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Taylor Bates


Bold Points






Hi, I'm Taylor. I am from Mississippi, but will be attending the University of Central Florida in the fall. I am majoring in mechanical engineering with the goal of one day receiving my masters, and I would love to be able to create prosthetics for veterans.


University of Central Florida

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Mechanical Engineering

Center Hill High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Biomedical/Medical Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Barista

      Scooter’s coffee
      2024 – Present8 months
    • Baker

      Crumbl Cookies
      2022 – 20231 year


    • Center Hill Marching Band

      2019 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      National voices of equality,education,and enlightenment — Junior mentor
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Center Hill Math Tutors — Math tutor
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests



    Eric W. Larson Memorial STEM Scholarship
    Growing up as a Black girl in a low-income household, I learned early on the meaning of adversity. My family faced financial challenges that often made even the basics of life seem like luxuries. My mother, a single parent, worked tirelessly at multiple jobs to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Despite her efforts, there were times when we had to make difficult choices—whether to pay the electric bill or buy groceries, whether to repair the car or cover the cost of school supplies. These experiences were not just financial struggles; they were lessons in resilience, resourcefulness, and the importance of determination. One of the hardest aspects of growing up in a low-income household was the constant uncertainty. The lack of financial stability affected every part of our lives. It was a struggle to afford school supplies, participate in extracurricular activities, or even maintain a sense of normalcy when financial worries overshadowed everything else. But in the midst of these challenges, I found strength. My mother, despite her exhaustion, never gave up, and she taught me to approach every obstacle with the same tenacity. I learned that while we couldn’t control our circumstances, we could control how we responded to them. Education became my refuge and my pathway to a better future. I knew that if I wanted to change my circumstances, I had to excel academically. School was where I could focus on something within my control, and I threw myself into my studies with a determination that grew out of my desire to help my family and others like us. Despite the difficulties at home, I found solace in learning and in the idea that education could be the key to overcoming the challenges that defined my childhood. My passion for STEM, specifically biomedical engineering, was sparked by a deeply personal and life-altering experience. When my stepfather lost his leg in a tragic accident, our family was thrown into a crisis that extended beyond the emotional pain of his injury. The medical costs were overwhelming, and the prospect of obtaining a prosthetic, something essential for his mobility and independence, seemed almost impossible. The reality of our financial situation became starkly clear as we navigated the healthcare system, trying to find a way to afford the care he desperately needed. Witnessing my stepfather’s struggle was both heartbreaking and eye-opening. I saw firsthand the limitations that financial barriers can place on someone’s ability to recover and move forward. The experience made me acutely aware of the disparities in healthcare access, especially for low-income individuals. It was in this moment that I realized the profound impact that a lack of resources can have on someone’s life, and I knew I wanted to do something about it. This experience ignited a passion within me for biomedical engineering, particularly in the field of prosthetics. I became determined to dedicate my life to designing and creating affordable prosthetics for low-income individuals. My stepfather’s struggle became the catalyst for my career aspirations, and I knew that I wanted to ensure that no one else would have to face the same difficulties because of financial constraints. I believe that everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, deserves the opportunity to live a full and active life, and I am committed to making that a reality. To achieve this goal, I’ve dedicated myself to excelling in STEM, despite the challenges I've faced. I’ve sought out every opportunity to learn and grow, participating in STEM clubs, taking advanced courses, and seeking out mentors who can guide me on this path. In school, I gravitated toward subjects like math and science, where I could apply logical thinking to solve complex problems. These subjects fascinated me because they offered concrete solutions to real-world issues—issues like the one my stepfather faced. One of the biggest challenges in pursuing my passion for STEM has been the lack of representation. As a Black girl in a predominantly white and male-dominated field, I have often felt out of place. The absence of role models who look like me sometimes made me question whether I belonged. However, instead of letting these feelings deter me, I used them as motivation to push myself even harder. I sought out communities and organizations that support women and minorities in STEM, finding strength in knowing that I am part of a larger movement to bring diversity to the field. My journey has been anything but easy, but every challenge has strengthened my resolve. I am driven by a deep sense of purpose and a commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field of prosthetics. I want to ensure that people like my stepfather—those who are struggling financially—have access to the life-changing medical devices they need. My dream is to create prosthetics that are not only