lot that I have learned from this show and continue to learn from this show. The Simpsons have taught some life lessons that we can all learn from, I know I have. For instance, prank calls never get old, ultimatums don't always work, dedication leads to improvement, bad things happen to good people, being sad is alright, etc. Some of the things that "The Simpsons" speak on are hilarious, even though they're trying to get a message across.
Paige's Promise Scholarship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama, happily married for 20 some years. I have five beautiful children and seven beautiful grandchildren. My family is my world, don't know what I'd do without them. They have stood by my side and been with me through my journey. You see, I decided to go back to school, once all my children graduated. I've always wanted to go back, but, I had so much on my hands, so, I decided to wait. At this time, I'm currently attending the University of Phoenix. Due to some financial situations, I had to drop my classes, but, I really miss my classes online. I want to finish what I've started. My family is my backbone at this time. So, hopefully, soon I'll be able to get back to my classes and achieve my goal. I am studying going for my Bachelor's Degree in Health Administration with a Long-term Certificate. I have always wanted to work in the nursing field. I received my PCA certificate and loved working with the elderly.
Drugs are destroying communities, neighborhoods, etc. It's even destroying the youth as well as elderlies, and something has to be done. Something should've been done by this time. So many are overdosing daily. It's time to clean the streets up and get the drugs off the street. It's time to stop the trafficking of drugs and the people who bring them to our country just to make a living or for the money. And, it's time to stop the cartels and gang members too. They are killing our people and young ones at that. On television every day you see killings, robbing, and overdoses. I barely want to cut the television on now, for the simple fact, my grandchildren. To make a positive impact on the world, I'd first start stressing how bad the drugs have got, and how bad people are overdosing. I would get Congress involved and whoever else I can. I'll also get the community involved as well just to protect our generation coming up. Our streets need to be clean and people don't need to look over their shoulders every time they walk out the front door.
Substance abuse is hard to get away from and it can eat you alive while hurting the ones you love too. So many have relapsed so many times, and the ones who do get help and go to rehab, they get out, back on the streets doing the same thing because it's hard to quit. Last year, my oldest son almost overdosed if it wasn't for my uncle. Little did I know, he had been on drugs since 2017, I was shocked. Once he got to the hospital and got stable, the hospital sent him straight to rehab. He did good for about 2 days, but, kept pressuring his wife and me, wanting to come home, that he has kicked it. So, we gave in, and he and he came home. I say about 2 weeks later, I was visiting my other son, I get this call from him, I'll never forget what he said. I relive this every day and night. I have chronic depression so you know this put a toll on me. During the phone call, he said, "Mama, I'm a drug addict, I broke down. I didn't know what to say. Rehab was another option, so, we found a facility in Galax. Unfortunately, he didn't stay long, claiming he could do this on his own. Sometimes, I blame myself every day. I never get the day, I got that call.
Bold Technology Matters Scholarship
The new technology that I was excited about is 5G. 5G offers efficiency, security, and flexibility than any "G" that has come before. 5G delivers your applications faster and improves service quality with Oracle-Native core. Due to the new technologies, spectrum, and frequencies it uses, 5G has several great benefits over 4G. 5G has higher speeds, less latency, capacity for a larger number of connected devices, less interference, and way better efficiency. 5G delivers up to 20 gigabits-per-second peak rates and 100 plus megabits-per-second average data rates. 5g just has that more of a capacity than 4G. 5G is designed to support a 100-time increase in traffic capacity and network efficiency. It has lower latency than 4G. 5G has more bandwidth, which means, it can handle no more spotty service when you are in a crowded area. It will enable even more connected devices like smart toothbrushes and self-driving cars. There have been numerous nations that allege that the company's products may contain a security hole that contains China's government that is used for their spying purposes. Whether this is true or not, 5G is still better than 4G because of how much it can do. You even have some countries that allege that Huawei steals intellectual property from foreign technology companies. And, again, whether it is true or not, there needs to be more proof of what suggests this. I don't know whether they are rumors or not, but, 5G has got off the ground and people are loving the quality of it. 4G was much slower. There can be some pros and cons when it comes to 5G, but, before you judge, I think you should really check it out beforehand and then give an input. Not everyone is going to agree and not everyone is going to leave 4G behind. Like any other "G" there are disadvantages, I'm not going to say there's not. People have stated that 5G initial costs of the rollout are high, battery drains other devices, upload speed doesn't match with the download speed, limitations of rural areas, and some obstructions can impact its connectivity. Again, I think that's where you need to find the proof. 5G is built for gaming, entertainment, AR, learning, and sports. 4G is mainly designed for phones, but 5G is designed for so much more. With 5G you can download a 10 hour film in 10 seconds, now tell me if that 5G is not worth it.
Ashley M. Lopez Foster Care Scholarship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama and I'm an undergraduate student. I study at the University of Phoenix online and I love it. Without the support of my family, I can honestly say, I don't think I could've done this, especially since I've been out of school for so long. I had so much free time on my hand after all my children graduated. I've always wanted to go back to school, so here I am. I thank God every day for the progress that I had made so far and to get this far. Unfortunately, due to my financial situation, I wasn't able to continue my classes. And, once the pandemic hit, things got harder financially. So, I've been applying for scholarships so I can finish what I've started. At this point, my grade average is 4.0, and I have gotten so many requests from the Honor Society and the University of Phoenix. I just want to achieve the goals, I set out to do. I'm earning my degree in Bachelor of Science and going for Health Administrations Long-Term Certificate. I've always been interested in the nursing field. For one I know there will be jobs in this field at all times. Our frontline workers are our heroes, and one day, I hope I'll be able to accomplish what I've set out to be. I use to work at Adult Healthcare as a PCA, which I did get my certificate in. Unfortunately, I had to quit, due to some medical and health problems. I loved my job and just taking care of my clients. Seeing that elderlies are no longer able to do what they once did, it was a blessing to be there and help them with their needs.
At this point, I plan on getting back to doing my online classes and reaching for my goal. Right now, as I stated, we are having some financial difficulties, but once they are taken care of, hopefully, my husband will be able to save up, so I can get back to doing what I love. When I do complete and accomplish what I set out to do, I plan on using my certificate for the better, and that's by getting a job, once I have my back surgery and get everything else under control. At this time, I'm unable to work because of my health issues. I want to be able to commit and succeed. There's nothing more important than doing the work you set out to do. Once I earn my degree, I know I'll be a happy camper, my family as well. They have stood by my side and encouraging me to continue my education.
I have never been in the foster care system, but, my husband and I have discussed many occasions about fostering. No child should go without a home, and they should be able to be raised in a nice, decent home with a loving, caring, giving family. I've always told my husband after our children move out, let's be parents because we got the rooms to do so. No child shd should go without and shouldn't even be where they are at today. I feel like this, Foster parents have that role of teaching children what a family looks like and that is what I want to do. Fostering can help your loneliness and fill the role of what the child needs. Both can help one another learn and grow. And, whatever struggles the child/children may need, that's what you're there for to help. So, yes, I'd love to foster.
