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Tenley Moss


Bold Points


I love to sing. I have been in choirs since I was about seven years old. I have competed in regional and state competitions and am often requested to sing in church services. For a year when I was 15, I was also the church music conductor, leading the congregation in singing and music numbers.


Mill Valley High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • cashier

      2022 – 20231 year


    Track & Field

    2018 – Present6 years


    • medals


    • Bible/Biblical Studies

      LDS — student
      2021 – Present


    • Mill Valley High School

      2018 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      NHS — officer
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests



    Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
    I am in love with the Anne of Green Gables book. I originally read the book with my mom when I was ten years old. The book took me to a lovely place in a life I would never be close to living. Anne had a spunky attitude and confidence that left me falling in love with the book. My mom had also fallen in love with the book when she was younger and was very excited to show me the two-part movie. The movie was like a dream; everything was just as I had imagined it in my head. Anne displayed a wonderful personality through her facial expressions and body language, which was hard to gauge from words on a page. By about halfway through the first movie part, I had locked my parents' bedroom door to keep my loud younger brothers from coming in and ruining the movie. The film provided a brighter view of the story; the colors of the green gables and Anne's bright red hair became more of a reality. The movie also put into context the vocabulary that was difficult for a ten-year-old to read and understand. I rewatched the movie twice the week I finished the book and have rewatched it very recently. I also love the Maze Runner books very much. One Summer I read all five of the books in the series in under a month and for a while, I was entranced by the intricate and unique storyline the books provided. Excited to watch the films, I bought all three at once. As the movies dragged on and the characters became less like their book counterparts, and I had to turn off the TV. The movies were terrible. Whenever I thought of The Maze Runner, the movies clouded my opinion of the books. The only thing I could find the same within the lazy plots was the character names. The imagination of Noah Oppenheim's entertaining works was shown so plainly on screen. The characters were bland and the plot was incorrect. Throughout my entire viewing, I thought, "How could Oppenheim allow his books to be shown this way?" Unfortunately, my question was never answered thus leading me never to finish the third movie I had paid $14.99 to see. Movies that are based on books may not follow the story precisely to a tee, however the characters, when displayed correctly, allow for a feeling of full immersion in the story. Hearing the voices of characters whom you have only imagined, seeing the places they live and visit, and understanding how a character holds themselves throughout the story creates a wonderful addition to my reading. Don't be deceived however, not every story is given its full glory. Don't be afraid to save the story and disregard that $14.99 purchase.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    I have been reading inspirational books and hearing stories about individuals who have lost limbs or have had problems with their hearts or other organs. My favorite story I have been told (that sparked my interest in biotechnology) was told to me by a hospital representative at a career fair. A baby was going to be born with a malformed heart. If the issue were not fixed within a concise time frame from when the baby was born, the child would pass away. Thanks to biotechnology and skilled engineering, the biotech team at the hospital was able to catch the error and use their technology to create replicas of the tiny heart to figure out how to save the baby before it was even born. That is what I want to do with my life. I want to be a biotech specialist to save someone's child. Since I heard this touching story and learned about this fascinating technology that hospitals have available, I have found my career pathway. I am most excited about my opportunity to job shadow in a biotechnology lab with the business owner Mr. Cotton. Every day, this man can utilize the life-saving materials that change so many people's lives for the better. I want to be a part of that effort. So many resources have been provided to me and I want to utilize them just like Mr. Cotton has done. I want to be on the side of the stories where my efforts are inspiring other young women like myself to use the technology provided and save lives.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    The character I most resonate with within the office is Jim Halpert. In all my years of watching the office, Jim has always been the one to make me laugh. His sense of humor and his teasing personality have helped me fall asleep hundreds of times when my anxiety tries to keep me awake. He has a calm presence and cares so much about his friends and family. The way he carefully handles situations has not only calmed me down while I lay in bed, stressing that it is already two in the morning, but has also helped me handle situations of my own. I often babysit over the weekends or after school and the calm and goofy example Jim sets in the TV show has allowed me to be more patient when a child is acting up. Over the summer I nannied three young autistic children that would have a hard time hitting me and each other. The more I reflected on Jim's attributes such as patience, remaining calm, and addressing the situation in a goofy way, the children were able to resonate with and listen to me. Jim is such a relatable character that even a mirror or imitation of him and his personality can encapsulate three small children. Through watching it so many times, I have observed how the relationships within a workplace are so important. The entire series places focus on how the business functions based on co-workers' relationships with each other. Work should be a place where I feel comfortable with those around me. It also explained that the person in charge does not always make the best decision and does not always know what is best for me as an employee. Michael Scott was very good at connecting with his employees but did not always understand what may be best for them. The office has been a huge part of my life since I was very young. It helps me in so many ways and has helped me look forward to getting my first full-time job to compare efficiency and co-worker relationships.