functional and high-quality but also affordable and accessible to everyone. In the future, I hope to establish a non-profit organization that focuses on developing and distributing high-quality, low-cost prosthetics to underserved communities. This organization would bring together engineers, medical professionals, and community leaders to create a network of support for those in need. I envision a holistic approach that goes beyond providing prosthetics to include rehabilitation services, community support, and education for both recipients and their families. My goal is to help individuals regain their independence and live fulfilling lives, free from the limitations imposed by financial barriers. I am also passionate about using my experiences to inspire and uplift others. I want to be a role model for other young Black girls who dream of pursuing careers in STEM, showing them that they too can overcome adversity and make a difference in the world. I believe that representation matters, and I want to be part of a movement that brings more diversity to the field of biomedical engineering. By breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for others, I hope to contribute to a future where everyone has the chance to succeed, regardless of their background or circumstances.
    Make Your "Truth" Your Own Scholarship
    Growing up as a Jehovah’s Witness, I was taught to follow the beliefs and teachings of the faith without question. My family and community were deeply rooted in the religion, and I never imagined a life outside of it. The principles of the faith guided my every decision, and I was taught that following them was the only way to live a righteous life. However, an experience with a close friend changed everything for me and led me to a difficult but necessary decision to leave the faith. My friend, who was also a Jehovah’s Witness, was involved in a severe car accident. The injuries she sustained were life-threatening, and she was rushed to the hospital. I remember the fear and anxiety that gripped me as I waited for news of her condition. When the doctors finally came out to speak with her family, they explained that she needed a blood transfusion to survive. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we were taught that blood transfusions are against God’s will. The belief is based on certain biblical passages that are interpreted to prohibit the consumption of blood, which is extended to include receiving blood through transfusions. The idea is that life is sacred, and the blood is symbolic of that life, so accepting a transfusion would be seen as defiling something holy. My friend’s family, following the teachings of the faith, refused the transfusion. The doctors tried to explain the gravity of the situation, emphasizing that without the transfusion, my friend’s chances of survival were slim. But the family stood firm in their beliefs, and as a member of the same faith, I understood why they made that choice. But understanding didn’t make it any easier to accept. Watching my friend’s condition deteriorate was one of the most painful experiences of my life. I felt helpless and conflicted. On one hand, I wanted to support her family’s decision, but on the other hand, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The idea that she might lose her life because of a religious doctrine began to weigh heavily on me. In the days that followed, I struggled to reconcile my faith with the reality of what had happened. I questioned the teachings I had always accepted without hesitation. I couldn’t understand how a loving God could demand such a sacrifice from someone so young, with so much life ahead of her. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I could no longer justify the beliefs that had been instilled in me. Leaving the faith was not an easy decision. It meant distancing myself from my family, friends, and the community I had been a part of for my entire life. It also meant facing the fear of the unknown, as I had to figure out who I was without the identity that had been shaped by my religion. But I knew that I couldn’t continue to be a part of something that went against my conscience and the values I held dear. My friend’s experience opened my eyes to the reality that not all religious teachings are aligned with the principles of compassion, empathy, and the sanctity of life. It made me realize that sometimes, blind faith can lead to devastating consequences. I decided that I wanted to live my life in a way that prioritizes the well-being of others, even if it means challenging long-held beliefs. In the end, leaving the Jehovah’s Witness faith was an act of self-liberation. It allowed me to think critically about my beliefs and to make decisions that are true to my values. While it was a painful and difficult journey, it was also a necessary one. I have since found peace in the knowledge that I am living a life that is authentic to who I am and what I believe in. And most importantly, I carry with me the lesson that life is precious, and we must do everything in our power to protect it.