Maida Brkanovic Memorial Scholarship
Hello, My name is Theresa Guadarrama and I married an immigrant. I met him in 1994, as he worked in tobacco. He came here on a visa to work, but, unfortunately, he had to return to his hometown, which is Miacatlan, Morelos Mexico. The little time he did stay, we got to know one another. I really wasn't too optimistic about having a long-distance relationship at the time. All kinds of thoughts went through my mind. But, we stayed in touch by writing to one another. The next year, he didn't return, which I knew probably wouldn't have worked out anyways, but, we continued to write to one another. It took two weeks before I got his letter and two weeks before he received mine. The following year, which was in 1996, he returned to work on his visa. I had already been kind of seeing someone, but, failed to mention it in my letter. Once he returned, my feelings toward him were different, but, seemed like his feelings toward me had stayed the same. I had to find out how to tell him I was kind of seeing someone, before I could say a word, he asked if I would marry him and he left his girlfriend once he returned the first time. He said he told her he had found his love in the United States and wanted to stay. I broke it down to him and said what I had to say because I had a feeling he might not have been returning at all. He forgave me, we got to know one another more, he stayed without going back, which meant he was here illegally. We got married in 2001, had children, and got his permanent green card. Five years later, he got his citizenship paper. We have been happily married for 20 some years and our marriage is still going. We have had our ups and downs, what marriage or relationship doesn't, it's life.
I came to know the person he was and vice versa. Yes, I had to teach him English, which he knew quite much already, but I still taught him our language. He taught me his language, which is Spanish. I got to understand it more than I could speak. But, I do speak some and I can speak it. But, he got the language down pack. Some days in our home, we are speaking English and some days, we are speaking Spanish. It's great to know two or more different languages. He had to adjust to a lot of new changes, which took him no time to fit in and get used to here. My family just loved and adored him. I could see that some days, he missed home, but, never would speak about it. So, I never asked. Being married to an immigrant is just like being married to your own race. There is absolutely no difference. He experienced the traditions we have here and he gave me some background on the traditions he had back home. I got to visit his home with the children and we all loved it, every minute of it. The only problem I had was the walking and the heat. The first two days, my legs hurt so bad, I could barely walk the next day. Things are so different in Mexico compared to here. I see why many immigrants cross the border illegally and that's to have a better life and send money back home.
We both experienced different life cultures. He got a taste of how we lived here and saw things he could only imagine to see where he is from. I got to see things that he experienced and what his lifestyle was. He was born a Catholic and my family is Baptist. Of course, I changed religions once we got married, but that never kept me from visiting my family's church from time to time. As long as you are a part of God's House, I don't see why it matters what church you belong to or your religion. He taught me a lot about his religion and differences and similarities and vice versa. At first, I could see he was getting homesick and I never forced him to stay here. I always told him, once you get your green card, go back and visit your family, that's what I want. I'd never keep you from your family and I haven't all these years. His parents are deceased now, but his father left everything to him, which he put into our boy's name, so if something happened to him, it's rightfully their's. There had been times I'd question myself because I wouldn't be able to see or know what he's doing.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
One change that I'd make would be acknowledging and addressing overcrowding in the classroom. This is important because it can be a distraction to students. If you have a classroom that is overcrowded, it can put pressure on the teacher too. This is a change I'd push for because it makes no sense for a classroom to be overcrowded. There's no space and a person can easily cheat off your paper. Keeping students very busy can help with overcrowding because the more students you have in the classroom, the easier it is for a few distracted students to derail the lesson that's being taught. Why not use flexible grouping, keep lessons short, and do some not so costly fun activities, especially during the summer when it's hot. Doing these steps can not only help the teacher out but the students as well. As I mentioned earlier, overcrowding classrooms can put distractions on students and the teachers, which can be a contributing factor to poor learning conditions because of the lack of space. Overcrowding can soak up the fresh air and high noise levels, which can easily lead to a lack of attention, and even create stress within the learners. Overcrowding just creates an unsafe environment and makes teaching and learning more difficult. Overcrowding can reduce a student's ability to pay attention, and increase school violence. Think about this, in such schools, students achieve less, rates of teacher and student absenteeism are higher than at schools that do not have these problems. Having a classroom that is overcrowding is unacceptable and that should be a topic at board meetings. Some of the causes that stem from overcrowding are falling in mortality rate, underutilized contraception, lack of female education, ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and higher risk of disasters and pandemics.
I'd make this change so our upcoming generations don't have to deal with overcrowding. I'd make sure it is mentioned at every board meeting and I'd make my voice heard over and over again. No student should have to sit in a classroom where it's overcrowded, it's just ridiculous. Our future generation should be coming into a classroom not worried about overcrowding and not being able to learn as they should. It is so important students are spaced to have room and room to breathe. It's also just as important for the teacher to be able to teach their lesson without distractions or worrying about who heard this and who didn't. Many students cannot learn in an overcrowding classroom, and that can make that student earn a not-so-good grade, all just because, overcrowding has flooded the classroom. Our future generation students need to be able to go to their classroom that is not overcrowded, can breathe, have foot space and space around them. No student should be all up on one another because a lot of cheating can go on. We need this change and this is a change I am personally willing to make for our future generation.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
The wisest thing I've ever heard was not to judge and think less of what others have to say about you. There are two of the wisest things that my grandmother taught me growing up, which I taught my children, and hopefully one day they will teach their children. I was taught the only person that judges you, sits up high, and looks down low. I was also taught, what others say about you doesn't define who you are. That "I" define who I am. Hearing this from my grandmother made me the person I am today. Never judge a person because you never know what's going on with someone. Never judge a person because I know you don't want to be judged. Let "God" take care of the judging, while we take care of ourselves. Don't get me wrong, what others say about you or to you is hurtful and it can have an impact on your life. The best thing to do is ignore them and treat them with kindness. Treating them with kindness, I declare, they'll have a new look at things the next time they see you. Sometimes it's best to ignore the ignorance and keep it moving. If I know a person is speaking to me, I'll show enough to kill them with kindness. But, not only that, I'll go right up to them and say, "nice to know someone is thinking about me today". That's a quick shutdown. Never judge a person or speak on someone, it's not fair or kind. You never know what someone is going through. A person that speaks on another, I say, they must be miserable and want you to be miserable with them. Never scoop to their level. Pray for them and keep it moving.
Suraj Som Aspiring Educators Scholarship
My philosophy about the relationship between spirituality, science, and math is all some of their similarities and differences if you think about it. Each one of these words enlightens our minds. Spirituality for me is the awakening of our wisdom that concerns how we effectively relate to one another and to the world. Science seeks our minds with enlightenment, courage, etc. Our spirituality seeks us to awaken our hearts. The reality is, science and religion have more than complementary to each other, and they have that relationship in a dynamic way. Both science and religion are important facets of modern life. When it comes to religion and science, broadly speaking, science concerns itself with the natural, religion with the supernatural. Science focuses on testable claims and hypotheses, whereas, religion focuses on the beliefs of individuals. But, both, places an emphasis on a way to know or understand the world, even if their ways are dramatic. Philosophy and religion are related as theory and practice. Philosophy renders religion more intelligible by explaining it. Religion provides religious data to philosophy. Religion can complete the philosophical explanation of life.
