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TeErika Blackmon


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My name is TeErika Blackmon, and I am currently a dedicated student pursuing a Master's Degree in School Psychology at Georgia Southern University. I am passionate about making a positive impact in my community and have actively participated in various extracurricular activities and volunteer projects that align with my academic interests and long-term goals. I pride myself on my ability to integrate learnings from different disciplines to approach problems from a well-rounded perspective. This unique approach to my education has not only equipped me with a diverse skill set but also enabled me to excel academically. After completing my graduate studies, I intend to leverage my expertise in school psychology to provide mental health resources and support to marginalized communities. My ultimate goal is to advocate for and empower students from diverse backgrounds, ensuring they have the tools and support necessary to succeed. I am thrilled about the opportunity to be considered for this scholarship, as it would significantly aid me in reaching my educational and career aspirations. Thank you for considering my application.


Georgia Southern University

Master's degree program
2024 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology

The University of Texas at El Paso

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Intercultural/Multicultural and Diversity Studies


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Individual & Family Services

    • Dream career goals:

      My long-term career goal is to become a school psychologist dedicated to providing mental health resources and support to marginalized communities. I aim to advocate for students from diverse backgrounds, empowering them with the tools and support needed to succeed academically and personally. By focusing on creating inclusive and supportive educational environments, I hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and contribute to a more equitable society.

    • Intern

      Department of Public Health
      2022 – 2022
    • Logistics Specialist

      United States Army
      2016 – 20204 years



    2022 – Present2 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      March of Dimes — Gratitude Volunteer
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Make-A-Wish Foundation — Gratitude Volunteer
      2023 – Present

