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Thea Stephan


Bold Points








I'm very passionate about human and animal rights. I strongly believe that everyone should be able to serve their purpose, despite any obstacles encountered along the way. Animals are just as deserving as people are to live a happy and healthy life without fear. My main goal in life is to travel the world and utilize my experiences in the nursing field in order to make a positive impact on others.


California State University-San Bernardino

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing

Serrano High School

High School
2017 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Registered Nursing/Travel Nurse



      2012 – 20142 years


      • None


      2017 – 2017


      2015 – Present10 years


      2013 – 2013


      • None


      2016 – 20171 year


      • None


      • School

        Film Criticism
        Foreign Correspondent & The Great Dictator Compare/Contrast Essay, Safety Last and Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans 1920s Comparison Essay
        2020 – 2021
      • Independent

        Fire and Ice
        2018 – Present
      • Art I

        Watercolors, Splatterpainting
        2017 – 2018
      • Independent

        Conceptual Art
        Pixel Art, Nature
        2018 – 2020
      • Art I

        Self Portrait, Nature, People
        2017 – 2018

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        High Desert Trash Troopers — Our mission is to keep the High Desert clean.
        2018 – 2018
      • Advocacy

        LGBTQ+ Community — Activist Through Social Media
        2017 – Present
      • Volunteering

        Desert Pageants — I had a role in various community service activities such as serving food to the homeless and firefighters, wrapping Christmas gifts, and spending time with elders.
        2008 – 2013