In many ways, math is so closely related to science. Mathematics is a scholarly domain and so with this said, the mathematical community works as the scientific community does. See Mathematicians build on each other's work and behave in ways that can push the discipline forward, which progresses its contributes to scientific breakthroughs. The knowledge of mathematics is being able to use it, which is the most important means of tackling quantifiable problems. With philosophical training, it does enhance our ability to analyze issues, question received assumptions, and clearly articulate understanding.
You know, good philosophers don't rely on intuition or comfort. They use their math and science to clarify and inform their philosophy. Math helps to hone the skills of clear, rigorous thinking, while science is unparalleled at determining facts and explanatory theories that describe reality. Science is about empirical knowledge, while philosophy is also about a priori (if it exists). Science is about the contingent facts, while philosophy is about the necessary truths (if it exists). Science is about descriptive facts, philosophy is about normative truths (if it exists). Science and religion are very much closely interconnected in the scientific studyof religion, which can be traced back to the seventeenth-century. I believe science and religion has always been that recognized fied of study with dedicated journals. Both, science and religion varied across times and cultures. Before the nineteenth-century the term "religion" was rarely used. The term religion obtained its considerably meaning through the words of early anthropologists.
Deborah's Grace Scholarship
An example of adversity that I am currently enduring is chronic depression and anxiety. I've always been the type of person that would get emotional over everything, whether it was small or big. I even cry when watching movies that are sad or that hits home for me. I thought nothing of it at the time and it was normal, which it is normal and I'm not the only one who deals with emotional situations. When my cousin passed away in 2014, it really hit me hard. She was my go-to person. We'd talk just about every day on the phone and sometimes about nothing. She was my ear and vice versa. Her passing took a toll on me and my family. I was in a place where I didn't want to be and had no way of coming out of it. Until one day, my husband told me to make an appointment with my PCP, which I did. She asked millions of questions and I answered them all with tears running down my face. Right then and there, she said, you have depression and anxiety. I was put on two medications, which helped sometimes, but I still found myself right back in those dark places. All I wanted to do was stay in bed, didn't want to be bothered, nor did I want to eat, and I didn't want to be around my family, especially my husband. Four years later, my grandmother passed away with Alzheimer's, who raised me. My daughter and I started taking care of her in 2014, and at the time, her Alzheimer's was progressing. She was put on medicines that would slow it down unfortunately, the medicines weren't working. She left us in 2019 in the month of May, again, I got stuck in a place I didn't want to be. It was all like a dream to me you know. All I thought about was, "Why me?" Why am I experiencing all of this?'" Unfortunately, my medicines had to be increased because I got so bad. Again, I couldn't sleep and didn't want to sleep. I barely ate, I barely reached out to anyone. But, my family was there by my side the whole time. The medicines have been helping, but, at times, I still find myself in those dark places, where I don't want to be.
Depression is a disease, an illness, a mental illness. Many don't take it seriously, but, depression is something everyone should take seriously. It can eat away at you, just like cancer. It can also lead to suicidal thoughts, even death, if not treated in time. There have been plenty of times I've wanted to be free so I wouldn't have to feel anything or let my family down. Now, I am getting the help I need. talk to a counselor once a week, sometimes twice a week, if I feel sad, depressed, or lonely. She really helps and I am glad I am getting the help I need. I'm not quite where I want to be or need to be, but, I'm working on it and myself every day. My husband, children, grandchildren, mom, dad, and brother makes me want to keep pushing. I've overcome the hard part. Depression needs to be heard and people need to speak out more and that is what I tend to do, so people that are dealing with it, can have the future they need and want. Talk about your problems instead of keeping everything bottled up. Get the help you need immediately and live.
Lillie Award
My name is Theresa Guadarrama, an undergraduate at the University of Phoenix, going for my Bachelor's Degree in Health Administrations Long-Term Certificate. I decided to go back to school after all my children graduated. They supported me 100% and stood by me since I started. I have a loving, caring husband and father. I decided to apply for this scholarship because my grandmother's name was Lillie. She passed with Alzheimer's in 2019 on May the 1st. She was diagnosed with dementia in 2014 and the disease took over rapidly. As a caregiver, which my daughter and I took care of her, it was overwhelming and some days it took a toll on my daughter and me, but, we stood by her side until the end. The worse part about the disease, it took the grandmother and great-grandmother who was always full of sunshine and loved her family unconditionally. We remembered who she was and not who she was with the disease. We treated her as a patient and not the disease, something I learned from "Chicago Meds".
I'd like to find a cure for dementia and Alzheimer's because it took a toll on us as her caregiver and our family. Seeing a loved one go through this is heartbreaking and it's unreal. Just seeing how the disease can affect a person's body, mind, and soul, a cure needs to be found. I remember how my grandmother was before the disease took over her, but, we remember how she uses to be and not how she was because of the disease. Sitting there watching her slowly slip away every day was terrible. It just broke my heart a little and a little daily, which it did everyone. If I win this scholarship, I would right away, start doing research on a way to cure dementia, at least to slow it down to keep it from progressing. Day and night, I'll work hard in finding a cure for this disease. STEM cells can grow into brain cells, and as a result, it may have the potential to repair brain damage caused by neurological conditions, such as dementia. STEM cells regrow brain tissue. There are risks, sometimes you have to take the risks, it's life.
Mental Health Movement x Picmonic Scholarship
Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, it's just a medical problem, just like any other disease. Mental illness is a disease to be taken seriously. Mental illnesses are health conditions just like any other disease, it's not a joke. People who have it, look as normal as we do, but deep down they are experiencing something real. Many don't like to talk or discuss their mental illness and when they do sometimes it's too late. If someone comes up to you and you know they're in trouble, don't ignore the signs, get them help before it's too late. Mental illnesses are health problems that involve changes in emotion, thinking, or our behavior, or it can be a combination of both. It is associated with distress and/or problems that function in social, work, or family activities. Mental illness is common and you never know who has a mental illness.
My grandmother was diagnosed with dementia in 2014, which we learned later that the signs have been there but weren't caught at the time. My daughter and I was her caregiver until she passed away in 2019 on May the 1st. I started to notice some signs. She started forgetting a lot more than usual. Some days she had good days and some days she just had bad days. Every day, my daughter and I took notes to take to the doctor. We also did some googling on what to expect. She was placed on a medication to help slow down the progress of her dementia, but, I saw no change with the medicine, which I admittedly notified her physician. At this point, once we got her back in to see her physician, unfortunately, her dementia had progressed rapidly. The next thing we knew, she was in the stages of Alzheimer's. That is how fast it had progressed. There was really not much more they could do. They just told the family just keep her comfortable and go from there and that is exactly what we did. Remembering from a T.V. show. Treat the patient and not the disease.