    Future Interests





    Robert Lawyer Memorial Scholarship
    Navigating the path of a non-traditional college student has been both a challenging and rewarding experience, shaping my educational journey and influencing my future goals. At 27 years old, I am currently pursuing a master's degree in School Psychology at Georgia Southern University. This journey is marked by a unique set of challenges and triumphs, as I balance my roles as a wife and mother while striving to achieve my academic and career aspirations. After graduating from high school, I chose to serve in the United States Army, a decision that profoundly impacted my life. The discipline, leadership skills, and resilience I developed during my service are invaluable assets in my academic pursuits. However, returning to school full-time after leaving the military presented its own set of challenges. It was initially awkward and uncomfortable to be surrounded by peers who were either just starting their college journey or had already graduated and embarked on their careers. I often found myself in classrooms with students who were significantly younger than me, facing different struggles and priorities. As a non-traditional student, my college experience is characterized by a constant juggling act. Unlike my younger peers who can fully focus on their studies, I am balancing my responsibilities as a mother and wife with my academic commitments. The need to manage family obligations while pursuing a degree can be overwhelming, but it has also taught me invaluable time management and prioritization skills. The pressure to succeed in multiple roles simultaneously has instilled in me a level of determination and perseverance that I might not have developed otherwise. One of the most significant factors contributing to my success has been finding support through organizations tailored to non-traditional students. The Military Student Service and the Student Parent Support Group have been instrumental in helping me navigate the challenges of college life. These organizations provided me with a sense of community and understanding, connecting me with others who share similar experiences. They offered resources and support that have been crucial in my journey, enabling me to balance my academic and personal responsibilities more effectively. Being a non-traditional student has also shaped my future goals. My experiences have fueled my passion for becoming a school psychologist, focusing on providing mental health resources and support to students from diverse backgrounds. I am particularly interested in helping other non-traditional students navigate their unique challenges by advocating for support systems and programs that address their specific needs. My goal is to create a more inclusive and supportive educational environment for all students, regardless of their background or life circumstances. In conclusion, being a non-traditional college student has profoundly impacted my educational experience and future aspirations. The journey has been filled with challenges, but it has also provided me with invaluable skills and insights that will guide me in my career as a school psychologist. I am committed to using my experiences to make a difference in the lives of others, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed and thrive.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, I was surrounded by a vibrant community that taught me resilience and determination. Raised by my single mother as the oldest of her children, I witnessed her relentless dedication to providing for our family. Watching her juggle multiple jobs and make countless sacrifices instilled in me a profound understanding of the strength needed to overcome adversity. Despite the financial struggles and limited resources, my mother's unwavering support and belief in my potential motivated me to strive for excellence. Throughout my life, I faced numerous challenges that tested my resolve. One significant turning point was my decision to join the United States Army. Entering the military was a daunting endeavor, especially coming from an inner-city background with limited exposure to such a regimented lifestyle. The Army demanded physical endurance, mental toughness, and adaptability, all of which were initially overwhelming. However, I was determined to succeed and viewed each obstacle as an opportunity to grow. The rigorous training taught me discipline, while the camaraderie with fellow soldiers showed me the power of teamwork and support in overcoming challenges. During my service, I faced numerous situations that pushed me to my limits. One memorable experience was during a deployment where I had to lead a team under extremely challenging conditions. The stress and pressure were immense, but I relied on the skills I had developed and the lessons I had learned from my upbringing. I remembered my mother's resilience and drew strength from my experiences, ultimately leading my team to success. This experience taught me that adversity can be conquered through determination, preparation, and support. My commitment to service extends beyond my military experience and into my involvement with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. As a member of this esteemed organization, I have been able to channel my passion for helping others into impactful community service. Working with organizations like the March of Dimes, Make-A-Wish North Texas, and the El Pasoans Fighting Hunger Food Bank has allowed me to connect with individuals facing their own struggles. These volunteer experiences have not only provided support to those in need but have also reinforced my belief in the transformative power of community and service. Currently, as a graduate student at Georgia Southern University, I am pursuing my dream of becoming a school psychologist. This path is driven by my desire to provide mental health resources and support to minorities and low-income communities. I am keenly aware of the mental health challenges these communities often face, and I am dedicated to using my education to make a difference. By focusing on preventive measures and early intervention, I aim to empower individuals to overcome their adversities and achieve their full potential. In the future, I envision myself working within schools and communities to create programs tailored to the unique challenges faced by underserved populations. I am passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and breaking down the barriers that prevent many from accessing the care they need. My goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. My journey has been defined by overcoming adversity through resilience, determination, and a commitment to helping others. By drawing on my experiences and using my skills to support those in need, I am dedicated to creating a brighter future for my community. As a school psychologist, I hope to inspire and empower others to overcome their challenges and achieve their dreams.