      Future Interests



      Mental Health Movement x Picmonic Scholarship
      We learn at a young age that feeling emotions not associated with happiness are bad. So we try to hide our feelings instead of asking for help in dealing with them. I was eight when I began to have suicidal thoughts. At the time, I didn't think it was a big deal, but through the years, I would look at my peers and see the way that everyone seemed to smile and laugh. 'There's no way that anyone can be this happy,' I'd think to myself. But I was wrong, and I wouldn't admit that anything was wrong for the next ten years of my life, even when I seriously began to plan to end my life. There comes a time when struggling with depression becomes too much to handle. The thought process that leads individuals to plan to take their life is gradual, not something that's thought of on impulse. This is something that I wish more people knew about depression and suicidal thoughts. Although I continue to battle my own mental illness to this day, I haven't allowed it to let me make bad decisions. I have a goal in mind and a plan for a brighter future for myself. I'm a hard worker, ambitious, and passionate when it comes to helping others through their own struggles. I know that everyone deserves to be loved and supported when struggling, despite their past. I want to use the experiences I had with my depression to empathize with other people and help them through their struggles. I'll become the shoulder that someone needs to cry on. I'll be the ear that they need when they want to talk and vent about everything going on in their life. And I'll listen because that's what I would want when I'm struggling. The best part about this is that I don't need a professional degree to be there for those who need me. All I need to do is be present and show love.
      "Wise Words" Scholarship
      "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." -Al Capone Kind people are known to be understanding and loving. While the world needs more people like this, others see these sorts of individuals as weaklings that are easily manipulated. However, being kind is one of the strongest abilities that all humans possess. I've often been told that I'm "too nice." Adults have told me that I need to "stop being so sensitive and toughen up." "What's wrong with being a nice and sensitive person? What's wrong with showing kindness towards someone despite the way they've treated you in the past?" I'd ask. The answer: absolutely nothing. There's nothing wrong with being kind. I feel that my kindness is a result of my sensitivity. Due to my sensitive nature, I've been able to form strong connections with others and offer helpful advice. The friendships I've formed over the years are a result of my sensitivity and open-mindedness. These traits have made me a leader amongst my peers, even though I not the type to seem like a leader. I tend to work from the inside out and help the underdogs realize their potential when the world wants to put them down. I'm not ashamed of being kind to others, which is one reason why I've chosen to pursue a career as a travel nurse. Other than the fact that I'm always ready to learn something new and challenge myself, I also have a desire to travel all around the world and learn about different cultures. There are over 7.8 billion people on the planet, and I believe that everyone has the ability to contribute something meaningful. As a future travel nurse, my goal is to provide medical care and support to those living in other countries who do not have as many opportunities as I have had. I've lived in the United States my entire life, so I consider myself blessed. However, when I see the words "don't mistake my kindness for weakness," I'm reminded of my purpose in life. This quote gives me the courage I need to step out into the world and face the unknown. It reminds me of who I am and how I was raised to love everyone despite their differences and their past. Being kind to others is naturally a part of me, and no one can take that away. There was a time when I thought that I was weak for being kind, not anymore.
      JuJu Foundation Scholarship
      My greatest inspiration in life is my mom because she came from a difficult background. My mom had a normal childhood until she turned ten years old and started suffering from mental, physical, and emotional abuse due to her mom. When she turned nineteen, she suffered through seven more years of abuse until she gained the courage to take control of her life and realized that what happened to her was wrong. My mom is my inspiration because she has taught me how to be strong and independent, even when life's odds are stacked against you. As a member of the LGBT+ community, I've dealt with harassment from my peers and have dealt with slurs being directed towards me. Whenever I feel down or hurt by what someone has said, I remember what my mom went through. Her story helps me to stay motivated and focused on my goals. I channel my emotions into something more productive, such as schoolwork and art. This school year, I'll be graduating at the top ten percent of my class because of the rigorous coursework that I've taken throughout my high school career. Instead of letting others bring me down, I remember what they say and let my emotions fuel me. My art serves as an outlet for counteracting negativity. I mostly do nature photography because nature is beautiful and calms me down. It enables me to let go of life's stresses and live in the moment. My passion for human rights is what drives me to succeed. Beyond attempting to spread awareness about the struggles that minority groups face, I plan to become a travel nurse after I receive my Bachelor's Degree so that I can provide medical help for those living in poverty. Third-world countries are some of the most difficult places for individuals to thrive because disease and unsanitary living conditions are common. I believe that everyone has the right to live a happy and healthy life without worrying about their well-being. No one should have to wonder where their next meal is coming from or be forced to work for long, harsh hours just to make a living. Children are the future and can change the world for the better. If I'm able to give even one child the help they need to live their life purpose, that would give me the energy needed to reach out to more individuals. This scholarship would help me to further my college education and help me to lessen the impact of college debt. It would enable me to enter college with less fear and uncertainty with finances, allowing me to focus more on my career. I would not need to spend as much time working a part-time job to offset the cost of college. My parents are not able to financially support me during my college education because they do not have that much money. As a result, I have no intention of asking them to help me pay for college.