Patricia Lea Olson Creative Writing Scholarship
My hobby is writing. I have always loved to write since I remember. I remember back in High School, every teacher I had always complimented me on my writing because my handwriting was so neat as they would put it. When I have some alone time that is the first thing I do is write in my journal, especially when I feel sad, depressed, or stressed. Writing keeps me motivated. At this time, I'm not studying creative writing, really didn't know they had a class on creative writing. If I knew, that would have been my first choice when I got back in school. This may be something I look into in the near future. If I was studying creative writing, I'd be studying it for the fact I love writing and like to be creative when I am writing. Creative writing will definitely increase my writing, editing, marketing, teamwork, problem-solving, leadership and so much more. One of the main benefits of studying creative writing is despite the name, it doesn't just help with your writing skills. Anyone that does engage in creative writing, no matter the genre or style helps us explore the human experience, share ideas and advocate for a better society. Whether we write stories for ourselves or share them with a wide audience, our creative writing makes the world we live in a better place and we're be showing our creative side, which everyone has when they don't think so. I know I have a creative side, my husband and children have told me so many times. I love to create something where I can grab the audience's attention and keep them coming back for more.
Again, I missed my opportunity of becoming a writer because I am not studying creative writing. But, if I did, and it's something that I may look into, I'd be making a dream come true. Our dreams are something that we create in our minds that can take any shape or form, on the other hand, our goals are based on taking action with our goals. We must put a lot of our focus and attention on what is needed. To be effective in our writing, our goals must be able to meet the criteria it needs, such as measurable, meaningful, and attainable. You have to dream deeply about every goal you want to achieve. That is important because it will show you are reaching for your goal and you want to succeed.
Creative writing is that form of writing where our creativity is at the forefront of its purpose through using imagination, creativity, and innovation in order for us to tell a story through strong written visuals with an emotional impact like in poetry writing, short story writing, novel writing, and more. If a person can't read that can't write. I'd help others by making sure that creative writing is their dream and goal. And, if so, I'll tell them to stick to it, conduct research, find their voice and know their audience. By knowing their audience, they'll be able to know what to expect from them and how they can grab their attention and keep them attentive. If your purpose is writing, I'd say fulfill your dream until you achieve your goal.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
My passion is drawing, which I have a son that draws so well. He has helped me with some techniques. I admit I'm not as good as he is, but, he is getting me there. I also love to paint, which I think I'm better at. Painting seems so much easier, but, there are some things you must do to let your painting stand out I start off by just throwing paint on the sheet and take it from there. I'm not where I want to be and need to be, but for me, it keeps me from stressing and keeps all my worries away. You see as a beginner I start off with flowers. Flowers are a wonderful subject matter for the new acrylic painters. Silhouettes are also an idea for starting off as a beginner, especially nature-inspired ones. You don't have to start off with a painting that is out of this world, especially if you are a beginner. The best thing to do is just keep it simple and as time goes by it gets easier for your painting techniques. But, I do know if attending an art school, you must no drawing before you get to paint. You have to learn how to draw first before you can be a success at painting. I haven't attended an art school, but, if I did, I think it's something I'd be interested in. I like to paint in my spare time and when I find myself stressing. As of right now, I'm just experiencing and getting the feel of things
Caring Chemist Scholarship
I am pursuing my degree in Health Administrations at this time. But, if I did obtain my desired degree, I think it would be in STEM. For the last couple of days, I've been studying, researching, and finding more information on STEM. I think it would be a career I'd really be interested in. The more research I've done, the more I'd like to know. The more I do my research on STEM, the more I am fascinated about getting a degree in this field. I am interested in a career in STEM because you can count on more job security in a STEM career. But, we have to realize that no job is 100% secure, especially when the pandemic hits. People lost their jobs, furloughed, or quit because of the Covid to make sure their family is safe and themselves. However, once the vaccination come out and people started receiving them, things started to look better and our economic and job industries are looking better. But, because of the growing demand, professionals working in STEM fields are less likely to be unemployed, as the nursing field is. In nursing, jobs are always available, but you must have the experience it takes and training, even have a degree or certificate, depending on what department you're looking to work in. As I stated, working in the STEM field you are less likely to find yourself without a job than your non-STEM counterparts. Most students who earn their degree in STEM are finding themselves immediately employed. Graduating with a degree in science, technology, engineering, or math, STEM is indeed good for individuals with studies that show better job prospects and higher pay. At this point, there have been many people that have simply assumed the economic benefits from STEM majors. I believe that graduates lead to more innovation and long-term economic growth.
Having a vision will keep me focused and help me ensure my plans are going the way I planned them and in the right direction, I want them to go. Achieving my dream goals requires me to be persistent and determined. I make a list of all my goals, that is the first thing I do, which my wonderful children advised me to do because it's important. I write my goals down clear enough where I can understand them. Making notes is different than writing them down, I specifically think. Because, when taking notes you tend to get ahead of yourself and scribble, but, when you go back, you have no clue in what you wrote down. I have a timeframe to help me, which is important. I want to make sure my work is done in that timeframe or before. I have always been a person who procrastinates. And, I have to make sure my dates are realistic that I have nothing else that needs to be done on that day. My vision is also to be able to experience an ambitious and challenging curriculum. Increasing advanced training and careers in STEM fields, expand the STEM capable workforce, and increase scientific literacy among the general public.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
Mental health is a medical condition, just like heart disease or diabetes. Mental health is nothing to be afraid of, but, most people don't like to speak about it or have it brought up. Most people ignore the disease and live a normal life until the unexpected. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and our social well-being. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. As a person who is living with mental health, I'm not going to sit and here and say it has shaped my goals, relationships, and understanding of the world. But, what I can admit and say is it's shaping my goals, relationships, and understanding the world. I have severe depression and anxiety. I have my good days as well as my bad days. I don't know what my mood will be from the day to the next. One day, you can say I'm sad, another day I'm depressed, etc. My husband doesn't know who he'll come home to every day. But, fortunately, I have been put on medications and they are helping, which I hope they continue to help. It hasn't been an easy road for me. I've cried for hours, without knowing what's wrong and I can't seem to give my husband an explanation. It has put stress on my marriage, my life, my children, and, of course, myself. Now, my youngest son is going through the same thing I'm going through and it hurts me to my core. We both are in counseling, but, he just started. My counseling has helped so far, but, some days, I can't seem to go out of bed to go. Every day, see it getting better for myself, but, then I get pushed back at times, which causes me to have a breakdown. Sorry, to talk about my life, but, I feel like you could hear from a person who is going through this.
I pray every day that my mental health can shape me into the person who I use to be because I miss that person, my family misses that person. Many people don't consider depression or anxiety as a mental health disease. I know I'm going to get better, I have to not just for me, but for my family as well. Mental health can impact how we connect with others and how we develop relationships. Mental health problems such as depression and anxiety can influence whether someone feels able to interact and connect to others. It's not as simple as people think living with a mental health disease.