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    My experience with anxiety has shaped much of who I am today. As a shy girl, I've always found it difficult to express myself openly, especially in social situations. The constant worry about how others perceive me and the fear of not being good enough have often made me retreat into my own world. Simple interactions that others seem to handle with ease have sometimes felt overwhelming to me, leaving me feeling isolated and misunderstood. Despite these challenges, I've always found solace in my curiosity and passion for learning, particularly in the field of biomedical engineering. The idea of creating prosthetics for low-income people resonates deeply with me, not only because of the technical challenges it presents but also because of the profound impact it can have on someone's life. I believe that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, deserves access to the medical devices they need to live a full and active life. My anxiety, though often paralyzing, has also given me a unique perspective on the world. It has taught me the value of empathy and understanding, particularly toward those who are struggling. I know what it feels like to be overlooked or underestimated, and I want to use my skills and knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others who may be facing their own battles. Pursuing a college degree is crucial to me because it represents a path toward fulfilling my dream of designing and creating affordable prosthetics. I see education as a way to overcome the limitations that anxiety has placed on me. By gaining the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in biomedical engineering, I can contribute to a field that has the potential to change lives. Moreover, college is an opportunity for me to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself in ways that I've never done before. It’s a chance to build my confidence, develop my communication skills, and learn how to navigate the complexities of the professional world. I know that the journey will be difficult, but I also believe that it will be incredibly rewarding. Ultimately, I want to use my degree to create prosthetics that are not only functional but also accessible to those who need them most. I envision a world where no one has to choose between their mobility and their financial stability. I want to be a part of a movement that brings together engineers, medical professionals, and communities to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live a full and active life, regardless of their circumstances. In conclusion, my experience with anxiety has been challenging, but it has also fueled my passion for helping others. Pursuing a college degree is important to me because it is the key to unlocking my potential and making a meaningful impact on the world. I am determined to overcome my fears and use my education to create a better future for those who need it most.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    My name is Taylor, and I was raised by a single mother who taught me the value of perseverance, hard work, and compassion. Growing up as a Black girl in a low-income household, I witnessed the challenges my mother faced as she worked tirelessly to provide for us. Her resilience and determination have been a constant source of inspiration for me, instilling in me the belief that with dedication and a commitment to helping others, I can achieve my dreams. One of the most impactful experiences of my life occurred when my stepfather, a man who had always been there for me, lost his leg in a tragic accident. The emotional and physical toll this took on him was immense, but what struck me most was the difficulty he faced in obtaining a prosthetic. The cost was prohibitive, and the process of securing one through insurance was complex and time-consuming. As a result, my stepfather struggled to regain his independence, and I saw firsthand how the healthcare system can fail those who need it most. Witnessing his frustration and pain ignited a passion within me for biomedical engineering, particularly in the field of prosthetics. I became determined to dedicate my life to designing and creating affordable prosthetics for low-income individuals. My goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the medical devices they need to live full and active lives. I envision a world where no one has to choose between their mobility and their financial stability. To achieve this goal, I aim to establish a non-profit organization focused on developing and distributing high-quality, low-cost prosthetics to underserved communities. This organization would bring together engineers, medical professionals, and philanthropists to create a network of support for those in need. Beyond providing prosthetics, I want to offer rehabilitation services, and community support for both recipients and their families. I believe that by addressing these needs holistically, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and their communities. However, the path to achieving this goal has not been without its challenges. As a Black girl pursuing a career in STEM, I have often felt like an outsider in spaces where few people look like me. The lack of representation in the field has sometimes made me question whether I belong, and I have faced moments of self-doubt. But rather than allowing these obstacles to deter me, I have used them as motivation to push myself even harder. I have sought out mentors who can provide guidance and support, and I have joined organizations that advocate for women and minorities in STEM. These communities have been a source of strength and encouragement, reminding me that I am not alone in this journey. They have taught me the value of persistence and the importance of uplifting others who may be facing similar struggles. This journey has taught me that representation matters. Seeing someone who looks like you achieving success in a field you are passionate about can be incredibly empowering. I hope to become a role model for other young Black girls who dream of careers in STEM, showing them that their dreams are valid and attainable. I want to break down barriers and create opportunities for those who come after me, just as others have done for me.
    Love Island Fan Scholarship