      Ocho Cares Artistry Scholarship
      Being an artist gives me a way to connect with the world around me. When I'm able to do art, it feels like there's part of me that suddenly comes to life and makes the world feel like a brighter place. The world is so vast and holds a beauty that likely can't be found anywhere else. Earth is one of the few places in the universe that has plants, animals, and other unique forms of life. While there may be life elsewhere, Earth itself is already a lovely place. It's perfect and full of opportunities for an artist like me to explore. There's just nothing like exploring the world and taking pictures of a beautiful sunrise or pictures of the ocean. This is a feeling only an artist understands. The energy I get from being an artist encourages me to get out of the house and be active. Sometimes this includes taking a walk around the neighborhood or going to a public place and taking in everything. The energy of a certain location can help to fuel my creative energy and inspire me to take beautiful photos or create music. It also inspires me to talk to others and connect with my community. While I love people, I'm more of an introvert, so it can be difficult to find the energy to approach others in the first place. Art has always been a perfect way to start conversations and without my title as an artist, I wouldn't have the friends that I have today. As an artist, I feel deeply connected to nature. Most of the artwork I do, whether it would be painting, drawing, photography, or something abstract, is based off of nature. Art has a way of bringing people together despite their differences. I think that's incredible because even enemies can come together for one second just to appreciate something simple like a flower, a tree, or a sunset. Even something as simple as the moon might connect two people that are on the other side of the world. As a Christian, watching nature do its work makes me feel more love for every living thing, and in turn, inspires me to create more artwork. Nature and my hobby as an artist helps me to calm down and stay focused. It's taught me how ground myself even in the most stressful of situations. I want to use my artwork to bring awareness to issues such as climate change, human rights, and events going on in other parts of the world. My brother-in-law once told me that 20 years ago, the stars were very bright and beautiful. He said that even though the stars still look beautiful today, they're not as bright and powerful as they used to be. There's no doubt that part of this problem is due to climate change. In some parts of the world, trees are being chopped down or destroyed by fire. As an artist, I know that fire has the power to create new life and can symbolize change, but fire is also dangerous and can symbolize destruction. Human beings are a part of nature too. For this reason, humans should be able to live out their purpose without the fear of others putting them down or harming them. Art can be used to bring express these feelings to others. Although I don't plan to be a full-time artist, I still want to educate others on these topics through my productions. After university, I hope to work in the medical field and travel to other countries while creating art along the way.
      Art of Giving Scholarship
      As a person that wants to go into the medical field and work as a travel nurse, having enough money to pay for tuition, housing, meals, school supplies, and transportation during schooling has been one of my biggest concerns. The average nursing student earning a Bachelor's Degree graduates with a debt of $20,000 or more. For the past two years, I've applied to essay scholarships, fast scholarships, and micro-scholarships. On alone, I've applied to nearly fifty scholarships to help pay for college. I've had various scholarships offered to me from universities that want me to attend classes at their institution, simply because of my good grades. Unfortunately, as you already know, that money doesn't count because colleges will not give money to students who don't go to their school. As of now, I've won one $500 scholarship from my high school's local scholarship program. While I greatly appreciate the money, I know that $500 will cover only a fraction of my college costs. At this point, I think it's likely that I'll have to take out a student loan, but I'm still determined to apply for as many scholarships as possible. According to the university I plan to attend, the average student at that school spends a little over $30,000 per semester. I also don't plan to ask my parents to help finance my education after high school because they don't have enough money to support me in that way. If possible, I would like to continue living with my parents until I finish my education to save more money instead of living in a dorm. However, this may not happen because I must drive down the highway every day to get to my university. The highway can be dangerous to drive, and my parents expect me to stay safe. I understand their concerns and respect their wishes. Living in a dorm is arguably one of biggest reason why higher education is so expensive. Even if I were to get a part-time job to help offset the costs of college, I still would not make enough money to support myself. That is why I need this scholarship.
      Liz's Bee Kind Scholarship