I Am Third Scholarship
My goal in education is to continue what I started and get my degree. After all my children graduated, I decided to go back to school, that's what I always wanted. My inspiration was my family. My children always said, "Mom, you can do this, we have your back". It stays with me and continues to stay with me. They supported my choice and that I am so grateful for. They make sure I stay focus and get a break too, whenever I can. They know once I start, there's no stopping in me. I just can't find myself stopping doing what I start, even if I'm tired and need a break. My educational goals are the statements that describe the skills, competencies, and qualities that I should possess upon the completion of my program. I am the kind of person that likes to create a plan before start working. Before I started school, my children help create a plan, which I needed, since it had been a while since I've been in school. The plan that my children created for me has stuck with me all this time. I described my educational goals, explained the choice of my career, and the qualifications, skills, and talents, that I feel for my chosen career.
My "why" is a statement of purpose that describes why I do the work I do and why I live the lifestyle I do. This is my calling and conviction. My "why" in life is making sure I have the opportunity to a direction in life and to give myself that direction to have confidence that will provide my decision-making choices. I want to make sure I am not confused at what I'm doing and I'm happy about what I am doing. I don't want to be that person that gives up and runs if things get harder. Instead, I want to be that person that rises above all things. I've always been that person that let fear stand in my way, but, as I got older fear was just another word for me in the dictionary. If you are afraid of what you want and afraid to go after what you want, I see no success. My biggest "why" has always been, "What do I do when things get tough?" Fortunately, I dug deep inside of myself and found the answer I was looking for. And, that was to acknowledge and feel my emotions, stay away from toxic people, the people that mean me no good, and ask for help if needed. I now see through the hardships and pass them.
I see my vision that will impact the world positively in the future by giving back to the community, standing up for what I believe in, and helping children stay in school. I think that all of these visions are important and aren't really talked about as they should be. I live in a community that helps people that are in need, and that is what I'd love to do, help people who are in need, especially the senior citizens that are unable to care for themselves need assistance. The first thing I'd do is set up a meeting and try to get volunteers to ask around the community to see who needs help. I'll also stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Their voice needs to be heard like everyone else. Lastly, I'd make sure students stay in school and teach them why it's so important. We all need the education to further our goals so we can achieve them.
Markforged Distinguished Women Engineers Grant
As of right now, the Biden administration is requesting budget increases for many existing STEM education programs for the fiscal year 2022. There are several science agencies that are proposing new activities aimed at diversifying both their own workforces and the broader STEM community. But, with an unlimited budget, this would be a period for me to use remote teaching, which is would be a good time to start using project-based learning, which encourages authentic work and creativity. I think that authentic learning does not need to stop just because students are learning from home. Some students learn best from home than in a classroom setting and vice versa. The current situation gives us a great opportunity to show students why what we do as teachers and why what we are teaching them, matters and how authentic learning connects to real-world problems. Driving questions are the core of project-based learning, which is no reason why they can't work in a virtual environment. I'd think of a driving question that I'd know to get students active and engaged. For teachers, there is no time to think "what" think "how".There are few ways that I'd help my students on a quest.
Remote learning is the process of teaching and learning performed at a distance. Rather than having students and teachers coming together in person, remote learning means that students are distanced from their teachers and peers. You must be able to have that teaching strategy to help you get started when remote teaching. Remote teaching isn't for many or students that aren't in the classroom with their teachers and peers can be hard on a student. As I stated, most students learn better from being in the classroom than remote teaching. Then you have those students that prefer remote teaching and learns much better. But, getting back to my strategies, I'd begin by start by establishing my presence right away and welcoming my students to the learning community. There may be a chance of getting a student that's shy. Open up and share great ideas about yourself as a teacher, which I would do, and slowly establish a teacher, student bond where you know your student is more open now and ready to learn. I must be available when students have questions or have an assignment they do not understand. It is important for us as teachers to be available for questions from students and parents. Online resources are good. Just have to make sure they are reliable and factual. Many online resources aren't credible, reliable, or factual. So, it's important to gather information from reliable and credible resources all the time. Sometimes the internet can be wrong, so, that is something to keep in mind. Instead of lecturing, be clear and understandable. You don't need to lecture because it can become more confusing for the student. Always make your assignments clear and not confusing. If for any reason a student requests a repeat of the assignment from you, don't hesitate in doing, it's your job to be as clear as possible. Lastly, provide feedback all times, that is very important.
Kozakov Foundation Arts Fellowship
My name is Theresa Guadarrama and have been married for 25 years. I have five children and seven amazing beautiful and handsome grandchildren. I'm a people person and I'm the kind of person that will give the shirt off my back to anyone in need of help. I love reading, spending time with my beautiful, amazing family, and going out every other weekend with my lovely husband. I like helping people in general, especially those who are unable to help themselves. With the loss of my grandmother in 2019, my grandmother who raised me into the woman I am today inspired me tremendously. She passed away with Alzheimer's, which was devastating to the family, but it hit me harder and my children. She never forgot their names, even though she'd get them mixed up. It got to be overwhelming, but what really hurt me more was the sight of us losing who she use to be because of the disease. Through it all, I always remembered who she uses to be than who'd she became. I remember her smile, a smile that could light up the room. I'll always remember the advice she gave me. When I got pregnant at 16, I thought she'd be mad or tell me I'd have to have an abortion or put my baby up for adoption, but, all she did was hug me, tell me it's going to be alright and said I got you. I will never forget what she taught me or my children. I'll always carry her in my heart.
I believe that pursuing a creative degree will help make a positive impact on the world because I'd be able to use my critical thinking skills and critical ideas, work as a team, which is teamwork, use my communication skills, my good work ethics, and that will give me the ability to learn and grow from criticism. Building all of this and much more will help me pursue my degree in creative arts. These skills for me really matter in the workplace. It would be my way of impacting the world and developing my soft skills all at the same time. But, more importantly, it will boost my self-confidence because while I'm creating something it would make me happy. Also, if I can be able to feel while I'm experimenting and able to make mistakes will ultimately help me discover different ways I think, which will continue beyond the art room. That is the way I've inspired my creativity. When earning a degree, any degree, you're accomplishing a big step. You're gaining the knowledge you need, skills you need, and the experience to help both, your career and life in general. Just think about it, on top of that, I'd be gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving while achieving my goals. That's also a way of me increasing my confidence. Bing qualified, no matter what degree you are pursuing, gives you a variety of positions and more chances. That can benefit my career growth, which I'd be showing my employers I am here and eager to learn and grow, and most importantly, I'd be done found a position that is suitable for me.