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    As I ponder the diverse and colorful cast of "The Office," I find myself resonating most profoundly with Jim Halpert. His character, portrayed with a charming blend of humor and sincerity, encapsulates a unique perspective on workplace dynamics that has significantly influenced my own understanding of professional environments. Jim's character is more than just a source of comic relief; he embodies the essence of a relatable, everyday employee. His frequent breaks of the fourth wall with knowing glances and subtle smirks invite viewers into his world, creating a sense of camaraderie. This resonates with me as I navigate my own professional journey, reminding me of the importance of finding humor and joy in everyday tasks. One of the most endearing qualities of Jim is his ability to find a balance between work and play. His pranks, while hilarious, are never mean-spirited. They serve as a reminder that maintaining a light-hearted attitude can make the monotonous routine of office life more bearable. This has shaped my approach to my own work environment, where I strive to inject a sense of fun and positivity, enhancing team morale and fostering a more enjoyable workspace. Additionally, Jim's character development throughout the series showcases a realistic career progression. He evolves from a disengaged salesman to a more mature and responsible professional, taking on leadership roles and facing challenges head-on. This growth mirrors the journey many of us experience in our careers. It serves as a reminder that while it's essential to retain a sense of humor, personal and professional growth is equally important. Jim's relationship with his co-workers, especially with Pam, adds another layer to his character. It illustrates the importance of building strong, authentic relationships in the workplace. The rapport and support system he shares with Pam, based on mutual respect and understanding, is something I aspire to emulate in my professional relationships. It highlights the significance of having allies in the workplace who can provide emotional support and motivation. "The Office," through its satirical portrayal of office life, has also influenced my perspective on workplace dynamics. It presents a humorous yet insightful commentary on the absurdities and complexities of the corporate world. The show's depiction of diverse personalities coexisting in a shared environment has taught me the importance of adaptability and understanding in a professional setting. The show’s mockumentary style, which focuses on everyday interactions and the minutiae of office life, has encouraged me to find value in the small moments and interactions that make up a workday. It has shown me that every role, no matter how seemingly insignificant, contributes to the larger picture of an organization's success. In conclusion, Jim Halpert's character in "The Office" resonates with me due to his relatable approach to office life, his growth as a professional, and his ability to maintain a sense of humor amidst the mundane. This show has not only shaped my sense of humor, making me appreciate the lighter side of the corporate world, but it has also offered valuable insights into workplace dynamics, emphasizing the importance of relationship-building, adaptability, and personal growth. As I move forward in my career, I carry with me the lessons learned from Jim's character – to find joy in the everyday, to continuously evolve as a professional, and to value the relationships that make the workplace not just bearable, but enjoyable.
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    For those of us born in 1997, belonging to the older spectrum of Generation Z, Disney Channel was not just a channel; it was a magical window into worlds we could only dream of. The laughter and lessons from shows like “That’s So Raven” and “Lizzie McGuire” were more than just entertainment; they were our companions, teaching us about life, friendship, and following our dreams. Imagine the excitement if these two iconic series crossed paths in a special episode, “Raven and Lizzie: The Fashion Time Capsule.” In this crossover event, Raven Baxter, a teenager with the unique ability to glimpse the future, receives a vision of a time capsule being opened in the future, revealing a fashion item that dramatically changes the world. Intrigued by this mysterious vision, Raven sets out on a quest to create this influential piece of fashion. Her journey leads her to Lizzie McGuire, a relatable and kind-hearted teenager, who is known for her unique fashion sense and animated inner thoughts. The storyline intertwines when Raven, in her usual comedic flair, accidentally sends herself and Lizzie twenty years into the future using a time-traveling spell. They arrive in a world where fashion has lost its sense of creativity and expression. The duo quickly realizes that the item in Raven’s vision is the key to reviving the world’s lost vibrancy and individuality in fashion. Raven and Lizzie embark on a mission to create this legendary fashion item, a task that takes them through various adventures in the future. They encounter futuristic fashion technologies, meet descendants of their friends and family, and face challenges that test their creativity and resolve. Their journey is a mix of hilarious mishaps, heartfelt moments, and nostalgic references to their original shows. The climax of the episode is a fashion show set in the future, where Raven and Lizzie unveil their creation: a garment that adapts to the wearer’s personality, changing colors and patterns to match their mood and spirit. This “living” outfit becomes a symbol of self-expression and individuality, inspiring the future generation to embrace their uniqueness. Throughout the episode, themes central to both “That’s So Raven” and “Lizzie McGuire” are woven into the plot – the importance of being true to oneself, the power of friendship, and the belief that one person can make a difference. The episode also pays homage to the early 2000s, featuring music, fashion, and pop culture references that resonate with older Gen Z viewers. In conclusion, “Raven and Lizzie: The Fashion Time Capsule” stands out as more than just a crossover episode; it is a bridge between generations, blending nostalgia with a message of hope and inspiration. It reminds us that the lessons we learned from our favorite childhood shows remain relevant and that we, too, can be agents of change in our world. As an older Gen Z’er, this crossover is not just a trip down memory lane but a reminder of the enduring impact of these timeless shows.
    Trever David Clark Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health is a subject that holds significant personal resonance for me, as it has had a profound impact on my life and those around me. While growing up in the inner city of Atlanta as the oldest child of a single mother, mental well-being was not a topic that was openly discussed in my community. The stigma associated with mental health issues often silenced those who needed help the most. This silence became personal when I became a mother to a premature son while pursuing my undergraduate degree in Multidisciplinary Studies. The sleepless nights and the emotional toll of caring for a newborn led me to struggle with postpartum depression, an experience that reshaped my beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations. For a long time, I was hesitant to seek help, partly due to the societal attitudes I had internalized and partly due to the lack of resources. The few interactions I had with the mental health industry were mixed at best. Although therapy did provide some relief, the one-size-fits-all treatment and lack of cultural sensitivity