      "Are you ok? Because I always see you sitting alone." I looked up and into the mysterious blue eyes of the person standing before me and replied, "I'm good." We just stared at each other for ten awkward seconds; he clearly knew I had lied. "Well, if you ever need anyone to talk to or hang out with, I'm here" and walked away. This was the first actual encounter I had with the boy that would one day become one of my best friends. What do I mean by 'actual' encounter? Well, to put it simply, this boy had been watching me for the past few months as I sat alone at lunchtime every day. Our prior encounters were more passive and silly than anything. I remember trying to avoid this mystery boy everywhere I went. He even tried to sit in my lunch spot a few times to try to talk with me, but I just ignored him. A few months later, after our first encounter, he found me hanging out with a group of people that were his acquaintances. It just so happened that I was wearing a jacket from one of his favorite bands, a Christian rock group called Skillet. He then recognized me as the person that sat alone at lunch every day. We quickly became close friends and would talk all the time. Now you might be wondering, why was I sitting alone all the time? The answer is simple: I was severely depressed. I sat alone at lunch all the time because I could only think about ending my life. I didn't want to bring down those around me, so I isolated myself. Neither of us knew it at the time, but my best friend was one of the reasons I did not end my life that summer. He gave me a reason to live without realizing the impact he would have on me. In a way, he brought me away from the darkness and back to life. His kindness is unrepayable. Let's fast forward two years into the future. Quarantine had just begun. My suicidal thoughts came back; all I wanted to do was talk to him. He started talking to me about God and told me to pray. While I had grown up in a Christian household and had always believed in God, I didn't always believe he cared or had a purpose for me. He later introduced me to his church and encouraged me to begin reading the bible. Slowly, everything started to become more bearable. I felt that I had a purpose in life and that my heavenly father loved me. I felt passionate about life and wanted to show others the same love that God has given me. Here's the crazy part: the reason why my best friend had asked me if I was ok on that fateful day was that God told him to speak to me. Before he had known who I was, my best friend had seen what I was struggling with and wanted to help me. He felt empathy for me because he had struggled just like I did. He listened and obeyed God. As a result, he received a close friend and sibling in Christ. The kindness that God has given me by showing his support and loving me is the best gift I've ever received. God saved me from going down that dark path and helped me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I plan to repay him by dedicating my life to him and living my purpose.
      Bervell Health Equity Scholarship
      I grew up in a multicultural family, so I never understood why some people have problems with another person because of their skin color. I was taught to love and become friends with anyone I want, regardless of skin color. I have multiple friends that are POC and come from low-income families. From my friendships, I've learned how to be respectful of cultural differences and understand the personal experiences that my friends had with racism. My mom experienced racism when she lived in the state of Kentucky for one year. She told me about the stories of men who would call her names and threaten to harm her. Her stories have made me who I am today. Due to the stories I've heard from personal experiences, I plan to pursue a career in the medical field where I can work with a variety of individuals around the world. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I know what it feels like to live in fear that I'll not be treated with respect in the medical field because of my gender identity. I plan to work as a travel nurse, and I identify as nonbinary. While this isn't a problem, being a nurse is associated with a women's job by society, even though men can be nurses too. Less than ten percent of nurses are male, meaning there are probably way fewer nonbinary nurses in the medical field. Already, I've had problems with my gender identity not being respected. I've had individuals say that "I'm confused" or that "being nonbinary isn't possible." There's a chance that when I begin my career, it may be difficult to find a job because of how I identify. I already have to debate with others about my preferred pronouns and coming out is a never-ending process. Normally, it's safe to assume that medical professionals know more about the LGBTQ+ community, but this isn't always true. A transgender friend of mine had to go to multiple doctors to go through the process of transitioning. The first few doctors he went to knew nothing about transgender people. Unfortunately, many transgender individuals go through this problem and most medical professionals are not qualified to work with these individuals. As a nonbinary future travel nurse, I plan to play a role in providing adequate healthcare to members of the LGBTQ+ community and other minority groups. Although I likely won't play a role in helping transgender individuals transition, I know that I'll be able to provide adequate healthcare because of the experiences I've had as a nonbinary person. I know I'll be able to take into account a person's emotions, medical needs, and other health-related issues. I will not disrespect transgender individuals. Transgender people are human beings and deserve to be treated as such. Everyone deserves to feel loved, safe, and comfortable in who they are. No one, including medical professionals, should try to make them feel bad about themselves.
      "Your Success" Youssef Scholarship
      I want to pursue higher education to get my Bachelor's degree in nursing. Once I get my degree, I plan to work as a travel nurse. I plan to go to other countries and provide medical assistance to less fortunate individuals because I'm passionate about helping others. Travel nurses have always been in high demand because medical facilities tend to house more patients than they can handle. As a result, this lowers productivity and puts some patients at risk for not receiving adequate medical treatment. This problem is very prevalent in third-world countries. I've always had an interest in pursuing a career where I could connect to other people and learn something new every day. I grew up listening to stories about my mom, who worked as a CMA. When I was a young child, I remember grabbing one of her old medical books from my small library and looking at all the information it possessed. I remember feeling excitement and awe at all the pictures and diagrams throughout the book. At the time being, I was too young to comprehend any of the information inside, but at that moment, I knew that I would one day decide to work in the medical field. I am currently participating in my school's GSA club. I first joined this club during my freshman year of high school because I wanted to learn more about the LGBT+ community and how to raise awareness involving LGBT+ issues. This