Anne DiSerafino Memorial Arts Scholarship
What drives my passion for art because art comes in many forms. It is not always that easy to say or understand why one artist is able to convey his or her passion in art, but, another is not. There are ways to release your passion when it comes to art. A way that I'd use to release my passion for art is by painting what I know and remembering my goals for art. If you aren't sure, paint through your challenges until you get the hang of it. I'd leave some areas mysteriously and have the audience paint their idea of the mystery I'm trying to sketch out, Art drives me to the convulsion to create. That is what most artists are driven by, that innate, compulsive desire to create. I get a huge amount of satisfaction when I create, which most artists do. Just think about it, the art of passion I see is the addiction and desire to create something out of the ordinary or imaginary. Art gives you that drive to continue to paint your vision and to visualize what your painting is going to be about. If you see the urge that artists have when painting, they have that urge they can't live without. Art helps me express my feelings and get my emotions out. Art relieves my stress, anxiety, and depression all at once. Art is breathtaking. When I was young, I'd say when in Elementary School I had the biggest passion for art. I haven't had that talent to draw as good as artists or anyone else, but, I tried my best. I remember starting off as drawing stick people. Something that was easy and simple at the time. I remember seeing paintings in a museum that took my breath away. If only I could create my art like that, I remember saying, my face would be around the world as well as my paintings. Art isn't for everyone, and it just wasn't for me. I don't have any talents when it comes to art, and still today, I still start off drawing with my stick figures.
This scholarship will definitely help me out because I'd start taking classes and pursue what I loved as a child. I don't have that big desire when it comes to art, but, it's definitely something I'd like to get into. It's something different and I have a son that really has a passion for drawing, so, I'll definitely have help when it comes to it. My son can draw well by just looking at anything and visualizing it. He would be someone that can help me flourish my art and help me with some techniques to get the feel of it. He is really talented. I would like to share a few of his arts below. He is my inspiration for art.
Ocho Cares Artistry Scholarship
You don't have to be an artist to create art. You see art is all around us, even if the visible eye can't see it. I see art when going to the grocery store. I see art while driving in my car. I see art while shopping with my husband. You can notice all sorts of art if you just look around and see. Let me take a moment to explain. As much as I admire artists and the talent and gift they have in creating something beautiful and passionate to them. Artists make beautiful work, but your art doesn't always have to be on paper or paintings. There are ways we can create art without using our technical skills. For example, stop comparing ourselves, try abstract painting, limit our palette, go to the self-portrait route, explore mixed media or start off small and draw a cartoon. I never could see myself as being an artist because my drawing is horrific. But, my youngest son could draw so great. He really had me inspired for a minute or two, wondering if I could ever get that good. He did go to college for half of the year for drawing, but college wasn't for him, I mean college isn't for everybody, especially if they have never liked school. Anyways, the work he did was awesome. He even drew up a tattoo for his brother. As I stated art isn't for everyone, especially if you can't draw and that I cannot do. But, if I was an artist, I'd change the world by designing beautiful art for my community and for the teen boys and girls that don't have a home, living in foster care. I'd also draw some beautiful art for the elderly. I'd go around teaching art and inspiring them. We can do so much with art. Dancing is art, and if you love to dance as I do, you can make art by dancing, even singing. There are so many ways to make art that's beautiful. I know you can't have art without an artist, which is factual. No artists no art.
Art drives me in ways I can't explain. Art is passionate, beautiful, art represents, etc. Even if you are bad at art like I am, making art can benefit you in many ways. Making art can reduce your stress and anxiety. Creating visual art improves connections in our brains. Art-making can help us get rid of our sadness and our grievance. Mindless sketching whether you know it or not helps us stay focus. Art can turn our problems over into narratives which can help us work through our problems. Art evokes our emotions, whether it's happy or sad, disturbing or exciting. With pieces of art can make you question not only the artist but the interpretation or message and your own feelings. Art comes in many forms, whether it's creating or observing. It releases that good hormone from our bodies that help us combat stress and the way we feel. Art drives you to do things you never thought you'd see yourself do. Art helps us in so many ways. Artist makes you have some kind of feeling once they catch your eye.
Art can have you connect in ways you never knew. The connection between an artist and art is like love. Artists love what they do when making art. Artists have that way of drawing their audience in with passion and delight. Art matters because it is local and relevant. Art helps people express their needs and get their emotions out.
Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
As for me, legacy means putting a stamp on my future and making a contribution to future generations. Also, when a person leaves you something that meant a lot to them, but, passed it on to you, whether it was sentimental or a gift, such as money or personal property. My grandmother left us all a legacy before she passed. My daughter and I had taken care of her since 2014. She had Alzheimer's and unfortunately, it took her life May the 1st in 2019. It was so heartbreaking for the family, especially for me. You see, she raised me when I was younger and sent me to school. I considered her my mother. When I got pregnant at an early age, she helped me raise my son. She took care of him so I could graduate. We bought two babies for her because she went back into her older days and always yelled out she wanted her babies. She never let them go, so we had the baby dolls buried with her. Before she couldn't get out of bed anymore, she always held both babies, but on this day, she only wanted the boy baby doll. At the time, my daughter was pregnant, but no one knew, not even her. But, somehow she knew. Before she passed, I remember her saying three words and them three words always stuck with me. Those words were baby, Aubrey, which is her great-granddaughter, and love, all she wanted was love. So, as you can see, she left us with a baby boy, a baby boy that came into this world, happy, active, full of sunshine, and had the same smile as my grandmother had. She was my legacy. My legacy because she didn't want us to grieve or be sad all the time, so she left behind a little small legacy and this tiny healthy baby boy. Somehow she knew we were going to be all right because we had a new member coming to our family. Every day, I wake up and thank God, what she left behind for us to move on. Grandmother's legacy will not be forgotten and she will always remain in our hearts.
I had a terrific upbringing. I honestly can say, my grandmother taught me a lot. She sits me down every night and tells me stories about how hard it was when she was growing up and how they didn't have much. Every day after school, she said, she did her homework then went straight to the fields to work. But, in the end, she said it all paid off. She wasn't the kind of person who wanted this or that she said. She thought more of what she needed than what she wanted. And, that is what she taught me. She taught me so many things I'll never forget, especially when I got up the nerve to tell her I was pregnant, she didn't scream or tell me to have an abortion or put my baby up for an abortion. Instead, she hugged me and smiled and said we go do this together and it's going to be alright. She said honey, you are not the first and sure won't be the last. With those words, I cried and cried in her arms as she wiped away my tears. You see she taught me how to be a better person for my son and to be the best mother I could be. So, I inspired my children from the words of wisdom that came from my grandmother. She is my legacy.
Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
Allyship is also the practice of emphasizing social justice, inclusion, and human rights by members of an ingroup that advance the interests of an oppressed or marginalized outgroup. Allyship is part of the anti-oppression or anti-racist conversation, which puts into use social justice theories and ideals. Allyship is important in the workplace and in social work. In order for us to practice Allyship, it must be effective allyship. Individuals need to acknowledge their privilege and recognize that they aren't experts. It is important to listen to and take direction from those who lived experiences of marginalization and oppression, as well as resistance and organizing. I consider myself a good ally because I do a lot of reading and I make sure I use the sources around what I read, whether it is through podcasts, films, or books. It helps me educated myself more in what I read. Rather than questioning individuals who are being oppressed by the system.