made it less effective than it could have been. This highlighted a glaring need for professionals who could offer culturally competent mental health services, especially to underrepresented communities. On the positive side, therapy provided me with some coping mechanisms, including mindfulness techniques that enabled me to balance motherhood and academic life better. These personal experiences profoundly influenced my beliefs about mental health. I now understand that mental well-being is just as important as physical health and should never be stigmatized. It's a lesson I’ve carried into my relationships as well. I've become an advocate for mental health among my friends and family, emphasizing the importance of professional help and self-care. My relationship with my son, especially, has benefited from this newfound understanding. Being in a better mental space allows me to be more present as a mother, offering him the emotional stability and support he needs. Career-wise, my journey with mental health has been a catalyst for change. It has refined my aspirations, leading me to aim for a graduate degree in Social Work from the University of Georgia. I want to work specifically with people of color to provide mental health services that are culturally sensitive and accessible. The lack of such tailored resources in my own experience underlines the critical need for this specialization. I aspire to create a space where people from underrepresented communities can seek help without feeling judged or misunderstood. I want to be a part of a system that sees and addresses the unique struggles that people of color face in terms of mental health. In conclusion, my personal struggle with mental health and witnessing the lack of adequate support in my community have profoundly influenced my life. While the journey has been difficult, it has also been enlightening. It has shaped my beliefs, strengthened my relationships, and given a new direction to my career aspirations. The shortcomings I have observed in the mental health industry fuel my passion to contribute positively to this field, advocating for a more inclusive and understanding mental health support system. I look forward to the opportunity to turn my lived experiences into meaningful change for others navigating the complex labyrinth of mental health. Thank you for considering my perspective.
    Jillian Ellis Pathway Scholarship
    Resilience is more than just a word; it is a tapestry of experiences, woven together by the threads of adversity, challenge, and determination. In my life, this fabric started forming in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, where I grew up as the oldest child of a single mother. Our circumstances were far from ideal, but they were the perfect training ground for developing resilience. Every hardship—financial constraints, societal judgments, and academic struggles—added a new layer of complexity to my character, fortifying my resolve to rise above these challenges. However, resilience isn’t built in solitude; it is cultivated in the community that surrounds you. My mother’s unwavering belief in the transformative power of education became the cornerstone of my own resilience. She made sacrifices to provide us with opportunities, teaching us that education is both a privilege and a responsibility. It was her tenacity that kept me focused, even when I became a mother to a premature son while pursuing my undergraduate degree. The experience of dealing with postpartum depression while balancing academics and motherhood honed my resilience to a razor's edge. Each day was a battle, but giving up was not an option. I had a family to uplift and a community to serve. I am currently majoring in Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso and intend to pursue a graduate degree in Social Work from the University of Georgia. My focus is unwavering—I want to work with people of color to address the mental health crisis that often goes unnoticed and untreated. Stigma, coupled with a lack of culturally sensitive resources, exacerbates the challenges that minority communities face. I plan to develop programs that break down these barriers, creating safe spaces where people can seek help without judgment. Armed with my degree, I aim to be more than just a qualified professional; I aspire to be a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. Through community outreach programs, educational workshops, and direct counseling, I intend to uplift those from underrepresented backgrounds. My goal is to implement mental health initiatives that cater to the unique needs of these communities, addressing disparities in access to mental health care. I want to be the person who not only understands the statistics but also knows the faces and stories behind the numbers. By sharing my own experiences and leveraging my education, I hope to empower others to rise above their circumstances, just as I have been doing. In a society that often marginalizes the underprivileged, I want to be a voice that says, "You matter. Your mental health matters." Whether it’s through policy advocacy or one-on-one counseling, I am committed to making a tangible impact. In conclusion, my journey thus far has been a testament to resilience, but it’s far from over. I plan to use my education as a tool for social change, uplifting those from underrepresented communities who struggle with mental health issues. Every thread of adversity in my life has strengthened the fabric of my resilience, and I am ready to weave this resilience into a larger tapestry—one that uplifts not just me, but the community at large. Thank you for considering my story.
    Heather Lynn Scott McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
    I was raised in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, a community known for its complexities as much as for its sense of belonging. Growing up, I was the eldest child of a single mother, bearing witness to the sacrifices she made to ensure a future for me and my siblings. Today, I find myself in Texas, majoring in Multidisciplinary Studies at the University of Texas at El Paso. My aim is to attend the University of Georgia for a graduate degree in Social Work, dedicating my life to helping people of color facing mental health challenges. These ambitions have been hard-fought, especially given the additional obstacles I've had to overcome. Beyond the socio-economic challenges, one of the most formidable hardships I faced was becoming a mother to a premature son while pursuing my undergraduate degree. The challenges associated with premature birth were overwhelming, to say the least. Each day was uncertain as I juggled between academic responsibilities and the demands of motherhood. If the sleepless nights and rigorous study schedules were not taxing enough, I also grappled with postpartum depression. Every day felt like an uphill climb, but I persevered because giving up was not an option – not for me, not for my son, and not for the community I aspire to serve. Reading about Heather Lynn Scott McDaniel’s compassionate heart and giving spirit resonated deeply with me. She too understood the difficulties associated with pursuing higher education. In a life that was tragically cut short, she gave selflessly, leaving a legacy that reaches out to people like me. I wish to honor her legacy by making the most of