club has made me more open-minded towards individual's experiences as a minority group. I've learned that the world has a long way to go in learning how to be accepting of the LGBT+ community. I am also participating in my school's International Club. In this club, we choose a location to travel to at the beginning of the school year. During my junior year, we chose to go to Spain, but our trip was canceled because of COVID. We planned to go to Spain this year too, but again, the trip was canceled due to COVID. Nonetheless, this club has taught me about financial responsibility and time management. Currently, I am most passionate about LGBT+ rights, music, and climate change issues. I am an advocate for the LGBT+ community through social media, mostly through Tumblr. I also create arts and crafts which I give out to friends and classmates. Through my arts and crafts, I plan to raise awareness and make closeted LGBT+ members feel less alone. Music has been a passion of mine for a while. I sing and I'm currently in the process of teaching myself how to play the piano. I hope that one day I'll be able to write my own music on the piano just for fun. I became very passionate about climate change around the time when quarantine first started. I always knew climate change was a problem, but I never realized how serious it was until I saw articles showing that the skies and waters were clearer after the pandemic started. From that point on, I've been getting involved with and reading up on what else I can do to help stop climate change. Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
      John J. DiPietro COME OUT STRONG Scholarship
      My mom is the biggest role model in my life. My mom is an Asian Pacific islander born and raised in Hawaii. Up until she turned ten years old, my mother had a happy childhood. When my mom turned ten, her younger brother was born. Usually, the birth of a child in the family is a happy moment for everyone, but not for my mother. My grandparents spoiled my uncle while my mom was forced to take on the role of an adult. Her childhood was cut short. Since her parents now favored her brother, they could never be upset with him. As a result, my mom was physically and mentally abused by her mom every time she did the smallest thing wrong. Accidentally break a dish? Get beat up. Not finish all your chores on time? Get beat up. At one point, the abuse got so bad that my mother was rushed to the hospital after my grandma hit her on the head with spiked high heels. She could've bled to death, and my grandma didn't care. My mother endured this abuse until she got married at nineteen. Unfortunately for her, this was not the end of her abuse. The man she married physically and mentally abused her for the next six years of her life. This man almost broke her spine at one point. She still has a lump in her back where her spine nearly broke. During one of those years, she was homeless and had to put my half-brother in a foster home. Although her parents knew what was happening to her, they didn't let her come home. When she turned twenty-six on July 4th, she received her divorce papers in the mail. To this day, she calls those papers "the best birthday present she has ever received." Two years later, she got married to the man that is now my dad and is no longer suffering at the hands of abuse. I have learned so much from my mom. She's taught me simple everyday tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and taking care of myself. She's taught me not to accept abuse and how to defend myself. If I ever find a partner, she's taught me what to look for so that I don't have to endure what she went through. She's shown me what can happen as a result if a child is spoiled too much. She's supported and loved me in everything I do, as long as it's good. She's been a good role model by explaining to me if I did something wrong and how to fix it instead of getting angry and yelling. If I ever plan to become a parent, I know how to treat my children. Although I appreciate all of my mom's lessons, the biggest thing she has taught me is how to respect myself. When she was being abused, she thought that she was to blame. I've learned that not putting up with abuse shows self-respect more than anything. She's also taught me the lesson of forgiveness. In 2019, my grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, so my mom had to take care of her. Despite the abuse my mom went through, she never harmed my grandma or got angry with her. If anything, my mom cried as my grandma's health started deteriorating. My mom also told me stories about her time working as a CMA. I plan to become a travel nurse because of her stories. My main goal right now is to get my BSN. Although I have no interest in finding a partner, my mother's lessons about what to look for in a partner have taught me to be patient. They say good things take time; this applies to patience. Through patience, I've learned how to be a good listener. I've made many friends because of my listening skills. I also have a reputation for offering good advice because I've learned to be patient. Patience will help me in the medical field if I work late nights and is required if I'm going to work with many different people. I need to be level-headed in my future career; being patient helps me. If I plan to work night shifts, there is a chance that I might be attacked. Since my mother has taught me how to defend myself, I don't fear being physically harmed by another person as much as I normally would. I feel confident and ready to go into college and pursue my career goal. I know that I will feel safe on campus because of what my mom has taught me; for that, I'm forever thankful. Her lessons of forgiveness have taught me to be kind, even when someone has wronged me. Often, people will react out of anger and cause more problems. Kindness is becoming more difficult to find. Kindness is crucial in the medical field. A reputation as an angry nurse will not land me a job. Once I receive my degree, I plan to travel to foreign countries and provide medical attention to the less fortunate. I want to work with children, adults, and the elderly. I plan to pass on the knowledge that my mom has given me to others. I want to show unconditional love towards my patients to make up for what my mother lost during her childhood. I believe that everyone needs to be loved, even if they've harmed others in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance at a better life. People need to know that it's never too late to change their ways. I also hope to inspire other people from foreign countries to become involved in the medical field or pursue a meaningful career. Domestic abuse is a problem in all countries. I plan to give back by educating both men and women about the effects of abuse and how to prevent it. If not for my mom, I would not be the person I am. I'm very blessed to have her around.