Not too long ago, I showed up for an event that took place at Franklin County High School, which the children had returned to school at this point. In this world today, we experience a lot of racism. What we thought was decades ago, were left in the decades, but, it's not true. Racism is still a problem today. For instance, look at what happened at the Capitol. A riot broke out and a lot of people were hurt and a lot of people suffered. At this moment, our country is still suffering from what took place on that day. The riot didn't have to take place, especially if everyone came together and accepted the fact our President won fair and square. Biden won, so at that point, I wondered why people didn't let it go and move on from it. People still hate the fact that Trump wasn't re-elected and haven't moved on. Racism is a big problem in our country, whether we see it or not. America is a racist country whether we think so or not. When I attended the event at the High School, I can honestly say I was in tears. Just sitting there hearing the stories of students been criticized, called mean and nasty names, picked on, and being called monkeys, just broke my heart. As I looked around the room, I saw nothing but disappointment in the faces of the parents, faculty, and other participants. To me, I felt like the students got criticized, beat down, called names, harassed, wasn't valued or recognized. Students can be hateful, mean, angry, etc. Sometimes I think the problem with most students is they're not getting the love and attention at home, that is the real reason they act out and try to put everyone else down. It's just like bullying. In my opinion, students bully other students I find as jealousy or wanting to fit in and be that perfect person. It doesn't always work because that person you thought you were isn't who you know they are. It's important to be yourself and show people who you really are. Racism is such a big thing in the world today, and until we fix the problem it will continue. For the younger generation that is coming up, I don't want them embedded into this kind of behavior that we see today. Until we come together as one and be united, nothing is going to change. When it comes to the benefits of allyship you must be aware of the new and behavioral norms, which in turn drives that inclusion. We live in a world of hatred, not peace.
Cocoa Diaries Scholarship
As Black women, we face everyday discrimination and systemic racism. And, as of right now, Black women are on the frontlines of essential work and protests. With the aftermath of slavery and the resulting social, economic, and political effects, Black women have become the victims of negative stereotyping. Black women have said that racism is most common for them at the workplace, and I totally agree with that. Black women are less likely to feel they are treated with respect at work. Which I have seen plenty of times and a majority of the time nothing is done about it. In most cases, I really think Black women are scared to approach the situation, due to the fact, they may lose their job. And, with the pandemic, it's been rough for many Americans out there. As a Black woman, I truly have experienced racism at work plenty of times. I went and took a class to earn my PCA certificate because I love taking care of those who are unable to take care of themselves. My grandmother inspired me. You see my daughter and I took care of her to the end. She passed away with Alzheimer's and right after that, I took the class for my PCA, which stands for Personal Care Aide. I had this client, who I thought was so sweet, caring, and loving. He just melted my heart and so did his wife. They treated me like family, so I thought. You can't always judge a book by its cover. About two weeks into my job, he started making little small comments, which I paid no mind at first. I let it go, after all, I was here to do my work and nothing more. I remember a day, once I got to his home, he greeted me as he did every day, but this particular day was so different. So, I go to sit down to get his medicines out ad ready for him to take. He slapped my hand, called me the "N" word, and told me he didn't want a "negro" taking care of him cause it might run off on him. I wanted to say something so bad, but, instead, I got my stuff together, called the boss lady, and told her everything and that I wasn't coming back there anymore to find me another client.
As much as I wanted to lay my hands on this man, I held my cool and did the right thing. I had smoke coming out of my ears that day, but, as an adult, I acted like the adult I am. But, once I got it all out, it made me a better person. It also gave me a better view of how cowardly people are to this day. It shaped me into a better person because the old me would've been locked up. Sometimes, you just have to overlook people and pray for them. Black women are beautiful, we are here to stay.
Pay it Forward Technology Scholarship
Technology leverage is value, even with stable or shrinking resources. It increases our ability to evolve at a faster rate. Having that leverage in technology, especially in our business, saves a lot of time so that we have the chance to focus on other essential areas to grow their business. With technological innovation, our company can form a sustainable competitive advantage that can help cement our place as a segment or industry leader. It is very important to take steps when planning, that way no mistakes or errors are made. First of all, I'd create a plan that represents what I plan to leverage technology that would improve the world. Planning is important no matter what kind of business or technology you are working on. Once you lay out your plan and if you're not happy with the plan, it doesn't hurt to plan again and repeat if you need to. Planning helps to critically assess the goal to see if it's realistic. It facilitates our decision-making and allows us to set a time frame by predicting when we can achieve our goal or goals. There are benefits that we can abide by when planning. Planning provides us a guide for action. Our plans can direct our actions toward our desired outcomes. Planning can improve resource utilization, motivation, commitment, a set performance standard, and allows flexibility. The strategy that I came up with that I know would be beneficial for my leverage of technology is investing online. Not only would I invest online, I'd make sure all my hardware is updated so no errors are made. With this technology, somehow, I know this would improve the world. By making sure I attract top talents is a must for me. That way I know I'm doing something right in making a difference in the world. So, I know I'm off to a good start at that point. Building a technological enhancement means that I'm improving the results of my leverage of technology through education and information technologies in a sustainable way. A way that makes people understand what my work is about and how it is used to make the world a better place and a way to improve the world.
I'd like to grab my audience's attention by explaining what I'm doing and how I can make this a better world by the use of technology. Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and smartphone. COmputers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better, and more fun. Thanks to technology it's now easier to work or perform our household chores. There are various gadgets and equipment that can help people live their lives more conveniently, which has influenced various fields in today's society, such as transportation, education, and medicine. Technology isn't inherently good or bad. Many people do view technology as bad because of what you see on the internet and what our kids get prone to from the internet. There are sick people in this world today and our children need to preach on what does goes on. Adults should supervise their children and let them know what to view a=on the internet and without the not too. Predators are all around us without our knowing. When it comes to the good about technology, it does save many people's lives and the world we live in. The pandemic hit us hard and we loss alot of people from it. With the vaccination things are getting back normal.
Pelipost Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
I don't even know where to begin. In 2012, I'd say exact, half of my family was incarcerated on drug charges. And, it really changed my family more than anyone could ever imagine. I remember the bust like it was yesterday. What made it more of a sad day as they tried to arrest my great-grandmother because a relative was selling out of the home. They had put her in handcuffs and everything, she didn't know what was going on, she was 92, I'd say at the time, and wasn't clear right in her mind. Her daughter had them release her and they gave an apology and on to the next house. Seeing my loved ones come out in nothing but underwear and gowns was so embarrassing for everyone at the time. It was like looking at television. The good thing about the whole thing was everyone cooperating and doing as they were told. Our family reunions were cancelled, our family cookouts, our get-togethers, etc. It really took a toll on the rest of the family. I had cousins that they're mother was incarcerated and they were young at the time. Unfortunately, another family member stepped up and took care of them. By the time she came home, they were all grown up and following their tracks. They stayed in trouble with the law, especially in school. Half days, they weren't attending school and getting suspended, it was chaos. It really impacted my life and the rest of the family. Some days, I didn't even want to attend school because kids talked down on my family and me. It got to the point, I cried not wanting to attend school at all. So call my friends cut out clips in the newspaper and threw them at me in school, telling me my whole family isn't anything but drug traffickers and users. On top of that, it was said to me one day during lunchtime, my family isn't doing anything but killing human lives by selling these drugs to them. It was said that one of my relatives gave a young woman some bad drugs and she overdosed. They then dropped her off at the emergency room and laid her at the entrance doorway and drove away in a hurry. Unfortunately, I didn't hear anything about this situation, but, it was said by two other relatives. The young lady had already passed while they drove her to the emergency room. That is when things really took a toll on the family. Every where we went, we had people smirking, staring, whispering, and saying nasty things about the family. That really stuck with me quite a while. I had no concentration in school or at home for that matter. All my dreams and goals were out the window.