    ### Love Island Challenge: **"Couples' Connection Course"** **Objective:** The "Couples' Connection Course" is designed to test the emotional, physical, and mental connection between couples. The challenge will involve a mix of problem-solving, physical tasks, and intimate questions, pushing the couples to work together and deepen their bonds. --- **Setup:** 1. **Location:** A scenic, secluded area of the island, transformed into a lush obstacle course. The course is divided into several sections, each with its own unique challenges. 2. **Duration:** The challenge takes place over a 2-hour window, with each couple given a set amount of time (30 minutes) to complete the course. 3. **Hosts:** The regular hosts will introduce the challenge and commentate on each couple’s performance, adding drama and excitement to the experience. --- **Challenge Breakdown:** 1. **Stage 1: "Trust Fall & Catch"** - **Task:** One partner stands on a platform about 6 feet high, blindfolded. The other partner stands below. The blindfolded partner must fall backward, trusting their partner to catch them. - **Objective:** Build trust and communication. The partner on the ground must verbally guide the blindfolded partner to fall at the right moment. 2. **Stage 2: "Memory Maze"** - **Task:** Couples enter a maze where they must find and memorize a sequence of objects or images. One partner explores the maze while the other waits outside. Once they exit, they have to describe what they saw to their partner, who then re-enters to replicate the sequence. - **Objective:** Test memory, communication, and understanding between the couple. 3. **Stage 3: "Tangled Hearts"** - **Task:** A large web of ropes and bungee cords is set up. Couples are tied together by the wrists with a short rope and must navigate through the tangled web without letting go of each other’s hands. - **Objective:** Promote teamwork, coordination, and physical closeness. 4. **Stage 4: "Intimacy Questions"** - **Task:** At a cozy, candlelit station, the couple must sit down and answer a series of personal and intimate questions about their relationship. These questions could range from "What’s your partner’s biggest fear?" to "Where do you see your future together?" - **Objective:** Test how well they know each other and encourage deeper emotional connection. 5. **Stage 5: "Final Leap of Faith"** - **Task:** The final challenge involves a physical leap. Couples must jump off a high platform together into a pool below, holding hands. The jump symbolizes their willingness to take risks together and trust in each other. - **Objective:** Reinforce commitment and shared experiences. --- **Scoring:** - **Stage 1:** Up to 10 points for how well the fall and catch are executed. - **Stage 2:** Up to 15 points based on accuracy and communication. - **Stage 3:** Up to 10 points for how quickly and smoothly they navigate the web. - **Stage 4:** Up to 20 points for the depth of their answers and how well they match. - **Stage 5:** Up to 15 points for synchronization and style during the leap. - **Bonus Points:** 5 bonus points can be awarded by the hosts for exceptional teamwork or creativity. **Total Possible Points:** 75 points. --- **Reward:** The winning couple receives a special overnight stay at a luxurious, private villa on the island. The villa is decked out with all the romantic touches—candlelight dinners, hot tubs, and a personal masseuse. **Twist:** At the end of the challenge, the winning couple gets to swap partners with any other couple for 24 hours, testing the strength of the relationships within the villa.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    In a world where the struggles of military veterans and low-income citizens often go unnoticed, the issue of affording prosthetics emerges as a poignant reminder of the challenges they face. The journey of these individuals, grappling with the physical and emotional aftermath of their experiences, calls for a collective effort to extend a helping hand. Helping them afford prosthetics is not just a matter of providing medical aid; it is an act of compassion that mends not only limbs but also wounded spirits. Military veterans, having served their nation with valor, return home with scars that go beyond what meets the eye. For some, the loss of limbs becomes a visible manifestation of the sacrifices made in the line of duty. Similarly, low-income citizens facing physical disabilities find themselves navigating a landscape where financial constraints often dictate the scope of available medical assistance. In such circumstances, the affordability of prosthetics becomes a crucial factor in rebuilding lives. The emotional weight carried by those in need of prosthetics is immeasurable. It's a journey marked by resilience, determination, and an unyielding spirit to reclaim a sense of normalcy. Imagine the emotional toll of a veteran who, having faced the rigors of war, must now confront the challenges of adapting to a prosthetic limb. Picture the struggle of a low-income individual, already burdened by financial hardships, trying to piece together the funds necessary for a prosthetic that could significantly enhance their quality of life. In light of these struggles, initiatives aimed at making prosthetics accessible to military veterans and low-income citizens emerge as beacons of hope. The impact of such endeavors extends far beyond the physical rehabilitation; it touches the very core of human dignity. By providing affordable prosthetics, we offer these individuals a chance to reclaim their independence, pursue their dreams, and reintegrate into society with renewed confidence. The emotional resonance of supporting this cause lies in the stories of triumph that unfold when individuals receive the prosthetics they so desperately need. It's the veteran who, with a prosthetic limb, rediscovers the strength to face the world anew. It's the low-income citizen who, once burdened by the weight of limitations, now walks towards a future filled with possibilities. In conclusion, the journey of helping military veterans and low-income citizens afford prosthetics is a testament to the power of empathy and collective action. It is a narrative woven with threads of compassion, resilience, and the unwavering belief that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, deserves a chance at a full and fulfilling life. By extending our support to this cause, we contribute not only to the mending of limbs but also to the healing of souls.