      Pandemic's Box Scholarship
      Before the pandemic hit, I was constantly on the verge of a panic attack or another depressive episode. As an AP/honors student, I was worried about missing deadlines, not studying enough, or not maintaining straight A's. To make matters worse, I was obsessed with doing well in school, that I had no time for fun, and didn't bother hanging out with my friends. I remember when our school first shut down because of the pandemic. It was literally the week after my birthday, and I was somewhat happy because I knew I needed a break from working so hard. I was hoping that maybe we could go back to school after two weeks had passed. I was so wrong. Even though I missed going to school, I took the opportunity to do a lot of extra credit work and build upon the information I already learned. I also took the time to study for the SAT, which paid off because I was able to take it on December 5, 2020, and scored 1300. Although I was able to enhance my academic skills, my mental health began to suffer even more. A close friend of mine convinced me to go to church with him after telling him about my problems. That was probably the best decision I made during the pandemic. My anxious feelings and depressive episodes slowly started to dissipate. On top of that, I was able to grow closer to God. I've also been flourishing more than ever since I became closer to him. He's given me the love and support I've needed to find the strength to begin my career during college. As for not spending time with my friends, the pandemic has changed that aspect. Online schooling is faster and easier than in-person schooling for me, meaning that I've been finishing homework faster and studying less. This has allowed me to spend more time with my friends and family than I would've had if not for the pandemic. I've also taken to teaching myself how to play the piano. Even though I'm definitely not that great at playing, it's been a fun and challenging experience. The pandemic has also allowed me to hone my artistic skills. As a result, I've made various art products using duct tape and felt sheets. As a member of the LGBT+ community, I've made pride pins that I hope to give out or sell one day to raise awareness. I've also created plushies out of felting sheets which I plan to give to my friends once I see them in person again. The pandemic has allowed me to learn more about human health since I'll be attending college as a pre-nursing major. I've known ever since my sophomore year that I wanted to work as a travel nurse because I want to travel to foreign countries and provide adequate medical care to the less fortunate. During the pandemic, I took the initiative to learn more about human anatomy. I did this because I needed to take the ATI TEAS to get into a nursing program. TEAS stands for the test of essential academic skills. Most nurses are required to take this exam to get into nursing school. In January, I took this exam for the first time and received the required score to get into college as a pre-nursing major. The pandemic has allowed me to feel more passionate about my career path. Before the pandemic, my mental health suffered, I was not passionate about anything, and I had lost my way in life. Now, I feel like I'm truly living!
      Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
      As a graduating high school student, one of the various reasons as to why I want to become a nurse is because I grew up listening to stories about my mom, who worked as a CMA. When I was a young child, I remember grabbing one of her old medical books from my small library and looking at all the information it possessed. I remember feeling excitement and awe at all the pictures and diagrams throughout the book. At the time being, I was too young to comprehend any of the information inside, but at that moment, I knew that I would one day decide to work in the medical field. I've always had an interest in pursuing a career where I could connect to other people and learn something new every day, so it felt like the perfect storm when I was researching different careers in the medical field during my sophomore year in high school and came across travel nursing. This is the career path I will be taking once I attend a four-year university in the fall. As a future travel nurse, my goal is to provide medical care and support to those living in other countries who do not have as many opportunities as I have had. As a future travel nurse, I'll also be able to work independently and act as my own boss. This aspect of my career has always appealed to me because I prefer to be my own leader. I do not want to work for one specific nursing company or corporation because I enjoy a change of scenery every once in a while. I prefer working in different settings and inviting change into my career because I feel that diversity is important. No two people are perfectly identical, so I need to expose myself to a wide variety of different individuals. I'm also eager to face challenges head-on as a future travel nurse and go wherever my healing hands may be needed. These challenges will allow me to have more experience, and therefore, I'll be more likely to find a job whenever I've finished my assignment in a certain location. I also wish to learn more about different cultures during my time working as a future travel nurse because I grew up in a multicultural family surrounded by a community of diverse individuals. Due to my upbringing, I became eager to learn more about the world and what opportunities I could utilize to grow as a person. I've lived in the United States my entire life, so I consider myself blessed. However, most people are not as fortunate as I am. As a travel nurse, I'd also want to be able to encourage everyone about their own health and the importance of self-care. Self-care is often underestimated, but it's crucial to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to bring hope to the people I come in contact with because I believe that everyone has the ability to contribute something meaningful to this world. Whenever I hear about someone passing away due to insufficient medical treatment, I feel as if the world has lost another person who could've done something life-changing for all of humanity. It's not fair that there are still individuals lacking sufficient medical attention. As a future travel nurse, I hope to bring awareness to these sorts of issues. There are over 7.8 billion people on the planet and every single person has the right to live and receive proper medical care.