At this time, I felt lost and broken. I'd lay in my bed at night just thinking why. I remember one night, I went to my grandmother's room, crawled in bed with her and started asking questions. The first question I remember asking, "Why did they feel they needed to sell drugs and worked?" She looked at me and stated, "Well, honey some people are just greedy and some just want to be like the next one." Here I am thinking to myself, we all grew up the same way, so, "Why?" I looked at granny and said some were just jealous too, trying to be like him/her. She said, "yes" you are so right. That talked really cleared things up for me. I surrounded myself with positive people. I started investing in myself and writing down my thoughts. Most importantly, I said I'd never get in that position ever. If I don't have a penny, I'll continue to be broke. And, I thought, hey, once they get out, they'd have a felony on their record and it would be so hard to get a job. I looked in the mirror and said, "no, no not me." People don't realize what an impact it can have on anyone. Why not work? I guess as my grandmother explained, it was all greed and nothing more. Money comes and go, which most of us don't realize. I'd rather be without than waste years in prison that could've been prevented in the first place. My grandmother helped me weather this storm and anything else that life throws my way. We doesn't have to be like our incarcerated loved ones, we have the chance to do better.
Elevate Black Entrepreneurs Scholarship
Since I worked in the medical field as a PCA with the elderly and people with disabilities, I've wanted to open up a facility for women or men that have mental capabilities or issues and that are unable to do for themselves. I worked with quite a lot of clients. Clients that needed special attention or help with their daily chores and activities. They touched my heart in so many ways. As I look back on when I worked, I really came to realize they are really in need and have no family that cares enough about them to help with their personal care, activities, or just to have someone to listen to. It tore me to pieces. There wasn't a day that I didn't bring my work home with me. I know my husband got tired of listening to my day 24/7, but, he listened and even asked questions. Remembering one day as we sat at the dinner table, I asked my husband, "What you think about opening up a facility?" For a moment it got quiet, then he responded with, it's going to take a lot of money, business school, and it can be overwhelming. He stated, "this is something we can't just do overnight." There's a lot to do when it comes to opening up any kind of business and a lot of everything else. We had to think about where the facility would be located and where do we begin to look for a vacant and descent place. It was just a thought, but, if I could have I would have. My first goal was obtaining my business license, which you need, that's mandatory and a need. My second goal was after obtaining my license, looking for a vacant and decent place, but something affordable and reliable. Another goal was finding clients, even getting in touch with Social Services to find out how to go about doing this. After my goals were completed, I was going to make sure everything was put into place and the necessary paperwork was written up. I had everything laid out and of course, the budget plan and how much everything would be.
My grandmother inspired me about the idea, who my daughter and I was the caregiver of since 2014. She passed in 2019 of Alzheimer's. Some days I wanted to give up because it was so much and overwhelming. I didn't know my grandmother anymore, the disease took over her mind, body, and soul. I always tried to remeber who she use to be instead of how she were with the disease. People with Alzhemier's suffer more than we think they do. The disease progress quickly, if no medication is taken to have it slow down. My grandmother's was at the point where the medicines they had given here wasn't any use for herat the time. Little did we know, her Alzhemier's had progressed further than we thought. Another goal of mine was finding some kind of cure to cure Alzhemier's, at least, stop it from progressing so fast and a cure to help them still remember at least some of their lifetime events and family members. If I had a second business that I could've opened, it would have been having people with Alzhemier's and help them fight it. No one knows what a person goes through with this disease if you haven't been around a person with it or been a caregiver to a person that has it. It's a battle, not only for the person who's living with it, but, for their family members too,especially the onewho takes care of that person. You don't know what to expect from one day to the next. Just got to live by the moment and keep going. I miss my grandmother everyday, and there is not a day that goes by where I don't think of her or ask myself what we could've done different. Things like that sticks with you, no matter if a loved one passed from whatever disease. There are always questions to ask and answers that you don't really hav an answer too. All I have to say, you got to keep pushing and maybe just one day they'll find a curable cure for not just Alzhemier's, but other fast killing diseases too.
Raquel Merlini Pay it Forward Scholarship
I am happily married with five beautiful children and seven grandchildren that I love unconditionally. I decided to go back to school after my last son graduated. I had so much support from my family. I think they were more thrilled and excited than I was. I've always wanted to get back into school and do something in the medical field. When my daughter graduated, all she wanted to do was help the ones that we're unable to do for themselves anymore. So, she went to college and got her CNA and got a job immediately afterward. Every day, she spoke to me about what she did for her clients that day. She had the biggest smile on her face. So, she was my inspiration for wanting to get into the medical field. I did obtain my PCA certificate and got a job right after that working with the elderly. I loved working with them. Just to see their face light up once I walked through the door and to hear them talk about things in the old days, I just sit and listened. From 2014 to 2019, my daughter and I took care of my grandmother. She passed in May of 2019 from Alzheimer's. But, just to take care of her and her needs when she was unable to do things for herself as she once did make a difference for me. And, having to keep her home around family was the best decision we made instead of sending her to a nursing home. It was a lot of work and overwhelming some days, but, I'd do it all over again if I had to. It hurt to see someone especially your loved one go through the changes that the disease put them through. I tried to remember how my grandmother use to be and not what Alzheimer's made who she was.
I plan to make a difference by helping those who are not able to help themselves. I plan to make a big impact one day, but after I get my surgery done. Right now, I am unable to work due to health issues and I am under doctor's care at the moment. I don't know if I will be able to help others again because of what I am going through. But, if, I was to become across someone that wants to get into the medical field, I'd make sure I'll sit down and talk to them about it. But, they have to want it and make sure this career is for them. You have to be willing, able, and ready to go in this field to work. Because, if you don't think this field is for you, there is no need to get into it. If you aren't about helping others or doing what you should, don't bother getting into this field. I admit, it is a lot of work and overtime, but, in the end, it's all worth it. I love helping others and being able to do for them what they can't do, especially for those that have no family that comes around or have no family at all. You can help save a life or bring a new life into the world. You have the chance to care for patients as they recover, assist families through some of the most difficult times in their