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya, a versatile and accomplished artist, has carved a niche for herself in the entertainment industry, donning various hats with finesse. Her multifaceted career spans across fashion, acting, singing, and activism, making her a true icon for many. Among these diverse facets, the aspect of Zendaya's career that I admire the most is her commitment to activism. Zendaya's advocacy work and involvement in social issues showcase a depth of character that goes beyond her roles in the entertainment world. Her dedication to using her platform for positive change is truly commendable. Through her activism, Zendaya has become a voice for the marginalized and underrepresented, addressing issues ranging from racial inequality to gender discrimination. One of the reasons why I admire Zendaya's activism is the sincerity and authenticity she brings to the table. In an industry often criticized for superficiality, Zendaya stands out as a genuine advocate for change. She actively engages with social issues, educates herself, and uses her influence to raise awareness. Whether speaking out against racial injustice or advocating for gender equality, Zendaya consistently demonstrates a passion for making a meaningful impact. Moreover, Zendaya's ability to balance her entertainment career with activism reflects a strong sense of responsibility. She understands the influence she holds as a public figure and utilizes it to amplify important messages. This sense of purpose sets her apart, as she recognizes the power of her voice in inspiring positive change. Zendaya's activism is not confined to mere words; she takes tangible actions to support the causes she believes in. Whether participating in marches, collaborating with organizations, or using her social media presence for advocacy, she actively contributes to the movements she supports. This hands-on approach reinforces the authenticity of her commitment to social change. In conclusion, while Zendaya's achievements in fashion, acting, and singing are undoubtedly impressive, it is her role as an activist that resonates with me the most. Her dedication to addressing societal issues, coupled with her authenticity and tangible actions, makes her an inspiring figure. Zendaya's commitment to using her multifaceted career for the greater good serves as a reminder that one's influence can extend beyond entertainment and contribute to positive change in the world.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    In the tapestry of inspirational figures, Wilma Rudolph stands as a beacon of triumph over adversity, a symbol of perseverance, and a testament to the indomitable human spirit. For a young girl grappling with the challenges of life, Wilma Rudolph becomes not just an athlete but a source of inspiration, igniting the flame of dreams and resilience. Wilma Rudolph's life story is a compelling narrative of defying the odds. Born prematurely and stricken with polio, she faced the dual challenges of racial segregation and physical disability in her early years. However, Rudolph's spirit was unbreakable, and her journey from leg braces to becoming the fastest woman on earth was nothing short of extraordinary. For a young girl navigating the complexities of her own life, Rudolph's story becomes a guiding light. The obstacles she overcame, the barriers she shattered, and the records she set instill a profound sense of possibility and empowerment. The realization that a young girl, facing circumstances that may seem insurmountable, could rise to the pinnacle of athletic achievement serves as a catalyst for the belief that dreams are not confined by circumstance. Wilma Rudolph's dedication to her craft is a lesson in the pursuit of excellence. As a young girl looks upon her achievements, she learns that greatness is not bestowed but earned through relentless effort, discipline, and unwavering commitment. Rudolph's story becomes a roadmap, encouraging the young admirer to invest in her passions, no matter how daunting the journey may seem. Rudolph's impact extends beyond the realm of sports. Her resilience in the face of racial prejudice and discrimination serves as a powerful lesson in fortitude. In a society that often erects barriers based on race and gender, Wilma Rudolph's narrative becomes a potent reminder that talent knows no color or gender. The young girl, inspired by Rudolph, begins to see herself not as a victim of circumstance but as a potential force for change and progress. Wilma Rudolph's journey also introduces the concept of teamwork and community. Despite her individual achievements, she was part of relay teams that broke records and won Olympic gold. The young girl internalizes the importance of collaboration, understanding that success is often a collective effort. Rudolph's story becomes a lesson in uplifting others, fostering a sense of camaraderie, and realizing that shared victories are the sweetest. Moreover, Wilma Rudolph's commitment to education reinforces the idea that physical prowess should be coupled with intellectual growth. As the young girl aspires to follow in her footsteps, she recognizes the importance of a holistic approach to personal development, wherein education becomes a cornerstone for empowerment and lasting success. In conclusion, Wilma Rudolph's story is a tapestry woven with threads of resilience, determination, and triumph. For a young girl, Rudolph is not merely an athlete but a muse, an exemplar of what is possible when one confronts challenges with unwavering courage. The inspiration drawn from Rudolph's life is transformative, propelling the young girl to dream beyond the confines of her circumstances, to aspire to greatness, and to believe in the extraordinary potential within herself. Wilma Rudolph's legacy is not confined to record books; it lives on in the hearts of those who, inspired by her journey, embark on their own paths of self-discovery and achievement.