      Reputation Rhino Protection and Preservation of Wildlife and Nature Scholarship
      The fact that plants and animals are disappearing at an alarming rate is a global concern because a lot of scientific information can potentially be lost. Geologists will often use plants and animal fossils to make note of important events within geologic time. There's a chance that the fossils of animals growing close to extinction may be forgotten and never found by future scientists. This leads to more of an incomplete fossil record and leaves scientists wondering about the animal's life. Information regarding an extinct animal may not be found until decades later when other species have gone extinct. The fact that plants are disappearing at an alarming rate is also a global concern because it goes to show that carbon emissions from factories are largely getting out of hand. These carbon emissions affect the ozone layer and cause more heat to reach the Earth's surface than usual. Some plants are not able to withstand higher temperatures and as a result, will die. On top of that, certain animals depend on specific plants as a normal part of their diet. If these important plants continue to disappear, this could lead to more animal extinction. Consider this, if animals are disappearing at an alarming rate, who is to say that humans couldn't be next? As humans, our sources of food comes from both plants and animals. Humans will be forced to find other alternative sources of food, which would be nearly impossible. Since fires seem to be a common occurrence in various countries, the loss of plants and animals becomes more serious. For instance, the loss of the trees in the Amazon Rainforest is a problem because many exotic species made their homes there. This also limits their source of food, since a lot of their nutrition came from the area around them. The trees themselves also play an important role because they can help to reduce ground-level ozone, which is toxic to humans. Trees and other plants can use their energy to neutralize toxins that come from the ozone. Despite the rapid disappearances of plants and animals, humans have been trying to protect endangered species by keeping them in zoos in the hopes of having them repopulate. Babies, when born in a zoo or other enclosure, are raised in a safe area and taught how to fend for themselves until they are old enough to be released in the wild. Some species, such as penguins, will have two children and one of the children is left to die in the wild. In a zoo or other enclosure, the baby that is left to die may be given to another penguin couple to take care of. This scenario works perfectly in the case of species that are endangered and at a high risk of going extinct. Other species of birds, even though some species of birds are not endangered, are taken in by animal shelters or other individuals to be taken care of until they get better. Medical help is other provided to animals in the form of putting their bones back into place, fixing sprains, healing scratches, and cuts (which are sometimes a result of human garbage lying around in a random location), or even bathing the birds to get rid of any oil or harmful chemicals that birds have come in contact with. As individuals, we can make ourselves more aware of the problems that vulnerable species encounter daily. Most of us can feel empathy for other human beings, so why not do the same for endangered species? Just think, what would it be like if your home or neighborhood was on fire and you had no place to go? What if everything you had ever loved or needed in life was destroyed in the fire? The emotions that you'd probably feel are the same emotions that those vulnerable species feel too when we destroy their natural habitat. It's important to be educated and actively try to make a change for vulnerable species. While we must take this responsibility as individuals, it also helps to encourage other people to get involved too. This may include talking to neighbors, friends, and family members. We could also donate money to certain organizations that aim to protect endangered species and rebuild forests. Even one dollar could make a difference if everyone in the world pitched in. Countries could also help to focus on finding alternative sources for power in everyday life instead of burning fossil fuels. Wind, water power, solar power, and even hybrid modes of power could be used to slow down the process of global warming. Although these modes of power are often thought of as expensive, there's no problem in asking for help from other countries, considering that global warming is a worldwide problem and could become way more serious than it already is within the next few decades. In the United States, individuals and members of a political party could lobby Congress and force them to focuses on further helping to maintain the environment. Americans could join certain interest groups such as Environmental Protection Agency to get more involved in matters affecting the environment.
      "What Moves You" Scholarship
      "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." -Al Capone I've often been told that I'm "too nice." Adults have told me that I need to "stop being so sensitive and toughen up." "What's wrong with being a nice and sensitive person? What's wrong with showing kindness towards someone despite the way they've treated you in the past?" I'd ask. The answer: absolutely nothing. There's nothing wrong with being kind. I feel that my kindness is a result of my sensitivity. Due to my sensitive nature, I've been able to form strong connections with others and offer helpful advice. The friendships I've formed over the years are a result of my sensitivity and open-mindedness. I'm not ashamed of being kind to others, which is one reason why I've chosen to pursue a career as a travel nurse. Other than the fact that I'm always ready to learn something new and challenge myself, I also have a desire to travel all around the world and learn about different cultures. There are over 7.8 billion people on the planet, and I believe that everyone has the ability to contribute something meaningful. As a future travel nurse, my goal is to provide medical care and support to those living in other countries who do not have as many opportunities as I have had. I've lived in the United States my entire life, so I consider myself blessed. However, when I see the words "don't mistake my kindness for weakness," I'm reminded of my purpose in life. This quote gives me the courage I need to step out into the world and face the unknown.
      Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
      I grew up with a mental illness and never realized this until my teenage years. I thought that I was shy. I didn't know how to talk to my peers and never learned how to form friendships. Parties and other social events were a living nightmare. Every time I was faced with the idea of talking to another person, I felt my hands begin to sweat, I couldn't breathe, I had hot flashes, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear. I was a preteen when I first learned about social anxiety. I was seventeen years old when I accepted that I had it, and I couldn't run away from the truth this time. As a child, I was what we call a "people pleaser." Since I didn't know how to make friends, I thought that making others happy would be the way to go. I soon realized this wouldn't work because it seemed that no matter what I did, people were cruel and befriended me only to rip out my heart and leave me in tears again. I became scared of other people and feared that everyone who came to know me would only harm me. During middle school, I joined ASB in hopes of becoming the light to someone else who was struggling like me. I did manage to make a few friends who understood my struggles and supported me. I did a lot of community service and found a purpose despite the pain I experienced. I discovered that most people were understanding and accepting because of their backgrounds. My community service experiences and the connections I formed made me want to reach out to other people. Despite my positive experiences, the pain only seemed to increase in intensity. I was twelve when I first considered committing suicide. I had suicidal thoughts when I was eight and thought it was normal. I was wrong. Although I had friends and a loving family, I still felt alone. Throughout my first year in high school, all I could think about was ending my life. I would go to class, keep my head down, and do my work as the good student I was. As the school year passed, I made a few close friends who strengthened me and my faith in God. I've learned that I could never forget the past, but I could always move forward and forgive those who have hurt me. As my faith grew, so did my love for the world and its inhabitants. I've come to realize that life is not as terrible as it seems. I'm still in the process of healing. However, I've found people who love me despite my brokenness. The most worthwhile individuals sometimes don't come around until later on in life, but it's always worth the wait. Because of the friends I have now, I know what sorts of people I'll want to associate with when I start college. As my high school years continued, I decided that I wanted to have a career in which I could give back to others and help to heal the hurting. My mother used to tell me stories about her job in the medical field when I was a young child. After hearing her stories, I knew I wanted to work as a travel nurse. Not only would I be able to learn more about my own health and the health of others, but I'd also be able to work with individuals from all around the world. I want to bring hope to the people I come in contact with and show everyone the same unconditional love I received. My social anxiety cannot stop me from wanting to help others. Despite the struggle to interact with individuals on a day-to-day basis, I was going to let my light shine in a harsh world.
      Simple Studies Scholarship
      From a young age, I've always wanted to pursue a career where I could reach out to other people in my community and learn something new every day. When I begin college, I want to study to be a travel nurse. Travel nurses have always been in demand. Unfortunately, nursing school is stressful and requires dedication. On top of that, nursing school is expensive and many students graduate from nursing school with over $40,000 in debt. Sometimes, the amount of debt that nursing students accumulate can be as high as $200,000. Travel nurses during our time are needed more than ever because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Although a cure for the virus has been created, cases are expected to skyrocket. Doctors and nurses have been working as hard as possible to make sure that everyone has been receiving quality care. There are many advertisements on television encouraging individuals to become a nurse and I know that I have the potential to become one of these individuals. As a travel nurse, I'd want to be able to encourage everyone about their own health and the importance of self-care. Many nurses are working harder than ever to take care of those around them. Their lives can be made easier if people were taught how to take care of themselves and their bodies. Self-care is often underestimated, but it's crucial to live healthily. If I become a travel nurse, more people are going to take me seriously about the importance of self-care. By educating myself about the human body and what measures can be taken to increase our lifespan, I will have the power and the authority to change people's lives for the better. Travel nurses, as the name suggests, travel to different cities, countries, and states to connect with the world around them. I grew up in a multicultural family and a community of diverse individuals. Due to my upbringing, I became eager to learn more about the world and what opportunities I could utilize to grow as a person. I come from a small town that encourages everyone to settle for more than what they've started with, and that's what I intend to do as a travel nurse. As a high school student, I study a lot, take difficult classes to challenge myself, and demonstrate empathy to others to develop my nursing skills. By using my skills as a travel nurse, I could influence a wider range of individuals and learn about who they are as a person. Nurse must learn how to connect and communicate with their patients in a meaningful way. Since I consider myself to be an open-minded person and a fast learner, I feel that travel nursing as a career would suit me.
      Thea Stephan Student Profile |