the opportunities that this scholarship could offer. Being the recipient of the Heather Lynn Scott McDaniel Memorial Scholarship would not only ease the financial burden but would also serve as a recognition of the challenges I have overcome. Moreover, it would provide an emotional boost, a validation that my struggles and ambitions are acknowledged and valued. Such an affirmation can go a long way in instilling the self-belief needed to achieve my educational goals. I aspire to focus my graduate studies on providing culturally sensitive mental health resources to people of color. There is a dire need for such services, given the stigma and lack of understanding surrounding mental health in minority communities. By providing accessible, tailored support, I hope to make a significant difference in the lives of those struggling with mental health issues. To me, this would be an ideal way to pass forward the compassion and aid that Heather extended in her life. In conclusion, my journey has been marked by obstacles, but each one has only strengthened my resolve to reach my educational and career goals. I want to make a lasting impact on my community, just as Heather did in hers. This scholarship would be a monumental step in that direction, and I would be honored to carry on Heather’s legacy by making the most of this opportunity.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    I am deeply honored to apply for the Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship inspired by a woman whose belief in the transformative power of education resonates strongly with my own life experiences. Coming from the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, I understand the tremendous impact education can have as a tool for personal growth and community empowerment. My journey has been molded by the same tenets of perseverance and commitment to higher education that characterized Hyacinth Malcolm's life. Growing up in a challenging environment with a single mother and being the oldest child in the family, I've always felt a keen sense of responsibility not only to my younger siblings but also to my community. My mother's unwavering support and sacrifices have been my primary inspiration, helping me understand the vital role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty and limited opportunities. I am currently pursuing a major in Multidisciplinary Studies, with a focus on sociology, psychology, and public policy. This unique combination allows me to understand the systemic factors that contribute to inequality, particularly within communities of color. It's my aspiration to attend the University of Georgia to pursue a graduate degree in Social Work. Through this, I intend to specialize in mental health services that are tailored for people of color, who often face unique challenges and stigmas in this area. Mental health is a subject that is often overlooked in communities of color, either because of a lack of resources or a cultural misunderstanding of its significance. By becoming a licensed social worker, I aim to bridge this gap. I envision creating a mental health program that not only provides essential services but also incorporates an educational component to de-stigmatize mental health within these communities. This is not merely a career for me; it is a calling to give back to communities like my own, where such resources are desperately needed but often lacking. The Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden associated with higher education, thus allowing me to focus more intently on my academic and professional goals. This scholarship would serve as a stepping stone, bringing me closer to achieving my aspiration of becoming a social worker committed to enhancing mental health resources for people of color. Hyacinth Malcolm believed in the life-changing power of education, and through this scholarship named in her honor, her legacy would continue to live on, not just in me, but in the lives of all those I aim to help. I am deeply committed to fulfilling the educational journey that this scholarship supports, a journey towards not only personal growth but also meaningful community impact. Thank you for considering my application.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    A foggy haze settled over my thoughts the day my son was born prematurely and admitted into the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). For 133 days, the stark hospital room became a physical manifestation of my emotional landscape—sterile, mechanical, and filled with uncertainty. Every beep of the monitor felt like a verdict on my abilities as a mother, a jarring melody that deepened my spiral into postpartum depression. It was in that crucible that I realized just how vital mental health is—not just for me, but for the tiny human whose life depended on my strength, both physical and mental. Mental health is crucial because it affects every facet of our lives—from how we think and feel to how we act and interact with the world around us. My mental well-being became particularly significant in the throes of postpartum depression and the complexities of having a child in the NICU. The days were long, and my emotional reservoir was constantly being depleted. I was caught in a vicious cycle: my mental state influenced my ability to care for my son, whose fragile condition, in turn, weighed heavily on my mental health. I realized that if I wanted to be the mother he needed, I had to prioritize my mental wellness. Maintaining mental wellness is an ongoing journey, one that necessitates multiple approaches for me. First, I sought professional help by engaging with a therapist who specialized in postpartum depression and trauma. Talking through my experiences and emotions provided me with valuable coping strategies and a renewed sense of perspective. It also unshackled the heavy burden of stigma associated with mental health struggles. Second, I started practicing mindfulness. Whether it was deep breathing exercises by my son's incubator or finding small moments of gratitude, mindfulness helped me focus on the present, mitigating anxieties about the future and regrets about the past. Third, I leaned on my support system. The love and practical help from family and friends became the scaffolding upon which I could start rebuilding my emotional strength. Finally, I found it imperative to be gentle with myself and to understand that mental wellness is not a destination but a constant effort. I accepted that setbacks were a part of the process and that every day I was becoming a stronger, more resilient individual and mother. By taking proactive steps to maintain my mental health, I was not just doing it for myself but also setting the stage for my son's well-being. A more balanced, happier me meant a more nurturing environment for him. In conclusion, my experience with postpartum depression while navigating the labyrinth of the NICU taught me the irreplaceable value of mental health. I learned the importance of seeking help, being present, relying on a support network, and showing myself kindness. Mental health is not just a personal battle; it's a collective responsibility that starts with acknowledging its importance and taking actionable steps to maintain it. Because when we take care of our minds, we're not just saving ourselves; we're often saving those who depend on us the most.